Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, June 02, 1910, Image 1

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    - - •W P * '
KO. 4i op VO L. 2
Estacada State Bank
Capital Fully Paid Up - $ 25,000
L. E Bolfils, Cashier
Geo. A. Steel, President.
Geo. A. Steel, Ihos. Yocum, John Zobrist, L. E. Beltils
Evangelist VanM arter w ill Bpeak in
the Methodist church Thursday evening.
VVm. Kaake and family drove to
Dodge on Decoratiou Day.
F. K. Morton and wife cf Port­
land spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. S. A. Gorrell.
deposits and Saving Accounts.
We issue Drafts to any part of the World.
telegraph money to any part of the Unit­
ed States. We solicit accounts.
We make loans and place loans for our clients
Close 5 P. M.
Hours: Open 8:50 A. M.
Better Be Safe Than Sorry
G e t a n A b s t r a c t b e fo r e y o u b u y
If you are already a landholder,
be sure you really own the land de­
scribed in your deed.
O u r A b s tra c ts 01 C la c k a m a s C o u n ty title s
s ta n d th e test.
C l a c k a m a s T it l e C o m p a n y , in c .
EST A B L ISH E D 1 8 9 3
Hfead Offices: 509-511 Chamber of Commerce Building.
(S. !f. ¿Riley, President
¿frank SB, {R iley. Secretary
Read This!
When in need of Furniture, Queensware, Wall Paper,
Deadening Felt, Rugs, Carpets, Linoleum, Matting, Ham­
mocks, Beds and Bedding, in fact Furniture and Queens­
ware of any kind, call at the Estacada Furniture Store
and get our prices when in town.
We still have a few Singer Machines left yet.
sell you one.
Come in, we will treat you right.
W. D. and L . M. Henthom
Let us
i \
Everything Ready For
Strawberry Festival
Come And Enjoy The Day—
Eastern Clackamas County
Festival Not Com­
mercial Enterprise
Rev. Buck left on Tuesday morn­
That the festival will be a nice
ing for Ashland where he expects
social time for Eastern Clackamas
to locate.
county is the opinion expressed by
Mr. J. H, Brecht, wife and all. The Commercial Club desire
family were Estacada visitors this it distinctly understood that the
proposition is not a commercial one
Rev. Buck sold his property last hut a desire to show what this end
week to W. Glazier of Portland, of the county can produce, and for
who expects in the near future to this reason have selected straw’
berries at this time. Small fruits
occupy the same.
will in the a leading part
Miss Effie Jordon, who formerly
in our effort to make this a fruit
lived here but who is now living In
Sellivood, was among the picnicers
The burning of the berries by
who came out last Sunday.
the extremely warm days we had
Mr. Lonnie VanDyke of Red­ the first of the week or a bad or
lands, Cal., who formerly lived rainy day is the only thing that
here, is back again shaking hands will prevent a splendid display of
with old friends.
choice b;rries. For already we
Warren Barr, who has been at­ have seen crates shipped without
tending to business matters in the any effort at display that to say the
East for some time, returned to E s­ I least is choice. Briug in the ber­
ries aud make the display no need
tacada last week.
of feeling that you don’t want a
Mrs. Anna Reed, a teacher in
prize. After these festivals be­
the Portland school, spent Sunday
with her parents Mr and Mrs, An- come popular and keen competition
is made to er.cell, you may be
sorry you did not improve the op­
Postmaster Young, of Portland, portunity you now have to win the
died at an early hour Monday honor of a prize.
morning from cancer of the
The day will be given up to
stomach, after an illness of about pleasure and display. Our business
five months.
men will close their business places
F o u n d i i Estacada on Saturday part of the day. Two ball games,
May 28th, a watch. The owuer one at 10:30 the other 2:30, will be
can have the same by calling upon played. One of the best bands
D Bridenstine, proving property and orchestra from Portland will
be here for the day and evening.
and paying for this ad.
"Jim m y ’ Eagati, familiar to The berries for display will be
many here, while enjoving a va­ judged by disinterested persons aud
cation is running in some bunch- the display will be made in the
grass horses. He “ lrit” Estacada Club room. So lay aside the work
on Sunday with fifty and has dis­ you planned and come and enjoy
the day at Estacada, for it certain­
posed of several.
ly will help Eastetu Clackamas.
We acknowledge the courtesies
of the Canby Driving Club. Their
annual meet occurs at Canby June Twenty-four Different
4th. A good program has heeu
Countries Represented
prepared. Good racing is ex­
Fred Kellar is the new motor-
man on this run with the lay-over
at Estacada. Mr. Younger goes to
the Mt. Scott line, the transfer be­
ing made Monday. Mr. Kellar
has rented the Wilson property aud
will move in next week.
JU N E 2, 1910
fertilized as the growing crop at­
tests. He is improving all the
time. He has spring thicker* that
F it calile wanted; the fatter the will weigh three pounds. We are
satisfied that he will be well repaid
better.—See Peulaud & Jorg.
for his labor, for lie has done good
W a n t e d »Nice fat beef cattle thorough work.
at Townsend’ s. Top prices paid.
W. R. Stokes and family went to
Portland Monday by automobile.
We pay interest on Time
> 7
Miss Helen Berry spent Sunday
with her sister Mrs. Geo. Dale
D tRtclORS:
M -I"»'» it1
/ V,
(Special to the Progress)
Washington D. C. May 25 — We
are sitting at our room window
looking out over this great city, of
which we feel justly proud after
our six strenous da\ s of sight-see­
ing and duties as delegates to this
great Suuday School convention of
The 3rd annual picnic of railroad
the world. Twenty-four different
men of the P. R L. & P. Co. was
countries have delegates here of
held at Estacada on Sunday. It
able men and women, Such a con­
was a beautiful day and the crowd
vention as this has never been held
enjoyed the outing very much.
anywhere. The U. S. Congress
They came in a special with motor
passed a resolution to adjourn and
and five trailers all filled.
presented it to this convention to
Mrs. " Ja c k " Bourbonia of Ham­ review in line the delegates as­
ilton, Mont , is visiting her parents sembled. There were 10,ex» men
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bronson. Shc- in line carrying the banners of the
catne in Sunday and says " Ja c k " different countries and states, they
is engaged in the moving picture passed in front of thecapitol build­
show business and that she is en­ ing and were reviewed by the
joying much better health than House of Representatives and too,-
000 people, also President Taft
C. F. Howe, who had gone up made the speech of we-lcome, wel­
the Clackamas to the Hot Springs coming the nations of the world to
to recuperate returned on Sunday our capital city, stating the great
well satisfied with the result, as he importance of our meeting and it’ s
feels it has done him much good. effects upon our people and of the
He said in speaking of the baths binding closer the nations of the
from the second lime he went in he world. He also advised more inter­
est from the business world and
telt relief.
people at large, especially of our
While strolling through the Zo, own country, their duties as parents
i • I brist addition on Sunday tviuiny ; teachers and leaders in this great
we were invited in to see the im , Sunday School contention.
• provements Mr. Gorrell has made j
M. L Lewellen
' to his property and was surprised
In a note Mr. Lewellen advises
to see the great change th at a ; „•< tba<tail are well and that he had
couple of years do make
Mr b.en
b en to the
lb« senate and met our
Gorrell has all but about an acre ol
I senators and expected on that day
his laud cleared and most of it
planted to orchard and small fruit. to visit the White House and meet
president. lie also said that
* The rich black soil has been wvllltl
Close Saturday
June 4th From 10 A. M.
to 5 P. M. on account of
Strawberry Festival.
he would leave for New York City it will reflect honor and glory on
cveiy man, woman and child in
and Niagra Falls.
Estacada aud the grand surround­
ing country.
The small charge tor berries and
¡ go to fatten the pocket book of any
one but will be used to defray the
Aid Asked B y Committee On | expenses of the festival.
Refreshments— Come
The ladies' committee of the
strawberry festival requests those
And Help
furnishing cakes to not use plates
for bringing them in as it is a use­
The committee on refreshments less weight and care.
have made an effort to communi- plates or cardboard or an/ like
either iii person or by 'phone with ¡thing is much better.
every family residing in and around
Myrtle Miller
Estacada, but owing to lack of Chairman Com. on Refreshments
time and various other circum­
stances it seems quite probable we
lit ho Githens
Mamie Heiple
have missed a number, so in order Ellen Erickson
Edith Trowbridge
that there be no misunderstanding Lula Congdon
Jennie Sfmnkland
in regard to those who are expect­ Ethel Hale
Evelyn Jones
Lei a Howe
ed to help out with the festival I Helen Bartlett
wish to state that we wish every Gertrude Morrow Rachael Reed
Clema Harken ruler Miss Scott
young lady whose name is in the : Miss Jacobs
K itty Reagan
following list, and as many more as . Lena Harkenrider Eunice Richards
are willing to donate their services j Pori» Lovell
Della Lovell
Mable Tracy
for a short time that day, to help' Mart Woodle
Ethel Tracy
wait on the tables, and we would I-ul“ rracy
Lulu Sparks
. . . .
Ava Bronson
ike every kmdnearted and enter-
. Lavin'! C .. raford
. .
Mary Womer
prising matron in Estacada, Cur- Marv Dale
Anna Allen
rinsville, Springwater, Garfield and : Lydia Steinmnn
»Minnie Steintnan
Blanch Keller
Mount Zion to come early to the | Katie Currin
Belle Grant
festival :jnd lose no time offering Ethel K eller
. Hlva Adams
Caroline Kolpin
her services to help at the central Mary Jones
Rva Pruner
booth to prepare the berries, ice ! .Mrs. Stricklin
cream and cakes for the table, and
all who can, please bring cakes.
The committee will arrange matters
so that each lady will have to work
but a short time, if enough volun­
Neck meat, 8 cts lb .; plate meat
teer their services to make such a
9 cts. lb .; short ribs, 10 cts. lb ;
plan possible.
prime ribs, n cts, lb,; roll ribs
For the information of some who
roast, t 2 j 4 cts. lb .; rump roast, rr
do not seem to understand I will
cts. lb ; shoulder roast, 11 cts. lb ;
say that this is not an Estacada
flank roll, to cts. lb. ; shoulder
Festival or a Commercial Club Fes­
tival, but a Strawberry Festival steak, I2j4 cts lb.; round steak,
given to advertise the splendid 15 cts. lb ; loin steak. 15 cts. lb .;
strawberries grown in this part of loin, pork, 17 cts. lb.; loin, veal,
Clackamas county, to show all who i , c(s lb ; loin, mutton, n e ts , lb.;
come that we can and do raise the , , ,
, 12,G cts
and i___....
largest berries „r
of any I shoulder veal and mutton
lb. - P e n -
place in Oregon, and if our festival
< ' ianl °l same’ >5 cts
is a -u cess, as of course it will be, ¡land aud Jorg, Props.
» • i a ,
« T,
Livery, Feed & Sale
Commities Call
For Volunteers cake or ice cream and cake ^°esii t
W. A.
Good rigs ami careful drivers always
Hunting aud Flailing Parties
Local and Long Distance Telephone
BUY, S E L L , T R A D E , ETC.
F o r S a l k —Two good second
hand sewing machines, Wheeler &
Wilson and Singer. Also a brand
new Eldridge direct from the fac­
tory, At the Progress.
We have several pieces of prop­
erty left with tts to negotiate a sale
for. Intending investors in Esta­
cada will do well to consult lisas
we may have just what you want.
Inquire at the P r o g r e s s office.
W anted
Good fat beef cattle,
highest prices paid, See Penland
& Jorg,
F o r S at . e — Team, mare anti
gelding, 8 aud 10 years, weight
2,200, perfectly sound, good drivers
with or without harness and hack.
—Standisli Bros.
M E. Church----- Next Sabbath
Sabbath School
Prayer Meeting on Tli ursday
a. m.
P m.
P- m.
Ev co­
P- rn.
Church of Clnist—Next S djt ath
Bible School
10 a.
You. g Peoples’ Meeting 7 p.
A m arr'age license w is issued on ¡’ ties-
day at Oregon City to Thomas J Rhoades
au 1 Miss hva M. Jouws.