" * '.' 1 , -i ; ì j li : 1 W : : J . / \ . . \ % NO. 3 «E t t i ok VOI, i ) 3 -ea--' - j .- w . .t. {Estacada * ü J ■ V \ E S T A C A D A . O R E G O N . T i l t ’ . SM A V , S E P T E M B E R 8, m i o I f ir ? SS? $i A Y E A R -. ! Itale Geo. A. Steel, President. B ank t r ! Notice r.OCAI, M AYS A N D P E R S O N A L M E N TIO N "■ 1 ■" Notice is hereby given that T h e Progress c; one dollar a year Estacada Pu! School will the not fiarriman Improve- ment;, $20,255,000 ] ¡•I Kat catile w an ted; the fatter t h e ! 0''1 " Monday Sept, 26 in ----------------------- . I order to alldiv for tlie -i- better. See Pci.Inn .1 & Jorg. ;p„,'’ IO " j Improvements To Be Completed ’ of the addition to the l.ttildir W a n t k d - Nice fat beef e a t lie This Year Cause Large —!.. K B km - ti .«, Clerk at Townsend's. T o p pi ices paid. I . I: Belfih, Cashier X . MilWfiliffIT»'-*™" flats Come to us for your new I HAT and we guarantee to ■ suit both your taste and We .: your pocketbook. Geo. A. Steel, ilio s. Voctun, John Zobrist, ! . I . Beiiils have all the new, stylish Sum To Be Spent jpj Do not tail to register. RKPORT « >1 THH CONnn roN OP j • j shapes and shades, and cur Capital hats not only look well but J \V. Reed lias added an ad- ES TA C A D A STATE BANK $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 . - li . 1 !*, ir-t: rv.- n, at T h e full program of work the dilioiml story to bis feed store, wear well. Our mens hats tlie close of basine.-- i 1 1 ■ gto- j Ifarrim.in Lines have under w ay in sell from $1.50 to $5. Boys 'I be building boom goes on un­ Oregon and will complete this year 1 RESQyKCES abated in Estacada. school hats frem 50 cts. to I Loan *rd dficc-.intl ,.p, $ 16324 42 has been made public and shows 3 General banking business transacted. Drafts issued to $2. You will fir- .1 by visit­ Russell lieits is able to be around U Bonds, i .• • ; • ............ 2070 9i 1 t*,at t,le amount to lie ex pend- !.] again* alter liis attack of measles. [ Banklrg house, furniture and fixtures <’ ■ 12 22 ed is $20,255,000 for new bridges. 2 ing our Hat Department any part of the World. I O’lier real estate owned 46681 C 4 1 that this department of ours nuw lines, block signal system and Deputy District Attorney Stipp, j Due from approved reserve Money telegraphed to any p rt of the United St tes banks.. 33381 14 depot bniMings. T h e division of ’j would even do credit to of Oregon City, was an Estacada Checks ir-d ether 162 79 aggregate and the work to J I some of the larger stores in n hand.... We handle Trusts, Commissions, Escrt .vs n Collec- I; visitor on Monday. 5143 43 38687 36 the which it is applied is as follows: I .............. S I 13486 76 tions. Clark Denny lias started bis d r y - j _ the cities. Come, you are t Branch line Crabtree to Lebanon, ¡{j er, l i e lias a crop of good sized L IA - !L Ì T I E S invited to come. You will 8 miles, 5300,000. We afford every facility consistent with g< d banking Cakl ! stock paid in ..............í 23000 00 ¡ prunes. Ur.di ■ iie d profits, lass c xpenses a r i find every hat spick and Beaverton-W illsburg cut-off, 14 tax sa paid Interest paid on Time Deposits. 3 six months; 4 ........ 743 3 8 ¡ T h e y ha ve it— good fresh ve ge ­ Indiv dual d®; csifs suFjc; • t span. Ifl miles, including steet bri Ige over o check..... 57714 86 1 tables. G o and see t lie in. Pen- Deir. ir.d ceri! ficatea of dr ¡ . «it........... 1953* V-i ; Willamette river twelve months St Oswego, $1,- Tim e r arti Me ios of de. t : 1 .............. 41 ! 2 65 1 land & Jorg. 7 0 0 , 0 0 0 , 4262 7d ¡ We do all kinds of legal work DIRECTORS: a t II. Cooprr, of Arle-ta, a former Estacada business man was a visitor on Tuesday We represent six old line fire insurance companies We have town lots for sale. Cash or r sv payments Hours: Open 8 :5 9 A. M. \V. W . W r ig h t , wife an 1 son .Roy, of Portland, were visit, s with Cashier Bellils o ver Sninl : . Close 5 P.M . Ì Clark Denny 0;» Monday started to bttil ! a house in tli • Z o b n st ad- .iition for Mrs. Jenning. N -trou to Klamath Palls exten- !,,;b t-jl miles, know 1 as the Ore gon Eastern, appropriation for 1.47 I miles (7.) in d e s now being 1 Hit —- Tctal.......................... 3-1 ■ it"- -ÍCl.i; It run 1 -, | y* lil i e s s o u t h from N a t r o n n i i i ’ 'i - i r of the- H ve­ V’ ! ■ ■ ■ ' ; fi -m Klamath Palls north) il .¡A ewe-iir that the ; 5 9 . 8 3 U,COO. at 1-> die 1 est of mv Pacific Railroad Navigation . !.. li. 1 ■ -- . 1 r. Co . I . - from Hillsboro t - Til . Subscribed aijd s-tt re-me- this ! Illook, 90 24 miles, s ’, S ",0,00 > S t e t e o í U' regou, C I , L . E . ¡lelflls, m in ut i b a n k , d o s: a b o v e st l e n i e n t is ! know ledge au 1 1 ! 6 lh d a y of S e p t. 191,1. I ascK m s æ a s a c T ï T i S i 3 S-- £ j ¿ a a x a s s & A s » U Y i V lU c iston. rs get all their foot- !.j wear ht re. We can fit you 11 perfectly from our complete range of sizes. Our American Lady Shoe for the particular lady at $3.50. Our Nap A Tan High Top a great outing, ladies glove fitting shoe 13 inches high. Pi ice $5. Our Nap A Tan High jf Top lor boys. 10 inches high. $3.50 Our American Gentle­ men special for particular gentlemen $4. Hunkidor! Chip A W ay the greatest rough and ready shoe on the market lor men. $5 to $ 8 . Shoes In all the correct models lor the season are ready for you at our store. Our shoes are famous through­ out this section lor their stylish apper ranee and long v n v s anti numbers of our MDSL For Cßsh Deschutes-road south from mouth Police officer Peaehm, of Port- E. W. hartlett. Notary Public j ot Deschutes R iv i - to Redmond in ; bind, and his wife spent Sun 1 v Correct— Attest: John X-.brut, Oco. A .C rco k c County, 133 miles, $5.320,- with Mr and Mrs. C, Krigl.aum, St'cl. 000. parents of Mrs. Peaehm. | L a k e Creek & Coeur d ’ Alene Miss Alice Ctdon.au, who l a s V t i o m c r - i i f h 5 c n i i . i l M a i T f e ^ C I road from main line 'regou i been visiting relatives in Estavada, 1 Navi, at ion near Buckleys to W indy U : returned to her home in Portland On Wednesday at noon at the Lay and L a k e Coe-ur d ’ Alene, t Tuesd ay, j home of the bride Miss M.-ry j miles, $700.900. © fc7iK :3'72> csi3< 2$3> G © c$® c© fi§SM S> 1 Womer mid Mr. David li-diL-m-in Mr C. M. L a k e , of Boring, Can­ (d leg m Washington Peninsula I ip) ft ti dida!- 'w ere un ite-I in marriage, Rev. for county ck-ik on the R e ­ lull He- n mi Si. Johns br.-.n h < -i y V/e had More Land than Buyers last month—that’s w it’s k publican assembly ticket was a Kulitman ofii- biting. The-nr yotp:g Oregon Navigation towards Stock- 1 ,, why v.i: only sold four or five pieces of land—and may- (5k HI calle-v at tlie Progress office <-n people are well known here, Miss dale, 2 7 miles, $6So,ooo. -7 be v. > a.vntly r. glectcd your jiitce of land—but this W | Womer having had charge of the Tuesday. St. Johns to iroutduh- line, ¡( K) month and next, w e expect to have more Buyers and we local t phou I [e for Severn G u y Knowles, a linotvp'- oper­ j ¿j will sure find some Buyer who wants your particular j years. T h e y 1. it Estacada on the miles, 2 , 515 , 000 . $ Steel budg e at Portland for Ore- p i c e s of lnncl. ator and son of the- late editor of 1 o ’clock car for Carstairs, Alberta i gon Nuvignuon, 5 *.640,ooo. T h e Lantern, ¡1 Sociali-t Let us k now what you have for sale, any size, shape I-,aPcr | N W. T ., which i.i w here 1 E igh t steel bridges on Soutlu-ni ! published at Dead w ood, arrived in or kind ol land—some Buyer wants it. room rc.-.i-.lc.-i Pacific and Oregon Navigation % Estacada on Wednesday < u a visit l h r „ . T h e y expect |jnes 5377 ,r-rxi. to Ins sister who lives np in the ■ to sp.,lld a tu,„. : 011 lhvir trlp and e-.v 9-3 lb. steel rails for South- ! Garfield country. will rcturn to Estacada. representing cm Pacific and Oregon Navigati n representing C11ÁFIN & liERLOW, of Portland Mrs Julius Paulsen is at the | lines, $570,000, home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. lepubl: and others should I Autom..tic signals. 100 miles, j ' l! irk -u iiik r » 1:1 -r the -I - ’or'- r- 1 1 .-rgi ■ . . 1 . s, r.u llid itd in ’ b care. Stic is .suffering from : the Corrup: Piacticcs pamphlet, I $i 10,000. Line changts aud passing tra ck s ' BUY, SE L L. T R A D E , ETC nervous breakdown but is though: Mip|>li- -I bv \\ ii i ;tn J. Clarke and $910,000. to be improving, j \V idis 5 . Dun way and then decide 1 X* h u v passenger stations (eight) j Subscribe now Ed. Boner left on Wednesday for who " !IS ’ :linK ,, w t n ' " ’ - " ’ hich and new freight house at Portland, W e have several pieces of prop­ the East, St. Cloud, Minn., being , 0,K is the t8xf,a>'tr!*’ frie u d ? (P9ia $153.000. W. A. JONES erty left with tis to negotiate a sale his destination lid. did not give v * PROPRIETOR for. Intending investors in Esta­ us any particulars as to his purpose j Good rigs un -1 careltrl drivers always CHURCH SERVICES cada will do well to consult us as i n g o i n g East ami if we were to Forest Fires Are Again SPECIAL ATTENTION we may have just what you want. Giv'-n Hunting anti I-i.liiug Parties give a reason ours -Ives it would all M E. C h u r c h ----- N e x t Sabbath R a ^ in ^ Inquire at the P row miss office. be gtussw ork. However, ns lie is . .7 hîERCÂNTILE CO. Better Be Safe Shan Sorry ■ ■ ■ •«■ ■ »»«•«■ »cirrm i.uwk. fc.» . ilinrui -«w* - - • j Get a n A b s t r a c t before y o u b uy If you are already a landholder, j be sure you really own the land de- [■ scribed in your deed. r i..v I A Our Abstracts 01 C la c k a m a s C o u n t y title s stand th e test. C l a c k a m a s T itle C o m p a n y , in c . E S T A B L IS H E D 1893 H e ad Offices: 509-511 C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e B u i l d i n g . < 5 . ;/<■//, President iiM n iT iiin iia i— ! ’ • e .T B A N I ) , OKI!, .fra/iA ¿fi, w w -v-’tQ- Secretary Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE an I-.staca-'a bachelor business man m a m In tin vicinity of Deep Creel; Sabbath School and formerly from the East, it ¡Junction .in-idler forest fire h a s 1 i >reachiug might be " t h e girl he left behind” broken out and from Estacada *'L:lK,,e when he left '.lie East, I could be seen great clouds o f smo! . . ’raver Meeting on T h u rsd ay Even- 8 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. l-.d. Jenkins, j in that direction, also farther u P ; n,K tutored 1 -y Miss K i t t y Reagan, are - Jx p Creek anollitr fire could l ihe new p - in charg e of the Es seen. Inquiry bv the Progress, lias C h in ch of Christ— N e x t Sabbath - Ladies and Gîntlenien ’? i We wish to announce* to our t do 1 ! * w a.r>r now handling the (am 'is COLUMBIA GRAPrlOPHONF- Z JN 9PST t ' ! , :'T; ’T ’• They will matter what make. Come in and let us :i\ r s T u a d • ikDS tacada tehph-.-ne exchange. T h e phone company intends building an extension lo the ’phone office ■ •vliieii will be o upied by Mr. and Mis Jenkins as a residence. Mr. Jenkins cx p e cls to d o other work and simply assist his wife in the office. j failed at this writing to get any i to particulars ex< ept that in the junc- Bible Ecliool tion fire a lot of cord wood lias Voting Peoples’ Meeting 7 burned Strawberries and H oney a. m. p. m F or S a l k Three room house, two lots, price $650.— Inquire at this office. WOOD & LUMBER Local -tin! Long Distance Telepliyne way, N ew Y o r k City- F or S a l k - T w o good second hand sewing machines, Wheeler & Wilson and Singer. A ls o a brand ucu Eldridge direct from the fac­ tory. A t the Progress. l'uK S alk Bedroom suite, con- sisting of a mahogany princess dresser and bedsit ad. mattress and springs. Apply at the Progress. F or Sv t i t 5 room house and lot. G ood location. Terms. A p ­ Republicans four years ago were ply al this office. I d to believe tliat by their vote F or S a i .K A two horsepower they were electing to office a fiat chop mill. A p p ly at this office or al-iry c.mdidate for State Printer, to l :rt-d Linns, George, Ore. 4 • »f'er rtcr.rly four years experience F or S auk —Good eight room 1 they are now told by Mr. Duuiway ! house and two lots. Apply at this! that be only pledged ‘ an ecouom- ! office. i :I Ini-in-rs r ■ !ministration,” and W a n t e d - Highest price paid! : !io*!ers lor more of t b u G n A r. G i v e William J. C la rk e vour p-i j for fresh cows. V. R. Sexton, 95 mary vote. (paid adv. ) j f’- St , Portland, Ore. 4 ¡ A u g u st Siublie brought down F ra n k E . Doty, who lias trade town on T in day a box of fir ripe j Estacada 1.is home since coming strawboiries grown on his let in J from the East al t two y< .:s ago, our.city. Hi will have a larger A • a ill I t - i v this W av !; for W u-ptng c ro p from his ; .it-.-b lo w than lie i A ater, Nebraska. V. e a rc so u k Md have in the snri ring i h e editor j i w hat surp; isi-d at F ra n k 1 ■ ivin;; a on tli varne d. took one of the ! own with «nth ,1 1 -une as Estacada supers from hir • olony of beo.; also 1 F or S u i : A gray pony, w eight) for otic lik.- W - pi ig \\ .1er, P : kept in the l.vta ada on Saturday, or work. Inqnir at the Progivv imagine when 1u . wi-estlityj with fact !w i-.>:. . it dioici-. Now had n narrow > -.cape from death 5 f 7 ^ ' . -A - ' Sh those eje! --i - a ,d windstorms he at -a limile of pcoj ..- who W a n t k d Highest price paid a ill al le-ist liiiuk i iftly of i. taoa- really hat- m y d ire to go any- Some limber fu lk r s w h o were at for » -• . at the Palace Mt at Mmk t l Nal work near the road fell a tree tlut •> here f;-. a It laca-la to liv- -’ l’cidan 1 f ii Jorg. w lit into inc mad. Mr. Reid was LLOYD f:. WILLIAMS Sliawb-.ri; d 1: -¡.lev with the in t a'vi-n- i-f it .m-l when he -w W * : .'i !- n Co n: ; r-litan Maga- CLi-f Drpufy in Recoider’s Oftire tan* ílút ? i l dr fo- > State Print other givo-: ¡hing- to c-.it that g o • I -lit..’ t r- t: • a i.-p- ciidaic for Republican Noo-,¡ration er w • - d 1 V tllc voter*t of t h- -villi them and nave them the j c .u iempted to get pa- and oi-iv > 1 - re- n'.ative in Fist 1 to look for Cour-ly Recorder at Pri­ round. •tnt« • ; by a va! c of to 1, ct- i. as branches of the i n i al l -r suhscripMon renewals an-l to maries S-ptcmkcr 2 4 . ,nd : bv Willis 3 . Duniwnv - t i ’i-'k 1 . :!i Mr. Reid and his extend circulation by v; . c i d He stain.s tor fait ami courteous Of! the f l o o r < !at nr ' fr -.vho ecently sold gl. tr in tin- face and the tree uwuiods which have pioved mi treatment I - a l l ; promt ;es a blisim -s sessiloll «f IQF 7 litui a-.*ain in 19*29. ), intends mov- t.il just l-t-hiud t i nu hack usually SM- ssftd. Salary like anil eet.iiin . k al a-lmiuislratioti; y coti*Irr< when st »av­ to EdnmigtoO; Al- ■ I >.i •- i--. pi ii - phtlgf-, hinm If to keep the office i’lg c.nn lie '" a i < ^ WiUi alli J Mi; s D iis y M Slit;-- * : Port ele-iraL' Lot not es nti.d Whole open during the no-in hour to con* Ciar l e i; tlie popill II : ; p i h! ¡enti l i n k vi-iteri with Miss Mitti-ii ti.n - turn- t f->r ) t the basket «'-citi ; men- e the public i p id adv. ) ' ! tin I. o . it. 1 . >11 from Satuiday Ulltil l e - I n te l. I ’-day. , mop di Re.. ! tin W ant Ad#, a t — 3 & B __ W e tell these records # old fashionecUwax kind. 7 .CAN TISH BROS. d •/.- b ;* n.