Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, February 03, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 24 OK VOL. 2
i A Y F. A R
; Estacada State Bank i
Capital Fully Paid Up - $25,000
I Awake! Awake! From Your Slumbers Eastern Clackamas County And Attend A Mass Meeting !n Esta­
cada, The Date Of Which You Will Se Notified Of, To Express Your Views
On. The Advisability Of Forming A New County
L. E Belfüs, Cashier
Geo. A. Steel, President.
F E B R U A R Y 3, 1910
! Geo. A. Steel, Thos. Yocum, John Zobrist, L. E. Beliils
At a special meeting of the Commercial Club held Monday
evening to hear the report of the committee sent to Oregon City
to ascertain figures and facts so that they would know what atti­
tude to take in the agitated county division question, listened to
the information and immediately got busy with pencil and paper
and arrived at the following conclusions:
1st. Portland, as a county seat, is more to be desired than
Oregon City, as it is more convenient to get to and mail com­
munication is much better, for it now' takes two days to get mail
matter to Oregon City with the arrangements in vogue. While
this is true, we firmly believe that it will only be a short time un­
til Portland, and what are now it’s surrounding su­
burbs, will be Multnomah county, standing aloof from a country
district. If we united with them now the same expense or more
would soon be incurred again in the re-transcribing .of records
etc. Also to make the Clackamas river a dividing line between
Clackamas and Multnomah counties is impracticable, working a
detriment to our school district and property interest by placing
them in two different counties, and for the further reason that the
city of Portland, the large voting factor in such a division, does
not want tit. They do want and should have adjacent'and sub­
urban territory but will fight shy of a long stretch of mountains
and unimproved country districts.
2nd. That Oregon City, our present county seat, is incon­
venient to get to and has discriminated against the rural settle­
ments, particularly Eastern Zlackamas, by not giving us the
Get The Banking habit—It Pays
— . — . . . . .
The more hank depositors there are in a community, the more
prosperous that locality will he, both as far as the individual cit­
izens are concerued, and also as regards the community as a whole.
Large hank balances mean much prosperity.
Money sent to any part of the United States by telegraph
tS U B lIS IltD IS91
proper representation and treating us as children, to be seen ar.d
not hea^d, as well as the distribution of the revenues of cur taxes
which have been unsatisfactory.
These facts appearing to us and the agitation now going
on, which is a result of the foregoing facts, m our opinion justi­
fies us in making preparations to form a new connty in the East­
ern portion of Clackamas county, and to this end we advise the
calling of a public mass meeting in our city at ail early date to
consider the questions of most vital interest to our rapidly de­
veloping community.
Clackamas is a large county, containing 1861 square miles,
a division north and south can be made that will result in great
benefits to both sections and give the Western portion much the
greater population and assessed valuation and leave us for the
new county in the Eastern part a population that is now more
than six thousand and a valuation of over six million dollars of
taxable properly. There are twelve old counties in the state of
Oregon that have now a less population than we would have to
commence with.
We have ail the conditions required for a new county. Do
we want it?
'1 he question is, do you want representation in the manage­
ment of your county affairs? Do you want a more convenient
county scat. If so attend the mass meeting an 1 work for a new
county. You will be advised of the time. Watch for the Pro­
Clackamas Title Company, Inc.
E. F . R11.KY, President.
F r a n k B. R il e y , Secretary
Heâd offices 509-510-511 Chamber of Commerce Building
Land Title experts. Makers of reliable Abstracts of Clack- g
amas County Titles. Investments. Mortgage Loans.
Estacada Furniture Company |
Estacada Furniture Co.
If you tMed anything in our line come in or phone.
"Peroxide Cream" the new cold
cream, is now for sale at the Esta­
cada Pharmacy.
Good rigs and careful drivers nlwav9
Jowdy is selling out, see his bar­
Given H unting and F ulling Farties
Our Gudrantce On Cutlery And What 5t Means To
Our Customers
T X 7 H EN we sell a pair of Shears, Razor, Pocket Knife or
» » Butcher Knife and if within 30 days it is not sa ¡-factory
we give another in it’s place free of charge, It is ijood
when you buy from us or wc make it <jood.
The increasing population is not
confined to F.stacada alone, as out
Long Distance Telephone
in the Dodge country a new comer
has settled in the home of John
Ktllar, and it’ s a girl.
The Progress is one dollar a year
Member American Association of Title Men.
Member Oregon Association of Title Men.
Come in and look over our line of Furniture. Queens-
ware, Wall Paper, Building Paper, Comforts, Blankets, Mat­
ting, Linoleum, Oil cloth, Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses,
Sewing Machines, the kind you can rely upon; we will sell
you a Singer or Wheeler. & Wilson Sewing Machine for
$5.00 down and $5.00 per month. JJse it while you pay
for it. We have a larger and better line than ever before
and we will give you Prices That Are Right.
We have just received a nice shipment cf Wall Paper.
Come in and look over our stock. We also have just un­
packed a nice lot of dishes, which just arrived, and the
prices are right.
To our Friends and Patrons:
We heartily thank you for your past patronage and ask
a continuance for 1910
Livery, Feed
Carl Kimmel, who has not been
The Estacada Pharmacy has a
feeling .w ell for some time, has nice line of Valentine Post Cards
been laid up for over a week with and Novelties on display.
A number of our local people re­
Mrs. E. P. Scott is on the sick port having seen comet " A - 19 10 ”
list, being confined to bed by a on Friday evening last. II was
nervous breakdown. Dr. Steiner described as looking like a big
is attending her. She is improving electric arc light with a sort of
misty dotted tail as seen through
O. O. Bland, from Chone, Ore., a hazy atmosphere. It was seen
was in Estacada on Monday and between 6 and 7:30 by persons in
rented a house from John Page and Estacada looking west and close to
ex pects to move bis family here at l*’e even'>!B strir- It seemed in a
hurry to get away.
At the home of Arthur Perry in
! Garfield
a little babv girl made its
1 api>earance during this had weather
they have made arrangements
1 and
to take good care of the little one
C O rvntG H I»
Mother and daughter are reported
as doing well.
John Zobrist, while attending
the Jeffries show in Portland on
Friday night, had his pockets
picked and sixty-five dollars in
gold taken. It was no small loss,
hut John was able to pay his ex-
ponses in the big city as lie did not
return until Saturday.
Mrs. Childers, of f p ingwater,
was unfortunate enough to have
her arm badly wrenched and out of
place by a pccuhar accident last
j week. The men were loading
some hogs and one of the porkers
, fell in such a manner as to knock
1 her arm out of place. We knew
! !h it pork was high and are sorry
its tail was so bad for Mrs. Child-
J o w l y is selling out, see his bar-
+ „ gaius.
High Tops For
High Tops For
High Tops For
We have sev­
eral of the best
makes of High
Tops and our
prices are
$3.75 to $8.00
• y. », ' .
- f
S ;.> .
L -
Snow Storm Visits
Estacada During Night
The snow storm that came so
gently Sunday night to the stirpri-e
Df early risers on Monday morning
when it was discovered that six
inches of the beautiful covered the
ground in Estacada. It was soggy
and hung to the firs, tearing many
of the small o iit s out by the roots
and breaking others that would not
yield so readily.
It plaverl havoc with the tele­
phone lines, paraliziog the entire
system entering Estacada. Every- I
where could Iw- seen broken wires
. . . . . .
and poles. The central in hstaca-
da was unable to hold comn,uni-
cation with any of its farmer lines
or Portland. Manager Sparks se­
cured some men and started out to
establish communication as cjuicklv
as possible but it will be several
days before it is in good working
, order again.
Garfield reported a fall of ten
Sash, Doors, Moulding, Sand
Cement, Lime, Plaster,
Paints, Oils and Builder’s
Genuine Henney Buggies
We sell Olympic, Snowdrift,
Bluestem and Lighthouse Flour.
Each sack guaranteed.
W c make Harness To
Order and do 'harness repair
Moline Steel Plows
work also Tin wotk and plumb­
Superior Grain Drills
We have a fair stock on hand and a car load to arrive in a few days.
Dealers In Merchandise For Cash
Oliver Chilled Plows