Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, October 06, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 7 of VOI«. 3
Estacada State Bank
Geo. A. Steel, President.
'* * *
Geo. A. Steel, Thos. Yocum, John ¿obrist, L. E. Belfils
General banking business transacted. Drafts issued to
any part of the World.
Money telegraphed to any part of the United States
We handle Trusts, Commissions, Escrows and Collec- “
We afford every facility consistent with good banking v
Interest paid on Time Deposits. 3"" six months; 4""
twelve months
We do all kinds of legal work
We represent six old line fire insurance companies
We have town lots for sale. Cash or easy payments !!
i .
L. E Belfils has sufficiently re­
covered to be back to work in the
bank again.
Mr, and Mrs. D. B. Eshletnan
returned on Saturday from their
trip to Alberta.
scribed in your deed.
s t a n d th e test.
l a c k a m a s
it l e
o m p a n y
in c
E S T A B L IS H E D 1 3 9 3
Head Offices: 509-511 Chamber of Commerce Building.
rfmnb ,(ß , fRileu. Secretary
S. ,7. ffli/ei/, President
■ S E S B S e Y 2 E 2 B
When in need of Furniture of any kind call in or see
us. We also^iave a nice line of Blankets from 85 cts. to $8 1
Comforts, pillows, and in fact we can furnish you a bed from
start to finish, and at prices that are right.
We have just received a nice lot of Wall Paper which !
gives us a nice line to select from. We have Deadening
Felt, House Lining and Sheep Skin Fibre Sheating.
G la s s w a re a n d D is h e s or a lm o s t a ll
k in d s .
We just received a fine, new line of matting. Give
us a call.
When in want of a Graphophone or Records, Sewing
Machine or anything in our line, call in at the
W. D. & L. M. Henthom, Props.
( .» » ♦
|. M
That’s due to C U R I.K E unusual quality. You can't
find it in any other make of pants selling for even more-
There is only one way to cure yourself of high price
and made-to-measure pants wear C U R L E E S.
F A S H IO N a n d Q U A L IT Y
Prices up to $ 8 .0 0
M dse, fo r Cash
Examinations For
Assistant l^an^crs
Estacada cTWeixantile Co.
M dse, fo r C ash
Boys High Top and Nap-a-tan only kind you want.
Shoes for Men
in all the correct models of the
season, are ready for you at otir
store. Our stock includes light,
medium and heavy shoes in all
sizes and styles.
American Gentleman
shoes at $3 50 to $5.
Hunkidori hand made heavy
work shoes, loggers and high
tops at $3.50, $4, $4 50 $5, $7
and $8.
Boys High Top Shoes
just the thing for thé boy that
goes to school and has chores ta
do outside. Keeps the aiskles
nice and warm, saves doctor
bills. We are pleased to state
that they are not of the flimsy
kind but are of the same make
as our men s shoes.
The Civil Service Commission
The city is having the big stumps will hold an examination for Assist­
burned out that have not added ant Forest Ranger on October 24-
ail) to the appearance nor con­ 1 25, 1910. The U. S. Department
venience of travel on Zobrist St. of Agriculture estimates that 400
between 2nd and 3rd.
c n »
eligibies will be needed during the I m
We have a cash buyer for an im­ field season of 19 11.
proved farm of from 30 to 60 acres. Forest Rangers are paid an entrance survived by the following children,
Mrs. Emma Yeakey of Portland,
Write immediately giving price and salary of $ 1,10 0 per annum.
The examination will be held at Ore., Mrs. Reed of Miuueapolis,
full partict lars.
Ralph Ackley,
National Forest headquarters in Minn., and Mrs. Clark Wisner of
605'Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Alaska, Arizona, California, Colo­ Estacada. The children, also his
J. H. Burton, of Portland, while
rado, Florida,
Idaho,* Kansas, brother Wellington Pratt of The
engaged in fishing near the Brown
1 Michigan,
Minnesota, Montana, Dalles, were here at the time of his
place on the Clackamas last week,
Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, death.
fell and dislocated his shoulder.
Oregon, South Dakota, Washing­
The body was shipped to Clear
Mr. Houck brought him to Estaca­
ton, and Wyoming, No examin­ Lake, Polk Co,, Wisconsin, for
da where I)r. Adix attended him.
ations will be held in Arkansas, burial on Saturday evening.
Mrs. Humble, mother of Miss Oklahoma, and Utah, except at Reed accompanied the remains.
Miriam Humble the teacher em­ Kanab, Utah, the headquarters of
ployed at the Garfield school, has the Kaibab National Forest. Since
Lightning Plays Piano
rented part of the old Irwin home all of the Kaibab Forest is in Ari-
now owned by Mr, Wonacott and jzona, residents of Arizona will,
Lightning tore open the piano,
moved« there this week.
This under the law, have preference in
shattered one side of the building,
makes it convenient for the teach­ a] poiutmeuts for this Forest.
knocked out the front door and
starteil a small fire near the tele­
Mrs. Evans, finding it impossible
Death O f Martin Pratt phone when it struck the mountain
to rent a house in Estacada, has ,
home of Adolf Aschoff, at Marmot,
purchased the A1 Lindsey property ,
Or., Saturday, hut it did not kill
and will shortly move here.
Martin Pratt died at the Park or even seriously injure any of the
Evans does this so that it will be Hotel on Saturday morning after a several occupants.
convenient for her son Milton to short illness. Mr. Pratt, with his
While the bolt was ripping the
attend our school. Here is another son-in-law Clark Wisner, recently piano, jangling the keys out of
evidence that it builds up our city came from The Dalles and were nr tune, Mr, Aschoff was standing
ranging to open tip the Park Hotel near the telephone. Following the
to have good schools.
to keep boarders. He has been a crash, a tiny flame started near the
Capt, Shannon, an old time resi­
sufferer from diabetes for a number instrument aud, although stunned
dent of Springwater, was taken to
of years, which was the cause of by the shock, Mr Aschoff calmly
Portland in an automobile ambu­
bis death, Mr. Ycakey, also a sotl- put out the blaze with his hand.
lance to the Goo 1 Samaritan hos- .
in law. had previously intended to Since the lightning struck Mr. A s­
pital last week. Mr. Shannon had
open up the Park Hotel but before choff lias complained of headache,
been away and had just returned
atrar.gements to have the building his son Gustav’s hearing has been
home when he was taken sick.
repaired could be completed he affected and Mrs. Aschoff lias
was thought best by his children to
died suddenly in Portland,
suffered from a pain in the back
have him removed to the hospital
Martin Pratt was born in the but they consider themselves lucky
where he could receive the best at­
state of New York. He served as to have escaped alive Oregonian,
a soldier in that-state enlisting for Oct, 4.
Geo. Dale who works at the three years service in 1862.
power plant at Cazadero was struck serving two and a half years he
by a flying belt on Thursday morn was dis' barged from the service in
ing and received a cut m the right 1865 tor disability. lie came West
side of his head, abo several hard in May 194*) and located in the Now the apple ladder's in the trees
Aud friendly voices 'mid the
raps on the l*ck . The accident state of Washington, where he re
4 happened about six o'clock in the sided for al-oul a year after which
morning and he had just gone on he took tip a homestead in Was< o Along the farimvay all the- day
The wagons filled with apples go,
his shift. Mr. Robley brought him Co.. Ore. He came to Estacada
And golden pumpkins and ripe corn
home on the early car. He was about a month ago.
And alt the ru Idy overflow
At the time of his death he was
put to bed and is resting fairly com­
aged 74 years and 4 tuo lie is From Aulum's apron, as she goes
$ 3-5°. $ 3-75.
We can fit you perfectly from
Boy’s Hunkidori high top at our complete range of sizes.
$ 3- 75-
Glove fitting high tops at $5
per pair.
Correct Models of Shoes
lo r Ladies
Correct models of shoes are ready pure food products for the par­
ticular lady when company ar­
for you at our store.
A m e r i c a n L a d y S p e c i a l rives.
are famous for their -stylish ap­ Heinz Catsup 15 cts.
Heinz Catsup 25 cts.
pearance and long wear.
American Lady Shoes at $3.50 Heinz Pork and Beans 10 cts.
Heinz Pork and Beans 15 cts.
per pair.
Heinz Pickles, India Relish,
High Top Shoes for lad ies Chili Sauce, Pepper Sauce, etc.
Ottr high tops are the sott,
glove fitting kind—the Nap a-
Let us quote you a price 1 n
tan. And then you will have
the satisfaction of knowing that any kind of farm machinery that
they are strongly built and will you may need. Also a price < n
staud long wear. “ That’s " the that new buggy, hack or wagon.
be sure you really own the land de­
S •
Better Be Safe Than Sorry
It you are already a landholder,
Work in 'em all day, brush 'em off at night and
you're ready for society stunts.
Twenty-five members of the Ma-
zamas Mountain Climbing Club,
Rev. Brown, the new paster of ] through the courtesy of B. O.
the Estacada M. E, Church, will j Coldwell of the P. R. L &, P
preach next Sunday morning.
¡Co., came to Estacada on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stratton 1
and daughter Edith, of Portland,
spetu a couple days this week visit­
ing with friends in Estacada.
Mazamas Visit
G et a n A b s tr a c t b e fo re y o u b u y
✓ " '\ U R L E E Pants are attractively fashioned and built
^ j to answer every requirement.
Fat tattle wanted; the fatter the cada has brought mandamus pro
cecdings against the mayor and
better.—See Penlaod & jorg.
city couucil to compel them to issue
Sheriff Beatie made a business to him such license. It is alter-:
call in Estacada Tuesday.
j native in character, giving the
The days are liccoming shorter. council the privilege to grant a
and the nights longer.
license to the plaiutiff or to appear
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Hulse spent before the circuit court at Oregon
City on Tuesday Oct. n th to show
Tuesday in Portland.
cause why they refuse to grant a
Jerry Jones is on the sick list
this week,
O u r A b s tra c ts oi C la c k a m a s C o u n ty
Starts Suit
Rev, Knhltnau has been changed last to sei-' ,he city and its wooded
in his pastorate to Stieridau. He country. Several points of interest
were suggested as places likely to
leaves this week.
prove interesting to such a hard)
Wm. Perry is all smiles these
bunch. They finally decided they
days all ou account of a baby girl
would take to the woods. With
Close 5 P. INI. : that came to his home ou Friday.
Mr. Hulse as guide they climbed
Mrs. Otto Stubcn, of Portland, the elevations on the south side of
was a visitor to Estacada ou Wed­ the river and came by wav of 11a-
beits down the bluff to the Clack­
Ther^days rain did not
Gerald Wilcox, of Springwater, amas.
has returned to Corvallis where he matter but proved a little un­
pleasant as all were drenched by
is attending school.
the ratn and wet brush. The trip
A ten pound baby girl arrived at
was enjoyed however by all as
the hoipe of Mr. and Mrs. Roy-
most of them are familiar with
Wood ward in Oregon City on
roughing it, Mr. West of the rail­
road company’ s officials, made one
J. I Bunker who has been con­ of the party. They had a special
fined to his bed by sickness for the J car
past two weeks was able to be oil j
the street again this week.
Hours« Open 8 : 5 0 A. M.
■ B H
Gilbert C. Retd, of Portland, an [
W a n t e d N ice fat beef cattle
at Townsend's. Top prices paid. applicant for liquor license in Esta- ,
Subscribe now
L. E Belfils, Cashier
j License Petitioi^r
$ i A YEAR
k jio
++-4-1-+ 4- I--IH -H -t-H -t-F -H -t-t. '
It's E a s y To S e ll Y o u r L a n d
If you can only find a Buyer who wants it.
“Finding the Buyer” is our Business and it takes
Time, Money and Advertising to do it.
Owing to our business connection with the well known
Portland real estate firm of CHAPIN & HERLOW , we
are able to bring that Buyer and your Land together.
Advise us what you have for sale, for STANDISH
BROTHERS can sell your land.
About her orchards aud her fields
And gathers into stacks and hams
The treasure that the summer
-—Farm Journal
.1. B. C. Has Good Time
(This Interesting piece of news
was unintentionally omitted from
last week's issue.)
The J. B. C's. broke into the
limelight again Friday evening
(Sept. 23) by giviue a house party
at the home of J. I’ . Woodle. Quite
a number of the young friends of
the Woodle family were present.
Flinch was the game of the even­
ing. Aliout midnight refreshments
were served and the guests soon all
departed for their several homes
each vowing they had had a splen­
did time anil hoping that these
gatherings could be kept up all the
. « •
Feed & Sale
Good rigs and careful drivers always
Hunting and Fishing parties
Local and Long Distance Telephone
brought before the recorder where
he phaded not guilty and the trial
set for Tuesday at 11 A. M . at
which time the defendant appeared
aud asked for a continuation as it
was impossible for his attorney to
be present at that time. The ease
was continued until Thursday at 11
It’s The W orld’s Best
No one has ever made a
,„!m .ompare with
1 Bucklen's Arnica Sali c
U s the
Jerry Jones having said before one perfes t heah r of Cut
the marshal and others that he had Burns. Hrui . Sores, S Yds. 1 ■
secured a bottle of -vhiskey from J Ulcers. F.c/.cuia, Salt Rheum
I or
P. Altizer, Mayor Reed swore to a Sore lives Col l S res. Ch ipp- d
complaint charging Altizer with Hands, or Sprains, it's supreme,
violating l'.. ordinances of Estava- Infallible for Piles Only 25c at all
da. Altizer was arrested and druggists.
Charged With Selling Liquor ointm,nl