T w g a r >m,,iasH Biiiw s a q a ESTACADA PROGRESS 3 ¿l>* (IN C O R F O R A T E ! ’ ) t 'A L A i E DIRECTORS: C h as . J. E. rho E. S. W O M E R , in i «red H in d ie President Viet* President L. E. B r i . f i l s , Treasurer D ubo W . R is , T h e , Editor and H o t e l E s t a c a d a A L L MODERN CO N VE N IENCES Cash Paid ior Hides and Market Products We Buy and Sell SHEEP CATTLE CHICKENS EAL One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast gjJJEA HOGS HIDES Local and Tourist Trade Solicited Published Ivory Thursday Morninq ISTACADA, OREGON lir a M l AI t h e B e s t F r e s h a n d C u r e d M e a ls Manager at the postoffice in Estacada. Oregon a: second class mail learn Work and Haiiling by the Day or Contract ¡I HEAD CHLESE FRESH MEATS SMOKED MEATS LARD EGGS SAUSAGE P E N L A N D & JÖ R G » o a n n » S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S One year.......................................... ................. ÎI Six months..^..................................... 00 j 50 ¡ Thursday, September 15 , 1910 r MDSE. FOR CASH iSU — bh „ GARFIFLD Mr. Kerr, a fruit raiser from Hood Uivt r, spent Monday with Mr. A. O. Whitcomb, Mr. Kerr From was very favorably impressed with our country and in all probability The Estacada Mercantile Co. will locate in Garfield. W e are germing for your trade and yet the only I 0 Mrs. R. M. Standish entertained persuasive power we will use to get the business will be e 3 • iy a tew of her friends at luncheon the unusual quality of our goods and the low prices jj fl last Tuesday. rj Mrs. Stokes and family have re- which we ask. Sp turned to tlieir Portland home for A| the winter. A Dr. Hewitt and family have also // E l e n ’ s S p e c u li ¿d isc o u n t o f /«.» pen cen t. on (•i returned to their home in Portland tin ti L. nr fins C >forc/ f 7 te ò/toes. U for the winter. ”T:~ g*g_ The correct way to pronounce it 11 Ls Ks-ta-ca-da, accent on the third ij syllable, a having the sound of a as in ah iu the two last syllables. i W-UbwfflMBg »jfjssKaar.ï: 3 ^ — / cA Flying ¿/Message WOOD delivered in any quautity ! or length. i-.t class foot wood 1 slabwood delivered at ÿj.oo pei j I cord. 16 inch at $2.50 per load. ¡I W. M. V0.NCE Tungsten Lamps The Cheapest Light In NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S . Land O ffice at Portland, Oregon. July 30th, 1910. Notice is hereby given that Ora V. Holgate, of Portland. Oregon, who. on September 20th, 1909 made Tim ber and Stone application No. 0221b for the S W 1 T section 34. township 4 south, range 4 east, Willamette Meridian has filed notice of Inten­ tion to make Final timber and stone Proof, to estal Hah claim to the land above described, before the register and tecelver of the United States Land O ffice at Portland. Oregon, on the 28 day of October 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: A. R . Joy, J. M. C beever J. M. Joy, C. LaBarre all of Portland. Oregon H. F. Hlgbjr. Register The World Th« Best for the Eyes Electric Store Membeis of the Board of Army Engineers have inspected the Uma- f Notice for Publication , tilla irrigation project during the ; U. S. Land Office at Portland. Oregon. September past week and upon their report 10th. 1910. Notice ia hereby given that Mrs. Minnie Pulley. depends Oregou’ s chances of sliar- j widow of James W , Pulley, deceased, of Estacada. H E N R Y V. A D IX . M .D ing in the $20,000,000 bond issue Oregon, who. cn August 14th. 1905, made Home- ttoad entry No. 15/70 Serial. No. 01216 for the proposed for the completion of re P H Y S IC IA N & SU R G E O N NF.^' N W K anti Lot 1. Soctton 24. Township 3 clamatiou projects already under, ***** south, Ramre 4 east Willamatto Meridian haa filed notice of Intention to make Final F ive year Proof, to way The inspectors declined to ORF1CK, A D JO IN IN G R E S ID E N C B C h ild ren s and Ladies K n it G loves at 25 to 50 cents. SPRING WATER establish claim to the land above described, before make any statement but it is re-1 the R egister and R eceiver. U . S. Land Office, at Infants Sw eaters 50 cents to . .50. Local and Long Distance Telephone Portland, Oregon, on the 20th day of October 1910. garded as certain that their report j Lad ies’ K n it Scarfs and Breakfast Shawl;» 50 cents to >3.50. The doctor's phone can be connected Claimant nan.es as witnesses J Again we hear the school hell G e n ts’ and L a d ie s’ M ufflers 25 to 50 cents. will be favorable. E. L.^Wonacott, H. E. Been, W . R. Rhodes. N or­ with your home phosse at night if re­ ! -j ringmg-and see the happy children Lad ies’ U nion Suits 60 to i t . 25. M en ’s I 11 ion Suits at $1.25* man Tracy all of Estacada, Oregon. quested. One long ring. They went carefully over the W e h a v e a m o st c o m p le te s h o w - H. F. Htgby, Register C h ild re n ’s U n ion Suits 45 to 60 cents. ! j» on their way to school. Owing to district and saw thriving orchards, ; i n g in Side a n d B a c k C o m b s , B a r - Latest strati l effect in P ack Com bs and Barrettes, per set, 25 cents. : f.i the early beginning, and to tlie reties a n d N o v e l t i c ;. alfalfa fields from which three Dr.L.A. W E L L S M en ’s show n it m ercerized hose at 23 cents i>er pair. J || fact that the harvest of fruit has crops have been cut, and gardens M en’s extra q u ality fine wool host , per pair, as cen ts. D E N T IS T C F g not been completed, the attendance See our line of Steel Rjnoe3 e: ;:l M en ’s M ed icctt Heavy Scotch W ool Shetland Underw ear, per suit filled with fine vegetables. Re­ S H E A R ER A N D W ELLS' S e t t l e I t H o w j f >;i is not as large as it otherwise clamation Service officials told the j Heating Stoves. D e n tis ts o f P o r t la n d I “ would be, also some are kept away , x, b . n engineers that conditions on the N » , : - r —a U » ! » ? Will visit Estacada on Friday and n K B S P a iS « F t iM m u m m ii M I HJW ïü - by the measles. I F;. proposed extension of the project Saturday o i each week Miss Francis Robinson, who was For constitutional amendment are more favorable than those on Appointments may be made KLIIII NURSERY €0. with Dr. Adix. formerly a resident of Springwater, the district where reclamation work givin g to cities anc towns Camas, Wash. [but who is now located iu Portland exclusive pow er to license, has already proved so successful. sample Latest • lo ü .i - K a n e o r special - opfer at once. training to be a nurse at the Good nuking moneyiaac. I Vrr-e f o r f U f » i . ......... . ••• - i -*■..... regulate, control, suppress, Tue extension of the project w ill ! ana appi N il ID N S V I '. E i H 'l l l i U - i - . i ! ’ , . ive . ...... ; :>rove oí your bn.1T... , W e ini - j . J O H N S T E IN E R , M. D Gro-.versof High Grade Nursery S’tock Samaritan hospita,( was visiting to n ■ ., „ i v , ...... ; /Í ;■ a d v n i - r c . ' 'j or prohibit the sale of intox­ iriigate 60,000 actes additional, H «1....V a * . ; l :> M * •: K II i V .... ~ i . r * >••» K ■ I-H 1 , ■ '■ • 1 c .. . E n g lish W alnuts, Y e llo w P h y s ic ia n & S u r o h o n *» Ç ---- - . . ---- ...st y,,,, I( you O T O ihCI, Qtt ; ■> rlfCUy Mfimd or du Dot ...... to ppeciaiiK put lt it to a*t icating liquors w ith in the friends in Springwater last week. ,.. our e x, .* nse and y> •••« iv itf not be out one cent. w ton ami Spitzen berg apples. tl.d li ’ best Kia id bicycles it is possible to rrake municipality. . 1 alxive a< tual wetory cost. You aave l^YOÂU.T. . Two young ladies of Portland, Portland’s Harvest Festival, nl us and have the nianufacturer • ¡. 1 - ; fcr :• i- U ; T «’..'•eft OFFICE BEHIND ESTACADA STATE BANK 1UJ V a bicycl - or a v iir of Jirti u< m anyone 328 X V es Wm. Strunk, Salesman Estacada, Or. Miss Ethel Martin and her friend, os and learn our ui.nc-.iril oi fa cto ry which was the big feature of the »♦ » i M p » á 'TO T*’ l F r>:n. 'r L . ; , e . . J c ‘ r r , t . r u le r »■; l.U . , — are visiting at the home of M f . past week iu Poitlaud, was tlie KN U O RSED B Y Sleeps in rooms back o i office. Can be Wm. Smith. most successful such event in the I IAf d -if \- t V r A 4 , • m t » than . . t y o u o - au ....at ; found at office day or night. , ■ J. V. BARR 4 0 ,0 0 0 O R E G O N C I T I Z E N S tr ■ j y V« i r i • • a l » l .•. V ■ > r ... 1 • r bicycles < e i . t : 1 : a Dr. Magran preached here last history of the city. The crowds .,/ double CM ; r. ! r; I,! . ' . 1 \.t regularly hnr.dle second bind bihycFes. but Greater Oregon Horae Rule ? E C O N U 11 \ d > i l L Y Ç . Id i.. *• .do n. were the biggest ever attending any j Sunday, We appreciate tlnse cur Cliic.iiro retail sterns. These we clear out / usually l.n e a numi, r o n h.-.n J tr.kcnjnt: B L A C K S M IT H •i.i 3 front {¿ a to I M • r ¿’ l Ue.tcripuvo ba-jam l.sts mailed tree.. ^promptly r.t prices semi monthly meetings, but could Association, 618 Electric Bldg., similar affair in the state, with the k : m • \ v n c .la , im p o r t « -1 r o . U r «-Inti.;* and 1 » Jala, parts, repairs and Dimick & Dimick, CC«S l i- R - u S ii* — J| equ! uent o f all kinds at ha ij the usual r t ia il f rices. exception of the livestock show at Is still at the old stand and f illing to do wcl1 wish that services were held Portland, Ore. 1 H U Attorneys at Law each Sunday. the Lewis and Clarke Fair. -The any of the work in his line stock was of a very high class and ^ • “ Nonary Public, General Lav* CHURCH SERVICES GIVE HIM A CALL Practice, Mortgages foreclosed, Ab­ the races were run for the biggest School opened Monday with a stracts furnished purses ever offered in the North­ good'attendance. -Next Sabbath M. E. Church M i l lyou a uwtplcpd e o YEAR S' west. The support given the Fair Quite a number from Spring- EC KCLE M ONEY LO AN ED y :-"R IE N G E was gratifying and plans are being N A IL S water attended the dance given in Sabbath School 10 a. m. n,lr o u t. S ix ty outlined for a $1,000,000 livestock O ver tw o buudred lliousnud pairs u ow ia ua-e. Estacada Saturday evening. A Preaching . 8 p. m. O FFICES: 2, 3 & 4, AN DRKSKN BLDi r r c c n s p n ? : ? ! M o d c ln r lt sixes. I t t - liv e ly show next year. _ O regon and easy : iding.v t r y d u - J u n n d fined n-- dswi.Ii good time is reported. League 7:15 p. m. O r e g o n C i t y tcifll qu ality o f rul.bcr, w h ich n evt r ficcom cs ¡¿ fl itbou H c t ic o t h o t h ic k r u b b e r t r ^ a d ! î Â T oll« îîlâ r ..p '*:a a n m m etu rç» w ith ou t a o llo il w - I» -------------- Oil' " ' . Ilich Prayer Meeting on Thursday Even­ We are glad to report that II. in e the a ir to escape. , » A ” a n d u a n o tu r e s t r ip s “ 1 * pc. W c I. avc litiudrcils < ' 1 tters f; • cn ' n.s- U • ............ i.- » .- 1 1 *. , c 1 i r . n , . s o 1 :avc . , i « W on i i 1 n n e tn pea w ped j / a n d Ml ) . " a ls o r im s t r ip “ l| ” ersstntinK 1 11 « - at tirer. yb en p i: m The Oregon Sc Western Colon­ C u - p edcustom 8 p. m. See S» * î'n 5 ,D E IV lA n K » Cromer’s baby is recovering from a ing F E R R Y For o n c e o r tw ice in a i. h — ole , 9«.uiioii. ~ !— ....... I .. y vvci; ■ - p .in o iiio . io l .i n - l u i j . T t _ o p ......... r e v e n ........ t r im © ut tin if. T ills ¿í-- ocoion « lu s iu r i^ q im fiiie s b e e tu u iy riivea m r itic ir iu li r n re n r'-J »ii«iim o iia litlc sD t'ffiv cn tlr «» w i l l o u t la s t a n y o t h e r a ry *s^« tire, ih th .n e jv .ic ization Company, which recently nil ord » : in ------ serious illness. e v fjfr P C o p y r ig h t s A e . lavera o c l f th ih lu b y s evera V l layers iiij . speciali / \ re,.: red fa b n e o n t.iC " ' .■ m ake—SO F 1’, IDLAÜÏIU ui»n la p -' hably patent abla. Conmiunlc© •ft- p e l i t i . i ! i y le tte r i i receive ’ . A.’ o s h ip C. O. D. on th e r id e r c i o n ly U ' fi r p air. A . < * u road grant and will open up 800,- ap p roval. Y ou d o not p a y a c ’ t r. , * > , 1 , . . • d and fon m l th em strie f.v as r.-p n -en ted . lions si riot ’ y con ti Jon tini. Ü'NORUOK ou i ’.iLenUi water attended the Stock show in Hanging and Calcemi - seni freo. Oldest naum y f..r se-urtna pat :.ts. r « i-at ( • m a k in g th e p rice « 4 , 5 . » p e r p a n \ if you I'ntonts t «beu throuah M in n A Co. rceelv© 000 acres'to settlement, has ap­ \Ve w ill a llo w a r iw li «lis —j. i u t f t 5 f •id 10 a. m encím e tliis ndv^rtiscnuMs». _ V oti run no ris»i m Portland last week. All report a Bible School send r U l . l . C.\ 1 1 1 W I T . t O '.:): n th ey a re ; tpcciul notice, without charco, iu th e :„-i rt c< : sending us an o rd e r a.-* t li* t . . i s 1 . y r.t* . pointed Earl L. Marvin, formerly r o t satisfactory o a t x a t n in U ion. V : re p erit e . . - ■ .M e ct.ll t : ¡ecu' > r .’ is a - rate as in a Young Peoples’ Meeting 7 p. m ning. 1st class work pleasant time. 11 n ? easier, rim faster, | n k . I f yo.t ord er a \ • « f 1 ' 1 •• > 11 v 1 1} u ut t,u state land agent for Idaho, man­ ta o r s r. ct i n y price. W\; A banrn Puncture-ITu .1 t in s or» np* : 1 and t r ’ .il at , Ca.30ir;™^'“i'Nsw Yçrk republican, flat salary candidate for ntaloui-.e w hich ¡ where they expect to spend a few brauch Üíllco. C25 F d t- id anhlUEteQ. D. LL ou r bi® T ir e ami " ' tory to opening them up for settle­ V ie s p le n i íntni.l.iL'lnrv p n . e ......... »:• • ; • State Printer will extinguish the CEDAR SHINGLES days. c.-»;.«»•• . mI uj • . . , ,V-.. o* u n v i x o . Merci« ment. The possibilities of irri­ I D O Î 3 0 7 1 - / M « r « ! ' . i í . : i:< * I : ni MI. . imtil y w i U u w t h . ' i r e w l ' J . l i . ' ut last relic of the vicious fee system We manufacture all kinds of Cedai Miss Irene I.acey came out from > "• gation on the lands are being con­ ,lT t r »w «c n n a l ■ I t « u ly cm .. ; • l » o l • • 1 : and save to the taxpayers over Portland Wednesday to spend some $20,000 annually. Read his argu Shingles and are prepared at all sidered by the owners. j . L ; m \ G w ; C i ' ä b r, c a te e n i i l ! time with her aunt and uncle, Mr, ment in the Corrupt Practices times to deliver the same. Also to sell at the mill, having stock on and Mrs. Folsom. phamphlet. (paid adv.) Bend is going to get valuable ad­ SEWING MACHINE.’ hand at all times s s u H E S i ... ........................................... w n i ^ M iss Mattie Tucker spent Sun­ R O L L E R B E A R iN O . vertising in the East by making a j HICH GRADB. day with Miss Frieda and Emma complete exhibit in the Oregon car . The little daughter of Principal The Bottle A\ystery c j Schenk. to be shown by the Hill interests Howard James, who underwent in 4. KRIEGER & CO. --- PROPRIETOR--- Quite a number in this vicinity Chicago almost a year ago a very A splendidjcolleetion of products THE Estacada Ageut— A. Morrow Fun for Fverybody je .A t 'are still sick with the tr.eisles, difficult operation in having the hip grown around Bend will be included r fiij In the exhibit, which will be an ! fi Mrs. George Drew and son joints re-set by the Lorenze blood­ S j3 K S S 3 r a ^ K g 3 S Q E H a a Q a S t 3 S B B B l g i Lots of amusement watching the ‘ ‘corn'' » object lesson in what Oregon farms j Y r Floyd made a business trip to less surgery method, was taken to 43 disappear. Send 25 cents in coin or pos'age ! can grow. It is certain to get good S Portland last week to the Good " The Oregon Fire Relief Asso­ j Portland Friday, Samaritan hospital, where Dr. Otis results. Every Oregon town T ciation of McMinnville for sample. Address Dept. 13 "Corn-Off” Mr. Emil Oswald and Mr. Sltoe- E with $ 225,000 reserres, soHcits your should have a like showing, « R maker, of Grcshtm, spent Sunday 1 Akin’ assistei1 bV Dr- A dix- re' set Washington, Ü. C. h Manuf. Co . . V ¡ business through Y ¡¿ y ' with Mr. and Mrs. J. Schenk. 1the one Joint- ’ » havil1« sl'PPed 7 :üc^ï,: 3 ir - i - .• •> W v O B saoHiîit S J o h n B row n Trout the socket again. The little Beautification of railroad stations än/M R o c k w o o d , O re g o n of her mother, l^ r m l Automatic in Oregon is planned by the Harri- If State Printer Duniway lias ! a'r' ' 111 company P h one Gresham, 331 W j j Lift. man lines and W. C. Chace has made a saving to the taxpayers of S sPent al,out n>ne months in the O r leare word at this office been appointed official landscape the state of $40,000 in three years East and when she arrived home I also have the OREGON MERCHANTS complete line of emed to have been (jj and BEAVER STATE INSURANCE COS. architect. Eugene was the first 1 why does he not show it bv facts; botb b'P3 city in the state to adopt modern and figures? All this great saving successfully treated. There was btE 5 G aa 3 SC& 3 æ & 333 SaSGBi 30 E 3 SG:S by baying this is credited to utterances by the seemingly no reason for the one be- landscaping ideas for its depot reliable, honest, P S ? grounds and others will follow suit. state press through articles prob- j com'nR ° ,n °1 P'ace aKa''b but Notice for Publication high grade sew- ably written or inspired by th e! had slipped, making the leg about AVI feg machine. Derartmentof th* In terl«. U. S. Land Office a« State- Printer himself, In fact a ll!one inch s!,orUr' l! is to ^ l,nH Portland, Oregon. August 1 3th. 1910. LO CAL NEWS STRONGEST GUAKANTEE. such savings were made by the ll,is w,n «store both limbs to their Notice it hereby gives »hat Lewis J. Ranney of is now on hand at the CherryvMle. Oregon, who or December I 7th. 1 909» Netional S r hie Machine Co. Secretary of State under conditions " atllra* usefulness, r. ade homestead entry No. 02343 for the EH S W * Section 3. and N 'y N W ! f Section I 7. Township 3 Dr. S. R. Wakefield, of Wis., Deividere, ¡i!. over which Duniway had no con­ E S T A C A D A P H A R M A C Y south. Range 6 east. Willamette Meridian, has fi’e * an old lime frieml of Mayor R ed. trol. The figures quoted by »F or SALE One good 2nd baud notice of Intention to make final five year proef » » and O. F. McClintock of Portland William J. Claike, the Republican, cook stove. Apply to Howard establish claim to the land above described, before-fit© Register and Receiver of »he United Slates Lanci paid the Mayor and his family a flat salary candidate, who stands Jante-s. Office at Portland, Oregon cn the 29th day of Sep­ A L SO tember ^1910. visit on Sunday. alone as pledged to this great re- ! -------- — —-------- -— Claimant names as witnesses: torn:. ; ,c taken from the records iu W an ted --Good fat lieef cattle, Char es Newland. Chsuncey Coffman, James T „ . . . . N e w S to c k or Tablets. N o t e B ook s. D ra w in g Ii Irenen. County Commissioner Mattoon —'veze-r. _ tlie Secretary of State's office highest prices paid,— See Pcnland Oregon. Lewis F. Pridemore all of Cherryville. s t a r t e d the erection of a new hmts L B ooks. P e n c ils . P e n s , i n k s , L ra s e rs . R u le rs . They a:e "material and cont.rn & lorg, H. F. Hieby. Register fact> and figures which tlie voter on In* recently purchased lots in 'S la te s . S c h o o l B ags, & c, & c and taxpayer should know,” sa\ s the Zobrist Addition on Wednes­ Notice for Publication Cdtarrh Cannot Be Cured Judge Galloway, (democrat) circuit day. B. K. Kimmel lias the con­ it F.. CR O SS W IL L IA M H AM M OND FANTON’i CEDAR SHINGLES w it h L O C A L A P P L I C A T I O N S . ¡,* t h e y ! Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office, at- judge of the Third Di-rtrict. (paid c a n n o t reach th e seat o f th e il;se n se. ! Portland. Oregon. Aufnst 13th 1910. tract to do the work. CROSS & HAMMOND I W h e n in n e e d 01 F ir s t C lass C a ta rrh is a b lo o d o r c o n s titu tio n a l d is- 1 Noti -e Is hereby given that Alfred L. Martin of adv.) a a t t o r n e y s a t law * C e d a r s h in g le s c o n s u lt m e. ease a n d in M-dt r t- c u re :t T o ll m u st Bri*ht-v'C'^d. Oregon, who, om June 12th. 1909» , ta k e in te r n a l ir n u d ie s . H i l l ’s U a tn rrll rraie Hem-stead entry Serial Nb. 01997 for the N % H. Raymond, who recently pur A b stra cts. R e a l K s ta te . L o a n *. In su ra n ce S h in g le s d e liv e r e d Or tit tile Ltir- is n o t a q u isle m e d ic in e , It w:»s c f SV.':* Section 2<*. Tcwr.3liif) 2 South. Range 7 O r e g o n m ill. N os. 1 a n d 2 a lw a y s on O rkgon C it y , W an ted — To buy a goqd fresh p rescrib ed b y o n e o f th e b est j>hvsci.ins eaat, WIKamette Msrliiar !:as filed notice of Inten- chased the James Dubois ranch in hand. W. A. Jones, Sales Agl.. in th is c o u n t r y fo r years and is n r e g u la r tion to make Fiaa! Cemr „ nion Proof, to establish milch cow. A. J. Dai Lug, Esta­ Springwater, is at present here 'Estacada p r e s c r ip tio n . I t is c o m p o s l o f th e best -'aim to the ¡a; i a! described bafere the Reflster cada, Ore., R. F. D. to n ic s k n o w n , c o m b in e '; v. rth th ^ best • Recaiver. of the Unite i States Land Gfft?e at planning some improvements to the R. G. Marchbank j bl'M xI p u rifie rs , a c t in g d ir c c t lv I»n th e Pcrtla G re f'- the 5th day of Oct*1 er i 910. FANTON BROS. place. Mr. Raymond is from ¡m u c o u s su rfaces T h e fi-erfect c o m b i- C aanant names as witnesses: has opened tip a co n fe ctio n e r y n .t: