Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, November 03, 1910, Image 1

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NO. io op VOL. 3
E ST A C A D A . OREGON. T H U R SD A Y . N O VEM BER 3. 1910
: I
R e a d y F o r E x h ib it s
! Estacada State Bank
The Commercial Club announce
Fat entile wanted; the fatter the their room in readiness to receive
better. See Penland & Jorg.
the apple exhibit.
Mr. Sparks
! Geo. A. Steel, President.
L. *E Belfils, Cashier |
W a n t e d Nice fat beef cattle will have charge of the display.
at Townsend's. Top prices paid. Do not place ypttr name on boxes.
Don't forget t.> get your dinner, When they are received at the club
Geo. A. Steel, Thos. Yocum, John Zobrist, L. E. Bellils |
room they will be designated by
at the Park Hotel for 25 cents.
number, so that exhibitors names
Mrs. E. L. Wouacott of Garfield will not appear until after the judge
is reported to be very ill.
has made his awards. Entries can
Vote for the best man and the be made until Nov. 10th. The
best measures.
judging will occur on Saturday
Curtis Wilcox went out on Mon­ Nov. 12th. Do not delay, but
General banking business transacted. Drafts issued to
bring in your exhibits at once.
day and killed another deer.
any part of the W orld.
There will be preaching at the
H a llo w e e n P a rt y
Free Methodist Church next Sun­
M oney telegraphed to any part of the United States
day evening at 7:30 o'clock by
W e handle Trusts, Commissions, Escrows and Collec­
Rev. Hopper of Gresham.
The Jolly Jack-o'-lantern Novel­
Go to the election on next Tues­ ty Co. held a very enjoyable
day and vote. It is your duty to Halloween party at the Harken-
W e afford every facility consistent with good banking
rider home last Monday evening.
do so.
About thirt3-five or forty friends of
Interest paid on T im e Deposits. 3 '*« six months; 4 %
John Page of the P. R. L- & P. Rachael Reed and Clema Harken-
twelve months
Co, after a three weeks visit in the rider were present. Soon after the
East is again at home, John says arrival of the guests they proceeded
W e do all kinds of legal work
Estacada sti'l looks good to him.
to liven things up with games.
W e represent six old line fire insurance companies
At the Methodist Church next Considerable fun was experienced
Sunday morning at 11 A. M. the in the games of the evening. Re­
W e have town lots for sale.
Cash or easy payments
pastor will take for his subject freshments were serged in true
“ American Citizenship.’ ’
All Halloween style, much to the
pleasure of those present. About
electors are invited to he present.
Hours: Open 8 :5 0 A. M.
Close 5 P. M.
Mrs. Wm. Dale let. on Sunday 12 o'clock all wended their way
tor a two weeks visit with her towards home, each believing that
daughters, Mrs. Stubbs of Hood there is nothing quite so enjoyable
as a Halloween evening spent with
River and Mrs. Gill of Dufur.
the Jolly Jack-o'-lantern Novelty
Lee J. Cauficld is the only anti­ Co
assembly candidate for County Sur­
He asks your support,
R e c e p tio n to M in iste r
(paid adv.)
Sv >
Better Be Safe Than Sorry
G et a n A b s tr a c t b e fo re y o u b u y
Ii you are already a landholder, $
be sure you really own the land de­
scribed in your deed.
Our Abstracts oi Clackamas County titles
stand the test.
C L A C K A M A S T I T L E C O M P A N Y . IN C .
Head Offices: 509-511 Chamber of Commerce Building.
<F. ,7. ¿Ri/ey. President
&wnk fß . i/iiteu.
.'35E>¿£ -3Ef3eiSC S¡SSiS> y3B
John Straight and his party from
On Tuesday evening a number
Oregon City, who have been up
members and friends from the
the Clackamas hunting, returned
Episcopal congregation
on Monday with two deer.
gathered at the Parsonage to greet
W. A Kaudle, Fred Mewhirter and welcome the new pastor. The
and A lvy Hulburt went gunning in ladies came provided and refresh­
the. SpVingwater country on Sun­ ments were served later in the
day and landed a three point buck. evening. After a cordial greeting
Two accidents happened at the to the Rev. W. F. R. Browne, his
River Mill dam site late Saturday wife and four children all dispersed.
One resulted in a Currinsville and Ca/.adero citizens
broken leg for one of the workmen were also present.
and the other received a scalp
wound from flying rock during
P o r tla n d F ir m s
C o n t r ib u t e
W, P. Parrel, of Barton, lias
purchased six acres of land ad-
jaceut to his property from Mr.
The fire company desire to
Jibson. Press says he is going to specially mention the following
make a ranch that will be a hum­ persons and firms of Portland who
mer when he gets it fixed up,
generously contributed to their
H. O. Jackson delivered a fine fund for the dance recently held in
hunch of sheep to Penland last aid to secure better fire equip­
eek. We also learn that he was ment for their company, Portland
so unfortunate as to lose a valuable Stationery and Woodeuware Co
horse 011 Suuday. It got loose and $ 2 ; I). N & Ii. Walters $2; M.
foundered on some barley chop it Sellet & Co. £?; Goodyear Rubber
found, from the effects of which it Co. $5; Columbia Phonograph Co.
$2; Berger Bros. $2; Fleischner,
Mayer & Co $4; Mason Erhman
A prohibition rally will be held
& Co. ? i ; Oreg< n Casket Co. $2;
in the I. O .O . F, Hall on Thurs-
Prae! Hegle & Co. $2; Carman
ay Nov. 3, 1910, 8 P. M. W.
Mfg. Co, $2 ; Healey Bros. $2 ;
F. Proctor, C. Schucbel and J. W.
Blake-McFall it Co. £ 1.
Loder of Oregon City will speak.
Music will be furnished by the
male quartett, Everybody invited.
C o l. H o fc r S p e a k s
You are cordially invited by the
members and friends of the Norah
Hale-Looney Memorial Church in
Garfield to be present at a recep­
Now is the time to buy House Furnishings tion to the new pastor Rev. W. R.
Browne and his family Friday
and you can find them at the Estacada Furniture Store. ;
evening Nov. 4th at the church.
W e have a nice line of Iron Beds, just arrived; also Mat­
J. C. Kilgore arrived in Spring-
tresses. Spring that we will guarantee for 20 years against ; water from Chicago on Friday on
account of the illoess of his sou
sagging or breakinng in any part. W hen in need of a good
Sherman. We are glad to report
mattress call and let us show you our B. O . M. E. mattress,
that while he found his son very
ill he is thought to be improving
which means “ Best Mattress on Earth.” Y ou can use it
and it is believed getting along very
for 30 days and if it is not satisfactory and misrepresented
W e ll.
Mrs. E. T. Jones has purchased
lot 4, block 32, located 011 the Bou­
W e also carry Furnishings of all kinds. W hen in need ;
levard, and will erect a modern
bungalow 26x44. At Lindsey has
of Graphophoncs or Records call and get our list. G ive us
the contract and will get it under
your name and we will mail you a new catalogue each
way at once.
month of the famous Columbia Indestructible records.
E. D. Miller of Viola brought to
bring it back and get your money, or another mattress.
When you need anything in our line call and we
will treat you right.
Yours truly
M-W-W-t"! » »+» »+♦ H-+-I
this office a vegetable which he
raised resembling a licet which he
called a mangweitzel and said it
was used for cow feed. It was 27
inches long, 20 inches in circuin
ference and weighed 14 pounds. It
is on exhibition iu our office anil
looks as if it would make a cow a
couple of good square meals.
On Sunday afternoon Col Hofer,
at the I. O. O. F. Hall in Estaca­
da, made an address before a
number of Estacada voters in refer­
ence to the 32 measures to lie found
on the ballot.
He warned them
that great care should be exercised
so that the proper things of benefit
to lis would lie made, laws that we
need not make any apology for or
try to evade would be passed.
He favored the Home Rule bill
and gave good substantial reasons
for bis opinions, citing experiences
he had in other states with con­
stitutional prohibition.
He said
you could vote the district dry but
yeti could not vote the people dry.
The remedy for the liquor evil is
the ousting of the dive keeper and
the proper regulation of license and
for each community to determine
whether or not license should lie
granted. If a town or country dis­
trict desired saloons they could by
their majoiity vote have it. If
they desired none they, by the
same majority, would he free from
it His remarks were highly spoken
of hy those who listened to him ns
being truthful and stripped of scu-
¡ J
h -
LO T M AY lie said about C U R L E E pants,
their beauty of design, excellent qualities
and superior tailoring, which, when summed
up, means just this: “ Full measure of value.”
j* s
M I! ■ . 9 $
Price considered we doubt if you can procure such
stupendous values elsewhere, unless, of course, it be at a
store selling C U R L E E pants.
C U R L E E pants are attractively fashioned and built
to answer every requirement.
You’ ll need a Sunday pair at troni
$5. to $8.
S P -
; Silver Plated Ware
of the very best makes and latest
For Thanksgiving
Men’s Hats
The kind that give good service. Come to 11s
for your new hat and we guarantee to suit both
your taste and your pocketbook.
We have the new, stylish shapes and shades.
Our hats not only look well but wear well.
Prices £1.23 to $3
Boy’s Hats
In the same styles that daddy wears.
hats at 50 qejjts to $1.50.
There’ll be a Bed Warming
T h e newest, big line of Blankets
Boy’ s
Size o 90 cts.
” I. $t 35
Food Chopper
Doca aw ay with
the Chopping
Knife ami Dow*
U niversal
CH Q PprgJ
r o 09
t a n m
H o r se Falls; M a n H u rt
Billy Penland met with an ac­
cident in front of the postoffice on
Saturday evening that might have
been more serious for him than
what it was. He had been at the
slaughter house and with Will
Hashberger they came horseback
into town. The horses were can­
tering along at a pretty good gate
when the animal Penland was rid­
ing fell. In falling Penland was
fastened down by the horse falling
on him and the other horse struck
him with its hoof in the face. The
horse that fell received a broken
k g and was taken to the barn aud
strapped up in the hope of saving
its life. Penland at first did not
think he was much hurt and went
about his work until late and while
on his way home was compelled to
call for help when Mr. Osborn
came out and helped him home.
He is about his wotk now again as
usual but feeis stoved up.
Everett. Gwinn, of Cazadero, and
Miss Luola Lemmon, of Grass
Valley, Ore., were married last
week at the St. Charles hotel in
Portland. About thirty friends of
the bride and groom were present
to witness the ceremony, which
was performed by Rev. D. I).
Young of the M. E. Cluircli. The
groom is a merchant in Cazadero
and has been in business there for
about a year. The bride was the
recipient of numerous useful and
valued wedding gifts. They will
reside at Cazadero.
Livery, Feed & Sale
W . A.
Good rigs and careful drivers always
Hunting and Fishing Parties
Local and Long Distance Telephone
Lorenzo Tenny and Miss Erma
CHAPIN & tit IllOW , ol Portland
Shibley were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony on Wednesday
at high noon at the home of the
bride. About forty friends and
relatives of the bride aad groom as- j A d v i s e us w h a t y o u h a v e f o r s a l e
sembled and were present to witness 1
the ceremony which was performed
by Rev. Geo. Cromlev, of Astoria,
who was a former pastor of the
Springwater Presbyterian church very beautiful copy of “ A Modern
Shdll women Vote
If they did. millions would vote Dr. The bride was a former school Madonna.’’ The guests present
Kind’s New Life Pills the true remedy teacher and the groom is a rancher were, Mr. and Mrs A. E Sparks,
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. fulfils, Mr.
for w o m e n . For banishing dull, fagged in the Springwater district.
feelings, backache or headache, consti­
and Mrs. John Gartner of Firland,
pation, dispelling colds, imparting appe-1
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ctirrin, Mr.
tite ami toning up the system, they’re
and Mrs. Ed. Sating, Mr. and Mrs.
unequaled. Easy, *-3(0, sure. 25c at all
AI Lindsey, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
(Crowded out last week)
lames, Dr. and Mrs. Adix. Mr. and
A very pleasant social event was Mrs. J. W. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Bowerman Will Speak
the "Wooden Wedding” of Mr. M. Miller, Mrs. Jones, and Miss
and Mrs. Fredrick W. Gartner, Jones.
J. Bowerman will speak in Esta­ which was celebrated Monday eve ,
cada on Saturday afternoon. AH Oct. 24II1. “ Five Hundred" was
Will Promote Beauty
the republican candidates will be played at six tables, after which
desiring beauty get wonderfu
present also. Come out and give delicious refreshments were served,
help from Backlen'* Arnica Salve. Ii
them a hearing.
then followed the “ wedding” at banishes pimples, skin eruptions, sore
which Dr. Adix acted as minister, and boils. It makes the skin soft and
For pains in the side or chest dampen and at the conclusion of a very velvety. It glorifies the face. Cures
a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's
sore eyes, cold sores, cracked lii»s, chap­
Liniment and bind it on over the seat of solemn ( ?) and impressive ( ?) cere­ ped hands. l est f r burns, scalds, fiver
pain. There is nothing better. For sale
sores, cuts, bruises and piles. 2$ q at all
in behalf of those present, with a druggists.
by all good dealers.