Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, November 10, 1910, Image 1

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    E ST A C A D A . OREGON, TH U RSD A Y, N O V EM BER 10, 1910
NO. 1 i of V O L. 3
i .
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T T T 'rT 'rT 'l’T T T T T 'l'T r T T n
Estacada State Bank
L. Í
I Geo. A. Steel, President.
Fat cattle wanted; the fatter the
Peulaud & Jorg.
Belfils, Cashier
W an ted Nice fat beef cattle
at Townsend's. Top prices paid.
Don't forget to get your dinner,
at the Park Hotel for 25 cents.
Cltas. E. Dubois spent Monday
in Portland.
$ 25,000
General banking business transacted. Drafts issued to
any part of the World.
Money telegraphed to any part of the United States
We handle Trusts, Commissions, Escrows and Collec­
We afford every facility consistent with good banking
Interest paid on Time Deposits. S ’« six months; 4 %
twelve months
We do all kinds of legal work
We represent six old line fire insurance companies
We have town lots for sale. Cash or easy payments !:
Close 5 P. M. :
hours: Open 8:50 A. M.
It you are already a landholder,
be sure you really own the land de­
scribed in your deed.
O u r A b s t r a c t s ot C l a c k a m a s C o u n t y titles
s t a n d th e test.
C l a c k a m a s T it l e C o m p a n y , in c .
E S T A B L IS H E D 1893
¿frank ,C
JB. Sfiileu.
J. E. Greenwood, of Crabtree,
was circulating with his numerous
friends this week.
Rev, W. F. R. Browne will
speak next Sunday evening at 7:30
at the Methodist church 011 “ Ful­
filling the law ."
They have it good fresh vege­
tables. Go and see them. Pen-
land & Jorg.
Owing to the prevailing low
water the Cazadero power plant is
only able to run three of its five
units in generating power.
I am prepared to file and fix the
teeth of your horse so that he cati
enjoy life, Price $1 . E . M. Miller.
Oue of the men employed on the
S. P. work near Roaring river was
hurt last week, being hit with a
rolling stone. He was brought out
and sent to Portland to the hospital
G e t a n A b s t r a c t b e fo re y o u b u y
C. 3. fRitey.
Kitty Reagan is taking care of
the postoffice in the absence of A.
N, Johnson.
H. O. Jackson will hold a shoot­
ing match in Estacada on Nov. 22
and 23.
Sticking pigs, turkeys,
geese, ducks and chickens are
offered as piizes.
Better Be Safe Than Sorry
Head Offices: 509-511 Chamber of Commerce Building.
The Estacada State Bank was
closed on election day, it being a
legal holiday.
For pains in the side or clnst dampen
a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's
Liniment and bind it on over the seat of
pain. There is nothing better. For sale
by all good dealers.
sa sn sa sta
West Elected Governor P
1 tetter. — See
Geo. A. Steel, Ihos. Yocum, John Zobrist, L. E. Btliils
1 ' E R SO N A L
$x A Y E A R
£#¿(**'***¡¿3 2*X JL
Democratic Governor Will Win
By 3000 Or 4000—Re­
publicans Take Both
Oswald West, Democrat, will he
the next Governor of Oregon be­
cause the people have made him
their choice W. C, Hawley, Re­
publican, was re-elected to Congress
from this district by a good ma­
Walter A. Ditnick, Re­
publican, will be Senator. R. B
Beatie, Democrat, will be the next
County Judge. Ernst T. Mass,
Democrat, will have supervision
over the sheriff's office. Mulvey,
Republican, for County Clerk.
Lloyd E Wi'liams, Republican,
The various initiative measures
for the most part had a pretty-
rough course at the hands of the
people. Taking them as a whole,
a greater number of voters made an
attempt to vote them one way or
the other, than it was thought
would be done. The Home Rule
will win. State wide prohibition is
defeated, as well as county prohi­
bition in this county.
■ rrsiM m
Hunkidori, Chsppawa and Nap A
Tan High Top Shoes
E O r Men, Ladies and Boys.
Men’s High Top Shoes, S 3 .5 0 to $8.
Boy’s High Top Shoes, 3 .5 0 to $3.75
Ladies’ High Top Shoes, $3.50
Our High top shoes are of the very best makes
whether you buy the Boy’s, Men’s or Ladies.
Call and see how handy we can fit your feet.
P. R. L. & P. To
Build A t Once
Three And One-Half Mile Ex­
tension Of Railroad To Be
Rushed To Comple­
tion— Contract Is
Let To Co.
Rubber Goods For Men, Women and Children
Men’s Snag Proof Boots, $4.75 to $6
Boy’s Boots $2.50, Ladies Boots $2.10 to $2.5o
Children’s Rubber Boots $1.65
L a r g e S to c k M e n ’s, L a d ie s ’ a n d C h i l d r e n ’s R u b b e r O v e r s h o e s
The Portland Railway, Light &
Power Co. let the contract cn Mon­
day for the construction of the
three and one half miles of railroad
extension from Cazadero to the
upper dam. The Pacific Coast
Construction Co., of Portland, are
the contractors. The work will be
rushed to completion at once, as
thing as the placing of a comma
the contract calls for a completion «Garfield Lumber Co.
There was a very large number
made a lot of difference.
of the grade by April 15th, 19 11.
of those residing in this voting pre­
Changes Hands
The grading will be pretty heavy
cinct that were not registered.
work and will give employment to
Boost Estacada
Many of them have voted here for
The Garfield Lumber Co. who
many men during the Winter.
years and simply neglected to
This will be good news for our last year built a mill on the Win.
The Oregonian, on Sunday next,
Good rigs aud careful drivers always
merchants, as considerable of the
will contain almost a full page of
Although Tuesday morning it money will come to Estacada for a nice local business, changed
boost matter about Estacada and Given Hunting and Fishing Parties
was raining and gave appearance of the purchase of supplies Watson, hands on Saturday last. T . Yocum
the fruitgrowing sections surround­
being a very wet day, voters were Flagg and Standifer are the names and his son. L. M , retiriug. The
ing it, Standisli Bros., who repre­
at the polls early. Many country of the men who form the company. new owners, John Zobrist and W. sent Chapin & Herlow of Portland,
bong Distance Telephone
people from the most distant por­
George Cathcart for the P. R. L. D Hayes, intend to continue the are thoroughly familiar with con­
tions of the voting precinct were & P. Co., will he the engineer in business under the old name of ditions here, and at considerable
the early voters. By ten o’ clock charge of the work. Mr, Cathcart Garfield Lumber Co. It is their cost to their firm have prepared
however the sun was shining has many friends in Estacada who intention to cater exclusively to the
this description of our possibilities.
are clad of his return on this part local trade and are able to furnish It will contain an illustrate! ac­
rough and planed lumber, mould­ count and wc advise all our patrons
Postmaster Johnson left on Tues­ of the work.
In addition to the grading by the ings, etc., and solicit from builders by all means to secure a copy of
day evening for the East intending
to make a short visit to his former Pacific Coast Construction Co. the a share of their patronage.
the Sunday Oregonian.
home town in Nebraska. It has P. R. L. & I’ . Co. will build two
been five years since he cauie West bridges over canyons One will he
M. E. Church Officers
and he has not been • back since. near the rock crusher and the other
CHAPIN & HERLOW, ol Portland
His father will return with him.
just below the upper dam.
Notice is hereby given that the
Officiary of the Methodist Epis­
“ I do not believe there is any other bridges the railroad company will copal Church, Estacada, Oregon, Garfield Lumber Co. was on the
medicine so good for whooping coughs build themselves and will be in
5th day of November changed from
1910 1911
as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,” writes charge of Cathcart, the engimer.
Stewards: Mrs, A Drill, Mrs. T. VV. D. Hayes, T. Yocum and L. A d v is e us w h a t you h a v e fo r sale
Mrs. Francis Turpin. Junction City, Ore. Cathcart is here now. The road­
J. Reagan, recording steward, Mrs. M. Yocum to John Zobrist and \V.
This remedy is also unsurpassed for colds
bed has been re-located and the per­ J. \V. Reed, Mr. II. James.
D. Hayes. All liabilities contract­
and croup. For sale all good dealers.
manent grade established.
Trustees: Alfred Drill, E . S. ed by the former persons doing
The monthly business meeting of grade to the jmwer plant is one per
business as the Garfield Lumber ]
the Epvvorth League will be held in cent, and carries the road-bed high Shankland, A. A. Darling.
Co. are assumed and will be paid
the Methodist church Friday even­ enough to go above the dam, so
! by the latter. All bills due the
ing, November n th , at 7 P. M., that if in the future it is desired to Owen W. Smith.
Sunday School Supt.: Mrs. T J. former company are to he collected
after which a social will be held at extend the line farther up the river
Millard F\ Sarver and Ada M.
by the latter at the Estacada State ;
the Parsonage. All young people it can he done. In addition to the
Davis, of Estacada, were married
Ladies Ai«l President: Mrs,
cordially invited.
in Oregon City on Saturday Nov.
main road a spur will lead from it
T . Yocum
5th by Justice of the Peace Samp­
Construction work on the various on this side r f the power site down
L. M. Yocum
Financial Secretary: Mrs. T. J-
son «Millard came to Estacada and
I! buildings being erected in Estacada to where the (rower plant will be
W. I). Hayes
told R. G. Marchbank toset it up
i ' has been hindered for several days built so that materials and machin­
John Zobrist
: to the boys.
on account of the rain which has ery for its construction can be
Mistake In Punctuation
‘ ! | been falling. The rain is badly handled.
Will Prom ote Be fluty
The completed road will cost
needed for the wafers are as low
“ I am plcTst T to recommend Chamber­
Women desiring beauty get wonderful lain's Cough Remedy as the best thing I
; now almost as they were at the about 535,000 per mile. This
Punctuation in last week’ s is s « , l(elp |rofn Bncklen., Arnica SaIve. It
means the expenditure of $ t25,ooo mad^ us say that after a reception banishes pimples, skin eruptions, sores know of and safest remedy for coughs,
dryest period of Summer.
colds an«l bronchial trouble,” writes Mrs.
for this work. This will be good “ to the Rev. W, F, R. Browne, ami boils. It makes the skin soft and L. B. Arnold of Denver, Colo, "We
W a n t e d Everyone in Estaca-
his wife and four children all dis- velvety. It glorifies the face. Cures have used it repeatedly ami it has never
da aud vicinity to read the opening news to our merchant« as some of
, . ,,^4 .I, ,
-4 ore eyes, cold sores, cracked lii », chap failed to give relief.” For sale by all
• 1 « by 1 this monev w ill find its way to their nersed. 1 *» mm
ot the new serial
... .
ped hands. Best lor burns, scalds, fever
,orM cuts bn|itfi
JJC at all good dealers.
R< bert \V. Chambers in the No-
j children were enjoying the recep- j ,irU({Kj 5 ts.
1 vember number of Cosmopolitan to the laborer.
tion to the time when all dispersed,:
Mrs. J. P Altizer visited with
Magazine, It is the greatest novel j
Good board with room at the the same as others who were] Get a good meni at the Park II«) her little daughter iu Estacada ou
f of the year and is illustrated *■“
present. The error of so small a tel for ?5 cents.
; Wednesday.
; Puik Hotel, $6 per week.
'C l harles Daua Gibson.
Abraham VauScoyoc, of Tyrone,
Pa., who reached his eightieth
birthday Nov. 30th, received at
that time one hundred and sixty
postal cards and letters in retnem-
berances of the day, Mr. Van-
Scoyoc is Mrs. E. S. Womer's
E S T A C A D A M E R C A N T I L E co.
Livery, Peed & Sale
N o w is th e t im e to b u y H o u s e F u r n i s h i n g s
and you can find them at the Estacada Furniture Store.
We have a nice line of Iron Beds, just arrived; also Mat­
tresses. Spring that we will guarantee for 20 years against
sagging or breakinng in any part. When in need of a good
mattress call and let us show you our B. O. M. E., mattress,
which means “Best Mattress on Earth.” You can use it
for 30 days and if it is not satisfactory and misrepresented
bring it back and get your money, or another mattress.
We also carry Furnishings of all kinds. When in need
of Graphophones or Records call and get our list. Give us
your name and we will mail you a new catalogue each
month of the famous Columbia Indestructible records.
When you need anything in our line call and we
will treat you right.
Yours truly