GEORGE H. WILLIAMS Grand Old Man oí Oregon Passes to His Long Rest. M ILLIO N S TO FIGHT SHARKS. Plan Is to Charge Only Legal Rates on Furniture Security. New York, April 4.— Mrs. Russell Sage has inaugurated a state-wide plan to thwart the loan sharks who fatten upon the necessities of the poor. She has returned from her trip across the continent to put into immediate effect measures to save the unfortunate from the exactions of the usurer. The Sage millions will capitalize chain of model loan establishments which will advance money to the poor on their household goods at the legal rate of interest. The plan has been prepared by the Sage Foundation, in cooperation with Orion H. Cheney, state superintendent of banks, and awaits only Mrs. Sage final approval. Mr. Cheney, who has been waging bitter war upon the loan sharks, said today: “ When the Sage Foundation enters this field not only will it accomplish most worthy mission, but at the same time it can be made financially profit­ able. The concerns which take unfair advantage of the unfortunates who are financially embarrassed will be either driven out of the business or forced to conduct their business on the same fai basis as the Sage Foundation.” Mr. Cheney said he believed the poor who have to resort to the securing of loans on their furniture should be cared for in preference to the class that cures advances on salary. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATE BUILDING A T TILLA M O O K . BIG FARM SOLD IN MORROW. Coming o f Railroad Has Stimulating North Dakota Bankers Pay $150,000 for 19,000 Acres Near lone. Effect on Business. GLASS T R U S T PROBED. Imperial Company Is Said to Control 33 Factories in Eleven States. Pittsburg, April 2.— It was learned tonight that after three months’ inves­ tigation, Federal officers are ready to present to a special grand jury here next Monday evidence that the Imper­ ial Window Glass company is a trust in violation o f the Sherman act. The corporation formed under the laws o f West Virginia, is said to con­ trol 33 large window glass factories in 11 different states. The company has offices in Illinios, Indiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, Mich­ igan, North Carolina, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Many prominent glass manufacturers from these states are said to have been served with subpoenas to appear before the grand jury as witnesses. United States District Attorney Jor­ dan said tonight: “ The investigation of the Imperial Window Glass company has been under way for 90 days, and agents of the de­ partment of justice have visited every one o f the 33 plan operated under the charter o f the company. “ The company was incorporated in West Virginia early this year, and its alleged control o f the window glass business is to be investigated with in­ tent to show that it is a monopoly in restraint o f trade. “ The Imeprial Window Glass com­ pany is a holding organization, the manufacturers pooling their output and selling through the company exclusive­ ly. Prices have been compared with those o f the American Window Glass company and there is but slight differ­ ence.” WILL NOT SEE POPE QUICK AC TIO N OR STR IKE . Bitumino is Coal Miners in East Will Fight for Raise. Cincinnati, March 30.— Only imme­ diate increases in wages will prevent a great industrial war, numerous and widespread strikes in the bituminuoa coal mines, according to action taken by a special committee o f the United Mine Workers here late today, follow­ ing the final disagreement and dissolu­ tion of the joint conference o f the cen­ Great Roman Pontiff Expreses Wish tral competitive field. The terms pro|x>scd by the miners to Avoid Repetition o f Fairbanks for the continuation of work after the Incident—Rome Stirred. expiration of the present agreement» at midnight Thursday will admit o f no compromise so far as wages are con­ cerned. On other questions there is room for agreement and the general Pope to Roosevelt. trend o f opinion is that no lengthy Bus- The holy father will be delighted pension will be the result except in a to grant an audience to Mr. Roose­ few fields. velt on April 5 and hopes that noth­ The most threatening aspect over­ ing will arise to prevent it, such as shadows Pennsylvania and Illinois sec­ the much regretted incident which tions. Briefly, the miners demand that made the reception of Mr. Fairbanks impossible. Restrictions Imposed In Invitation Declined by Roosevelt. lone— The county court of Morrow Tillamook— Many improvements have been made in Tillamook during the last county has confirmed the sale o f the 12 months., the comping of the railway ! principal lands of the J. A. Woolery stimulating business in every direction, estate. This estate consists of 19,000 End Came ss He Had Often Wished, The Tillamook, a fire proof concrete acres o f land and the price paid is In Harness and in Full Pos­ building 100x100 feet., two stories and about $150,000. The successful bid- session o f Faculties. basement, has been completed, the der was a syndicate of North Dakota ground floor being occupied by the post bankers headed by Clinton D. Lord, office, a department store and hardware They will at once colonize these lands establishment. The upper floor is oc- with Eastern wheat raisers. About cupied. One-half will be used by the 5,000 acres of this land is now sown to GEORGE H. W ILLIAM S. Tillamook Commercial club, recently wheat which, with the present pros- O f no distemper, o f no blast he died, : incorporated. ! pects for a crop, should yield the pur- But fell like autumn fruit that mel- \ A reinforced concrete building 50x i chasers 75,000 to 100,000 bushels of lowed lonjf, 100 feet, built for the Jones-Knudson wheat this year. E ’en wondered at because it fell not J furniture store, has been completed, I The most remarkable fact concern- sooner. and occupied. Excavating is being j ing this sale is that there was not one Age seemed to wind him up for four rushed for the basement of a three- j cent of commission paid to anyone on score years, story and basement reinforced concrete this big deal. Mrs. Woolery Knap­ Roosevelt to Pope. Y et slowly ran he on seven winters building on Main street. penberg, who is an attorney, having It would be a real pleasure to me more, Plans are being prepared for a mod- practiced law in Buffalo, N. Y ., hand- to be presented to the holy father, Till, like a clock, worn out with ern three-story hotel to contain 125 ' led the sale with practically no cost to for whom I entertain high respect, beating time, rooms, to be erected on a half block, j the estate. This is the first o f th^ ex- both personally and as the head o f a The wheels o f wearly life at last Cement pavements are being laid in tensive wheat farms to be sold in great church. . . . I decline to the business district, and on many of j this county, and as there are several stood still. make any stipulations or submit to the residence streets. j others it is thought that they will fol- any conditions which in any way The council is preparing to lay trunk low the lead taken by the Woolery would limit my freedom of conduct. Portland, April 5.— With the same sewers and build two septic tanks, and estate, serenity that had marked the later expects to pave Main street and Sec years o f his long and useful life, Judge ond avenue this summer. OREGON HEN HAS RECORD. Rome, April 5.— The audience which George H. Williams early yesterday A large auto garage has been built it waa believed that cx-President morning passed to the Great Beyond. by E. Snodgrass, the first public g a r-: Plymouth Rock at Albany Lays 256 Roosevelt would have with the pope to Sunday night Oregon’s grand old age in the county. It will hold 20 Eggs in Twelve Months. day will not take place, owing to condi­ man had retired at the usual hour, af­ autos comfortably. A complete re- j tions which the Vatican haa imposed, ter a quiet day spent in good health Albany — While most breeders of pair and supply shop has been added, and which Mr. Roosevelt refused to j fancy poultry make a specialty of show in charge of a competent mechanic. San Sebastian, Spain, April 4.— An accept. | birds, the efforts of Messrs. Hart and The county court has appropriated other French aviator has met death Although the definite negotiations Dannals of this city along egg produc­ while making a flight in an aeroplane. $105,000 for county roads. The Sher­ relative to the audience ended before ing lines is worthy of note. These idan road, from Dolph to Tillamook, Hubert Leblon, who, prior to his tak Mr. Roosevelt left Egypt, the an­ men have been breeding barred Ply­ ing up aeroplaning was a noted auto- will be put in splendid shape for travel. nouncement waa withheld until after mouth rocks for seven years with the mobilist, was killed while making an Mr. Roosevelt reached Rome tonight object o f seeing how great an egg lay­ Stock Losses Said to be Nominal. Washington, April 2.— The War de at the solicitation of his American exhibition flight here yesterday. ing strain they could develop by apply­ partment has turned over to the local Catholic friends here, who believed He w is circling the royal palace of Prineville — Central Oregon, the JOHN D A LZ E I.L ing the same rules of breeding to poul­ Senior member o f the houso committee on rules, Philippine government the prosecution that in the meantime the Vatican Miramar at a height of 140 feet when stock growing section of the state, is try that are used by breeders o f fine who will in nil probability become chairman of o f the two Japanese alleged to have might eftange its attitude. his motor broke. He attempted to enjoying much better weather than is that committee, •ucceedintr the recently deposed livestock. How well they have suc­ been engaged in securing plans for the "Uncle Joe” Cannon. glide back to the shed, but the ma­ customary at this season. Cattle and One o f the ex-president’s American ceeded may be judged by the fine ap­ fortifications o f Corregidor, Manila friends who had been with him in chine turned and swooped with terrific horses have been turned on the ranges pearance o f their birds. harbor, through the bribery o f Joseph Egypt, came to Rome yesterday with­ all operators agree to pay increased force against the rocks. The aviator and many bands of sheep have been It is also worthy of note that these G. Saxe, an American soldier. taken to the “ desert” where the new was crushed. out any authorization from Mr. Roose­ wages o f 5 cents a ton on pick-mined results were obtained by ordinary care This has been done in the hope that velt, and interceded with Cardinal screen coal, with proportionate ad­ Mme. Leblon witnessed the raccident grass is best. of the birds without the use of egg the local attorneys in Manila may be Merry del Val, the papal secretary, in vances for other methods o f mining From the canvass of the stockmen it and when the body was recovered from forcing foods; the hens being simply able to find some section that will an endeavor to avoid the situation, and outside labor, as a prerequisite to the sea, she rushed shrieking towards is found that a small percentage of loss bred to trot. The records were ob­ serve to bring about punishment o f the which, as it now stands, has caused a negotiations on the other question. the ambulance to which it was being is the result of the rather severe win­ tained by using trap nests. Although offenders, whom the United States real sensation in Rome, although it With the advance in pay assured, work carried. She threw herself upon the ter, and although the prices of hay and egg production is the main object, code does not touch. lifeless form, kissing it repeatedly and grain were boosted to an unusual fig­ was not entirely unexpected. His may be continued in the mines affected these enterprising breeders have not It is quite evident, however, that efforts were unavailing. refusing to be led away. As the weath­ ure, the supply in most cases was pending solution o f the minor points, lost sight o f correct markings o f the the charge of bribery will not hold, er was stormy, Leblon’s flight was un­ sufficient to meet the demand. When at Gondokoro in February last, provided the National executive board feathers and the size of birds. I t is the Supreme court has ruled that the Mr.* Roosevelt wrote to Ambassador of the union approves action to this expected and only a few people as­ Plowing and breaking is in full doubtful i f anyone in the Northwest bribe must be offered to an official Leishman, saying that he would be effect by district officers. sembled to see the start. A fte r the swing on the newer farms. There has can show a more uniformly handsome O f course, Private Saxe can and prob­ glad of the honor of an audience with start, however, an enormous crowd been no frost to speak of since Febru­ The National board is made the final flock. ably will be tried by military court King Victor Emmanuel and the pope. power so far as the union is concerned, quickly gathered and followed the body ary. Fruit trees are coming out and martial, but it does not seem probable The audience with the king was but it is expressly forbidden to modify to the police hospital. There was an shrubbery of almost every kind has ta­ Bohemians Gettle in Klamath. examination, but the doctors were only ken on its summer suit of green. that there will be any way o f punish promptly arranged. the wage demands. Merrill— The Mike Hartery ranch of ing the Japanese i f found guilty. and spirits. A t the rising hour the able to confirm that death must have Before an arrangement could be 700 acres has just been sold for $35,- Rhododendron Show to Draw Well. «m pty tenement o f clay was found re­ been instantaneous. reached relative to an audience with 000 to Frank Loufek of Odessa, Wash., clining as he had gone to sleep, the the pope, several telegrams were Eugene— There may be an excur­ a Bohemian investor, who will sub­ POWER S ITE S ARE W ITHDRAW N face as placid as that o f a slumbering passed and the negotiations were ended ITA LIAN S CHEER ROOSEVELT. sion o f Portland people to the annual divide the place into small tracts and by Mr. Roosevelt’s refusing in any child. There was no evidence of rhododendron festival at Florence on sell to Bohemians who have been un­ Washington and Idaho Lands With­ way to be limited as to his conduct. struggle as the spirit left the body, no Seen in Theater at Naples—Receives May 20 c*f this year. Manager Free­ Albany, N. Y ., March 30.— Jonathan able to secure land in the colony on indication that there had been the man, of the Eugene Commercial club, An audience with the pope under the P. Allds went to his home in Norwich held by Ballinger. Grand Ovation. Lakeside tract. The Hartery tract lies slightest degree of suffering. Judge while in the metropolis last week, circumstances is now impossible. tonight, a private citizen, branded as a six miles east o f Merrill and adjoins Washington, April 2.— In aid o f pro­ Williams had died in the manner he Naples, April 4. — Ex-President spoke to a number o f newspaper men bribe-taker by his former colleagues in the Bohemian colony. It is one o f the posed legislation affecting the disposal had often wished— by “ simply slip­ Roosevelt was given a tremendous re­ of that city in regard to attending the oldest and finest cattle and hay ranches of waterpower sites on the public do­ STO R M DOES $200,000 DAMAGE. the senate, and by his own act no long­ ping away.” ception at the Theater San Carlos, festival, and received a tentative prom­ er a member o f that body. Senator in this part o f Oregon. There are now main, Secretary Ballinger today tern For a week Judge Williams had been where he attended a performance to­ ise. He interviewed others in regard Conger, who filed the charges against 20 families in the colony and 40 more porarily withdrew from all forms of unusually cheery, and for five months night. The Americans in the boxes to chartering a steamer to visit the Utah Trains Must Again Use Portland Allds, stayed here to fight. will bring their families this season. disposition 5,823 acres along the Lem­ he had been freer from physical suffer­ started the cheering, which was taken Lane county seaport on that date, mak­ Route to the’ East. The senate vindicated Conger today hi River, Idaho, and 4,175 acres along ing than for several years. For a long up by a great body of students seated ing the enitre trip by water, and the $30 Per Ton for Hay. Salt Lake, Utah, April 5.— Two hun­ when it voted, 40 to 9, that the charges the Columbia river in Washington. Colonel Roose­ plan may be carried through. time prior to last fall he had been in­ in the third gallery. Those had been sustained by the evidence Laidlaw — Ranchers in the Laidlaw Approximately 42,750 acres o f land dred thousand dollars will not cover the convenienced by an internal disable­ velt rose and bowed his acknowledge­ who come by way o f Eugene will be loss caused by the terrific wind storm brought before it. ment more or less chronic, yet it was ments, which only served to increase taken from here to Florence in automo­ district are getting a good price for in Montana was designated for settle­ Conger’s enemies admit he is a fight­ that swept Salt Lake City and North biles. The festival promises to be car­ their hay these days. Most o f the hay ment under the enlarged homestead o f such a nature that his active inter­ the tumultous applause. Central Utah last night. Farm prop­ er, and the belief is exptessed that he During an intermission students to ried on this year in a more elaborate raised in this district is marketed at act. This land, it was said, was not est and participation in business affairs Bend, where the stage companies are susceptible of successful irrigation at erty suffered big losses, fences and will oppose any attempt to drive him was not impaired, and not even his the numl)er of 200 marched to the rear manner than ever before. buying hay at $30 per ton delivered. a reasonable cost from any known trees being blown down, and in some out o f office as vigorously and with as most intimate friends realized the pain of Colonel Roosevelt’s box, where they free an expenditure o f money as lie at­ Ranchers state that an increased acre­ source of water supply. This makes a instances houses overturned. Exhibit Oregon Products in East. were presented to the ex-president by he had suffered. Railroad property suffered heavily, tacked Allds. An exhibit carrying products of Ore­ age o f hay will be raised the coming total of 28,888,240 acres in Montana Professor Boggiano, of the University Before the vote was taken in the and in one case 15 men narrowly es­ of Naples, who, in a graceful speech, gon’s farms, Helds and forests will be year. With using more intelligent designed for settlement under the act. senate this morning, Allds resigned his I6TH AM ENDM ENT W ILLIA M S’ The coal lands withdrawn from the caped with their lives. recalled the colonel’s parting injunc­ sent through the United States next methods o f irrigation and fertilizing position in that body, thereby releas­ Both the Western Pacific and the tion to President Taft, that the great­ fall by the Great Northern Railway the land with land plaster, a largely public domain, it was announced, in Oregon Jurist Last o f “ War Senate,” est problem for the United States was company, for the purpose o f illustrat­ increased yield per acre is anticipated, elude large areas within unopened In Southern Pacific are out o f commission ing himself from the jurisdiction of that body. dian and military reservations. As again. and Close Friend o f Lincoln. the maintenance of a the moral well­ ing to the people what Oregon has to The question o f what shall be done The damage to the Southern Pacific $60,000 Paid for Orchard, offer to homeseekers. This announce­ such withdrawals are without effect, “ The right of citizens of the United being and strength of the people. will be repaired by Wednesday, but with Senator Conger, Allds’ accuser, ment was made by M. J. Costello, as­ Mr. Ballinger has cancelled them to Medford — F ifty thousand dollars Professor Boggiano said that this was States to vote shall not be denied or still remains to be settled. sistant traffic manager o f the road, was paid by S. Stine, o f Walla Walla, clear the record. These lands were the outlook for the Western Pacific is abridged by the United States, or by also the greatest problem for all coun­ The resignation o f Senator Allds is with headquarters at Seattle. Assist­ Washington, to Walch Brothers, for already withheld from entry because dark. The expensive pipeline o f the tries. any state, on account of race, color or ant general freight and passenger 480 acres of land in the Antelope val­ they were within Indian or military Utah Copper company, which cost $40,- taken to amount to a tacit acknowl­ Colonel Roosevelt, replying, appeal­ previous condition o f servitude.” agent H. A. Jackson will have person­ ley, about eight miles from Medford. reserves, and their inclusion within 000, was extensively washed away. edgment of guilt, since it was an­ The foregoing is the Fifteenth ed to the students to aspire to the high­ The storm loss at Saltair Beach, 20 nounced recently that i f he resigned as Amendment to the constitution of the est ideals, but warned them that their al supervision o f the collection and ar­ Mr. Stine will plant the entire tract coal land withdrawals was a duplicate miles west o f here, will amount to a member of the state senate, it could rangement o f the exhibits. The work in orchard. of their reservation. The total area One hundred and fifty aspirations must be coupled with prac­ United States, adopted by congress in be in effect a plea o f participation in will be commenced in a few weeks. acres are now being set out, and the involved in the correction o f the rec­ $10,000. The pavilion and other val­ 1870 and later ratified by the states. tical methods. uable resort concessions were wrecked the bribe-taking o f which he was ac­ ords was 811,354 acres, located in res remainder will be planted in the fall L ife is a struggle,” he said. “ You The text of the amendment was pre­ cused by Senator Ben Conger, who Syndicate Buys Bend Townsite. to apples and pears, with peach fillers. ervations in New Mexico, Colorado, and railway tracks entering the resort Your pared by the Oregon statesman, must not keep in the clouds. himself stated that he had paid bribe were washed away. Utah, North Dakota, Washington and ideals must be such as can be real­ Bend Next week there will be in­ George H. Williams, and was present­ money to Allds. Montana. ized.” corporated in Portland a syndicate com- ed and adopted with only a minor PO R TLA N D M ARKETS. [xised o f Portland investors, headed by Omaha Fire Costs $600,000. change in wording. Railway Men Vote on Strike. • Pet Dog Funeral Elaborate. Frank Robertson. The syndicate has Wheat-—Track prices — Bluestem Prices Blamed on Tariff. Omaha, Neb,, April 5.— A t a late Judge Williams was one o f the bust, Cleveland, March 30.— A strike the Bend townsite for $1.0Uwer in the faction for a departed canine in an to the townsite, 500 acres immediately o f Railway Conductors. About 20,000 Hay— Track prices— Tim othy: Wil- sponsible for an increase o f half a cent to the adjoining flour mill o f the Man administration forces. He was the elal>orate funeral, Beth must have it. adjacent were included in the purchase men are involved. The oriignal de­ originator o f the “ reconstruction act,” Wrapped in an embroidered opera coat, as well as the big power plant building lamete valley, $206/21; alfalfa, $17.50 a pound in the price of macaroni, be­ ey Milling company. The elevator and mands of the men were rejeeted two which he later, as attorney general in her casket lined with the trophies of on the Deschutes close to the center of 6/18.50; grain hay, $176/19. cause the macaroni was wrapped in pa­ the mill were destroyed, entailing a days ago. The result o f the strike vote Oats— No. 1 white, $296/ 30 ton. her show victories, Beth was buried be­ town, and the city water system. De­ loss o f $509,000. Nearly 100 box cars, Grant’s cabinet, enforced. per. will not be known until April 8. neath a fine old mission willow yester­ velopment will begin immediately. Fresh fru its—Apples, $1.256/3 box In a similar way, olive oil was about half o f which were loaded with While neither side will discuss the day, sorrowing friends witnessing the pears, $1.506/1.75 per box; cranber­ higher on account o f the duty on tins. grain, standing on nearby tracks, were Cotton Mills Closing. causes of the failure to agree, it is un­ Ship 26,000 Cedar Poles to Utah. ries, $86/9 per barrel. A large amount o f other derstood both sides were willing to He testified that there had been a gen­ destroyed. Boston, Marh 31.— F ifty per cent ceremony. Beth was the pet of Miss Cottage Grove—Shipments of cedar Potatoes—Carload buying prices: eral upward tendency in the price of property narrowly escaped. o f the spindles in Southern cotton mills Suzette Newton, the young daughter compromise on wages. poles for the Postal Telegraph & Cable Oregon 506/60c per hundred; sweet groceries in the last ten years. are idle, according to statistics assem­ of Mrs. California Newton. company, a contract for 25,000 of potatoes, 36/34c per pound. Victoria Probes Graft. bled by the American Wool and Cotton Body Drifts 60 Miles. which is being filled by John Wicks are Onions — Oregon, $1.506/1.75 per Fund is Pledged to Cook. Electro-Vigor is Barred. Reporter. The figures show the cur­ Victoria, B. C., March 31.— Judge Bellingham, Wash., March 30.— The New York, April 4. On the author­ being made at the rate o f about 14 hundred. tailment now in progress not only in Washington, April 2.— The postmas­ Lampman as a royal commissioner to­ corpse cast up Saturday on the beach Vegetables— Turnips $16/1.25 per ter general today issued a fraud order day opened a formal investigation into Mr. Wicks has the South, but in all sections of the ity of Captain B. F. Osbon, one o f the carloads per week. of Lummi Island, across the bay from country, is more extensive than has most active supporters of Dr. Freder­ sub-contracted for a considerable num- sack; rutabagas, $16/11.25; carrots, against the Dr. Hall Electro-Vigor police methods here, which local news­ this city, was identified as that of W. ever been known in the history o f the ick A. Cook, the explorer, it was an­ ber o f the poles, and the work is being 85c6/ $1; beets, $16/1.25; parsnips, 75c company at Seattle and denied it the papers have declared to out-Tammany J. McGranahan, of Vancouver, B. C ., trade, even taking into consideration nounced tonight that about $175,000 rushed as rapidly as possible. The 6 / $1 use of the mails. A short time ago a Tammany. The women proprietors of captain o f the schooner Arthur B., Butter— City creamery extras, 36c; similar order was issued against this numerous tenderloin resorts testified the panic year of 1907. Mill after mill had been guaranteed toward a fund to weather of the past winter has been which foundered off the Fraser River is closing down entirely until new cot­ help Dr. Cook prove his claim to dis­ unfavorable for operations in the fancy outside creamery, 346/ 36c per company at San Francisco, Denver and that they paid nothing directly for po­ pound; store, 20c. Butter fat prices Chicago, on the ground that it was a lice protection, but their rents ran sand heads March 22. A second corpse ton arrives or market conditions im­ covery of the North Pole. “ A prom­ woods. was picked up on San Juan Island and average l j e per pound under regular inent Western man,” said Captain Os­ prove. fake” concern. When the company from $200 to $500 monthly for prem­ May Own Water & Light Plant. is believed to be another member of butter prices. bon, “ has pledged $100,000 o f this ises normally worth lesB than $25. sought an injunction restraining the Bandon— The city council will enter Eggs Fresh Oregon ranch, 2246/ postmaster-general from issuing the They are compelled to rent in certain the crew. Five seamen were drowned sum, and Eastern friends of the ex­ Invasion Now Boomerang. when the schooner was overturned. More will be into a new agreement with the Bandon 23c per dozen. order the court denied the injunction localities, where all the property-own­ Ottawa, Ont., April 5. — There is plorer the remainder. Water & Light company for furnishing McGranahan's body was picked up 60 Pork Fancy, 1364134c per pound. forthcoming it needed to complete the ers are Chinese or other foreigners. and held the department's action waa much rejoicing in the columns of the the city water. The agreement spe­ miles from the scene of the wreck. V eal—Fancy, 116/124c per pound. vindication of Cook.” proper. Canadian press over the continued and cific» that a certain amount shall be Lamb« - Fancy, 1564 18c per pound. Morse’s Release is Plan. very extensive invasion o f the Canad­ paid each month, and at the end o f five Gun Exploded; Eight Killed. Poultry— Hens, 206421c; broilers, Switchmen Ask Increase. Storm in Texas Serious. Atlanta, Ga., March 31.— It is ex­ ian Northwest. But there is also a years the city can buy the plant at a 276/ 28c; ducks, 226/23c; geese, 276/ Manila, P. I., March 30.— The re­ Cincinnati, April 4. — Committees pected that habeas corpus proceedings San Antonio, Texas, April 2.— An considerable outflow o f Canadians to price o f which the earnings of the pre­ 28c; turkeys, live, 226/25c; dressed, port that a fatal accident had occurred almost incessant rain for the last three will be instituted in the Federal court the United States. This Canadian representing 900 switchmen employed vious year would be 8 per cent. This 256/ 29c; squabs, $5 per dozen. on the United States cruiser Charleston in the Cincinnati division visited offi here this week for the release from the days has put the streams in this sec­ movement toward the United States is will give the city a chance to own a was confirmed today. Eight men were Cattle — Best steers, $6.25646.75; particularly noticeable in the province cals of the roads today to present de­ municipal plant at a later date i f de­ fair to good steers, $5.506/6; strictly tion of Texas on such a rampage as has Federal prison o f Charles W. Morse, killed and several others slightly in­ mands for changed working conditions the New York banker. Martin W. not been recorded in 20 years. of Quebec. On every day o f last year, sired. good cows, $5.50/i/6; fair to good cows, jured. During practice at sea off an average, that province lost 52 o f an<^ higher pay, ¡based upon the Chi- A t Friotown, southwest o f here, the Littleton, chief counsel for Morse, ar­ $56/5.25; light calves, $66/7; heavy Olongapo, the breech block o f a three- Special Rate on Gravel. Frio river drove a dozen families from rived in Atlanta today from New York, its inhabitants by emigration, the ma­ cago rate. The men affected are the calves, $46/5; bulls, $4.6/5.25; stags, inch gun blew out and its flight across Salem An order was made by the their homes. and following a long conference it was 7 -T o . .. 7 7 , ' ¿ jority of whom left for homes in the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. n n o u n ced that c o u n se l h,H granting the $4.506/5.50. Louis; the Chesapeake th Ohio; the railroad commission In Uvalde county, 1,200 goata per­ a announced that local local counsel had been been the. deck cut through a steel stanchion United States. Sheep Best wethers, $7.506/8; fair and mowed down the men. Seven were Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton; the Southern Pacific railroad company per­ ished from the cold and rain. retained and a plan of proceedure de­ instantly kill^l, while the eighth died Cincinnati Southern and the Baltimore mission to put on immediately a spe­ to good wethers, $6.506/7; good lambs, A t Fort Davis and Maifa, two inches cided upon. Mad Mullah is Raging. $ 86 / 12 . while being taken to Cavate. & Ohio Southwestern. cial rate o f 25 cent* per hundred of snow has fallen and fruit is killed. Aden, Arabia, Abril 5. The feroc­ Hogs— Top, $11.25; fa ir to good, pounds on gravel between Tolo and ious campaign of the Mad Mullah Rough Riders to Be Hosts. Natives Fire on Foreigners. $ 106 / 11 . Medford, to facilitate street improve­ Students Have Hat Bonfire. Curtiaa Firm Insolvent. against the sultanates under British New York, April 5.— Rough Riders Hops — 1909 crop, 166/18c; olds, Liverpool, March 30.— A fight be­ ments in the Southern Oregon city. protection continues unchecked. Delaware, O., April 4.— Cheering Buffalo, N. Y ., April 2.— An invol­ will be the host that plans to welcome tween Liberians and hostile natives nominal; 1910 contracts, 156416c. Eight hundred of the tribesmen friend­ for the ancients, who never had bald The shipments must be in carload lots Wool — Eastern Oregon, 166420c untary petition in bankruptcy was filed Colonel Roosevelt on his return to Am­ was being waged March 9 at Cape Pal­ o f not less than 40,000 pounds in each ly to the sultanates have been slaugh­ heads, or ought never to have had pound; valley, 226424c; mohair, choice, here today against the Herring-Curtiaa erican shores. It is hoped to have a mas, according to reports brought by tered, vast areas laid waste and towns them, the boy students o f Ohio Wes- car. 2564254c. company o f Hammonds port, N. Y ., large detail o f the original regiment go the steamer Salaga, which arrived razed. It is believed here that this teyan university, last night made a New Office Building. manufacturers o f flying machines. down the harbor on a chartered vessel. from Liberia today. The natives from Cascara hark— 4 4<>i 5c per pound. will lead to another expedition bonfire o f their hats. Dancing around Falls City- Mrs. Eleanor Rutler has Five distant states propose to send del­ behind a stockade at the mouth o f the Hides— Dry hides, 166417c pound; Three creditors allege insolvency. against the “ Mad Mullah,” who has the bonfire, they swore never again to a force of carpenters at work putting dry kip, 16/