DOINGS OF THE WEEK OFFICERS C O NTIN U E RAID. Another New Yorker Charged With Conspiracy to Violate Laws. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATE C IT Y ROADS M AY MERGE. Gigantic Chicago Deal Involves One Hundred Million Dollars. E TO AID CAUSE OF PFACE. Taft and Carnegie Dedicate SI.OOO,- OOO Bureau Home. Washington, April 27. -The magnifi­ Chicago, April 30.— Unification of New York, May 2.— Another import­ cent new marble building of the Inter­ the Chicago elevated railroads,regarded ant arrest in the Federal bucket shop VALE SEES BIG C L IP BIG W HEAT BELT. national Bureau of Americun Republics as the first essential step toward a per­ crusade was made today when govern­ within a stone’ s throw of the White ment officers arrested Frank Maier, of Stockraising Will Give Way When Three and a Half to Four Million fect transportation service, was today House was dedicated in the name o f said to be in sight. A gigantic deal, the firm of Morrison & Maier, in his Pounds Will Be Shipped. Transportation is Provided universal peace today. involving a capitalization of $100,000,- office at No. 44 Broad street. Vale — Between 3,500,000 and 4,- 000, may be consummated and the plan M ayville—The Mayville wheat belt President T aft joined with Andrew The specific charge against Maier is Carnegie, Secretary Knox, Senator ! conspiracy to violate the Federal law is one of the finest in Eastern Oregon, 000,000 pounds o f No. 1 wool is to be put into operation August 1. Root and Senor de la Bera, the Mexi­ Henry A. Blair, who successfully re­ against bucket shops. It is alleged and has never known a crop failure. shipped from Vale this season. Shear­ General Resume o f Important Events Maier, in conjunction with Louis Celia, There would not be a heavier initial ing started this week at the Oxman organized the Chicago Railways com­ Flies Half the Length o f England can ambassador, as representative of the Latin-American republics, in pro­ Edward Altemus and H. D. Duryee, grain shipping point in Oregon than ranch near Dell, and at the Hargis pany, is the financier who hopes to Making Trip from London to Presented In Condensed Form phecies o f peace among the 21 Ameri­ merge the elevated roads. has been furnishing stolen quotations Mayville, were it possible for farmers plant near Wesftall. fo r Our Busy Readers. Mancheiter with One Stop. The woolgrowers are jubilant over cun republics, and pledged themselvcB Representing a syndicate o f New to Ducket shops all over the eastern to reach the railroad within reasonable distance. The long hauls make grain the prospects for a big wool clip. On York bankers with unlimited resources, to strive for that happy state. Mr. part o f the United States. Curnegie went so far as to express the The government agents at the same raising unprofitable business in times account o f the hard winter, the sheep he has submitted a definite offer to the were fed corn and went on the range elevated railroad officials to buy the London, April 28.— The Frenchman, ho|>e that Canada, with the consent of President T aft eulogizes Secretary time cut the telegraph wires leading of low prices. The magic wand of a railroad or rail­ in excellent condition and the wool is properties, either paying cash to stock­ Louis Paulhan, whose efforts have fre­ Great Britain, would some day join the to all places here and in New Jersey Knox and his work. holders in return for a deposit of their quently been crowned with victory, to­ family o f peaceful American republics. suspected o f being bucket shops. Co­ roads ushers in a new era. Wheeler said to be of the best. Ninety bakers in Victoria, B. C., are The Hargis plant is scheduled to clip stock, or giving them securities in the day won the greatest race in the his­ incidentally two special agents of the county will show to the world that it is The president called out general on strike and the city is about out of the wool from 124,000 sheep this sea­ new corporation equal to the par value tory of mankind and $50,000 when he laughter by referring to the contro­ United States department of justice second to no county in Eastern Oregon bread. son, while at the Oxman ranch 3,000 flew into Manchester at 5:30 o’ clock versy between Theodore Roosevelt and o f their holdings. paid a visit to an office in the Lincoln in diversified farming, stockraising, So far, the directors o f all companies this morning, having traveled by aero­ Mr. Carnegie two years ago at the lay­ A raid on gambling houses in Se­ Trust building, Jersey City, and arrest­ dairying, fruit raising and lumbering. sheep are being sheared daily. have agreed that the plan is a fair one, plane from London, u distance by rail­ ing o f the eorneratone of the building attle revealed all kinds of games in ed Joseph Decker, a telegrapher. The The undeveloped counties o f Eastern Announces Next Year’ s Work. Oregon are not all as rich in resources the hitch being in the price offered by way o f 186 miles, with only a single dedicated today. full swing. police say Decker had in the office The February number o f the Uni­ Mr. Blair and that which the directors overnight stop at Lichfield. stock ticker, from which he is alleged as Wheeler and Grant counties. A ll “ They differed as to the methods by Roosevelt dined at Copenhagen with versity of Oregon bulletin announces think they ought to get. While Mr. His competitor in the contest, Gra­ which peace should be obtained,“ said to have copied quotations and sent along the Jonh Day and its tributary the royal crown prince and is a guest for next year the courses offered by Blair has not announced what his cash ham White, the English aviator, after the president, “ but that both were them practically all over the United streams the soil and climate are espe­ at the royal palace. cially adapted to producing the finest the university school o f education. The offer is, he admitted that it was a good making a successful new start at earnest and strenuous and determined States. Countess Szchenyi, formerly Miss of fruits, especially apricots and university, by means of the school of deal more than the present value of the Re/uie, where he made his first landing, to have peace there was no doubt.” SLUSH FUND TALKED. peaches, up to an altitude of 2,500 education, is now prepared to train stock o f the different companies. Gladys Vanderbilt, has lost a casket of defended at Polesworth and no advices “ Hear, hear,” shouted Mr. Carnegie jewels valued at $40,000. feet above sea level, and unbeatable teachers for high school subject and The capitalization o f the elevated have yet reached London o f his having as the laughter died away. departments, superintendencies, prin- apples and others o f the hardier fruits resumed his flight. roads in stocks and bonds, equipment, The new buildng, a g ift of Mr. Car­ The Pittsburg Plate Glass works Fetzer Will Tell Grand Jury About cipalships and administrative positions, notes and other outstanding obliga­ at still higher altitudes. White, a few days ago attempted negie, won the admirution of all who $200,000 Paid. were burned, causing a loss o f $1,500,- and special teachers o f music and phys­ Thus far this valley has never been tions, is a little more than $100,000, the trip, but was compelled to decend passed within the bronze portals this 000 and throwing 3,000 men out of Chicago, May 2.— John C. Fetzer, touched by a railroad. It has been ical training. The same requirements 000 . at Lichflfield after covering 115 miles. afternoon and at the reception tonight, work. who alleges that a “ slush fund" of flanked by the Sumpter road on the for admission obtain in the school of Paulhan then appeared on the Beene at which President T aft and Mr. Car­ The administration railroad bill is in about $200,000 was used in advancing East, and by the Heppner, Condon and education as in the other departments. and the two aviators made hasty pre­ negie headed the receiving party. FREIG H T RATES GO UP. great danger, insurgents having legislation and city ordinances desired Shaniko roads on the North, all from Among other things the Bulletin notes parations for the flight, each striving enough votes to kill its important fea­ by the Chicago & Western Indiana 20 to 100 miles from the fertile John that while the demand for teachers in ZEPPE LIN AIR SH IP LOSING. Transcontinental Roads Plan to Meet to be first at the start. Paulhan stole Railroad company, entered into con­ tures. Day country, but each drawing from it the different subjects fluctuates from the march on the Englishman and as­ Increased Expenses. ference with State’s Attorney Wayman a part of its train loads of sheep, wool, year to year, there are certain strong cended from Hendon at 5:20 p. m. Accident, in Which Hundreds Could An investigating commission reports today. Details were not made public. Washington, April 30.— Freight tar­ yesterday. that Chicago has been badly buncoed by Neither the suit filed by the company cattle and horses— the only products tendencies evident in all Western uni­ Not Save Craft, Turns Opinion. White, who was sleeping peacefully bad castings for improvements in its to recover $525,000 from Fetzer, out of that could be profitably gotten to mar­ versities, one of which is toward an iffs showing considerable increase over Berlin, April 27.— German aeronauts the present rates from Western terri­ oversupply of teachers in English and ket. at the time he was apprised o f this water system. which*the company alleges Fetzer de­ history, and a scarcity of teachers in tory to the Atlantic seaboard will be fact, made a quick start from Park are asking whether the destruction of Frank B. Kellogg, a noted “ trust frauded it, nor the latter’s injunction Prizes to Be Awarded Creameries. mathematics and physics. filed with the Interstate Commerce Royal at 6 :30 p. m. Paulhan flying the airship Zeppelin I I at Weilburg buster,“ will meet Roosevelt in Eu­ seems likely to come up for settlement Deputy dairy and food commissioner commission to become effective June 1. high and fast covered 117 miles before will not prove a fatal blow to the Develop­ Paul V. Maris, at a meeting with the rope and tell him all about conditions in court in the near future. Ontario Men Bag 165 Coyotes. This is the first step taken by the he landed, making that distance in school of rigid airship construction. ments, however, are expected when state board o f agriculture at Salem ar­ in this country. Ontario— Elbert Butler and Dick railroads indicating a purpose general­ two hours and 50 minutes. He de­ There has been manifested lately a dis­ Mr. Fetzer tells his story to the grand ranged for prizes to be awarded at the Robertson have returned from a 12 ly to increase freight rates throughout scended at Lichfield at 8:10 p. m., and position in army circles to oppoBe fur­ Canadian settlers threaten to blow jury, especially summoned to hear it state fair next September for the best days’ hunting trip in the vicinity of the country to meet increased operat­ reascended at 4 :08 a. m. to complete ther purchase o f airshij/s of the Zep­ up a big dam which is ruining their next Monday. exhibitions by individual creameries, Moore’s hollow and Henry and Jacob­ ing expenses. the journey. White succeeded in reach­ pelin type on the ground that they are property by backwater and causing Fetzer alleges that a large portion in addition to the usual premiums. Already tariff schedules have been ing Reade, a distance o f about 60 too unwieldly to meet varying condi­ son’s gulches, where they bagged 165 many accidents by flooding roads. of the money which the company seeks In the latest It was also planned at the meeting coyotes. They killed 90 in three days, filed for Western roads increasing the miles, descending on account of dark­ tions of actual service. Speaking before a joint convention to recover was spent in securing the to construct a private stable for keep­ which they claim is the best record rate for the transportation of wool ness at 7 :55 p. m. He managed to accident it was noted that ,the crew of of Farmers' unions in St. Louis, Sam­ passage of bill 777 at Springfield to ing test^ows during the fair. The ever made by nimrods in the coyote from Minneapolis and St. Paul to New overcome some o f the handicap by several hundred men under experienced uel Gompers strongly urged a union of validate bonds issued by the Chicago & state board of agriculture is looking line. The bounty from the scalps of York and other Atlantic seaboard starting again on the long journey to officers was unable to keep the enorm­ Western Indiana, in securing from the forward to the possibility o f having a the animals averaged them each over points. The present rate on wool from farmers and regular labor unions. Manchester at 2 :50 a. m. He landed, ous framework from blowing away, common council of Chicago the vacat­ model dairy barn to illustrate sanitary $10 a day, which they claim is another Minneapolis to New York is 59 cents however, at Polesworth, which is about whereas the ship of the non-rigid type An Illinois legislator admits receiv­ ing o f a street desired by the road, and and convenient methods. could have been deflated and saved. record breaker. All of the animals per hundred pounds. Under the new 60 miles from Manchester. ing $1 ,000 to vote for Lorimer for U. in seeking to block an extension of The Zeppelin craft has enjoyed M. S. Schrock, another deputy, has killed, except two, were young ones tariff the rate will be 64 cents a hun­ The struggle for the coveted prize S. senator. the Illirfbis Central in suburban Chi­ returned from his inspection of all the and were dug out o f their dens in bad­ dred pounds, an increase of nearly 20 took a dramatic turn last night when marked preference in the German Patten and his friends on the Chi­ cago. dairies south of the Clackamas river. ger holes. per cent. Paulhan stole a march on his English army, owing to the personality o f in­ cago cotton exchange cleaned up $320,- The inspection covered a total of 422 An increase also has been made in rival, Graham White, which placed ventor and the personal support given 000 in one day. RACE LINES B LO TTE D OUT. dairies. The report shows an average Mines Ready to Ship. the freight rate on live hogs between him 20 miles ahead o f the race when him by the kaiser. Lately, however, score of 37 on a basis of 100. Three Witnesses state conclusively that Baker City— Favorable reports come the Twin Cities and Chicago o f 24 darkness compelled him to alight for aeronauts have been inclined to the This is an the night. This forenoon the weather adoption of a more elastic and more Swope, the St. Louis millionaire, was “ Jim Crow” Laws o f Louisiana Are of the total number averaged below 20, from Rock creek, west o f Baker City cents a hundred pounds. This latest ac­ while only one went above 60. There where the Highland Gold Mines com­ increase of about 12 per cent over the was favorable, but owing to the heavy easily managed type. killed by a violent poison. Found to Be Badly Muddled. were 20 between 50 and 60, and the pany has employed all winter from 28 present rate. While no tariff has been work o f preparing the machine, it was cident lends argument in favor o f such One person was killed, two fatally New Orleans, May 2.— “ There are rest averaged between 20 and 50. to 35 men doing development work and filed with the commission increasing supposed the start would be deferred a change. injured and about 15 others hurt in a no negroes who are not persons of col­ blocking out ore. Over 30,00 sacks of the rate on wheat products from Chi­ until Thursday. The two aviators had street car collision in Seattle. or, but there are persons of color who NORWEGAIN P O E T DEAD. Hens Have Egg Race. shipping ore is ready to go out and cago to the Eastern territory, it seems met early and discussed plans, express are not negroes.’ ’ British Democracy has forced the Portland— Plymouth rock pullets are shipping will commence about May 1 or likely the rate on hog products from ing hope that they would meet each This a salient sentence in a decision Bjornstjerne Bjornson Succumbs While Lords to pass the budget which was de­ establishing records these delightful Chicago to Eastern points w ill be in­ other in Manchester. that has thrown the race laws o f Louis- spring days. It is no unusual thing as son as the roads will admit hauling. creased. feated last fall, and expects further in Paris for Treatment. Late in the day White, tired from ana into a state of chaos. All statutes for a 10-months-old hen to present her The Highland seems to be one mine triumphs. The tariffs already filed with the his heavy labors, returned to his hotel Paris, April 27— Bjornstjerne Bjorn­ made and provided to keep separate lord and master with a 6 by 8 inch under practical managemnet and ore reserves are to be had before large commission are for all the roads in and went to sleep, intending to start son, the Norwegian poet, novelist, Portland is much worked up over the and distinct whites and negroes practi­ egg, in fact pullets belonging to resi­ sums of money are invested in mill and Western Freight association territory, tomorrow morning. Meanwhile the dramatist, reformer and advocate of alleged carelessness of census takers. cally are affected by the ruling o f the dents in this vicinity have done better reduction plant. and the rates will become effective spectators at Hendon were surprised to universal peace, died here tonight, It is claimed that at least 30,000 per­ Louisiana Supreme court that octo­ than that in several cases during the simultaneously on all o f them. see Paulhan, after trying his engine surrounded by his family. His end sons in the city were not counted. roons, quadroons and mulattoes are not past few weeks. Open New S. P. Bridge. take farewell o f his wife, who tied a was peaceful. Speaker Cannon declares the minor­ negroes. Mrs. E. J. Harris, o f Fulton Park, large map of the route around his June 15 is now the date fixed for The last serious illness o f the nov­ The court holds that where the text has a 10-months-old Plymouth Rock Fearing Law, Bucketshops Close. ity rules the house and that such rule waist, and take his seat in the aero­ elist extended over nearly a year. opening o f traffic over the Oswego He Washington, April 30.— Results al­ plane. must be stopped, even if it becomes of the law merely says “ negroes” it hen which has laid an 8 by inch bridge now being built across the W il­ was brought to Paris for special treat­ cannot be applied to octoroons or other egg. A peculiar feature o f this pul­ ready have been accomplished by the necessary to change the constitution. Word that the Frenchman had start­ ment in the early part o f last Novem­ lamette above Milwaukie by the South­ crusade o f the department o f justice persons o f mixed blood. It defines the A rich rancher o f Elk City, Idaho, negro as a member of the black or A f ­ let’s exploits in the egg producing line ern Pacific company. The bridge rests against the bucket shop business. In ed quickly reached Park Royal. Rush ber, accompanied by his w ife and is that she lays one of these big eggs ing into White’s room, his friends daughter, a physician and nurse, and on immense piers and is high enough to addition to the offices affected by the has not been heard from since he went rican race, having in his veins no trace hunting March 7, and two men who of Caucasian blood. Persons o f lighter every two weeks. Her other products clear every vessel that might come that indictment against a number o f princi­ awakened him. White sprang to his during part o f the journey traveled went in search of him two weeks ago or darker skins than mulattoes can are of normal size. far up the river, so it has no draw. It pals, scores o f houses in the Middle feet, flew downstaris, jumped into a with the king o f Denmark in the Carl Amous, living at Gates Cross­ have not returned. evade the laws by demanding that the ing, on the Cazadero suburban line, is being built exclusively for the rail­ West have closed their doors and oth­ motor car and made for the garage at king’s private car. full speed, and within 20 minutes was road and so has but one deck. It cross­ In Paris, however, he was unable to President Taft, speaking at Buffalo, state prove they are negroes. owns a Plymouth Rock hen not quite a es the river about half mile above Elk ers are expected to follow. Should the sailing around the gasometer at Kensal receive the treatment for arterio scler­ efforts o f the department towards apologized to the state of New York year old whose latest performance in Rock. Green in the first stage o f what will osis, from which he was suffering, but BUYERS W ANT W EALTH. breaking up the business entirely prove and congratulated the entire nation up­ the egg line measured 7 % by 6£ inches. certainly be the most exciting contest notwithstanding, he showed marked unavailing by prosecution under exist­ on the appointment o f Governor Setting 65 Acres to Apples. ever held in Great Britain. improvement for a time, due entirely ing laws, it is said that new legislation Hughes to the Supreme court. British Corporation Contests With Oregonian Returns to First Love. While passing over Bletchley, 18 to his wonderful vitality. Hermiston One o f the largest or­ Railroad for Property. Lakeview— E. Keller, who has lived chards in this section is that o f J. W. will be asked o f congress. Negotiations for about 280 locomo­ miles south of London, 70 minutes be­ Again in February his death was ex­ tives and 5,000 to 6,000 freight cars, hind Paulhan, he was flying consider­ pected momentarily, but the crisis Vancouver, B. C., May 2.— The Bra­ in Lake county for many years, sold Tabor. He has 160 acres just north of Taft Starts on Trip. which the Harriman lines expected to zil ian-Canada & General Trust com his farm to J. D. Heryford last fall the reservoir and has been devoting ably higher than the Frenchman and passed, though leaving him less able to His land brought much time to tree planting and now purchase, are retarded because of ina­ pany, a British corporation, issued a and left Oregon. Washington, April 30. -— President seemed to be making faster time and withstand the next attack. During A fte r spending the has 65 acres set, mostly to apples. The T aft left Washington at 7 o’clock last taking a straighter course. bility to secure satisfactory terms. writ in the Supreme court today to $125 an acre. the last week it was apparent he could winter touring California and other The news of the race spread like not hold out much longer. Prior to his The Indiana Democratic convention compel James Dunsmuir and others, Western states, Mr. Keller has return­ balance is being seeded to alfalfa and night for Buffalo, his first stop on a seven-day trip. From Buffalo the magic in the towns and villages along death he was conscious for some hours. until recently owners of the Dunsmuir clover. Mr. Tabor has been here long has endorsed John W. Kern for U. S. coal lands and mines on Vancouver ed to Lakeview. The more he travel­ enough to know what can be done and president goes to Pittsburg, then to the railway, which the aviators fol­ senator. Cincinnati, St. Louis and back home, lowed closely, Paulhan being followed island and the Dunsmuir properties in ed and observed, the more he became has no fears for the future. Honest Official Loses. The New York stock market is de­ California, to comply with terms of an convince as to the worth of this coun­ reaching here May 6. There have by a special train steaming rapidly Pittsburg, April 27.— In seven wards moralized, everyone trying to sell to option given to the British corporation try. He has purchased the Gillette PO R TLAND M ARKETS. been many predictions as to the line northward. The 'people gathered ev­ o f the city today, special elections of avoid loss. the president’s speeches will take on erywhere to get a view o f the novel for sale of the properties. These prop­ ranch, just over the California line, Wheat — Track prices: Bluestem, the trip. He has given no hint himself sight. The sun went down and the select and common councilmen were paying $42 per acre for the land. erties were transferred recently to Charles Wezler, confessed murderer 90c; club, 86c; red Russian, 85c; val­ o f what he w ill say, but it is signifi cloudless sky gave the spectators an held to fill the places o f those who re­ o f Mrs. Schultz at Gig Harbor, seeks a William MacKenzieand D. Mann, pres­ signed after being indictud for graft­ ley, 90c. Oregon Trunk Files Maps. cant that he is carrying with him a opportunity to watch the aviators as ing. ident and vice president o f the Cana­ second degree verdict. Barley Feed and brewing, $233/ full set o f figures on the operation of they flew at varying heights. The Oregon Trunk line has filed its dian Northern Railway company, for In the twentieth ward, George H. Amid wild enthusiasm, San Fran­ $ 1 , 000 , 000 . maps through the Indian agent at 24.50 ton. the Payne-Aldrich tariff law. Riley, one of the “ immaculate six” in cisco business men subscribed $4,000, Corn— Whole, $33 per ton; cracked, Klamath Falls, who upon his approval the common council in 1898, when the 000 for their 1915 fair. Anarchists Dog Roosevelt. will send them on to the commission $34. Strike May Hit Seattle. Panama Fair Fund Grows. alleged bribing was going on, was de­ Hay— Track prices: Timothy, W il­ on Indian affairs in Washington, D. C. Paris, April 28.— Great relief comes Ruth Bryan's first husbapd, Leavett, Seattle, Wash., April 30.— The union San Francisco, May 2.— Numerous feated for common council. Riley, it says her second marriage will be il subscriptions, ranging in amount from It is expected to take some time for lamette valley, $203/21 per ton; East­ carpenters of Seattle, o f whom there tonight to the French government with was testified in the early part o f the ern Oregon, $22(0 25; alfalfa, $16.50 the close o f the visit o f ex-President the maps to go through the necessary legal and that he will fight it. 2,300, at a meeting last night adopted $10 to $25,000, and aggregating in all graft prosecutions, was one o f the six channels. The contract for the grad­ («17.50; grain hay, $17(3118. a resolution demanding a wage scale of Roosevelt, for it is reported to have men “ who could not be reached.” Rockefeller is discouraged at the de­ $64,820, were received by the finance ing of the road from Madras to the Oats— No. 1 white, $27(3)28 ton. been considerably alarmed for his $4.50 a day instead of $4 now paid, lay in securing a national charter for committee o f the Panama Pacific Inter­ northern boundary o f the Klamath res­ Fresh Fruits— Strawberries, Oregon, and voted to go on strike Monday safety. According to an evening news­ national exposition today and the grand Gotham Awaits Weston. his great philanthropic project. 203/25c per pound; Florin, $1.50(32.50 ervation has not been let yet the bids morning i f their demands are not paper, the police were advised from total of the fund on hand was swelled New York, April 27.— Mayor Gaynor per crate; Los Angeles, $1,253/1.65; are in for consideration. An insane young man aged 19 shot to $4,165,320. granted. Eight hundred men were Naples that the American anarchists granted permission today for Edward apples, $13/2.50 per box. and seriously wounded three persons present and the vote was unanimous. were following him and a most rigor Small subscriptions with a few of Payaon Weston to tramp down Broad­ Potatoes— Carload buying prices: Echo Will Ship Wool. in New York and then committed sui­ larger proportions amounted to $39,820 The carpenters’ union o f Seattle is ous surveilance has been instituted way with an escort of police when he Oregon, 403/50c per hundred; new Cal­ here. The ex-president has been ac­ cide. Echo Echo is now the center of at­ rated the wealthiest local labor body in for the day when notice was received arrives here. Weston will probably ifornia, 5c per pound; sweet potatoes, the world. It owns a seven-story hotel companied everywhere by two inspec­ Newspaper publishers in the East from the L ife Underwcriters, associa­ traction for all who deal in wool as the 4c. reach the city late Friday, 75 days tors o f the anarchist brigade in plain shearing season is at its height. The building and other valuable property see a famine in paper unless congress tion of San Francisco that the directors after his start/rom Los Angeles, 3,400 Vegetables— Asparagus, 90c3/$l per clothes. passes the Mann bill removing the duty had voted an investment of $25,000. wool is coming to this place in great box; cabbage, 2c per pound; hothouse worth $300,000. miles away, and 15 days ahead o f his loads, weighing on an average o f 7,000 on pulp and paper. schedule. A t the city hall Weston will lettuce, 503/ $ 1 per box: green onions, Foreigners Not Wanted. Seattle Japs Number 4,000. pounds. The warehouses at the Echo Flannery Resigns Position. be received by Mayor Gaynor, to whom 124c per dozen; radishes, 15(320c; A cod fishing schooner from San Changsha, China, April 28. — The Wool Scouring Mills company are pil­ Seattle, Wash., April 30.— The cen­ San Francisco, May 2.— Following he will present a letter from the mayor rhubarb, 23z3c per pound; spinach, 75c Francisco is reported lost with several governor o f Changsha urged foreigners ing from the floor space to the rafters. sus o f Japanese in Seattle, nearly com­ members o f her crew. She has been his indictment Saturday by the Marion Warehouse No. 1 is being held in re­ 3/$1 per box; rutabagas, $1.25(31.50 pleted, will show a population o f more not to return to the districts where na­ of Los Angeles. Weston will stop at county grand jury on a charge of Schenectady tonight. Weston’s aver­ per sack; carrots, 85e(0$l; beets, missing since last October. than 4,000 people o f that race, or more tive rioting has occurred, before 30 age each day is 45 1-3 miles. grand larceny in connection with the serve as long as possible for the heavy $1.50; parsnips, 75c(3$l. days. A number of foreigners have shipments that will come here from than twice as many as any other Amer­ The bridge of the Milwaukee road operations of a gang of alleged fake Onions— Oregon, $2 per hundred; The city is quiet, but over the Yakima river was destroyed poolroom men at Sausalito, Harry P. points in Oregon and Washington. ican city has. Adding the truck farm­ returned here. Socialists Stone Count. Bermuda, $23/2.50 per crate. there is considerable apprehension felt by a washout and an engine and five Flannery, president of the San Fran­ This vicinity will send in at least 1,- Butter City creamery, extras, 29c ers in the surrounding country, there as a feeling of unrest still exists among Vienna, April 27.— Count Albert Ap- 500,000 pounds o f wool. are 10,000 Japanese in and near Seat­ cars of lumber went into the river. cisco board of police commissioners, per pound; fancy outside creamery, 28 the natives. The Hunanese gentry as­ ponyi, the ex-Hungarian minister of resigned his office early today, the res 3/29c; store, 20c. Butter fat prices tle. In the state o f Washington the sert that they will refuse to recognize worship, whose guest Theodore Roose­ “ Clean Up Day” at Lebanon About fifty acres of ground, piled 25 census is expected to show 20,000 Jap­ ignation being immediately accepted average 14 per pound under regular velt was on his trip to Budapest, was feet high with lumber in the yards of Lebanon----- May 14 has been decid­ anese, as against about 40,000 in Cali­ the new governor. The latter declares by Mayor McCarthy. Flannery de­ butter prices. attacked at a political meeting at Tem- the Humbird Lumber company at Sand he can control the situation, but adds ed upon by the Lebanon Civic Improve­ fornia. clared that he took this step for the Eggs- Fresh Oregon ranch, 24c per sevar Sunday night by a crowd o f So­ Point, Idaho, were swept by fire, des­ that the presence of foreigners would ment league, auxiliary to the Lebanon best interests of the city and so as not dozen. troying about $300,000 worth o f lum­ strengthen the leaders o f the trouble. cialists. They bombarded his carriage Court Nips Thaw Plan, Business Mens* league, as “ clean up” to embarrass the administration. Pork— Fancy, 133/T34c per pound. with stones and eggs and cudgelled the ber. day, when the citizens of Lebanon will New York, April 30. — Harry K. V eal— Fancy, 103/104c per pound. count severely. A fte r desperate ef- Hermann Grows Weaker. get busy with an endeavor to make Thaw, who killed Stanford White, Herman Passes Crisis. Lambs Fancy, 10(312c per pound. A negro leader and 22 followers have orts, the coachman forced the horses Lebanon “ shine.” Seeds and flowers Roseburg, April 28.— According to must remain in the Matteawan insane Roseburg, May 2.—Spending a rest­ been arrested in Havana for inciting a Poultry — Hens, 20(rf21c; broilers, have been collected and these will be a bulletin issued by Dr. Miller, the through the mob and the count took ful night, Binger Hermann awoke this 273(280; ducks, 2243/23c; geese, asylum. The appellate division o f the revolt. refuge in the bishop’s palace. distributed among the school children attending physician today, Binger Her­ Supreme court in Brooklyn handed morning much improved, and Dr. K. L. 124c; turkeys, live, 203/22c; dressed, for the purpose of beautifying all parts mann’s condition is considered about down a decision today which sets Reports place the damage by Chin­ Miller, the attending physician, says Bedell Accused o f Sugar Fraud. 25c; squabs, $3 per dozen. the same as yesterday. The bloating ese mobs in recent riots at Changsha that he has passed safely through the o f the city. Hops — 1909 crop, 133716c per aside the appointment by Justice New York, April 27.— George E. condition of the spleen has practically Tompkins, o f the Supreme court, of a at $2,000,000. critical stage of his illness. According Shipping Asparagus. pound; olds, nominal, 1910 contracts, Bedell, who was chief clerk for James j referree to take testimony bearing on disappeared and he partakes o f limited to a bulletin issued by the physician F. Vail, formerly deputy surveyor o f Eugene— George Dorris, who oper- nominal, Thaw’s possible transfer. The court rations regularly. However, the physi­ Peary is off for Europe on a lecture late today, Mr. Hermann sat in a chair the port, and who had charge o f the ates an asparagus farm about four wool Eastern Oregon, 14(317c per holds that Matteawan is the proper cians believe that he is growing weak­ tour. for nearly an hour this morning. His miles out of this city with the greatest weighing department, was arrested to­ valley, 18(321c; mohair, choice, place for Thaw. er, presumably due to his advanced age appetite has returned, and he partakes o f success, is marketing his asparagus 52(333c. day on an indictment charging con­ Lawyers of Reno, Nevada, seek to and prolonged confinement. His final of limited rations regularly, 'while his crop. His daily shipments, which go Cattle Steers, good to choice. $6.50 spiracy to defraud the government out disbar one of their number who adver­ recover' is considered doubtful. McCredie’t Bill is Favored. voice is strong and normal. o f customs duties on sugar, macaroni, to Portland, amount to over a quarter 3(6.75: fair to medium, $53/5.50; cows tises a specialty of easy divorces. Washington, April 30.— Representa- and heifers, good to choice, $4.75(3: figs, cheese, and other merchandise. o f a ton per day. 600 Miners Are Entombed. Beri-Beri Kills Italians. 5.25; fair to medium, $43(4.50; bulls, tive McCredie today had a hearing be- Two hundred girls at Cornell college, New Bank at Nyssa. San Francisco, May 2.— Antonio $3.50(34.60: stags. $5(35.50; calves, fore the judiciary committee in order London, April 28. — Five hundred Comet is Seen Minus Tail. New York, are seriously ill from pto­ Nyssa— The bnrk f Nyosa will open light, $63(7; heavy, $4.50(3 5.50. to present arguments in support o f his miners were entombed today at the maine poisoning caused by impure Ranieri, the first white victim in this Zurich, April 27.— The observatory city to succumb to beri-beri, died to- for business May 2. The stockholders Hogs — Top, $10,253/10.75; fair to bill authorising the states o f Oregon Tyn-y-Bedu colliery in Wales as a re­ here officially reports that Halley’s milk. ilay. Two Chinese have died from the o f the new bank are J. C. McVey, medium, $9.753/10.00. and Washington to adjust differences sult o f the breaking down o f the cage comet was visible to the naked eye for Edward Keaton, aged 110, living effects o f this unusual disease, but presdient: A. J. Kingman, vice presi­ Sheep— Best wethers, $5.25(35.75; over the boundary line where it follows machinery. The managers are endeav­ 55 minutes before dawn today. Its near Natchez, La., was bitten by a Ranieri is the first Caucasian here to dent; J. Hanks Hill, cashier; Robert fair to good wethers, $4.75(35.25; the Columbia river. A fter his hearing oring to make connection with the positions was due east, just above the rattlesnake, but the doctors say he will suffer a fatal attack o f the Oriental Van Gelsie, Newton Minton, Tom N el­ best ewes. $4.75(35.25; lambs, choice, i the committee assured him the bill miaers through another shaft half a horizon. There was no trace, however, malady. son and Hub Walters. recover. I would be favorably reported next week. mile distant. j$7(«8; fair, $6,503(7. o f the tail, even with the telescope. Current Events oi interest Gathered From the World at Large. Paulhan Gets Prize of $50,000 for Long, Successful Trip.