Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, March 24, 1910, Image 1

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NO. i i
VOL. 2
> —
Estacada State
-_ _ _ _ jp
Next Sunday is Lister. '
Fruit Grower Tries ri
To Harrow With Cow;
Proceeding Ends In
Failure And Fast
The days and nights were equal E'.iacada
j on March 2 i.-t.
Capital Fully Paid Up - $ 25,000
Geo. A. Steel, President.
“Har Kar” The C oy / Gave ^ "
Clark The Lau^h
L. E Beliils, Cashier
A great many ranchers were i:i
! town on To- s lay; the day was uu
t favorable for ranch work.
Good fresh meals at Penh aid &
J >rg Palace Market.
a». .-■«m.
Oliver Chilled Plows, Henney Buggies, Mandt Wagons, 1
Superior Drills, P. & 0 . Oise Plows and Marrows.
J' ■
io use on the farm.
P h o e n ix . P u r e P a in t . J a p a n e s e O il W o o d S t a i n ,
J a p - a - L a c o r C h i- N a m e i.
Geo. A. Steel, Ihos. Yocum, John Zobrist, L. E. Beliils
15 . Freeman has moved his family
Clark Deuny, who recently sold
to Portland where he is employed
team of horses and went ‘ l ack
as cutter in a shoe factory.
Money sent to any part of the United States by telegraph
to carpenter work but still continues
Anna Retd, a Portland school to be one of Kstacnda’ s fruit grow­
teacher, spent Sunday with her ers and gardeners, was plowing and
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Antrim,
The Pleasure O f Saving
getting his ground ready for a
Mrs. E. Blockley, who has been bumper crop that he expects to j
confined to her room by ¡Hue s, is gather this year, and in doing this A'
There's a tascinatiou in devising new means of swelling the
again able to be about with her j last week he was obliged to hire a
little hoard until the saver has reached the point of independence
usual vigor.
team. After doing most of the
The pennies, nickels and dimes that are thoughtlessly drop­
work hc
the team home B
Formaldehyde, blue stone,
thinking lie could manage the bal -I
ped here and there for nothings count fast toward the accomplish­
itid sulphur Spray, etc,, nre ,, f
: auce of the work by hand labor, *
ment of your purpose. Try saving. Place your deposits with us j ; | sale at the Estacada Pharmacy.
but raking by hand seemed slow
E M. and Mrs. H. Fleming, of and he conceived the idea of hitch
Seattle, a brother and sister-in-law iug his cow, a very gentle animal,
of D. S. Fleming of our city, urc to the harrow to aid in the work. ■ -
The Estacada State Bank announces that Prices on
at present visiting with them.
She started oil well, thinking slu , *
ail lots belonging to it in Zobrist Addition wifi be Ad­
Ed. Hunt's new building on was only aiding in a joke conceived
Main St has tlie second story up by Clark. Alter making a few ! '
vanced 10 per cent, March 10th, 1910
uow, A 1 Lindsey, the contraetor, rouuds of tile garden she discovered
assisted by thice or four meu, is that she was being “ worked" and
shoving the work these nice days.
took to the woods. Over the fence
Dr. Wm. Morey, the veterinar­ she went With the barton and bel­
ian, will be at Jones’ livery barn lowing and making such a noise
b ^ a m a a s a s a a a E B a a ^ s a a s æ a s a a a a tB 3 3 e a a ia â J S B 3 â i i .
and teady to attend all casi a Satur­ that Clark tirade up his mind he
HI day. Those wishing his assistance never would see his cow or harrow
again but looking up he saw "Bill"
jjU please remember the date.
Penland bolding lus sides to keep
You can get fresh oysters on Fri from bursting, and then he took
days by leaving your order at the the whole tiling as a joke and told
Palace Meat Market.
the editor all about it.
A. N. Johnson Sr., father of the
Postmaster, and Mrs. Torensen his No
Reason F o r Pessimism
sister, from Portland, were visiting
Clackamas County' Taxes
with him Sunday. His father left
for Canada to visit his two sons
To b e a u t if y y o u r h o m e .
Mrs. Pott’s Nickle Plated Sad Irons,
3 irons, handle ..nd stand at 95 cents per
50 lb. sack 1-2 ground salt
100 lb. sack 1-2 “
50 lb. sack Dairy Salt,
Mica or Universal Axle Grease 10
lb. pails. 75 cents each.
We have Mistletoe Pure Leaf Lard
10 lb. pails for $1.95.
Walter or Wm. H. Baker Cocoa at
23 cents per can.
50 lb. Pail Dr. Hess Stock Food at
$2.00 per pail.
No. 8 all copper, nickle-plated Tea
Kettles at $1.00 each.
Nephi Utah Land Plaster 75 cents
per sack.
38 cts. sack
73 “ “
45 “
John Bates, who has been at the
upper camp of the S. P. in the
Cascades, came in to civilization on
Monday carrying his usual amount
of avoirdupois as well as a stubby
growth of whiskers
May Now Be Paid at the Offices of
The Clackamas Title Company
Albany Citizen Clearly Shows
Oregon Has No -Broken-
-Hearted People, And
Markets Are Un­
The power plant at Cazadero
was stopped from 2 A r M. to 4 P
Established 1895
Incorporated 1902
General Manager Struble, of the
M. Sunday and the reservoir
drained to enable the work men to Albany Commercial Club, recently
do some necessary work ou the im- received a letter from a friend,
whose observations of the West,
prove incut of the plant.
At 509-511 Chamber of Commerce Building
judging from the tenor of his
The use of \Vukelee' .Squirrel
epistle, would lead one to believe
Poison means increased crops. For
he had made the trip ill a balloon.
sale at the Estacada Pharmacy.
Statement of Taxes Will Be Eurnished Upon Appli­
The letter referred to and Mr.
Mrs. Reagan's Sunday School Strub'.e’s reply ate herewith ap­
cation in Person or by Mail. Call and Examine the
class spent a pleasant evening at pended :
Duplicate lax Boll. Telephones Main 2056 or Home $ the Wonier home ou Friday even­ What the friend wrote:
ing, seventeen members of the class
“ I know you have a wonderful
being present Progressive flinch country there in many respects, but
was the game of the evening
at the same time I find upon in­
Tres. P. L. Campbell of the vestigation that there are more in­
University who was to 'nave sane asylums, more disappointed,
I EE3£ESîEIi3Æ î2SEÆ BEBŒ SEQîiâiBBiE5?KBiH0î3KSE!3Kir»rJfy.iîiït?
on that
given an address at the M. E. broken-hearted people
Church March 5th for the benefit
of the Estacada schools and did not of the United States. Your mark­
get here at that time, will, on Sat­ ets are limite 1 to the coast there
urday night March 26 deliver He­ on the rim of the western conti­
nent, cut off from all the populous
and greedy East by the cost of
O. R. Jacobs, who for about two
transportation ”
'ears has lieen an employee of the
What Mr. Struble wroteiu reply:
Cary Hardware Co. and the Esta­
“ Your statistics about insane
cada Mercantile Co., has decided to
asylums, disappointed folks and
return to farming again and with
broken hearts ou the Pacific Coast
his family left Estacada on Tiles
surprised me, and I will have to
day for Dayton, Ore , to work for
confess I am 'from Missouri’ on
ihe same man by whom be was em­
that point— at least so far as good
ployed before coming here. We
old Oregon is concerned. I can
are sorry to lose Mr. Jacobs in our
see where there might lie many
city but wish him success. He
broken hearts, lunatics, etc., iu
still retains his property here.
Alaska, for instance, and in some
If you have a good fat beef tell us sectibns of some of our neighboring
Wall Paper, of all kinds from 5 cents up. Some fine
We want it. Palace Market.
states, but I doubt the percentage
patterns in the 15 and 20 cent papers. Ingrain Papers 35
T. R Wilson and son Karl, of in Oregon. Again I fear your con­
and 40 cents. We have the Silk Floss and the Felt Mat­
clusions are wrong as to the limi­
the Snrgent, cast side, Cafe in com­
tation cf our markets to the con-
pany with eight gentlemen friends
tresses, the best on the market at reasonable prices.
I consumption of this coast., Port-
of Portland spent Sunday scc’tig
If you are thinking of buying Sewing Machine better
land is the greatest lumber port of
Estacada and Cazadero.
the world, and the products of its
gentlemen of the larger citv were
come in. Also Furniture and Building Paper.
' mills go to markets east, west and
well pleased with their day in the
country, but like most city people riental. It is the second greatest
not familiar with couutty life t'i< \ , h- at : ;pping port in the world,
Alili 1
next to New York, and
were inquisitive ahold llie :.a:. , ¡v.*s i»f
"i and llour go to every part
o.:r garden, agr All itu al (nui liw
1 'zi il lc u o ili. The value of the
stock products also t Hi " w z iter." !
1 - timlier >>t Oregon is esti-
After lnn< heou at the Hot-! K-ta- h»:iïl
over $3.5' xj ,' -0,000, or
cada they took au ev< ¡Ítl£ c.i r f r
Portland to settle down to the ion-
liuc of city life agaiu.
Continued On Lot Page
At the
Estacada Furniture Store
lix r i:
lias come to Estacada to spend the |
Summer and improve the acreage
Mary E. Moore ct vlr to Richard Miss Jones bought near Estacada.
Ii Davis, W bj of SW ' , of Sec. 23
The rain of Tuesday came as a
T. ,tS. R 4 E. $500.
surprise to many who have been
Jessie Lemon to Richard Davis, very busy for the two weeks of
Good rigs and careful drivers alw ays
SVVJi of Sec. 25 T. 3 S. R. 4 E. vtryn ice weather we have been
$1. %
G iven H u n tin g and P isliiu g Parties
Walter B. Lemon to Dollie L.
Mark Upton, who has been
Davis, W E of SV, '4 of Sec 25 T. working in Portland for some time,
visited his parents and friends here
3 S. R. 4 K. $1.
Local and Long Distance Telephone
Dollie L. Davis ei vir to Walter this week.
B. Lemon EG of SW ', of Sec. 25
The ball players of Estacada
T 3 S. R 4 E. f t 00
have had a meeting and effected an
United States to Maude L. Trill organization by the election of A.
There is a petition out to have
linger, SWjg of SVV'X °f Sec. 27 R. Haskins manager and Roy the north boundary of the Estaca­
Myers secretary. The boys are da sell x>l district changed to about
T. 4 S. R. 2 E.
The Sandy Land Company to W. not quite ready to give their line­ a quarter of a mile farther north or
V. Rogers, Blocks 3, 5. 6, in Saadi up but will play an initiatory game to Morrow Station.
and also Bik. 9 Sandy Land Co's. at Eagle Creek on Sunday April
1 he Good Templars gave a
First Add. to Sandy. $1,
basket social last Friday night.
Deeds Filed Fcr Record
2 ! Livery, Feed & Sale
W. V. Rogers to Frank Beers,
B!k. 6 Sandy. $ 1 .
W. V. Rogers to W. A. Proctor
Blk. 5 Sandy $ 1.
W. V Rogers to Ii. I*'. Bruns
Blk. 3 Sandy. $ 1 .
W. V. Rogers to John Strauss
Blk. 9 Sandy Land Co's. First Add
to Sandy. $t.
J. Philip Shannon to Wasco K.
Shannon. 40 acres in the Samuel
Hughes I) L- C. fit
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woodward of
Oregon City, are spending part of
the week at the home of Mrs
Woodward's parents, Mr,
Mrs. E. S. Womer.
There was a good program reu-
dere-1 and every one had a pleasant
Mr, Cellars has received his wire
fencing and is busy building fence.
The Eagle Creek Grange intend “ Nothing like having good fence"
giving their 3rd annual May picnic sajs Mr. Cellers.
May 21st. Watch for later an­
Mr. Hughes bought a horse and
1 wagon and is going to he one of us
W antm j A light weight second
Mr, and Mrs. Lovell were in
hand stock saddle quick. Address
! Portland last Sunday.
W. J. Moore, Cazadero.
Mr. Stubbs favored us with a
Mrs. Blockley and son “ Ted"
moil last Sund i) .
Perry Boultman. of St. Johns, went to Portland on Monday rc-
Mr Robt. Currin has sold that
was an Estacai'a visitor on Sunday. turning Wednesday.
! young team of his.
Dog remedies for sale at the Iis-
Easter services will be held next
tacada Pharmacy.
Sunday at Currtnsi ille 11 A. M .
Fat cattle wanted; the fatter the
The two Johns, Zobrist and Mt. Zion 2:30 P. M,, Garfield 3 :oo 1
better— See Penland St Jorg,
Bates, went to Portland on Tues­ P, M., and Estacada 7:30 P M
day for a couple of days.
Rev. P. Conklin will sp.a<c at Mt.
Laurvy of the Estacada went to
Portland on Wednesday,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Stroud o f / ''0" and Garfie,d-
Beaverton, Ore., were guests of
W a n t k d — Good fat beef cattle,
A ten pound baby gitl is a new’
Mr. and Mrs E. M Miller over high« st prices paid, See Peulan 1 arrival at the home of Lester Hale
& Jorg.
The Miller Realty Co, has sold
Mr. and Mrs Gartner were Port-
Services will be held at the for A. E. Sparks to Allen Johnson
land visitois for several days dur-
Chuich of Christ next Sunday at a 60 acre tract north of Estacada,
iug the week.
It A. M. and 7:312 P. M. Rev. Consideration ¿(2600. This is the
Mr. Jones father of Mary Jones, Sewall ami Wood will both be property Mr. Sparks recently pur­
one of the Estaiada school tcaclic-rs present.
chased from Mr. Cary,