Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, April 07, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 33
E ST A C A D A , OREGON, T H U R SD A Y , A l'R IL 7, 1910
Estacada State Bank
Capital Fully Paid Up
Geo. A. Steel, President.
- $25,000
E Belfils, Cashier
Geo. A. Steel, Thos. Yocum, John Zobrist, L. E. Belfils
native state. He has leased t
property purchased to Bonner, t
Did you clean lip your back
yard? If not, why not?
Noted Oregon Man
John Bates started on Monday to
clear the ground preparatory to
building on bis lots on Broadway.
. tba ." n rw -unry.g *
Oliver Chilled Plows, Henney Buggies, Month Wagons,
Superior Drills, P. & 0. Disc Piows and Harrows.
lo use on the farm.
Found Dead
Williams, Of Portland,
After A Long And Hon­
ored Career Answers
The Last Call.
Oil Friday “ Johnny" Jones was
setting them up to the boys all be Judge
cause a baby girl had come to their
Only four votes were recorded
agaiust the proposed $40,000 bond
issue to erect a high school at
ft A Y E A R
P h o e n i x P u r e P a in t , J a p a n e s e O H
J a p -a -L a c o r C h i-N a m e l.
W o o d S t a in ,
To b e a u t if y y o u r h o m e .
George H. Williams, who has
A canal will be begun soon to won the distinction of being "Ore­
drain and reclaim 19,000 acres in gon's Grand Old man” by his long
the Wood River Valley, Klamath and useful service to the state as j
well as to the nation, was found J
The P. R. L & P. Co. have dead in bed on Monday morning
changed their plan to build the rail when bis daughter called at his
road to the tipper power site at room about 7:30.
Judge Williams had otily ten
once. It will be built later, proba­
ago celebrated bis eighty-
bly next year.
seventh birthday at a public ban­
E. A. Miller, of Portland, form­ quet held in his honor, at which a
erly of Estacada, has gone back great many of ihe noted men of
East to make a visit with his Oregon were present to do honor to
friends of boyhood days and rela­ one who had spent most ot his life
tives His destination being Burr as a public servant.
Oak, Mich,
The republicans of Oregon elect­
“ Bill1 ’ Jones and “ Zeb" Martin ed Judge Williams to the United
were two enthusiastic disciples of States Senate in 1864 and from that
Isaac Walton that took a "h ik e” time he was honored with the care
for the head waters of Clear Creek and reconstruction of measures for
the first day of the season and re­ the reconciliation of the North and
I3SK ?33S3ä3£<3332 W B —
a B a K B a B a M turned with plenty of theory but the South as his great ability was
tew trout.
soon discovered bv President Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Cowan, of Eugene, who later made him Attorney Gen
are at present visiting Mrs. Cow­ eral, he being the only Oregonian
an's mother Mrs. Johnson and her who has served in the cabinet.
brother I. N. Johnson, who have Judge Williams has had not only
bought and are improving some the respect of the republicans
acreage owned by them near the through his long and varied career
old mill site of E. M. Miller. The as jurist, lawyer, wise counsellor,
Cowan’s may become permanent orator, statesman and citizen, but
of all. Governor Benson, as soon
residents of this section.
as he was informed of the death,
O. B. Cold well of Portland and ordered the flag on the capitol at
M. T . Hopkins and L. R. Lee of half mast. Also in Portland and
Columbus, Ohio, came out in the elsewhere throughout the state
company’ s private car last week evidence of mourning for the de­
and had luncheon at the Estacada ceased was observed,
after which the party made an in­
A great and useful life has been
spection of the drill work at the finished. His end catne as he had i
River Mill Co. site for the power often expressed a desire it should:
plant and then went to inspect the quickly and without trouble to
Established 1893
Incorporated 1902
work at the Cazadero power plant. others. He retired in his usual
The Multnomah-Clackamas A n­ good health the evening before and
It was impossible to work on the
nexation Club, of which B Lee as he lay peacefully and quietly at
church grounds last Saturday on
Paget is president, has arranged a
account of the rain, consequently
meeting at Sandy, Eagle Creek, family doctor, who had been cnlled everyone is expected to turn out
Boring and Estacada. The meet­ to make the usual death test before this Saturday when it is expected
at Boring has been held. Mr. pronouncing that the sleep was the the work can be done.
Statement of Taxes Will Be Furnished Upon Appli­
Paget has been addressing the one long sleep of death.
cation in Person or by Mail. Call and Examine the
meeting generally and gives his
Fat cattle wanted; the fatter the Will Build New Trail
reasons why we ought to be a part
Duplicate Tax Roll. Telephones Main 2056 or Home
of Multmunab.
tietter—See Penland & Jorg,
Mrs. Pott’s Nickle Plated Sad Irons,
3 irons, handle and stand at 95 cents per
50 lb. sack 1-2 ground salt 38 cts. sack
100 lb. sack 1-2 “
73 “ “
50 lb. sack Dairy Salt,
45 “ “
Mica or Universal Axle Grease 10
lb. pails. 75 cents each.
We have Mistletoe Pure Leaf Lard
10 lb. pails for $1.95.
Walter or Wm. H. Baker Cocoa at
23 cents per can.
50 lb. Pail Dr. Hess Stock Food at
$2.00 per pail.
8 all copper, nickle-plated Tea
Kettles at $1.00 each.
Nephi Utah Land Plaster 75 cents
per sack.
We Solicit c/4ccounts
Clackamas County' Taxes
May Now Be Paid at the Offices of
The Clackamas Title Company
509-511 Chamber of Commerce Building
One of the big wheat farms of
the state was sold the past week
when the lands of the J. A. Wool-
ery estate, In Morrow County,
passed to a syndicate of North
Dakota bankers. The sale includ­
ed 19,000 acres and the price paid
was $150,000
It will be cut up
iuto small farms.
The purchase of a big tract of
timber land on the Siuslaw River
during the past week by Porter
Bros., believed to represent J, J.
Hill, strengthens the belief that the
east and west line across Oregon
will be built,
At the
Estacada Furniture Store
Wall Paper, of all kinds from 5 cents up. Some fine
patterns in the 15 and 20 cent papers. Ingrain Papers 35
and 40 cents. W e have the Silk Floss and the Felt Mat­
tresses, the best on the market at reasonable prices.
If you are thinking of buying Sewing Machine better
come in. A lso Furniture and Building Paper.
April 1st, “ All fools day” as
well as the one anxiously looked
forward to by the angler for the
wary trout, was ushered in at E s­
tacada this year in an unusually
quiet way. Not many fishermen
were seen on the streams here, and
those who did go were not very
successful. The weather was fair-
ly good from a fisherman's point of
view, but the catch was small and
of small si 7 .e.
R. C. Herring, who was tor
many years a Garfield rancher but
who had sold out his ranch intend-
| ing to return to New York state,
j has again invested in property lien
1 He closed a deal with B. R. Gm-
last week whereby lie becom s llie
, owner of the new house lecetilA
erected in the Zobrist Addition. It
is Mr. Herrings iutentiou however,
in a few days to start back Ea t lo
make a visit with old friends tu Ins
Livery, Feed & Sale
Neck meet, 8 cts. lb .; plate meat
9 cts. lb .; short ribs, to cts. lb .;
prime ribs, n e t s , lb,; roll ribs
roast, 12 y i cts. lb.; rump roast, it
Good rigs ami carefu l d riv ers alw ays
cts. lb ; shoulder roast, 11 cts. lb ;
flank roll, to cts. lb.; shoulder Given Hunting an,! Fishing Parties
steak, I 2 ‘4 cts lb .; round steak,
15 cts. lb ; loin steak, 15 cts lb .;
loin, pork, 17 cts. lb.; loin, veal,
Local and Long Instance Telephone
In Mountains 15 cts. lb .; loin, mutton, r sets lb.;
shoulder veal and mutton, 12'_• cts
BUY, S E L L , T R A D E , ETC.
II M. Looney started for West
H Mendenhall, forest ranger iti lb .; haul cf same, 15 cts. lb --Pen-
Virginia on Monday to visit his old
F or S a lk -T wo good second
the Cascade Forest Reserve, is now laud and Jorg, Props.
stamping grounds.
Mr. Looney
hand sewing machines, Wheeler &
engaged ill organizing a force of
has become thoroughly Oregonized
Wilson and Singer. Also a brand
about ten men to begin at once the The J. B. C ’s. Enjoy
but this is the third trip East he
new Eldridge direct from lhe fac­
construction of a trail from the old
lias made since he first came West,
Pleasant Evening tory. At the Progress.
hatchery on the Clackamas up the
which was a number of years ago,
I Collewash and on through to inter­
Money to loan on first class im­
Russel Looney a nephew from
Tile J. B. C. spent a very pleas
sect with the trail leading to De­
proved farms. Call at the Bank of
Eastern Oregon also leaves by a
troit. The distance is about 35
different route but with destination
miles and is through a very rough
the same. They expect to remain
Games were played and a general
W antrd —A lightweight second
country. It will lead through the
East until they finish a visit of un­
good time resulted. Ice cream, hand stock saddle quick. Address
hot springs on the cast branch of
certain date when they will return
W. J. Moore, Cazadero.
the Collewash ami then continue cake a n d —( ? ) — were served ns
to this vicinity. They have many
refreshments It is needless to sav
We haca: several pieces of prop­
south. This trail, with the con­
friends here who join with the
that the latter proved the most erty left with 11s to negotiate a sale
struction of one in contemplation
Progress in wishing them a pleasant
populat with the guests present. for. Intending investors in Esta­
from Cold Spring cabin to the Hot
journey and safe return.
(How about it Willie, don't you cada will do well to consult us as
Springs 011 the Collewash, will
think they were best?) So pop­ we may have just what you want.
make a net work of trails that will
ular did it prove to be that Mal- Inquire at the P r o g r k s s office.
A Summer Normal School will cover the reserve.
coin, it is said, was quite sick from
be condncted June 27 to August 5
W a n t e d Good fat beef cattle,
Along towards
at Oregon City, Oregon.
prices paid, See Penland
morning the guests decided that
Instruction will be given in: ( 1)
& Jorg,
Subjects required in examinations
F o r S a l e . Rent or Trade Two
homes, for breakfast would not tie
for both county and state certifi­
By order of the Board of School
cates; (2) Practical methods of Directors of School District No. long coming and they wished to lie lots and cottage, fenced and well
teaching; (3) School administration 108, 1 hereby call upon all legal on time Moral: You call trust the located. Apply II V. Adix.
Special addresses on educational voters of said district to attend an J. H. C’ s. for a good time wherever
8 > acres of fine land in the Oar-
topics will lie given by promiueut open meeting to lie held at E.staca- they go.
field district for sale Inquire at
educators of the state.
Estacada Progress.
da High School, at tht hour 7:30
For information, address,
P. M , Thursday, April 7th, 1910, Deeds Filed For Record
F. J. T ooze Supt. Schools,
Read the Want Ads
for tne purpose of discussing the
Oregon, City, Oregon.
advisability of enlarging
The School entertainment which
Mary Adams to J, L. Bales, Lot
present High School building.
was to lie given this week, has
L- E. B k l f i i . s ,
J. If. Moore will preach at the
William Wilcox et tix to Hiram been postponed until Friday even­
Clerk School District No 108
t hircli of Christ in Estacada next
K. Wilcox, 12 acres in See. 1 T. 4 ing April 15.
Sunday Apnl the loth at 1 1 A. M.
The High School ball team will S. R. 4 E. f t .
Miss Hell Grant is an additional
«isln still to conic prepared to tell
Hans Jepscn to R. P. Mortensen telephone operator in the central
«here to find the Lord'» prayer in play the Parkplace High School
the bible. All are iuvited to at­ team in Estacada April 9 at 3 P. N W 'i of N K 'i of Sec 19 T 3 S. office. The service is again to be
R. 3 K. f t 300.
from 7 A. M to 9 P. M.