cured a piece of iron pipe and drove it into the ground through the re ( l M T U * VORA T E l>) mains ot the slake. There was out- has opened up a co n i : cTtoNliKY and void lunch room, w here D IR E C T O R S : present when the stake was found candies, nuts, cigars, mh I u - H a n d le s th e B e s t F re s h a n d c u r e d M e a ts O b ta in a b le 1 that was there when it was drove. t 'H a s . F . Ds :u '» s President w ate f, ice cream and J. \V. U k u i », Vice president | Mr. Dock l’almatcer, and it was cold lunch w ill be Cash Paid for Hides and Market Products 1 .. K. B f .1.1 ILS, Treasurer served I his son that discovered the stake, We Buy and Sell j These things remind us how last E . S . W O M K R , Editor »ml M anager H e s o lic its y o u r tra d e I time flies, aud the thought who HEAD CHEESE LARD SHEEP Entered at the i-enoftfco In Estaeada. Oregon. us VEAL will lie there to look in another FRESH MEATS EGGS CATTLE 1 HOGS •eccnJ class mail SMOKED MEATS half century should the corner be SAUSAGE CHICKENS ! HIDES Published l» c r v Hmrsdd» Morning dl j dug into ? ESTACADA PROGRESS I SI « VIH. OREGON SUBSCRIPTION RATES PALACE MEAT R. G. Marchbank MARKET Penland CB l , Jorg One year Six months. FANTON’S Cedar Shingles — Apples Will Be Sent To Chicago Thursday, .’urn- 26, 1910 The correct way to pronounce it is lis-ta cs da, accent on the third syllable, a having the sound of a as in at) in the two List syllables. Monday Slav 301)1 was Memorial Day. The day set apart by the National government that the men who laid down their lives that our 1 nation should be preserved should not lie forgotten, hut live in tire memory ul succeeding generations Many of their names have already betn obliterated from the pages of history and they lie in unnamed graves, lint the liberty and un­ divided union they fought for re­ mains a monument for the sacrifice they marie Til O. A, R. though few as compared with their former numbers have lived to see the blue and the gray bow to­ gether in honor of their fallen com- rads. D A LES W h e n in n e e d or F i r s t Class C e d a r s h in g le s c o n s u lt m e S h in g le s d e liv e re d o r a t th e m ill. N os. 1 a n d 2 a lw a y s on h an d. W. A. Jones, Sales Agt., Estaeada FAN TO N BR O S. Prize-Winning Apples W ill Be Sent T o Chicago T o Be Put On Display F o r D ry~ Goods, M ill- — iney~, Notions, Shoes „ See E S ’ The Hotel Estaeada 308 M c K a y B ld g. »it.::«..™bfgB? KMEÍBOM PyHGTME-PROOF *£U H SELF-H'“"■"* ™ Celebrated Their Notice for Publication Golden Wedding t i iiedpctbi»ni puncture proof tirca on approval and trial at ( every line of trade in the north- The golden wedding o( Mr. and ! ik* L thesncciul introducto’-y price quoted; or write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue winch Mrs C. Millei of Viola occnred describes ami quotes a ll m akes a ul kinds oi tires at about trail the usual prices. western States. M / A I T but w rite ns a jw ..,!! t . d ’v H O N O T T H I N K O t ' B C T I N O a hievcie , have at th it place 011 May 22nd ami was i J l J t V v J d V //?.W d o r a pair of tin s from anyone until you know the n ew and w o n d e r ul j R e p r e s e n t a t i v e c o m m i t t e e s c.fkra wo arc mulling. 1 1 only coats • postal U learn everything. W rite it N O W . 1 . . . , celebrated by their children, all be­ r>ee!i appointed in several districts ing present except one son Alfred to secure pledges of the fruit re- GTCIE Q Ç f M Y , of Cal forma, lie being unable 10 J quired to make the exhibits, also ottenl. Those present were Mrs. to handle financial matters and see ing of the stake was a relief to J Goberly aud two daughters of j Old Land Stake Is Found , that the fruit is properly assembled several, as it establishes the lines, . . . r .... Sm Jose, Cal ; Robt. Mdler and: and placed on exhibition in the to their lands. This stake was the family of George: Ed. Miller, of best possible condition in Spokane Viola; Mr and Mrs. Stone aud Grandson O f Man W ho Drove ’,ase or " ’ “ i'’ . s,arlinR ^ in* to 4 and Chicago Commercial clubs donation claims, namely Garrett failulv ot Portland; Will. Miller I have been active in cooperating Stake Finds It and Sybell his wife, Seth and John and family of Portland; Adolf Mil I „ , ™. . , with the fruit growers'associations Palmateer, their sous. The stake , ler and family of George: Kay Mil j Generally, tlie rental charge for the • was a cedar limb driven into the ler of Viola; Mrs. Lou Hamilton of Last week in grading the hill ground, as a rock that had been (listi ict displays at Chicago has Viola; and John Hamilton of Viola _ , , . , down in front of H. D. TV.pp’ s p, . ced over it had been moved by ! ^ ” P bv the Ci° mmerc,a' The aged couple received the con- house the first stake driven to mark some agency The stake has been cluh#’ t,,e Krowers «*- gratulations of their children «id the lavinR otlt of the old donation sot ht b recfn, owner, of the ficient fruit for the exhibits. friends as well as numerous pres daims of the Palmateers was fonml |and A survey nude by H. Ep Ben H Rice, secretary and man- ents of gold. All enjoyed the , ager of the show, is arranging fora , , , , , by Richard G. Palmateer. son ot petson to set the center of the grade . . . , 9 event, being thanktul that so many tour of Montana and 'southern of them had been privileged to Dock Palmateer ami grandson of just missed the stake a few inches. , Jabo tQ juteres, fruit gTow tn gather on such an occasion. Mr Garrett who drove the stake away As the owners of the four pieces cf there in the Chicago show He has Miller is aged 78 and Mrs. is 73. back in the year 1853. The find- the laud were present they pro- already visited main ol the prin­ mm i CHICAS®, BLL i» SEWING MACHINE. K O L L E R B E A R IN O . H IG H G R A D I. by buying this reliable, honest« high grade sew­ ing machine. STRONGEST GUARANTEE. National Sew in g M achine Co. Bclvldere, III. CEDAR L. & P. Co. KST AC AD A -PO R TLA N D Cars leave Estaeada for Port­ land: 6:55, 9, II, A. M. aud «, 3 . 5 , 9 P- M. Cars leave Portland for Us.a- cada: 6: 55 . 8 45 . «0 45. A. M. and 12:45, 2:45, 4:45. 6:45 P- M. Mail ami Express (no passenger carried on this run) leaves Portland (for Estacada 5:25 a. m. aud 2 4 0 p. in Leaves Estacada for Portland 4:26 p ¡tu. and 7:10 a. tu. Freight also leaves Portland in the morning goes to Caza­ dero and returns to Portland Main offices of the company: 132 1-2 First St. Portland, Oregou. H E N R Y V .A D IX . M .D P H Y S IC IA N A S U R G E O N ***** O F F I C E , A D JO IN IN G R E S I D E N C E Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor's phone can be connected with your home phone at night if re­ quested. One long ring. Dr.L.A. W E L L S D E N T IS T C F SHINGLES We manufacture all kinds of Cedai Shingles and are prepared at all times to deliver the same. Also to sell at the mill, having stock on hand at all times A. KRIEGER & CO. ---- PR O P R IE T O R ----- Estacada Agent—A. Morrow J. V. BARR B L A C K SM IT H W ELLS' Why are “ thev” all so stingy D e n tis ts of P o r t la n d With funds in this old town? W ill visit Estaeada on Friday and Can’ t even call your neighbor up Saturday ol each week Appointments may be made Because the lines arc down. with Dr. A dix. They seem to lack real enterprise Why are they in the rut! Why do they have such dusty J O H N S T E IN E R , M D (roadcr P h y s ic ia n a S urgh o n And then again such mud? Instead of blaming others OFFICE BEHIND ESTACADA STATE BANK Well may the answer be ****** Each has a share Sleeps iu room s ljack of office. Can be In this affair found at office d ay o r night. It isn’ t "th ey” it’ s "w e.” Whatever ue6d my town may (have " I t ’ s up to me.” Dimick & Drmick, Attorneys at Law Why do “ they” let the walks get (old? Nortary Public, General Lav* Why don’ t “ they” have gcod Practice, Mortgages foreclosed, Ab­ stracts furnished (lights? Why don’t “ they” vote for officers M ONEY LO A N ED That stand for people’ s rights? Why don’t "thev” build a library? OPFICKS: 2, 3 & 4, ANDRHSKN BI.D. Why don’ t "th ey” have a park? O k b g o n C i t y O kkgon Why don’ t they .number all tht (streets? To guide you in the dark? Don’t place the blame on others Painting, Papei You surely ought to see— Each has a share Hanging and Calcemi~ In this affair ning. 1st class work\ It isn’t “ they” it’ s “ we.” Just sail right in,—say to yourself G u a ra n te e d “ It’s up to me.” See the filler o f only $ 4 8 0 p er pair. A ll ordersahippetf same day letter 1.» received. W e ship C. O. P on , . ., . . approval. You do not pay .» « cut i " ..1 y at have exam ined an 1 c.'Lamination. W e ere perfectly re liable and money sent to us is as safe as in a th e m o v e m e n t W ill e n c o u r a g e e t lll- l aiik If you order a f a i r o f t!m daughter M s. Bartlett. Miss the world. Maude Snortgrass 1 as just grad­ The general exhibits will be uated from the Ilark ir school in transported from Spokane to Chi­ California. P re s c rib e d M e d ic in e is B e s t cago free of expense to the growers L ost -Gentlem in’ s long pocket- I aud, in addition, the management When vou are sick enough to need Medicine, don't try to book somewhere between head- ' of the National Apple Show will works at Cazadero and the Estaca 1 doctor yourself, for self-medication is a risky proposition. Go to a move at least six prize winning be preaching ser­ sentatives in charge to distribute is of full standard potency, the purest, freshest aud strongest ob­ vices at 11 A. M, iu the Free literature and give out information. tainable, and being compounded carefully will insure your receiv­ Methodist Church. Everyone cor­ Space for district exhibits at dially invited. ing superlatively affective medicine. Chicago has been engaged by ti e Commercial Club and Apple Grow­ ESTACADA WINS FROM CUBS ers’ Union, Hood River, Ore.; Commercial Club, Wenatchee, Wash.; North Central Washington T he Estaead a aud M on tnvilla Cubs I g nample Latest Model #*fftnn?rer” bicycle furnished by us. Our agents everywhere are p i ived one of the best gam es ever seen ] Development League, Commercial making money fast. W rite f o r f u l l p a rtic u la r s a m i spec ia l o ffe r a t once. N O ftlO N K Y I lI S Q U I K L I » until you receive and approve of your bicycle. Wesnip on the hom e grou n d s. Se ve ra l sen ­ Growers’ Union, to anyone, anywhere in the U. S. n it k o u la cent deposit in advance, preptiv f r e i g h t , and Club and Fruit allow T E N 1>AYS* l'T lK lì T R I A L during which time you may ndc the bicycle and sational p lays were m ade by both home put it to any test you wish. If you are than not perfectly satisfied or do not wish to Walla Walla; Chamber of Com­ and visitin g team s and the ou tfield ing of Keep the bicycle snip it b.u k to us at our expense nnd>/>« -.vili not be out one cent. We furnish the highest grade bicycle* it is possible to make mercial, Elleusburg, W ash.; Latah the Cubs w as perfect. T he u m p irin g I tì ¿iu J vat I 1 il.Vioad at one small profit above actual factory cost. You save f i o to < 2 $ middlemen's pro ids by buying direct cf us and bave lite manufacturer’s Fruit Growers’ Union; was done by H ietsm an and m ore fair I anice behind your b.c clc. 1 )0 N O T IU ! Y a bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone County at a n y p r u e until you ree« tve our catalogues mid learn our unheard of fa c t o r y w o rk could not be asked for, as he gave Idaho; Chamber of Commerce, I f r ic c s and r e m a rk a b le sP o ffers to r iu c r » g o u t s . a p i r » i| I r r n r>r.\ V'SOr'fTTI wh'-n you receive our beautiful catalogue and the decisions so that fans and p layers Missoula, Mont.; commercial clubs ¥t/U w i L L v k « n > !»t/i-JivJltU rt’-idy our superb models at the ‘w o n d erfu lly le n v p ric e s we can make you this year. Wo sell the highest grade bicycles for less money could both hear. T he battery fo r Esta- i than any other factory. We are satisfied with profit above factory cost. of Stevens county, W ash.; Com cadn was Thom pson and Bronson and for _ n i U Y C L i l 1)14A L U M S , you can sell opt bicycles under your own came plate at 9 double"** * our prices. Ordcis filled the day received. . . . . . . . mercial Club, Medford, Ore.; Com­ M on tavilla G ra v e l! and H aw orth . Score 7 .* L C O .N l) H A N D I5 IU Y C L K S . W e do not regularly handle second band bicycles, but ' usually have a nu:fth-.*r on hand taken in-trade by our Chicago retail stores. These we clear out mercial Club and Fruit Growers’ E staead a 3 M ont tvilla 2. E rro rs E staca at prices ringing iron U J to fid or 8 I<>. Descriptive bargain lists mailed free. ' promptly prompt:y a -------------- B in alo w h o o t». Im p o rte d r o lle r cim iti* and p e lla i», parts, repairs and Union, North Yakima, Wash ; «1-. 2, M on tavilla ». S trik e outa, Thomp- CCAST'-.TBÍtli-á, .a kind.-.. -WZ/L Commercial Club, Lewiston, Idaho; Sunnyside, Zillah and Spokane r ; « >J S A M P L E FAsOt Valley Fruit Growers’ associations L t ì) TO n tsrM D O O E .O M L Y Tlie Memorial I ay gams between T k t r r z u l . i r r t t a i ! f r i a r al t h r u Urn it , and the Sutherlin Development S SO t e r f . u r , I ./ /.* #»./.•■ . r t m . i U ------g tlie two Estaeada teams was a very u t ly o u a s a m f U f a i r lut t i . U , A It i ! ! , » /.-> l i s i ) . r -, y j y a —— League, Oregon. amusing ©tie throughout, a number j CO KS&ETROliSLE TEOM PUXCTtifiEo f i * - The decisions of the trustees of . r â I V L > S . * , T u - c 1 k . . s o r 1 (lia * l..n o A s n- w I I ill I t i n n o t t I lo I I t t th t i n o a fV » J ’ ; of the old t me "fan s" taking part N A out. Sixty thousand thousand puii" p a in »old sold In . Sixty In t t year. year. A P 'X the show to eliminate orchard land o burniteti tfcouv A p ur» now »:: me*. Y * * * -'V % - T" 4 #A. two in the playing. The score was 13 Over companies from making the Chi­ 9 yridiuK-ves ttfPTtC ^ D EBO R tP rt .TrM«dc Inali «izes. ItlHi c’r t vdutnblc: :ul lined: Uuvt..t >aiiu tread. The regular price o f these tire» isJS.jjopi'r pair, but for , U x. EASY KlOtiiO. kins. I ’ m ire Boswell. ganizatious and fruit growers’ as- r.ilvertl*inR purposes w earc m akin g a special laclory price to ‘ . , , „ _ ^ L tically ev ery district in the Noith- vvect Mill be adenuatcly represent­ ed. " Why don’ t "th ey ” fix the meeting (house? Why don’ t “ they” have a choir? Aud when the house is damp and (cold Why don’ t “ they” build a fire? Why don’t "th e y ” have such (meetin’s A s “ they” used to have back (homt? Why don’ t "th e y " give a cordial (shake? They seem as cold as stone! Here's golden opportunity For you, for them, for me! Eacli has a share In this affair It isn’t "th ev” it’ s "w e .” Be loyal man, say to yourself ' It’s up to me!” —H. W. K u iii . m AN FERRY H. B. CROSS For W IM .IA M HAMMOND CROSS & HAMMOND 4 » ATTORNEYS AT LAW 4 » Abstracts. R ea l lístale. Loaos. In su ran ce O rbgon C it y , O rego n Bcrry Crop Is Large R e m e m b e r th e »till at the old stand and witling to do any of the work in his lint GIVE HIM A CALL cipal apple districts in Washington, Oregon aud Idaho, where, he says, the prospects were never better for enormous yields of fruit. "Thous­ ands of ncTes of new orchards will come into liearing this season," he added, "and, judging from the hlocm-laden branches, the young trees will give satisfactory results. "When the plan of moving the prize winning exhibits to Chicago was first suggested, there was some donbt as to its feasibility, but the keen interest, the hearty co­ operation and financial support ac­ corded hv the various districts quickly determined the matter. Sufficient pledges have been re­ ceived to justify the trustees an­ nouncing that the Chicago expo­ sition will lie undertaken following the Spokane show, and we have every tea: on to believe that prac- T w o Carload Of Crates Ordered PROGRESS T o T ake Care Of Berries The berry raisers in and around Estaeada are all very busy and an excellent quality is being gathered. The weather has been cool, which has somewhat retarded rapid ripen­ ing and has enabled the raisers to take good care of their berries, al though they are more tedious to gather. The local market has been good and a small quantity only was shipped last week, Sixteen linn-j dred empty crates were received cn Saturday. The growers had ordered two carload blit they had not come yet and they commenced to feel tin-1 easy, infact if it had not been for the ones stored from last year they would have been seriously crippled as it is now with all the help they j need a big crop will be gathered here. Thev sold the last of the week fur $ 1.2 5 per crate. w hen you have a n y P r i n t in g to be d o n e . •o years - E X P E R IE N C E P atents TR A Da M i s s t D em o ns C o p y r i g h t s A c . An von« *«n ding a *k«trh and daacrtpflon m af -------------- — --------------- wneth----- _________ ______ I aironcT T orte _____ ________ Tatenta takon tbroush Munti A Co. recete# tp fe io l norie«. w t iV n t eh*ree, tn thè Sdentine Hmerkan A handwowely w eekir Larvest etr. cnlatton o f an? arient ilio >>nrmU. T erm i, (3 #. Leftr :_foor montfca, I L Soia by all rew arie*ler». ......... /Io ■ » Offlee. *Ì 25 V 8 L* Washington, li. i