T U R KE Y S H a v e you an y T u rk a y j to nail fo r T h a n k s - g iv in g ? H a v e you D u ck s to sell? H a v e you G eo»«* to sell? H a v e you C h ic k e n s to sell? How m any? G a t in to co m m u n icatio n w ith us a t o n ce. A ridreas TRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. 'TlffhUnc: the Beef Truat” PORTLAND. OREGON Location or uarden of Eden. The late Oeneral Gordon firmly Heved tho Coco de Mer to be the tor* bidden fruit, and the SiychnlKa Is­ lands to bo the site of the Garden of Rden This idea was b o firmly fixed in bis mind that ho caused soundings to be taken of the surrounding sea, for tho purpose of tracing tho courses of the four rivers, and the results con­ firmed him In his belief. D r . B . E. W r ig h t H a v e y ru r to e th out a r .l p late and brid g e work done. F a r o u t-o f-to w n p atro n » wo finish plate and b rid tr* w ork in one day if n e ce ssary . P R IC E S ; I V » 0« «w $5.00 1 2k Br dv. bH. $ i 50 Gold Fiftincs........ Roots Barks Herks $1 in That have great medicinal power, are $1.00 raised to their highest efficiency, for Si'»« Filin«! 50c to purifying and enriching the blood, as t«od Rslikw PIstH $5.00 they aro combined in Hood’s Sarsa­ Beil Red Ku'dar „ __ parilla. PUa. $ 7 .5 0 40,366 testimonials received by actual Pusleu Eiliartras 50c count In two years. 13e sure to take I naiwl FiiluMt* B E 8 T M KTH O nH P a in le s s E x tr a c tio n F r e e w hen platen or bridge w ork is erd ered . C on su ltation F re e . You cannot e t b e tte r p ain less w ork an y w h ere, no m atter ow m u ch you pay. All W o rk fu lly G u a r a n te e d fo r f i f t e e n Y e a r s L Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 342$ Washington St.. Portland, Oregon f a k - e a r a« d , pn* end t r a n s fe r to W ash in g to n S t. Keeping Young and Well. Here Is a receipt for keeping young and well: Find an occupation and love it with all your heart. Think kindly of and act Jdstly toward those by whom you aro surrounded. This roclpe. If followed, will Insure a good diges­ tion, sound health, and never falls to make a woman of forty-five look and feel fifteen years younger. To Frustrate Burglar«. The largest type burglar-proof safe f l built to withstand the gas “cutting burners’’ used so effectively by many crooks, and revolves, when It lfl closed, by means of an electrio tor. ________________ Between Neighbors. **That thermometer I bought la a fraud. It hain’t brought on no ex­ traordinary weather.” “You’ve got the wrong idea, Peleg. A thermometer won’t act like a lightning rod.M Virtue. Virtue by Itself is not strong enough, or anything like It. It must have strength added to It and the de­ termination to use that strength.-— Theodore Roosevelt. Glory In Doing One's Best. The reason so many people are not contented and happy In their work Is because they do not do their best at It. Never be satisfied with second t e s t s - ------------------------------------------------ RHEUM ATISM H o o d ’s S a r s a p a r i l l a Get It today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called S a rs a ta b s - METHODICAL MR. BLINXOM. Sfla M y sterio u s utes M ade G ain C lea r of Tw o M in ­ to H tm . “I am, I have been all my life,” wild Mr. Bllnxom, according to the New York Sun, “a very methodical man. I rise at a certain hour, take my breakfast at a certain time and start downtown daily always at a certain minute by the clock; but this day for ■ome unaccountable reason I found myself starting two minuted early, and really it quite disturbed me. I couldn't understand how or where I had gained that two minutes. "But that wasn’t tho only bewilder­ ing thing that was to happen to me this morning. At the office when I took off my hat the office boy, before he could check himself, started back from me with a look of astonishment. A man who came In to see me five minutes later looked at me for a mo­ ment with what was clearly amaze­ ment, and another man who came In a little later still started back a step when he saw me with ‘Er-r-r—hm-m— ha—’ before he collected himself and got down to business. “Then, at a later time yet, when I sent for my stenographer, who is com­ monly very calm and sedate, why, when she came in she all but laughed at me this morning, and she seemed to be quivering with merriment over something all through my dictation. What could It all mean? Really, I was lost in wonderment over it all until It came time to go out to lunch­ eon, when, as I was drying my hands, I happened to see myself in a mirror. Then I was ready to laugh after I had got over my amazement. “My head looked like that of tht, wild man of Borneo, my hair was so mixed up and twisted and tousled. I had somehow forgotten to comb my hair this morning, and no wonder I had created a commotion. But I was glad of one thing. This made it all clear to me how I had come to gain that two minutes in starting away from home, and that was a satisfac­ tion to me, anyway, for I am very methodical.” REV. THOMAS I. GASSON, HEADS BOSTON COLLEGE With the recent development of plana for a new Boston college, on University Heights, Newton, the name of its president. Rev Thomas 1. Gasson. 8. J., has been brought promi­ nently before the public, says Hu­ man Life. He Is a recog­ nized authority In all that makes for true progress, genial and easy of ap­ proach In his personality, and stern In his principles of right and wrong His sense of humor is very keen, and he has many an opportunity of exer­ cising It. He tells a story of some little boys In a sodality, several years ago, who, when they found he was to be their director, laid down the law in no mistaken terms regard­ ing the sermons they wanted. “l>on’t preach more than ten minutes.” they said; “we don’t like long sermons.” This to a man accustomed to hold his listeners Interested for long dis­ courses. Even when the Joke Is against him, he enjoys it, and his friends have many a laugh over Incidents droll enough in themselves, but droller still from his way of telling them. Intel lectual though he Is. he loves little ones dearly, no matter what their creed or color. At the close of a visit to Oldtown, Me., recently, he brought a little Indian lad back to Boston with him to see the sights. The lad’s wonder grew with everything new he saw, and the elevated railway ex­ cited his Intense admiration. He wanted samples of everything to bring back with him, but when the sam­ ples Included such trivial things as railways and typewriters, kind and generous though Father Gasson was, he had to refuse. People from every walk of life come to him for advice, from the day labor sr In his overalls to the polished pro­ fessor with his “Ologies” and “Isms.” As a lecturer Father Gasson Is also well known, and of late years espe dally, he has attracted large audi­ ences at various literary organiza­ tions. He is always to the fore when there Is a question of the uplifting of the people, or raising the standard of education. Questions, whether of men­ tal or moral development, are each and all of great Importance to him. and each and all are treated in a masterly way. England’s by nationality, but Amer­ ica’s by adoption, he has made him­ self the friend and adviser of thou­ sands of men and women, both learned and unlearned. BARONESS VON SUTTNER AN APOSTLE OF PEACE All through her life on advocate and laborer for t h e c a u s e of pence, It Is not m f rur; rising that IT W I L L C U R E Baroness Bertha The Philosopher of Folly. G e t a 2 5 -c e n t vial. I f it fa ils to c u re I w ill r e ­ von S u t t n e r , “Women are sure their husbands fu n d y ou r m oney. M unyon’s, P h ila . known throughout MUNYON’ S RHEUMATISM CURE are smart,” says the Philosopher of E u r o p e — yes, Folly, “because they think maybe throughout th e they can make some other women civilized world— th in k i t ’s true.” because of her S T R IN G A N D B A N D books and her ef­ IN S T R U M E N T S Natural Phenomena, forts for universal wonder why is the weather All S h w t M u sic 16c. M .il o rd e rs c a r e fu lly at- ten d ed to. freedom from warfare, should again, vane?” S M IT H & S T O R E Y “For the same reason, I suppose, this year, be one of the winners of the 127 F ifth S t ., P o r t la n d , Or. that the dog wood or the tin roof Nobel peace prize. This feminine apostle of the splendid cause is a most •pouts.” _________________ “ F IL L Y O U R O W N T E E T H ” gracious woman and a clever conver­ Dally Thought. sationalist. The friend erf everyone in­ F IL L - O Though we soar into the heavens, terested in arbitration, ehe has met I f you hav e a ch in g te e th o r c a v itie s and you a re too nervo u s fo r th ^ d en tal ord eal, try F ill-O , th e though we should sink Into the abyss, celebrated people of many countries horn*.- d e n tist. A t d r u g g is ts o r by m ail. 25c. we never go out of ourselves; It la and is therefore a most interesting FILL-0 MFC CO.. 3SI tapir« BIJt. Seattle. Wish. always our own thought that we per­ speaker. She talks fluently in many B lu m a e r-F r a n k D ru g Co., d is tr ib u to rs fo r O regon ceive.—Condillac. languages and Is a broad-minded, deep- thinking woman, free from prejudice. This devoted Austrian lady was born OWARD E. BU R TO N - Assayer and Chemist. Lt-udville. Colorado. Sp ecim en price«: Gold, H 67 years ago at Prague, daughter of S ilv e r. L ead , II. G old. Silv e r. T5o; Gold 50c: Zmo o r C o p p e r .il. M ailing envelopes and fu ll p r ic e lis t the late Field Marshal Count Frans sen t o n ap p lication. C ontrol and U m pire work so­ von Kinsky, a member of one of the licite d . R e feren ce: C arbonate N ation al B ank. most ancient and famous houses of . C OFFEEr Austria. One would hardly expect an TEA SPICES apostle of peace to arise from the war­ an 3AKIN0 POWDER ■ EXTRACTS HOOD RIVER ORCHARD LAND like house of Kinsky, or that a mem­ JUST RIGHT for sale by owner; choice ten acres i l j ber of that aristocratic family would milea from city, elevation about 1,600 ! devote her entire life to working for feet, almost level, red shot soil, two the people, persuading them that the acres six-year-old trees; balance raw only thing that can save the nations is state. Price $1,700, easy terms. To a universal peace. The early life of reliable party will (rive work clearin(r the countess was passed at Vienna, and caring for adjoining ten acres, amount to apply on purchase price. Ad­ and, owing to her father’s h'gh posi­ dress P. O. Box 131, Portland, or phone tion, it was very brilliant, furnishing her with much information that has A 5374. been useful in her work. The numer­ ous books she has written show a great knowledge of life tn all it» I aspects. I When quite a young girt the Count­ W H EN W E M AKE ess Kinsky was engaged to Prince j Wittgenstein, and It was his early death in battle that brought to her and fo r th e in sig n ifica n t su m o f $2.25, w ith "'V * forcibly all the horrors of war. For O reg on Com pres • A | many years she mourned her lover C lo th e s W a sh e r . T h lit tle m ach in e , v ...^ n I and she was no longer young when w o rk s in an o rd in ary I she met and married Baron Oundacar w a -h tu b w ith p r a c ti­ I von Suttner. The baron sympathized cally n o e ffo rt, (a child can w o :k it) cle an se s ! in all her views and with his help she a tu b o f clo th e s in th re e has accomplished much that she might m in u tes. I t ’s t h e c ir ­ cu lation o f h o t w ate r, otherwise have been unable to fulfill. soap and a ir th a t does He also was a writer, and he did much th e w ork. P R IC E S : for the cause of peace. Tin M ach in e $2 26 The baroness has a thorough knowl­ G a lv a n is e d I r o n * .. 2.75 I ,'o p p e r ..................... 3.60 edge of English literature and her E x p r e s s p rep aid . books are the result of her reasoning N e v er sold in sto re s. S e n d fo r one today. and her wide reading The baroness A g e n ts w an ted e v e ry w h e re . C O IU M B IX M fG . C O . Is president of the Austrian Peace so­ U l Tenth S t., Portland, O re. ciety and is vice-president of the Ia> tematlonal Peace bureau at Bern« CUT RATE MUSIC HOUSE EARN SOUTH AMERICAN CITIXS. M o d .r e S p irit Seen In A r s .n ll n a , H r a s ll, C h ile a iitl P e r u . The municipality of Buenos Aires will have Its own exhibit, but this wilt not take into account the indescribable attractiveness of t’jv- largest city In the Southern Hemisphere. Here alone is an object lesson of the progress and accomplishment of South America. The business and social life there is equaled only by that of London. Paris or New York. The luxury and display are exceeded not .even by these capi­ tals. But what Is seen In the metrop­ olis of Argentina by no means ex­ hausts the astonishment of the individ­ ual who for the first time becomes really interested In our sister conti­ nent, says Albert Hale In the Ameri­ can Review of Reviews There is no place in the exhibition for illustration of the development of genuine civiliza­ tion In these cities of South America, but in their way they express even bet­ ter perhaps than railways and trans­ portation all that is to the credit of these ten republics celebrating a natal day. Manaos, 1.000 miles up the Ama­ zon, is as modern as Kansas City. Rio de Janeiro, which the traveler on the way down must pass, with its magnifi­ cent Evenida Central, Its beautiful har­ bor just nearing completion at a cost of $50,000.000, can put to the blush many a city of the Old or New World for the excellence of its civic progress. If this traveler Is wise he will not be content with the exhibition alone, but will cross the Andes and learn further lessons from such cities as Santiago and Valparaiso in Chile and Lima in Peru. They all manifest the spirit ol the twentieth century with as much vigor as our cities display and, as a rule, they are far more beautiful, sur prising as the statement may appear to the untraveled North American. To the thousands of per­ sons who suffer from ail­ ments of the Stomach, Kid­ neys, Liver or Bowels, and who therefore feel half- sick all the time, we want to urge an immediate trial of Hostetter’s Stomach Bit­ ters. W e know from past experience that it will be of great benefit to you and bring about an improve­ ment in your health. It is for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation and Malarial Fever. Try it today. Old-Time Espousal Ring. A particularly beautiful form of es­ pousal ring was known as t ie "glm- mel” or linked ring, which was made in parts, which, when brought to­ gether, assumed the appearanco of the ring shown with clasped hands. WHY suffer with «"•«• “oubles, quick relief from using I E I IT ’S EYE SALVE 25c. All dr. gi s or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. Quite So. "Why Is the public always bullish in the market?” "That’s natural enough. It is hard for the public to grasp the idea that anything is ever going down in price ’ Tattered Terry—There goes a klnc man. The last time 1 went to him 1 didn’t have a cent and he gave me all be had. Weary Walter—What was that? Tattered Terrv— Thlrtv days —Puck Do not regard the ilea with great contempt; it is about the only crea­ ture which gets any work out of a dog. SCHLMAChl R FUR CO. M an u fn c tu re r s o f F u rs . R aw F u rs b o u g h t and sold. F u rs rem odeled a sp e c ia lty . 2 0 9 Madinot Si., b e t. First and Front St* , Portland, Oregon COWOTS ARO TRADE MARKS l se c u re d . Book o f accu rai« ___________________ : in fo rm a tio n fr e e on req u e st J. K. MOCK, 719 Board «fT ra* Bid».. Portlasd. Or (Lute o ’ U. 8. Patent Office. W'lishington. D. U • PATENTS WHY WASH YOUR LIFE AWAY WASH DAY A HOLIDAY Compare Our Prices » 3 , *3 so & *4 S h o e s I M S B O Y S S H O E S , $ 2 .0 0 , $ 2 .5 0 A $ 3 .0 0 W.L. Dougim» $ 3 .0 0 , $ 3 .BO mnd $ 4 .0 0 b / io ss rp « pomMIvmly thm bmmt mm dm mnd momt mmmulmr mhomm f o r thm mrlom In Ammrlom, mnd mmm thm momt mo mnom- §omi mhomm tom y o u to haor. W ith those you have t een in th o h a b it o f paving, and you will see th n t we offer jo n a substsn tin l sav­ in « on all work and you can n ot «e t painless work anywhere, no m atter how m uen you pay. | Wo fln irh p late and bridge work fo r ont- | o i-t'.w n patron« in one day l i desired, i'aiul •»« e x tra ctio n free when plate« o r bridge work is order­ ed. Consultation fr«o. ] Molar Crown« $ 5 . 0 0 D o you r e a lix e th a t m y sh o e s h a v e b e e n t h e *ta n - 22k Bridf* T«etfe4. 0 0 d ard f<»r o v e r .10 r e a m , t h a t I m * k e and t e l l m o re oo. $3.50 and | l.0 0 sh o e« t h a n a n y o th e r m an u - | Geld fillinft 1 .0 0 e tu r e r In th e U n ite d S t a t e * , an d t h a t D o l l a r f o r j En«m«l Filling* 1 . 0 0 D o l l a r , I f J u a r n n t e o m y S h o e * to h o ld t h e ir j Silver Fill-"«* .5 0 sh ap e. lo o k and rtt b e t te r , and w e a r lo n g er th a n anv o th e r $.3.00. $3.50 o r $4.00 sh o e * y on r a n b u y ? I Good Rubber _ . . Q u a lity c o u n ts , an d q u a lity h a s m ad e m y shoe« Plate« 5 .0 0 B««t R«d Rubber — w h a t th e y a r e — T h e l e a d e r s o f t h e W o r l d . Y o u w ill b e p leased w hen y ou bu y m y » b o e * | 7 .50 b e c a u se o f th e fit an d a p p e a r a n c e , an d w hen it Paint««« Extr'tion .5 0 eom e* tim e fo r you to p u r c h a s e a n o th e r p a ir , you _______________________ B U T MKTMODS w ill b e m o re th a n p le ase d b e c a u s e t h e la s t on es : A H w o rk f u lly g u a r a n te e d f o r f if te e n y e a r s . w ore so w e ll, and g ave you so m u ch c o m fo r t. Q A H T I O N ! tfone tannine without W L D o n s la * name ind price stamped on bottom. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. cannot »upply you with W . 1 . If ft |b * « . write for Mail Order C alalo«. V . l . B Q IM U S . 141 S p v t e rut** W i s e D e n t a l C o .,i« . Painless Dentists « s » Tr a r « t r £ 2 2 ? ? w V Just a W a y T h e y Have. Oyer( at the »howi—Queer thin, about ballet glrla, Isn’t It? Myer—What’a queer about ’em? Oyer—Why, no matter how long they remain on the stage they never seem to grow gray in the service. --------------------------- Ons or Tothsr. "1 wish I were dead!" I -H e a v e n s ! Can’t you m arry h *r, as did you?”—Cleveland Leads F IN K E BR08. 183 M adison S t . P ortland , O rison RELIABLE DENTISTRY REASONABLE RATES Twdorfy $5 00 Erid»e-w«di «r Teetfcwdk- mi I1« im $3 50 1« IS 00 i »«d Rabfc* Mat« m b $7 50 fo«< RiiWwr Plot«* »»ly $S.OO f«’d or P«rcelaa Crows« S3 50 « SS 00 old or Portrlj'« Filiou. ‘>1 sp H vct FilBs«* ««b 50t o $1 cnlm Extract«« «■*? 50e I REE wh« Plates are c lerod C ur W ork Q uarantino P erfi t Special Attention to out-of-town pa Dror> n« a poste I for sp| oint n. eut. Ont o f work rom ple’ ed in it day. No iu»tter work where Modern equipm ent. Every opors specilli ist. Lady attendan t. » ». own .ny- or • THE NEW YORK DENTISTS DE. H A STDRDEVAIfT. Mgr. , Heart S a «. 1« 8 p. a.; Sssdiyt, 9 i «. k I « « N. L Car F « vS «ad Mcmaas. T A K E p e iH | A Portlasd, D O S « s o < n m O F ' s B I S T M C D IC IN C ^ fo r C O U C H S & COUPS 0 \ay & l Co. ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS Englishman Wins Speed Trial In International Aviation Meet. SIXTH, AT MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR. We want you to try this Piano IN YOUR HOME FREE. We want you to try it at our expense because— At the end of thirty days the Piano IT SE LF will convince you of the following facts: I t ’s the best value on earth for the price (1275.) MUSICALLY and MECHANICALLY Frenchman In Monoplane Was Mak­ ing Better Time. But Met With Bad Smashup. New York—Claude Grahame-White, flying for the Royal Aero ciuh of the United Kingdom, lifted the Gordon I Bennettt international speed trophy from the custody of America in the fastest time ever covered in the full \ distance of 100 kilometers, (62.14 , miles) around a five-kilometer course. | His average speed was a fraction better than 61 miles an hour, and his | fastest lap was 2 minutes 55.77 sec-1 onds, but the captain of the French team, Alfred LeBlanc, flying similar machine, a 100-horse power Blériot monoplane, was making each ■ j ' g i We know there is so much real value in this Wellington Piano—we’re selling for $275—on easy payments—that we’re willing to let it be IT'S OWN SALESMAN. It will tell it's own story to you—in your home—if you’ll send us the coupon. Please send me full particulars concerning this unusual Piano offer. N am e........................................................ Address. DOCTORS ADVISED OPERATION— DECIDED TO 1R Y GREAT KIDNEY REMEDY. BETTER HEALTH WILL RESULT ORCHARD Applause Under Difficulties. Opie Read, the novelist, appeared a . entertainer for a switchmen’s eonven- . tlon in Peoria. "It was a very enthusiastic audi­ ence.” said Mr. Read. "They laughed heartily, but they didn’t applaud much. , You see, there were so many one- armed men there, that they had to applaud In pairs.’’—Success Magazln# S h e m u in “ O ne of t h e W A L T E R B U O O K 1N S le a d in g d r iv e r s in th e r e c e n t av ia tio n m e e t a t N ew Y o rk . Could Live on Waste. In tho various discussions of the high cost of living. It Is frequently suggested that waste Is responsible for some of It. A Frenchman Is re­ ported as saying that he could live In i y< any American village better than any what your Swamp-Root did for me, be­ lieving that my testimony may do some of the Inhabitants on what the la* other suffering person a great deal of habitants throw away, good. Cigar Boxes for Pepper. About six years ago, I was danger-! ously ill, consulted three doctors, all of 1 Connecticut Is an enterprising state. whom said I had kidney trouble. One Its chief products in the good old day* of the doctors analyzed my urine anil before the pure food laws were wood­ reported that I had gravel, and further en nutmegs and basswood hams. said that in order to regain my health and life, an operation would be neces­ Now she boasts a philanthropist who sary. I did not want to be operated on was recently arrested for grinding up as I was afraid that I would not re­ cigar boxes and soiling the result as cover. Someone told me of Dr. Kil­ pepper. _________________ mer’s Swamp-Root and said it was a M o th e rs w i ll fin d M rs. W in s lo w ’ s S o n t h l * « reliable medicine for kidney trouble, so Byrup tne b'-8t remedy to use fo« their ciiUdrsa I decided to try it, and l went to Mr. during the teethiug period. Rose, the druggist, at 303 Central Ave.. Minneapolis, and bought a bottle, took Merely a Question of Comfort. it, noticed results and continued taking “Now, doctor,” complained a bibu­ it until I was entirely cured. lous patient, “my great trouble Is ele­ Having been free from any kidney phants—pink ones. Not that I object trouble for over six years, I consider that I am absolutely cured and know to elephants, you understand. I Ilk« them—but they do crowd one so.**— that Swamp-Root has the credit. I never fail to tell my friends about Success Magazine. your remedy, as I believe it is the best Ungrateful Baby. of its kind. Your U & O Ointment is When a man brings his baby dowa also very good. We are never without town, and does the best he can for It, a ja r in our house. Yours very truly, it makes him feel funny when th« MRS. MARGARET E. ANDERSON, baby sets up a yell and say9: “I want Minneapolis, Minn. mamma! ” ________________ _ State of Minnesota / Good Measure. County of Hennepin t ° ’ Personally appeared before me this Tn verse I like a lengthy deal; I 23d day of Sept., 1909, Mrs. Margaret like the old time bard. I like old E. Anderson,of the City of Minneapolis poems like “Lucille”—you read ’em of the State of Minnesota, who sub­ by the yard. scribed the above, and on oath says that the same is true in substance and in fact. M. M. K erridgb . LAUNCH FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Notary Public. F o r R eal E s t a t e . 30-foo t o ver all: 6-fo o t beam ; Commission expires March 26, 1914. 40-H . P . S t e r lin g e n g in e ; c a r ry 20 p a ss e n g e rs; S lap on an average of 20 seconds faster than Grahame-White, and would have won the cup if he had not met with a disastrous accident in his last lap when he had the race seemmeingly well in hand. LeBlanc’s first lap was a new world’s record in itself for five kilometers, 2 minutes and 45.63 seconds, but he sub­ sequently exceeded it with a lap done in 2 minutes 44.32 Beconds. LeBlance was running with the fir st-c la ss o u tfit; $1MX). C. W . B. wind under full power at an estimated Letter to 615 M ilw aukee S t .. P o rtla n d . O r. Dr. Kilmer 4 Co. speed of 80 miles an hour, when the Binghamton, N. V. feed pipe from his gasoline tank to his AND KODAK motor loosened and he suddenly found | Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You SUPPLIES Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham­ W rite fo r c a ta lo g u e s and lite ra tu r e . D eveloping himself with nothing but momentum and p rin tin g . M ail urden» given prom p t a tte n tio n ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. I t will to carry him. Fortland Photo Supply Co. It is a peculiarity of racing aero­ convince anyone. You will also receive 149 T h ird S t r e e t PORTLAND. ORB. booklet of valuable information, tell­ planes that they are trimmed down so a ing all aboi t the kidneys and bladder. fine they cannot execute a proper vol­ When writing, be sure and mention Tents, Awnings, Sail» plane, or glide, if the gasoline shuts off. this paper. For sale at all drug stores. Cols, Hammocks, Canvas and Csvcn 1 or 1,000 a t fa c to ry p rices. They must come to earth under power, Price fifty-cents and one-dollar. PACIFIC T IN T AND AWNING C a and even then they bump severely on 27 N. F ir s t S t.. P o rtla n d . O r. landing. LeBlance was helpless and An Evident Success. panic-stricken. He tried to lift his **So you have a position as stenogra­ planes so that the last few drops of pher. I hopo you will succeed in ma­ MURINE EYE REMED1 ! RY gasoline might filter down into the en­ king yourself Indispensable to your For Red, Weak, Weory, Wetery Eyee a gine and lend him strength to make a employer.” “I think I have, auntie. G ; R A N U L A T E D E Y E L ID S landing. Murine Doesn’t Smart—Soothes Eye Pain We are to be married next month.” Drufcut, Sell Murine E r . Remedy. Liquid. 25c. Sfc, l l . e His steerage way was gone, and M u rin e E y e S a l y e , in A a .p t ic T u b . . , 2 S c , $ 1 .0 # Nibbles the Wood. when a puff of wind caught him he “I’m tired of this old Joke about a E Y E B O O K S A N D A D V I C E F R E E B Y MAIL drifted sideways, still driving at tre­ M u r in e E y e R e m e d y C o .,C h ic a « o mendous speed, and crashed head fore­ woman sharpening a pencil with her most into a telegraph pole. The pole husband’s razor.” “There’s nothing was 14 inches thick, but he broke it in In It. No woman sharpens a penclL r F i o r t h e A m b i t l o u s — three pieces. The first fragment was Qhe gnaws It to a point.” sliced clean off 12 feet up and snapped In Sunday School. ¡51 ^ î n t b e r ô t î p ugain at the bottom of the stump. Teacher—“What happened to Lot’s The third and topmost fragment fell wife?” Young America—“I suppose e d u c a t io n over backwards and smashed down on you mean about her turning to salt, the fragile planes. by m ail fo r th o «e w ho c a n n o t atte n d in but that looks to me like a yellow p e rso n . A ll in s tr u c tio n , in clu d in g final The chassis and steel shield which Journal story.” e x am in atio n s, is F R E E . F o r te a ch e rs, encloses the motor were completely stu d e n ts pro p arin g fo r co lle g e o r u n iv e rst t y . women s clu b s, grange;», e n g in e e rs and crumpled, but the solid steel of the Saves Edge of Pie. hom e m ak e rs . N o preliminary exjunlno- motor itself withstood the shock. Had A wire contrivance, patented by an ■ouired. tio n is requ ired , T h is m all co u rse met opportui n lty fo r you. LeBlanc hit the pole in another man­ Illinois man to lift a pie from an oven Sen d fo ' r a d e s c rip tiv e b u lle tin t o t h e ner, it is difficult to see how he could ’s designed to operate ao that the edge C orre«|H »m lenre S tu d y I> ep «rti have escaped death. of the crust v ill rot be broken. U n n i i x v e r s i t y o f O r e g o n Charles K. Hamilton, of the Ameri­ Oregon Ensene can team, was enthusiastic. “ LeBlanc is the best track driver in the world,” he said. “ The way he took those turns was a marvel. Gra­ “ For months I had great trouble with my hame-White would never have been in stomach and used all kinds of medicines. OPIUM— TOBACCO it except for LeBlanc’s accident, and My tongue has been actually as green as H abit« Positively C are«. O nly authorized K e eler la# no American machine had a chance grass, my breath having a bad odor. Two «U tuto lu O regon. W rlta fo r illu Btrntea r lr r e ls r , with him. I am going to throw my week« ago a friend recommended Cascarets zmrr inumi n,7lL li til. machine into the scrap heap and buy a an«l after using them I can willingly and 9ay that they have entirely Blériot before I leave this track. The cheerfully cured me. I therefore let you know t h a t I biplane is out of date and we might as shall recommend them to any one suffer­ well admit it .” ing from such troubles.” — Chat. H. Hal- •wrn. 114 E 7 th St., New York. N. Y. ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREE Revolution is Serious. PWoAant. P a la ta b le . P o te n t. T a s ts flood. CUT RATES IN I >0 Good. N e v er S ic k . n. W eak en or Grip«. Montevideo, Uruguay— The revolu­ 10c. 26c. 50c. N ev er «old in bulk. T h e g en ­ PAINLESS OENTISTRT uin e ta b le t «tam ped C C C. G u aran te e d te tionary movement is taking on a seri­ P a i n le s s E x t r a c t i o n .........P r e s cu re or you r m oney back. S ilv e r h i l l i n g s ........................ V * ous aspect. There are now 10,000 G old F i l l i n g s ...............................75s armed revolutionists who are graually 'll K . G old C r o w n s .................. $ J P o r c e la in C r o w n s .................... $9 being concentrated. Several skirm­ 8elf-Help. M o la r G old C ro w n « ...$4 ishes have taken place, but the casual­ 1» not well, my friend, to run to B rid g e W o r k , 22 K . G o ld . .. $9 I n la y F ill« . P u re G old . . . $2 t ie s have been suppressed. Dr. A. th# craftsman, whatever may befall, V e r y N ic e R u b b e r P l a t e . $4 Barhini, the foreign minister, recently nor In every matter to need another’s Best Rubber P la te on K; ir th .................................. f t A L L T H I S W O R K IS G U A R A N T E E D . issued a manifesto declaring that the aid, nay, fashion a pipe thyself, and D on’ t th ro w y ou r m oney aw ay . A d o lla r sav ed government was unable to prevent the to thee the task Is easy.—lllon, trans­ 1« tw o d o lla r« ea rn e d . O u r o rig in a l re lia b le M od em PainlcM.» M eth o d s and o u r p e r fe c t e d o ffice e q u ip ­ revolution from spreading, because the lation of Andrew I-an*. m e n t s a v e s us» tim e an d y o u r m o ney . sympathies of the people, outside the NOSTON DENTISTS. 5th V M o rrls e n . P . r t l a a d Kntr «nee 2911 •.* Morrison. "pp«>#itc Po#totfice and Meier A capital, are entirely with the revo­ Frank. KstaMi hed in Portland 10 years. Open evenings lutionists. until 8 and Sunday« until 12:10. for people who work. KODAKS T !Y 1 1 D B ad B reath Explosion Injures Seventeen, San Francisco—Seventeen persons were severely hurt in an explosion from a fire in an apartment house in Ellis street. Four of the number were newspaper men and the others were members of the fire department. Most of the lodgers had left the build ing before the explosion occurred, ami those who remained on the upper floors escaped on fire ladders. Captain | Joseph Cappelli and Hosemsn Thomas Bell of the fire department were over- | I come by gas and were rescued by their comrades. ALCOHOL Coughs o f Children Especially night coughs. Na­ ture needs a little help to quiet the Irritation, control the in-8 Hammation, check the progress l| of the disease. Our advice is ^ — give the ch ild ren A y e r’sf C h e r r y P ectoral. Ask your! doctor if this is his advice also.)' He knows best. Do as he says. ¡Paralysis Kills Student. Princeton, N. J . — Marcus Crawford, W « p u b lish o u r fo rm u las | of Franklin, Pennsylvania, member of I the freshman class of the university, W » u r i » y o a to | died in the universary infirmary of in -1 s o n ■u i t y o u r do ato r fantile paralysis. Crawford went to j the infirmary four days ago, complain ¡ , , ,, . . If you think constipation is of trilline ine of pa.ns m the head. In a short | . on7lfquencCi )ulf yourdoctor Ht time his limbs were paralysed and trill disabuse you of that notion in short despite heroic efforts to save him, he order. “ Correct it, at o n c e !” he will succumbed to the disease. •ay. Then a*k him about Avtr’s Pills This is the second death from the A mild liver pill, all vegetable. / th* J. C. A¿ «r Oe., Lowell. Maas.—— same disease in the freshman class. i/e r s C. Gee Wo The Chines« Doctor Thit» w o nd efu l m an h a s m ade a lif e stu d y o f th e ir o p e r tie s o f R oo ts, le r b s an il H ark«, and i.s g iv in g th e world t h e b e n e fit o f hia se rv ice «. d No M e rcu ry . P o is o n « ¿ fc r j j y -y-J o r D ru g s U se d . N o O p e r a tio n s o r t u ttln g G u a ra n te e s to c u r e O fctarrh, A sth m a . L u n g . S to m a c h and K id n e y tro u b le s , an d all P r iv a t e DlaeascH o f M n am i W om en. A SU R »: C A N C ER C U R E J u s t r e c e iv e d fro m P e k in , C h in a s a f e , s u re an d r e lia b le . U . fa ilin g in it s w o rk s. I f you c a n n o t c a ll, w r ite fo r sy m p to m blank an d c ir c u la r . In c lo se 4 c e n t s in sta m p s . C 0 4 S L I T A T IO N FRFC The C. Gee W o M edicine Co. 1 6 2 V * f i r s t S I .. c o r . M o r ris o n , P o r t la n d , O h P N U N o. 4 $ - ; l$ UK W w r i t i n g t o a d v e r t l s e r e p i a m o n t Io n t h i s p a p e r .