Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, September 15, 1910, Image 3

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    28c do*, fo r fresh eggs.
12'/.ie lb. fo rd rt‘M>twi Pork,
l i e lb. fo r d r iv e d Veal.
16c lb. fo r liv* chickens.
Sm ith pay* the above prices. H e never
charge«« you commission.
You g et A L L o f
your money when you ship to Smith. Address
“Fighting the Beef Trust”
Dr. B. E. Wright
H ave your teeth out ar J plate and brid ge work
done. For out-of-town patrons w e finish plats
end bridge work in one day if necessary.
Uslar Crtwas
m Bn4« T m *
The Wonders About Ui.
L «t not care and humdrum deaden
Is to the wonde rs and mysteries amid
i which we live, nor to the splendors
and glories.
W « need not translate
ourselves In Imagination to some oth­
er sphere or state of being to And the
marvelous, the divine, the transcend­
ent; wo need not postpone our day
of wonder and appreciation to some
future time and condition. Tho true
Inwardness of this gross visible world
hanging like an apple on the bough
of tho great cosmic tree, and swelling
with all the Juices and potencies of
life, transcends anything wo have
dreamed of superterrestrial abodea.—-
John Burroughs.
Cs'J Lllur*..... $1 m
loawrl hlhs«.
$1 (X
Sd** N l«*i
SOc m
Usd RskKer Plata $5 OC
Bax Rad Kakta _
Pnialwi Eilrnriien 50t
Painless Extraction Free when plates or bridg«
Work is ordered. Consultation Free. You cannol
g e t better painless work anywhere, no mattei
how much you pay.
All Work Fully Guaranteed for Tifteen Years
Dr. B. E. Wright Co.
342 & Washington St.,
Portland, Oregor
Take car at depot and transfer to W ashington S t
U S E A L L E N ’ S F O O T -T A B S
Antiseptic Tablets.
Ins nntly relieve
smarting, swelliii.-, sweat ng «»1 the feet.
Healing to so e poii, The a atIva prop
erties of Allen's Foot-Ease ttlie an isei>-
tie powder» ar.- me .i> inall ■ combined in
Allen’s F o c t - T a o j f o r t h e F o o t - B a t h .
Positive relief lor Imt, sw ntin/, sore feet
ami quickly r< move the odor f perspira
lion. "Foot-Tubs for Foot-Tabs.”
Druggists, !T>c. »Sample FUFE. Allen 8.
Olmsted,.Le Hoy, N. Y.
A Passing Acquaintance,
"Harry,” said the traveling man’s
wife," I have a letter from a friend In
Lonelyhurst. Have you any customers
there?" The drummer said no.
‘‘Then you don’t know anybody in
that town?"
“ Not Intimately. Of course I know
everybody there by sight.”
‘‘Why, how can that be?"
"They all come down to the railway
■tatlon when the five o’clock afternoon
passenger train stops to let the over­
land express go by.’’— Youth s Com­
For Infanta and Children.
WASHINGTON ‘SiftÖlPSIS, PORT LAND Ttie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Slap o n the Wrist.
Tightwad— Did you ever notice, my
dear, that nearly all these misers re­
How Matches Are Made.
ported in the papers are single
Certain kinds of matches are shaved
with the grain from sawed blocks;
Mrs. Tightwad— Yes; but that's only others aro cut both ways by saws. In
natural. Married misers are too com
Btill further varieties the blocks are
Dion to be worth mentioning.
boiled to make them cut easily. By
some machines a boiled or steamed
The Real Point.
Pay as Ii’ tlo attention to discourage­ log is revolved on its own axis, and a
ments as possible. Plow ahead os a shaver the thickness of a match Is
steamer does, rain or shine, rough or cut round and round. This shaving
smooth. To carry your cargo and Is at the same time cut into lengths
make your port is the point.—Maltie and spilt Into match sticks. It may
be said that there is hardly a limit
D. Babcock._____________
to the varieties of methods employed.
Handing It to Him*
Round matches are made by forcing
*Td like to be rich."
them through dies.—Harper’s Weekly.
“ How rich?"
R ed, W e a k , W e a ry , W a te ry E yes.
"Just rich enough so that you would
Relieved By Murine i*Jye Remedy. Try
marry me."
Murine For Your Eye Troubles. You Will
"P ig ! Aren’t you ashamed for want­ Like Murine. It Soothes. 50c at Your
Druggists. Write For Eye Books. Free,
ing all the monev in the world?"
Murine E y j Remedy Co.. Chicago.
Tw o
» 'r u t i l e . .
c o n r u u .il
T r ip .
H ave
C a lifo r n ia
U la -
M an.
Major W A Deaborough, who baa
made two trips to find a reputed burled
treasure on Uocos Island, In the Pacific,
off the coast of Central America, will
make another attempt within a few
weeks, aud he hopes the third tlml
will prove the charm.
His first trip was made twelve yean
ago, but mutiny In his crew compelled
him to give up ttie search, although
he proved the correctness of his draw*
Ings and maps at that time.
Last summer be made another trip,
sailing from Ia>s Angeles In the yacht
Ramona, the Express of that city says,
but heavy an-t continuous rains and
the lack of power to operate machin­
ery prevented hJm from making suUl-
clent excavations. This time the local­
ity was considerably changed from
what It was twelve years ago.
Cocos Island Is famous as a pirates’
retreat, and others besides Major Dee-
borough have eearohed It for hidden
The particular treasure for which
Major Desborough Is searching la sup­
posed to have been taken from Peru
In the middle of the last century and
burled on the Island by Capl. John
Keating, who died soon afterward
Since his last trip, Major Deeborougb
has met a man In New Orleans who
visited the Island ten years ago In
company with a son ln-law of Captain
Keating. They had maps and draw­
ings which appeared correct, but indi­
cated that considerable excavation
would be necessary. Keating's son In­
law was an old man then, and he
turned over the maps to the New Or­
leans man, but the latter has never
tried to And the treasure. Ha gavs cop­
ies of the maps and details to Major
Tradition Bays there Is $60.000,000
worth of pirates’ loot burled on the
Island, but the particular treasure
sought by Deaborough Is $17,000,000
In gold bullion. He says that since his
visit twelve years ago there appears
to have been a great deal of blasting
In the vicinity of one deposit, as thf
hillsides are changed and the oreek
bed altered.
Where the bullion Is supposed to bs
burled, however, there appears to bars
been only the change of formation du<
to the rainfall, which sometimes
amounts to an Inch an hour, making
work difficult.
Major Desborough has had several
offers both from New York and on this
coast to finance another expedition,
which he estimates will cost about $20/
000, and he Is now looking for a
eteamer of about 800 tons to make th*
‘ rip.
She Deserved a Lathering.
Grand 8cenery In Arizona.
Mrs. Hashlelgh— Something wrong
Arizona has some of the grandest
with your glass of wator, Mr. Boarder!
the famous
Boarder—There’s a hair In the Ice soenery In the world;
Mrs. II.—Impossible! I shaved thai Grand Canyon of the Colorado and
the wonderful Chalcedony forest, with
Ice myself.
trunks four feet thick, cracked into ex­
quisitely colored blocks, being promi­
Dog Forsook His Chum.
Disinfectant Spray
Policemen were summoned by the
Cold Water Liquid Starch
loud howling of a dog to the rescue
"Clean, 0 "
Non-Boiling Washing Fluid of another dog that had fallen into the
river at Yarmouth, England. The sec­
ond animal was saved, and the first
K.AN° S.CF< emi C/U&.
then refused to leave the policemen,
and spent the night at the station.
1 P h a r m a c is t s ^
Phone Main 113
401 Mam S i
Vancouver, Washington
Trains for success in the Industries.
Provides practical and liberal educa­
tion. Strong Faculty. Modern Eijuip-
Offers courses in Agriculture.
Forestry, Domestic Science and Art.
Engineering, Commerce and Pharmacy.
C e rta in ly Not.
" I see your heroine floats from
room to room."
Illustrated literature, giving full in­
"Of course,” said the author of the
formation, sent free on application.
book. "Would you expect her to at­
Address the Registrar, Corvallis, Ore. tempt to walk in these new gowns?"
—Louisville Courier-Journal.
Fall Term Opens Sept. 23, 1910.
N ew . Handsome, Instructive, Up-
to-Date. describing-
One Writer’s View of Life.
The art of life consists In putting
ourselves into the place of those we
do not understand, as well as of those
who do not understand us.—Ivan Pa­
F ree on request W rite now, men­
tioning this paper.
J. B. PILK1NGTON, Nurseryman
Portland, Oregon
Taft Will Find Out If Running Ex­
penses Can Be Reduced
store the appetite and keep
it normal by the use of
Hostetter’s Stomach Bit­
ters. It is for Poor A p p e ­
tite, Indigestion, Dyspep­
sia, Costiveness and M a ­
Where the Leap Came In.
Fair Arrival—But why do they call
this unplcturesque spot under a craggy
tree 'Lover’s Leap?”
Her Friend—Probably because you
can’t sit here five minutes without
a caterpillar dropping down your neck.
On the Installment Plan.
One day Robert said, "Uncle Bill,
how much do you want for those
pups?’’ "Oh, about $2 apiece,’’ was
the reply. "But, Uncle Bill,” said
Robert, "what could I do with a piece
of pup?"--’T'V’ n
Slightly Modified.
Little Viola had dlevelopcd tho habll
of holding her thumb In her mouth
even while eating.
Mother had re
sorted to all sorts of methods tc
correct the child and finally In despera
tlon said:
“ Viola, the first thing you know yot
will swallow your thumb, and then
what will you do?"
“ Well, mother, I should hate toswal
low It because I'd have a heaven of a
time without It."
‘‘Why, Viola," said the astonished President to Find Out Truth of Ald­
mather, “ where did you hear an exprea
rich’ s Statement That $300,-
alon like that?”
000,000 Can Be Saved.
‘‘Well, v e il,” hesitated the little girl
"I didn’t hear it exactly like that
mother, but I thought -t would sound
better." __________________
Beverly, Maas.— A force o f experts
will be put to work shortly in the de­
Pettit’s fye Salve.
No matter how badly the eyes maj partment» of the government at Wash­
be diseased or injured, restores norma ington to locate the “ leaks” .
conditions. All druggists or Howard
Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.
000,000 that Senator Aldrich says he
A Mosquito Proof Steamer.
could B a v e the government by conduct­
The Jonathan Holt, the first oceat
ing it on business lines can really be
going mosquito proof steamer, has ar
rived In the Mersey, says the Londor saved.
Times. 6he Is the first ship of specla
I f it is possible to conduct the gov­
design for tho Liverpool West Afrlcar ernment on the lines of a well-run bus­
trade. Professor Major Ronald Ross’i iness establishment, the
recommendations have been carried
out by tho owners for mosquito proof wants to know it. I f not, why not.
Every department is to be gone
lng all living quarters. Copper gauzi
fittings are provided for all doors, win through minutely. The wastes are to
dows, side ports, skylights, ventlla be noted, lost motion located, duplica­
tors and passages to prevent the ms
tions marked and a rational economy
laria boaring mosquito entering.
made the watchword.
Proof of Germs on Lips.
A t a meeting o f the cabinet, which
Mr. Stephen Paget, at the School ol has been called for September 24, and
Economics, London, England, exhibit
ed a piece of gelatine that had beer which will be succeeded by a series of
kissed by a man with clean lips, and such meetings from day to day, for a
pointed out that gorma had growr week, the matter o f economy will be
quickly over the parts touched by th« one of the subjects discussed.
Ups. One could not, he said, even klsi
president is looking to the development
the surface of gelatine without pro
duclng the outline of one’s lips lr of some practical plan whereby the end
which he has in view may be accom­
_________________ _
A fte r the manner in which he went
"What a noisy thing that bass drun.
Is !" remarked the claronet, disgusted about selecting a stocks and bonds com­
ly. “ Yes," replied the trombone, "Jusi mission, the president is proceeding
like a human being, Isn’t It?” "Like i carefully in the organization of such a
human being?" "Yes, it’s the on« corps of experts that will enable him
with the big head that makes the mosl
to get the best results with the $100,-
noise."— Scraps.
000 appropriated by the last congress.
He already has had experience in forc­
ing economy in the executive depart­
ments of the government.
He lopped off $10,000,000 from the
navy estimates last year, without in­
juring the standards of the navy, and
the army establishment underwent a
similar cut. He has enforced economy
in other departments, and is constantly
It is a sure sign of some urging upon members of his cabinet
the necessity for holding down their
inward weakness when the expenditures.
appetite commences to lag
So far as is possible, it is desired
and you have that “ don’t to get some capable and efficient offi­
cial in each of the departments to offer
care’’ sort of feeling at a comprehensive plan for reform It
meal-time. It is something is not meant that this man shall be a
that needs immediate at­ spy. But from his experience in the
department it is believed he ought to
tention, for neglect only be able to point out where there are
brings on more trouble and duplications, waste or other loose bus­
often a long illness. Re­ iness methods.
If you want the very newest thing in a
white lingerie dress, trim yours with
It may be chiffon, lace o»' rib­
bon, as long as it is black. The dress
in the sketch is trimmed with a deep
flouncing of Brussels applique on the
skirt, and touches of the same on the
Why He Carried the Lantern.
A blind man In Khoota (a Caucasian
village) came back from the river one
night, bringing a pitcher of water and
carrying In his hand « lighted lantern
Some one, meeting him, said: "You’re
blind; It's all the same to you whether
it’s day or night. Of what use to you
Is a lantern?” "1 don’t carry the lan­
tern In order to see the road,” replied
the blind man, ’’but to keep some fool
like you from running against me and
breaking my pitcher."
"The Neal T J n L : +
Cured Me” l l U O l L
No Hypodermic Injections.
Makes the skin s o ft as velvet.
Im proves any complexion. Best shampoo made.
Cures most skin eruptions.
M unyon’s H air In vigorator cures dandruff.
Stops hair from fa llin g.
Makes hair grow .
I f you have dyspepsia, or any liver trouble,
use M unyon's P a w -P a w Pills. They cure Bil­
iousness, Constipation, and d rive all impuritieg
from the blood.
HOME REMEDY CO., Phil a.. Pa.
You can take this treatm ent at the Institute
or your home, and your money w ill be returned
i f a perfect cure is not alfected. In vestigate
this, it will only take a few momenta to phone
us for information.
Personal and financial
reference on application.
For fu ll inform a­
tion. phone, write or call at the
Phone. M arsh a ll 2400
L354 H a ll St.
P ()R T L A N D ^ O R F j
Mrs. Newlywed—The night you pro­
posed you acted like a fish out ot
Mr. Newlywed—I was. and very
eleverly landed, too.— Puck.
Sounds Right.
Mrs. Bk.on—Kow Is your sister ( i t
ting along, taking boarders?
Mrs. Egbert— Oh, fine. She hasn’t
heard a complaint from one of hat
boarders yet
"Oh, I didn’t know she was geUlng
ns hard of hearing as that I’
E conom y
P n r g lle r e T ^ ™ ™
" I see you only have one chair in
the kitchen, Mary 1 must get aaether
one for you ”
“ You needn't mind, madams I have
none but gentleman c a lle rs '— Buffalo
U nion P a in less D entists
{u re
O u t - o f - T o w n P e o p le
Ask your dealer for IMPERIAL
Seattle— Gold bullion valued at $57,-
500, part of a shipment of $170,000
from the Washington-Alaska Bank of
Fairbanks, Alaska, to the Dexter-
Horton national bank of Seattle, on
the steamship Humboldt, was stolen in
transit and lead substituted in the
strong box that had contained the bul­
The gold when it left Fairbanks on
a Yukon river steamer for Dawson and
White Horse was contained in three
wooden boxes and was in care of the
Alaska-Pacific Express company. When
the boxes were opened by the Canadian
customs officers at Dawson the gold
bars were found to be as stated in the
express company’s papers.
The boxes were opened again at the
United States assay office in Seattle,
and one contained pigs of lead, not of
gold. The seals o f the box were in­
tact when it reached the office, and it
was evident that the robbery had been
committed by removing one end of the
box. The gold was insured against
loss by the express company.
Illustrated circular.
STITUTE. 711.11 TH N.
Services Held on Steps.
o r t la n d
r e g o n
New York— Locked out of St. An­
drews Protestant Episcopal church,
Brooklyn, of which he had been rector
for 16 years, the Rev. William Ackley
conducted the regular services Sunday
H A N D -S E W E D Q U A C Q
O r i w t O
from the front steps. Gathered around
MEN'S $2.00, $2.50, *3.00, *3.50, $4.00, *5.00 him, kneeling and with their heads un­
WOMEN’S *2.50, *3,*3.50, *4
covered, were 300 members of the con­
BOYS' *2.00, *2.50 &, *3.00
gregation who do not agree with the
vestry that the minister should be re­
They are absolutely the
tired “ because o f his age and feeble
most popularand bestshoe9
condition, mental and physical.” Or­
for the price in America.
der was
throughout the
They are the leaders every­
where because they hold
W. L. D O U G L A S
their shape, fit better,
look better and wear lon-
er than other makes.
hey are positively the
most economical shoes for you to buy. W . L.
Douglas name and the retail price are stamped
on the bottom — value guaranteed.
T A K E N O S U B S T I T U T E ! If roar dealer
cannot supply you write for Mail Order Catalog.
W . L. D O UG LA S, B rockton. M o m .
Phonld rememher that otir forre is so orjranired that
«ve m a do their entire Clown. Bridge end Piate work
a day if neoe*-*«ry. Positively painlese extract-
■ fren when |de-e» or bridge« are ordente■, We re-
ptove the most ee sitive teeth ami root« without the
leant pain. No studen a. no uncertainty, hut «pecial-
wno do the n.aet acientifle and careful work,
y attendants.
Full Set ot T e e th ................................... .
*5 -0 0
Bridge W ork or Teeth w ithout Pistes S3 50 to $5
Gold C r o w n s ................................................$ 3 .5 0 to $ 5 .0 0
Porcelain Crowns ......................... $ 3 .5 0 to $ 5 .0 0
A tria l w ill ewivtnea you o f their quality.
Gold or Porcelain K illin gs...................... $ 1 .0 0 Up
g i v e r F I I ih r -
SOc to $ 1.00 I f ha Joes not ca rry them tend direct to iu
Best. Pla te Ma le
$ 7.50
406 Lewis Bldg., Portland. Or.
N o charges for Palnles» Extract ng when other
work »d o n e . 15 years' Guarantee wl h all work.
H our«, s a tn. to o p. m '221 *» Morriaon S tre e t
Gold Bullion From Alaska
By Lead Bars.
'*1 find Cascarets so good that I woulc
not be without them. I was troubled «
eat deal with torpid liver and headache
‘l o a . t t o i n f e i n n r r « . I Q .
ow since taking Cascarets Candy Cathar
Here', to the maid who can handle
Prose Poet Is Found Dead.
j tic I feel very much better.
I shall cer­
the rod,
Philadelphia— Believed to have com­
Who can throw a Ion* line with a tainly recommend them to my friends ai
the best medicine I have ever seen.”
mitted suicide at least a week ago to
Amw Bazinet,
get relief from the pangs o f an in­
May she land with a "ewlsh” moat any
ternal disorder, John Scanlon, better
old fish
Plenaant. Palatable. Potent. Taate Good.
That gets In the way of her tackle.
known under his pen name of “ Walt.
Do Good. N e v e r Sicken. W eaken or Gripe.
—Boston Herald.
Mason,” was found dead in his studio
10c. 26o. 50c. N ever «old in bulk. The gen-
aine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to
at 913 Arch street.
The discovery
K ern e. M r!
cure or your money tack.
was due to a search made by a sister,
A Swede entered a postofflee In the
who had not heard from him for a long­
northwest and Inquired:
er period than usual. In addition to
’’Ban any letters for me to-day?”
being an artist and illustrator, Scan­
"W hat name, please?”
lon, wrote poetry in prose in a humor­
“ Ay tank de name Is on de letter."—
Habita PoMtlvelr
Cured. ous style which was published in sev
authorized Keeler
Keeler la*!
Every hot1/’a Magazine.
___„ __________
............ in
- — Oregon. Wl W rite eral of the leading magazines.
B ooked.
Cured in
Actor Flies Over Water.
London— Robert Lorains, the actor,
all but accomplished an aeroplane I
flight across the Irish channel Sunday.
Starting from Holyhead, Loraine di­
rected his course to Dublin. Although
he had trouble with his engine, he got
within two miles o f the Irish coast.
TO PORTLAND FREE The breaking of a wire forced him to
descend to the sea. Ho swam ashore !
PAINLESS DENTISTR1 and hia machine was picked up by a
The distance across the
, P a in less E x t r a c t io n .......Frer steamer.
, S ilver F i llin g s ......................30< channel is about 55 mi lea.
l Gold F illin g * .........................75«
r 22 K . Gold C r o w n s ................ $:
P o rcela in C r o w n s ...............
M ola r G old C r o w n s ...............i*
B ridge W o r k , 22 K. G o ld ... fc
In la y F ills, P u re G o l d .........H
V e r y N ic e R ubber P la t e . .. . *
Beet R ubber P la te on E a r th ................................. t l
D o n 't th row your m oney ew ay. A d ollar sevad
a tw o d o lla i s earned. O ur origin a l reliable Ifo d a re
Painless Methods and our p e rfe c te d office equip*
r e n t saves ua tim e and you rm on ey.
105 TON DF MISTS. 5th 21 H e r r i e e a . P a n lead
Intranre 291 'y Mormon, opposite PosroAce and Meier 4
frank. Pirabliibed la Portland 10 yeara. Open evening!
' >acU a and Sundaya unul 12 >10. for people who work.
Sherman Clay & Co.
w a n t y °u t o try t h is Piano l\ YOUR
.t. you to try it
I our expense because—
th'rty i*ays th”* Piano
ITSE LF will convince you of the following
*> -«
1 1 t h e best \
. ir’ b ' ,r !n>- price
I t ’s MUSIC A L L Y and MFC HA S IC A L L Y
We know there is so much real value in
this Wellington Piano— we’re selling for $275—on easy payments—that
we’re willing to let it be IT 'S OW N SALESMAS.
It will tell it's own story to you—in your home—if you'll send us the
Please sena me full particulars concerning this unusual Piano offer.
Same............................................ Address.
Reverie, like the rain of night, re­
stores color and force to thoughts
which have been blanched and wearied
by the heat of the day. With gentle
fertilizing power It awakens within us
a thousand sleeping germs and, as
though In play gathers round us ma­
terials for the future and Images for
the use of talent Reverie is the Sun­
day of thought, and who knows which
Is the more Important and fruitful
for man, the laborious tension of the
week, or the life-giving repose of tho
Sabbath—Amiel’s Journal.
C h i l d r e n J o in e d
In W e d l o c k .
Rriton Ferry, in Glamorganshire
England, clahn3 to hold the record for
Juvenility in marriage. Quite recently
a man of fourteen years married A
woman of less than thirteen, and now
a youth of twenty-six has married %
wife of twelve and a half. She wenl
on her honeymoon in a short frocH
and traveled at half fare!
B e lg iu m 's F ine S ea F ront.
The sea front of Belgium, which e »
tends about 40 miles, stretching front
Holland to France, Is paved almost en­
tirely for the entire length, and forms
Were Well Taught.
one huge, wide ocean boulevard. And
The children of an Infant school in
this, by tho way, is the most pro­
Wales are taught very much by signs.
ductive of public works in the k in*
The hand of the teacher sloped sig­ dom.
nifies "oblique;" the hand held flat,
"horizontal;” the hand upright, “ per­
T h e L e s t S tra w .
pendicular.” One of the Welsh bishops
John Smith fell down the cellar
was preaching one day In behalf of
stairs the other day and broke his left
the school, when, observing several
leg, his right arm. two ribs, his nose,
children whispering together, he held
one finger, and cut his scalp, sprained
hia hand upright in a warning man­
his ankle, and put his shoulder out ot
ner, meaning thereby to impose sl-
Joint. But he didn’t really begin to
lonce, on which almost the whole
feel bad about it till his wife asked
school, In the midst of the sermon,
him if he was hurt.— Exchanea.
shouted out, "Perpendicular!"
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup the best remedy to use foi their child run
lu rin g the teething period.
Where Appetite Is Keen.
A day's rations for one man on A
sledge Journey across the Polar see
To a Certain Sweet Extent.
consists of four ounces of condensed
"Do you wholly trust me, darling?" milk, one-half ounce condensed tea,
murmured the young man to the fair one pound pemmican, three ounce*
creature who was sitting beside him (liquid petroleum oil, three ounce«
on the front seat of the trolley car.
(liquid) pure alcohol, one pound ship’*
"I do to a certain extent,” she re­ biscuit.
sponded after a little hitch of hesita­
Asanyer an<l Chemist,
"What extent?" he asked, anxiously.
Leudvtlle, Colouulo. Specimen i-riot-s: Gold.
ilv iT .L
e a ti.îl
l à i l , Silver, 75«;
7.V; Gold.50«;
Gold 50o; Zino
tl. Golii,
"Why,” aho explained, "I would trust H Hiver,
>r (kipper, SI. M u lin g envelope* and fiali pricelist
a p p lic a t io n . C
o n tro l a
n d I T’ ’ m
work s o
you to the extent of not being afraid lent oa application.
Refureuce: Carbonato National
of there being any poison In a box of
candy you might send me by mall."
Truly wonderful Alarm Clock.
A few years ago the French govern­
ment acquired by purchase from a
private collection a wonderful alarm
clock which was once the property of
the great Napoleon and which not
only tells the time of day, but, as well,
the day, the month, the year, tho
mean solar time, the phases o f the
moon, and Indicates, in addition, the
quarter hours. Its attachments also
includo a thermometer.
Set Age Limit on Marriage.
According to Russian law no man
or woman who has attained the age
of eighty can contract a legal mar­
riage. No other country nowadays
Imposes such a restriction. In ancient
Rome, however, legislation on this
point was even more stringent, the
maximum age limit for men being
sixty and for women fifty.
Delicate Irony.
Makart, the great Viennese painter,
was taciturn to a fault. It Is related
of him that once at a dinner party he
sat next to Mme. Gallmeyer for a
whole hour without uttering a syllab le,
when his fair neighbor playfully
nudged him with her elbow and said:
"Come, Herr con Makart, let us
change the conversation."
Teach Obedience.
Let children understand that dis­
obedience is sure to be followed by
punishment. A child seldom disobeys
Nature more than once In touching a
hot lamp-glass. It will soon learn to
obey you as well. Never allow It to
ask why. You know; that Is enough.
Physical Powers of Insects.
Ants will carry loads 40 or 50 times
as heavy as themselves.
The beetle
can move a weight 112 times his own
The house fly gives 600
strokes of Its wings In one second, and
this enables It to get a distance of 35
fe e t
W rite fo r catalogues and literature.
and printm«-. Mail orders jriven prom pt attention
F o r tla n d F h o t o S u p p ly C o.
149 Third S treet
P O R T L A N D . ORE.
Tents, Awnings, Sails
Cols, Hammocks, Canvas and Coven
1 or- l,... at factory prices.
P A C i r i t Tl N r A N D A W N IN G C O .
27 N. F irst St., Portland, Or.
r R Y M U R IN E WheNneeYr c ^ -
Liquid Form, 25c, 60c.
y »« wui
uk. n
Salve Tubes, 25c, $1.00l
H ig h S ta n d a rd
T h o ro u g h C ou rses
Session begins Sept. 12. 1 ^ ’
For catalogue ad­
dress D- an.
D r. S . E . J o s e p h ! ,
6 1 0 D e k u m B ld g . , P o r t l a n d . O r e g o n
Neth & Co. “ 1900 “
*Vc Buy and C ollect N otes, M o rtg a g e s , and Raal
( state Contracts.
N o C o llection N o C h a rge.
Worcester Bldg.,
Portland, Ore.
are qu ckly relieved by Wyatt’s Asthma
Remedy. Guaranteed or money refund­
Ask your druggist or send six
cents postage for Free Sample to
J. C. WYATT, Druggist.
’•F IL L Y O U R O W N T E E T H ”
I f you h a v « aching troth or c avities and you a r*
too nervous fo r the dental ordeal, try Fill-O, the
home dentist. A t druwrists or by mail, 25c.
FILL 0 MFC CO.. 351 Eapire Bife. Seattle. VaA
Illum aer-Frank D ru g Co., distributors fo r Oregoa
Useful New Substance.
"Reslnite" Is the name of a now
substance Invented In Germany, use­
ful as a substitute for celluloid and
ivory. It renders wood, paper and
pasteboard Impenetrable and makes
pine, for example, so hard that It rap­
idly dulls a planer.
The Cough o/j NOW m
Your doctor will tell you that
fresh air and good food are
the real cures for consumption.
But often the cough is very
hard. Hence, we suggest that
you ask your doctor about
your taking Ayer’s Cherry
Pectoral. It controls the tick­
ling, quiets the cough.
W e publish our form u le«
A i/ers
Plot Against T. R. Feared.
W e u r f e y o u to
Columbus, O.— Superintendent Ansel
COn eu It y o u r
of Goodel Park, where Colonel Roose­
d o c to r
velt spoke Sunday, has turned over to
will cause
the police a siutcase containing a quan­
tity of gunpowder, which had been an increased flow of bile, and produce a
gentle laxative effect the day following.
found near the speaker's stand.
Al- [ Formula on each box. Show it to your
though it was reported that the suit-! doctor. He will understand at a glance.
case also contained nitro glycerine and Dose, one pill at bedtime.
m b M *de j j tu# J. C. Ajror Co., L o w o ll, Xloet
dynamite, thia was denied.
o f the «»a r to h «v *
your teeth out and
p l a t e n m l bride*
work done. F rout-
Of-town natron« wo
finish p l a t e i n j
:*e work In
Molar Crowns $ 5 . 0 0
22k Bridge TeethS. 5 0
Gold Filling«
1 .0 0
En«m«l Filling* 1. O d
S Iver Filling*
.5 0
Good Rubber
P a t-«
5 .0 0
Best Rubber
7 .5 0
•It. W. I. WISE, PniiiDflrr aea Miaou I'ainlese Eitr'tlen . 5 0
71 tt*M IJTlttHHIO II Minien
Paini*—» Kxt r u t tint: Free when plat
o r bridge work
.• ord ered . tV n eu it
■ I hettes
poi n It ► • work am w here, n o m u tter how mu. h you pop.
A l l v* < r L f u l l y g t in r iin t v « < l f o r f l f t o w n y e o r * .
W is e D e n t a l C o .
Painless Dentists
g. U rd ft Wa- h ngton. PORTLAND, O tn
C lie-Hour. » A M U 8 f. M. londoy*. • U &
'll IW
No. M-MO
w 1 1* In if t o n«l v e r t l « * r * p i *
n ' t o n t i l l « pnpwr.