Image provided by: Portland General Electric; Portland, OR.
About Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1910)
#1 V & % il 43 oi' VOL. K ','A CA D A , OREGON. T H U R S D A Y 2 JU N E i6 " Corvallis to see his son “ W ill" i graduate. Mr. Stratton has many Í friends here who are always glad to welcome him. It is expected I'at cattle wanted; the fatter the that he and Will will visit Estacada better. See •PeuUnd & Jorg. before returning home again. $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 Capital Fully Paid Up W a n t e d Nice fat beef cattle A wreck on the Oregon City car at Townsend's. Top prices paid. line about 8 o'clock last Thursday Mrs, F. Yohann, of Aurora, Or. delayed traffic on the c.-awded street L. E Beliils» Cashier Geo. A. Steel, President. ] A is visiting with her mother, Mrs car line for several hours, the cars Sagner. being held at the Golf Liuks from DIRFCTORS: Mr. I.ovel and family were in 10 to about 2:30. It Was a htadou Portland taking in the Carnival collision. A motormau aud three Geo. A. Steel, Thos. Yocum, John Zobrist, L. E. Belfils or four others were hurt. last week. f Bank I Estacada State Mrs. Belle Claik and daughter, of Corvallis is visiting at the Cong- doii home. deposits and Savin g W e issue Drafts to any part of the ^ Accounts. W o rld . We telegraph money to any part of the Unit ed States. W e solicit accounts. Si A Y E A R LO C A L N EW S AND P E R SO N A L M ENTION Jack Inglish, of Garfield, had his house nicely painted. Shankland did the work. W e pay interest on T im e 1910 E X T R A S P E C IA L B n a s a ia w am. s e « « * . In Ladies, Misses and Childrens White Canvas Oxfords. Better Road Grade ■i i To Garfield Ladies’ Embroidered White Canvas Oxfords, sizes 2 to 8. Regular $2.00 now $1.48 Estacada Commercial Club T o In a game of ball at Eaglt Creek Aid Garfield Citizens In on Sunday the Pleasant Home team won by a score of 4 to 1. Getting Better Road The River Mill has been started up to saw timbers for the work on the dam. At a meeting of the Commercial Club held on Monday evening to Ladies’ Plain White Canvas Oxfords with leather heels, sizes 2'A to 8. Regular $1.75 take some action regarding a new now $1.25 W e make loans and place loans for our clients grade that is being advocated to Garfield, a committee of .three, A, E. Sparks, E. S Wotner aud W. Mr. Clarkson, of Hood River, D. Henthom was appointed to aid who is the purchaser of the Sellers Close 5 P. M. Hours: Open 8 :5 0 A. M. lit securing the right of way for the place, was here Sunday looking proposed road so that no delay over his property. should occur in getting to work 011 Chas. Kitching, who has been it at once and before the bad on the sick list for a couple of weather comes. i aaBaaaaaaaBaaEBasasasaSE weeks is able to be about again and Misses’ Plain White Canvas Oxfords, sizes 11 'A to 2. Regular $1.25 now 9 S c. Walter Snuffin road supervisor, his friends are all glad to see him Henry Epperson and E. L. Wona- Miss Jennie Shankland, after an cott, of Garfield, attended the meet extended visit with friends and ing in the interest of the roa 1 . It relatives in Portland, returned appears that the present roadway East from the foot of the grade to home Tuesdays near the Stevens tract of land is Mrs Florence Richards spent a not located where the road survey day at the Reagan home the first was made. This fact, and also that of the week. Mrs. Richards is Children’s Plain White Canvas Oxfords, sizes up to size 9. Regular $1.10 now - 8 0 c . the grade is from twelve to fifteen now living in Portland and Is work per cent., was the reason Mr. Snuf- ing in one of the department stores. fin gave for not expending one Chas. B. Merrick, register of the thousand dollars on this particular j land office in Portland, has been part of the road. It appears there named to succeed Mr Young, de is no record for this particular piece ceased as postmaster for Portland, of road aud the original survey MDSE. MDSE. If you are already a landholder, Ore. E0R I OK would increase the grade, which, is CASH CASH possibly the reason why it was not j be sure you really own the land de-1 Miss Hammond, Miss Berchar and placed on the survey in the first -yrrtyyi. ! Mrs. Anna Reed, are teachers that f.ŒS place. A new survey has been spent part of Saturday and Sunday scribed in your deed. of the Festival week at the Antrim made that does not exceed six per uneasiness was felt by our business j open a studio in Los Angeles for cent and it is the desire of the Gar home. interest lest the wotk should be de thv Pacific Coast work. field people that this be opened up. It is the desire to lifcve the The company docs advertising Mi. Howard James has received As the land through which it layed STABLE O u r A b s tr a c ts oi C la c k a m a s C o u n ty titles a letter from Mrs. James stating passes has been laid out in small work done by the close of 19 11. for the railroad companies as well W . A . JON ES as furnish films for the moving The building of this power plant s t a n d th e test. she will leave Michigan on June tracts it has increased the difficulty PROPRIETOR 20th for home, consequently she of securing the right-of-way with means much to our growth as a picture business. They are here Good ri^s and careful drivers always for the Southern Pacific and O. K. cily and business enterprises. may be expected to arrive the last out condemnation proceedings. SPECIAL ATTENTION & N. companies. It is a pleasure of next week. C l a c k a m a s T it l e C o m p a n y , i n c . Given Hunting and Fishing Parties This is what the committee from to Estacadians to know that the Justice Court Cases E ST A B L ISH E D 1 8 0 3 On Monday Judge Bates tried the Commercial Club was to aid in. beautiful scenery which abound» in Head Offices: 509-511 Chamber of Commerce Building. PORTLAND, ORH. pj the case wherein D. Crosseu was This committee at once went over WOOD & LUMBER, Business in Judge Bales’ court on and about us will be seen by thous I .oral and Long Distance Telephone plaintiff and Mary L. Day and A. the ground aud while as yet the Saturday consumed most of ltie ands of people unable otherwise to fftiteif, Secretary S. fRiley. President J. Brown were defendants. Judge fill! light has not I k in satisfactorily day in hearing. Two cases were get a glimpse of their beauty. a pleasure trip. ment was rendered in favor of the agreed upon it is to be hoped they tried, the first being one against plaintiffs for claim in full with will yet be successful. Public Auction Mr. and Mrs. A. J Kitzmillet and BUY, S E L L , T R A D E , ETC. costs. their son Walter, charged with as will be held in Estacada on the last sS.' s b s e s b s k E. K. Brockman, printer from Bit* Concrete Dam sault by J. L. Ellis. The decision Saturday of each mouth. If you F or S a l e T wo good second Portland and former editor of The was that 110 assault had been com have anything that you do not hand sewing machines, Wheeler & Will Be Rushed mitted. In the other case Kitz- need bring it in and let us sell it Wilson and Singer. Also a brand x Hetald, Steger. 111 ., was a visitor Commission reasonable. new Eldridge direct from the fac at the Progress office. He thinks tniller charged Ellis with the theft fur you, — Miller Land Co. Estacada is a thriving town and of posts. Decision was “not tory, At the Progress. First one will be held June 25U1. wishes he cculd spend a month at guilty.” One Hundred Men Are At We have several pieces of prop it's beautiful Clackamas River, It appears that this trouble grew erty left with 11s to negotiate a sale W ork Now A nd This out of the cutting from the light of Two Well Known Youn$ On Saturdav morning last at the for. Intending investors in Esta- wav for a road, of some timber Force T o B'j Added R. M. Standisli home a pnmp little Pcople Married cada will do well to consult us as over which Mr. Ellis was the over miss, who will answer to the name T o As Needed ---------- we may have just what you waut. seer. The decision leaves the of Margaret, made her appearance On Wednesday morning Chas. Inquire at the P r o g r e s s office. matter as it was. We did not and was welcomed. She is the W a n t e d -G ood fat beef cattle, learn if an appeal was contemplated Kitching, of Currinsville, and Mae namesake of Mrs. Evans her grand | Barr, two very well known young highest prices paid,—See Penland W. J. Kellogg is the new super or not. mother and balanced the scales at jK-ople of this community, went to & Jorg, intendent of construction for the Oregon City on an early car with __________ _ Puget Sound Bridge and Dredging m Q f E sta c a (Ja Rev'. Kuhlman following closely, Co., contractors for tlie new cou -1 _ On Sunday evening a wreck oc- M E Church----- Next Sabbath Scenery Will Be Taken which excited the curious, inquiry cured on the line of the P. R. L. & erete dam being erected at the brought the information that by ar Sabbath School I P at Deep Creek. A north bound River Mill. Mr. Kellogg, in com to a. m. rangement Rev. Kuhlman’ s ser- Preaching pany of Mr. Rands, paid the Pro ear in taking a siding to let the 8 P ni. vices were desired in Oregon City „ other car pass was derailed and gress office a call last week and in „ League 6:30 P- 111. ran through the Deep Creek statimi conversation we learned it was the S e l,R P o ly scoPe C o n e r e 1 0 |0 make the young people mail and Prayer Meeting on Thursday E\ en- Take Pictures— Sent By wife. W h en in need of Furniture, Queensware, W a ll Paper, ■ No one was hurt but the cars were intention of the company to push ing 8 P- m. the work of building as rapidly as detained some. O. R . & N . And S Deadening Felt, R u g s, Carpets, Linoleum, M atting, Ham E. Blockley and Mr. Sherrard, possible. One hundred men are at Church of Clirist-—Next Sa •bath The Selig Polvscope Co. had a P. Companies division superintendent from l’or.- work now and this force will be in mocks, Beds and Bedding, in fact Furniture and Queens special car of baggage and special Innd of the forest service, took a Bible School creased as rapidly as the circum 10 P. in. apparatus come in on Wednesday. ware of any kind, call at the E s ta c a d a Furniture S to r e ■ "hike” afoot to tile summit of the I’ rtaching stances will permit. a. in. The first photographs fr.r the Mr. James L. McOic, manager Cascades near Clackamas Meadows. Yon..g Peoples’ Mi eting 7 The .contractois are a firm that and get our prices when in town. P m. picture story about Estacada were i-ryon contracts of large pro- of the Selig Polyscope Co , and They did not follow the trails but Preacliing m. P taken in the Park. We have some W e still have a few Singer Machines left yet. Let us p rii ,u- all over this country and twenty six professional theatrical took to the woods. They bad a j; beautiful scenery ami f tl • com i' is gratifying to this vicinity and people are in Estacada all week tak- packer meet them at Clackamas sell you one. C om e in, we will treat you right. pany lias favorable wei.tbt r tin re \V. A. Jones was a Portland '■ • s ip s <■ immunity to know that ing scenes from Estacada and vi- Meadows with horses They came is no doubt altout tile pieti.r s 1ln:t Yours visitor Thursday. back to Fistacada over the old Bar- tin» wo:k i i.iltie pushed forward | einity for moving pictures to tie can be produced. low road and by way of Sandy. The mill irew from Pavls & sold everywhere ¡1 g work i f this kind always takes produced and W . D . and L . M . H enthom me To. < 1 *; preliminaries and as The company’s headquarters are Some rough country was gone over Webster’s mill will give a dance in R. A . Stratton, of Hamilton Mont., was a Sunday visitor will; tiie season was advancing when Chicago at the present time, but and as it rained during the trip Hum’s hall on Saturdav evening. lojih.a work cau b st be doue, some [arrangem .uU have lieen made to [they did uot feel as if they were cn^Juuc 25. I ,|, |, , 4 > - n . 4 4 4 4 4 4 ’H ‘- H - 4 4 ‘H 4 '1 4 4 4 4 « W - l '* 4 - t - H - l " l " f 'l - + - l , friends in Estacada ou his waj H. II. Anders went to Portland to see his daughter Mable on Wed nesday. She is in a hospital. He found her improving. Better Be Safe Than Sorry Get an Abstract before you buy ESTACADA MERCANTILE CO. Livery, Feed ilrtink iß, Read This! & Sale