c o n d it io n * . Smith Wants Veal W e will pay ua follow* for firut-cla*g pro­ duce. Ship by expruaa. V e a l .................................................... IO C ........................................ 12c L iv e H e n s .................................. 18c L iv e S p iln * Ch ck cna, lb 20 t o 22^C P o rk E * « a ............................................ 23c O p in io n . e v i d e n t ly of a g irl to m ere g ra m m a r? w h o se te a c h e r in s tru c te d a p u rch ase book on w ith L u lu cam e do not d e s ir e s u b je c t . In In y u s e f u l s t u d ie s , a n d c a n l e a r n m y s e lf . to s p o k e I me any good, germ an and have gram m ars, an d and I p re fe r In ­ gage how us s h a ll gage her w r it e w ent her ln - p ro p e rly th ro u gh tw o I c a n ’t s a y a s t h e y d id I p re fe r d r a w in g Sarsaparilla next d ay L u lu her and In g a g e In v o c a l m u s ic Cures all humors, catarrh and rheumatism, relieves that tired feelin g, restores the appetite, cures paleness, nervousness, builds up the w hole system. RESOLVED THAT CHARITY GENERALLY BEGINS WHEN THE. LIVER AND B O W E L S ARE RIGHT G e t It t o d a y In u s u a l l iq u id f o r m o r c h o c o la t e d t a b le t s c a lle d S a r s a t a b s . o n t h e p ia n o . G la d d e n in g IIIn W h ere It lu S o u th D ak o ta. 'T n o tic e s h e b o w e d to y o u . Is sh e a n o ld a c q u a i n t a n c e ? ” "Y -y e s ; w e ’re s li g h t ly a c q u a in t e d . In fa c t , s h e ’s a s o r t o f d is t a n t r e l a ­ tio n . S h e w a s th e fir s t w i f e o f m y s e c o n d w i f e ’s firs t h u s b a n d .” $3.00 S A M P L E D E R B Y . FE LT . S T R A W $1.50 Hat» Cleaned, Blocked 50c; Panamas, $1. Trimming* 25c eadi. Ladies' Hat* i l M B a T t f l Remodeled, Willow Plumes retied and Dy.d . Complete Line of Millinery. - r *3 1 5 A L D E R ST .. P O R T L A N D PIPE REPAIRING Ofmry des« r iptiv .1 by nail. AMBER.BKIER B*d MEERSUf All*. Artificial Calar*. S IO S IC H E L a CO. st u*d stM r.tiud PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. of Portland, Oregon FURNISHES HELP FREE TO EMPLOYERS Main office, 12 North Second St. Main 5670; A 1406 Ladies Dept. 205^ Morrison St. Main 1062; A 2064 Phone or wire orders at our expense. BEST READY ROOFING KNOWN Send for Samples and Prices. jLun,vor,'8 r a w r a w r i n * co ax tn e nve - into activity by g en tle m ethods. Th ey d CJUOSSET & DEVE8S PORTLAND. ORE. 328 Worcester B'dg A lw a y s shake in A lle n ’s Foot-Ease, a pow d er, it cures hot, sw eatin g, ac h in g , sw o lle n feet. Lures corns, in g ro w in g n a ils an d bunions. A t i l l d ru ggists and shoe steres, 25c. D ont accept m y substitute. Sam ple m ailed F R E E . Address Alien 8. Olm sted, Le Roy, N . Y. PORTLAND. ORE. T o F it t h e C rim e . ‘T a i n ’t n o s a in t , b o s s ," s a id th e h o ­ bo. “ I w u n s t v o t e d a c o u p le o ’ h u n ­ d red re p eaters in my p r e c in c t , an* t h e y s e n t m e to t h e p e n lt e n c h r y f o r it.” " G r e a t C a e s a r ! ” e x c la im e d th e m a n w h o h a d j u s t b e f r ie n d e d h im . “ I d id th e s a m e t h in g o n c e , a n d t h e y s e n t m e to C o n g r e s s fo r i t ! " — C h ic a g o T r i b ­ Union Painless Dentists N amedic O MARK A B S O L U T E L Y CURES DR. WHITING’S REMEDIES M ANUFACTURED BY N A T IO N A L MEDICINE CO., LTD. 422'a Shelley Blk., Morrison St., Rooms 3 and 4, Portland, Or. une. 1. APPENDICITIS REMEDY. 6. “SPECIAL” REMEDY. For Women’s Ailments. Tumors of the How- els. Also Diabetes. Kidney and Bladder Trou­ bles. T RICE >6. This New Scientific Work is a home treatment. Write or call and we. will explain. External treatment only. _________________________ O b je c t io n Pho- *• Mnrnhall 2119 The only known cure for Appendicitis without the i»id of the knife. Gives immediate relief, and effects a permanent cure in a short time. PRICE »5. S u s t a in e d . J u d g e — T h e w it n e s s to ld a ll th a t h a p p e n e d o n t h e s e c o n d flo o r. Now , w h y d o y o u o b je c t to h is t e lli n g w h a t h a p p e n e d on th e t h ir d flo o r? C o u n s e l— B e c a u s e , I f it p le a s e y o u r h o n o r, t h a t is a n o t h e r s t o r y .— B r o o k ­ ly n E a g l e . Full Set of Teeth ................................... $5.00 Bridge W ork or Teeth without Plates $3 50 to $5 Gold Crow ns..................................$3.50 to $5.00 Porcelain Crow ns..........................$3.50 to $5.00 Gold or Porcelain Fillings..................... $1.00 Up Silver - Fillings................................... 50c to $ 1.00 Best Plate Ma«le..................................... $7.50 N o charges for Painless Extracting when other work is done. 15 years’ Guarantee with all work. Hours. 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. 221Va Morrison Street. A N G ELA HOTEL One Rate; Room w ith Private Bath, $1 PER D A Y 625 Washington Street PORTLAND, OR. N e w brick, splendidly furnished, Ladies’ parlor; spacious lobby; elevator; steam heat; running water; phones In all rooms. In quiet neighborhood ................... Take car from Union Depot, transfer to Wash- Ington street. Phone Marshall 1950. WE GROW H A IR " W e C u r e all Scalp Diseases, stop Falling Hair, Prevent Baldness, G row Ladies’ and Children’s Hair rapidly, soft, glossy and beantiful. W e F u r n i s h out of town people home treat­ ment. W rite us today for question blank and parti :ulars. T H E G A R L O W H A IR G R O W IN G C O . | SPECIAXI>TS 2 0 7 -8 Rofhchild Building, Fourth and W ashington Streets, POR TLAND . OREGON, Consultation Free, 8 to 5. SEND THIS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST Pacific Coast Biscuit Company Portland Seattle Spokane Ask for Their Goods and SAVE THESE SWASTIKA END SEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE They W ill Secure You M any Useful Article« Without Cost \ Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed and of Ease and Comfort follows the use o f Syrup o f Fips and E lix ir o f Senna, as it acta gently on the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleans­ ing the system effectually, when con­ stipated, or bilious, and dispels colds and headaches. T o get its beneficial effects, always buy the genuine, manufactured by the California F ig Syrup Co. H A N S E N ’S Hansen Hires Help EMPLOYMENT Free to Employer* OFFICES TRADE M A R K V i North Second St. Phones Main 1526: A 1526. Ladies Department. 3 4 3 Washington St. Phones Main 2692; A 2692. Portland. Oregon. Guaranteed ander all Pare Food More Friends E ve ry Year^ U w i W e ’ll soon count vou among them. It’s just a matter of time. More and more housewives are giving up the old- style, high-priced, Trust-made Baking ~*owders. Thousands are turning to Does not change the color o f the hafr. A vers form ula with oach bottle $ Show it to your doctor Ask him about it, then do ae ho saya A t the same time the new Ayer’ s Mair Vigor is a strong hair tonic, promoting the growth of the ha r, keeping all the tissues of the hair and scalp in a healthy condition. The hair stops falling, dan­ druff disappears. A splendid dressing. — c* $7.5$ Eitractiee 50« BEST METHODS Po n i-»« Extraction Free when plates or bridge woi k is ordered. Consultation Free. You cannot get better painless work anywhere, no matte* how much you pay. A ll W ork Fully G uaranteed fo r F ifteen Y e a rs Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 342£ Washington St., Portland, Oregon Take car at depot and transfer to Washington St. DAISY FLY KILLER ftSLSCKhfi Neat, c lean, o r n a » tal convenient, chea». L u l l a ll l i u t i . Made ol meni, cussi Spill or Up over, will ate toil o* injure anything. Guaranteed eletti««. 0( all tenters or w * prepaid lor Z 0 cent*. I BAftOLD S O M ilk ISO DeKal* i n . Made by the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowol!, Moat»------ Kwur*. ff.fJ ShenMn Co. Sixth and Msrrison— The Piano Center of Portland—Opp. P. O. Extend a Cordial Welcome to Visitors: W e have made great preparations M IS S M O R G A N OBSERVER Daughter of Financier Mingles Aqueduct Laborers. With N ew Y o rk , June 7.— T o see w ith her own eyes the conditions under which the men who are building the Catskill aqueduct to N ew York C ity are work­ ing, Miss Anne Morgan, daughter o f J. P. Morgan, went 500 fe e t below the surface o f Rondout valley today and One o f the prettiest models fo r a dainty talked fo r hours with gangs o f Italians little afternoon gow n o f batiste, is shown and negroes. above. Accom panying her were Miss Fran­ T h e wee yoke is o f fine ecru lace, flit ces K eller, secretary o f the State Im ­ batiste being o f that color, and there’ s just a touch o f light blue in the em­ m igration department, and Dr. David broidery. Flynn, sanitary superintendent o f the board o f w ater supply. The trip was made as a result o f a criticism publish­ “ A M it e T o o r 'r y l D K . » ed by Miss K elle r in a m agazine ar­ Bushby had many natural advan­ ticle. ( Miss Morgan had little to say o f her tages and beauties, but Mrs. Abner observations, but she praised the en­ Crane, who was a brief sojourner In gineers and begged them to “ be kind the place, having been there only a matter o f ten years or so, never appre­ to the poor fe llo w s .” ciated It. "She was aching to get back to Nashuy the whole enduring President Returns Home. tlm e a s a ld one of Mrs. Crane's Bushby Washington, June 7.— President T a ft neighbors, "and I was glad to see her returned to Washington tonight at 8:44 go, feelin g as she did.” o ’ clock from his W estern trip. He "W h at was It she didn't like about went directly to the W h ite house, de­ Bushby T” asked one of the summer claring he intended to see no one this residents, curiously. evening. "She said she ’didn't get the news o’ The president was high ly pleased w ith the enthusiasm shown by the the day quick enough to suit h e r,'" crowds that greeted him at the ra il­ quoted the neighbor, with as near an road station at which his train stopped Imitation o f Mrs. Crane's air as sha today. Although there was a steady could manage. "A s I said to my Asy, what on earth downpour o f rain, cheering crowds hailed Mr. T a ft, who spoke briefly at sha wanted more than we have In the way o’ news-spreaders here, I don't several points. know. “ W hen you consider that there are Madriz Ready for Mediation, five telephones In town, a grocery wa­ " Bluefields, N ic., June 7.— General gon driven by Lucy Grant's boy twice Estrada, leader o f the provisional go v­ a week. Lucy Grant herself to sew for ernment, has repeated the offer that he everybody In town by the day, and all made last March to Madriz lookidg to taking rnllk from Jed Kim ball, I don't the establishment o f peace. The conditions o f his proposal pro­ know how we could be any better vide for the friendly 'mediation o f the fixed. I call anybody that wants more United States, that country to d esig­ news ’o the day than Bushby folks get nate the Nicaraguan whom it considers a mlta too prying myself." most fit to ocrupy the presidency pro­ (■lnridenin.'* til* H eart. visionally, neither Dr. Madriz nor Gen­ “Dear papa,” wrote the little girl at eral Estrada being e lig ib le ; the pro­ the summer resort, "I have pained six K E L L E R H A R N E S S CO. visional president to convoke elections ounces in weight since we came here. Mamma sends her love. Please write 49 North Sixth St., Portland. Oregon fo r a constitutional president. to us to-morrow. Send your love and ell the money you can spare.” — Chica­ Steamer Brings $ 9 0 0 ,0 0 0 . go Tribune. REDUCE THE COST OF UVM$ Dawson, Y . T ., June 7.— The steam­ er Schwatka arrived from Fairbanks W h i l e t h e S p a r r o w C o p L o o k e d O n . yesterday, the first boat o f the year Ardly Keap— W ’y don't ye roll fur- from the low er Yukon. The Schwatka der along under de tree, an’ git out brought $900,000 o f Tanana gold for O* de sunshine? Solon Boddey— Too blame much like Seattle. The gold is being shipped 25c. FULL POUND ___________________ this year hy express. The next steam work. e r w ill bring $1,000,000 o f Fairbanks N o th in » N ew . dust. The Schwatka sailed immedi­ "H as your wife found a house yet?" ately for the Iditarod, carrying 35 pas­ "N o. You see, we've moved so often sengers to that point and 15 to other In the last ten years that It’s almost points. Impossible for her to find a place with First class w ork at some improvement that we haven’t had reasonable prices. $ 3 6 .6 9 Each Man’s Portion. at one time or another.” — D etroit Free Free exam ination Washington, June 7.- Treasury offi­ Press. and p e rfe c tly fitted cials figure that i f all the money in glasses as low aa O b je c t io n S n M n ln e d . circulation in the United States were Judge— The witness told all that $ 2 .0 0 divided equally, every man, woman happened on the second floor. Now, N o fakin g and child would have $35.59. The total why do you object to his telling what d u c. L. H a y n e s amount in general circulation is $319,- happened on the third floor? Suite 427, Marquant Building 382,284, o f which $298,076,537 was Counsel— Because, if It please your Fourth Floor held in the treasury as assets o f the honor, that is another story.— Brook­ Oppoaita Portland Hotel, Portland Ora. government. lyn Eagle. fo r Rose Festival visitors, from June 6 to 12. F A S H IO N H IN T S Our store is yours—every conven­ ience at your command — meet your friends here — make it your quarters — ail head­ parades 5— . pass our windows. FREE MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT EVERY DAY Ten to 11 A. M „ also hear all the latest Victor Records and the newest o f the new 65 and 88 note piano player music and vocal style songs for player pianos. Free to Each Visitor Ask for Them. Our special display o f Pianos, Organs, Player Pianos and Victor Talking Machines cannot fail to interest every music lover; you can buy now and pay later i f you wish—stop in, and enjoy a few minutes o f our free entertainment. FlneMae. Mr. Quinby called up his wife by telephone. “ Arabella,” he said. " I’d like to bring a friend home to dine with U3 ♦his evening. Have something good." "A ll right," responded Mrs. Quinby. • • • • « "Jason,” she said, "you told me you were going to bring a friend to take dinner with us, and I’ve laid mys*3lf out to get a good meal. W here is he?” “ Arabella,” answered Mr. Quinby, " I said I ’d like to bring a friend. I couldn’t find any to bring. If dinner is ready let’s eat. I ’m hungry.” — Chi­ cago Tribune. K o tliiiiw A n o th e r C o u a p fc u o n a . The minister had preached to ths graduating class of a girls’ college. Th* girls of the class were on the platform all round the pulpit and all dressed in white. “ I felt,” confessed the preacher to his wife when he got home, "liks a crow on a snowdrift.”— Pittsburg Press. ___________________ J o u r n a lis tic M o d e a ljr , "Going to start a paper, aro you ! W hat do you Intend to call It?” "Th e Nebula.’4 "W h at’s the explanation?” "W hy, some day, I hope, it will grow to be a World, a Globe, a Star, a Sun, or somethin? of that kind, you know." N ew . "H as your wife found a house yet?” 44No. You see, we’ ve moved so often In the last ten years that it’s almost Impossible for her to find a place with some improvement that we haven’t had at one time or another.” — Detroit Free Press. At the Art E x h ib it. Mrs. Hlghmus— O, Isn’t this a lovely one! W hat a delicate touch that artist has! Don’t you think so? Mr. Hlghmus— I don’t know. I never met him. ITC H CAN B E C U R E D in a short time by using H ero. "H e ’s a champion, is he? He doesn’ t P LU M M ER S ITCH look it. Champion o f what?” REMEDY "You don’t keep abreast o f the In 50-cent cans only. Address times. H e’s the champion cigaroot PLUM M ER DR UG C O M P A N Y smoker; lights one with the stump of Third and Madison Portland, Of. another, rolls them himself as he goes along, and smokes sixty without let­ Alcohol, Tobacco, Cocaine, Morphine. ting any of ’em go out.” Cigarette or Other Arc You Dieting And thereby hoping to cure yourself o f that annoying stomach distress? I f so, we want you to try a better plan — Take Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters. It tones the entire digestive sys­ tem and prevents any a f­ ter-eating distress, such as Gas on Stomach, Sour Risings, Belching, Indiges­ tion, heartburn, Costive­ ness, Biliousness and Ma­ laria. Alw ays ask for OSTETTER CELEBRATED S TO M A C H B IT T E R DOPE HABITS CURED Positively and harmlessly in short tima by the new Olconeia Method. T reat­ ment is not expensive or painful. You need not remain a slave to your habit«, when a short stay at our Sanitarium will make you free. Address OLCONEIA CO., Arleta Station. Portland, Or. ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREE ClIT RATES IN PAINLESS DENTISTRY P a in less E x t r a c t io n ....... Free S ilv e r F illin g s ......................50s Gold F illin g s .......................73* 22 K. Gold C r o w n s ................ f t . f 1W P orcelain C r o w n s ................ I I ^ ' JL. M olar Gold C r o w n s ................$4 # B ridge W o r k , 22 K. G old «1 Sa x- '/ In la y F ills. Pure G o l d ........ M x V e r y N Ie# R u bber Plat# . .«* B est Rubber P la te on E a r th ......................... f t A L L T H IS W O R K IS G U A R A N T E E D . Don’ t th row your m oney aw ay. A dollar saved is t wodnllars earned. Our origin a l rellab l* M odem Painless M ethod* and our p e rfe c te d office equip- m ent saves us tim e and your money. BOSTON D E N T IS T S . 5th * H o r r ls e n . P e r t la a d Entrance 291'-k Morrison, opposite PoatoAce end Meier * Frank. Establiihed in Pori land 10 yesrs. Open creniagi until 8 and Sundays until 12:10. for people wbe verb. W. L. DOUGLAS N O W ' b Y st TIM E 1 4 * EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN 8 0 C a s te Chicago Send tor our 100-page Harness Catalog Free. W ill save you 20 to 50 per cent sure. The telephone and telegraph wires of the United States would encircle the Portland, Ore., June 7.— R ea lizin g earth at the equator more than 600 that with the burning o f every thou­ tlmea. sand feet o f standing tim ber there is a T o prevent the alteration of checks loss o f labor amounting to $8, that stumpage values decrease $2, and the or other valuable papers an Inventive railroads see the vanishing o f tonnage genius has brought out an electric ap which cannot be replaced for many paratus which burns tiny holes In the years, the necessity o f adopting safety paper aa the Inscription Is written. measures fo r the prevention o f the re­ Electricity has at last been applied petition o f the fires o f 1902 has led to to the Teddy bear, a Maryland man the organization o f several cooperative having patented one that opens Its associations. jaws and flashes lights from Its eyes, Oregon and W ashington in 1902 nose and mouth, when a battery In helplessly watched the giga n tic confia Ha interior la pressed. grations which wiped out a large The work on the Jungfrau Railway amount o f the visib le assets o f the states, and also resulted in the destruc­ is progressing so rapidly that it will tion o f two towns, Springwater, Or., probably be opened next year to Jung­ and Brush P ra irie , Wash., more than frau Joch, where a station and hotel 20 lives being lost. accommodating 200 persons have been That fire occurred in a dry season in hewn out of the solid rock. the mountains, and was only one o f Though hydrophobia has been the many which raged along the Cas­ stamped out of Britain, it Is still ram­ cades and adjacent ranges. It is said pant In Germany, where every year by tim ber cruisers and milimen from over 2,600 dogs and cats afflicted with the upper waters o f the rivers o f the the disease are destroyed. tw o states that the year 1910 is thus A patent on a horseshoe designed to fa r a duplicate o f the conditions which made possible the losses o f that sea­ prevent the stumbling of horses was granted in Panama four years ago. son. A n ticip atin g the danger which is sure to exist, an e ffec tiv e system o f pa­ trol is being placed in operation, the railroads, tim ber owners, state and county organizations jo in in g with the forest service in an endeavor to pre­ vent the occurrence o f fires and to con trol those which may be started. Many o f the large railroads on the Coast have begun clearing their rights o f way o f all inflammable material for a distance o f 100 fe e t on either side o f the center o f the track,¡equipping their engines with spark arresters and in­ structing train crews and employes in fire fighting. Sparks from railroad en­ gines have proved the greatest cause o f fires, and are follow ed by donkey en­ gines, hunters’ and campers’ fires, m ill smokestacks and lightning. One o f the destructive fires o f the Coos Bay re­ gion was caused by a Bettler knocking the ashes from his pipe among the dry leaves and tw igs beside a log on which he was resting. A n e ffo rt w ill be made to keep in touch w ith slash burnings made by settlers and to warn all persons enter­ in g the forests o f this state o f the ne­ cessity o f exercisin g care in handling fire. The forest lands are now plaster­ ed with warning signs. In this manner it is hoped to save the tremendouus values which are be­ com ing available w ith the development o f railroads. T im ber sections which at one tim e sold in Oregon fo r $500 have recently changed hands fo r as much as $160,000. On that basis the prevention o f forest fires becomes a m atter o f stern business. Have your teeth out and plate and bridge work done. Fur out-of-town patrons we finish plat* and bridge work in one day if necessary. PRICES: If you wish a high-clast hair dressing, we are sure Ayer’s Hair Vigor, new improved for­ mula, will greatly please you.J It keeps the hair soft and| smooth, makes it look rich and j luxuriant, prevents splitting an the ends. And it keeps the| scalp free from dandruff. It Is just being realized that the Trans-Blberlan Railroad was a poor k)b from an engineering standpoint. BAKING POWDER kOUWCUihJI One trial does It. Y ou ’ll never go back. Speak to your grocer. L ig h te r sweeter baking or m e n f rtfa n d .d . F a r bet­ ter. Costs much less. Y o u won’t believe it till you try for your­ self. rj«q4 per cent o f the total area • f the world is tillable. going to W h a t Is t h e u s e o f a c h i l d ’s s c h o o l to l e a r n WILL SAVE TIM BERS Warden— You'll get six month* for ’ this job. Prisoner— Just my blooming luck. I Only had my hair cut luBt night. Threepence chucked a w a y , us you might say.— Illustrated Bits. Address F R A N K L. S M IT H M E A T CO. “ F ia h tin * th e B e e f T ru st” PO R TLA N D , OREGON K ip r r l THINGS WORTH KNOWING. F i r s t G u e s t — T h i s p la c e Is h e a lth y , I s n ’t It? S e c o n d G u e s t — It h a s h r e n u p to th « t im e th a t a n o te d s p e c ia lis t f r o m N e w ; Y o r k g o t in to th e h a b i t o f s p e n d in g h is s u m m e r s h e re . N o w w e h a v e an o p e r a t io n e v e r y w e e k o r no. — L if e . & j o f th * yeor to ba** your te«»th out and p i n t o a n d I’rid^e work dono. Forout- of-town itatrons we finish p i n t o a n d bridge work in one dejr I f necessary. UXI4.SI Mo:*r CriwftS $ 5 . 0 0 22kBf.4rsTsetk3.50 Gold Fillings 1 .0 0 Enamel Filings 1 .0 0 * s w Good Rubber pi.-.. _____ _____ ____ .50 _ . . 6.00 Bstf R jbber _ _ . Fists« 7 .5 0 Painlota EitrMlon . 5 0 arST MITHODS nle»$ F.xtr»< tmn Free when plat. « o r bridge work irdered. ___________________ Consultation Free. _ _________ * o a cannot better __________ lot g ant e l _____ painless work snywhera, no matter how mn<-n yon pay. A l l w o r k fu lly g u a ra n te e d f o r fift e e n y«>nra. K W ise Dental Co. IN C O R P O R A T E D Painless Dentists M B n f Bell ding. Third t W sfhinfen, PORTLAND, ORfQON •Aw I h m i I t . H t t ll.M . I today i. ft M 1 SHOES •S , « 4 , * 3 . 60 , « 3 , « 2.80 A «2 T H E S TA N D A R D FO R 3 0 Y E A R S . M illions o f m en w e a r W . L Douglas shoes b e­ cause th ey are th * lo w ­ est price*, qu ality con­ sidered. in th * w orld. M ade upon h on or,of th * best leathers, h r th * most skilled workm en, in all the latest fashions. | W . L. D ouglas $5.00 and $4 00 shoes equal Custom Bench W o rk costing $4.00 to $4.00. B o y Shoe$, $3, $2.60 A $2 W. L. Douglas guarantees their vs las b j~stamping his name and price on the bottom. Look for lC T a i « k a e e .-a •• Mtilxtttnte, w m n iu n »f.~ r Fait a it C Color o lo r E * y e l i t l A . k y o n r « le n le r for w . L. Doue!s* shoes. If net fortalHnyonr town writefor MailOrderCatalof.shew* lng how to order by m r " Shoes ------agi— -**— ‘ fre_ *------ 1 entered * direct factory daUcured free. r.L.Douglas, Llrvoktoo, Mas* P M U N t *4 —> 1 . Il R N w r i t i n g t o a d v e r t t g o r * p] m en tion this paper.