Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 27, 1910, Image 4

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    rooms in Ponían/ n Jaivtsrv
when Jan s i i t ve vai tous fairs and
racing meets in the Pacific North­
west for the coining season will be
C. ko . e s t e s , P resident
determined. The meeting will be
A. K S p a r k s , Vic«P resident
a joint one under the auspices of
C u a s . H. D rn o is
the North Pacific Fair Association
R. S. WOAIKR, E d ito r and M anager and the Oregon Pure Breed Live­
stock Association. The mectilig
Entered at the pcstoffice In Estacada. Oregon, as
will conclude with a banquet at
second class mall
G -c
il i
of i "nlments for Cd* «h
that Contala M >rcury
m ercury will surely destroy th e * "V
‘ "U u K tiS
)i sm ell and com pletely d erange
eran g e th e
w hole system w hen e n te rin g it th ro u g h
th e
m ucous surface*. Such articles
should never he used ex cep t on prescrip ­
tions u> 111 rep u tab le p h y sic ia n s a s the
dam age th ey will do is ten fold to Lite
¡good > o n can |x»s*ibly derive from them .
| i lu ll's C atarrali Cure, m anufactured by
; 1’ . J- Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains
I no m ercury, and is tak en in te rn a lly , .act-
' m g d irectly upon th e blood an d m ucous
j surfaces of th e system . In buying l i a l l ’s
C atarrali Cure he sure you g et the g e n ­
uine. I t i*. tak en in tern ally and m ade m
T o led o , O hio, by F. J. Cheney & Co.
T estim onials sent free.
Sold by all d ru g g ists, 75 c.
T ake H a il's F am ily Pills for constip atio n
Published Every Ihursdny Morning at
.............. $! 00 The E xplanation Given by the Book on
S x nor t1
T hey w ere new ly m arried and were
?alliui? upon i>!.e o f tin* friend** of tli©
bride w ho had been p a rtic u la rly pleas­
Thursday. J a r . z7, 1910
ant upon th e occasion o f th e ir wed-
T h e bridegroom , apropos of
Yi't. ci ricci way to pronounce i t 1 nothing, began to tail* aU»ut phrenolo-
told how his w ife had discov-
F l.s-ia en da. accent on the third !
M lia de. . having the sound of ai 1 0 iet 1 tw o very prom inent hum ps on th e
hack o f his head, l ie w as proud of
a>. in ah in the two last syllables.
diem . So w as she. and sh e passed him
i u'ound th a t the host am i hostess m ight
I feel th e Lum ps a:.d know e f th e ir e x ­
i e-way colonist rates fri m istence. T hen sh e explained:
n I |>a s oi the Hast to Pacific ( **My l.ool: «>11 phrenology sa y s th a t
they m ean good m em ory uud goneros-
u n . nais are (dieted by the by."
C o ast
I min March i to April 15
|f w as 1*1 t.tent tli.-it Kilt* Mini |irnU(l
\vn» lie. 1 tut th e
i.'oifmiity to bring thousands | .if the f ile t., nud
I host. i cin g nf iiu In q u irin g tu rn of
ot new act tiers to Oregon ns a valu­ luiml. w ished to Hiitlsfy tiiniself. ho ho
able one and commercial organiza­ ^ut dow n 11 | hrt*'.»,logical w ork from
ron-, of the state will take advan­ one o f his lib rary sh e lv es nud n fte r
lunch ! itx,r found rtie hum ps oil llic
tage i f it to the fullest extent.
.-hurt. T u rn in g to the H ole., lie read,
Tin- a'tractive literature sent out serii lisp, at first, then u n ste ad ily . T ile
during the past year and the wide b ride hern mo suspicious, hut sh e w as
S in y e an d mild:
publicity given all parts of Oregon
'd e a d tt out loud. 1’leuse do!” And
have been fruitful of results and in­ the host read :
quire about tliis state was never so "T h ese hum ps lire m ost freq u e n tly
found on c a ts nud m onkeys.’’
gc net id as at the present time. Be­ O llier tuples consum ed (lie re m a in ­
cause of this widespread interest in der o f th e i Islt. w hich wag b rief.—
(>,cg ai. it may be expected that New York Sun.
the sta'o will receive a large im-
migr .tiou during the coming Spring
Oregon people should do all they Daniel W eb ster W as Not Long In D is­
covering Its Source.
can to add to this movement to the
O nce y e a rs ago, w hen D aniel W eb­
Pacific Northwest by arousing in ste r w as se c re ta ry o f sta te , th ere w as
tcrest among their friends in other an Im p o rta n t foreign m a tte r up for d is­
paits of the country who are look­ cussion before th e cab in et, an d th e u t­
m ost secrecy w as of course m ain tain ­
ing for new homes and information ed. b ut th e w hole th in g w as blazoned
should tie suppl'ed them on the op­ ab o u t In a few h ours a f te r th e cab in et
portunities here for newcomers and m eeting. So th e p re sid e n t h astily sen t
for h is cn b lu et to talk o v er th is leak.
particularly those, w ho desire to en­ E ach m an had a d ifferen t idea of it.
gage in ’ agriculture, horticulture, F in ally Mr. W ebster arose, saying,
stock raising or dairying. These "You, gentlem en, go on w ith y o u r dis-
eussJon. an d I’ll be back in a m inute.”
Puts of endeavor are rewarding In a few m inutes he re tu rn e d an d re-
peated every w ord th a t had been spo­
those who are engaged in them.
1 , l . o ■ U
'l ile
Completion of the Natron-Klam-
nth line of the Southern Pacific
within the coming 18 months is
promised by Judge W. D. Fenton,
counsel for the Harriman roach who
says that at the end of that time
trains of his company will be run­
ning between Portland and Sin
Francisco over the new route,
which will have a maximum gracU
of 1 per cent. Work is going
ahead on 65 miles of the new route
now and the remainder will be com­
pleted as soon as possible. The
building of the Natron line will not
only open up a large new territory
that is now without railroads, but
will give a low-grade freight line
that will eliminate the heavy grades
of the Siskiyou Mountains. The
budget lor new equipment for the
Harriman lines in this territory for
the year 1910 h is been made up
and is in excess of the money asked
in any previous year for rolling
stock. The budget calls for over
£,.1,000,000 for new freight and pas­
senger cars and locomotives.
ken in tlie room In his absence. IIo
explained th a t if by sta n d in g close to
th e door o u tsid e flu* cab in et room you
held y o u r e a r to it you could n ot d is­
tinguish one Intelligible w ord, b ut If
m oving back from th e d o o r an^l a little
to one sid e upon a c e rta in spot in the
carp et you kept an a tte n tiv e ea r ev­
ery w ord could be plainly heard as
though w hispered. Som e e n te rp ris in g
eav esd ro p p er had been ex p erim en tin g
w ith th e door an d had found th at
upon th a t e x a c t sp o t th e re w as som e
acoustic p roperty of th e door o r room
th a t conveyed th e sound In p erfe ct e n ­
T h e au ctio n eer had au ctio n eered for
the last tim e, for he w as very 111 am i
lay now alm o st a t d e a th ’s door.
B eside his bed stood th e d octor an d
th e a u c tio n e e r’s w ife, an x io u sly w a tc h ­
ing each sym ptom , each m ovem ent,
each resp iratio n .
“D octor.” hoarsely w h isp ered th e
h am m er w lelder’a w ife, “ w h a t is his
pulso now ?”
T h e d o cto r raised th e p a tie n t’s w rist.
“ I lls pulse,” he an sw ere d , “is now
goirtg a t 104.”
T h e au ctio n eer sa t u p excitedly in
‘Going a t 104!” h e 'e rie d feebly. “ Go­
ing at 104! W ho’ll m ake it 105? Do I
h e a r 105 for a pulse th a t h as been r u n ­
ning stead ily fo r forty-seven y e a rs an d
uever once stopped? W ill you bid 105?
W ho’ll m ak e it 105?”
B u t no one m ade It 105. And a m in­
u te la te r th e a u c tio n e e r w as going—go-
Ing—g o n e ! — H x cli a uge.
The long continued cold weather
of the Winter lias not had a bad
How Eskim o W om en Die.
effect on crops, as might have been On her first e n tra n c e to her new h ut
expected, but bns been rather bene­ of snow tin Hskitno w om an is buoyed
l>y hope o f w elcom ing a son. W h a t of
ficial to them, according to reports h e r last incom ing to th o se n a rro w con­
from different parts of the state. iines? She know s th a t th e m edicine
Fruit prospects throughout the m an h as decided th a t her sic k n ess is
m ortal w hen sh e is laid upon her bed
Northwest are now the brightest in of snow . She gazes upon th e feebly
years, it is said, the cold weather b u rn in g lam p beside her. upon food
holding back the buds so long that an d d rin k se t close a t h e r baud. She
sees h e r loved ones p ass o u t of th e
there is little fear of damage by doorw ay th a t needs no tu n n e l entrance-
late fiosts. This is shown par- to keep chill a irs aw a y , for p resen tly
ti';t.'’ ily in the apple and pear or­ th e door is sealed w ith suow . T he
chill o f d e a th p ierces th ro u g h her e n ­
chards, where the crop during the veloping fu rs. I le r tom b Insures th a t
past year was the smallest in sev­ no long ta rry in g will be hers. T he
com panioning w ith her. m ay re ­
eral seasons. The snowfall of the soul,
fresh itse lf w ith food; but, sta rv in g
Winter is said to have been gen­ and freezing, her feeble body will w it­
erally ample to protect Fall sown n ess even th a t soul’s d e p a rtu re a n d
know th a t Its h o u r h a s com e to perish
grain except in some portions of j utone.—H
arper*« B azar.
the Willamette Valley, The snow,
P aying For th e Spots.
too, has added moisture to the
“ I conceived a p erfe ctly d an d y
ground in the drier sections.
iienio for sa v in g m y ta b le linen an d
teach in g Ja c k to be d ain ty a b o u t his
carv in g ,” «aid n young m arried wo­
Tlte January number of
T h e1 m an. “E v ery tim e ho g e ts n spot on
ha* an u n u s u a l ‘ th e tab leclo th I h ave him cover It w ith
T h e larg er th e sp o t th e larg er
amount of information of interest ,1 th coin.
e coin, and moro o ften th an not It
n o t a lo n e to t h e t i m b e r a n d lu m b e i ta k e s p ap er m oney to cover tt all. T hen
industry, but the aggressive think­ N om h tn k es u p th e m oney w hen sh e
rieu rs th e table, an d wo sa v e It up to
ing man will want to keep it as a buy
k it> hen u ten sils.’’ — New York
means of reference to subjects that P ress.
(tor years are to be vital and im­
portant questions in the Northwest.
Irrigation, reforestrying and “ con­
servation" are important subjects
"Tlte Timberman," always inter­
esting to us, is more so this issue
and those who have tailed to see it
should send the price and have it
forwarded at once.
T hink It Over.
F u d d y —W h a t a happy w orld th is
w ould bo If m ore o f us got w h a t we
w an ted ! D u d y —Y'es, o r else few er of
ns got v. ha t wo d eserv e d . — B oston
T ra n sc rip t
C om forting th e Sick.
T.oulse .1 ebb—And tell T om n o t to
worry a limit nte
M ary I did. l i e said he w ouldn't.
“The h o rrid b ru te!” - L tf o .
Livestock men of the Northwest ! The son* th a t n erv es a nation's
h e a rt Is In Itself a d e e d .— lennyson.
will meet at Ute. Commercial Club t
M JS Church
Bible School
a. m.
a. in.
Young Peoples' Meeting 7 p. tn.
p. m.
!8 9 2 :? Pure Spun Aluminum
Cooking Utensils
Estacada Mercantile Co.
O kkgon C it y ,
For that new Dress, See Dd'es.
For that new White Waist, See Dales.
For Ticking, See Bales.
For Feather i icking, See Dales.
For Comforts, See Dales.
For Dry Goods,
Cars leave Portland for Esta­
cada :
6:55, 8:45, 10:45, A. M. and
12:45, 2:45, 4:45, 6:45 P. M.
Mail au d E x p ress (no pusscngeri
carried o n th is ru n ) leaves Portland]
for Estacada 5:25 a. m . and 2:40 p. tn
¡Leaves E stacada for P o rtlan d 4:26 p
jin. and 7:10 a. in.
Freight also leaves Portland
J! in the morning; got* 10.-Caza­
dero and returns to Portlauu
Main offices of the com pany: 132 i - 2 I
F irst St. P o rtlan d , O regon.
‘S S
H E N R Y V .A D IX .M .D
Local and Long Distance Telephone
The d o c to r's phone can Vie om m -cted
with y o ar Inane phone at n ig h t if re­
quested. One bunt sin*.
D r.L.A .W E LLS
D e n tis ts
of P o rtla n d
Will visit EstBcada on F riday and
S atu rd ay of each week
A pp o in tm en ts tnay be m ade
w ith Dr. A dix.
J O H N S T E I N E R , M . D.
P h y s i c i a n & Sene, ho A
Slee|>* in room s back of ofBce. Can b e
found a t office day or n ig h t.
By a Freshman
Penland CSh Jorg
V. M.
J. 3 . 5 . 9
Church of Christ— Next Sabbath
insures ¥ our H ealth
P. g. L & P. Co.
J. V.
We Buy and Sell
Sabbath School
a. m.
p. m.
p. tn. Cars leave Estacada far Port­
Prayer Meeting on Thursday Even­
P- w.
6:55, 9, i t , A . M. aud
! Your attention is again called to
I the Social of the States to be held
Tiled. \ evening Feb, 15th at the
1 Nora
It (till at the old stand and willing to do
Church. Tlu- 1* .Mowing Mates are
any of (he work in his line
i known to have representatives atnj
¡t is hoped that natives ot many
> other states will be present to tc-
spoitd to roll call. V»’e print the
name of one person from each of
f o r S a le & R en t
these states who solicits the help
Sale Horses and milch cows
and suggestions from all others
For Rent A small improved
frotq his state in preparing a suit­
able response to roll call. Each pine. Inquire of Wm. W. Davis
Look t. c I nborn < f every utonsi! you buy and ii it b* .; the
above trade nn:k and words “The Original Pur«* Iil ics 1692
st ite will first give its sobriquet as Sr., Estacada.
Aluminum” > o j are certain cf 15 years steady service. 1 be
Illinois “ Pi airie; ' Indiana " Hoo-|
makc/s £uaranteo every piece to wear that length ot i n. \
Ohio ' 'Buckeye" etc Wash- |
More important still you will safeguard the family health Ly using
iugton, Mr. Isobt. Duncan; Ohio,
See r-E R R Y b o r
Mr W. U. Stokes; HI.. Mr. A. O.
Whitcomb; Virginia, Mr. C. Loott-
Pain tin g. Papei
ey; Oregon, Mrs. S E. Wooster;
Indiana, Miss Elsie Rentschler; H a n g i n g a n d Ca Ice m i ­
because tVsey can’t crack, «tale, peel, rust nor tarnish. No
Minnesota, Mr. Howe; Missouri, ning.
1 st class w o r k
particlci will chip off into ths food and cause serious stomach
S. E. Wooster; California, Mr.
troubles as physicians say the old enamel ware wtii do.
G u a ra n te e d
L E Belfihs; Nebraska. Mr. Clias.
"1 8 9 2 ” Pure Spun Aluminum io beautiful as silver, easier to
keep clean and lighter to handle. It cooks quicker, reduces
Womer; Foreign Born, Rev. H
chance of burning food and saves its cost in many ways.
Are you looking fer a Farm, Acreage pr City
W. Kuhlman; S. Dakota, Mr. Geo. Property at a bargain? Don’t fail to call or
Money refunded if this ware does not make good every
Combs; Iowa, Mrs. Inglish; Michi­
claim made for it.
write to
Mr. Plul Staudish. Natives
W e have a full and attractive line. Drop in and see it
of other states not given above will
and get a Pure Aluminum souvenir free while they last.
kindly notify Mr. Robt. Duncan of It costs you nothing and we treat you right.
theii intention to be present. *A We have some bargains in Coos Bay proparty.
competent organist will be present
to accompany states \\ hiclt respond
by song Kindly bring youi miisit II. K. CROSS
A lively competition is already de­
veloping. Try to make votir state
, :
prize winner. It is hoped some
will appear in costume peculiar to
Abstracts. Real lista te . Loans. Insurance
H a n d le s the Best F r e s h a n d C u r e d Meats Obtainable their stale.
Cash Paid for Hides and Market Products
- N e x t Sabbath
; i-v. ___________ . . . . .
Millinery, Overalls, Rain
Coats, Hats, Rubbers and Shoes,
W e have two Men’s Overcoats, Cheap and Good.
H . V. R E E D , Representative
The Douglas Ri bqc Telephone
Co. held a special meeting Monday
night and the funds for completing'
th : line t** Estacada were placed in
the hands of the treastner. The
managing board intend to put it
through as soon as possible, but
have been d-lajed somewhat by
the non arrival of material.
It is considered certain that a
new telephone company will be or- ]
gan¡zed at Eagle Creek to run to]
ICstacada over the trunk line now j
being built. We have learned that
the Dover people are also coming
our way and are now at work on I
their line.
The gcod. old time Ilcnrv Gith-
ens mistook the telephone poles for
by buying thl*
logs and came out to “ the h g roll-
reliable, honest,
1 mg.” We appreciated his assi.-t-
high grade seep­
1 nice and enjoyed his company.
ing machine.
Mr. Lewis Rivers will wrestle
with Noel Sarver at Wilbern's ball
National Sewing Machine Co.
on Thursday evening. He hopes
Bclvidere, IIL
to regain his lost honors.
D A L E S' ■
King Winter has changed his
mood and the “ webieet" are, no
doubt, all glad to have it so, as
they enjoy life better so themselves
and are glad to show the new
£10 a week
£2 a day
comers what Oreg 4 l winters are-
Hoover and Large, who have
leased the mill 011 Deep Creek,
shipped a car of shingles this week.
This is their firstxmtput.
The shingle mill at Alspangli is
One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast
running again with an output of
35,000 a day.
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
Fifty cords more of Uncle Andy
Kitzmiller's wood went sailing this
week. Hqw the “ river rats” must
You can get fresh oysters on Fri­ rejoice when it conies! This is the
days by leaving your order at the third time he has helped the poor
Two good work horses for sale— Palace Meat Market.
in this way this winter.
ln<i u i r * 111 t h '; 1 r o 8 r e s s '
W anted
A middle aged woman
Mr. Bolin and some railroad men
Good fresh meats at Penland & who can cook and is neat in her were out Monctav looking over the
work. Ten dollars a mouth and ground for a new switch on the
Jorg Palace Market.
the conveniences of a home. Three Bohn farm, near the Grange hall.
if you have a good fat beef tell us
in family.— Address J. F. S., Esta­
A I’acific States' man was out
We want it. Palace Market.
I the same day looking at their old
F o r S a i .K o r w ill trade for a tarm
line. He said they were contem­
One of the finest resident proper­
plating building a new and more
Real F.state Transfers
ties in Estacada with one or four
substantial line using 30 ft. poles
lo ts.
Inquire a t the Progress.
1 and heavy copper wires,
The Estacada State Bank reports
We have several pieces of prop th ■ following real estate ‘•.old to E.
erty left with us to negotiate a sale M. Miller. Lots 7, 14, 15 in block
Jowdv is selling out, see his bar­
for. Intending investors in Esta­ 7, lots to, ii and 12 Block 32. 1st gains.
cada will do well to consult us ns addition to Estacada. Consider­
The Cnrritisville Drama Club
we may have just what you want. atimi £2000.00
gives the play “ It's All In The
Inquire at the P r o g r e s s office.
Pay Streak next Saturday night,
The Progress is one dollar a year
Sub ,cribe now
| January 29, at Ely's Hall.
The Motel Estacada
311 M c K a y B l d g . P o r t l a n d O r e '
D im ic k
D im ic k ,
Attorneys at Law
‘Nortary Public, General Law
Practice, Mortgages foreclosed, At>
stracts furnished
O FF 1 CKS: 2 , 3 & 4 , ANDRBSHN HLDk
O k k g o n C it y
O rkgon
We manufacture all kinds'of Cedar
Shingles and are prepared at all
times to deliver the same. Also
to sell at the mill, having stock on
hand at all times
----- P R O P R IE T O R -----
Rstacada Agent— A. Morrow
j M ark *
D e sig n s
C o py r ig h t s A c .
W hen in need of F ir s t Class
Cedar shingles consult m e
Shingles delivered o r at the
m ill Nos. I a nd 2 a lw a ys on
W. A. fonts. Sales A ft..
Y E A R 3-
Ce d ar Shingles
Anrorio «ending askeieh and description may
ptilcklr nacertRln our opinion free whether aa
Invent i«»n ts probably patentabfe Communlaa»
I ions h ! rietly confidential. HANDBOOK on t’atenta
tent free. Oldest agency for «ecuring patents.
I'atniiis taken through Munn A to . receive
•j-.-efat notice, without chnree. In the
Sedutine jftKriean.
A T andsr r a e lf lllu a tra le d _ thly.
in tu
ì. T erm Term*.
s. | 3 a $3 a
d ila tio ________
n o f a n y _____
fo u r m o n th s, | L tío Id by a il new sdenlerfg
unico. Ció F BU Washington Ok G*
lto w about yo u r crop»?
P o w a1x>nt yo u r buildings?
How ab o u t y o u r furniture?
Jo h n B ro w n
R o c k w o o d . O re g o n
R h o im
G re s h a m , 311
R epresents th e
Oregon Fire Relief Associa- j
tion of McMinnville
R e m e m b e r th e
And nix o th e r lines
O r leave word a t thia office
100 sets of knives, forks, tee and
w h e n yo u h a v e a n y
P r in tin g to b e d o n e
table Spoons given «w a y F R E E
A. C. Jow ly, the new merchant ia Es-
tsenda who deals in Dry Goods. Ladie»
and Gents Furnishing Goods, Shoes, etc.
gives a ticket, which, whaa punched to
the extent of twenty dollars, entitles th«
bolder to 6 knives. 6 forks, 6 teaspoon«
and six table spoo«a, all silver plated.
For further particulars see
A. C. Jowdy, Estacada