PLAN TO RULE CUBA. The Estacada Progress ESTACAD A OREGON BRIEF NEWS OF THE PAST WEEK N egro Party Could Win Everything If Held T o g eth er. H avana, Feb. 1 —O rganization of a d istin c t negro party, w ith the avowed intention of obtaining control of the Cuban governm ent, is being agitated through the re p u b lic —and the move­ m ent has become menacing from the view point of the w hites. This issue has been brought to public notice re cently by race conflicts upon the hotel question, and the num erical stren g th of the negroes, united, gives it portent. Provision, the organ of the Partido Independents de Color — Independent j P arty of C olor- prints the newly con- atructed platform of the party, which contains these significant provisions: “ The Independent P arty of Color shall be organized throughout the whole republic w ith a national charac ter, to m aintain its equilibrium toward all Cuban interests. “ The republic’of equality, sovereign and independent, w ithout race discrim ¡nations or social antagonism s, Bhail g e t our su p p o rt.” To what e x te n t prom oters of the new movement may be successful re­ m ains to be seen, but there can be no doubt that, if the organization of the negro race as a political party ever should be effected, it would rule the republic. The im portance of the congressional elections in Ju ly can hardly be over estim ated. I t is not so much a ques tion of which p arty shall re tu rn the g re a te r num ber of candidates, w hether the independent republic, un aided by Am erican supervision, shall prove itself com petent to conduct an absolutely fa ir and peaceable election P resident Gomez’ appointm ent of Senator Manuel Sanguilly as secretary of sta te ends the long suspense regard­ ing th a t im portant office. I t ii signi­ ficant th a t the president Bhould have gone out of the ranks of all political p arties to select Sanguilly, who ever has been an independent of the inde pendents. The senator lived in Harlem in the war of the revolution and returned to Cuba under the first intervention, busy ing him self a t once w ith protests a g ain st the interference of the U nited S ta te s in affairs of Cuba. He is the author of several unsuccessful bills to re stric t the im m igration of foreigners nto Cuba. NEWS NOTES GATHERED FROM VARIOUS PARTS OF OREGON TO IRRIGATE WARNER VALLEY Floods Increase and D eath and D et truction S pread. P aris, Jan . 28,— W aters of the Sains creep slowly higher, each inch widely extending the area of destrudetion, desolation and ruin. Flood «/editions had become much worse a t 2 o ’clock this m orning, partic ularly in the south and e a s t sectiona. In the old L atin q u arter the situation was critical. The sidew alk of the (juai dea G ran­ dee A ugustine collapsed and fell into the O rleans company’s tunnel beneath, fu rth er extending the flood through the ancient stre ets, practically the Rue Jacob and around the In stitu te of France. Many sew ers burst in the T w elfth arrondissem ent, one of the biggest in Paris, the whole of which is now sub­ merged and haa beenplunged into dark ness on account of the breaking of the gaa m ains. Official figures of the stag e of the w a ter are difficult to obtain, and the city council a t a storm y session to­ n ig h t charged M. I.epine, prefect of P a ris.w ith concealing the grav ity of the situ atio n . The p refect defended hia a ttitu d e by saying he was governed by the necessity of not unduly alarm ­ ing the people. In tha m eantim e terro r has been struck in the hearts of ail. The crust of the city seems ready to sink into the flood. Every hour drains are bu rstin g in new localities, causing a subsidence of the streets, or a bulge of several feet, while the overflow of the surface w ater from the riv er is trans­ form ing the inundated d istric ts into form idable lakes and the stre ets into canals. PARIS FLOODS DO NOT SUBSIDE Raying River Continues to Under BOARD S E E K S WAY O U T . T ariff S ettlem ent with Germ any U rgad By C ham ber o f C om m erce. W ashington, Jan . 26.— In alarm one, the critical turn in the tariff contro­ versy betw een the U nited S ta te s and Germany, appeals from cham bers of commerce and board* of trade of aeve- ral cities were made to the national board of trade in session here, urging th a t body to recommend th a t the American governm ent recede from its position th a t Am erican beef m u tt be adm itted to Germ any. Resolution* presented to the national body m ain­ tain there can be no advantage in in­ sisting on a German m arket for Am er­ ican beef, because the consum ption is increasing a t such a ra te as soon to command all the supply. I t is pointed out th a t the A grarian party, in control of the Reichstag, has stood for the principle th a t farm ers of Germany m ust supply the beef, and th a t the im­ perial governm ent could not adm it the American product, if it would. A commission to settle the dispute ia suggested. Many delegates, bringing from th eir home cities dem ands for an investigation into the high cost of liv­ ing, have made th a t subject forem ost. The national body today decided to ap­ point a special com m ittee of five men to determ ine the reasons for present prices. In his opening address to the nation­ al board, the president, Frank J . La Lanne, of Philadelphia, suggested the possibility th a t by g e ttin g in touch w ith the leading bodies of Germany the organization could help the United S ta te s d ep artm ent m aterially. He also pleaded for the im m igration of more laborers and house servants. Fruit G row ers O rganize to P rom ote mine Despite Effo rts. Mutual Interests. N ew b erg —An enthusiastic m eeting of the fru it and berry grow ers of the B ridges Clog P assage o f T o rren ts Newberg, Dundee and Springbrook Interesting Events from O utside the and W »ler S p re a d s O ver City neighborhood was held in C ra te r's S ta te P re se n ted in a M anner to hall, in Newberg, when scientific Whole City is U nderm ined—Refu C atch the Eye o f the Busy R eader methods of grow ing the fru it and or­ gees trom C ountry P our In, Home —M atters o f National. H istorical ganization for sale i f the producta less, Hungry and Suffering. and C om m ercial Im portance. were the subjects of talks by W. S. Allan, I N. Campbell, L. S. Otis, Paul Reim ers and others. The com­ P aris, Jan . 29.—A fte r a slow hut m ittee, composed of I. N. Campbell, Rome ia threatened w ith floods sim i N. E. B rittain , N. C. C hristerson, ap­ steady rise of the flood w aters all day, la r to those in France. pointed a t a previous m eeting on perm a­ the Fluvial departm ent a t m idnight I t is believed the chances of the irri nent organization, recommended th a t could only issue a statem en t raying gation bill in congress are improving. steps be taken im m ediately to organ­ th a t it was possible the crest of the ize the New berg Apple G row ers' un­ Boise ia to'have a thorough invesiga- flood would be reached tomorrow. ion. This m et with hearty response tion in to 'th e high prices of necessities. The w ater has begun to fall in all of and 40 ch arter members were enrol­ The coroner’s ju ry on the Czarina the trib u ta rie s of the Seine above led. A com m ittee composed of C lar­ wreck did not fix the blame on any Paria, b u t the passage through the ence B utt, I. N. Campbell, W. S. Al­ one. city ia clogged by bridges and an im­ lan, N. E. B ritt and N. C. Christenson mense accum ulation of d rift continued Three S e a ttle policemen have been was appointed to prepare and file a r ti­ tonight. Sailors, firemen and police arrested, charged w ith levying black cles of incorporation for the new asso­ are hastily constructing tem porary ciation. m ail. walls by the lig h t of campfires and The v arieties for comm ercial pur­ E ig h t dead and th irty injured have torches in an endeavor to keep out the poses, cultivation and care of trees, been^taken from a tra in wreck in Eng invading floods, while pickets patrol beauty of location and convenience to land. those sections of the city th a t are m arket will be some of the conditions plunged in darknesa. High food prices havs driven thou of the award. The situation in the Place de l ’Opera sands of children to factory work in W hile the new association is to be tonight is serious. The e n tire terri Fruit G ro w ers Will O rganize. Chicago. called the Newberg Apple G row ers’ tory has been roped off as unsafe. It Sheridan— W hat is believed to have union, it is proposed to handle any­ Los Angeles is m aking a g re at effort ia aaid also th a t the new E quitable been the larg est gath erin g of fru it thing the horticu ltu rist has to sell. to free her city employes from the L ife Asaurance building is in danger grow ers, interested in a single dis­ clutches of loan sharks. of collapse. tric t, th a t ever assem bled in Oregon, Plan Big Steam Heating System . INVESTIGATION WAS C O R R U PT P resident Fallieres and Prem ier I t is reported th a t Dr. Cook has been m et a t Sheridan for the purpose of or­ Eugene— A large h e a tirg p lant will Briand today drove in autom obiles to for several weekB a t a German sa n ita r­ ganizing the fru it and n u t grow ers of soon be installed to heat m ost all the FL O O D S IN^FRANCE GET W ORSE ium, under a false name, and has now Yamhill county “ highlands” into an business houses in the block located be­ F our C hicago G rand J u r o r s o f 1908 the flooded suburbs, where distress is g re atest, speaking word* of com fort to F o rced New Inquiry. gone to Vienna. association, patterned a fte r the asso­ tw een E ighth and N inth and W illam ­ Chicago, Jan . 28. — Four members the homeless and encouraging aoldiers Rivers Are Still Rising and Dam age ciation of Hood R iver apple growers. e tte and Olive streets. The p lant will The recent trip abroad of the Im m i­ is Incalculable. N early every land owner in the en tire be located on the back end of the Ben­ of the Federal grand ju ry which invei- and others engaged in salvage and res­ gration commission is alleged to have d istric t was present, and the degree of n e tt lot, close to the intersection of tig a ted the so-called beef “ tru s t” in cue work. P aris, Jan . 26.— Floods have brought been but a ju n k et expedition and an in­ C haritable organizations are co-oper­ disaster to s large p a rt of France. enthusiasm was such th a t it w as well the alleys through the block and two 1908 forced the governm ent, through vestigation has bean called for. a fte r m idnight before the m eeting 50-borse power boilers will be in stall­ Judge Landis, to Btart the present in­ atin g w ith the a uthorities in throw ing The ordinary m odest and peaceable I t ia reported th a t if the governm ent open th e ir buildings and in succoring quiry, according to a rep o rt current Seine is now a rag in g to rre n t and ris­ came to an end. A ddresses were deliv­ ed. wins its su it a g ain st the railroad m er refugees. Several convents and ing a t the ra te of more than half an ered by P resident Newell of the sta te Pipes will be run to every building here today. ger, a syndicate composed of Rockefel num ber of public buildings have been Concerning the inception of the inch an hour. board of horticulture, and Professor tak in g heat under forced pressure, ler, Morgan, and Kuhn, Loeb Co., will equipped w ith m ilitary cotB and bed The general expectation th a t the Scudder of the Oregon A gricultural and thus a g re at many sm aller plants present action, it is said there would tak e up all the bonds and stock of the ding and transform ed into hospitals. have been none, had the four diesatis- m axim um of the flood would be reach­ college. Following the addresses an will be saved. roads involved. The Red Cross ia perform ing splendid fied jurym en not sought the aid of ed tonight has not been realized. The organization was effected and an exe­ services in d istrib u tin g food and cloth­ Seine’s trib u ta rie s are risin g steadily P inchot's friends are active in the cutive com m ittee appointed to take C entral Point Land Brings Big Price Judge Landia. ing. N evertheless, num erous instan­ This q u a rte t, it is said, was w illing charge of the actual work of organiz­ B allinger investigation. C entral P oint—K. S. M iller, who to indict the packers in December, ces are cited of women and children and the report tonight is th a t the Seine ing the orchardista in the d istrict. THUM B NOW INDIANS' PEN. three years ago bought 27 acres of the 1908, and finally became so indignant who had refused to leave th e ir homes will be a t least 15 inches higher to­ T a ft decides to continue the su it to morrow afternoon. A nother m eeting will be held a t Hurley place, two miles south of town, dissolve the H arrim an railroad m erger. in the subm erged d istricts, shrieking V ictim s of the flood num ber more Service R equires Im pression o f Digit Sheridan Saturday night, F ebruary 5, on the Jacksonville road, has sold the over the increasing price of m eat th a t from th e ir windows for bread. they inform ed Judge Landia th a t they Violation of the rules of etiquette than 100,000 and the m onetary loss is when two fru it experts from the Ore­ place to Dr. Dean, a recent a rriv a l' Instead of C ro ssm ark . The num ber of refugees arriving thought it was tim e for the govern may cause the re tirem e n t of the Aus incalculable. Thousands of people are gon A gricultural college will address here ia enormous, Charenton alone hopelessly ruined. Chemawa, O r., Feb. 1.—Orders have the grow ers. A t the m eeting it is from the East, for $25,000. Mr, Mil­ m ent to begin another inquiry. tria n prem ier. sending in 38,000, who had got there been issued to the agents in the field expected to complete the organization. ler has no intention of leaving the val­ The rep o rt of the four ju ro rs alleged The governm ent has requisitioned T ranscontinental Passenger associa­ ley, and will purchase another tra c t— of the Indian Bervice to require thumb th a t enough evidence w b b subm itted to from C alais and other afflicted points arm y and navy m aterial to house the tion g ra n ts convention ra te s to P o rt­ The fam ily of M. Barthou, ex-m in­ sufferers and boats for the rescue of mark signatures by Indians who are Umatilla Land May Be O pened Feb I probably in the same neighborhood— the 1908 grand ju ry to w arran t true land for Rose F e stiv al. and build a home. Mr. M iller paid not able to w rite. bills, and th at, in spite of this, there ister of public works, whose home in the stricken as well as those im pris­ La G rande—The opening of a few Both p a rties adm it the B ritish elec­ Thum b-m ark sig n atu res are now re hom esteads under the U m atilla re­ $7,500 for the place three years ago, was a sudden apathy on the p a rt of the Avenue d ’A ntun ia surrounded, oned in houses in flood centers on all believing its value would increase. tion was fought on the tariff issue, and quired on all checks, receipts and other those behind the prosecution. They was taken out on the backs of soldiers sides of Paris. clam ation project which are deemed as and in boats. both claim the victory. official papers, which were form erly plums and which hundreds are seeking The region of inundation ia steadily The U. S. bureau of education ex­ also said th a t if the investigation was A large num ber of schools are closed Los Angeles autoists are protesting signed by a cross m ark by Indians and may be opened before the expectations hibited a t S e a ttle “ A tea ch e r’s pro­ not renewed im m ediately they would and the m unicipality is considering the enlarging, and scores of villages are The im pression is to be made of many, according to the in te rp re ta ­ fessional library of 100 title s ” and make a sta te m en t to the public settin g completely subm erged, the people flee­ loudly a g ain st the new ordinance pro­ others w ith the rig h t thum b placed a fte r the tion put on an order from the general printed a classified list of these title s forth th e ir theory of why the prosecu­ advisability of closing all. Practically ing for th e ir lives and abandoning viding ja il term s for speeders. all of the flooded suburban towns about everything. In m any cases soldiers names instead of the crossinarrk as be for 1909. Any tion had been dropped. M embers of house com m ittee on fore. The thum b-m ark is then wit- land office by R egister Bram w ell, ¡of as bulletin No. 8, Follow ing the ju ro rs’ com plaint P aris tonight are w ithout lig h t and have been obliged to use force in com­ a copy of this the local office, F ebruary 10 was the teacher may borrow postoffices and postroadB hotly resent neesed to m ake the identification cer­ bulletin from the Oregon L ibrary com­ Judge Landie is said to have made the several are w ithout w ater. T heir in- pelling the inhabitants to leave th eir magazine publishers’ charges of g ra ft. tain and thus be an infallible method of announced date, but F ebruary 1 is- the m ission, Salem . The commission has investigation th a t resulted in the p res­ habitante are leaving. homes. Hundreds refused to go, real date. This will throw several off The cham ber of deputies held a sit­ clam oring for food and w ater. In A coroner’s jury has held the engin­ identification in case of dispute or a t­ th eir calculations, as it ia said the added these books to its collection and ent action being started. Judge L an­ tin g today in the w ater-heleaguered eer of a wrecked train on the New tem pted fraud. line-up planned to tak e place a t the will loan them w ithout charge, ex­ dis, it is asserted, got in touch w ith Palais Bourbon, believing th a t an ad Paris the situation is rapidly becom­ This w h s first done in the Indian ser local land office prior to the filing tim e. cept postage, to the teachers of Ore­ the evidence subm itted to the 1908 ing worae, floods sparing neith er rich York C entral responsible for the death vice in 1905, when the system was The order ia not clear, but the ruling gon. The books may be kept a month. grand jury, and he is determ ined th a t journm ent or a tran sfer of th eir activ­ nor poor. of tha victim s. adopted as evidence of the authenticity the present action shall not be nullified ities to V ersailles, which had been Two robbers in a taxicab robbed the of w ritten agreem ents w ith Indians, of the local land office places it a t Feb­ Beginning o f P arkdale. by influence outside the grand ju ry suggested, would only Berve to in­ 12-mile house, e ast of Portland, then the thumb p rin t of the signers being ruary 1. To U m atilla people and others crease the popular panic. Parliam ent ROYALTY O FFE R ED FO R COAL Hood R iver— W. L. Gregory and R. room. proceeded to the 7-mile house and a t­ required in addition to th e ir signatures this is one of the m ost im portant J . M clsaac will p u t in a stock of gen­ today voted a bill ext< nding business events in the year, aa leas than fifty tem pted to rob th a t place, m ortally or th eir m urks. notes one month. INSURANCE FRAUDS. Jo h n E. Ballaine, o f S eattle, M akes The system now hom esteads are available and all are eral m erchandise a t Parkdale, the new Communication w ith England, Hol­ P roposal for Alaska Fuel. includes the e n tire business of the de very desirable. term inus of the M ount Hood railroad, Policies W ritten On Many P ersons land, Denm ark, and A ustria and many them . Posses were in pu rsu it inside partm ent. l'hey will begin the construction of a W ashington, Ja n . 26.—A new factor on V erge o f G rave. o f an hour. cities and towns in France is com plete­ appeared today to add intensity to the tw o-story budding 40x80 feet, as soon F o rest G rove to Have Light Plant. Goebel Dies, H eartsick. The telephone has been already excited situation over the A las­ Louisville, Ky., Jan . 28.—John J. ly cut off. as the w eather perm its. The first A New York new sboy,'w hile defend­ F orest Grove—The new city officials C incinnati, Feb. 1.—On the 10th New ka coal lands, on the eve of thhe begin- floor will be occupied by a general Keane, P. J . Needham and T. T. practically abandoned in Paris. ing an aged man a g ain st three others have assumed office. They a re : May­ anniversary of the assassination of d istric ts are being flooded constantly ing of the B allinger-P inchot investi­ store. On the second floor there will O ’Leary, agents representing a number who were torm enting him, was stabbed or, M. P eterson; counci'm en, Felix W illiam ¡.Goebel, the funeral of hia of insurance companies in Indiana. and the people are vacating blocks of gation. be a large hall. th ree tim es. Two w ealthy women in Tennessee, Kentucky and other states, buildings. John E. Ballaine, of S eattle, said to th e ir autom obile took the wounded brother, A rthur Goebel, who died in Verhoeven, Dr. C harles Hines and V. S. A braham ; treasurer, E. B. Sap- M edford M asons to Build Tem ple. Phoenix, A riz., on Ja n u a ry 20, was Several hospitals where sick refu ­ be the larg est property owner in Alas­ tonight were arrested on w arrants newsboy to a hospital, th eir dresses pington; recorder, R. P. W irtz. held in Covington, Ky., this afternoon. gees were taken are in a dreadful Medford—The local Masonic lodge, charging them w ith conspiracy to de­ being drenched in bis life blood while ka, made a proposal in w ritin g to the Commonwealth A ttorney Franklin, in The straw vote taken a t the annual a t a m eeting recently, purchased one fraud. plight, the w ater having quenched fires senate com m ittee on territo rie s, of on the way. his funeral oration, declared th at city election recently decided in favor of the finest business locations in the in the furnaces. The w arran ts were sworn to by S. C. which S enator Beveridge, of Indiana, Many women will be employed as 'th e bullet th a t kMled W illiam Goebel of m unicipal ow nership of the lighting city and will s ta r t work im m ediately Renick, secretary and trea su re r of the Four hundred pa tie n ts were hurried is chairm an, offering to the govern­ census takers. to gether w ith the liberation of all plant. I t is probable th a t the new on a Masonic tem ple which will cost in Indiana N ational Life Insurance com­ ly removed in ambulances from the m ent a royalty of 50 cents a ton on pany. H ospital de la S alpetriere and the Hos­ coal mined for the lease of 5,000 acres The B allinger-P inchot inquiry baa those charged w ith the murder, ju s t as officials will tak e im m ediate action to the neighborhood of $50,000. certainly killed A rthur G oebel.” A rth ­ relieve the city of the present darkness T heir rescue was of some of the choicest coal lands in W hile the am ount involved is not pital Boucicault. begun in W ashington. N ew port G ets Fire E xtinguisher. in which it is enveloped. A m unicipal ur, he said, died of a broken heart. The hospital Alaska, in the K atalla and M atanuska stated, it is understood reach $200.000 dram atic and tim ely. S trong opposition to appointive coun­ N ew port—The city has ordered sev­ or more in policies alleged to have been was isolated and a new rush of w ater d istricts. plant is strongly favored. Such a tonnage royalty cil for A lasa haa developed, in the en new fire extinguishers. The in­ w ritte n on the lives of persons v ir­ threatened to level i t Peary Wins Flag C ase. The tireless would net the governm ent, Mr. Bal­ senate. E lm ira, N. Y „ Feb. 1.—The de­ Huge Irrigation Plan for Rogue River surance rate, which is quite high here, tually certain to die w ithin a few prefect of police, M. Lepine, sum ­ laine says, as high as $2,000,000 a Medford—I t haa been announced will be m aterially reduced upon the m onths—-the fraud consisting of the moned am bulances and boats and addi­ hundred acres. P a ris ia in darkness, owing to flood­ m urrer interposed by R obert E. Peary, ing of gas works and electric light discoverer of the N orth Pole, in the th a t work will s ta rt im m ediately on a completion of the new w ater system im personation of sick and incurable tional police and soldiers. This proposal contem plates a radical which will now under construction. persons by healthy ones employed for action for desecration of the American huge irrig a tio n system stations. departure from p ast practices in the the purpose. flag, grow ing out of the display of the place 55,000 acres of the Rogue R iver Insurance Men A ttacked. governm ent’s disposal of the A laska PORTLAND M A RKETS. Books o f nearly all the big packing famous “ North Pole” flag a t the Hud- valley under w afer and cost $1,250,- I t is believed the alleged conspiracy Louisville, Ky., Ja n . z9.— Insurance coal lands, and i t comes avowedly to do companies have been laid before the son-Fulton celebration, was sustained 000. Fred N. Cum m ings is the local : is far-reaching and investigation will W heat — T rack p ric e s : Bluestem , Commissioner Bell today held a confer­ b a ttle w ith another proposal embodied Federal grand jury. today by Ju stic e Lyon. Roswell R representative of the syndicate, which $1.16; club, $1.06; red Russian, $1.04; be made not only here, but in New Al­ ence w ith four presidents of life insur­ in a bill th a t has been prepared, but is back of the movement, it being com­ Valley, $1.06; 40-fold, $1.10. Moss, an attorney, who brought the bany. Ind., and perhaps in other cities. ance companies th a t have been losers not introduced, designed to p erm it the The Panam a libel su it again st the posed of Spokane and San Francisco in the alleged sw indling schemes prac­ sale or lease of such lands a t a ra te of B arley— Feed and brew ing, $28.5000 New York World has been quashed and action, announced th a t he would carry cap italists. They have already ex­ 29.50 per ton. the case to the Suprem e court ra th e r C onsular Agent M isting. ticed in Louisville by insurance solici­ $10 an acre. fu rth er prosecution w ill be abandoned. pended $35,000 in prelim inary surveys than acknowledge d efeat. Chicago, Jan . 28.— P ie tro Isnardi, tors. As a result, the sta te of Ken­ Corn— Whole, $35; cracked, $36 ton. on the project. The death roll by the floods in France Italian consular agent a t Kansas City, tucky may tak e legal action against C o a st C om m ittee G ets Busy. O ats— No. 1 w hite, $81.5(8^32.60. Height B others Paulhan. reaches thousands, and the damages Hay—Track p ric e s : T im o th y : Wil- Mo., has disappeared, according to a the insurance companies for operating W ashington, Jan . 26.—The Pacific F erry Will Give Way to Bridge. are increasing by the million every S a lt Lake C ity, Feb. 1.—Louis Paul­ They Coast delegation appointed to secure ’ lam ette valley, $18(i/'20 per to n ; E ast­ sta te m en t made here doday by Guido in Kentucky w ithout licenses. hour. N orth Bend—The contract for the ern Oregon, $210022; a lfa lfa , $17@18, S ebetta, the Ita lia n Consul. Mr. Se- are the Indiana N ational L ife Insur­ subm arine torpedo boats for the Pacific han. the French aviator, made a suc­ b e tta aaid he feared Isnardi had be ance company, and the Commercial coast had a conference today w ith the cessful flight of 10 m iles a t A gricul­ big draw bridge on South slough has clover, $16; grain hay, $160017. M axazine publishers charge th a t an tu ral park today. He reached an a lti­ been let to V ictor Anderson of this R u tte r—City cream ery e x tra s, 39c; come m entally unbalanced because of L ife Insurance company, both of In­ president and the secretary of the error of >60,000,000 has been made in tude of TOO feet, or approxim ately 4,- city a t a bid of $7,785. The bridge is fancy outside cream ery, 340i39c; store, 1 persecution by a certain elem ent of dianapolis. navy. W hile they elicited no definite estim ating expenses of .Poetoffice de­ 600 fe et above sea level. He made an to be completed by June 1. T his dr iw 20(u 25c. B utter fa t prices average lc the K ansas C ity Italians. A bout $2,- prom ises from either, S ecretary Meyer partm ent. Blood D renches W omen. average speed of about 30 m iles an bridge will do away w ith the expense per pound under regular b u tte r prices. ! 000 is involved in the disappearance, indicated the appreciation of the ne­ New York, Jan . 29.— W hile defend­ cessity for subm arines along the Pa­ Floods along the riv er Seine in hour, and indulged in graceful mnne i of a county ferry which has been main Poultry—Hens, 16o/16c; springs, 15: but Mr. S a b e tta said Isn a rd ’s accounts France surround the governm ent por­ veri- g. A fter the flight Paulhan ex tained a t th is point for years, and will (it 16c; ducks, 200/23c; geese, 120014c; w ith his governm ent and w ith the Am­ ing an aged man from three men to r­ cific and gave the impression th a t if celain works a t Sevres and threaten pressed his disappointm ent ih a t he was also be a g re a t benefit to all travel turkeys, live, 220/24c; dressed,250027c; erican Expreaa Co., for whom he ia m entors today, Thomas Graham , a par­ congress could be induced to authorize agent, are square. unable to fly a longer tim e. He said from th a t section. tially paralyzed newsboy, was stabbed the building of new subm arines the ) squabs, $3 per dozen. the city of Louvre. it was owing to the peculiar atm os­ three tim es by one of the men, in H er­ departm ent would interpose no objec­ Eggs— Fresh Oregon ex tras, 310032c A Southern court while try in g a ne­ pheric conditions th at he was unable S nake Venom Diaeaae Foe. E spee S hips Ties. ald square. Two women in an automo­ tions. per dozen; E astern, 230(027c. gro, discovered th a t the prisoner was to reach a higher altitude. Pork— Fancy, 11c per pound. Stockton, Ja n . 28. — A fte r three bile took the wounded newsboy into Shelburn—The Fred Gooch Lum ber broken out w ith smallpox. He was Veal— E xtras, 120/ 12>*c per pound. w eeks of the use of venom from ra t­ th eir machine, and while the car sped company a t Gooch, Oregon, has re­ O cean D estroys C em etery. im m ediately given full possession of Lips Fastened Wuh Pins Fresh fru its — Apples. $1003 box; tlesnakes in trea tm e n t for tuberculoaia to Bellevue hospital they held him on ceived a large contract for tie s from V ictoria, B. C., Jan . 26.—Gruesome the court room until removed in an Los Angeles. Feb. 1.— F astening his the Southern Pacific railroad company, pears, $11.50 per box; cranberries, of the lungs, in a Lodi case th a t was th e ir laps and th e ir rich dresses be­ in the extrem e is the ghoulish work ambulance. lips together w ith safety pins so he am ounting to nearly 100 carloads, $8009 per barrel. Doctors th a t ia being done by the w aves a t in its last stages, Dr. Hull, of Stock- came satu rated w ith blood. Potatoes — Carload buying p ric e s : ton, reported some im provem ent of the and said the lad would probably die. Ross Bay cem etery, V ictoria’s city of Southern bankers are m anipulating could not curse, Vernon E. B ennett, which are to he shipped to the Grab- form erly a m issionary among the In­ tree Lebanon extension o f the Wood- Oregon, 70 (a 90c per sa c k ; sw eet pota­ p a tie n t, who ia a son o f Supervisor Two a rre sts were made and search is the rice m arket. the dead, w here, ow ing to u tte rly in­ dians, wss carried, a raving maniac, burn Springfield, southern Oregon and toes, 21^ (0 2 jyc per pound. Newton. The poison is adm inistered being made for the th ird man. adequate break w ater protection, the Tacoma will adopt‘d the commission into the receiving hospital yesterday. several C alifornia points. Vegetable — A rtichokes, $1001.25 according to a form ula recommended sea bombards and underm ines the cliff plan of city governm ent. I t was necessary for Nur e Morgan S p e e r Would Buy W ater. per dozen; cabbage, $20/2.25 per hun­ by E astern physicians who have tried until, a fte r each experience of rough and Probation Policeman Leo Marden the cure. In the Lodi case the young dred; horseradish, 9 0 /10c per pound; W ork on A storia E lectric Line Denver, Ja n . 29.— Municipal ow ner­ Republican insurgents are re tu rn ­ wind and boisterous w eather, during to pry hia jaw s a p art w ith instru man ia reported as freed from night pum pkins, K d l j f e ; sprouts, 7008c; ship of the w ater system of Denver is A storia—C onstruction work on the ing to the cam p"of,the regulars. m ents to g et a t the ordinary pins and new A storia, Seaside & Tillamook squash, 2c; turnips, $1.50 per sack; sw eets. A perm anent cure, however, favored by Mayor R obert W. Speer, in m onths past, pedestrians w alking along the beaches reached by the c ity car Missouri forestry expert would o r­ needles w ith which he had filled his E lectric railroad ia progressing stead­ carrots, $1.25; beets, $1.50; parsnips, ia hardly looked for. his annual budget subm itted to the lines have been picking up such grisly mouth. ganize sta te forestry departm ents. city council tonight. He recommends souvenirs as coffin plates and handles, ily. A force of about 50 men are en­ $1.50. Trainm en C annot A gree. Onions—Oregon, $1.50 per sack. the purchase of the Denver Union W a­ fragm ents o f human bones, etc. gaged a t the present tim e, on the south Governor Brady, of Idaho, backs Po May Overflow Its Banks H ops—1909 crop, prim e and choice, New York, Ja n . 28.—R epresentatives te r com pany’s plant a t an appraised aide of the peninsula, and on the move for sta te control of natural re­ Rome, Feb. 1.—Although w eather Young’s Bay frontage. 200/22 >4 c ; 1908s, 1700«; 1907s, 11)* c of the R ailw ay trainm en’s unions who valuation of $14.400,000. The mayor Girl Slaps Big O fficer. sources. conditions have improved throughout . per pound; m ohair, choice, 25c. w ere to have conferred today w ith offi­ favors a reduction of the num ber of Philadelphia, Jan 26.—A six-foot Caacara b a rk —4 H e per. punod cials of 32 controlling railroads east saloons in Denver and doubling the sa­ The U nited S ta te s bank a t Mexico Italy, reports are still being received To Pave 10 Miles of M edford S tre e ts policeman to ay told a girl sh irt w aist H ides—Dry hides, 18(>tl8Hc per of the M ississippi river, le ft tonight loon license, advocates a municipal a s­ M edford--P etitions have been filed C ity has been suspended by the clear­ of the flooding of much territory. strik e r who was doing picket duty to The river Po threatens to overflow its w ith the city recorder from property pound; dry kip, 18« _ , Asiatics to W ork on R ailroads M adras W ould Incorporate. ves, $40/4.50; bulla, $2.500/3.76; ‘ company from $60,000,000 to $80,000,- T a ft issued a statem ent t h .t no sen- Feb. 1. The Pacific for two of the girl», and the others M adras -A n election will he held stag s, $30/ 4. L atham Falls ISO F ast. 000 was ratified a t a special m eeting w ere discharged. Rational departure from the tru s t pros- M|>j| f t e n w r h M .nchuri* arrived h e r, here Jan u ary 31 for the purpose of Hogs Top, $9; fa ir to good, $8.50 Caro, E gypt, Jan . 28.— H ubert L ath­ of the stockholders in Hoboken today. scution program will occur. tonight four days heh nd her sched- authorizing tha incorporation of the (it 8 75. J am, the French aviator, fell 160 fe et The directors will m eet in Chicago Already more than 700 different A woman keeper of a sanatorium ule, having on hoard 400 A siatics, 175 town. Plans are already made to im­ Sheep — B est w ethers, $6.500rt w hile m aking a flight a t Heliopolia Monday and declare the first quarterly type* of soil have been encountered in confessed to collecting infants to of them Hindus, for work on C a lifo r prove the stre ets, build sidew alks and 5 .5 0 1* : fs ir to good, $4.600/5; good this afternoon. The monoplane was ' installm ent of the 4 per cent annual the 20 sta te s in which soil surveys are “ fa k e ” the b irth of quadruplets. nia railroads. secure adequate w ater supply. ewes, $6(<{'5.50; lambs, $5(«.6.50. wrecked, but L atham was not injured. dividend. being made by the governm ent. S,n P ro ject to C over 100 ,0 0 0 A cres Planned and Land S e g re g ated L akeview — W arner valley ia to have a Carey act irrigation project covering nearly 100,000 acres. The land has already been segregated and engineers are on the ground m aking prelim inary surveys. This g re at undertaking is in the hands of the W arner Valley irrig a ­ tion company, which was recently in­ corporated under the laws of the sta te of Oregon, w ith a capital Btock of $250,000. The officers of the company are W. H. Bradford, p resident; E. C. Belknap, vice president and chief en­ g in ee r; C. H. Gleim, se c re tary ; and H, B. M illard, assistan t treasu rer and general m anager. E ngineer Belknap sta te s th a t he haa had engineers quietly a t work for the past e ig h t m onths to determ ine the am ount of land th a t could be irrigated and the am ount of w ater th a t could be developed for th a t purpose. No publi­ city was given as to th e ir movements until they had concluded all detail work and had obtained the rig h t to ir­ rig ate the public lands under the Carey act. I t was dem onstrated th a t w ater sufficient for 150,000 acres can be de­ veloped. NEWBERG FO RM S UNION. PA RI8 STILL SU FF E R S .