Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, June 09, 1910, Image 1

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42 of
Nice fat beef cattle
at Townsend’ s. Top prices paid.
E Belfils, Cashier
Did you try our delicious straw­
berries on Festival day,
Walter Huebner and Miss Ruth
Lewis were guests at the Heylman
residence, over Sunday.
D IM C l O KS:
Geo. A. Steel, Thos. Yocum, John Zobrist, L. E. Belfils
Mrs. W. W. Boner has pur­
chased a fancy driver and they
take a spin quite frequently.
W e make loans and place loans for our clients
Hours: Open 8:50 A. M.
5 1 A YEAR
Mr. Anders went down on Satur­
day and remained until Monday.
When he left he was assured that
daughter’s condition was much
Fat cattle wanted; the fatter the
better. —See Penlaod & Jorg.
Capital Fully Paid Up - $25,000
W e pay interest on Time deposits and Saving Accounts.
We issue Drafts to any part of the World. We
telegraph money to any part of the Unit­
ed States. We solicit accounts.
JU N E 9, 1910
Estacada State Bank
Geo. A. Steel, President.
Strawberry Festival
A Success
O H ñ
Clear Day Brings Crowds To
First Annual Strawberry
Display And Festival
In Ladies, Misses and Childrens White Canvas Oxfords.
Estacada can certainly raise the
On Saturday morning all fears as
best flavored aud juiciest straw­ to the success of Estacada’ .s first
berry to be found anywhere.
Strawberry Festival was dispelled
Currinsville residents turned out by the bright rays of the morning,
in force at the Strawberry Festival which gave evidence of what ?
proved to be an ideal day in the
About ten o’ clock Brown’ s a
Geo. W. Steel is going to build
on his recently purchased acreage band and orchestra arrived and im -1 s
mediately got busy and kept at it
and move his family here.
all day and evening, rendering
J. E, Stubbs, wife and baby of excellent music.
Hood River are visiting
The game of ball between Esta-
Stubbs’ parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm
cada’s 2nd nine aud Garfield at
10:30 was won by the Garfield
E. S. Shankland started on Mon team, 16 to 11. The pitching of
day the construction of a new Duncan and Standisti aided by Hot
house in the Zobrist addition for kin behind the bat was too much
Chas. Linn.
for our city boys. Osborn and
J. H. Keller was so unfortunate Henthom were each hatted out of
on Saturday as to receive a bad cut the box and Gartner finished the
on the foot from an ax he was game for the home boys with great
credit. Milton Evans, for the G ar­
field team, did seme stunts that
Mr. Snuffin of Garfield, took an
would make the professionals sit up
active part in the Strawberry Fes­
and take notes. The spectators
tival. He remained with the e x ­
had lots of fun and enjoyed the
hibits and imparted information
game very much. Bartlett um­
most of the time.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ryan of Port­
The afternoon game, Estacada vs
land, took in the Strawberry Fes White Diamonds of Portland, was
tival Saturday and reuewed ac­ an easy game for the Estacada team
quaintances. Mrs. Ryan
is a as ic was early discovered that the
daughter of H. Dubois.
visiting team was out-classed. A
Jap. G Stevens, wife and sister very good attendance witnessed the
of Cove, Union Co., Ore., were game, the score being 13 to nothing
visitors at the Strawberry Festival in favor of Estacada.
From atout ten o’clock the
Saturday. Mr. Stevens is a fruit
grower and was much interested in ladies’ committee and waiters were
kept very busy dishing out straw­
our exhibit.
berries, cake and ice cream to
Rev. P. Conklin the Garfield
f V - ^ ^ ’Z T a m s ’u s L fm s iis a M a
patrons of the booths, who seemed
fruit grower did not forget the
filled with a desire to have a good
Progress office on strawberry Sat­
time and plenty of strawberries. out delay to the finance committee,
urday. The boxes contained nice
The crowd of visitors was not so who are E, S. Womer, Howard
berries with a decidedly strawberry
great as anticipated, but what it James and \V, D. Henthom. It is
On Tuesday at the home of the
flavor, pleasing to the eye and
lacked in numbers it made up for in thought that there will be a small bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. I. M.
satisfying to the palate.
enthusiasm and congeniality, and balance in favor of the Club al­ Parks, in the presence of about
Fifty “ schOol-marms”
in a the way those berries disappeared though it was not the intention to thirty relatives and friends of the
Good ritf9 and careful drivers always
special car came to Estacada on was a caution. The Estacada make it a trade proposition This young couple Rev. Kiihlman of Es-
Saturday to spend the day. They ladies were ably assisted by ladies will only be known when a full and tacada said the words which united
Given lim iting aud Fishing Parties
took in the Strawberry Festival from Cazadero, Currinsville, Eagle complete report is received. The ¡n the holy bonds of matrimony
aud were much interested in the Creek and Mrs, Yocum and Mrs, Festival was a success in every way Will E. Closner, of Springwater, j
and while considerable hard work | aud Myrtle M. Parks of Dodge
display of berries. They
have N. Tracy of Garfield.
I»cal and Long Distance Telephone
At the dance which commenced was done it is gratifying to know These young people beloug to two
been coming to Estacada annually
at seven o’ clock and closed about 3 that it was successful.
tor an outing.
| well known families and both have |
BUY, S E L L , T R A D E , ETC .
A. M. there were quite a number
hosts of friends about them who
R. Schmidt, a brother of A . D.
of out of-towu people, Portland,
wish much happiness in their new
Jones-Rhoades Wedding
Schmidt of Springwater, came, in
, relations.
. took 1 ! F or S a i . k —T wo good
Sandy, Troutdale. Boring, Eagle
4 im he • ceremony
from W. Condord, Minnesota, last
1 .,
hand sewing machines, Wheeler &
Creek, Currinsville, Garfield, Caz­
Thomas J. Rhoades and Eva M. place at 10 o clock and the young
week and has been taking in the
1 • . • * e r
• , Wilson and bineer. Also a brand
adero and Springwater were all Jones,
two well known young couple immediately left for Seaside
Springwater country and getting
j -1 • .
ne'v Eldndge direct from the fac-
people of Estacada, were married 1° spend their honeymoon.
I lie
acquainted with some of the Esta­
. 1 lory. At the Progress
in Oregon City a week ago last I bride received numerous presents.
cada people. He is much pleased
Tuesday, Judge Dirnick officiating, j
1 We have several pieces of prop­
at what he has seen of the country. Estacada Loses To
it is the iuteution of Mr. and Mrs. CHURCHILL-ROSE NUPTIALS
LTty k ft with us to negotiate a sale
This is his first visit here.
Piedmont Stars Rhoades to make Estacada their 1
i ° r- Intending investors in Esta-
A. J. Brown, of Barton, was an
home, at least for the present.
At the home of the bride in St. cac^a will do well to consult usas
The game of hall Sunday, Esta­
Estacada visitor on Monday. Mr.
Johns on Tuesday Mr. L. E. Rose we luay have iust wllat y ° " " ant-
Brown inft.rms us that the mill cada vs Piedmont Stars, was a very
and Miss Flossie Churchill were l ,,<l u*re a* the PROGRESS office,
W. F. Crain, of Springwater,
firm of Hoyt Bros, who are oper­ good game and hotly* contested
W an ted Good fat beef cattle,
has sold to Henry Hickey of White married in the presence of about
ating on his place, have put in a from start to finish. It was easily
j Salmon a twenty acre tract The thirty of their friends, Rev. K11I1I- highest prices paid, See I’euland
tram wav to the top of the hill to seen that the local hoys were lip
inan officiating.
Miss Churchill & lorg.
i Miller Realty Co. made the sale.
get their lumber out. Mr. Brown against the real thing early in the
has been teaching school at Cm-
will receive about $6.000 for his game. Errors on the par- ot the j Jerry Jones gave up keeping the linsvi'.le and had made many M. E Church— Next Sabbath
local players allowed the visiting Portland Restaurant the first of the friends locally who join in wishing
team to score several runs they 1 week and it is his intention to
Sabbath School
IO a. in.
O. B. Cold well, S. C. Hulls, W.
should not have had. They were move lip 011 the fiat, but does not life.
I I a. ni.
I, Fit/gerald and B. Shoeuberg
up against a team that they scarce- know just yet where,
6 :3 0 p. m.
were packed into the mountains on
lv hoped to win against, but they
Will Wright, state hank ex ­
Mr. aud Mrs. Pot win went to Prayer Meeting 011 Thursday Eveu-
Saturday by liveryman Jones to a
were gamey and did their best.
8 p. 111.
aminer with his assistant, Mr. the Rose Show on Wednesday.
point near Gold Lake above Dodge.
The score was 8 to 5 in favor of
Bennett were in Estacada on Mon­
Mr. Shoenberg was the guide of
Belle Grant of the 'phone office
the Piedmont Stars. Bartlett ttm
day and examined the allairs of the took in the big Portland Rose Show Church of Christ—Next Sabbath
the party.
After dismissing the
Estacada State Bank, which they Wednesday.
saddle horses the party went afoot
Bible School
found to be correct and the books
to Cold Lake and from tin re to the
Receipts at the Union Stock Preaching
a. tu.
south fork of the Clackamas and
Financially Successful
Yards, N. Portland, for the month Yon.:- Peoples’ Meeting 7 p. m.
down it to the mouth, reluming to
Constable Jones went to Eagle of May were 7452 cattle, 18052 Pre'achmg
p. m.
Estacada on Sunday afternoon.
The receipts from the Strawberry Creek on Monday to serve some sheep, 10057 hogs and 152 horses
Mable Anders ol Garfield, who Festival, hall game, dance aud sub­ legal papers against Mr. and Mrs. As compared with the receipts of a
Mrs. J. M. Hcanald aud son of
This A J. Kitzmiller aud llicir son year ago there was an increase of McMinnville, Ore., were guests at
j had been operated on at a Portland scription totaled $356.10.
hospital was obliged to return again w h - ll:e report turned in by the Walter who is charged by J. L. 1430 cattle, 7139 hogs, 5073 sheep. the Parsonage last week.
to that institution the lalP r part of ir aic< committee on Monday even- Ellis with a-^ault. There is also a There has been a decline in prices
Yocum >'ir Hays have purchased
not case instituted in which the Kilz- all along the line, but it has been
last week in a very serious con­ itig All tlie committees were
big planer from the wood work­
dition. It was found necessary 10 puseiit a: this meeting and it
was millers are plaintiff« and J. L. slight and compared with the cen-
ing factory and will move it to
put a drainage tube in the wound, impossihle to get a detailed account Ellis the defendant. The cases tral markets on the Missouri River, their Garfield Mill and announce
which relieved the patient and she of the same. All persons are
re- will be tried before Judge Bates in North Portland shows up to a big that they will very soon lie ready
to fill orders ou any kmd of lumber
i at once commenced to improve. | quested to present their bills
Ladies’ Embroidered White Canvas Oxfords, sizes 2J-• to 8. Regular $2.00 now
Ladies’ Plain White Canva9 Oxfords with leather heels, sizes 2 'A to 8. Regular $1.75
now $1.25
Close 5 P. M. : :
Misses’ Plain White Janvas Oxfords, sizes 11 A l to 2. Regular $1.25 now
Better Be Safe Than Sorry
Children’s Plain White Canvas Oxfords, sizes up to size 9. Regular $1.10 now - 80c.
If you are already a landholder,
be sure you really own the land de­
scribed in your deed.
O u r A b s tra c ts oi C la c k a m a s C o u n t y title s
s t a n d th e test.
C l a c k a m a s T it l e C o m p a n y , in c .
E S T A B L IS H E D 1 8 0 3
H ead Offices: 5 0 9 - ju Cliatnl>er
of Com m erce
¿R iley. President
B u ild in g.
& rank SB, ¿R iley, Secretary
fflS B E E t0 E 3S » E E ze^S 6* B aB S
When in need of Furniture, Queens ware, Wall Paper,
Deadening Felt, Rugs, Carpets, Linoleum, Matting, Ham­
mocks, Beds and Bedding, in fact Furniture and Queens-
ware of any kind, call at the Estacada Furniture Store
and get our prices when in town.
W e still have a few Singer Machines left yet. Let us
sell you one. Come in, we will treat you right.
W. D. and L. M. Henthom
Livery, Feed & Sale
with- Estacada.
Get an A b s tra c t before y o u b u y