Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, May 05, 1910, Image 4

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•a (H U ER I S E R T
and d is t r ic t to
___ __ and exhibit a
• furnished bv cs. Our 'senta «ver>v»her« aro
c^ikiua tvoney la*t. W 'rtttJvr fm it p a r titu la rs .«*•/ s i t i u ! l[*r< it ttnc*.
Mtt MONCV IU\<itlKfcl> unU you fecotve am».>»»pitiv* ol )>.ui Ucycle.
D 1K K C T O K S:
to anyone, anywhere in the I . S. xnthaut a cru t di-/>ca 4 u\ id v iu c v tfr*f> iv/’ tigh t, and
a .-*• i t N y A V S ’ M il l I K l .l I.dunuv which time you may ride the bicycle and
i'NA*- I*\ n» io is ,
put it to any ius* >.ni wish. It > .4 ait » U'ti, not u*vi4ectly .vanned or do not wuh to
keep the ticycU »tup it bo k to 11 . .it t ur expnise and you w ill a ct b* out oh * cent.
, \Y M h k p , V lc t ) r e * i d e » t
ri> A ?n n v ODIPCC vve tin . h U.C b ;l»ext mad« hicycins it is possible to make
r f t o lU i I f r n l v t d At . ne m u ll probt above actual 1 ictury cost. \ou eavc |io
!.. K. B n . Kit», Treasurer
middlemen's proiits by buying direct ot us and have the mamilacturcr s guar­
antee behind
belt. .1 your bicycle.
toocic. 1>0 NOT UUX a Ucyck or a p..u ut twes lro » «*>.>**
f r u * until you receive tur ca'..i:"«ue 3 and learn our unheard ot fa c t o r y
E . S . W O M K H . ISd ito r « u d M a n a g e r
f r i c c i and rtm.i'-kabl* sp ecia l <gf*rs to r u le r uffout».
yOU w
ill _ BE
_ ____________study
ASTONISHED '■ ’“ our
i». ? s-aK-tb
?* models at the wonJer/uUy
tow f r t c a wa can ni.i.c youllu* year. \>o sell die hmlust grade bicycles ior less money
lint arad u lit* im m N íci In Estacri». Or*con. as ,
thau any other ta«.:ory. We are satisfied with $1 u> piotit above laetory cost,
»*»'■ :<.-i dass mall
l i l t VCLK D ID ALliltil, you can sell our bicycle* under your own name pule at
double'*' "our prices. Orders filled «lie «lay received.
. . . . . . . .
l ECONO HAND UICYCI.I :si. We do not regularly handle second hand bicycles, but
Pul.ükhtti (>erv lìiur&ttay Morning al
usually have a mtmlier on hand tiken in trsde by our Chicago retail stores, 1 lies.* we clear out
lging from »S3 to ftt* .>r ill« » . Descriptive bargain lists mailed free,
o \»lio«'U. Im p o rted r o lle r c h a in s and |Mrd»lb, parts, repairs and
nent uf all kinds at h a lf th* usual r eta il f r t . e s ,
C 0 ASï£ 8 -BilAHE$,
{ I x ü u k »»iiiK a d ; í »>
One year,...
Si* mort»!#
T R Ù O O O E PA,a\
$£LF-!lEA U ftfi T I R E S TO
' IN
4*1 / you u sa tuple pa i > tar SLd/cash zitlh or,1er SI-55).
NAILS, T a c k » o r G la »» w ill n o t le t tho
stir ou t. S ix ty thouaaiid pairs sold last year.
Over two • toumiresl
idt ---------
- ---------1------
p u asu o w in use*.
D E S C R IP T IO N t Made in a ll sizes. It l*liv ely
and easy riding.verydur jb lea n d linedinsirtewitl,
a special q uality c l rul,her, which never t--------
tures without allow-
noroui and which closea up sm alt pun :tur
N otice tho th ic k r u b ie r tr e a d
inff the a ir to escape. We have huaOredaol letters from satis-
“A " a n d p u u c tu re S trip » ‘•H,,
I , d u ■:,, i restatin g that thalr tire , haveonlv been pumped
a n d **D,” altut rim « tr ip “ H’*
Upoticeor twice in a whole season They weigh no more than
to p rev en t rim v u ttiii);. T h is
an ordinary lir*, the puncture re sistin g q u alllir, being given
t ir e w ill outlaMt a n y o th e r
t>v sevt rul la yers o f thin, specialty prepared fabric on the
m a k e SOFT, U A S I 'I C a n d
tread. T h eregu lar price of these tires us > 1.50 per pair,but for
advei li.ra h purposes w eare m aking a s'" . :al factory price to
__ .
. u i . . e, n . .
th e n 1 1 , T only f i ‘s, per pair. A ll ot Jera shipped aame day letter 1» received. We shipC . O n op
SDPrr val You dotiot nay a > cut until you ha\ e exaniinetl and found them strictly as represented,
l i e Will allow a c a sh .llse o u n » of 5 per cent «h e re b y m aking the price » 4 . 0 » per pairl if yon
and enctose
th is l adv^rnsement.
You run no risk In
i e n ____ ... . f /. >. ano raaenn Ihotr t rs»
11 » au order
a s the
tlr<» . . m
be returned
at UVH
expeuse if for any reason they are
tio* satisfactory r>n exam ination We nre perfectly reliaW e and money sent to us is as safe as in «
bank If you order a pair of these tires, you w ill find that they w ill ride easier, run faster,
wear t>ctter last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. W r
know that you w ill be so w ell pleased that when you w ant a bicycle you w ill g ive us your order.
is a tria l order at once, hence this rem arkable tire offer.
We want you to send * us
doii't buy an y kind at an y price uutii you send for a p air o l
I F Y O U N E E D T I R E S I ledge* horn Puncture-Proof « t:res on approval
tria l at
’ and * *-*-'
the special introductory price quoted above; or w rite for our big Tire ' nd Sundry Catalogue whicn
describes and <iuotes a ll m akes and kinds of tires at about half the usual prices.
__ _ A J A 1 . 1 j / r c r hut w rite us a postal today. DO NOT THINK. O F HUYING a bicycle
t J U t f U t T V e+ iil or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and wondertul
suffers we are m aking. U only costs a pyjstal to learn everything. W rite u NOW.
T h e cr rrecl \ tiy lo pronounce it
i* Hs-tu cit-ihi, accent on the third
»vital I«. a having tire sound of a
as in ai. in lire last syllables.
T h e 1 ’orlUuil httsiness men re­
turned (mm »heir i i . i t to thirty
Ort non (joints intensely enthused
A sid e from the sjdcudid welcome
cxtenrled to 'hem everyw h ere, some
of the more l; ini ly features ap
pea Y d to H im sp ecially— for in
Stance tlie luscious asparagus, tooth-
SO ne new pota’ oes and strawberries
w ideh were sent to the excursion
diner by different communities
T h e lie s he tic side was not over
ioo’ceil, »ither, and at several points
the excursionist* foun t upon re-
inrinuu to their train that it had
been converted into a bower ot
I s .a o r other blossoms.
H a n d le s
A Eorxtly tin in tier of Ka^le Creek
jieople were here Siinctay to see the
hat) (¡nine nnd proved themselves
em hiiviastic fans, takin g the defeat
of their home team in a sportsman
like manner. A very sm all m i­ HIDES
nority, how ever, considered it the
proper thing to l*.- scrappy. T in s
slio'd I not he so as it giv es good
urg ini nt to those who do not
favor an innocent sport to easily
show that it leads to ,h arm . T h e I
individual w ho can take defeat
good n itared ly a.; l in a p h y sio lo g -,
u a l manner is a lw ays popular and]
has a well Ixtlanced judgm ent that
can alw ays be depended on
th e B e s t F r e s h
and C u re d M e a ts
O bta ina ble
Cash Paid for Hides and Market Products
W e Buy and Sell
Penland C&» Jorg
We Wish io Say to The Many People
'That the N ational G overnm ent s'
do ts a great injustice to the public |
as well as to the printer Liy com-|
jiel 11 o „11 to help p ’ V for the print- I
ing done on stamped envelopes; it
fav o is the big firms that can afford j
to p iy and I »nrTens the public who
do pay, kills coinpciilion and pro |
motes matiopolv, has been an evil
endured tor tw en ty years. A hill 1
to prevent this e v il is before Con- i
grci* now and
every ta x p a y e r :
slion ',1 lie interested in it. W rite
to your representatives and tell
them yon are opposed to paying for
the printing for the big users of en­
T h e Y o u th ’ * Com panion is not
only so in name but reality. W e 1
remember it personally at least
forty years a>;o, how w e enjoyed its
stori.s. It has been much im- |
proved since and the price has be'en
raised, but it is worth to any hoy
or girl much more than its sub- j
script ion price and m any of the!
men a in 1 women who learned to
lead it in hoy and girlhood days
clin g to it as one does to an old !
friend. T h e price is $i 75 per year
Subset i pi ions taken at this office.
0T Estacada And Vicinity
T h a t we are now supplied w ith a N ice L in e of G oods in every
line and our Prices A re T h e V ery L ow est Possible.
For M i l l i n e r y we are second to uone and
spection, our Styles and Prices «re the Best.
DON’T forget the Picture,
FKEE with each $10.00 pur-
chase, while they last.
S ’
$10 a w eek
$2 a day
N ext Sabbalh
Notile (or Publication
ft»t«rtm«nt U do) Interior U. S. Land Oflke at
Pori-nd. Ore»tn March 26th 1910.
Notice is hereby given that Harry Sawt»H of
| Dover. Oiegon. who. on May ird . 1905. mad»
I H ’m «»t»adArt' at i n No. 15701, Serial No.0t20t>
j for Lot 13) Sactton 6 . Townakip 3 South. Range 5
east, wuiamane Merid lan. Las Mao nolle* of interr-
' ticn to make Final Fiva >ear Prool to aaiablish
claim to th» land abova d*acrlbad Laiora the Regis­
ter and Raoaivtir. at Portland. Oiagon. CP the 10th
day I May 1910.
Claimant names a* witnesses
Charles Casaady.
of Sandy. Ore«.
Geoige Wolfe.
of Dover. '
Guy W codlo.
of ’
Joaej L DeShajar. of
Clvaa. l|. M*rrlck Register
S .ililia t li S e llim i
a. IK
I 1’ ieacIiinK
P 111.
Touching t I k * nmtt«‘r of eaflng. itio
by »lie old chronicler* and l.eii^ue
historians of the abnormal npi>**titos of l * t a y e r M e e t in g o n 1 n u r s d a v I '.v c n -
certain Uoiuan and oriental men of Illy;
- :.( o
]). til.
note fairly stagger belief.
OibboB tells ot Sollman. a caliph In
(la* eighth ccutury. who died of acute
Cliurvli of C h rist— N ext Sabbath
Indlgestlou i:» his crimp near Clin lets.
In Syria. Just as la* was about to lead
io a. ni.
an army of Arabs against Constantino» Kittle School
pie. lie hml emptied two luisUets of P rfach iu g
a. 111
eggs and Mgs, which he swallowed
alternately, and tin* repast was tinisli-
p. m,
rd with marrow and sugar. In a piU Preaching
grimage to Mecca the same caliph had
eaten with impunity at a single meal
»evenly pomegranates, a kid. six fowls
and a huge cjuaDilty of (be grain** of
Such a statement would defy belief
were not others of a similar character
well avouched. l ouls XIV. could hard­ Is «till at the old st»nd and willing to do
ly boast or fin appetite ns ravenous as (
any of the work in hi« line
Solhnnn's, but he would eat at * sit- j
ting four platefuls of different soups, a j
whole pheasant, a partridge, a plate- !
ful of salad, mutton hashed with gar- I
lie. two good sized slices of ham. a |
dish of pastry and finish this ample j
repast with fruit and sweetmeats.— j
Loudon Saturday Review.
G lu tto n y of S o lin v m s n d th e A p p e tite
of L o u ie X IV .
Notice for Publication
U. S. Land Offle* at Portland. Orsgon. A n il 16.
J. V. B A R R
T h t rrp u ta r r t la i l p rice o t O u st U r n i t
: 50 f e r f a i r , f t to introduce w< t r i ll
5 . 1910
M li. C h inch
L. & P. Co.
C ars leave UsLicatla for Port­
55 . 0 . «■ »'. A . M. »nd
». 3 . 5 . 9
V. \L
C ars leave Portiund for Ust»-
ca d a :
6 ; 55 . S: 45 . io : 05 , A . M. and
• a: 45 . 2 45 . 4 45 . 6:45 **• M.
M ail uu«) h xp ress (no pibsscu^ers)
Scurried on this run) leaves Portlaud[
¡¡ior Estaeada 5:25 a. m . arvl >:^o p. in
II,eaves Ksbucutla Ion JtorUand 4;?6 y«
Bin. and 7:10 a. in.
F reight also leaves Portluiur
in thtf tuoruitig goes io I'aza-
de»o and returns to Porilai;^
Muni offices oí Die company: 132 1-2
First St. P ortlan d , O regon.
Notice for PtibHcaüon
Department of the Interior. U. S . Lan4 office at
OfSff n, A ;ill ! 8 ih. 1910.
Notice is hereby given that Frank R. Rhodes of
Cherryvilie, Oregor. wlio, on Aug. 31st. 1905.
made Homestead application Serial. No. 0361. for
SE ‘4 section 32. Townshljt 2 South. Range 6 East.
Willametts Meridiar., lias filed notice of intention to OFFICE, ABJOININS HKSU»KNCK
make final Commutation proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before the register an ¿re ­
Local and Long Distance Telephone
ceiver, U. S . Land office at Portland. Oregon, on the
Tin- d octor’s phone van he ctmuecUHt
9th day of June. 1910.
wilt) von» home , atone at n igh t if r«t-
Claimant names as witnesses'
Colby Mar ¡»ton. Jck* T. Frlel. David Dc«t'as. Frank ( ju e s le d . O ne Ion»; rin f i.
Sirols. all of ChwryviU». Oregon.
Chas. B. Merrick, a e g is !*
Notice fo r P u b lic a tio n
by buying this
reliable, honest,
high grade sew­
ing machine.
National Sewing Machine Co.
Belvidere, til.
5 ^-
R e m e m b e r th e
U. 3. Land office at Portland. Oregon, fcprtl 30.
Notice is hereby given that Joseph Unhart ol
Sandy, Oregon, who on April 2 1 .1 9 0 4 . made home­
stead application No. 15395 ssxUl No. 01095 for
S E 'i, Sec. 24. township 3 south., range 5 east
Willamette Meridian, las. filed notice ol Intention to
make final five year proof to establish claim to th*
lind above described before the register and receiver
U. S . Land Office at Portland. Oregon, tn the I3«h
day of June 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Jacob Luthner. Frank Zastera, Peter P. Peshall.
Charles LinUart. all of Sandy. Oregon.
C lue. B. Merrick. Register.
P r in t in g to be done
N icoly Graded.
It is stilt a tra d itio n t h a t th e iieople
#f M an chester, E n gland , should g ib e
at L iverp o ol xvltb th e proverb, "A.
.Manchester man. a Liverpool gentle-
I Iirau;“ but. It is said, classification Is»
Cheap farm lands alon g the lin e of the
hot so » tron sly m arked In L a n ca sh ire
as in th e old (lays. W hen sta g e co ach ­ Grand T run k Pacific R y ., now b u ild ing.
es w ere rutin te g a gu ard w a s once a sk ­ Ideal cliuiate, pure water, rich soil.
ed, “ W ho h as th a’ gotten Inside.
The Last Of The West
B illy ? "
B illy con su lted his list nnd
Beautiful v alle ys lietweeii the R ock ies
replied. “ A gontlem au fr a L ive rp o o l,
a mon fra M anetiester. a ch ap f r a aud Coast Range. Price low , easy terms
W rite for fa ll iuiorm ation.
O w dh n n van d a fo l io s fr a W ig a n .’’
308 M cK ay Bldg.
"D k l I e x c h a n g e w o rd s?"
" Y e s . J t t t If w a s n 't an even ex-
eh nn ge.^ fin e - poke In E n glish and th e
ether !u R u ssia n .” — N ew Y ork t ress.
W ill vl-u* RtOncmh). o n Ftiria-y and'
Saturday ot each week
Appointm ents m ay be m ade
w ith I>r. A ffix.
J O H N S T E IN E R , M
P h y s i c i a n a S v b c . kon
* '>*» » *
Notice for Publication
»♦ ♦ ♦ ■ »»
S le e p s iu ro o m s b u c k o l o ffice. C a n b n
fo u n d
, 4 1 , V »la y o r n ig h t .
Dimick St Dimîck»
Attorneys at Law
f l ^ ’N ortary Public, G eneral Lavs
Praclice, M ortgages foreclosed, AL f
st rae is fuaoished
O regon C vrr
O kkgom
WTILklAIW K .tk kO N D
C R O S S & ttA M M O N D
Notice Of Appointment
Of Administrator
British Columbia
Words of Uiffcreat S iz o .
D en tists o f P o rtla n d
Department of tho Interior. U S Land Office at
Portland. Oregon. March 7th. 1910.
Notice ¡»hereby given that AHan 19. J o y whose
post-office address is 327 Worcester Block. Portland
Oregon . did. on the 5th day day of togust, 190 >; file
in this office Sworn Statement and Application. No
02129. to purchase theS,‘* N W «. S W * N E« and
Lot 2, Section 10. Township 5 south. Range 4 East.
Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under
the provisions of the act of June 3. 18 78. and acts
amendatory, known aa the Timber ardStone Law"
at such value as might be fined by appralsment. and
that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber
thereon have been appraised, tlie timber estimated
925.000 board feet at $0.35 per M. and the land
$73.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in
support of his application and sworn statement on the
24th ¿ay of May. 1910, befo** th* Register and
Receiver of the United States l and Office, at Port­
land. Oregon.
Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase
before enujr* or initiate a contest: at any time before
patent issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit inthis
offxe- all aging facts which would defeat the antry.
Chas. B. Merrick. Register
y h e H o te l E s t a e a d a
Ncti.'e is h*reby given thaï William J. Fmbion, of
Welches. 0 * g . who. on Oct. 3rd. 1907 mad* Horn*
•tead aiilicailon No. 16343 Serial. No. 0153 for
E‘ n ot NW1* Section 3. Township 3 south. Rang*
7 east WiUftinerte Meridian lus fifed notice ot In­
tention tc make Final Commutation Proof, to estab­
lish claim to the land abov* described, befo** the
Register and Receiver, U- S- Land Office, at Port­
land. Oregon, on the 24th day of May 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses
William E. Welch.
of Welches. Oretcik
H. P. Crotchet
Archie HowaH,
L. G. Holden .
o f Rowe
Chas. B. Merilck. Reglstei
V ictorian Gods.
I f T h a c k e ra y , w ith a brain w e tg liln c
fifty-eUtht and onu-lialf ounces. Iind
th o b iitg e st bead am on x Vlotortau w ril-
e rs w b o had tile best features.* t tie
tb o lc e w ou ld neein to He tietw een Ten*
uyson and lle u r y ’t'aylur. "T h a t mail
m ust be a poet," rem arked one o f bis
C a m b rid ge con tem poraries when lie
tirst sa w te n uyson enm e into ttie hall |
at T r in ity , nnd a noth er friend d e­
scribes trim In hta u rricrprn d n ale d a y s
ns six feet hlffh, bryuid etiestefi. stron g
lim bed. Iris fa c e S h ak espearean , w ith
tleeti e y e lid s; tits forehead am ide,
crow n ed w ith d ark w a v y h air: Iris
head finely poised, his hand th e ndml-
ratton o f scu lptors. Kut tim e d ea lt
uone too e e n tly w ith T en n yson , w h ere­
as H en ry T a y lo r, a lw a y s a dlstin-
Riitshed ton kin s m an. seem s to h ave
gro w n sin g u la rly m a je stic w ith years,
firn iit D u ff, m eetin g him when he w as
over e ig h ty , notes th at “ T a y lo r looks
m ore like J u p ite r than e v e r," and con­
tem porary m em oirs nre fu ll o f re fe r­
ence» to Ids .love-tike ap p e aran ce .—
London S tan d ard
No C hance In H istory,
M azzinl sa id th at bo did not believe
that c h a n ce e x isted In h istory.
ca u se m ust n ecessarily u n derlie e v e ry
event, a lth ou gh fo r th e moment It m ay
appear as th e resu lt o f a p p a ren tly a c ­
cid ental circu m stan ces. A n A lex an d er,
a Caesar, a N apoleon, a re n ot th e re-
suits o f accid en t, but th e Inevitab le
product c f th e lim e and uation fro m
w hich th ey spring. It w a s not C a e sa r
who d estroyed the Ilom an republic.
T h e repu b lic w as dead b efore C a e sa r
cam e. S u lla, M arius. C atilin e, preced­
ed and foresh ad o w ed C a esa r, but he.
g ifte d w ith k een er in sigh t and g re a te r
genius, sn atch ed th e p o w e r from them
and con cen trated it iu his ow n hands.
F o r th ere w a s no d oubt th at lie w a s
fitter to ru le th an a ll th e oth ers put
together. A t th e sam e tim e, su pposin g
be had appeared 150 y e a r s earlier, he
w ou ld not h av e su cceeded in d estroy-
Ing th e republic. W hen he ca m e th e
life had a lre ad y goue out o f it. a n d
even C a e sa r’s d ea th cou ld not re sto re
th at.”
1910 .
A b ^ lracte^ R e a ) K s ta íe . I¿> aii6. I n s u r a n c e
O r e g o n C ttt ,
. . .
O rkgoi *.
N otice is hereby given that tile
County Court of Clackam as County,
State* c f O regon, on the atti day of
A pril, 1910, d u ly appointed the W e m anufacture ail kinds of C cd a j
undersigned as -Adm inistrator of ’S h in gles anal are prepared at a ll
the Estate of Philander T . Davis,. tiaies to deliver the same. A ls o
deceased, and that all persons k a v - 1to s e ll at the ruiil, havin g stock 00
hand at ¡dl tim es
ing claim s against said estate, are 1
required to present them w ith the
W e may tru ly say “ beautiful
proper vouchers to me at E staca­
O regon' ’ now as everyth in g is in
da, O regon, w ithin six months
fine condition. Crops of all kinds
Estacada A g e n t— A . M orrow
I h ard ly k n o w so tru e a work of a look well and we were not touchtd from the date of the first publica­
One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast
tion of this notice.
little mind a ; th e servile Imitation of
h.y the blizzards that recently made
anoth er.—U revtlle.
W u r m a n A . W kbstk r
such havoc iu Central and Eastern
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
A dm inistrator of tire E state of
I K X P E R IB N C *
states. No doubt, that tact alone
Philander T . D avis, deceased.
w ill help tfl swell the numbers ot
A . S, Dresser, A ttorn ey for A d ­
B y a Freslm ian
liomeseekers m Oregon. W e have
room for many honest, industrious,
Date of first publication A p ril 14,
W ith an apology to the editor
enterprising citizeus of all trades.
: and his subscribers for our long
D is ig n s
Business had little attention iu
silence we come again this week
T h e health of our com m unity is
OorrmowTS Ac.
Portland Friday and Saturday of
Anpon»»«»dto* it («A'»♦ it *» **td deaoriptlon m»j»
W h en volt are sick enough to need M edicine, d o n 't try to
*nioklT mc *rttui r*m oplniirn free wr»oth«r acw
I w ith a few news items. W here are very good at present. W e sym p a­ Rivalry Lends Interest
kaventlFm ta
*al«ni»hln. ( ommtinlra-
last w eek, for the census was the
MDnsstrlctJVMMDUeiLtMb HANDBOOK «* Cntenl»
I the correspondents from G arfield, thize with our neighbor C u rrin sville
doctor yourself, for self-m edication is a risky projiosition. G o to a
free. Oldest Apeac? l*r *ttr«rui«r r^tentK.
enftKxssi’.v* swhjeet. L a rg e business
I’atents taken thoioah Mfun* k Ca. reedfr*
Springw ater and C u rrin sville ?
in her affliction and hojie
e9«c.u*ttf.iet, TTlth**rkc»ar»«w in tha
good physician and let him prescribe the proper medicine.
interests volunteered their best men
measles will not cross the ejeek but
Mr. Charles M urphy, after look- j
«u «pocbtl
V.Wr!*tors to assist in
Thet\ t>c sure and have that prescription carefu lly com pound­
I you never can tell.
W ell, it’s a
T h e gam e of ball betw een Eagle
'in g over various parts c>f O regon,
\hy v.crk without compensation,
B r ip j it to the FSTACSDA PHARMACY and the m edicine you get
good Urn* of year for thtMii, a n y­ Creek and the home team on Sun­
and e e ir y t flfort w as made to get a
w ay.
day had been anxiously looked for­
w ill he the finest possible that oan be prepared according to that
Valley, C a l., and another several
fair coin'.*, the w hole to be care­
ward to ior the reason that Man­
.e a rs ago to M issouri, has decided
fu lly clu ck ed over for accuracy.
T h e Eagle Creek baseball team
ager H askins had som ething up his
that C lackam as Co, suits him very suffered a defeat (and 0I1! how
E very prescription ingredient used at the Ivstacada Pharm acy
sleeve, if it did cost money. T h e
well and recently bought 20 acres they hate to be beaten ) on the Es- (
that possessed him
Molke To Water
u of full standard potency, the purest, freshest and strongest o b ­
from his son-in-law, R a y W oodle. I tacada grounds last Sunday. It ¡s or1e a,n 1,10,1
The Oregon FTrc Relief Asso­
! was to beat Eagle Creek and h e !
He w ill build on his new property reported, how ever, th a t'it was n o t 1
tainable, and being compounded ca refu lly will insure your rcceiv-
did it aud now he seems satisfied. |
ciation of McMinnvilte
and m ake it his future home.
the Estaeada team but players
$] ing superlatively affective medicine.
Eaglo C reek, for the most part took 1
f( has hern the desire of the
with f> tSo.oco reserves, solicits your j
Mr. W . N. H olland, w h o m oved
it goc*i naturedly as it w as simply
Council *,d it „il water rents be paid
bad deed.”
N ow boys, you spoil
business through
I to Portland nearly tw o years ago
tnordhly ,)l tl;v office uf the C itv « ’
the sport if you d o n 't “ play la ir”
selves and have won. W e like to,
There is more C»t.urli in this section 0,1 account of the death of his w ife,
K tco u ier, Itre^use it is the b u sin ess’
and ‘ ‘keep your tem pers.”
J o h n B row *»
of the country tlmu all other diseases sold his place recently to a Mr.
iv:n to do it also far the addilintMl i s e o
see fciendly riv alry l*4w «ea the
R o ck wood. Qsegoii
put together, and until th* last f,- . vears ... .
. „
U'a-w',1 I fie oily needs the money to.
was sujtposctl
iucur«i,ble. F o r a I aylor ol Portland. Consideration , Mr. W » . A . Baker of
the two -.Tubs as it lends interest to the
G rtllum . * 3 >
gleet it« w’. ,i’w4inms. Sonic con- '
gTent m any years <k>c 4 or„ pronounced i t 1 ^83. p e r a cre ,
It w as almost a new Peoples'
P u lpit Association
of gain.- and adds to the gate receipts.
tfirotiRh negK’ct. have;
a local disease aud prescril'ed local rem ­
O l ItAxc w o rd a t t h is o ffice
Brooklyn, N ew Y o rk , w ill deliver A few. arid we are glad to say they
edies. and by OAUistaptly fa ilin g to cure ranch w ith few im provem ents.
failed to d a this and at their last
1 w ith K cal treatm ent, pronounced it in ­
a tree lecture at the Pleasant H ill I are vvrv few, w ho allow their rival-
m eeting it w»s made ¡m igrative fo r,
A lsa Freeman and wife move«! in­
curable. S cien ce has proyeu catarrh to
the water t o b y paid prom ptly and I
school house (D ist. No. 50) n ext ry to g o to the extrem e o f bitter
be a constitutional disease aud therefore
Mr. S tid le’s house last week.
the ier instructed to enforce-
requires constitutional treatm ent. H a ll’s
Sunday May 8tli at 11 o'clock A . ' and unfriendly w ords and feeling,
th is ruVe. In accoidauce
M .. Subject, “ T ile tw o Salvations don’t do it again, The play««
Cheney & C o ., Toledo, O hio, is the only
Medal Shin gle Co.
tlieso iustrttefiods all arrearage* for
constitutional cure on the m arket
It is
From w hat to w h a t? ”
A ll are who takes defeat good naturedly is
water uuut he arranged for at once
ta k tu »nteytwkly iw doRes frnyfc \o drops
W ni. D ouglass is haulin g ties invited,
, the most thought o f by all.
gud h y ica ilcj any eoiuunn r that
to a tcasîxYonfnl. It acts d irectly on the
h t m t N tiR S L R Y C O .
Mood and m ucous surfaces of the system from the Sellwood Lum ber C o 's
tlocs tv>t have the water rent paid,
j T h ey offer one hundred d ollars for any
Mr. Elsw orth C h s t u has sold 1 ,:-
| W h e n in n e e d or F i % t C la s s
Camus, Wash.
the 20th of the tuonth the w a te r ;
j case it fails to cure. .Send for circulars mill to higgle C reek,
C e J a r s h in s / e s c o n s u lt me.
w ill positively 1 * shut off.
and tesVuuoninls.
T h e G ran gers are clearing out to his brother T racy and w ill move to T o ilia a d tem porarily w hile he is S h in g le s d e liv e r e d o r at t h o
By order of the Council.
F J. C hunky & Co.. Toledo. O.
Growth of Hivjh Cirade Nuri^fv Stock
£^>Mby I>ruKtfi>t*. 75 C.
the grove and buildin g a fence over near Sandy. He will
haul w orkin g there.
He stored his m ill. N OS. I a n d 2 a lw a y s o n
E S. WoMtiR, Recorder
Specialties Bngli&A
Take Hall’s Family Fills for constipa
around the gran ge hall.
T h ey ties from O lso n 's mill to Boring liouseV»ld good* here.
is h a n d
W. A. Jones Sates Agt..
----------------------- Newton and Spitzenberj? apples.
hope to have the grounds in fine Mr. Scott w ill “ batch ' hete
with vyoikiug with C. G . Reistier, w ho
A jew oj Siuwly
citizens cam*.
A. K R IE G E R & CO,
P atents
P r e s c r ib e d M e d ic in e is B e s t
Scientific JUnerlcan.
b or
P a in tin g , R^pei
H a n g i n g a n d C a lcem i-
ning. 1st c l a s s w o r k
G u aran teed
^ w it D e u \lie hall ^ame pn Suud^y
Strunk, Salpsnictn Cstnf«»dti, Or.
ReaJ the W ant A d s.
shape for their M-vy picnic.
[ T race and C h arley.
Cedar Shingles
[is buildin g a house ior Mr, Dubois. |
— i
B R O S.