' E ST A C A D A lUUKCTORS: 1’ H * ^. F . H riu n s, J W. K m i >, H a n d le s th e B e st F r e s h a n d c u r e d M o a ts Pre*iitlc'»it V ic e K rr s iiW » t Hilitur »nd Priiliikirf I t t n mail ¡ h u r M i. iv Morning VEAL HOGS HIDES •I S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S ......... ..........S I SHEEP LARD CATTLE EGGS CHICKENS SAUSAGE Every thresherman and farmer in Oregon is in vite el to attend the Threshermtn's convention to lie held at Alliany June 2nd and 3rd. Secretary Bates slates that it will be the largest gathering of agri­ culturists in Oregon this year. The United States government has ar­ ranged to send two of its best men from Washington, the Governor of the state will !>e present and the program for the two days is replete with the liest that money could ob­ tain. The Commercial Club of Albany will furnish a big banquet at u<>on of the 3rd to the delegates on the Court house lawn. Both the O. K. & N. anti Southern Pa­ cific lines and branches have made a one and-one third rale on the cer­ tificate plan and a leu days limit will he given to the Eastern Oregon contingent that they may stop over at Portland for the Rose Festival the following week. Central Oregon has lived an eventful life the past two weeks, first with a series of development meetings planned by the commer­ cial organizations at Bend, Prine- ville, Burns, Prairie City and En­ terprise, and then in entertaining Louis W. Hill and his part) who atade a leisurely trip through the region in automobiles, and every­ where received welcomes that would put to shame the conven­ tional leceptions of the large cities Oregon feels voni pitmen ted in the naming of the two magnificient new steamers of the San Francisco & Pptttatid Steamship Company to ply between the two cities. “ The Beaver" and “ The Bear” are twin wssels, modern and luxurious in the extreme East Thursday “ The Bear" had a “ boat-warming” at Portland, and from two o’clock in the afternoon until nine in the evening entertained hundreds of visitors. Most interesting single feature of nil was the award of contract for a mammoth bridge over the Colum- bia ut Celilo Palls for the Oregon Trunk. The cost will lie approx­ imately $1,500,000, there will be twenty nine spans to the structure nnd it must he completed by Jan­ uary 1. 1913. The total length is 3960 feet, or more than three- quarters of a mile, The longest span is 350 feet. Foreign mad of the Oregon De­ velopment League increases nt a rate that can best he described as appalmg for those who must answer the inquiry. Saturday morning's delivery included letters from Russia, Germany, Holland, Deinnai k, Belgium, Phillippines, Italy, Honduras and Sweden, as well as those from all parts of North Aititrira. A party of thirty Minnesota bankers nnd a second party of prominent Wisconsin businessmen, the latter travelling under the au- spi es of the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce, will arrive in Portland during the first week in lune. They plan to see Oregon thorough­ ly after 1 articipating in the Rose F st vai. For M ailN SK Y spection. we j ü s s !» « s r a a e 6:55, 9 . 11. A. M. and i. 3 . 5 . 9 P M. Everybody Wins a Prize Cars leave Portland for l i s t ­ eada: t 6: 55 . 8 45 . t ° 45 . A. M. and 12:45, 2:45, 4:45, 6:45 P. M. C a* B. Mai rick. R*ti«t«i. I Freight also leaves Portland in the morning goes to Caza­ dero and returns to Portlanc. Main offices of the company: 132 1-2 Fir9t St. Portland, Oregon. your in­ H E N R Y V .A D IX . M .D P H Y S IC IA N & S U R G E O N » It V d r ' : « V 'y c a f ***** ifT IT O F F I C E , A D JO IN IN G R H S Z D B N C E chase, while they last. Henry Linderman, Greatest living Pianomaker D A L E S’ $10 a week $2 a day 10 20 20 20 20 20 A L L MODERN C O N V E N IEN C E S One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast Local and Tourist Trade Solicited When vou are sick enough to need Medicine, don’ t try to Go to a and the medicine you get will be the finest possible that can be prepared according to that prescription. Every prescription ingredient used at the Estacada Pharmacy is of full standard potency, the purest, freshest and strongest ob­ tainable, and being compounded carefully will insure your receiv- ing superlatively affective medicine. D E N T IS T C F SH EA RER AND Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Checks, Checks, Checks, Checks, Checks, Checks, values values values values values values at at at at at at D e n tis t s of W ELLS' P o r tla n d Will visit Estacada on Friday andi Saturday of each week Appointments may be made with Dr. Adix. $ 1 5 0 each........................$1500 $ 1 3 0 each....................... 2600 $110 each ..................... 2200 $ 90 each ..................... 1800 $ 70 each..................... 1400 $ 50 each.................... 1000 J O H N S T E I N E R , M . £> P h y s ic ia n a S u r g eo n ****** OFFICE BEHIND ESTACADA STATE BANK ****** ^ ^ *N o rta ry Public, General Law Practice, Mortgages foreclosed, Ab­ stracts furnished $450 ™ LINDEMAN PIANO Then be sure and have that prescription carefully compound­ ESTACADA PHARMACY Dr.L.A. W E L L S See how accurately, neatly and artistically you can draw the above picture of Henry Lindeman. Sleeps in rooms liack of office. Can be T o afford everybody who enters the contest a fair chance, we have placed a dotted outline of Mr. found at office day or night. Henry Lindeman’s features in the right-hand panel. You can trace your sketch over this dotted outline, with such additions or omissions as you believe will improve the picture— or you can send Dimick & Dimick, in a free-hand drawing— either pen or pencil may be used. T o the person submitting the best sketch— neatest and most artistic— we will award and deliver FREE a Attorneys at Law good physician and let him prescribe the proper medicine. Bring it to the s. g . Lindeman Piano Credit Checks Redeemed During Rose Carnival Week P r e s c r i b e d M e d i c i n e is B e s t ed. henry & ^ ^ ^ $ 1 0 , 5 0 0 in Other Valuable Awards The Hotel Estacada doctor yourself, for self-medication is a risky proposition. Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor's phone can be connected with your home phone at night if re­ quested. One long ring. By Copying lh is Picture You May Win a $450 T his offer is made and the gifts will be awarded by Henry & S . G. Lindeman, for the purpose of MONEY LO AN ED advertising their celebrated Pianos in this section. Henry and S. G. Lindeman wiLl award a per­ sonally signed check in the order as listed above to each person sending in the next best drawing. O FFIC ES: 2 , 3 & 4 , ANDRKSKN BLD. O reg o n C it y O reg o n T his check will be applicable on the purchase of a new Henry & S . G. Lindeman Piano, Player Piano, or Little Grand Piano. All entries must be made to Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co., Sixth H. H. CROSS W IL L IA M HAM M OND and Burnside street, Portland, Or., who have agreed to act for Henry & S. G. Lindeman. CROSS & HAMMOND t * ATTORNEYS AT LAW ‘ * Abstracts. Real Estate. Loans. Insurance O reg o n C i t y , See F E R R Y For Painting, Papei H a ngin g and Calcemi- ning. 1 st class w ork G u a ra n teed British Columbia W . A . J o n fJ , b * l« S A f t . . E sU cad a FANTON BROS — —— — ^ " GUARANTEED 14-KARAT GOLD POINT FOUNTAIN PEN STREET AND SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS J. V. BARR Write for full information. T. R PH ILLIPS 308 McKay Bldg. - - O reg o n R. G. Marchbank lia s o p e n e d u p a c o n f e c t i o n e r y a n d c o ld lu n c h r o o m , w h e r e c a n d ie s , n u t s , c i g a r s , s o d a - w a t e r . ic e c r e a m a n d c o ld lu n c h w i ll b e served I CEDAR These simple rules will govern the contest: 1. The competition wifi d o se at 10 p. m.t Saturday, May 28, 1910. A. KRIEGER & CO. 2. No contribution from a professional artist will be considered. Kstacada Agent—A. 3. T h e decision of the judges must be accepted as final. 4. The sketch submitted may be traced over the dotted outline in right-hand ditions or omissions— or it may be a free-hand drawing. 5. The $ 4 5 0 Henry & S . G. Lindeman Piano will be delivered to the successful contestant ab- solutely free of any charge. 6. All answers M U S T be mailed to A R T D E P A R T M E N T , Reed-French Piano Mfg. Sixth and Burnside, Portland, Or. 7. ----- P R O P R IE T O R - Morrow B 3 9 9 U 9 9 9 B E I9 9 B 9 B 9 9 9 9 9 9 B 9 K ] * panel, wjth ad- The Oregon Fire Relief Asso­ a ciation of McMinnviUc w ith $180,000 reserves, so lic its yo u r J business through Co., John B row n R o c k w o o d , O r e ç o it Phone Gresham , 331 Every contestant is to correctly answer the following questions on this Coupon: Or leave word at this office Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co. Notice for S IX T H AND B U RN SID E, PO RTLA N D , OREGON Address.. Give the Name and Address of a friend you think is about to buy a Piano. Friend’ s Name..................................................................... Publication Department of the Interior. U. S . Land office at Portland. Orefon. April 18th. 1910. Notice la hereby given that Frank R . Rhodes of Cherryville, Oregon, who. on Aug. 3 ts t. 1908. made Homestead application Serial. No. 0 3 6 1 . for S E V section 32. Township 2 South. Rang« 6 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of ieteoticn to make final Commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the register and re­ ceiver. U. S . Land office at Portland. Oregon, on th» 9th day of June. 1910. Claimant names as witnesses Colby Maraton. John T . Friel. David Douglas. Frank Sirois. ail of Cherryville. Oregon. Chas. B. Merrick. Register Name. Address.............. Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co. S i x t h a n d B u r n s id e . P o r t la n d . O re g o n - S o l e R e p r e s e n t a t iv e s H e n r y & S. G. L i n d e m a n P i a n o H e solicits y o u r trade Comet Comes And Goes SHINGLES They are fully warranted, exactly as if they were sold for $ 2 .5 0 instead of being given away. We manufacture all kinds of Cedar Shingles and are prepared at all Write easily, smoothly. W ill give great and lasting satisfaction. One of the excellent fountain times to deliver the same. Also pens will be awarded to each contestant who fails to win any of the principal prizes. to sell at the mill, having stock ou hand at all times T h e judges who will make the awards will be three well known business men. S I OO REWARD SI 0 0 T he readers of th is paper w ill be p leas­ ed to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science lias h«en ab le to cure in all its stag es, and that is C atarrh. H a ll’s C atarrh Cure is the o n ly positive enre now know n to the m ed ical Irate, n itv . C atarrh being a con stitation- al disease, requires a coasitn tio oal treat­ m ent. H a ll's C atarrh C u — m ra k -t, in ­ tern ally, actin g d ire ctly ujion the blood ' and m ucous surfaces of the system , there- without any perccptable change on the highest hills and became chilled ! count is also given of a sheep herd- b> lr? '" ’ g th* foundation of the dis .. , .. . . , , , , I „ ease, and giving the patient strength by Mother Earth. It has lieeu the in- by their endeavor to get a glimpse cr going insane over in E,a»tern building up the constitution and assist- direct cause of numerous deaths, of the comet or see some strange Oregon from tear or trying to solve p^wuTrVhnJe so m uch •,, faith w°rk in Th* pro its cura- Halley's comet, that has been so In s o m e of th e l a r g e r c it ie s m y s t e r i e s connected w i t h th e i d - ,hat thtY ° a*r H undred insanity and ridiculous aud un- sight j ' D ollars lor an y case that it fa ils to cu re. — much talked of and has filled pages comfortable situations. In Estaca- persona have fallen from h o u s e pearing o f t h e c o m e t . O v e r t h e Send fo r list ol testim onials. Mr. Valentine is erecting a nice in all the papers with theories of |* r ~~ home on the lots next to the M. E. what scientific men knew and did da Persons llav« left tIieir b t d s at roofs and windows to death trying entire world it has attracted . not kuow, has come and passed unseasonable hours aud climbed to[ to see the saut- phenomenon. Ac- .attention from «11. I ^ l*UFCl1 - BONDS FOR SALE CITY OF ESTACADA. OR. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned until 2 o’clock P. M. on Wednesday the first day of June A. D. 1910, for $5,000,00 of the bonds of the city of Estacada, Oregon, in denomina­ tions of $500.00 each numbered fiotn one to ten inclusive, said bonds to be ! dated July the first, A. D. 1910, and to become due and payable iu ten years after date thereof, and to bear interest at K E IIH NU RSERY CO. i the rate of five and one half per ceutum Camas, Wash. per annum, payable semi annually on ! the first days of January nnd July of each ('.rowers of High Grade Nur.ery Stock >e« - principal and interest payable in Specialties: English Walnuts, Yellow , Sutes K >'>> «>'■ > ‘ !>e office of Newton and SpiUenberg apples. the Treasurer of the city of Estacada, Oregon. The above described bonds are issued for the purpose of constructing Witt, Strunk, Salesman Estacada, Or. and improving streets and constructing sewers in the city of Kstucada, County of Clackamas, State of Oregon. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for an amount equal to five |>er cent of the face value of the amount of B L A C K S M IT H the bouds bid for, payable to the order of the Mayor of the city of Estacada, to h ftill at the old stand and willing to do be forfeited as liquidated damages iu any of thr work in his lint case the bidder shall withdraw his bid or shall fail or neglect to take and pav for GIVE HIM A CALL said bonds should the same be awarded to him. The right to reject any and all bid* is hereby teserved. All proposals should lie marked “ Proposals for street and sewer bonds” and addressed to E. S. Womer, City Recorder of Estacada, Ore­ Cheap farm lands along the line of the gon. By the order of the City Council Grand Trunk Pacific R y., now building, of the city of Estacada, Oregon K. S. Womer, Ideal climate, pure water, rich soil. Recorder of the city of Estacada, I ho l a s t Of I he West Beautiful valleys between the Rockies Oregon. Date of first publication May 19, 1910. and Coast Range. Price low, easy terms ■“ — ^ Pa*h*ll, Mail ami Express (uo ’ passengersfi carried on this mu) leaves Portland# ¡for Estacada 5:25 a. ui. and 2:40 p. m l Leaves Estacada for Portland 4:26 p.J ¡m. ami 7:10 a. m. i* FREE with each $10.00 pur- D O N ’T forget the Picture, h a n d . S E '< . S fC . 24. tow rshlp 3 *otah.. r *n g * 5 m s i W lltam an * M -rld lsr. has fllwi ncHc# of Intantlor to ; I Cars leave Estacada for Port­ « land : our Styles and Prices are the Best. 20. arako ftro* H w *oo* pow>l»c ostahllsh claim to tho land abooo doacrl' od boforo th« register receiver U . 9 . Lend Office at Portland. Oregon, o r the 1 3th L. & P. Co. E ST A C A D A -P O R T L A N D HEAD CHEESE FRESH MEATS SMOKED MEATS are second to none and iuvite FANTON’S serial No. 0 1 0 9 3 for P P. R. O b ta in a b le line and our Prices Are The Very Lowest Possible. W h e n in need or F irst C lass C e d a r s h in g le s c o n s u lt m e 1910. S h in g le s d elivered o r at the Notice Is h#r?by flv s n that Jc*#ph Llnhart of mill. N os. I a n d 3 _ a . lw a y s o n S*rfcir Or#eon. » h o ©r Ap ril 2 1.1 904 mad« homo- . Aar of June 1910. Claim ant names as witnesses Jacob Lulhnor. Frank Zaatera. Peter C U P * « U n h ari. all of Sandy. O r*g o r. - That we are now supplied with a Nice Eine of Goods in every P u b li « o t i o o Apr!) ß Of Estacada And Vicinity Cedar Shingles « •«d in i'.-M iO R N o . 1 3 1 9 5 m w. > .» TIME CARD - n » * » * » « '.« « ! * « * ^ We Wish To Say To The Many People Much Interest is mani fest eri in the Stfswbeiry Festival June 4th. lo r j iiim b iih m h DALES The correct way to pronouuce it is Ks-ta-ca da, accent on the third syllable, a having the sound of a as in ah in the twn last syllables. Nolire ~ n — T ii~ m r i i SO Thursday. May 10. 1010 V. 3. L a rd et: c# •» Rortlaivd. Oregon. ir it 00 ... ..... S t * m enlhs........... im Penland CB l , Jorg IM U U U . ONIGOh On. y.a r................ tm ■ We Buy and Sell M anager EV¡t«rtd ai IK* icncftlc* in Estacad*, Or*gon. as aac e r ó class t - - - -------------------------- - Cash Paid for Hides and Market Products L. K. BKr.Mi.ii, Treasurer E . S. W UM KR, I J& • PALACE MEAT MARKET PROGRESS " " Address l>. J. CHENBY A Co ToWdo O much Sold by D m ggists, 75c. Take HalL’s Family pills lor constipo- V tioa.