NO. 34 op ESTACADA, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1910. VOL. 2 [ Estacada ; State Bank Capital Fully Paid Up - $25,000 I : » Geo. A. Steel, President. LO C A L N EW S AND P E R SO N A L M ENTIO N A sou was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. Demoy on Tuesday morning. j L. E BeJfils, Cashier UIRtClORS: ! Geo. A. Steel, lh os. Vocum, John Zobrist, L. E. Bel fils W e Solicit cXccounts Why The Deal Fell Through H e didn’t know the exact acreage, for no ever been made. survey Th e land had never been abstracted; but the title he thought was good, for he had bought from man Bill Jones, an honest man. deed was not on patent he had Come to find never seen, yet it surely had been paid. old out— his record; he would file it at once. The but would look that up, too. There was an old mortgage the clerk found “ unsatisfied,” T h e buyer wanted the farm if the title was good, but being fiom Missouri he shown. had had to be So the deal fell throngh. f U a l i n f / e V *Iftstra cts o f S l a c / t n m a s (B o u n ty Q a n r l «7 it ie s fin e m a d e b y C l a c k a m a s T it l e C o m p a n y , in c . E S T A B L IS H E D 1 6 9 3 PORTLAND, OKIÎ. Read This! When in need of Furniture, Queensware, W all Paper, Deadening Felt, Rugs, Carpets, Linoleum, Matting, Ham ­ mocks, Beds and Bedding, in fact Furniture and Queens­ ware of any kind, call at the Estacada furniture Store and get our prices when in town. W e still have a few Singer Machines left yet. sell you one. Come in, we will treat you right. Let us / Yours W . D. and L . M. Henthom 44 144444444444444 ) ■ 4 4 4 4 4 Meeting •T .rrrrziiT Jw rs s * r^ -^ ^ Y r >r m r ' T y w s r * ? K 3 g ; ' U J M P T a i'M *-.- 'V Z T i 1 Oliver Chilled Plows, lieneey. buggies, iViandL Wagons, Superior Drills, P. & 0. Disc Plows and Harrows. .I r - H - 1 4 4 . 4 4 4 4 M -4 » 4 4 4 4 4 Y 8 The Estacada school district at ¡1 meeting held on last Thursday 3 Chas. Ferry was overhauling and evening in the public school build beautifying the interior of the bar­ mg suggested by a vote in favor of ber shop with a new coat of paint. enlarging the school building. I' J. M, Foster has taken rooms at was decided to at once take step: P h o e n i x P u r e P a in t , J a p a n e s e O il W o o d S t a in . the Estacada having moved there to call a legal vote of the school district for the purpose of taking on Monday. J a p -a -L a c o r C h i-N a m e l. vote of the entire district. That Mrs. F. R. Cary, who has lreen such movement is necessary is ap To b e a u tify y o u r h o m e . spending the winter in California, parent to everyone who lias giver returned to Estacada last week. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ---------— any thought to the conditions ex Laborers wanted. Wages $2.25 isting now. 50 lb. sack 1-2 ground salt 38 cts. sack per day. Apply S. P. Co., Esla- A vote should be taken and 100 lb. sack 1-2 “ “ 73 “ “ Mrs. Pott’s Nickle Plated Sad Irons, cada, Oregon. plans prepared so that as soon a; 50 lb. sack Dairy Salt, 45 “ “ 3 irons, handle and stand at 95 cents per Pluss Cahill, of Eagle Creek, school is closed this season work set. who was quite sick last w’eek, is can be commenced immediately that no delay will occur when the again feeling pretty good. M ephi Utah Land Plaster 75 cents Fall term opens. Mr. Wood will preach at the per The liberal views that have beet Christian Church next Sunday at entertained on educational matters 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ever since the formation of the dis Mica or Universal A xle Grease 10 N. A. Beardsley and family of trict leaves little doubt but that tbt lb. pails. 75 cents each. Portland have gone to the ranch of district will vote for building an Dr. Hess Stock Food, 65 cent and Dr, Hewitt iu Garfield to take addition to our school building $1 packages. 25 lb. pails $2. charge of the same. We wish also to suggest to tht 11-2 lb. size Dr. Hess H eave Pow­ Miss Lillian Foster went to Port­ voters of the district that they der, 50 cents. land on Monday where she will re­ should at the same time request th< No. 8 all copper, nickle-plated Tea Dr. Hess Instant Louse Killer, 35. main a tew days before going to school board to lose no time in sc Kettles at $1.00 each. Dr. Hess Dip and disinfective for curing additional grounds. It was California. scab, mange, lice, ticks. ouly last week that the Portland The Misses Maud Sturgeon and papers were talking about the higl Eva Pruner and Mr. A. N. John­ price paid by the school board o son spent Sunday in Vancouver, that city for a small piece of ad Wash. Shears of Quality ditioual ground that was needed. Richard Wilson, father of J. R. $115.000. Now- while additional Butcher Knives Each shear is carefully tested, ground Wilson now residing on the East and adjacent land to our school W ith a full guarantee for every kr.if set and fitted with a special lock nut and Side Portland, has had a stroka of grouud can be secured it should lx defective we give another in its place bolt, which insures the user a Perfect Cut­ paralysis and is in a very critical done by all means and these thing' Prices 35 cents to $1.75. ting Edge at all times. T h ey will not condition. if a waiting attitude is taken the work loose. Money back if not satisfact­ Crushed rock is being hauled on property may be sold to others and the cost of securing it very ma­ ory. John Bates’ lots on Broadway 6 in. nickle plated, 75 cents. where he expects to erect a new terially increased. A petition lias and modern meat shop and cold been out for sometime requesting 7 “ “ “ 85 cents. Henny Buggies with quick shift top, an expression of the people regard storage room. , 8 “ “ “ $ 1 .0 0 auto seat, wing dash board. A grade ing the advisability of purchasing a material throughout. R. A. Looney and family, of Also cheaper grades in stock. block of additional grouud that no Salem, have been spending a week lots have been sold from and to tin or more visiting friends and attend­ east of the school building. Tilt ing to business matters in and board of directors while seeing tht about Estacada. MDSf. MDSE. necessity of sucli a purchase do no: roR fOK W. J. Emmett who has not been care to take the responsibility of cash CASH very strong for some time but who urging a purchase of this block, w grae — — M ill ■» HHl ! ■ | CBMSfz r : uroTCr.-js-i-Sl was improving, suffered a relapse but want the district to be the tnov rts m w im ^ v m J J U U U M J . v r ’ on Sunday last and is confined to ing spirit. However as we see the the house again. matter, it is this way: the board of ment, will tell us something about Estacada Loses To directors are the district’ s agents our possessions, that some of us Mrs. E W. Sewall, who has Eagle Creek have never dreamed of. Plates at been very sick as the result of an and should be the first to see the tlie banquet will cost those desiring operation about two weeks ago, is needs of the district and urge Manager Haskins tried out his means beneficial. to attend 75 cents. Tickets are W . A. JO N ES said to be improving, Mrs. Stone, PROPRIETOR men last Sunday with the fast now on sale at the Estacada Phnr her mother, is assisting in taking Good rigs and careful drivers always Eagle Creek team and suffered a rnacy, and as only eighty tickets are of the children. Publicity Day, Saturday SPECIAL AiTENTlON defeat. It was the first time the will be sold for the banquet those The plastering has been finished April 23rd boys were together for a game and who secure the first ones will know Given Hunting and Pishing Parties on E. M. Miller’s new house in the from indications with a little more that they can get in, as not more Fraley addition and C. G. Reisner Estacada is to have a publicity practice aud team work they will be than tins number can be comfort- WOOD & LUMBER and two men are busily engaged in meeting on Saturday afternoon aid Local and Long Distance Telephone in the front row. Calef, captain ably seated, putting on the finishing touches of evening April 23, instigated by the and pitcher, had a very sore arm carpenter work. BU Y, S E L L , T R A D E , ETC. Estacada Commercial Club. The and had to give it up after the 3rd Notice A dance was held in Folsom’ s following persons have been se inning, Bronson hurled them over F or S ai .R - T wo good second dryer at Springwater on Saturday cured as speakers for the occasion: the balance of the game and did Neck meat, 8 cts. lb .; plate meat hand sewing machines W inder ¿c. night which was largely attended. Tom Richardson will speak at 2:30 good work, errors being respon­ A number of Estacadaians were P. M also at the banquet in the sible for most of tlie runs. The 9 cts. lb .; short ribs, 10 cts. lb.; Wilson and Siuger. Also a brand present and report having bad an evening; State Supt, of Public In score: Eagle Creek 9, Estacada 1. prime ribs, ri cts, lb,; roll ribs new Eldridge direct from the fac­ stiuction J. II. Ackerman will Tlie King’ s of Portland open the roast, 12J4 cts. lb.; rump roast, 11 tory. At the Progress. enjoyable evening. We have several pieces of prop­ Roy Myers, agent for the P. R. speak in the evening on "Insti new grounds here next Sunday j cts. lb ; shoulder roast, n e t s , lb.; tutional Responsibilities;” Judge afternoon at 3 P. M flank roll, 10 cts. lb.; shoulder erty left with us to negotiate a sale L. & P. Co., resigned his position -------------------------- (steak, 1 2 cts. lb ; round steak, I for. Intending investors iu Esta­ on Tuesday, to take effect as soon Grant B. Dimick will speak, also in The Estacada High School will 15 cts. lb .; loin steak. 15 cts. lb ; jeada will do well to consult lisas as the company can secure a new the eveuing on "Good Roads.” Ed. 1 loin, pork, 17 cts. lb.; loin, veal, we may have just what you want. man. We are sorry to lose Roy, The evening meeting will be at give an entertainment in the Estacada and will be a banquet Hunt’s new opera In use on Main 15 cts. lb .; loin, mutton, 15 cts lb .; Inquire at tlie P r o g k K s s office. as it is his intention to move away. commencing at 7 P. M. and only St., Estacada, on Friday evening shoulder veal and mutton. 1 2 ' I cts W a n t e d Good fat beef cattle, The Estacada Ball Team will those holding tickets for supper April 15th. The exciting feature lb .; ham of same, 15 cts. lb .— Peu- highest prices paid, — See Peuland give a big dance at the Pavilion on will be admitted, as only eighty- ot the entertainment will be a de- laud and Jorg, Props, Saturday night, Apiil 16th. A people can Ire served with comfort; bate, “ Resolved, that the city- !& I ° rK- / six piece Portland orchestra has that will be the limit of tickets sold. S t r a y e d -—Black Jersey cow, should own and operate its public N o tic e Q f A p p o in tm e n t been engaged to furnish music, A No invitations are giveu and those utilities." An admission will be j one born off and short tail. Ad­ large crowd is expected. O f Administrator dress Mrs. Dora Herring, Spring- desiring to be present must avail charged, 15 and 25 cents, the pro­ j water, Manager Haskins with the as­ themselves by securing tickets for ceeds for the benefit of the Higbj sistance of the balance of the team the banquet which will l>e on sale School Ball Team. F or S a l e T wo good teams of Notice is hereby giveu that the who were not working and a few- at the Estacada Pharmacy. It is ! County Court of Clackamas County, work horses, harness and -v igors real sports, have the new fence just the desire of the committee in E. I State cf Oregon, on the 4U1 day of complete. Will l-e old cheap Estacada Will Have about up and with the sun to dry charge that our outlying farming M. Miller. “ R n n c t o r I W ’ A p r il’ , 9 " ’’ du,y aPfK)i,,ted Uie the ground off will get that in communities be represented at the DOOSier UOy undersigned as Administrator of F or S a le House and two lots afternoon meeting ns well as at the shape for the game Sunday. ¡ the Estate of Philander T. Davis, in northeast corner town plat of Es­ banquet. Come out and bring As the Estacada Commercial deceased, and that all persons hav- Miss Genserowski, of Sqring tacada. Also young fruit trees, your friends. Club is only in its infancy with a ing claims against said estate, are water came to Estacada on Satur­ strawberry patch, chicken house, desire to do things, its members required to present them with the day to meet a couple of lady friends The Progress is one dollar a year conceived the idea of having a nice proper vouchers to me at Estaca- and other improvements. Rev. All three of them were in a buggy I Harvey Buck. A s the business of the Estacada congeuial social time and at the da, Oregon, within six months and started for Springwater, in go­ F or S a l k A heavy teams of ing up the grade by Schocks the post office has increased very much same time impart to the stranger from the date of the first ptiblica- work horses, wagon and harness. horse they were driving started to mid it is expected that one or two and “ oldtimer” some information lion of this notice, Inquire at the Progress. H e r m a n A. W eh st kr back and they all went over tbt ; more rural routes will soon lie es­ as to the jiossihilities of Eastern They have ar- Administrator of the Es'ate of bank and landed on top of S> hocks tablished. Postmaster Johnson had Clackamas Co. fence, the girls remaining in the I some partitions taken out and the ranged with the Hotel Estacada to Philander 1 . Davis, dei - as* d Read the Want Ads. A. S, Dresser, Attorney for Ad- buggv all the time. It was for­ I rear office room enlarged to meet serve a banquet at 7 P, M. After ■ Oregon City had a big crowd at tunate that neither they nor the the new conditions. The ware- the afternoon meeting at which ninistrator. Date of first publication April 14, their "Booster Day” ou Saturday horse were hurt but the buggy w*s room of the Estacada Pharmacy Tom Richardson, who is the man­ t last. ager of Portland’s pulicity depart 1910, I was also enlarged. badly wrecked. 1o use on the farm. ESTACADA MERCANTILE CO. Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE Moral: Get An Abstract And Be Ready Head Offices: 509-511 Chamber of Commerce Building. Sch o ol District Holds i i A YEAR