T X ESTACADA ra 4 ç ^ p r t J b E i í i - . / S Y / h .. F E C u P JiS S M .A í C¿-.Ai. í . i i'«» r*, President J W. R ki i), Y ie e Prvftident L . K . P k m i i . s . T r e a s u r e r B* S . W O M K k , Bntfied E d ito r «m l .M a n a g e t a. »fc« pratjff*rp ¡n Esr¿.-ada. Oreyon as «Naccnd daAJ mail PuLítahod | v e r Fht.rsdny Morning 12.1 \CADA, CklCON at SUBSCRIPTION RATBS S I 00 50 One yeas Sts months.. I Notice MEAT MARKET K . Ü . S i >1 l i l h i h i k ¡»as o p e n e d up a FANTON’S Cedar Shingles Deeds Filed The correct way to pronounce it is Ks-ta ca da, accent on the third syllable, a having the sound of a ■ as in ah in the two last syllables. Estacada State Bank to A va B. Leray, I.ot ti and 12, Blk. 8, Zo- brists Add. to Estacada. £225. The Portland Rose Show foi 1910 is over It was more elabor­ ate than any yet held. Kacli year | new features are added ill the at­ tempt 1» until» previous efforts. Portland entertained as visitors to this Rose Festival a greater number ol people- than was ever in the citv at any one time before. A | great many Estacada i-aus were in the numlx-r. Thursday the I hugest number of persons from this section were in attendance and ; remained for the late special car ________ . iim m .......... .............. borne. It was a “ jam’ from start j to finish. The carline was taxed ! to it’ s limit in handling it’s patrons p $10 a week £2 a day The number of peisotis crowded in­ to a car was simply marvelous. The ever lead y ' room for one more" packed them so full that it, was a wonder that more accidents A L L MODERN C O N V E N IEN C E S diil not occur. While the crowded condition of street car and city ac- One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast comodjtions were not agreeable and very tiresome, yet it was a good naturel! crowd in the maiu, accept­ Local and Tourist Trade Solicited ing these conditions as the best under the circumstances. It cer­ tainly was a great week in Port­ land in e y ', N o tio n s , S h o e s Geo. O. Warfield, et ux .0 Slrer- mau Lyon et ux, 12.54 acres iu Sec 23 T. 2 S. R. 3 E. £1600. See George Epperson to Chas. A. Bartlemay, S E 'a of NEt^ of Sec. 20 and S 'j of NW / l i of Sec. 21 in T, 2 S. R. 4 E. £8000. Chas. A. Bartlemay et ux to James A. Bartlemay, Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Gordon Glen Home Tracts, Deep Creek Junction £2750. E S’ Portland w ill get the 47th annual convention of the National Wool Growers’ Association, the dates for which have just been fixed for Jan­ uary 5, 6, and 7, 19 11. On those dates there w ill he thousands of delegates there from the wool grow­ ing states and the convention will be of wide interest to stockmen. In connection with the gathering there will be a big sheep show that is expected to draw many exhibits from the farms of Oregon sheep raisers, and many blooded sheep will be brought here from other part> of the country. Preliminary plans are now being made for the gathering, various comraittes being' uheaily at work. Livestock shipments to the Port- land maikets lor the month of May «re far ahead of the same statistics for May of last year, showing the growing importance of this market Particularly in a big gain shown in hogs, which in gratifying to the trade. A total of 515 cars of live-! stixk of all kinds came to tire stock yards daring May of this year. The increase in hogs received was over 7000 head. The O. It. & N has decided to place in commission a regular stock train service, oper­ ating twice a week from Hunting- ton to Torll 1 ltd and way points. This will hi gin June 21 and will lx- a great convenience to the stock rais.-r. W b y buying thto reliable, honest, high grade sew­ ing ma chine. STRONGEST GUARANTEE. Heiple, 138,73 acres in the Joseph Young D. L. C. £4161.90 Mary Heiple et al to Edgar P. C E D A R SHINGLES Heiple, 182.50 acres in the Joseph We manufacture all kinds of Cedat Young D. L. C. £ 5475 - Shingles and are prepared at all Isaac M. Parks et u x to Hen­ times to deliver the same. Also rietta G. Walters, 160 acres iu Sec. to sell at the mill, having stock on 20 T, 4 S. R. 4 E. £2000 hand at all times will be the finest possible that can be prepared according to that prescription. Every prescription ingredient used at the Estacada Pharmacy is of full standard potency, the purest, freshest and strongest ob­ WMNGWATOI tainable, and being compounded carefully will insure your receiv­ A. KRIEGER & CO. ing superlatively affective medicine. ÜAN7EG-A RIDER MENT Iff EACH TOWII and d is t r ic t to _____ ________ ________________ __ ride and exhibit a canti L Latest Model "R fU lffP V ' bicycle furnished by us. Our agents everywhere are making money fast. W rite f o r f u l l Particulars and special offer a t once. N O ¡>ION MV l i l b O until you ret.« ive a ml approve of your bicycle. W e «nip to anyone, anywhere m ilie U . S. without tt ( -nt deposit in advance, prepay fre ig h t, and allow T i ’JN D A Y .-»’ I'’ K I K T l t t A L dunny w Inch time you may ride tne bicycle and nut it to any test you wi»h. If you are thcti not perfectly satisfied or do not wish to Keep ilia bicycle snip it l). k to us nt our expense and>t>« to ill net be out one cent. n B rv y rv V if W e furnish the highest grade bicycler, it is possible to make a ¿Its 9 V ila k »»iu.ik.3 at one small profit above actual factory cost. Vou save f. u to i-’ j middlemen’s profits by ! .tying dii ct of us ar t have the manufacturer's guar- I a ills e behind your b .yi lc. I > 0 N O T I . I Y a bicycle o ra paired tires from anyone at r. « 7 /rice until you receive our catalogues and learn our unheard of factory ' /• ! n ■ t/ 1 it . r j to r u le r t. . its« u,i»n i r ' 1 1 I r r v.hcn you rae-ive our beautiful catalogue and ll> U WJ&.L b & i . i 5 v H I v i t l L J ady our superb it ode Is at Jthc n cuiicr/iiliy I ,l / V*.; / u su a lly .......... ........ - - ............. S t Descriptive bargain lists mailed free. promptly at prices rat.ging fron d ’J t > ty r a i l h r ? w lu n -ls, Im p o r t ! r o i l o r < Imm.s add p e d a la » parts, repairs and V V n d l 4 a fr U i> n i.L v | equipment of u.l ki.iJj at h a lf the usual re ta il prices. %a 8 0 r a in , UhLY The re g u la r re ta il *>> ice o f l e..f tires is : ,»/ > ; ¡ ir , t «í to i t • du e v e r a t i t Sell you tisamp U p a ir iorf4»80 .¡cshie' : t hot de» i t ,). • r I k ’C. v i c s --------- ■ >. J C i— —*-• > ^ r.dvot ‘.¡•iingp'T’ l ’'' vve n re r taking; a sp ecial fa c to ry price to t'te rid er o f o n ly i‘4 s o pur y -.:r. A .1 o rd e rs Phi ppcu sat no d a y le tte r i ; received. W e sh ip C. O. D. on e p p ; ov al. Y ui d o it >t r a y « « < at u nt ... il _. .. h a ve e x am in ed anti f-jurivl th em s tric tly a s represented. \Ve w ill a llo l l o w n a <-t.
  • ed to be present. stracts furnished M ONEY LO AN ED O F F IC E S -; 2 , 3 O rego n & 4,, A N D K K S K N C it y See RLD. O rego n FERRY For P a in tin g , P a p e i H a n g in g a n d C a lc e m i- n in g . 1st class w o r k Guaranteed W IL L IA M HAMMOND, Garfield’s hall team will play E s­ H. X. CROSS Is still at the old stand and willing to do tacada’ s second team at Estacada C R O SS & H A M M O N D any of the work in his line Saturday at 2:30. * ATTORNEYS AT LAW * GIVE HIM A CALL Abstracts. Real Bstate. ILoans. Insurance- (TOO l a t e f o r l a s t w e e k . > BLA C K SM ITH I am prepared to do all k in d s of w ork in m y line W. A. Dr, Lyman B. Sperry, the famous author and lecturer, is now at work on his fruit ranch in Gar­ field. R h odes Mrs. Gene Wooster is just re­ covering from a week’s illness, ------------- F o r S a l k -------------- 2 lots 10 0 x 115 , fenced and set to much to Gene’s gratification, as he small fruits and fruit trees, with has been doing the house work, four room house and city water. E. S. Wilcox, of Garfield, re­ Terms $550 cash.—Apply Howard cently returned from Chicago with Janies. his bride and they are now living in Garfield. Garfield hopes that e s t o r a t io n t o e n tr y of land s in N A T IO N A L F O R E S T -----Notice is hereby given some of their other bachelors will that »he iar.ds described below, embracing 1 60 acres, within the Oregon National Forest. Oregon, will be get up their nerve and follow Wil­ subject to settlement and entry under the provisions of the homestead laws of the United States and the cox’ s example. act of Jure 1 1. 1 906 (34 Sta*., 233), at the United O rego n C it y , - - - O rego n The Oregon Fire Relief Asso­ ciation of McDtinnville with 1 180,00a reserves, solicits your business through John Brown R o c k w o o d , O re g o n Ph one G resha m , 231 Ox leave word at tins office R States ¡and office at Portland, Oregon, on August 1 l . 1910. Any settler who was actually and in good faith claiming any of said lands for agricultural pur­ poses prior to January I, 1906, and has not aband­ oned same, has a preference r i - h to make a home­ stead entry for the lands actually occupied. Said la-ds were listed upon the applications of the perrons mentioned below, who have a preference right sub­ ject to the prior right of any such settler provided such settler or applicant is qualified to make home- s»ead entry and the preference right is exercised rlcr to August I I . 1910, n which date the lands Miss Mary Macklhi, a teacher of some renown, from Pekoa, Wash., spent Sunday with the Whitcombs. She was on her way to Pasadena, Cal., hut expects to return to Gar­ field at some time in the near future ro make a longer stay. O ffice. Approved I Johnnie Schenk, Everett Shibley, The Progress is one dollar a year ^ h ie d T '" ^ ^ “ Belva Schmidt. Florence Lelob, confined to her bed-and is a very The Fraternal Brotherhood, a On next Sunday the l-.agle Creek -ick woman, beneficial and fraternal order, has Iilva Shibley, Elgin Crane, Emery bail team, on tl eir home grounds, M .eager Haskins says for the been established in Estacada with Those wishing any Repairs or Threshing Machines," Engines, Closner and Lynn Sherman; song, will play the Golden West, a 4th of July lie has arranged to have meetings held iu Hunt's hall Tues­ Stackers, Hay Pressers, or anything in the wav of machine's or repairs "So, Too, Can We,” by the child- colored re team ren; exercise, “ Send The L igh t," «-ororcu .... from m-». Portland, ro.imuu, | , he Stephens Addition ball team day evening of each week. Team of any ktnd can have it here Ali orders promptly attended to. workers from Portland came in a Hazel Bard, Elgin Crane, Florence Tlie spirit of the Fourth of July pl iv with the home team. A series- I.'-loh, Johnnie Schenk, Gladys will not be forgotten -¡o far as Esta- of three games will be played. On special car at their last meeting to Kandle, Edna Mewhirter, Bernice cada is concerned and the day will Sunday July 3rd a game and two a id iu conferring the degree on s . . July 4tlL so m e n e w candidates. j W . A . JO iie S , A g t. Sherman, Ethel Mewhirter, James be given over to celebrating. i D e n tis ts , . children; recitation, “ Children ; A¡hJoitoA11 F ,r' <‘ Fi'5' Ais;s'am Sec-j The baseball boys give a dance Brought to Jesus,” Belva Schmidt; ... . — „ — - ■ | at the Pavilion on this Saturdav exercise, “ When Jesus Was Here” Closner, Emery Closner, Everett ■ evening. John Moger, Kvering Millard, Sa- Shibley and Lynn Sherman. There chas. Kitching and his bride are die Wilcox and Ewen Folsom; reci- will be some program furnished by'spending their honeymoon at Bell- I tation, "Brothers and Sisters,” by neighboring schools. Basket din- jngham, Wash. Mary- Folsom; song, ‘ O, What a ner in tlie grove. Preaching at Happy Day,” bv Everett and Elva 2:30 P. M. Everyone cordially iu- ‘ rS Se^ W ° ,as *>een on Shibley; exercise, “ Lights, Flowers vited. ,hc Mck 1,St f° r a,most ,hree 'veek*’ 'and Birds,” by James Closner, __________________ is not improving in the manner her J. I. Case threshing Mill. Co. D E N T IS T C F SHEARER AND Wlkolesale D ruggists, T oled o, O. J O H N STEINER, M. D H a ll’s C atarrah Cure is taken in tern ally P h y s i c i a n a S u bo ro n actin g d ire c tly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system . Testim on ials K++++II sent free. P rice 75 cents per bo ttle. Sold ; by all d ru ggists. OFFICE BEHIND ESTACADA STATE BANK ] T ak e H a ll’s F a m ily P ills for constipation Mrs. A. E, Sparks spent Wed­ nesday ii» Portland. I.C C A L NEW S N e w and Second Hand firm. National Sewlnc Machine Co. ly organized in Garfield, will hold Mary Heiple et al to Noah F. their meeting tlvs Friday night, Beividere. 111. Bring it to the ESTACADA PHARMACY and the medicine you get Electric Fans D r .L .A . W E L L S W e offer One H undred D ollars Rew ard for an y case of C atarrh that can n ot he cured b y H a ll’s C atarrh Cure. F . J . CnKNHY & Co. T oled o, O. W e, the un dersign ed , hove know n P. J . C hen ey for the lust 15 years, and be­ lie ve him p erfectly honorable in all business transactions and fin an cially able to carry out uny ob ligation s m ade b y his Mary F. Heiple et al to Groyer C. Heiple 180.81 acres iu the Joseph Young D. L, C. £5424.31 Then be sure and have that prescription carefully compound­ ed. Hows This? Mary Heiplc et al to Simon E. Heiple, 179.79 acres in the Joseph Young D. L. C. £ 5393-70 Go to a From H E N R Y V .A D IX . M .D W, S. Irwin et ux to C. Charlton Snyder, NEJ4 of Sec. 32 T. 3 S. R. 5 E. £4000 good physician and let him prescribe the proper medicine. Cool Breezes Electric Store William Wilcox et ux to Curtis G. Wilcox, 12 acres in Sec. 1 T . 4 S. R. 4 E. £ 1. When vou are sick enough to need Medicine, don’t try to °‘ ‘lre ut'_ oi H-tacatner. C ity R eco rd er of Estacada, Ore­ ***** gon . By the ord er of the City Council o f h k : « , a d j o in in g r b s id b n c b of the city of E stacad a, Oregon. E . S . W orner, Local and Long Dislanct Telephone SEW ING MACHINE. R eco rd er of the city of Estacada, The doctor's phone can be connected R O L L E R B E A R IN G . O regon. with your home phone at night if re­ HIGH GRAD8. Date of first publication June 16, 1910. quested. One long rin g . 1 hand. B. I' Linn et ux to W. H. Set zer, 1 / l , acres in Sec. 31 T. 4 S, R. 2 E £r. T h e H o te l E s t a c a d a doctor yourself, for self-medication is a risky proposition. For Record Win. W. I'elap to Mary F. De­ lap, one-half interest in to acres in Sec. 22, T . 3 S R 4 K. $10. F o r D r y ' G o o d s, M i ll- Bv the end of th- ] resent year it is promised that the most remote] districts of Oregon w ill be served bv railroad transportation. Centra! Oregon will have two main lines, the Oregon Trunk and the De- j schutes Railroad and the building j of these toads is of eour.se the prime | achievement of the year in trans portation. In addition, the Har j rnnan line to Tillamook will he] completed and much progress will] have been 111 uK- by the end of the ] year on the Nauon Klamath road, j This year the cost of contracts fo r1 lied- railway lines and betterments iu this state will aggregate about £30.000,000. Main other impor­ tant new projects will undoubtedly be mapped out and started before »911. Si-lied proposal* will tx’ received by I tlie- 11111U rsigned until 1 o’clock P. M. on Friday the tiltecnth day of July A. I). ' 1910, tor is.ivo.oo of llie* 1 »ml!* ol the city ol li-taca ia. Dreg 11, til ileunuiinu- ti.iisot £5,10.00 each nutntierrd from one ta ten inclusive, said houtta to be dated July 15th, A. I>. 1910, ami to I hi -,mu i'nc and payable in ten years after date thereof, till-1 to bear interest at the rate of si* pe-r ceutum p e r auuuui, p..\able s,(lii-annually on the 15th day of January and July of each year, prin­ cipal and interest payable in United coin k “ m c<,i,' ■ tllc ons«* ,he mill. Nos. I an d 2 a lw a y s on | Tr” ‘ D ALES « JaAS i f f < l Z c o n ; k c t io n k r v and cold lunch loom, wheie Ntck meat, Sets It. ; ¡late meat candies, lints, (Tours, soil a - H u n dles the B est F r e s h unu c u r e d M eats Obtainable gets lb. ; short ribs, id ct-> It. ; water, ice c,cam and pome ribs, it cts, lb.; roll ribs coht lunch u ill l,c Cash Paid for Hides and »Market Products roast, i i '/ i cts. II. ; rtimp roast; tr served liny nul Soil cts lb ; shoulder roast, ti its. lb : H ea d q u a rters (or lirc .v o rk s (lank roll, io els. lb : shoulder HEAD CHEESE LAPO VTAL SHEEP steak, 1 2 1 j cts lb.; round steak, EKES II MEATS EGGS CATTLE HOGS SMOKED MEATS 15 cts. lb ; loin steak, 15 c'.s. 11. ; SAL'.AGE CHICKENS mots | loin, poik, 17 cts. lb.; loin, veal, P E N L A N D & JORC 15 cts. lb ; loin, mutton, tsets lt>.; I shoulder veal anil mutton, 1 2 L cts W hen in n eed ot F ir s t Class lb ; bam of same, 15 cts. lb Pen ] Ce J a r sh in g les consult me. S h in g les d e liv e re d o r at the land and Jorg, Props. Thursday, June 16, 1910 « S.U F C’. n U Es.ACAIU. uit )li:»C! AND .{.»IK IMPROVEHLBT ttOkltV Rem em ber the PROGRESS when you have any Printing to be done •O YE A R S ' - EXPERIENCE P atents M arks D en sa ) ir a d c C o ev R icH T s A c . Jknrort« «ending a sketch and deecrtptinn mag gntrkly neoertata otir optnton free w net her an Invention la probably — *— — * ~ Coninpunlca- ttwna at rfet ly confident h .JPIDBOQK on Patenta aant free. Oldest - agency «freney for i ________ aeeurtn* patent*. Patenta taken through Munn A Co. recetv*. tpeeiai n o tice without charge. In tba Scientific ffmtrieait. A handsomely lllaatrated weekly. Lanreet d r- eolation o f any »ctenUfic Journal. Ternta, $3 a. year; ; four month Tear months, |L Sold b f all npwmtei.iera. 361 Broadway, f i » ï P U WaahiDgtoiv i k l ,