I I-STXCAOA. OREGON, TI*T* 2 ST>AY, DKCKMRHR 22. ioio Estacada State ! Geo. A. Steel, Pres. ♦ **► **•»• * LO CAL N EW S AND PERSO N AL .MENTION B ank L. F. Uelfils, Cashier Geo. A. Steel, Thos. Yocum, John Zohrist, L. E. Cclfils C. A. Eastman A YEAR M ERRY CHRISTM AS Let us be joiou. , happy and The Progre s is one dollar a year » contented, is our Christmas 1 A. H. Miller, ay. P. C. Iloultinan, of St, Johns, ■■ spent Sunday w ith friends in lista- cada. Cleve I Te i pie had a valuable horse killed by the cars Thursday evening,. Mrs. Florence Richards, of Port­ land spent a few days with friends last week. Fire Ai»ain Sum s Buildirvt Early Morninp, Fire In Buildim Occupied By J. M. Foster Thought T o Be Of Incendiary Origin W e th a n k you for y o u r P a tro n age a n d sincerely w is h y o u a M E R R Y C H R IS TM A S and a Between 12 and 1 o’ clock 01 Win. \V. Davis Jr,, who is now Monday night the building occupiec located in Portland, is spending his by J. M. Foster wa,-. discovered 01 Christmas holidays w ith bis parents fire. The fire company was sooi in Garfield. at the scene and had three stream- Jackson and Boswell will have playing 011 the building, which wa- turkeys, chickens, ducks, geese and considered doomed by those win suck'ng pigs to ni'tl- at E-tacada saw the flames an 1 great clouds ol on Thursday, Friday and Satur­ smoke i.-stiing from the building day. when it was first discovered to be W, W. Botier is getting the new on fire The building was badly picture show building on Main St. damaged but the fire company i- to look as if it won't be long until receiving praise fr >ni every quarter for their good woil; in stopping the we will have another show place. fire in 1 lie buildin at ail. Mi s Jessie |>icobs who ha i been That it was deliberately and ma­ a Portland resident for some time, liciously set on fire is an opinion g is here 10 spend the Christmas hoii entertained by most persons who days with her brothers. Y o u r s truly. hi\ < >: imined the premises. Aug, Mrs. Chas. F. Frazier, of Port-¡7th the building was partially land, modiste, lias become a resi­ burned. The two fires are very dent of our city, occupying the similar; both started in rooms to Mrs. II. V. Adix bungalow recent­ the rear of the main room and, as ly built 011 the Boulevard near as can be ascertained, at the same place, The Ladies Aid Society at their Frank Michel, of Gresham is the Cafnteria on Friday evening Iasi was well patronized. The receipts owner of the building and the Mt. Get a n A b s t r a c t berore y o u b u y were $63.84 which we understand Hood Brewing Co has had a lease will go toward furnishings for the 011 the same for sometime, which does not expire tor a year and a Parsonage, half yet, In the first fire no in­ Mr, and Mrs Floyd Spurlin, of surance was carried either on the Ilood River, well known to most of building or the stock of goods. our reader-. are rejoicing over the Mr. Michels was in Estacada on arrival last week of a little daugh­ Tuesday. He said that his loss at ter at their home, this time is fully covered by insur­ Lee Scherzirger, an axeman on ance and he felt very much grieved . R Califf’s engineer corp, cut his to tliink there should be anyone sol loot badly on Tuesday while they debased in character as to commit ] F01 Christin is presents go to d'stributive share of each from the O u r A b s tra c ts oí C la ck a m a s C o u n ty titles were wotkiug near the River Mill. such 1 crime He further said that h '.•rry. Meerschaum and imported proceeds of said reserve shall he the building would not be repaired j tench 15 1 1 Pipes, domestic and pro|x>rtionaI to its area therein.’ ’ He is at The Estacada. sta n d the test. The amounts collected from each at the present time but allowed to t impotted Christmas cigars and c: 11 George CallweF, of Garfield, has dies, fiuits fuiits and nuts, All fresh of the reserves situated in Oregon, W . A. JO N E S remain as it was. ¡dies, just returm 1 home from Portland which go to make up the total of p r o p r ie t o r goods. It is certainly a great pity that \vhcie he w.-.s < .died last week on C L A C K A M A S T I T L E C O M P A N Y . iN C . Good rigs anil careful drivers always $39,635.87, are as follows: Cascade the perpetrator of such crimes can­ E S T A B L IS H E D 1893 account of the death of his mother. SPECIAL A i 1FM ION The River Mill closed down last $2679 12; Crater Lake. $6197.12; His wife remained there for a few not be detected and punished as week until alter the holidays. Head Offices: 509-511 Chamber of Commerce Building. PORTLAND, ORK. Deschutes, $3038.32; Fremont, $4,- Given Hunting ami Pisliing Parties severely as they deserve, The fire days. 507.02; Malheur, $4009 39; Oregon which started in Hunt’s Hall, de- 9 Sfran/i SB. SRileu, Secretary <£. SR.Het/, President $2960.30; Siskiyou, $422.36; Sius- WOOD & LUMBER Henry Fanton, his mother and stroving that building and the Local a ml Long Distance Telephone law, $52.06; Umatilla, $1629 09; [ sister who moved in from Upper moving picture show, Hunt’s store Money For Public Umpqua, $1583 67; Wallowa, $6,- ; Garfield to spend the Winter in room occupied by C. F. Howe as a Roads 752 64; Wtnaha, $1546,27; Whit­ i listsr.adi have rented »lie Richards ware room, his stock in that room man, $4258.50. moved ihtre the first of and the damage done Mr, Howe's 6SBBBI Place a,!<1 this week store, and these two fires in the j Oregon’s share fforn the sale and S t r a y e d Three yearling calves | ■ * * * • : Mrs. C. B. Smith and son Sim, room of J-'cster all point to being of lease of lauds in the government one roati steer with bell, one red , I of Portland, and Mrs C. A, Baxter inctndury origin and all occurcd in forest r> serves within this state for and white spotted heifer, one fawn and daughter Kids, of Oregon City, the last four months. It is a burden tj,e y0nl ending June 30, 191c, was colored jersey heifer, all with nick are spending their Christmas holi­ on any small town and is keenly ?,;y,f\ys .H7, according to an official in under part of right ear. A ny­ felt here. Let us hope some means days in Garfield with Wilcoxs and notification received yesterday by one knowing where they are please of stoping this kind of thing will be the executive department here. 4 i Iluxlers. notify J. F. Snyder by 'phone or Let us show them to you. W e carry a full line, among 1 1 Cutrinsville has a brass band for fouLd. This payment represents the state’ s letter. proportion of the receipts from the j which are a fine assortment of cut glass, hand painted china, 4 home enter tain men t A t present it “ I had been troubled with constipation sources named, being 25 per cent i ts composed of \V. M. Wade and or two year» and triixl all of the liest of all the money received from each The M. E. Sabbath School will photograph albums, toilet sets, etc. i wife, I ver and Añora Erickson, and physicians in Bristol, Tenn., and they have a Christinas tree on Friday forest reserve during the year, to H if, |J. K . lily and wife. O thers are t could do nothing for me,” writes Thos. evening at the church There will SrANDUSä! BROS. expected to take part also and w ill Williams, Middlclroro, Ky. "Two he tise'Vby the state for Wiool and roprr »eniinq ire added as soon a . the o rg a u iza -! packages of Chamberlain’s stomach and public road purposes, to l>e dis- j he appropriate exercises also during THtPI*. & n t iiio V, of Portland liver tablets cured me." F o r sale l*y all tribnted among the counties for the evening. 7:30 is the time, W e are a lw a y s glad to ha ve y o u call, (ion can be effected. good dealers. those purposes in which the forest w h e t h e r y o u desire to b u y o r not. A new boardwalk has been Fat catile wanted; the fatter lll<* reserves are located and which arc When in need of Silverware buy ordered and will 1 e laid along the lietter. See I Ye land & Jong. to compensate partially to those the best. For sale by A. N. John­ Schools Close Sh ifford place to connect w ith the counties for what they lose in taxes son, jeweler. All goods guaranteed. one John Osborn built. This is a Our merchants have had a on account <.f the forest reserves. ....................... . much needed improvement and will splendid Christmas tiade. They .T h e act of congress, approved The Estacada schools closed on C all a n d get a c a le n d a r Wednesday Dec. 21 was the have antii ,>at d the wants of their be very convenient for the school Tuesday for the holiday vacation Mav 2.1, inoH, under which this shortest day. For about five days patrons and laid in stock a great Ll‘ " ■ 1 . , " I 1 h..ve • 1. lo gjve teachers tint • to at- apportionment is made, provides ns ' ‘ "I 10 . ■ 1. i .1 id ten(j „initial institute which follows “ That hereafter 25 per cent either before or after this date the variety of ware- useful, ornamental 1! m, t.i-. p.o,> it, for s . \ . i . convened in Portland on Wednes- of all money received from each difference is scarcely perceptible. and otherwi . The otherwise in - After that Lowever the lengthening eludes amon<4 other things the dav for a three days session, forest res. rve during an'’ fiscal year of the day is quite noticable. <\i k nd fi id cheap toy, made to Miss Hattie Lewis, of Smith Clackamas, Multnomah, Washing-i including the year ending June 30, sell, and pi e for the moment; F a ll.« ' ri). pa:,l Mr. and .Mrs ton, Yamhill and Columbia counties igoff, shall lie paid at the end there- The Nora Hale-Looney Memori 1 like the butterfly that is a beauty 1 J. W. Moore, of Cazadero, a vi-.it unite for the institute in the Jeff