Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, November 24, 1910, Image 3

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    DO IT NOW!
Solve the G if! Problem
for One and All.
An appropriate t'hn.stum* Post Card car­
rying a cheery moaaaffe to ail your frem lo
will bring; more hupp iiiubm than o<juuiuler-
inif m u m on a few present a.
SO Beautiful Christmas Post Cards $1.00
JuHt •ncloac a dollar bill with a lat­
ter to the
Laurel and TwealielJi Sts, >'•< iktd. Or«.
Curda will coma by return mail.
Remedies for Seasickness.
Among curious remedies for te*»
■lcknetH is that which Is popular
among the mariners In the Levant—
the daily swallowing of Iron rust,
which Is obtained by scraping It off
the anchor or anchor chain. But this
is only part of the necessary treat­
ment, for a small pouch containing
I roasted salt nnd flowers of thyme must
j be tied upon the abdomen as firmly as
can be borno— this being considered
to counteract the effects of the Inter­
nal disturbance caused by the rolling
of the vessel.
Loss of Appetite
The Question.
“ That cheerful statesman has de­
clared to his constituents that ho Is
not a Jeremiah.” “ That’s not the ques­
tion,** replied the campaign manager.
“ What we want to know la whether he
is a Jonah."
Is loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and ia
often a forerunner of prostrating dis­
It is serious and especially so to
people that must keep up and doing or
get behindhand.
The best medicine to take for It 1»
Dally Thought.
Though we soar into the heavens, , the great constitutional remedy
though we should sink into the abyss,
we never go out of ourselves; it is 1
always our own thought that wo per­ Which purifies and enriches the blood
and build» up the whole system.
ceive.— Condillac.
Get It today In usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
K O D A K S s ^
l T es
W rite for cHtaloirues and literature.
and printing. Mail orders given prompt attention
F o r t la n d P h o t o S u p p ly C o.
149 Third Street
P O R T L A N D . ORE.
Uf C Uf F I il broken machinery and castings
■" t
TV L L K J of all kinds by a new process,
making them aa good as new.
Machine work of
all kinds. W.- fix any old thing. Furtlaad Oxy-Acrtylene
Welding Company, 305 Uius St Phone Main 6769. Portland, Or.
I A l C PI I O
Look of accurate
nformat on free on reimest.
, J * MOCK. 719 Bond »I BIJ«.. Po.tisad, Or.
(Lute o. U. ». Puient Ottico, Wushingtou. U. O.)
Manufacturers of Kura. Raw Furs lx>u rht and
Bold. Furs rem-xlel.-d a specialty.
209 Madison
S i., bel. first and Iront S ta, Portland, Oregon
•• F IL L
y o u r
o w n
teeth m
I* you have aching teeth or cavities and you are
too nervous for the dental ordeal, try Fill-O. the
home dentist. A t druggists or by mail. 60c.
Loose Shoes.
Quite as bad as too tight shoes,
against which wo are always warned,
are too loose ones; they cause corns
and bunions and often produce flat­
tening of the arches. The woman
with the peculiarly shaped foot who
cannot get shoes exactly to fit her
except when made to order, should
get them a little too long rather than
a little too wide; It Is the lessor of
two evils._______________
Cattle From the Sahara.
The cattle raised on the fringe of
the Sahara are known to be oj good
quality and are estimated at 2,000,000
head. With a little scientific feeding
during the dry season their numbers
might rapidly be increased and the
Soudan region might become a sort
of second Argentina. .
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
TILL-0 MFC CO.. 3S1 lmu«' Bldt. Seattle. Watk
1)1 umaer-Frank Drug Co., distributors for Oregon
All Sheet Music 16c.
tended to.
Foil i* Pin tels of
l u
Mail orders carefully at­
127 Filth St., Portland, Or
•.» Vt o v ■■
r n
.__ jw
. i y j s *
■ a*
• r ¿T- • - •
every limi \ f r i l D r
will liedLsiHilhe.»«'II |1 L
dml ¡i(vi»|or.ite worn mit
>t(iiu¿ili5..)"(l .relieve db! re«».
C O .'
Chicago J. Ogden Armour says the
whole tendency in the prices of stock-
yard products is toward a lower sched­
ule. He also said the descent would
Animal Chases Autoists and Tosses
be gradual and warned the public
Up Girl With Freak Gown— Fair
against too h.tstily accepting the belief
Feminines Climb Trees and
that a drop from the highest to the
Jump Fences.
lowest prices tv : “ .
“ The packers’ prices to the retailers
Pottstown, Pa.—A pretty girl auto-
are based entirely on what we have to
pay for the live animals,” said Mr. mobilist in a big mushroom bat aud a
Armour. "Generally speaking prices hobble skirt had a lively experience
are lower and 1 believe they are work­ with an infuriated bull over in Chester
ing towards a still lower level. The county in the vicinity of Buck. She
present situation is the result of the was one of a gay party of six, evenly
enormous corn crop and of previous divided as to sex, who had come up
high prices that stimulated everybody from Philadelphia in a large touring
car, and acting on the suggestion of
to raise livestock.
“ The public iB getting the benefit of one of the men, that a stretching
political conditions and should get fur­ would do them all good, they got out.
The three girls, charmed by the
ther benefit as the increased supply of
rugged beauty of the landscape and
livestock reaches the market.
"T h e recent high prices of meats anxious to get some wild flowers grow­
and packing house products cannot be ing on a slope of the Chestnut hills,
attributed in any way to the packers ventured forth. Their course lay over
nor to any combinatior. of persona or a field in which some sleek cows and
firms engaged in the packing house in­ an innocent-looking bull were brows­
dustry. I t has been due to conditions ing.
The girl wearing the mushroom ha*
that developed from a scarcity arid a
high price for com, which is the basis with its gay Parisian trimming lin­
gered some distance behind her com­
of the supply of livestock.
“ Conditions in livestock raising are panions, and the bull saw her and
bigger than any packer or set of pack­ got busy in a twinkling. With a whisk
ers. Our prices are based on what we of his stubby tall and a snort and
have to pay for livestock, and the loud bellowing, he charged.
One of the girls in the lead quickly
sooner the people and the world at
large realize that, the better it will be hurdled a fence, while the other
sprinted to a tree and clambered up.
for everybody.”
But she who had exeited the ire of
the bull seemed doomed. She moved
as fast as she could with the handi­
cap of her hobble skirt, and realizing
Wreck Survivors Shut in By Storm that her mushroom hat had put the
bull Into action she adopted the
on Katalla Island.
strategic movement of casting it aside.
Cordova, Alaska— Eighty-three per­ It worked, and her enemy stopped
sons, comprising the passengers and long enough In his pursuit to make it
crew of the wrecked steamship Port­ look aa if it had been In a cyclone.
land, which was beached in the mouth Then he charged again, and the girl’s
o f the Katalla river, are stranded on safety hinged on the question whether
Katalla island. The storm which broke she or the bull reached the fence
soon after the passengers were landed first She made it twenty feet ahead
from the wrecked vessel, is raging of the beast; but that hobble skirt
with increased fury and all efforts to was a dead weight to her free move­
go to the aid of the marooned passen­ ment.
gers have proved unsuccessful.
As she reached the third rail the
There are few people living on the bull came up, and a wicked jab of his
island and the food supply is small. horns sent her to the other side. Only
It is fesred that if the passengers and a few bruises and some rent garments
crew of the Portland are not taken resulted.
off soon they will be forced to undergo
‘‘For goodness’ sake, don’t tell him
great hardships, owing to the failure who we are!” exclaimed the three
of the food supply.
girls In chorus when a passerby got
The steamship Alameda tried for 12 Inquisitive; and even the license tag
hours to enter the stormswept harbor, was taken off the auto to destroy any
but was finally compelled to give up clew to their identity.
the attempt and turn back.
The tele­
phone line, the sole means o f commu­
nication with the island, is down, and LIZARDS SCARE STEVEDORES
the stranded passengers are entirely
cut off from the outside world.
Ugly Reptiles Send Men Flying, but
Norwegian Workers Do Not
Fear Them.
P o r t la n d , O r
New York.— Battle-ax lizards routed
Taft Is Told Work Will Be Finished
an army of stevedores from the deck
Ahead o f Time.
of the British steamer Parlslana. They
Panama— The Panama canal will be had hardly begun taking out the bales
For Red, Weak, We.ry, W.tery Eyts and
completed December 1, 1913. This in­ and cases from the open hatch when
Murine Doesn ’t Smart—Soothes ISy e Pain formation was given to President T aft one of the men caught sight of a
while he was inspecting the famous battle-ax and thought he had seen the
Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25 a , 50«, $1.01
, Painless E x tra c tio n ...... Free
Gatun dam. The official date of the devil in person, for it must be under­
.Silver F illin g s .................... 50c M urine Eye Salve, in Aseptic T u be«, 3:5c, If 1.00
l Gold F illin g s....................... 75c E Y E B O O K S A N D A D V IC E F R E E N Y M A IL opening remains January 1, 1915, Lieu­ stood that a battle-ax lizard Is about
' 22 K. Gold C r o w n s ............... $3 M u r in e E y e R e m e d y C o .,C h ic » g a tenant Colonel Goethals desiring one the ugliest reptile on earth.
His yells
v. . ,
Porcelain C r o w n s ............... $3
year in which to train the canal tend­ drew the attention of the other work­
M olar Gold C ro w n s ............. $4
Bridge W o rk , 22 K. G o ld ....$3
ers and to £et the machinery working men, and one look was enough for all
Inlay Fills. Pure G o l d ........ $2
V ery Nice Rubber P la te ---- $4
of them.
Best Rubber Plate on E a rth ...............................$7
Ships, meantime, will have the priv­
The stevedores carried the officers
ilege of the canal, but at their own off their feet In their mad rush for dry
Don’t throw your money away. A dollar saved
TTsblts Potiti voir Cured.
Is twodoliars earned. Our original reliable Modern
Unly authorized heeli y In*
risk or delay.
land and nothing could induce them to
Painless Methods and our perfected office equip­
in Oregot.
Oregon. Write
to in
In addition it was announced by Col­ return to work.
for illustratoti em ular.
ment saves us time and your money.
Some Norwegians
I nstitute . 7 iE .ll th N.
¡BOSTON DENTISTS. 5th Zl Morrison, Portland
onel Goethals that the report that were found who were not afraid of
Entrance 291 Vb Morrison. opposite Postoffice and Meier A
President T aft's visit was the forerun tULttle-axes or anything else and the
Frmnk. Established in Portland 10 years. Open evenings
o r t l a n d r e g o n ner
until 8 and Sundays until 12:30. for people who work.
of a request for another $100,000,- work of unloading the ship proceeded.
000 from congress, was unfounded.
The lizards were brought on board
The canal will be Completed in 1913, at Calcutta by a dealer who wanted to
he said, within the $375,000,000 al­ consign them to New York, but no­
ready authorized.
body wanted to assume the care of
The president was pleased at the them. The bamboo cage In which he
outlook for early completion and con­ carried them came apart and they es­
gratulated Colonel Goethals.
He ex­ caped Into the hold.
First— By locating on the EAST SIDE, where our expenses are very low. actually doing
pressed amazement at the work accom­
the higheet class of dental work for much less than the big W est Side “Parlors.”
plished since his visit in February,
Second—Remember, we have no hired dentists, no so-called "specialists” nor students,
we do our own work.
He displayed a knowledge o f the
Third—W e do not charge Y O U $20 and then sell the same th ng to some one else for $5.
That is what we mean when we say ONE LOW PRICE, THE SAME lO A LL
technical details that surprised the
Dog Raised In Captivity Now Leads
officials, his fam iliarity dating back to
W e Cheerfully Examine and Estimate Your W ork Free.
Coyotes and Returns to Civiliza­
the time he was secretary o f war,
tion to Steal Chicken«.
when he advocated a lock canal as
against a sea-level system.
He was
Portland. Ore.— A gravhound raised
greatly surprised at the immensity of
Corner Union Ave. and East Morrison
by Martin Smith of Sandy has an­
Office H our.—8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 9 to 1.
the dam, some idea o f which can be
swered the call of the wild and has
W e have lived In Oregon and Portland more than 25 years.
gained from the fact that the train
become the leader of the wildest band
was under way nearly three hours on
of coyotes that community has known
the spur tracks overrunning the great
for many years.
The hound never returns to the vil­
lage except to steal chickens or other
‘ Perfect’ Man Collapses.
forage, and residents believe that Its
Lynn, Mass.— Charles Orrin Breed knowledge of surroundings has made
of this city, formerly world’s amateur the varmints It leads much more ef­
There are a great many places and champion strong man and a leading fective thieves. Several persons have
occasions when the possibility of get­ Methodist Episcopal layman, dropped seen the hound this fall and Its espe­
dead from heart disease. Three years cial companion Is a large coyote. The
ting extra heat immediately effects an ago Mr. Breed was examined by Dr. hound pays no heed to the calls that
economy by decreasing the discomfort Sargent, of Harvard, and pronounced formerly summoned It from chasing
o f the worker. In the office, in the early perfect so far as physical proportions game of any kind. The dog was
were concerned.
Mr. Breed was 54 known In the village from a puppy.
morning or late at night, before or after years old. Aa a young man he became
the steamheat is on, it is o f importance famous for his extraordinary strength
Bible 300 Years Old.
to have extra heat. In the builder’ s and traveled throughout the country
London.— The three hundredth an
giving exhibitions of muscular prow­
outside office, in the shipping room, in ess, meeting strong the men.
nlversary of the authorized King
James version of the Bible will be
the checker’s shack, on exposed lofts,
celebrated In 1911, when arrange
T w o Steal $15,000 Gems.
In railroad stations, in studios, the
Steul>enville, O.— A tray containing monta will be made for special serv­
diamonds valued at $18,000 was stolen ices and sermons and there will also
from the jewelry store of W. G. Spies be an exhibition of the English Bible.
P B p P A L C O H O I.
{a re
“Fighting the Dental Trust”
T h e B ig East Side O n e-P rice Dentists
For Business Use
E R F E C T lO j
here by two well dressed young men.
They visited the store and purchased a
Hen Lay« Her Egg Flat.
diamond ring, for which they paid
Athena. Pa.— Athena ia to the front
$500 cash. They returned next day with a hen which laya flat egga Thla
Absolutely smokeless and odorless
and asked to see uncut stones. Spies, peculiarity la accounted for by the
who is 78 years old, placed a tray on fact that when ahe wa» driven from an I
the counter before them. He was then Irate nelghbor’a garden ahe escaped
Is often s necessity. It Is ssfs, smokeless snd odorless. Apply t match, snd h
rives heat quickly With four quarts of oil It burns nine hours. Has a u to­ I called to the rear of the store on some through a picket fence ao narrow that
pretext by one of the men. The other tn making her exit ahe nearly had the
m a t ic - lo c k in g ' f la m e . p r . a d e r , which prevent* the wick from be n,
turned high enough to smoke, snd is easy to remove and drop back so that tbs dashed out o f the store with the tray. life squeezed out of -er.
His companion escaped by the rear.
«rick can be cleaned in a n instant.
An effort to hatch these eggs, laid
It has a cool handle and a damper top. An Indicator a1w*ys shows the
since her predicament, has proved fu­
Magnate Ordered Jailed.
amount of oil In the font. The Bller-csp it Is put In like s cork ih a bottle,
tile, owing to the Inability of the moth-
and is attached to the font by a chain.
Butte, Mont. — James A. Murray,
ler ben to turn them during incuba-
The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, because of a new de- multi-millionaire and one of the best
»Ice in construction, snd consequently, It can always be easily unscrewed in aa known capitalists in the Northwest, I tlon.
Toultry dealers declare the flat egg
was sentenced to jail for contempt of
instant for rewicking.
The Perfection Oil Hester Is finished in (span or nickel. It is strong, tourt by District Judge J. J. Lynch, Is one on them, but believe the same
durable, well made, built for ssrvlce, yet light snd ornamental.
, chere to be confined until he was ready effect may be produced by equipping
to comply with the court’s order to hens with corsets properly laced Flat
D ta ltri B m ry m t r t . t t * * •< Jtm rt. m r * /o r totcop tim c im U r
U fW n t n t t affmey * "*•
turn over mining stock valued at about eggs would be much safer carried In
$25,000 in the Butte Monitor mining ' the pocket, anyway, as they would
case. Mr. Murray refused to comply take up less apace. They could be
with the court’s order until the officers piled up In transportation.
were ready to carry out the order.
m o k e l e s s
y fur C o
H O S T E T T E R ’S;
W a \
Rail Courtesy.
*Say.* said our Country Cousin,
"you was wrong when you said that
I Mr.
BJones wouldn’t have time to j
talk to me Why, he hadn’t read that
| letter of lnterductlon you gave me
half through before he told mo to call
a gain. Yes, sir, he seemed to want i
me to come and see him real often ;
Recentdiscoverieshave shown
While I was explainin’ who I was, he
that falling hair is caused by
invited me to call again at least six
times. And I’ll bet I wasn’t there . germs at the roots of the hair.
more'n an hour?”__________
Therefore, to stop falling hair,
D e stro ys
H a ir Germ s
I f you want a medicine
I that will give you the
¡g re a te s t satisfaction in
leases of Indigestion, Con-
Istipation, Biliousness, Colds,
¡Grippe and Malaria take
none but the Bitters. Its
reputation is established.
6trange Hobby.
William James, probate court dep­
uty, tells of a pest extraordinary that
comes about that office. She is a
woman, a middle aged, heavy Jowled
person, who comes around shortly
after she has read In the paper of the
death of a prominent man. And she
comes because she wants to read the
dead man’s will as soon ah It Is pro­
bated. She has no hopes of receiving
a bequest in any of the wills. She
Just likes to look them over. Read­
ing wills is her hobby.—Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Pettit’s Eye Salve 100 Years Old,
relieves tired eyes, quickly cures eye
aches, inflamed, sore, watery or ulcer - 1
ated eyes.
All druggists or Howard
Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.
If It Really Concerned Him.
“ You told me Mr. Hyjams was
busy, but would be at liberty In a few
moments,” said the caller.
" I ’ve
waited nearly a quarter of an hour.
Will you kindly tell mo what la de­
taining him?” “ He’s buttonin’ of
Mrs. Hyjam’s new gown up the back,
If you must know!” snapped the do­
iall Set •< Tasth n y
Eridfc-work « Teeth with­
out PUtee $3.50 la $5.00
Red Rtobtr P'ales ody $7.50
(Md Rubber Plates eoly $5.00
told or Percelein Craws*
........... $3.50 is $5.00
Uld sr Porceliia Till»*», $1 sp
Silver Ftllim only
50c Is $1
Pamliki Extraction soly
1 Rtf when Plates are srdeted
you must first completely de­
stroy these germs. A y e r’s Hair
Vigor, new improved formula,
will certainly do this. Then
leave the rest to nature.
Mothers w ill And Mrs. W inslow's Soothing
Byrup tu«* best remedy to us») fo i their ciuldrua
lu rin g the teething period.
W ork G uarantied
NreciHl Hi'HntiOii
o out o f ; owh psiro- s.
I m p hr a r odiiil or appointn.tmw Out-of-town
vorK «o n . i'lf ed in ■> day. N o Oottor work any-
ery operator h
wiuT*1 M odern eciuipn f ill.
BpecinliHt. Lttdy Httendnnt.
Y ou Can Get Allen's Foot-Ease FREE.
W rite A lie n s . Olm sted, Le Roy, N . Y., for a
free »am ple of A lle n ’s F<<ot-Ka»e. It cures
Bweatlna, hot sw ollen, aching feet. It makes
new or tight shoeB easy. A certain cifro for
corns, in gro w in g nails and bunion». A ll d ru g ­
gists sell it. 25c. Don’t accept any yubstituie
Hours: 8 a. m. # S p. m.. Sundays, 9 a. m. to 1 p. at
N. E. Cor. Ferirti» and Morrison.
Portland. Oregon
K o w *£sire
is not a “food” —it Is a medicine, and the
only medicine in the world for cows only.
M ad e for the co w and, as Itsnam e indicates,
a cow c u re . Barrenness, retained afterbirth,
Eibort ion, scours, caked udder, and all sim ilar
affections positively and quickly cured. No
one w h o keeps cow s, whether m any or fewj
can afford to be without
‘K o w • K u re .
It is m ade especially to keep cow s healthy
O ur book “ W h a t to D o W h e n Y o u r C ow s
Are Sick” .sent free Ask yo u rlo cal dealer for
“ K o w -K u r e , " o r send to the m anufacturers.
Dairy Association Co., Lyndonvllla. Vt.
Does not change the color o f the hair.
Formula with eaoh bottle
Bb6’w It to your
- -
Ank him about It,
thea do •• ho ity t
Recent discoveries hive also proved that
dandruff is caused by germs on the scalp.
Therefore, tocure dandruff, the first thing
to do is to completely destroy these dan­
druff germs. Here, the asms Ayer’s Hair
Vigor will give the same splendid result!.
Made b y tbe J. a A -*-- f\v V-r/ell. M m «.—
Dr. B. E. Wright
Have your teeth out ard plate and bridge work
done. For out-of-town patrons we finish plate
and bridge work in one day if necessary.
Ma’ar Crown . . $5.00
22k Bn*. Took $3.50
GoU Filler»......$1 m
Fiumoi FiUings $100
Sth* FJags
50c n
Good Rubber Plata» $5.00
Ees< Red Robb«
P tiles
Ptmlots Extradite 50c
Painlens Extraction Free when plates or bridge
Work is ordered. Consultation Free. You cannot
get better painless work anywhere, no matte*
how much you pay.
All W ork Fully G uaranteed for Fifteen Y ears
Dr. B. E. Wright Co.
342i Washington St..
IJberia, the West African negro re­
Portland, Oregon
public. was founded mainly through Take car at depot and transfer to Washington SL
the efforts of American quakers, or­
ganized under the title of the Penn­
Betty and the Kitten.
sylvania Colonist society
The chief
Betty Is only four, and often In her
bar to the development of Liberia Is
excitement she makes very odd re­
a law by which white men are not
marks The other day she cried out:
allowed to hold property In the coun­
“ Oh, mother, there’s a dear maltln*
try. Capital has, therefore, gone else- |
kitten all curdled up in the corner!"
where and Liberia possesses none of
the resources of modern civilization.
No Humiliation In Apology.
Bulls Haul Street Cars.
If you make a mistake and offeni
Four miles of street railway and a friend, don’t hesitate to apologize.
some bulls are making a rich man It will make you bigger, broader, hap­
out of a resident of Daet, In the Phil­ pier, and will prove you a man la*
ippines. The little railroad runs from stead of a sham.
Daet to the port, and has no lack of
passengers or of freight traffic. The
L ie S e ld o m H a rm fu l.
cars are of the small street railway
No lies can hurt a man for a long
type, and they make the four miles time. There Is little use in spending
uphill from the port to Daet in twen­ your time trying to correct lies. The
ty-eight minutes, although the bulls lie Itself will drop like a feeble shaft
who draw the cars do not exert th'3m- against the armor of truth.
selve« unduly.
Big Bank’s Business Methods.
Before discounting any paper the
Bank of England requires at least
Costly Articles.
Tho most costly book In the world two good British names, one of which
Is a Hebrew Bible, owned by the Ger­ must be the acceptor. It seldom holds
man government, which a few years over $150,000,000 In bills discounted
• go refused the Pope’s offer of $125,- and securities of all kinds.
000 for It. The most costly medicine
a few years ago was metallic gallium,
which sold for $150,000 a pound; but
radium is now the priceless gem of
“ I used Caacarets and feel like a new
the mineral world, selling for more
man. I have been a sufferer from dys­
than that price an ounce.
pepsia and sour stomach for the last two
Human Life as National Resource. years. I have been taking medicine and
Tho gradual lowering of the death other drugs, but could find no relief only
rate Is one of the great achievements for a short time. I will recommend
Caacarets to my friends as the only thing
of science and civilization. Conserva­
for indigestion and sour stomach and to
tion of life Is the most Important of keep the bowel9 in good condition.
the many current projects for conserv­ They are very nice to eat.M
ing national resources. But human
Pb-azrant. Paialabi". Potent.
Taxte Good.
Do Good. Never Sicken. W eiken or Gripe.
life Is still held far too cheap and
10c. 26c. 60c. Never sold in bulk. The gen­
methods of checking waste are still
uine tablet Htampod C C C. Guaranteed to
cure or your money Itack.
more or les« rudlmentarv.
N o . 4 6 — '1 0
i I K N w r i t i n g t o a d v o r t ls e r a p l e a
m e n t io n th in p a p e r .
A n x i o u s F a t h e r 's A d v e rt is e m e n t .
A Frenchman’s advertisement, in a
Boston paper, ran In the following
singular strain: “ Lost, last evening;
a child about five years old; whoever
will return him to his home, In Fore
street, shall be handsomely rewarded
by his affilrtcd father, Jean Baptiste,
who likewise deals In French bran
dv.” —From a London Newspaper,
H a rd
to Do.
Three things are difficult—to k ep
a secret, to benr injuries, and to make
good use of time.
GOOD M O R N ’N G -D id You
l>,c erve Last Summer's Eggs?
W. L. D O U G L A S
•3 *3.50 & “4 S H O E S
& ° w
o m
B o y s ' S h o e s , S 2 . 0 0 , $ 2 . 5 0 & * 3 . 0 0 . B e s t in t h i W o r l d
F tre o h i d e s , a p p l y i n g t o l e a t h e r u s e d I n t h e
d v ;/
c c d t a r if f o n fin is h e d
jo/es o n l y , a n d t h o r e d a u u ______
s o l o l e a t h e r , n o s e e n a b l e s n t n to_ f f lJ C t h e
— e a r e r m o r e v a l u e f o r h i s m t n o y r h o t t e r a n d
i l o n g e r w e a r in g $ 3 , $ 3 . B O a n d $ 4 s h e e n t h a n !
th e ta r i f f r e v is io n
m y shoes
li a v e
f o r o v e r 30 y ea rs , th a t I m a k e an d F ell m o r e
S3 60 a n d $4.00 sh o e»
th a n a n y o t l i e r m a n u fa c tu r e r in th e r . S . , u n d t h a t D o l l a r f o r D o l l a r .
I D i m r u n t e c M y S h o e * t o h o ld t h e i r Hhupn, lo o k an d l it b e t t e r , and
w e i r l o n g e r th a n a n y o t h e r .$3.00, $H..r>0 o r 64.00 ulio. - y o u c a n b u y ?
Q u a lit y h is m a d e in v sh o es T h e L e a d e r « o f t l i c W o r l d .
____ ____________________
Y o u w ill ho p le a s ed w h e n y o u b u y m y s h o e s b e e a u s e o f th o
¡'resid en t
f i t nn d a p p e a r a n c e , a n d w h e n it c o m e s t im e f o r you to p u r c h a s e
• l‘\m
a- o* h e r p a ir , y o u w i l l l>o m o r e th a n p le a s e d he a u s e th e la s t
X h orn > .
o n e - w o r e SO w e ll, a n d g a v e y o u »< in m l» c o m f o r t . ____________
' ____1
* \ ; IT IO M I
w ith o u t "'
t a k e n o s u b s t i t u t "" e
» . \ ’ J I I v I X ■ rmiiie and price M:i in pc
It your dealer cannot supply you with \V
\V . I«. I M K ' U I . A N , I I . » N p u i k S I . . I l r o e k t o n , M u s t .
O u r p la n w ill k e e p th em fre s h f o r m on th s.
S e ll ju.-t o n e d o z e n t g g s .
nd us th e am o u n t
in m o n e y o r d e r an d w e w ill m a il y ou fre»* ou r
fo r m u la f o r p r e s e r v in g e g g s .
S im p le — c h e a p
— e f fe c t iv e .
SOUND FORM ULA Co.. Seattle. Wash.
EARN am o r c h a r d
for sale by owner, choice ten acres 9J
miles from city, elevation about 1,600
feet, almost level, red shot soil, two
acre^ nix vear-o'd trees; balance raw
-»tale. I r - i- $1.700, easy terms. To
eliable prrty will give work clearing
and carm? for adjoining ten acres,
¡mount to a ply on purchase price. Ad-
IresH P. O. Box 131. Portland, or phone
Standard jO il J^ompany
Note Your Kxeeptlena.
One of the philosophers ears that
rerythln* I» sweetened by risk, but
e muet except bonk deposits.—Loulo
He Courier-Journal.
And how a boat «otri ■ soot
Pork Products and Choice Cuts of
Beef Lead the Way.
Q U A L I T Y CUTS auiyiuTiitG
F i r s t a n d 1 A n u r t y S|g.
l> C o u n a
World War on Cholera.
Tame Owl Flies 860 Miles.
i Paris.—Tbe International Bureau of
Victoria, B. C.— The steamship Zea­ Public Hygiene has recommended the
land i a, which arrived here from Aua- celling of an International sanitary
tralia, had on boad a California barn­ conference to combat tbe cholera epl
yard owl, which alighted on the steam­
er 860 miles from the nearest land.
tionipa .3 Our Prices
W it h tb -w « you h n »o I o «n In th e h a b it o f p a rin g .
an 1 >oa w ill
th a t we o ffe r you e autw tan tU I Bav­
in * on a ll work an l yon can n ot * o t b e tte r (.atnleM
Work tu jv 'u e M , no m a tte r how m uch you pay.
■ W e f l n lr h plate and
| bri !ue work for out-
I o f -t o w n patrons la
l o n e «lay i f dealred.
ainit-n* o rtractio a
r**e whnn plates o r
I bridge work is order-
l e d . Consultation (re*.
| Crown« $ 5 . 0 0
l2 2 k B rin .T H lh 4 .0 0
I Gold Fitlin,,
1 .0 0
Enam.1 F.ltinfi 1 .0 0
Silver Fillings
.5 0
5« 00
Bs*t Red Rubber — _ -
7 .5 0
Pa:nlset Eitr'tlon .50
A ll w ork ftilly guaranteed fo r fifteen yei
Wise Dental
Painless Dentists
W e are ju»t a» proud o f the R E M IN G T O N .22
Repeaters as we are o f the Remington Big Gam e
high power rifles for just as good reasons. No other
make of the .22 class is built to as high a standard.
T h e features that place the R E M I N G T O N .22 in a class by itself are the real big
R E M I N G T O N features— Hammerless ard Solid Breech. Y o u clean the barrel from
the breech— not forcing the dirt hack into the working parts as in other .22’ a, insuring
life-time usefulness and maintaining constant shooting condition.
T h e re is perhaps a grrater difference between the R E M I N G T O N and other 2.2 R e ­
peaters than is to be found between nflea of any other class.
A R E A L R I F L E — the R E M I N G T O N
.22 Repeater.
m ent
2 2 short, 2 2 long or .22 long rifle cartridges.
Sef of Targets Mailed Fret.
A*eacy t 290 Broadway, New York City.
Faffing Building, Third and Washington PORTLAND, ONI.
Onto* Hour*:
M. to 8 P I t.
l u t A y i . • to 1
Color more roods brighter and faater colors than a n y other dye. O ne 10c package colors silk, w o o l and cotton equally w e ll
all dealer, or w e w i l l send postpaid at 10c a package. W rite for free booklet
d i3 guaranteed to g iv e perfect rei
M O N ItO E D K U G C O M P A N Y , Quincy, Ilunole.
w K 0 dye, bsaach and ml m colors.