CHRISTMAS POULTRY W e want everyth ng m the piodu ee hi a for our Chrialmu.s trad* S «n d uh you i t u r k e y s . Sexui us your c h i c k e n s An»l your ducks un«l g e e s e A m i your v e a l an ! p o r k . W e can Use \. ur produce any day in the year. A d d re:-» all shipments F R A N K L S M IT H M E A T CO. " F ig h u n g th e B e e f T r u s t" POR I LAND, OREGON KODAK SUPPLIES AN D KODAKS W rite for cHtalot-’ ims and literature. Developing and printing. Mail orders given prom pt attention l ortlanu Photo Supply Co. 149 Third Street P O R T L A N D . ORE H a lib u t. Halibut la the "holy but” or flound er. The flounder plaice or but wai called holy, it la supposed, because 11 was chiefly used as food on the fasl days of the church. "Hollyhock” ii the holy hock or mallow, which got that natno because It was broughi from Palestine. In Sunday School. Teacher "What happened to Lot's wife?” Young America— ‘I suppose you mean about her turning to «alt, but that looks to me like a yellow Journal wto-c ” Worked Both Ways. A Scotch laird oneo said to his ser^ ant John, who had complained of his temper: "I am sure, John, It is noe miner on than It’s off." "Aye,” said John, "but, laird, it's nae suner off than It's on.” Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Byrup the b» st remedy t.» use foi their ciiildioa luuug the teething period. Copernicus. Nicholas ropernlcus, 147/Y-lr»43. first demonstrated the fart that the earth moves around the sun rather than the sun around the earth, which was the universally accepted belief. Rheumatism Is A Constitutional Disoaso. It manifests itself in local aches and pains,—Inflamed Joints and stiff mus­ cles,—but it cannot bo cured by local applications. It requires constitutional treatment, nnd the best is a course of the great blood purifying and tonic medicine Hood’s Sarsaparilla which corrects the acid condition of the blood and builds up the system. Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. TON — A **«vcr itn4 Chemist, in. Specimen (mUl, l, S ll'u r, lúo; Gold. 60c; /ino :• cnv. lopoH nnd fu ll prie«, lint o r Coppur. $1. .'i àppi uni : i "i C u i1 r* d «-id t’ mijlro work mo ».» “j.'i’!1 '"' xlcfurouce: Carbonato Nutiouul , ' H Evail • lie. . « Silver. Ee.'i'l. PI. ow ard k i Hardly Complimentary. A widow not 100 miles from Bishop Auckland had been in the habit of giving any old boots she had tp spare COPYRIGHTS ANO TRADE MARKS to a customer for his wife. Not hav­ _____ __ secured. Book o f accurate ing had any for some time, he called ~ ~ inforr tat on fr«-«- on riq U M t and asked the widow If she had any i. K. Vbtli. 719 •’•«>»i ! o Trade bid«.. Poitland. Of. (Eme o l > I i »• .' Olin«1. VVualiinvion. D. ('.' boots, adding: "Y e see, my missus hes such greet, lung, ugly, splatherlng broken mac’. iinery and castings feet, that Aw cauna get a pair to tit inds by a new process, m aking them as food as n.-v . Machine work of her only yours, an’ she san weer them all kinds. W ■ - any old thing Pu iLind Oxy A.elylene comfortable.”— Exchange. Weltling Umpauy, s O j U is . ui M. 1 liooe Mam 67&J. I’wlUnd, Or. PATENTS WE WELD CO YOU W ANT AN IN C O M E ? T h e Vtava Remedies cure backache, nervous­ ness, fem ale trouh * i and rectal diseases. Send fo r our Ix.ok ff> . W e want good women agents everyw h ere. M at ■ money at home. W rite for purticular i. T h e V avi Co.. 009 Rothchild Build­ ing. Portland. Ore,pm. PORTLAND COLLI CTION AGENCY ‘.17 Alm ky Building. Portland. Oregon. ALL DEBTS LOLLElTLD. NO COLLECTION NO CHARf.fc rrC O F F E E I T E i A S P IC E S 3AKIN0 POWDER EXTPJECTS I JIJ 3 Í HinilT ■ < 5 n r 3 2 î£ £ iB n n > - ! c L O s .iE r a m E R j, PORTLAND. 0 * 1 ___) Protestant Churches In Rome. There aro now 11 Protestant cfcurr! bulldlnga In Rome: Three Englisl Episcopal, oijp Presbyterian, tw< Methodist, four Baptist, one Walden slan, one German Lutheran, and om of the Free Italian church. A Bright Child. Visitor—“ I do think your son Is ro bright.” Proud Mother—“ Ah, yos, he works so hard at hts hooks I have been afraid he would develop tho Bright's disease.”—The Widow. An Evident Success. "So you have a position as stenogra­ pher. I hope you will succeed In ma­ king yoursolf Indispensable to youy employer." "I think I have, auntie. W e are to be married next month.” We Positively Pay High­ est Prices for RAW FURS O IL . M & A Ia 46 Per Cent Protein— 10 Per Cent Fal T H E W O R L D S BEST FOR CO W S. P O U L T R Y - all FAE.M ANIMALS " I t 1« almost w ithou t an equal as a concentrate«! fe e d .’ ’ — U. S. A gricu ltu ral Dept. Bulletin No. 6* and 372. S O I.D P.Y A L L D E A L E R S . PACIFIC OIL MILLS, Write for Further Information N. M. U N G A R CO.. Inc., F U R R IE R S 109 Seventh St.. P O R T L A N D . ORE. P U B L IC L A N D S A d vice g iven on all m atters pertaining to Hom e­ stead. Desert Land. Tim b er Claims, M ining. Ir r i­ gation. E tc. A ppeals prepared; S tate your case w rite fo r information. G R O V E R L A N G M A D C , Attorney W ashington, D. C. Form erly L A W E X A M IN E R ; Land Office. W ash­ ington. D. C. Seattle. Wa.h. RELIABLE DENTISTRY REASONABLE RATES Full Set ol Teeth only.. . .$5.00 Fridge-work or Teeth with­ out Plate*. $3.50 lo $5.00 Red Rubl-er Plates only .. $7.50 (ood Rubber Plates only..$5.00 bold or Torrclain frowns .............. $3.50 t# $5.00 fold or Porce!ain Filling«. $1 op Silver F ill«* only . 50c to $1 Painless Extraction on'v___ 50c FREE when Plates are ordered (UR WCRK GUARANTEED PERFECT hpecitil attention o out-of-town n r r o «. Drop in* a nofttnl for u|»i>oinTmeni. Out-of-town work coniiue'e«! in n «lay. No b«>tter wor any­ where Modern o«niipmeiit. l ivery operator u ■pee ml inf. l-ady attendant. THE NEW YORK DENTISTS DR. rf. A BTURDEVAftT. M«r Houts: 8 *. m. to 8 p. nr. Sunday*. 9 a. m. to 1 p. m N. E. Cor. Fourth and Mormon. Portland. Oman 2 Minute C O LU M BIA Indestructible Records Fit any make of phonograph or Brilliant Tone Never Break Never Wear Out SOLD BY YOUR HOME DEALER OR COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. PCRTLAND, OREGON. There are lamps that cost m«»re. btit th ere is n«* better lamp made at any price. Constructed o f s«»lid brass; n ickel plated— «-astly kept el«»an; an ornament, to any room in any house. T h ere Is nothing known to th** art o f Lamp-making that can n«1d to th e v a *»e o f ttio K A Y O Lamp a s a light- givin g d«*vice. Every d«>aler everywttere. I f not a t yours, write foF descriptive circular to the nearest agency o f the S T A N D A R D O IL C O M P A N Y (In c o rp o ra te d ) F IL L -O I f you have aching teeth or caviti«*« and you are too nervous for th- dental ordeal, try Fill-O. the home dentist. A t d ru ggists or by mail. 60c. FILL-O MFG CO. 351 fnptrc Bid«.. Se»lde. Wi«h. Blumaer-Frank Drug Co., distributors for Oregon _____ _________________ _ ___________________________ Foresight. "W ho Is the man who la so loudly and energetically opposing restric­ tions on autotnoblllng speeding? I don't recollect having seen him among the motorists before." "You haven't. He's not a motorist, he's an I undertaker." ALCOHOL OPIUM— TOBACCO Throat PORTLAND.OREGO a Coughs H .b it* Po«Itl r l , Cor<-1. Only authorised Keelgy 1 n- stitute In Oregon. W rit» I fo r Ù lustratM «ir«u l*r. KeClEY Hwrrnm, 71L lirai. C. Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor Thia w on defu l man has made a life s tu d y o f the p ro p erties o f Roots, H erb s and Barks, and is g iv in g the world the b e n c iito f his services. > a N o M ercu ry, P o iso n s o r D ru gs U sed. N o L ip iii u': O p e r ,t io n s 0,1 C u llin g G uarantees to cu re Catarrh, Aathm a, Lung. Stom ach an i Kid: ey troubles, and all P riv a te Dis«eas**s o f M n an«i Wom en. A SUR5 CANCER CURE J u st rec. ved fro m P ekin , C liir.a— safe, su r» an«J reliable. U ..fa ilin g in its w«.»rks. I f you cannot call, w r ite fo r sym ptom blank «m l circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps. CO N SU LTATIO N r R tC The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. IM M i Tint St.. CSC. M o rri.o n , P o rtla n d . O r. Ask your doctor about these throat coughs. H e will tell you how deceptive they are. A tickling in the throat often means serious trouble ahead. Better explain your case care­ fully to your doctor, and ask him about your taking A y e r ’s C h erry Pectoral. W e publieh our formulas _ A yers CURED W e banieh alcohol from our m eáiolnee W e urge you to oon*u!t your dootor Who makes the best liver piils? The J. C. Ayer Company, of Lovell, Miss. They have been making Ayer's Pills for over sixty years. If you have the slight­ est doubt about using these pills, ask your doctor. Do as he says, slvays. - » m y n i i c .i/ v o s . L»w»u.Sill. — ONE Census Bureau Announces Grand T o ­ tal for United States. Washington — Total population of the United States, exclusive of posses­ sions, approximately 91,549,500. To­ tals for these states were announced: Wyoming, 14,5965, an increase of 53,434 since 1900. Alaska, 64,356, an increase of 764. Hawaii, 191,909, an increase of 37,980. The states so far given have an ag­ gregate population of 85,362,725. This is an increase of 20.4 per cent over the aggregate population contained by the same states in 1900. The five states ton reported had an aKKregate population of 5,139,336 in 1900. I f they maintain the growth of other states their aggregate will be brought up to 6,186,774, giving a grand total in the United States of 91,549,503. Even i f there should be no gain at all the total would be 90,- 502,061. Washington is expected to show an increase of almost 100 per cent, and Georgia is counted on to sustain the average, but, while Wisconsin prob­ ably will score a gain, it is not be­ lieved it will reach 20 per cent. There is no doubt the total will be over 91,000,000. The computation is confined to the United States proper. The population o f Georgia, Wiscon­ sin, Washington and Montana, the only states for w hich figures have not yet been announced, will be made public soon, together with the exact total population of the United Staes. Population of the Islands of Hawaii is as follow s: Hawaii, 55,382; Kauai, and Niyhua, 23,952; Lanai, Maui, Kahoolawe and Molokai, 29,762; Oahu, including Hon­ olulu district, 82,028; Kalawao, 785. Population of cities: Superior, Wis., 40,308, an increase of 9,293; Augusta, Ga., 41,040, in increase of 1,599. DAY Alaska Liner Goes Ashore During 55-Mile Gale. Wireless Calls for Help, Then All Is Silent—Storm is Raging Along Coast. Cordova Alaska, Dec. 13. — The Alaska Steamship company’s steamer Olympia, with 106 persons aboard, is ashore on Bligh island, Prince William sound. A furious storm is raging. No word has been received from the wireless operator on the Olympia since this morning, and grave fears are en­ tertained for the safety of those on the wrecked vessel. There are 52 passengers aboard the Olympia. Most of them boarded the vessel here last night. Among those who sailed from here for Valdez and Seward are United States District Judge Cushman, Mrs. Cushman and members of the Third District court, who are on their way to Valdez, where court convenes tomorrow. The crew of the Olympia consists of .54 officers and men, Captain J. Daniels being in command. The Olympia sailed from Cordova at 6 o’clock last night, having arrived from Seattle earlier in the day. A l­ though the night was clear and a full moon shed a bright light, navigation was made dangerous by a 50-mile gale which was blowing from the north. Between 12 and 1 o’ clock this morning the operator on duty at the navy wire­ less station picked up the distress sig­ nal of the Olympia. He answered at once. Operator Hayes, on the Olym­ pia, then sent an urgent appeal for help, saying that the Olympia had struck on Bligh island and was in an exposed position. Heavy seas were breaking over her, making the position of those on board all the more perilous. The message from the Olympia was received with difficulty. The men in charge of the naval wireless station express the opinion that the grounding of the vessel had in some way caused a short circuit which interfered with the sending o f the wireless messages from the steamer. For several hours this morning the naval operator was unable to get any response to his calls to the Olympia and it was feared that the vessel had gone down with all on board. The operator continued his efforts and at 10 o’clock was rewarded by again re­ ceiving a faint call from Operator Hayes on the helpless vessel. Hays said that the storm was continuing with unabated fury. The Olympia was being tossed about by the pounding waves, grinding her sides against the rocks that held her prisoner. This constant pounding of the steamer made it almost impossible to operate the wireless. The operator said the passengers and crew are still hopeful that help will come before the ship goes to pieces. Huge waves continue to break over her and the situation of the passengers is extremely serious. 4 The Rayo Lamp is a high grade lamp, sold at a low price. •■FILL Y O U R O W N T E E T H " STEAMER ON DOCKS; C O L D S Minute ** 91 M ILLIO N S CO UNTED . UNCLE SAM SECOND. Great Britain Still Leads Naval Powers. World’s Washington — The United States closes another year in Becond place among the world’s naval powers. The great navy building race between Ger­ many and Great Britain has not brought the former country up to the United States in the number o f battle­ ships afloat, but in ships projected and in the total number o f war vessels of ail kinds, Germany will crowd the United States to third place. These facts are shown in the new navy year book perpared by Puttman Pulsifer, clerk to the senate committee on naval affairs, and soon to be issued by the government printing office. Stolen Gold Is Captured. San Francisco— Six men and a wo­ man are in the city prison here on or­ ders of the United States secret ser­ vice bureau and the local police that they are responsible for the theft of $.r>9,000 in bullion from the shipment of gold aboard the steamer Humboldt on September 11. Gold bars valued at approximately $7,000 have been re­ covered by the authorities. Papers found among the effects of two of the prisonrs show that $3,100 worth of gold has been sold. Those under arrest include E. C. Smith and his wife. Willard Flies 55 Miles. Los Angeles— Under perilous weath­ er conditions, marked with shifting, smoke holding and freak air currents, Charles Willard made a most success­ ful flight in an areoplane over the cit­ ies of Los Angeles and Pasadena Sat­ urday, traveling a total distance of 55 miles. In his flght he circled over the business district of Los Angeles, and then passed over to Pasadena and re­ turned to his starting place at the out­ skirts of Los Angeles. His flght was witnessed by thousands o f persons from the tops of buildings and streets. China Plans New Coinage. Peking, China— I f the latest imper­ ial decree is carried out as expected, China will have a vastly improved coinage system, with coins comparing with the American dollar, half dollar, quarter, dime, nickel and cent, and ad­ ditional coins worth, approximately, two cents, five mills and one mill. The standard will be silver, and the unit of the national currency will be the "yuan ,” which corresponds to the American dollcr, its value being $1.008. Sledding Bad for Peary. Munyons Cold Kernel ' h* ad, thro t and lung» almost i m Checks Fevers, stops Discharg« nose, takes uwuy ail aches and pa by colds. It prevents Grip and Conghsand prevents Pm-nnnmia. Have y«»u still or w lien |«*lnt- ter how chronic? A ■ your driij Munyon's Ithcuinatisin Kem« dy h« w quickly you w ll cured. I f you have any kidney or Madder trouble, get Munyon’s Kidney Remedy. M u n y o n ’ s V tali/a-r m a k e s w e a k s t r o n g a n d r e s to r e s lo s t p o w e rs . m en VALUE OF PINEAPPLE JUICE Delightful Drink Is Now to Be Had In Convenient Form. OLD THE YOUR CHANCES FOR HEALTH a re a thousand times bet­ ter if you will only take Hostetter’s Stomach Bit­ ters. It is an absolutely pure medicine and a sure health m aker, because it tones and strengthens the entire digestive system and thus drives out dis­ ease. For over 57 years it has successfully dem on­ strated its great merit in c.' ses o f Poor Appetite, Sour Stomach, H eartburn, In d ig e s tio n , D y s p e p s i a , Costiveness, Colds, G rippe, M alaria, F ever and A gu e. T ry it. K id n ey trouble preys upon the P a i n r e l ia b l e l e s s D e n t i s t s N ot only do w o g-uarantee our work, but w « promise to do it quickly, painlessly and carefully, T h e below price« speak for themselves. S E E U S A N D E N J O Y COMFORT. Full Set o f Teeth ...................... $5.00 B ridge W ork or Teeth W ithout Flat«*» ............................. $3.50 to $5.00 Gold Crowns. ........................... $3.50 to $5.00 Forcelain C r o w n s ........................... $3.50 to $5.00 Gold or Porcelain Fillings................... $1 L’ d S ilver Fillin gs 50C to $1 15 Y E A R S ’ G U A R A N T E E . Hours, 8 A . M. to 8 P. M.. Sundays, 9 to 12. Union Dental Co. P A IN L E S S First and Morrison Sts, D E N T IS T S . P O R T L A N D , ORE. ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREE « CUT RATES IN PAINLESS DENTISTS! . v 4 P a in less E x t r a c t io n ....... Free r V i K Y S ilver F illin g s .............. 50o jn p w »i_ J Gold F illin g s ....................... 75c ^ L > / 11 K - Gold C r o w n * ............. $3 ^ , f J Porceluin C r o w n s ................ $5 N x , M ola r Gold C r o w n « ............. $4 f* B ridge W o r k , 22 K. G o ld ... $3 c- / In la y F ills, P u re G o l d ........ $2 V e r y N ic e R ubber P l a t e . . . . $4 B est Rubber P la te on E a rth ................................ $7 A L L T H IS W O R K IS GU A R A N T H E D. D on’ t throw your money aw ay. A dollar saved Is tw od ollars earned. Our o rigin al reliable Modern Painless M ethods and our p e rfe c te d office equ ip­ m ent saves us tim ean d your money. MEN mind, discourager an«l lessens The man who thinks out and brings am bition; beauty, v i* o r and out a new food preparation usually lias AND cheerfulness soon disappear to create the “ long-felt want’ ’ which the kidneys are out o f W O M EN when he fills. In tackling the pineapple order or diseased. F’or. grood juice problem, no such difficulty con­ results use Dr. K ilm er's Sw am p-Root the Kr«-ut BOSTON DENTISTS. 5th ii M o rr;«o n . P e r t l a * « kidney remedy. A t dru ggists. Sample bottle by Entrance 291’ a Mn*risnn, opposite Postoflice and Meier » fronted James D. Dole, of Honolulu. mail free, also pamphlet. Fra.ik. E*ta! l.-hed in Portland 10 years. Open evening* When we eat pineapple it is for the until 8 and Sunday* until 12:10. for people who work. Address, Dr. K ilm er & Co., Bingham ton, N . Y . juice alone, and less fibrous and more tender the fruit, the juicier it is and Freedom. The Bahamas. the better we like it. Indeed, the first point we have all to Th© Bahamas have no descendant# When the doctor orders pineapple in determine is not how free we are, but now of the Indians whom Columbu* cases of throat trouble or certain stom­ what kind of creatures we are. It is found there. They were carried away ach and intestinal difficulties it is the of small importance to any of us by tho Spaniards to work in min«« pure, uncooked juice pressed from the whether we get liberty; but of tbo and pearl fisheries elsewhere, when ripest obtainable fruit which he greatest that we deserve i t Whether they were not ruthlessly exterminated. wants his patients to have. It is this we can win it, fate must determine; Of the white population many are tb« same refreshing juice which the nurse but that we will be worthy of it we descendants of the Loyalists of Geo«* gives fever convalescents where cool­ may ourselves determine; and the sor- gia and South Carolina who fled hith­ ing and slightly acid drinks are desir­ rowfulest fate of all that we can suf­ er when tho United States became In­ able. So pineapple juice already had a fer is to have it without deserving it. dependent. Tho blacks’ speech pre­ place. — Uuskin.__________________ sents one specially curious feature: The problem then, to be solved, was they exchange their vs and ws, exr how to get the pure juice of pineapple For F’en-and Ink Worker«. on the market in such a form that it If you have to draw a straight line actly as the Ixmdoner did when Mr. would please the healthy lover of the with pen and ink, and have not the Weller insisted upon spelling hi« M ANUEL IS IN PO V E RTY. fruit, and be useful to the doctor and nocessary beveled ruler or line instru­ name with a “ We.” the nurse. A syrup would not do, be­ ment, place an ordinary ruler on a Fruit of a Good Life. cause of the impossibility of suiting Deposed King o f Portugal Given Ref­ blotter, with their edges exactly par­ When you see an old man amlab)«, individual tastes. Even the juice of uge by Duke o f Orleans. allel and touching;, and hold the pen mild, equable, content, and good- the finest H aw aii« canned pineapple so that its side projections touch the humored, be sure that in his youth h« Rome— The Tribuna prints an inter­ would not answer with its small quan­ blotter. There is then no dangor of has been just, generous and forbear* view with a Portugese personage tity o f preservative pure cane sugar, an ink-smeared line, but the pen mark lng. In his end he does not lament whose name is not mentioned, but who because the physician needs to regulate will be clear and smooth, and the pa­ the past nor dread the future; he 1« is said to be a leading Royalist, con­ the amount of sugar prescribed. To per clean and unblotted. like the evening of a fine day. cerning Manuel II, exiled, king of Port­ make a long story short, Mr. Dole ugal. T R Y MURINE EYE REMEDY spent years in experiments which fin­ A Footnote. Manuel, he says, is poverty-stricken for Red, Weak, Wj^iry, Watery Eyes ally resulted in the Hawaiia Pineapple She—“ What is this at the bottom of and unable to choose a place of resi­ and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn’t Juice which bears his name. this line: ‘This man had a strong Dole's is the Juice of “ Picked Ripe’ ’ dence. Owing to lack of money the Kmart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists and striking soul?’ ” He (reading)— Bell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, dethroned king has been compelled to Hawaiian Pineapples pressed out and “ The note says: This man must harw 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in bottled on the Islands where the fruit accept the hospitality of the Duke of Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books been a kicker.’ ” Orleans at Wood Norton, Eversham grows. Filtered, refined, sterilized in For three months, he has and Eye Advice Free by Mail. the bottle, retaining all the natural England. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. not had means with which to pay his flavor and aroma, not a bit of sugar, M an n e rs vs. M a n n e ri s m . water, preservative, or anything else servants. Manuel, according to the interview, is added. It has been four months on There’s a vast difference between the market. During this time the hopes that he will be restored to pow­ manners and mannerisms. For In­ Juice has been distributed all over the er, insisting that a republic in Portu­ stance. manners takes its soup softly United States, in some parts in ample gal cannot exist. His friend predicts and quietly, while mannerism gargles quantities, while in others the supply that a congress of the powers will set- it. Manners Bays: “ Pnrss the buttah. | tie the Portuguese affair, but he says please;” whllo mannerism bites a has been very restricted. Its success has been most gratifying ! that otherwise the Royalists are ready chunk out of a piece of bread and to fight for the restoration of the mon- stutters: "Slip me the grease, will and unprecedented. In its favor were the previous favor- : arehy. you?”— Detroit Free Press. able reception of Haiwaian Pineapple, Preserve All Things. AV IATO R UP 10,499 FEET. the general knowledge o f its high Words are like coral, the dead is n o t a “ fo o d ” - it is a m e d ic in e , a n d th # quality, the therapeutic values of o n l y m e d ic in e i n th e w o r l d fo r c o w s o n ly . pineapple juice known to the medical World’s Record for Height Broken houses of once living, fresh ideas. In M a d e for th e c<>w and, as its n a m e in d ic a te «, them are preserved the history, ro­ profession, and the remarkable pro­ u cow c u re . Barrenness, re ta in e d a fterb irth , by Frenchman in Monoplane. mance and adventure of the human a b o rtio n ,«OOUrs,c;iked u d d e r,a n d a ll s im ila r duct itself. So, four months have a ffection s p o s itiv e ly and q u ic k ly cured. N o mind. They are full of old customs, Pau, France — Ascending from the sufficed to give this new drink a large on e w h o keeps co w s, w h e th e r m a n y o r few j can afford to be w ith o u t “ K o w - Kurm. field here, M. Legagneux Imaginative conceits and tricksy no­ hold upon the people of the country aviation It is m ad e e s p e c ia lly to keep c o w s h e a lth y until the demand is practically un­ broke the world’s altitude record, ris­ tions. O ur book “ W h a t to D o W h e n Y o u r C o w « A rc S ick” sea t free A sk y o u r lo c a l d e a le r for ing to a height of 10,499 feet. The limited. ______ * ‘ K o w -K u r e , " o r send to th e m a n u fa ctu rer«. Frenchman landed half frozen after a Dairy A ssociation Co., l..yndonvllle, Vt. remarkable plane downward. He used Was His Nest Little Frankie was once sent out to a Blériot monoplane. The previous official height record nako a new nest for a hen. Some ;lme after the nest hnd been complet­ was made by Ralph Johnstone, who in “ I have used your valuable Cascarets ed ho camo In and said a hen was the recent meet at Belmont Park, and I find them perfect. Couldn’t do « i i - a ¡L. on th « l ’a. ifle Coast is exi-ruted here. ibout to lay. On being asked if she soared 9,714 feet. without them. I have used them for dentistry W e have bu ilt up our reputation on it. Y t m e ia A t Philadelphia, November 23, J. some time for indigestion and biliousness A-as in the nest that he had mado he d. ih im I on iu ne myself.” bridge work f«>r oufe o f - town putroim in record When this was disputed, will never be without them iu the one (iny If m l v o r t i « e r g p le a the most felicitous of all our political !i w r i t i n g fi T h ir d Floor. Bn«-h:m;in l ’d dg., P o r t la n d O l t . J n i l i o n t l i is p a p e r . Americanisms, although Its authorship first mate, and half o f the crew, had reached one of the islands. The Hinck­ unknown. ley took all hands aboard. Biliousness IF fr - '$ â f i C H IR O P R A C T IC r f i • ! -i i È* W is e D e n ta l j NY Spain is Cyclone-Swept. Cererebe, France— Advices received here say that Western Spain has been swept by a cyclone that razed every­ thing in its path. Several small ves­ sels sank in the harbor o f Corunna, and several persons were drowned. At | Seville the river rose 10 feet, flooding j the valley. Several persons were killed and many wounded near Bilbao. Oporto, Portugal There are heavy floods in Northern Portugal. The Sou- sea river, normally a small stream, is now a raging torrent 36 feet deep. The water supply of this city is threatened. *3, *3-50 & *4 S h o e s i ° wbo !!^ B O Y S 'S H O E S , $ 2 .O O ,$ 2 .3 0 A $ 3 . OO Oil Men Criticise Idea. W .L .O o u g im m t a .0 0 .t3 .S 0 mnd *4 .0 0 Los Angeles Secretary Ballinger’s mhom9 ai*a pot///vo/jr th o b e a t m a d e mnd m o a t po;* '. Bar a h o o a f o r th o pr/cs recommendation that the state regulate In A m o r l c a , a n d a r o th o m o a t e c o n o m ­ the price of crude oil is being criti­ ic a l ahoem f o r y o u to b u y . cised and declared impossible by some D o you r«*alizo that niv .ali«>f*» h ave tw*en the et d «rd f'>r over .«» ve.i •*, that I m ake and «e ll ii $3 00. $3.50 ami $4.00 .«*■ than any ..tli er man «■>. and tliHt D o l l a r r< fa c t o r «r in tlie l D o lla r . 1 G iiH rsinte«' m y s h o e * to hold th* :*-r. ;■ n*l w ear lon ger tin Shape ¡.»ok :«ii‘i flt any oth er $3.00 .* 2) >»r >1 oo shoes yon can bu V u a llty count*, «ml q n aiity ha« made my *h« What th ey are r h s L e s t l s n o l •»«** W s r k You w ill he nleaned when y«»u buy my *dn beoanje o f the flt and aj.j »-»ranee, h i :«! when c«»ines tim e fo r jr«»ti to purehaee another r i w ill be m ore than pie:«-»-! heeni -* stamp« I f yotir dealer «-snnot *u. , v you with W. I . Dougins Captain R. E. Peary, Arctic explorer, $h.»e*, w r it» for > U 1 »rd**r Cntal«»g. when the question of making him rear W. L. DOUiLAS. 145 Spsrk Street. Brotk!««. I s m . admiral comes up in the house. Macon is a member of the naval affairs com­ mittee. He contends there is no more proof that Peary discovered the pole than Dr. Cook had to prove his asser­ tions. He threatens to fight the bill to the last ditch. Propose Auto Battalion. Berlin - In the reichstag General Von Heeringen, Prussian minister of war, describing the government’s plans of enlarging the army, derlared: “ The organization of an automobile battalion is required. The progress of aerial navigation demands the organization of three aeronautical battalions o f two companies each.” R em ington P u rr p G u n « a r d R e m in g t'v a u t o i . g a : • ; B H cn G ur£>f- .« Ç- f*. -tj in ’ S h o 'g u n a » e p r e ie n t th e h igh est d r m o d e rn «h o tg u n m a n u fa rtu re . T h is cl..«m u p r o v e n b y th e fa c t th a t o v e r 50 'i o f th e Int* rs »a ie H a n d i­ c a p « f- r th e last thre-» y e a r « h a v e h e rn w o n by R r m ir g t o n S h o tg u n «. M o r e w in n in g « than a ll other •h o tg u n « o f a ll m a k e rs c o m b in e d . R E M IN G T O N P U M P C U N - H a i r n r r ! « « , 5V=d I W h . Slide Action, B«>ttoin Ejection recogv/rd as *n:iv«!rd in this class of repeaters. R E M IN G T O N A U T O L O A D I N G S I I O T G U N I f.mmer- le«s, Solid Breech combines the «