Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, November 24, 1910, Image 2

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Current Events of Interest Gathered
From the World at Large.
General Resume o f Im portant Event»
P resented In Condensed Form
fo r O u r Busy R eaders.
Mexico has seized all telegraph lines
on the plea of m ilitary necessity.
O ut-of-date railroad metnods are
blamed for high ra te s in the E ast.
New Mexico’s proposed constitution
is much shorter even than th a t of O re­
I t is reported th a t two Mexican c it­
ies have fallen into the hands of the
V essels of all kinds are lim ping into
Coast ports and report terriffic gales
and desperate struggles for safety.
P resident T aft, on board the U. S.
cruiser Tennessee, experienced a 40-
m ile gale a t sea, and enjoyed it
The U. S. governm ent wireless sta ­
tion a t Mare Island picked up every
word of a m essage betw een two A tlan­
tic coast stations.
An “ apple tra in ” consisting of 13
carloads of prize-w inning fru it left
Spokane apple show en route to Chi­
cago to be displayed there.
G reatest R eform er and Hum anitarian
of M odern Tim es.
Astapova, Russia, Nov. 20.— W ith­
out being received back into the O rth­
odox Greek church, and knowing th a t
the end had arrived, Count Leo Tolstoi
died at an early hour this m orning.
There was apparently no suffering, as
death came as the dying man slept.
The patien t slept for a little while,
seem ingly b reathing more com fortably
than usual. Dr. Thturovsky and Dr.
Usoff, nevertheless, in a statem en t to
T olstoi’s son, Michael, held out but
slight hope and did not h esitate to pre­
dict a quick end, under ordinary m ortal
circum stances.
Tolstoi, they said, was a splendid
patien t in mind and body, except the
In one of the h e art attacks, Tolstoi
was alone w ith his eldest daughter,
T atina. He suddenly clut?hed her hand
and drew her to him.
He seemed to
be choking but was able to w hisper:
“ Now the end has come; th a t is a ll.”
T atina w b b greatly frightened and
tried to free herself so she m ight call
the doctor, but her father would not re ­
lease her.
She called loudly from
where she sat. The physician injected
camphor, which had an alm ost immed-
pilgrim age led him to the monastery
a t Shainardine, in the province of K al­
uga, where he rem ained as the guest
of his sister, Marie, who is a nun in
the cloister.
L earning th a t his re tre a t had been
discovered, he insisted upon proceed­
ing on his journey to the Caucasus,
where he hoped to spend his last days
close to the Tolstoian colony on the
shores of the Black sea.
But on the railroad journey he was
overcome w ith exhaustion and the cold,
and Dr. Makovetski was compelled to
have him transferred to the flag sta
tion a t Astapova, where he was made
as com fortable as possible in the rude
wooden building.
For five days he had lain there, suf­
fering first from bronchitis and later
from inflammation of the lungs. Spe­
cialists were called from Moscow and
other places, but notw ithstanding th eir
utm ost efforts the h eart of the g re at
Russian responded but feebly to restor­
atives and stim ulants adm inistered.
Saturday the a tta ck s of h e art failure
increased alarm ingly, and many hours
prior to the end the physicians had
given up all hope.
Countess Tolstoi
was adm itted to the sick room for the
first tim e last night, but her husband
failed to recognize her.
She had hastened to him when she
learned several days ago th a t his iII-
In opening a new naval academy at
Merwick, Em peror W illiam laid g re at
stress upon tem perance as a necessary
qualification for good soldiers.
In d istric ts of A lberta largely se t­
tled by Am ericans, objections have
been raised to the use of E nglish na­
tional airs for singing lessons, and in
some places the songs have been dis­
Several m ining sw indlers in New
York have been arrested by the postal
a uthorities for using the m ails to de­
They are believed to have
bilked the public of $40,000,000 to
New Mexico will vote on her new
constitution D ecem ber 19.
’ t
New York C ity has discarded five of
its city autom obiles as expensive and
Secretary Wilson predicts a return
of hard tim es under a Dem ocratic con­
trol of congress.
Senator E lkins, of W est V irginia,
has been dangerously ill for some tim e,
but is now im proving.
More than $166,000 was earned by
students of Columbia university, New
York, during the past year.
S ecretary . Wilson says ¡the W estern
hom esteader is increasing the cost of
m eat by tak in g up the ranges.
The full com m ittee on elections and
privileges in the senate will investi­
g ate the bribery charges against Sen­
ator Lorim er.
A viator Hoxsey made a fine flight at
Denver, reaching an altitude of 2,500
fe e t and going into the clouds dring a
heavy snow storm .
In the constitutional convention in
Arizona, the effort to abolish taxes for
road purposes failed, and the sta te debt
is lim ited to $200,000.
R epresentative-elect L ittleton,
the F irst d istric t of New York, which
includes O yster Bay, in a speech round­
ly scored the “ New N ationalism .”
¡ate effect in relieving the pressure.
Tolstoi soon raised his head and then
drew him self up to a sittin g position.
When he had recovered his breath he
"T h e re are millions of people and
many sufferers in the world. Why al­
ways anxious about m e?”
Tolstoi put up a hard fight against
the disease. The spread of the inflam­
m ation of the lungs had been checked,
but it was necessary to reso rt [to pow­
erful stim ulants frequenly to keep the
h e art going.
It was long recognized th a t T olstoi’s
case was hopeless, and a t 5 o’clock in
the morning, a fte r the countess had
been summoned and other mem bers of
the fam ily had gathered in an adjoin­
ing room, the physicians issued a bul­
letin announcing th a t the activity of
the h eart had alm ost ceased and th a t
the count’s condition was extrem ely
Tolstoi, accompanied only by Dr.
M akovetski, left his home a t Yasnaya
Poliana w ith the purpose of ending his
days in solitude, to which he more and
more inclined in his la te r years. His
ness was serious, but the physicians
had deemed it advisable th a t she be
kept away from the count, fearing th a t
her presence m ight cause the patient
O ther m em bers of the fam ily from
tim e to tim e were adm itted to the
presence of th eir father, and his
daughter, Alexandria, has been in con­
sta n t attendance.
Death List G row s to 170.
P rohibition and woman’s suffrage
Mexico City -E stim a te s of the num­
w ete both defeated in Arizona.
ber killed in the fight betw een soldiers
A 13-year-old New York boy died of and police on one side and revolution­
ists on the other at Puebla continue to
injuries received in a football game.J
¿nglfli& ’B house of lords will subm it be placed a t from ,100 to 170.
to reform ing, ra th e r than lose the veto patches from th a t city say it is certain
more than 100 had been killed in the
conflicL Aquites Cerdan, whose house
S trik in g garm ent workers in Chicago was the scene of the fight, was killed
resum e rioting and one (loliceman was w hile resistin g a rre st in a tunnel
wounded by a revolver shot.
w here he had taken refuge.
Montana sheepmen are selling their fought to the Inst, firing a t the offi­
sheep to Canadian ranchers on account cers as soon as they found his hiding
of the scarcity of feed.
The inspector of
w eights and
Special Session on Capital.
m easures of the U. S. departm ent of
G uthrie, O kla.—A call for a special
commerce, found nearly every m er­ session of the Oklahoma legislature
chant in B utte, Mont., was giving has been issued by Governor Haskell.
short weights.
The session will begin in G uthrie No­
The secretary-treasurer of the C ali­ vem ber 28. The governor declined to
fornia Building association says the say for w hat purpose tfie session was
American Federation of Labor will called, but it in understood th a t a bill
spend millions if necessary, to union­ providing for the removal of the sta te
capitol from G uthrie to O klahom a City
ize Los Angeles.
will be introduced. The bill will pro­
The new Chinese m inister of war vide for a special election to be held
and the viceroy of Manchuria have instead of the one declared by the S ta te
warned th eir governm ent th a t ener­ Supreme court to have been illegal
getic m easures m ust be taken imme­ through a technicality.
diately or Manchuria will be taken by
Japan and Russia.
Oil Lands Indians.
G uthrie, O kla.— Word was received
Mayor Simon, of Portland, has re­ from W ashington th a t the attorney
commended a tax levy of 6 mills.
general had requested the cdHimission-
e r of Indian affairs to stop the Sale by
Republicans will control the next the Indian agent at Paw hgska,t Okla.,
Idaho legislature, although they lost of Turkey island, in the A rkansas
the governorship.
The island, claimed by th e s ta te ; is
Standard Oil company has won a said to be worth $500,000 in oil depos­
sw eeping decision in its fight with the its. Since oil was discovered the is­
governm ent in Indiana.
land has been allotted to the Osage In ­
dians as p a rt of a surplus allotm ent.
About 500 union men have q u it work
on the new Los Angeles acqueduct, de­
Union of 8 0 0 ,0 0 0 Gir(s Aimed.
m anding an increase of wages to cover
New Y ork—The W oman's Trade
the increased cost of m eals served to
Union league of New York has formed
a large com m ittee which will endeavor
T est explosions on the m onitor P u ri­ to unionize all of the 800,000 working
tan did more dam age than was expect­ girls in G reater New York. W ith this
ed, and the ship had to be towed end in view the city is to be divided
quickly to dry dock to prevent her into districts, each m em ber of the com­
m ittee to be in charge of « d is tric t.
Girl Heir to S 3 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .
St. Louis, Mo.— W ith the death of
her brother, W illard Campbell, 30
years old, and only son of Jam es Camp­
bell, of New York and St. Louis, mul­
tim illionaire and head of the North
Am erican company, Lois Campbell, a
school girl of 16, became heiress to the
largest individual fortune in SL Louis,
and possibly in the W est. Mr. Camp­
bell’s fortune is a t least $30,000,000.
W illard was taken to the sum m er home
of his parents in Connecticut last sum ­
m er , but his health failed to improve
and he was brought back to his home.
Five men made a balloon trip of 110
m iles in a 65-mile gale in Rhode Is­
land. All w ere badly bruised on land­
ing and one was rendered unconscious.
Modern san itary methods have low­
ered th e death ra te in Manila from 40
p»r thousand to 34.9. The death ra te
is low est among the Am erican re si­
A Princeton graduate now living in
Canada has presented the university
w ith a small tin of tea which is alleged
to be a p art of the cargo thrown over­
board in Boston harbor by the famous
Boston Tea P a rty in 1773.
H atcheries Do Well During S e a so n —
C anners Well Pleased.
Salem —T hat hatcheries along the
coast have proved successful and th a t
the work done has been more than
pleasing to the canners and packers is
one of the statem ents made in the re­
port of M aster Fish W arden Clanton,
ju st subm itted and accepted.
Going over practically the whole
season’s work, the m aster fish warden
shows th a t the salmon eggs secured
this year were g re at in num bers and
th a t salmon fishing in Orgeon is grow ­
R eceipts for the month are
shown to be $1,219.27 for both dis­
tricts, and disbursem nts were $4,-
In speaking of the hatchery opera­
tions and accomplishments for the sea­
son the m aster fish warden says:
“ Deputy Warden Sam L. Sandry
has returned form a trip up the coast,
during which he visited the various
points from the mouth of Rogue R iver
to Yaquina Bay. On the Siuslaw riv­
er very few salmon put in an appear­
ance until the last few days, but since,
both canneries have been taxed to their
utm ost capacities and the fish th a t
could not be cared for in this m anner
were placed in cold storage, to be
canned at a late r date.
S im ilar re­
ports come from the Um pqua.
Coos Bay, the cannery a t E m pire City
was blocked during the early p a rt of
the month and was forced to lim it each
m an’s catch.
This, in my opinion,
proves beyond a question of doubt th a t
the hatchery work carried on on these
stream s is bringing results.
“ W ater Bailiff Gor made a trip
down the coast from the Necanicum
riv er to Siletz Bay, where he also
found the fishermen prospering and the
different canners and packers farin g
“ The Chinook salmon eggs secured a t
our different hatchery stations trib u ­
tary to the Columbia river, as well as
a portion of the eggs taken by the U nit­
ed S tates bureau of fisheries on the
Clackam as and L ittle W hite Salmon,
are being tran ferred to the Bonneville
central hatchery, and, up to the pres­
ent tim e, 10,297,000 have been deliv­
ered to my superintendent in charge.
In addition thereto, through the cur­
tesy of George M. Bowers, commis­
sioner of the U nited S tates bureau of
fisheries, we were favored w ith 1,500,-
000 sockeye salmon eggs from Yes Bay
hatchery station, in A laska.
" I n the past, large num bers of sal­
mon have congregated in the big pool
below the falls on Sm ith river, some
seven m iles above the head tide, and in
order to prevent th e ir being battered
to death in try in g to surm ount th is
natural obstruction, I have instructed
Deputy W arden Sandry to m ake a r­
rangem ents to have an artificial pass­
agew ay for fish blown out through the
rocks so as to allow the present run of
Silversides in the Umpqua riv er reach
the spaw ning bars on the headw aters
of this stream and its trib u ta rie s. I
am ju st informed by Mr. Sandry th a t
this work has been completed a t an
expense of approxim ately $138.25.
“ On the Nehalem river, there is
also a natural w aterfall which prevents
the salmon from going to its head­
w aters a t certain stages, and this
should be rem edied.”
W. O. Minor S ends Seven S h o rth o rn s
A fter P rizes at C hicago.
Pendleton — Seven head of cattle,
constituting O regon’s sole exhibit a t
the g re atest livestock show in the
world, passed through Pendleton on
th e ir way to Chicago, where they will
be entered in the International L ive­
stock exhibition as a “ breeder’s young
h e rd .”
They are Shorthorns from the famous
W. O. Minor herd of Heppner, Or.
They were all bred by W. 0 . Minor
and sired by his famous bull, Golden
Goods, considered the best Shorthorn
bull in the world.
A fter the show these c attle will be
entered in the breeder's Shorthorn sale
and will be disposed of to the highest
bidder. It is expected th a t they will
all sell a t fabulous prices and th a t
some of them will bring more than
$1,000 apiece.
To Extend Road to Nevada.
K lam ath F a lls—Indications are th a t
the construction of the road from
K lam ath Falls to a point in Nevada is
to be begun a t an early date.
m onths ago the Southern Pacific se­
cured options for the e n tire rig h t of
way betw een th is city and M errill.
W. S. Worden, the Southern Pacific
rig h t of way agent, is now taking up
these options. He is paying the land-
owners for the land to t>e utilized by
the railroad company. The price paid
for the land ranges from $75 to $300.
H ops Sell at 14 C ents.
The Dalles — H ouser & W ertz
w ealthy
ranchm en
brought in and delivered to the E ast
ern Oregon B rew ing company 14,000
pounds of hops, fo r which they re­
ceived 14 cents a pound. These farm ­
ers raise from 14,000 to 20,000 pounds
of hops each year, which they sell to
the local brew ing firm. The variety is
the E nglish cluster and the men re­
ceived first prizes on these hops when
they w ere exhibited a t both the Lewis
& Clark exposition in Portland and the
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition.
Will Drill to r Oil.
Yam hill—An oil company is prepar­
ing to sink a te s t well on property
near town. The company has leased
25,00 acres adjoining the property
w here the drilling m achinery is being
installed. I t is believed th a t oil will
be struck and th a t a t a much less depth
than in some sections of the country.
The land is leased for a period of 20
years. The company has considerable
land leased in Malheur county, where
wells are being bored.
E rect Exhibit Building at Hood.
Hood R iver — The directors of the
Apple F a ir association have begun the
erection of a tem porary building 50x
100 feet, in which to hold the Hood
R iver apple fa ir this season. The
building is being erected near the ra il­
road depot on the ground bought by the
Will Raise Peanuts.
Brownsville — Irving Goulard is ex­
h ibiting a large peanut vine th a t
shows conclusively th a t peanut grow ­
ing can be made a profitable industry
here. He will try peanut grow ing on
quite an extensive scale next season.
Pierpont M organ Buys C a rs U sed by
Pope Pius IX.
Rome—The well known m ulti-m il­
lionaire Pierpont Morgan has bought
for the neat sum of a m illion lira
($200,000) the tra in last used by Pope
Pius IX in 1860.
This train has been preserved by the
Vatican as a historic relic. Many col­
lectors of reputation have made offers
to the V atican for its possession, but
none has reached Mr. M organ's figure.
The Am erican m agnate is said to have
purchased the train on condition th a t
the bargain be a^secret affair.
Fire D estroys T hree Babes.
Fairbanks, A laska — Andrew Van-
chon's roadhouse a t Tolovano, 80 miles
down the T anana riv er from F a ir­
banks, was croweded w ith travelers
when it was discovered to be on fire.
The building was a large two story
stru ctu re of hewn logs, w ith sleeping
rooms on the Becond floor, which was
reached by a narrow staircase. The
whole place was ablaze before any of
the occupants awoke.
There was a
Wild rush to escape, and in the stam ­
pede three sm all children of Andrew
Vanchon were forgotten and perished.
Chinese S hoot Ja p a n ese .
V ictoria, B. C.—The ill feeling be­
tween Chinese and Japanese in Man­
churia continues to increase. A t Chin-
tao 30 Chinese recently attacked a
p arty of Japanese who were carousing
in an inn, firing upon them .
Jap an ee were injured.
Chinese a t
Tonkon attacked a Japanese postm an
and took his m ails from him.
Japanese consul general a t Mukden,
reports th a t the Chinese viceroy re­
fuses to answer his communications.
Old Indian Fighter Dies.
Cham paign, III.—L ieutenant Colonel
Edmund Gustav Fechet, U. S. A., re­
tired, died here from h eart failure.
He was a famous Indian fighter and
was in charge of the troops who killed
S ittin g Bull near Fort Y ates, while
the Indian was resisting a rre st.
entered the arm y in 1861.
Umatilla County F a rm ers Sm ile As
Heavy Rain C om es.
W heat — Track prices: Bluestem,
81c; club, 79c; red Russian, 75c; val­
Pendleton— W ith nearly two inches ley, 80c; 40-fold, 80c.
B arley—Feed, $20.50@21 per ton.
of rain fall recently U m atilla county
M illstuffs— Bran, $25 per ton; mid­
farm ers are once more sm iling. P rior
to this storm m any sections of the dlings, $33; shorts, $27; rolled barley,
w heat belt had not been favored w ith $24(0)25.
Hay — T rack prices: Tim othy, W il­
m oisture sufficient to lay the dust.
Seeding was, therefore, out of the lam ette valley, $19(0)20 per ton; E ast­
question. In other sections th ere had ern Oregon, $21@22; alfalfa, new, $15
been precipitation enough to sprout the @16; grain hay, $14.
Corn— Whole, $31; cracked, $32 ton.
grain, but then it turned off so dry
O ats— W hite, $27@28 per ton.
th a t th rifty farm ers were threatened
Poultry— Hens, 17c; springs, 15}£@
w ith the prospect of being compelled
16c; ducks, w hite, 16c; geese, 11c;
to reseed.
Then the rain came in abundance, turkeys, live, 20(0 22c; dressed, 25(a
w ith the result th a t nearly all the 26c; squabs, $2 per dozen.
E ggs—Oregon ranch, candled, 40@
U m atilla county tille rs of the soil are
pleased and hopeful. The acreage of 42%c; E astern, A prils, 30@32c; E a st­
fall-sown w heat, however, will be less ern, fresh, 36(</.37t£c.
B u tter—City cream ery, solid pack,
even than last year, when fall seeding
was cut short by the arrival of a cold, 36c per pound; prim s, 37<®37)$c; out­
side cream ery, 35@36c; b u tte r fat,
early w inter.
The rain which has ju s t been re ­ 36c; country store b utter, 24@25c.
P ork—Fancy, ll@ 12c per pound.
ceived will result in a splendid s ta r t for
Veal—Fancy, 85 to 125 pounds, 12>£
all w heat which was still alive from
the first seeding, and will m ake pos­ @13c.
Apples — K ing, 40@75c per box;
sible the seeding of several thousand
additional acres.
W illiam Caldwell, W olf riv er, 75e(0 $1; Waxen, 85c@
one of the largest grow ers of w heat in $1.25; Baldwin, 75c@$1.25; N orthern
the county, declared th a t this was the Spy, 75c(o $1.25; Snow, $1.25(01.50;
best rain the county had had in five Spitzenberg, $1.25(02; W inter Ba­
nana, $1.750(3.60.
Green F ru its— Pears, $1.25(02 per
box; grapes, $1.25@1.50; cranberries,
O rch ard to Be Planted.
Falls C ity—C ontracts have ¡been let $8.50(0 9 per b arrel; huckleberries, 6@
for the planting and cultivation of 6,- 8c per pound.
V egetables— Beans, 10<0)llc pound;
000 English w alnut tree s and 6,000
cherry trees. The orchard will cover cabbage. 4k@lc; cauliflower, C alifor­
250 acres and is only two m iles from nia, $2.25 per c rate; celery, 40@60c
this city. The prom oters are A. D. per dozen; pum pkins, l@ 1 4 c per
Jam es and J. R. Jam es, form erly of pound; sprouts, 7(0,8c; squash, l@ lk ic ;
Eugene, who have been actively en­ tomatoes, $1.25 per box; carrots, $1@
gaged in the developm ent of Falls City 1.25 per hundred; parsnips, $ 1@1.25;
turnips, $1.
since th eir arrival here a year ago.
Potatoes—Oiegon, $1.25(01.30 per
E xperts have surveyed the land and
exam ined the soil and pronounce it to hundred.
Onions—Oregon buying price, $1.10
be well suited for such an extensive
per hundred.
Hops — 1910 crop, 12@13)^c per
pound; 1909 crop, 6c; olds, nominal.
Price o f T urkeys Rising.
Wool— E astern Oregon, 18@17c per
Roseburg—T hat the turkey-raisers ¡pound;
valley, 17@19c.;
of Douglas county are to command bet­ choice. 32(tf33c.
te r prices for ¡their birds th is season
C attle— Beef steers, good to choice,
than for many years past was clearly $5.250(6.65; fa ir to medium, $4.50fd)5;
dem onstrated, when local poultry deal­ choice spayed heifers, $4.750( 5; good
ers offered 26 cents per pound for to choice beef cows, $4.50004.76; me­
birds delivered a t the Roseburg m ar­ dium to good beef cows, $3.500i4;
kets. In past years it has been cus­ common beef cows, $20(3.50; bulls,
tom ary to pay from 18 to 21 cents per $3 50(o4; stags, good to choice $4@
Dound early in the season, and seldom 4.50; calves light $7(<07.50; heavy $4
have the birds commanded prices such (it 5.25.
as were offered here.
Hogs — Top $9@9.25; fa ir to me­
dium $8.75dt5.
Logging Roads to Be E xtended.
Sheep— Beat valley w ethers, $3.2500
A storia—The Brix L ogging company 3.50; fa ir to good w ethers, $3003.25;
ia preparing to build quite an ex ten ­ best yearling w ethers, $4.25014.75;
sion to its logging railroad in Grays best valley ewes, $3.50; lambs, choice
Bay d istric t.
The Pacific la g g in g m ountain, $5.250( 5.76; choice valley,
company will also extend its road.
Mexican Police Have Fierce Fight
With A nti-re-electionists.
Mexico C ity One hundred persons,
including the chief of police, were
killed in riots a t Puebla, according to
statem ents of passengers arriving
here. The stories told are th a t the
trouble began when several policemen,
headed by the chief, attem pted to
break up a m eeting of anti-re-election- Total Killed at Z acatecas May Reach
6 0 0 —Town in S tate o f T e rro r
iats being held in a large hall. As the
U nder M artial Law.
chief and his men advanced toward the
building, a door was opened by a wo­
man, who shot the chief.
El Paso One hundred persons were
A fight then began between the po­
killed in riutB which took place at
lice and the occupants. A bomb was Zacatecas, in the interior of Mexico,
thrown from one of the windows in the Saturday night, according to reports
m idst of the policemen and rurales, received here.
Soldiers fired into a stru g g lin g body
the la tte r having been called to arsis
of rioters w ith disastrous effect.
the officers. The bomb exploited, kill­
One hundred is the lowest estim ate
ing many. The other casualties occur­ of the loss of ¡life, which may reach
red in the course of fighting which 500,
took place in the stre et.
So fu r as - A dispatch from Del Rio, Texas, on
known there were no Am ericans killed. the Mexican border, 250 m iles east of
The passengers fu rth e r asserted here, states th at rum ors are current of
th a t from m idnight until they left Pu­ a fight which is supposed to have ta k ­
ebla in the afternoon there was contin­ en place near there early Sunday night
uous rioting, and while the anti-re- between A m ericans and Mexicans.
electionists had been dislodged from
Reports th a t bands^of Mexicans have
the building, fears were entertained crossed the river a t different points
th a t the disorders were by no m eans gt cannot be verified. County officers and
an end.
U nited S ta te s river guards sta te th a t
From other source^., in Mekxieo C ity1 they have ¡no positive .inform ation of
it was learned th a t the Seventeenth trouble, but have heard rum ors of an
battalion left here late today by a spe­ invasion and attack a t different |>oints.
cial train , and th a t other tra in s were * Upon-what is regarded as good auth­
i n ’ readiness to transport additional ority, it is learned th a t B rigadier Gen­
troops to the scene i f necessary.
It eral Hoyt, commanding the departm ent
was officially stated hero th a t 18 ifion of Texas, has been instructed from
had been killed in Puebla.
W ashington to hold troops in readi­
A telegram from Puebla sta te d th a t ness for service on the Mexican border.
the F irs t regim ent of Federal troops
Francisco Madero, fa th e r of the al­
had arrived, as had also a corps of leged Mexican revolutionist leader,
rurales. These, under the command made denial to w hat purported to be
of General L uis Valle and Eduardo interview s w ith him, sent out from
Cauz, were being led ag ain st the this city last night. The elder Madero
houses in which the rebels were fo rti­ was quoted as assertin g th a t certain
fied and w ere attacking, shouting: mem bers of the Mexican senate were
“ Long live the suprem e governm ent.” in league w ith his son. He gave out
The Maderostas, as they have come no interview , he said.
to be known, w ere keeping up a hot
fire from the windows and balconies.
A fe atu re of the fighting was the
p a rt played by women.
The w ife of
Joseph Cerdan, who killed the chief of S ecretary Wilson Says Humid as Well
as Arid S ta te s Must Com e to It.
police, was in turn killed by the fire
of the troops.
Several, o th er women
Chicago— Hundreds of “ back to the
who were in the house are said to have soil” boomers were ptesen t when the
appeared upon the balcony and taken land sfiow opened here S aturday.
p a rt in the conflict.
When the place F ru it and o ther products of the soil
was captured several
were found from all p arts of the country were on
among the dead and wounded.
display. An exhibit of more than a
million apples was the fe atu re of the
E laborate plans for the
e n tertain m en t and instruction of visi­
tors and delegates have been made.
Special days have been assigned to
various states. Among other a ttra c ­
San Francisco— The opening gun of tions will be the g iving away by lot of
w hat is designed to secure a battleship farm s in different states.
fleet in the Pacific and an increase in of A griculture Jam e3 Wilson delivered
the standing arm y of 25 regim ents of the opening address, taking “ Irrig a ­
infantry, and cavalry and a rtille ry in tio n ” as his them e.
“ The day will
proportion, and the reh abilitation of com e,” he said, “ when irrig atio n will
the A m erican m erchant m arine, was be applied, as a m a tte r of national
fired S aturday when perm anent organ­ necessity, to grow ing crops in the
ization of the Pacific Slope congress humid regions. The thing has been
was effected.
done in Europe for hundreds of yearB,
Steps w ere also taken toward or­
and we m ust come to it out here sooner
ganizing a “ Pacific Coast Defense
or later. We m ust begin a t the source
L eague” which, it is hoped by those of our rivers and construct reservoirs
behind the movement, will extend to so th a t the supply will be steady and
the rest of the country and bring about not entirely dependent upon the caprice
the form ation of a N ational Defense of the season.
Following the adoption of a constitu­
tion for the Pacific Slope congress and
the election of officers for the ensuing
year, the delegates from 10 sta te s and P ro fe aso rs Unable to Live U nless
territo rie s of the W est adopted resolu­
H igher S a laries Are Paid.
tions strongly urging (the desired in­
Boston—Unless im m ediate steps are
crease in m ilitary and naval power and taken to remedy the g re a t discrepancy
the upbuilding of a m erchant m arine, now ex istin g between the cost of liv ­
and adjourned.
ing and incomes provided college pro­
The congress came to an end w ith a fessors, the sta tu s of Am erican col­
b rilliant banquet to the delegates at leges will rapidly decline, is the proph­
the Palace hotel, a t which covers were ecy of P resident H am ilton, of T ufts
laid for 500.
college, and P resident Faunce, of
Brown university.
Voodoo Is Insanity C ure.
Fourteen have left the Brown facul­
C incinnati—Voodoo charm s and sim ­ ty in the last two years.
ilar m ethods were prescribed as a cure Faunce say s:
for insanity by Mrs. C lara Barnes, ac­
"T h e cost of living in Providence
cording to a story told by Mrs. Mary has enormously increased.
Our pro­
J. Koehler before a U nited S ta te s com­ fessors, unable to w ithstand the strain
m issioner here. As a result the fo r­ of increased cost of bare necesities of
m er was held to a United S ta te s grand life, are leaving Brown and going else­
jury for using the m ails to defraud. w here.”
The fortune teller made her give up $50
as a retain in g fee, Mrs. K oelher said.
C ustom F rauds C harged.
Then la te r she charged $5 for a “ m ag­
New York—Iaac and Manning P hil­
netic ch arm ,” and also she put $10 in lips, m em bers of the firm of I. & S.
gold it, a cig a r box full of salt. ¿The Phillips, im porters, a t 18 W est One
gold disappeared.
Hundred and E ig h tieth stre et, w ere
arrested, charged w ith defrauding the
P ro sec u to r on Way W est.
governm ent out of duty on woolen
W ashington—B. D. Towsnend, spe­ w earing apparel im ported from France,
cial assistan t to the attorney general, by means o f false consular invoices.
assigned to prosecute persons recently The govenm ent is in possession of evi­
indicted a t Tacoma and Spokane for al­ dence concerning a num ber of alleged
leged fraud in connection w ith the ac­ fraudulent im portations by the firm.
quisition nf A laska coal lands, left for Bail was fixed a t $10,000 for each p ris­
the W est S aturday. Townsend, whil£ oner. -Thie was furnished. It is be­
here, discussed the m anner of handling lieved the frauds are extensive.
the governm ent case. He also discuss-*
ed w ith the attorney general future
Revolt Fails to Develop.
steps to be taken in the Oregon & Cal­
Mexico C ity—The insurrection which
ifornia land g ra n t suit, in which ah ap­
was said to have been planned for
peal is anticipated if the D istrict court
Sunday ag ain st the governm ent of
decides in favor of the governm ent.
Mexico failed to m aterialize.
Sunday passed w ithout unusual inci­
T ug Ramm ed; Four Drow ned.
dent and while the authorities have not
San Francisco— Four men, com pris­ relaxed th e ir vigilance, is it believed
ing the crew of the sea going tug Sea no fu rth e r trouble will occur.
Prince, were drowned here when the
Special dispatches received here
B ritish steam er Greystoke C astle ram ­ from many places, including V era
med and sank the tug in the bay off Cruz, Puebla, Pachuea and O rizaba,
Angel island.
Captain L angren, of said th a t everything had been quiet all
the Sea Prince, was the only man on day in these cities.
Two suspected
the tug th a t was saved. The tug was mine bosses w ere arrested in Pachuca.
tow ing the steam er. The la tte r sud-*
denly gained a strong headway and be­
A nother O utbreak O ccurs.
fore the tug could g e t out of the way
Laredo, Tex. — F ig h tin g occurred at
she was ramm ed and cut in two.
Guerrero, Mexico, Sunday. R eports
reaching Laredo are th a t an outbreak
Acting G overnor E scapes.
took place in th a t village, in the sta te
P ointe-a-Pitre, Guadaloupe— An a t­ of Coahuila, and th a t the Federal
tempt" on the life of A cting Governor troops are in control exercising m ar­
W illiam F aw tier was made here S atur­ tial law.
G uerrero is about 50 m iles
day. A carriage occupied by the gov­ from Cotulla, Tex., in a w estern direc­
ernor was fired on and four bullets tion and is in the d istric t to which
passed through the upper p a rt of the Francisco I. Madero. the alleged revo­
vehicle. The assailant escaped.
The lutionist, was m aking his way when
shooting has caused much excitem enL he was last seen in Texas.
One hundred m arines from the French
cruiser Am iral Aube have been landed.
Jo h n sto n e Laid to Rest.
Kansas C ity— Funeral services were
Man Dies at G reat Age.
held here Sunday for Ralph Johnatone,
San Diego, C al.—Juan Pum et, a the aviator who plunged to death d u r­
Mexican, who, it is said, was 122 ing a spectacular flight a t Denver
The services
years, 4 m onths and 20 days p c. died Thursday afternoon.
Saturday a t the home of relatives at were held a t T rinity Episcopal church
Loe Coches. Buroel was born in Son­ and were attended by throngs who had
ora, Mexico, and was an uncle of a known the daring aviator in life. W il­
form er constable a t El Cajon.
The bur W right and W alter Brookins were
age as given to the u n dertaker is de­ present a t the funeral and attended
the interm enL
clared to be authentic.
Mexican Soldiers and Police Fire
on Revolutionary Mob.