FAMINE THREATENS PARIS. GALE HITS GULF. AIRSHIP CROSSING ATLANTIC Railroad Employes Strike and Ser­ Indian Hurricane Headed for Walter Wellman and Crew Make Sen­ ious Trouble Follows. Florida Coast.J sational Start. Pari», Oct. 12.—The French govern­ Key West, Oct. 15—At 6 o’clock to­ Atlantic City, N. J., Oct. 17. Sail­ night the wireless station here report­ ing into a thick fog that hung low ment is again facing a serious strike. APPLE PRIZES BIG. PRODUCTS POUR IN. ed a West Indian hurricane centered the Atlantic ocean a few minutes Employes of the Northern railroad Current Events oi Interest Gathered over after 8 o’clock this morning, Walter Remarkable Fruits and Vegetables Great Northern President Offers west of Havana and moving with great Premier Briand of France, Says went on strike early today, and tonight intensity toward Progresao, Yucatan. Wellman, with a crew of five men, is $250 Inducements. to Be Shown. the strike spread to the Western rail­ The storm will extend from Florida believed to be on an epoch- From the World at Large. tonight It Is An Insurrection Oregon’s approaching ap­ to Mexico. All wireless stations with road, which is owned by the state. making voyage to Europe in the huge Portland - Remarkable fruits and ple Portland is receiving attention not the exception of the local government cigar-shaped airship America. vegetables received in the regular con­ only show Indications are that tomorrow will from the fruit growing district of station are disabled. There is an un­ Numerous wireless messages were signments from the commercial bodies see a complete tie-up in Northern General Resume of Important Events received during the day, and the latest in various parts of the state and os­ the Pacific Northwest, but also from confirmed rumor that a liner is ashore Telegraph Wires Cut and Air Brakes a/id Western France. railroad presidents. Louis W. near Key West. Presented In Condensed Form indicated that Wellman is tonight sail­ tensibly for the purpose of display the Disabled — Food Supply for Hill, president of the Great Northern, The weather bureau station at Sand The strike involved about 80,000 ing through the darkness off the New Paris By Water. for Our Busy Readers. with their respective county exhibits, has recognized the importance of the Key was awash and the men there York coast. men. The strike on the Western road The men making the flight are Wai­ are piling up in the rooms of the show and has promised to advance it sought refuge at the lighthouse. The was voted this evening by 8,000 men United wireless Btation was temporar­ Paris, Oct. 13.—The strike of the employed in Paris and suburbs. Wellman, commander; Melvin Van- chamber of commerce in quantités al­ in an effective tmanner. They The political situation in Iowa is so ter Frank W. Power, secretary of the ily disabled and the operator secured iman, chief engineer and next in com­ complicated that both parties are wor­ mand; F. Murray Simmons, navigator; most to start a sideshow. State Horticultural society, received a the instruments and abandoned his railroad men, which threatens to count upon the national unions to tie up ried. J. K. Irwin, wireless operator; John A pumpkin the exact shape and size telegram from Mr. Hill saying that he quarters when heavy seas began to spread throughout France, was de­ the province. and Albert Louis Loud, assist­ of an ordinary football was received in would offer a cash prize of $250 for come in. The goveriftnent wireless nounced today by Premier Briand as The movement may possibly extend Julia Ward Howe, authoress and Aubert a shipment from Oregon City. The the best exhibit from any district trib­ alone was In operation. engineers. philanthropist, is dead at the age of 91 ant The the Eastern and the PariB, Lyons & “ an insurrection, purely, built upon to Mediterranean start of the America was one of color alone prevents the trick of nature utary to the Great Northern line. years. railroads. English Coast Feels Storm. criminal foundations.” Together with this offer, two cash the most dramatic moments ever oc­ from beingjcomplete. Paris is threatened a scarcity William Vaughn Moody, noted play­ curring prizes of $250 will be presented for London—The English coast is strewn here. Roundly criticised by Baker City sent in an onion that The premier declared that the strike of food. Tranportation with is partly pros­ wright and author of “ The Great Di­ people who best fruit exhibits. Accordingly fruit with wreckage as the result of a storm comes up to the standrad regulations did not believe that he was called while negotiations were go­ trated, and.the vast army of working vide,“ is dead. growers in Oregon, Washington, Idaho that has continued for two days. The in every respect but size. It weighs would ever undertake what was ing on for an adjustment of grievances people in the Northwest quarter are to be a foolhardy venture, four pounds, which is nearly the re­ and Montana will be eligible to enter casualty list is a long one. Bodies of and he promised that the instigators of unable The Portland Railway, Light & Pow- thought to reach their places of busi­ displays and to compete for the special five seamen from the coasting steamer cord in the onion production of the Wellman startled the whole island by the strike would be prosecuted. company declared a dividend of bringing ness. > er fc $650,000 prizes. Cranford were picked up off Hartle­ state. the America out of the The river Seine, which in January Military engineers are taking the in one year. and without ceremony going A pumpkin that tips the scales at “ This is the largest single prize pool. It is believed the vessel, which threatened to destroy Paris, looms up places of the strikers, and the troops No recount of the census of Portland hangar that has ever been offered the so­ carried a crew of 20, foundered, and 132 pounds was among the receipts the role of saviour. The govern­ are guarding various stations and im­ has been ordered, and none is contem­ into For the the air. last 30 days the public had from Eugene. It is the product of ciety,” said Mr. Power, “ and it shows that the men were attempting to reach in ment has made arrangements to rush portant sections of the roads. Large plated by the census officials. expectantly awaited some move from the fertile Lane county soil. While what interest Mr. Hill is taking in our shore in a small boat when they were food supplies to Paris from the sea, military forces were distributed when lost. project. We consider the offer im­ the same section has grown larger the intrepid crew. Day after day it requisitioning all boats to meet the A general rain and wind storm on the strike was declared additional pumpkins than this, the specimen is of portant. It will give us an opportun­ Some of the wreckage coming ashore was announced that a trial flight would crisis and ease the food market, which troops were ordered out and the Gulf struck Havana and caused tonight. the peculiar delicate color which makes ity to invite exhibits in carload lots indicates that a sailing ship met a like be made as soon as conditions were is already hard hit. immense loss of life and property. The government has decided upon an and to have competition from all parts fate. Lifeboats from many points The employes of the Eastern and the important it valuable for exhibition purposes. step in an attempt to break New York art dealers arrested for perfect. of the Northwest.” were out and in some instances effect­ * William Blake, of Deer Island, Co­ It was about 4 a. m. today that the Paris, Lyons & Mediterranean rail­ undervaluing imports, claim that they final decision to go up was made by lumbia county, contributed a half doz­ The show will be held in the Armory ed rescues. In other cases they were roads have not to any appreciable ex­ the strike on the Northern road. The Journal publishes a decree more often overvalue their goods, as Chief Engineer Vaniman. All night en potatoes of more than average size November 30 and December 1 and 2, unable to reach distressed craft. tent responded to the strike call and Official to the colors about 30,000 em­ they can then sell them for more. he watched at the weather bureau, and grown without “ irrigation, cultivation under the direction of the State Hor­ the government’s weapon of mobiliza­ calling of the Northern railroad. ^This The railroad strike in France has as dawn broke he decided. Rushing or precipitation.” He has a large ticultural society. tion has induced some of those employ­ ployes Steamer Cannot Make Port. immediately subjects the men to mili­ been called off and the employes grant­ the crew, who slept in the hangar, field devoted to the same variety of ed on the Northern road to return to Tampa, Fla.—A'message from the their posts. Nevertheless, the North­ tary discipline, under which they may HILL GETS FINE EXHIBIT. ed a substantial raise. Paris was com­ Vaniman called Wellman on the tele­ spuds and expects to reap a heavy har­ wireless station at Key Westat 7:20 p. ern ordered to operate the trains. pletely terrorized by the use of bombs. phone at the Hotel Chalfonte, and no­ vest. railroads are prostra­ be Officials m. reported the steamship Olivet just ted. and The Western of the Northern railroad A squash that is the shape of a beer call to the colors has been tified him that the time to start had Warner Valley Land Company Sends outside the bar unable to make port on have issued a statement that wages An auto struck a go-cart in Spokane arrived. bottle is sent in from Lane county. ignored by the large majority and at Railroad Chief Fruit Display. account of heavy seas. The wind is mass meetings today the strikers re­ on the Northern railroad were In and smashed it to splinters, but the With everything ready for the words That peanuts can be grown success­ baby was snatched from the cart by its “ Let go,” the crew climbed into the fully in Baker county soil is amply Lakeview—The Warner Valley Land blowing 50 to 60 miles an hour. The iterated their determination not to creased 3,500,000 francs during the Comus, spoken 40 miles mother and escaped without a scratch. car hanging from the balloon. year of 1909-10, and that the increased which recently steamship demonstrated by the plant with the & Irrigation a company, to the call. west of Tortugas, is proceeding. In­ respond cost of operations and the burdens put body of 150,000 acres dications The first arrest has been made for The final “ good-byes” were said to ripened products clinging to the roots segregated Much destruction has been wrought are that the storm is swerv­ on the Western system, on which the upon them by parliament made it im­ the terms of the Carey act, have ing eastward setting fores fires. William Longfel­ wives, relatives and friends and the received from William Boswell, of under and will strike the Flor­ strikers and their supporters have held possible to meet the demands of the just sent to President Hill, of the ida coast in the low was captured by California officers Baker City. to the ground was given. vicinity of Tampa, up and derailed trains, blocked tracks, men. Northern railway, a fine collec­ slightly to the northwest. for setting fire in the Klamath reserve. last On word the board walk and the beach In the same box came a cucumber Great The barom­ destroyed signals, ripped up rails and tion of fruit gathered on a couple of that weighs six pounds, which is one was assembled a crowd estimated at A thoroughbred prize-winning bull­ about 6,000. The crowd stood in awe of the largest grown in that section the ranches in the North and South eter is reading 29.94. cut telephone and telegraph wires. ROOSEVELT TRIES .FLYING. dog in Spokane gave a fire alarm by as the airship began to rise and sail in this year. Warner valleys. The government has ordered the arrest Quickly Accepts Invitation of Aviator persistent barking and what might There are some Bartlett pears in the GALLERIES MAY BE INVADED of fog. Then cheer after cheer fol­ Baker City is also the source of a collection a score of strike leaders and in­ have been a serious conflagration was the that averaged one and a half for Trip, structions have been issued to the lowed when the craft began to disap­ half dozen specimens of Hubbard pounds, Pippin apples that weighed 20 averted. Wealthy Art Patrons May Have to St. Louis, Mo.—Theodore Roosevelt pear in the mist. Within five minutes squash that weigh from 60 to 65 troops to use severe measures wher­ Glori Mundis, Newtown Pip­ The steam schooner Santa Monica, pounds each. While this size is not ounces, made an aeroplane flight here and said ever occasion requires. ship was out of sight. Turn Over Treasures. pins, Winesaps, Warner Beauties and with about 40 passengers on board, the Robert one of the wireless likely to break the record the explana­ Thousands of person living in the it was the finest experience he had apples that will compare favor­ New York—An anonymous note sent suburbs was picked up helpless at sea and operators Miller, stationed here, kept calling tion that they were selected from the other and employed in Paris massed ever had. He traveled twice around to William Leeb Jr., collector of the ably with those grown anywhere. towed to Seattle. Her machinery had the Ameriqa, but it was not until average yield of a field makes the dis­ this evening around the depots. These the aviation field at Kinloch, 18 miea port of New York, precipitated a sen­ broken down. 11:15 a. m. that there was a response. play somewhat remarkable. found closed and silent, with mil­ west of St. Louis, in 3:20. He waved sational raid on the Fifth avenue es­ they District Shows Good Fruit. itary camps in front. Then, with true his hand at the crowd of thousands on A world-wide steel trust may soon Then out of the air came this message, tablishment of Duveen Brothers’ art Redmond—Specimens of seven var­ galleries and the arrest of two mem­ Parisian gaiety, they laughingly set the field below, most of whom were too the first ever sent from an airship at PEAR ORCHARD TO BE MODEL ieties be a reality. of apples have been brought into out to walk home, perhaps a distance dumbfounded and frightened to move. bers of the firm, Benjamin J. and Taft will urge the development of sea: this city by J. S. Tethrow, who grew five or ten miles, or stormed the When the machine alighted easily, a “ Headed northeast; all well on Henry J. Duveen, charged with con­ of the Alaskan coal fields. on his orchard six miles north­ spiracy board; machinery working fine. Good­ Palmer Estate Plans to Develop 1600 them tramways, cabs automobiles and other few feet from the starting place a to defraud the government of west of Redmond. This orchard is on Acres in Rogue Valley. mighty shout of applause and relief Senator Dolliver, of Iowa, died sud­ bye.—J. Irwin.” than $1,000,000 by undervalua­ conveyances. the Deschutes river, and is 18 years more denly of heart failure. The losses to commerce already are went up. tion of imports. Medford—Modoc orchard promises old. Among the varieties shown are Scores of trains have Arch Hoxsey, a Wright aviator, The San Francisco moral wave is to become the model orchard property Rome Beauty, Bellflower, Spitzenberg In the event of fines being imposed tremendous. been stalled along the roads, many of with whom Colonel Roosevelt made the driving many crooks out of the city. or duties recovered from the firm or its these of southern Oregon as well as the larg­ and Rhode Island Greening. The ap­ carrying food supplies, which flight, said . that the colonel made a est pear orchard in the world. It ples are of the finest, and some of members, the informant will be in line have become Immense census frauds are alleged unfit for use. The pas­ good fellow-voyageur for the trip, but, for the reward offered by the govern­ comprises 1,500 acres, with six miles them of mammoth size. Some of these in the count of Coast cities, and a com­ Fort Dodge, la., Oct 17.—Senator of frontage on both sides of Rogue sengers on the steamship Oceanic, who instead of being afraid, he was having ment for evidence resulting in such apples will be sent to Portland to be plete investigation will be made. took the train at Cherbourg for Paris, such a good time that Hoxsey was Jonathan P. Dolliver died at his resi­ river in the vicinity of Upper Table placed on exhibition to show that the conviction. are blocked at Mante-Sur-Seine, about afraid he would fall out or interfere here at 7:30 o’clock last night, rock. It is under the management of Redmond district is a fruit country. Walter Wellman, with five assist­ dence If the alleged frauds prove as exten­ with the engine, which was roaring at 36 miles from Paris. an attending physician, Dr. E. W. A. Sumner and is owned by the ants, started in his great dirigible bal­ while sive as customs officials have stated, Many Americans have been com­ his side. M. VanPatton, was examining his estate of Potter Palmer of Chicago. loon America, to cross the Atlantic heart this reward will probably be between Apple Harvest Delayed. pelled to remain in this city or pay The colonel waved his hands at the with a stethoscope. ocean. Upon a sightly hill, along the county Medford—Heavy rains in the Rogue $100,000 and $500,000. fabulous sums to reach the coast, so crowd below vigorously that Hoxsey death followed an acute attack road, The United States government has 20 buildings have recently been New York society women are adopt­ of His valley have put a stop to apple­ warrants out for the remaining mem­ that they might embark for England. called out to him: stomach trouble, which affected his erected, which form a little village, River ing the latest Parisian fad of carrying heart. picking. Not more than half the har­ bers of the firm, who have art gal­ M. Jaure, leader of the Socialists in “ Keep your hands on the rail. Col­ physician announced that in which the ranch force and employes vest dolls. They often spend $25 to $100 death was His directly been completed. A great leries in the leading capitals of Eu­ the chamber of deputies, today an­ onel.” Colonel Roosevelt, who had due to dilation of will reside. These buildings have all deal of has delay for the doll costumes. has been caused by the swered Premier Briand, charging that forgotten to hold himself in, waved his the heart. been painted white, overlook the entire of boxes. The association has rope. the railroads of the government were hands once more and then obeyed or­ Adolph Busch, the millionaire brew­ Mr. Dolliver had so far recovered orchard and form a modnl community. scarcity Millions of dollars’ worth of paint­ found it impossible to obtain shipments er, has finished the expenditure of his strength as to be able to walk There is an immense barn in which of box lumber sufficient to meet the ings and art work have been sold to responsible for the present crisis. He ders. that the scheme of militariza­ $600,000 in improving and extending about his lawn. He had been up all hundred tons >f hay and 30 demands of the district. Large quan­ millionaire art patrons in this country, declared Death Takes Wreck Hero. tion was dangerous, as it was certain his famous sunken gardens at Pasa­ day, and at night entered his sitting several and it was suggested that the customs head of livestock are sheltered; there tities of apples are stored in the pack­ room for the daily consultation with are six neat cottages in which employ­ ing houses awaiting the arrival of officials may invade these art collec­ to weaken military discipline and in Seattle- Michael J. Heney, the mil­ dena, Cal. lionaire railroad contractor, is dead in anti-militarism. tions and temporarily hold the master­ crease The French dirigible balloon, the his physician. informed Dr. VanPatton es and their families can reside, be boxes before they can be shipped. The Southwest express had a narrow San Francisco, after an illness of sev­ pieces pending an adjudication of the sides the ranch house with accommoda­ Clement-Bayard, flew from Compeign, that The he senator escape from being wrecked on its ar­ eral months. Heney built the White feeling much improved and alleged frauds. for a score of single men. France, to London in six hours, cross­ that he was PORTLAND MARKETS. rival here today. The brakes failed Pass & Yukon railroad and the Copper believed he had about recover­ tions District Attorney Wise said he be­ A large donkey engine is busy pul­ ing the English channel and outdis­ ed his normal strength. Dr. VanPat­ ling stumps on the hill above the pres­ Wheat — Track prices: Bluestem, lieved that fraudulent valutions have to work and subsequent investigation Valley railroad in Alaska. He almost tancing all express trains. ton cautioned him about becoming anx­ orchard. Some 80 acres of this 88c; club, 83c; red Russian, 82t£c; been carried on systematically for showed that the ' air pipes had been perished in the wreck of the steamship cut. The train dashed into the Auster- Ohio in Northern British Columbia Many arrests have dampened the ar- ious to resume his work and then be­ ent years. hill will be set to pears this winter. valley, 86c; 40-fold, 85c. litz station at a speed of 60 miles an waters in August, 1909, and hail not der of the French railroad strikers. gan the examination of the heart while On the most sightly portion a costly Barley—Feed, $21.500/22 per ton; hour. It was stopped just before been entirely well since that time. He senator was seated in a large Mor­ residence will be erected as a summer brewing, Hurricane Rages in Cuoa. New York art dealers are accused of the $23. was carried overboard when the ship reaching Dorsant terminus. chair. The physician was counting home for Honore Palmer and family. Havana—The provinces of Havana, customs frauds aggregating a million ris Millstuffs,—Bran, $25 per ton; mid­ Matanzas and Pinar del Rio have been At Bois the Colombes went down and after swimming ashore the strikers held the beats of the senator’s heart out When the present plans are carried dlings, dollars. $33; shorts, $27; rolled barley, in the grip of the severest storm of up a freight train and, smashing in the he neglected himself to care for the loud. He was frequently interrupted out there will be a continuous pear or­ Thomas S. Baldwin was injured and by Mr. Dolliver with the declaration chard of 600 acres north of the river. $24.500/25.50. shipwrecked women and children.' doors of the cars., freed a cargo of recent years since Thursday. The Hay—Track prices: Timothy, Wil­ his biplane wrecked in a flight at Iowa that he was unable to hear his own Eventually the land to the south of the lamette cattle. Heavy consignments of fruit highest velocity of wind was 80 miles valley, $190/20 per ton; East­ City, la. vegetables destined for Belgium Absconder Spoils Plans, heart. will also be planted, but for the ern Oregon, $210722; alfalfa, new, $15 an hour. The rain probably was un­ and and Northern France are stalled and Los Angeles—Officials of the Farm­ Presidents of two big railroads ar­ The physician suddently noticed that river precedented, and has wrought great present it will be farmed for grain and @16; grain hay, $14. ruined. Prices of fish, eggs, butter gued before the Interstate commerce the heartbeats had ceased. He shook hay for use on the property. & Merchants Nations bank were so Corn—Whole, $31; cracked, $32 ton. damage to sugar cane and tobacco. and milk have jumped 25 per cent ers commission for higher freight rates. his stethoscope, thinking that it was well pleased with the work and ability Exit from and entrance to the port Oats—White, $2@278 per ton. The merchants are arranging for the in some way. Again apply­ business of Wilson B. Evans, Extensive frauds have been discov­ defective Green Fruits—Apples, new, 60c0z, have been closed. Dredges and barges transportation of vegetables from the to the draw Cow in Mud for 23 Days. his instrument he discovered that absconding assistant teller, whose working about the battleship Maine ered in the Japanese navy, and several ing $1.50 per box; pears, $10i<2; peaches, Astoria—After being lost for 23 suburbs by automobiles. heart had ceased entirely. Upon peculations nre said to have been $50,- prominent commanders have been ar­ the per Zerate; grapes, 75c0/ $1.25 were compelled to seek refuge. All a cow belonging to Jens Peter­ 650/85c looking into the senator's face he dis­ days, 000, that they planned to promote him but one dredge got away safely. The rested. per box; 150/.17,1^c per basket; cran­ son, who conducts a store at ¿Williams­ Search for Gold Ended. upon his return from his vacation. Over half the children in the public covered that he had died, without a port, was found late Sunday afternoon berries, $8.150/9.50 per barrel; huck­ crew of the dredge was rescued. Los Angeles—Two associates. Fuller Now they are very anxious to get hold 70/8c per pound; quinces, schools of Kansas City have been rec­ struggle and without pain. mired in the mud on the tide flats, leberries, and Steward, hardly less known in the of him to place him behind the bars. $1@1.25 per box; watermelons, $1 per Passes Will Be Limited. ommended for treatment for mental or where she had been without food or hundred: Trepanning Skull Saves. world of adventure than himself, He is thought to be in Mexico. The cantaloupes, $1@1.50 per physical defects. Helena, Mont.—The issuance of pas­ water all that time. Strange to say, Walla Walla, Wash.—After having the animal was alive, but was so weak crate; casabas, $3.50 per dozen. reached this city with the personal last day Evans was on duty at the bsnk ses by the Northern Pacific railroad President Taft has placed his O. K. nearly become insane through pressure she could not raise her head and was Vegetables—Beans, 30/ 5c per pound company henceforth will be restricted effects of Dr. Charles P. Holt, of he secreted a roll of $5,000 on his on the plans for raising tho battleship on his brian caused by an injury to his practically nothing but "skin and cabbage, ltyc; cauliflower, 50c@$1.25 to actual employes, members of the Santa Ana, the distinguished journal­ person. Maine in Havana harbor, and work skull, while serving in the Philippines, bones.” After being extricated from per dozen; celery, 500/90c; com, 12@ State Railway commission and Buch ist, scientist and explorer, who died of will begin next February. Authoress Sues Hearst. Captain Charles Booker, of Dayton, is the alone in a far-off port of Colom­ 15c; cucumbers, 250/40c per box; egg­ contracting firms as are engaged in the fever, the cow was placed on a sled plant, bia, South America, with wealth with­ San Francisco — A $10,000 damage Twenty-two men were discharged by fully recovered through an operation and mud, $10/1.25 per crate; garlic, 8@ interests of the company. Announce­ hauled to the stable, where she is in his grasp. The lure of gold had suit was filed here in the United States a California mining company for steal­ which conaistedjof trepanning his skull. 10c per pound; green onions, 15c per ment to this effect came from Third drawn Dr. Holt to every part of the Circuit court againdst William Ran­ ing high grade ore. It is believed For several years the mind of Captain being cared for. dozen; peppers, 6c per pound; pump­ Vice-President M. S. Slade, of the globe where the precious metal is dolph Hearst by Miss Ciceley Hamil­ $80,000 worth has been stolen during Booker had become more clouded, and kins, 1 tjc; radishes, 15@20c per doz­ Northern Pacific. Elgin Realty Takes Jump. so much so that lately he had been al­ Elgin—The excursion rates from the en; sprouts, 7(/78c; squash, l>4c per The action follows a ruling by the found. He was among the first that ton, of London, for an alleged infringe­ the past few months. irresponsible. The operation East are reviving the real estate pound: tomatoes, 16@50c per box; car­ Montana Supreme court holding the invaded Alaska. ment of copyright. The complaint A government engineer at work on most entirely successful. Captain transfers recites that “ The American Weekly,” rots, $10/1.25 hundred; parsnips, $1@ the Alaskan boundary has discovered a was issuance of railway passes to be a vio­ in and about Elgin, the fol­ Roosevelt Commends Catholics a weekly paper published here by Wil­ mountain which he believes is fully Booker was wounded by the explosion lowing being reported in the past few 1.25; turnips, $1. liam Randolph Hearst, has been run­ Peoria, 111.—Ex-president Roosevelt ning Potatoes—Oregon, $1.25 per hun­ lation of the state law. 22,000 feet high, which is nearly 2,000 of a shell. days : Bruce Brown sold to T. Boyd a serial credited to Joseph dred. came up from the South into Illinois, feet higher than Mt. McKinley. Makes Call In Aeroplane. his 330-acre ranch lying eight miles Goldseekers Returning. O’Brien, but which was written by denounced corrupt legislatures and Onions—Ore/on, buying price, $1.10 east from Elgin; Russel Plass sold his Washington—Claude Graham White, President Taft will sail for an in­ Dawson, Y. T.—-Between 1,500 and 160-acre ranch to O. E. Ryder; W. R. per hundred. the work which the Roman Miss Hamilton. the English aviator, stopped at the commended spection trip to the Isthmus of Panama 2,000 Catholic church Leaving Alaskans from the Iditarod and Poultry -Hens, 17@17,4'c; springs, Peck disposed of his residence property White House door in his aeroplane, Suspect Arrested. on November 10, leaving Charleston, Fairbanks districts are on their way holdings—three in number—in Elgin; 160/16>4c; ducks, white, 16@18c; after a flight of about six miles. He St. Louis early in is the doing. day, he S. C., on the cruiser North Carolina, out of the country via the Yukon River A. J. Tucker sold to Bert Fraser his geese, 11c; turkeys, live, 20c; dressed, landed where the slightest deviation across the southern end of traveled Sacramento, Oct. 12.—Sacramento Illinois, convoyed by her sister ship, the Mon­ and Skagway and will pour into Se­ residence property on E street. at several places on the way. police today arrested George Wallace, 22 0 / 2 5c; squabs, $2 per dozen. the course would have impaled speaking tana. attle within the next two weeks. In Peoria he was the guest of the suspected of having been concerned in Butter—City creamery, solid pack, from him on the spikes of an iron fence at Los Angeles Times dynamite ex­ men have finished their season's 36c per pound; prints, 370/37lie; out­ his right, or smashed him against Knights of Columbus, to whom he the Coal from the Pacific Coast is to be These Elgin’s Show Attracts. plosion. Wallace's attempt at tha made a speech at a dinner in the even­ work and are going south to spend the Elgin— side creamery, 350736c; butter fat, given a thorough test by the navy. granite walls at his left Admiral Elgin's third apple winter. ;Most of them will return show, which That It was Colonel Roosevelt’s first time of his arrest to destroy a letter country store butter, 240/25c. Dewey was on the spot to extend con­ ing. is to be held November 86c; Eggs spring. The last boat for White 3, 4 and 5, will public utterances to Roman Catholics which, when pieced together, con­ Oregon, candled, 34@35c per One death has occurred in the slums next gratulations. An hour later White be a success is practi­ dozen; Eastern, 260732c. Horse is scheduled to sail on the 18th. cally assured. Much since the Vatican incident last spring. tained veiled reference to the explos­ of New York from a virulent attack of The ascended from the spot where he had interest is also Pork—Fancy, 13c per pound. ion, and the fact that he almost col­ last steamer from White Horse being shown by the different Asiatic cholera. landed and returned to bis starting lapsed when taken into custody, con­ for Dawson is expected to leave there who are aiding the show by nurseries, Car Upturns, Racer Dies. Veal—Fancy, 85 to 125 pounds, 13 point, the Bennings rare track. offering the belief of the detectives that Roosevelt made a short flight in an Wednesday or Thursday. - j per pound. Amarillo, Texas—T. H. Skaggs, of firm prizes from their stocks for different 0713c they have made an important capture. aeroplane at St. Louis, and said he en­ Hops — 1910 crop, 100712c per Decatur, Ala., was killed instantly Negro Kills Two, Hurts Five. exhibits, as are also the spraying pump pound; 1909, nominal; olds, nominal. joyed it immensely. Arizona tor Initiative. here when the 90-horse-power Simplex Huntington, W. Va.—In a fight be­ car houses and spray poison dealers. ’Homesick, Men Mutiny Wool—Eastern Oregon, 130717c per Phoenix, Ariz.—The Arizona consti­ he was driving in a 200-mile auto­ tween George Johnson, a negro, and a T ie Supreme court is now complete tutional convention received three pro­ pound; valley, 170719c.; mohair, San Francisco — Homesick In the mobile race turned turtle. As his car posse here two persons, including John­ R’id will begin hearing important positions, of which the third, providing Lakeview to Show Apples. choice, 3207 33c. Arctic, several of the crew of the swept around a curve of the course, son, were killed and five were seriously oika against the trusts in January. for religious toleration but prohibiting Lakeview—The Lakeview board of Cattle—Beef steers, good to choice, one of the inner wheels was crushed. whaler Letitia threw the harpoon guns injured. George Tobias, a member of was introduced by the only trade has practically completed a col­ $5075.90; fair to medium, $4.500/5; car turned completely over, pinn­ overboard and though placed in irons, Relief is being sent to tho forest fire polygamy, posse was killed by Johnson, and The Mormon member, L. L. Webb, of Gra­ lection of samples of apples grown in choice spayed heifers, $4.504/74.75; the ing Skaggs under it Skaggs had lost succeeded in terminating the vessel’s sufferers in Minnesota and Canada. Detective Lentz and Charles Hale were county, ex-speaker of the house this section wihch will all be forward­ good to choice beef cows, $4.267/74.50; fatally wounded. In the course of the two laps because of tire trouble and cruise. The Letitia arrived here with Soldiers have almost disappeared ham and candidate for the presidency of ed to the Great Northern exhibit medium to good beef cows, $3.507//4; battle, driving desperately to regain the 350 barrels of oil and 4,700 pounds of Chief of Police Clingenpeel was from the streets of Lisbon, and con­ the convention. After adjournment a train. Among the samples were Blue common beef cows, $2o/3.50; bulls, lost ground. whalebone, all of which were taken climbed to the top of a cliff where the ditions are rapidly becoming normal poll was taken of the legislative com­ Pearmains, Winter Bananas, Wolf $3.607 i /.4: stags, good to choice, -$407 within 16 days. negro was barricaded, and shot him again. Argentina Heads Sworn. mittee, which shows that a majority River and Spitzenbergs. 4.60; calves, light, $6.60077; heavy, dead, j A bride of four days set fire to the $3.75075. Record in Air is Broken. Buenos Ayres—Señor Roque Senza house and tried to burn her husband at favored the initiative and referendum. "What was the trouble between Hogs—Top, $9.750710; fair to me­ Pena and Dr. Victorino de la Plaza SL Louis—A. L. Welsh, in a Wright |Two Fall Into Boiling Dye. Elmhurst, Cal., after they had been Riots Rule in Nicaragua. Swinton and his wife? Was it his dium. $9.500/9.75. were inaugurated respectively as pres­ biplane, created a new endurance re­ hrving a family quarrel. New Orleans — News reached here fault or hers that they were unable to Sheep—Best valley wethers. $3.25 Provo, Utah—Two employes of the ident and vice president of the Argen­ cord for America of 8 hours, 11 min­ Willamette valley shippers have from Managua, Nicaragua, that disor­ get along together?” " It’s rather 7//3.60; fair to good wethers, $37/73.25; Knights Woolen Mills fell into a vat tine Republic. President Pena de­ and 35 seconds. The previous filed a rebate suit with the Interstate der had broken out anew in the capital hard to decide. It appears that when­ best Mt. Adams wethers, $4074.25; of boiling dye while scuffling on its clared in his message that his interna- utes was made by Ralph Johnstone Commerce commission covering exces­ and that frequent rioting was occur­ ever one of them had an irresistible best valley ewes, $37//3.50; lambs, brink. H. D. Jonhoon died soon after lional policy would be directed with record the Harvar,’ meet at Atlantic, sive freight rates during the past ten ring. According to these advices the impulse the other had an unalterable choice Mt. Adams, $5.85075.50; choice being taken out and his companion. friendship toward Europe and fratern­ in Mass., September 12, in 3 hours, 5 objection.” —Chicago Record-Herald. valley, $5 tz /5.25. situation had become very critical. John H. Nebaker, cannot live. years. ity for America. minutes, 40 seconds. DOINGS OFTHEWEEK INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OF TRE STATE DENOUNCES STRIKE SENATOR DOLLIVER, IOWA, DIES OF HEART FAILURE bo