f U U /■ 4 % : ' M %y NO . 35 OK V O L . 2 *++♦ « ESTACADA, ORKOOX ; Estacada * State BanS n L. t LOCAL NEW S AND P E R S O N A L M E N TIO N c Hilft C ICRS: •} i * J % came hom e 4 Mrs, Elmer Shankland was called Í to Sell wood last Saturday on nc ^ count of the sickness of her sister. Geo. A. Steel, Thos. Yocum, John Zobrist, L. E. llelHIs ; ¿5 ••TSSrag1. " I S T " April 7th 0! ver Circled Plows, lienney Baggies, Mandi Wagons, Superior i>ni.s, l . & 0. Oise Plows and Harrows. -Ü Miss P.i -sie Hughes to stay last week. üeUÜS, t d b l ñ e r John Bates Disappears Mrs. G eo ge Cai iff, of Cazadero, has been on tin si. k list. Capital Fully Paid Up - $25,000 Estacada Man Disappears Very Mysteriously And Has Not Been Heard From For Two Weeks Don't forget the big gam e next Estacada vs Urooklyns of Poi Hand. G am e begins at 3 1 *. M. n ,! ì o use on John I, Safes n resident of Ks . tacada and well known throughout Miss Grace Davis spent Sunday the county, disappeared on Tliurs- with her friend Miss Annie Blotch, day afternoon April 7th, leaving no , of Cazadero, ‘ trace of what has become of him. * W* F 4.4.4***;- Mrs. Pott’s NickJe Plated Sad Irons, 3 irons, handle and stand at 95 cents per set. Elder J If . Moore will preach n It w as considered strange that he the Church of Christ next Sabb th should go aw ay and make 110 pro- t, vision tor the care of his work, but J on the " N e w Birth " John 3:5 no s.-iions apprehension was enter- i Willie Welch came dow n- f.om _ , , , , i tained about him until Sunday last H Cazadero on Monday and had a when Mr. E E. Wcdemeycr a u d j j fatty tumor removed from his ear. sister of 8.(6 MpUnomali St , Port * Dr. A d i x was the surgeon. laud, while sp -nd'-ig the da y at Ks- Eunice Richards, of Seattle, sur­ tacada about five o'clock while iii prised her,friends in Estacada by the park picked up an umbrella in coming in on them unexpectedly which the registry book, used by ’ Monday evening. She is visiting Bates in niakiug entries of t h e 1, at the Reagan home. stallion he has charge of, were made. Nearby a black felt hat lay. E A Leighton, of Willamette brother-in-law of John Bales came On examination of tire book Bates’ to listacada on Monday to aid if name was found and the finders possible in clearing up the tuistery look the book and umbrella to of his disappearance. There was Jones' L iv e r v Barn. Jones at once made the findings, which were nothing new that lie learned. recognized by him as belonging 10 Mr. Ray Congdon who has hern Bates, known amj lie with several up in British Columbia cruising other persons were conducted by timber for some time, dropped in the Wedetneyers to the place where home for a few days but d o n ’ t e x ­ ’. hey had found them and where pect to stay long 'till he will be off the hat still remained. It was close on another trip. to the river and as the ba nk is very W. A Headman informs the steep a in park leads down ; 1 w o r k Progress that he will engage in and at this point to the river handle real estate. His plans are Great excitement was created 110I yet fully made tip but that he here by the finding of these belong .J expects to remain here and retains ings and a search of the river bank ! Tj all the property they have had ex- and river at the point was made, i t ept tile bank and bank building. but darkness prevented a thorough ' ^ trail ' Why The Deal Fell Through He didnk know the exact acreage, for no survey had ever been made. The land had never been abstracted; but the title he thought was good, for he had bought from old man Bill Jones, an honest man. Come to find out— his J J deed was not on record; he would file it at once. The patent he had never seen, but would look that up, too. There was an old mortgage the clerk found “unsatisfied,” yet it surely had been paid. The buyer wanted the farm if the title was good, but being from Missouri he had to be shown. So the deal fell throngh. Moral: Get An Abstract And Be Ready > f C / a e t'a m a s C o u n t y C un ft <7it tes rtne m a d e t y C l a c k a m a s T it l e C o m p a n y , in c . E S T A B L IS H E D 1 0 9 3 Head Offices: 509-511 Chamber o f Com m erce B u ild in g the farai. PORTLAN D, ORE. «BBBSBraES3^?.mT?!M3e£v *. raaK ssaa r--r. .TSEr*T33tsr' Read This! r g ; <. ' ’ Mr. Matt Lousberry was down from Madras last week visiting Ins auut Mrs N. C. Shankland and other friends. H e expects to go up in the A lberta country and pos- ibly take up a homestead. R. C Herring left last week for Rochester, N. V. to make a visit to his native state and renew former friendships. Mr. Herring was 11 prosperous Garfield rancher but sold his ranch and intends onlv to make a visit, as lie invested in Es- tacada property before leaving for the East T h e dance given by the ball team at the Pavilion Saturday night was well attended and a financial .suc­ cess. T h e boys intend to repeat eve ry two weeks these dances and hope by dancing and good ball play ing to be the idols of local baseball " f a n s ” and till a page of uitwiitlen brs.ball history, that will be like the vision Haskins now lias of what it will be. the ’ 10 Dr. Hess Stock Food, 65 cent ar.d $1 packages. 25 lb. pails $2. 1 1-2 lb. size Dr. Hess Heave Pow­ der, 50 cents. Dr. Hess Instant Louse Killer, 35. Dr. Hess Dip and disinlective for scab, mange, lice, ticks. Shears of Quality liach shear is carefully tested, ground set and fitted with a special lock nut and |i bolt, which insures the user a Perlect Cut- . ling Edge at all times. They will not loose. Money back if not satisfact- ory. 6 in. t.icklg plated, 75 cents. 7 “ “ “ 85 cents. 8 “ “ “ $ 1.0 0 Also cheaper grades in stock. Butcher Knives With a full guarantee for every knife defective we give another in its place. Prices 35 cents to $1.75. Henny Buggies with quick shift top, auto seat, wing dash board. A grade material throughout. examination. On Monday the : 1 river was examined and dragged by 1 citizens Win. Straight with his 1 BDSE. boat having been secured at tii he! I I0f{ River Mill and by them sent up to CASH assist iu the search. Edw in Bates went to Portland on • rw: .v.-ASREB Monday to ascertain if any trace could be discovered of his being in could not do business sufficient to Portluud, as agent Myers snvs ,,e be profitable, lie this as it may, sold to Bates a return ticket I It is apparent to a close observer Portland and at the same time- that the establishment of two banks Neck meat, 8 cts. l b . ; plate meat Myers thinks he sold a ticket for at almost the s ime time was the 9 cts. lb ; short ribs, to cts. l b . ; Oregon City to someone in this lo­ primary cause of trouble that has prime libs, i t cts, lb.: toll ribs cality, but just who it was lie does existed here and which has ¡ fleeted ¡roast, \2\. cts. !b ; rump toast, 11 not know. If the paitv who bought the social and business life of our Os. lb ; shoulder roast, 11 cts. lb ; it can give any information as to city and adjacent country. ¡lank roll, to cts. lb.; shoulder whether Bates got on the car for T h is paper lias no apology to | i st*“ak, 1 2 ‘ j O s lb Jb ; round steak, Portland it will be appreciated if make for the attitude it lias alw ays 1.5 cts lb. ; loin steak, 15 cts. lb.; they will infoi m the Progress to taken, believing it acted from the loin, pork, 17 cts. lb.; loin, veal, enable us to establish if Bates went motive of w hat we considered right. 15 cts. lb. ; loin, mutton, 15 cts If).; to Portland or not. In this opinion we have been sus­ shoulder venl and mutton, u 1.. cts ESTACADA MERCANTILE CO. Notice MILSE f os CASH r-WHUt— M Livery, Feed k Sale STABLE w. A. JONES P R O P R IE T O R Good rigs mill careful drivers SPECIAL G iven always ATTENTION H u n tin g mid Pishin g Parties WOOD & LUA\BER Local and L o n g Distance Telephone BUY, SELL, TR A D E, ETC. l ’eu- tained by the majority, as we be lb ; ham of same, 15 cts. lb land and Jorg, Props. lieve. F or S a i .K— T wo good second It has been agreed by the prin­ hand sewing machines, Wheeler Hi cipals in the two sides to this con Wilson and Singer. A lso a brand Notice troversy that each are willing to let new Kldridge direct from the fac­ by-gobes be by gones and to band Robt, Mnrchbank and wife have A citizens’ meeting is called b y tory, A t the Progress. returned from North Yakim a, together in a united effort to the city council to meet at the Es We have several pieces of prop­ Wash., and are again residents of vance the interests of Estacada. Iu tacada Commercial Club room on erty left with ns to negotiate a sale Estacada. T h e relief afforded him this effort we pledge cur support. Monday evening A p r 25th for the for. Intending investors in Esta- from his asthma by the change to T h a t we will all see things alike j purpose of considering the advss- caila will do well to consult u s a s Washington was only temporary A business change in Estacada cau scarcely be expected, but it is ability of issuing b< mis for the un­ we may have just wliat you want. and as " B o b " always did like Ks- It is de- Inqnire at the P k o g k k s s office. that came as a great surprise to all to he hoped n much better con provement of the streets. tacada he wilt remain as long ns dition will exist and it remains 'sired that all taxpayers and voters except those directly connected \\ A.vfKti Good fat beef cattle, his asthma stays away. with us to see how well we c m per- p*. piesent. with the deal, was consuniated on highest prices paid, See Penland form our part in this mutual agtee E. S. v V o m k r , C it> Recorder A Sunday School convention Monday morning last when the E s­ & Jorg, metlt. at the W hite Temple in Portland tacada State Bank took over the Mr ITeyhnnn and Atty. Rar'.iett I-*» k S a l e T w o good teams of on Apr. 26*7-8, It is intended to Bank of Estacada leaving only one Deeds Filed For Record intend to remain in Estacada and work horses, harness atul wagons embrace all denominations and it is Bank in the city . Negotiations to engage in oilier business, T h e re complete. Will be sold c h e a p . - IS. pc.l to l. tve represented district accomplish this have been going on 1 Estacada State Hank to J. J. will 1. no change in the officers of M. Miller. | delegates fro m e ve ry Sunday School for some time- and it w is through Davis. Lots 9 and 10 Blk. 8 Z o b iis t the Estacada State Bank. ■ in the district, of which each school the untiring efforts of Attorney PoR S a i . i ; Fresh Jersey cow Add. to listacada, ¡£200. is entitled to two delegates. A n j Bartlett and smd Ca hier Bt lfils that it I A . Lin n ct al to Francis M. and calf. Impure M. E. G uttridge 3 Spring water, Ore. excellent program has been pre-1 was successful. Snyder, S U and S '£ of N ' i of p a « d for tlie three da y convention W'i do not at this time desire to N E ' f of SEJ4 of Sec. 3 T . 1 S. K. W. A . Htyltnan, cashier of the 4 All railroads and boats have g r a n t - 1 rehearse any of the unpleasant1 Richard Wilson,-father of J. R. 5 K., #300. Bank of Estacada. desires to thank * ed exclu sion rates. j temend -ranee - of the establishment Wilson and form cily of T.:.‘ n ada, A. W . Botkin ct ux (O R V. ' ! t!in-.e w ho have since the establish­ T h e Pomona Grange, which c o n - ' -,I tw0 banks in th: s.in til commit win s , serious illness wn . hr 11 tinned St uni nn and W, K Hian is 32 33 ment of the bank favored them 1 veneri at t he S p n u g w a t e r G rang nity and any reference in that di in these columns last week, died nerrs in Sec, 18, T . 2 S K .1 K. with their business and wishes rectiou Is merely hi.lorical and has at the home- of his son on the 1 ast 1 fiail on thè r.ttli. w .s very largete $2000. tin-i having deposits with the in- ■ attended bv mtinbcrs troni over ihe ' to do with the history of the ease Side, Portland, on Saturday morn­ B R. Graham et ux to R. C sli ution to call as early as possible : caunty, about twn hundred being and is not meant to freshen in the ing last, T h e rei.iu 1 us we re taken Her ing . I.ots 4 and 5 in Blk 7 to arrang. the same. He solicits ainda of the iieople, both country to Tacom a and i-de: red in the farn- [ iu a'ten-Jnnee. T h e program • Zobr xt Add. to Estacada, s è > iitinn met of th te banking re ­ 1; ! ¡t> , that 1 »ted and ily burying ground. Mr. Wilson P 4 1 t erv entertainiug aud in ihv 1 ■ 1 • * Estacada State Bank to Evere lation for th; purchasers, the Es- \#tn y o r Tfif ■ h: waged about had attained a ripe old age and is tl, >• Asso Ï». .iv 111* 1 t sidt ration b ada ate Bank. ..liiu u L e r id bv many Estacada M. Miller. L ' ts 14 and 15 in Bit 4 grange went o-i r- cord ns <■ ivotiu j - i lia .- t two insi 1, .! «>:. Il-t.-itu-ss valiirf |>I Îî 4 tS that are s u e - 1 ¡icople who wondeied at his sptight- 7, Estacada. í-iziw. 1 !o tile b Elative aliti . Ci T k ud i'.l iii» T lu ’ ’ r -si :il nre ties! r< 4 A!*(! nceded by 1 lines-, and quick motions for one r.l ' Scott a - -Ur of Mrs. Va l- i and against the A.* T h e Ladies' A id So i: ty met entine arrived from the East lust i F n m o iu G r a n g - will ■ : a» S .n d • : T ï y * »ur.r.uui tv. It has ecu ap- Ins age. Hi- kindrn-s of heart and f tbç second Wednesday iu J. ’ . i - !■ areni to :. k ¡* observe rs that for so gentlemanly treat Ing while 1 - re left with Mrs. O. O Ph.i. ! ou We nn - week and is r:; king lier home w ith their next s-. ssion. mall a community two banks him many fti* nd rjio iigo ur [«ei-ple.duy aflcrnoou. ! Lei, Bank Of Estacada Sold Estacada Slate Bank Buys Out Bank Of Estacada. Deal Closed Last Monday Death Of Kid'. rd Wilson When in need of Furniture, Quit P.-.j e Deadening Felt, Rugs, Carpets, Linoleum, M tting, H mocks, Beds and Beddinj/, in irrt Furniture and Qt ware of any kind, call at the tsta o id d littnilure St rr and get our prices when in town. W e still have a few Sir n r Mac! :--s : ft yet. Let us sell you one. Come in, we v/ili tre t you rDht. Yours W . D. and L. M. Henthom 50 lb. sack 1-2 ground salt 38 cts. sack 100 lb. sack 1-2 * . “ 73 “ “ 50 lb. sack Dairy Salt, 45 “ “ Ncphi Utah Land Plaster 75 cents per sack. No. 8 all copper, nickle-plated Tea Kettles at $1.00 each. *•<**» :■ P h o e n ix P u r e P a in t . J a p a n e s e O il W o o d S ta in . J a p -a -L a c o r C h i-N a m e l. T o b e a u t ify y o u r h o m e . Mica or Universal Axle Grease i lb. pails. 75 cents each. W e Solicit (Recounts f f ie t ia t /e ^ {/ts tr a c ts f i A VEAR ___ "1 — WHH-+*»-l«WW"**+-MwS.-'--i---- »» itili. Geo. A. Steel. President. T H U R S D A Y , , , A P R I L 21, 1910.