Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 27, 1910, Image 3

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ever offered in the City of Cort­
land are a» follow»: W e will pay
these prices straight up for
good, fat stuff. W e ncvtr charge
commission nor drayage.
Fresh ranch e g gs-m ark et price.
Dressed Veal up te 130 lbs
Large Veal Less.
Dressed pork, any s iz e ....
Live Hens...... ................
Dressed Hens...................
Live Ducks.......................
Dressed Geeae..................
Dressed Turkeys...............
124 c
11 c
20 c
A JJnu.
“Figktuf the Beef Trail
D o lp h in
F ly in g
F la h .
A ship was lying at anchor at Boca
Grande, says the Punta Gorda Herald,
lately when the crew observed a dol­
phin chasing a flying fish, both coming
directly toward the ship. On nearing
the vessel the flier arose in the air
and passed over the bow Just abaft
the foremast. As It did so the dolphin
went under the ship and, coming up
on the other side, sprang from the
water and caught the flying fish on
"the fly” just as it was curving grace­
fully down in its descent to the water.
Rletplng with F ««t Raised.
Among the pernicious things that
we have all been doing without know
Ing It Is sleeping with a pillow under
our heads. No longer If we value
health and happiness may we bury
our weary heads in these soft and
soothing depths. It Is the feet that
want elevation, not the head, says a Highest Water Ever Known Has Cily
German doctor, and a pillow Isn’t big
at Its Mercy.
enough to raise them to the required
height. The doctor has the foot end
of his bed elevated about eight inches
and says that in this position his cir­ Subways Filled, Sewera Burat. Street»
culation is better and that his brain
Torn Up and Buildings Toppling
and nerves have profited thereby.
to Ruin— Many Rescurers Drown
Mother« w ill find Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
— Whole Country Submerged and
Syrup the best remedy to lino t u t their oiiUdrea
during the teething period.
Waters are Still Risirg.|
N o t In (h e T h u n d e r b o l t .
“I se c t you a com m u nication a d ay
or tw o a g o ,” said the in d ig n a n t caller,
“an d you w o u ld n ’t prin t it ju s t becau se
it did n ’t h appen to a g re e w ith
v ie w s .”
“ W h a t w a s it a b o u t? ” a sk ed the edi
tor o f the M o rn in g T h u n d e rb o lt.
“ It w a s a b ou t w o m a n s u ffr a g e .”
“O, yes, I rem e m b e r.”
“ Y o u th re w it in the w a ste b ask et, I
pre su m e.”
“ I p resu m e I did.”
" M y object, sir, w a s to sh o w that a
g o o d d eal can be sa id on both sides,'
“ W e ll, you said it, nil right, s ir — on
both sides o f the sheet.
T h a t's.. ti\e
reason w h y you c a n ’t sa y it
T h u n d e rb o lt. G ood m orn in g, sir.”
P r e c o c io u s F o r e s ig h t .
"Tommy,” said the teacher, “you
"D o c t o r,” said the little B oston boy, have made some inexcusable mistakes
in your geography lesson.”
"y o u a re an alienist, a re you not?”
“ Y e s ,” a n s w e re d
distin g u ish e d
”Ye8'm,” said the precocious youth.
ph ysician ,
“ that
p a rtic u la r "When I’m a man I’m going to be an
b ra n c h o f m edical p ractice to w h ich I explorer.
I want to avoid the minute
devote m yself. C a n I do a n y th in g for
accuracy which will lead people to dis­
yo u ? ”
credit my observations.”
“ Y o u can a ssist me, p erh ap s, In a l ­
T r o u b l e In I l l s
I lr a ln
la y in g a se rio u s app re h e n sio n that h^s
a rise n in m y mind. T h is m orn in g, d o c ­
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case
tor, I fou n d m y se lf sa y in g ‘fo ssillfe ro u s’ of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles io
w h en I w a s try in g to sa y ‘p a la e o n to lo g ­ 6 to 14 days or money refunded.
ical.’ D oes that indicate a p h a sia , or is
G r a titu d e .
It m erely tem p orary h e te ro p h e m y ?”
" H e l lo ! ”
"H e llo !”
I .o o k I n g F o r w a r d .
“ Is that the g ro c e ry a n d m eat m a r ­
"W hy are you looking so happy?”
ket ?”
"My rich uncle has bought him an
“Y e s .”
“T h is is M rs. K ild e e r. Y o u h a v e m y
fo r
e ig h t -p o u n d turkey,
"But Curtis says an aeroplane is as | o rd e r
v e n ’t you?”
Nife as an automobile.”
“ Y es, m a ’am .”
‘‘And I believe it; that's why I’m so
“ W e ll, c h an g e it to a six te e n -p o u n d
lappy.”— Houston Post.
I ’ve Just got m y div o rc e p a ­
p e rs !”
N o t h i n g I m p o s s ib le .
In q u ir e r — W h a t do you su p p o se w ill
h appen w h en the w o r ld ’s su p p ly o f for the signature of E. W. Grove.
Used the
World over to Cure a Cold in One Day.
In d ia r u b b e r is e xh au sted?
In fo rm a tio n
E d ito r— P ro v id e n tia lly
com e chem ist in the em ploy o f the
“ M iss V iolet,” sa id
h andsom e
S ta n d a rd O il C o m p a n y w ill d isc o v e r a
process fo r m a k in g a good su b stitu te y o u n g p ro fe sso r o f vocal cultu re, “you
m ust put m ore h eart into y o u r voice
ou t o f petroleum .
L e t it be fre e r an d m ore sp o n ta n e o u s.”
“W h y , p ro fe sso r,” she said, b rin g in g
h er lo vely eyes to b e a r upon him , “ my
h e a rt Is e n tire ly f r e e ! ”
•‘ H a v in g tak en you r w on d e rfu l “Casca-
rets' fo r three m onths a n d b e in g entirely
cured o f stom ach catarrh an d dyspepsia,
I th in k a w ord of praise is du e to
‘C a sc a rets’ fo r their w on d e rfu l com posi­
I h ave taken n um erou s other so-
called rem edies b u t w ith out a v a il, a n d I
find that Cascarets relieve m ore in a d ay
than a ll the others I h av e taken w o u ld in
a y e a r.’ *
Jam es M c G u n e ,
CUT THIS OUT. maf? it with your ad­
dress to the Sterling Remedy Company.
Chicago. III., and rec ive a handsome sou­
venir Gold Bon Bon FREE.
[The confidence felt by farmers and !
] gardeners in Ferry’s Seeds to-day 1
i would have been impossible to feel inj
\ any seeds two score of years^
| ago. We have made a^
i science of seed^,
1 growing^
W hy!
A t the fro n t gate, p ro c ra s tin a tin g —
( “ N o , G e o rg e , d o n ’t go y e t; ’tia tot»
so o n !” )
S o they lin gered there, w a itin g , w a it ­
F p r the total e c lipse o f the moon.
D R . M A R T E L ’S F E M A L E P I L L S .
S e v e n t e e n Y e a r s th e S ta n d a rd .
Prescribed and recommended for women’s ail­
ments—a scientifically prepared remedy of proven
worth. The result from their use is quick and
permanent. For sale at all drug stores.
W o u ld
Be T a k e n
C a r e O f.
" I fe a r I am not w o rth y o f you .”
“ N e v e r m ind a b o u t that,’’ respon ded
the y o u n g la d y w ith the sq u a re ja w .
“B e tw ee n m oth er a n d m y se lf w e can
effect the n ece ssary im pro v e m en ts.” —
L o u is v ille C o u rie r-J o u rn a l.
B a c k In t h e C o r r i d o r « s f T im e .
always do 1
exactly what you ]
""expect of them. For sale I
everywhere. FERRY’S 1910 SEED }
[ ANNUAL Free on request
D* M . FERRY A CO., Detroit Mloh.
Plato had just dubbed Aristotle the
"Intellect” of his school.
“In fact,” said Plato, “he comes pret­
ty near being the Philander Knox of
my scholastic cabinet.”
For, in the best educational circles in
those days, it was considered better to
be brainy than to be brawny.— Chica­
go Tribune.
At Prices that Defy Competition
Rheumatism and Neuralgia never
could get along with Hamline Wizard
Oil. Wizard Oil alwaye drives them
away from the premises in short order.
W hen
PAINLESS EXTRACTION......................... DOc
81LVER F ILL IN G S ............................. 50c up
GOLD KILLINGS ...........................$1.00 UD
R2K GO LIT CROW N ............................. $5.00
GOOD RUBBER PLATE .................... $ r .00
THE BEST RUBBER PLAJTES............... $8.00
W H A LE B O N E P L A T E S ...................... $10.00
Out-of-town patient8 can obtain perfect work
and save money by calling: at our office.
All work guaranteed for ten years
323W Washington St.. Cor. Sixth
Established 15 year-«
Here to stay
Means an unfailing water supply. It
means that you will have the most practi­
cal Domestic water su ply system now in
use. No elevated tank no frosen pipes in
winter, no stagnant water in summer, no
water supply troubles of any sort. Tank
placed in basement, out of sight and way.
madn of press»! steel, will not rust and
will last a lifetime
You will be pleased with the LEADER
system of furnishing Domestic Water
Supt >
Ask lor our catalogue and freo
booklet. How I Solved My Water 'apply
Problem ”
P r o t e c t io n
N eeded.
“Do you regard protection as a bus­
iness necessity?” demanded the in­
quisitive person.
“A necessity?” responded the other.
“Say, you try running a ‘speak easy’
in this town without it and see where
you land.”— Philadednhia Ledger.
W hy,
“What do you understand,” asked
the teacher, “by the ‘whirligig of time’
bringing in ‘its revenges’?”
"Taking a ride around the elevated
loop during the rush hour,” answered
the young man with the bad eye.— Chi­
cago Tribune.
F o r m a l it i e s .
"You had a housewarming the oth­
er evening, Mrs. Guernsey? You didn’t
say a word about it to me!”
“O, it was quite impromptu and in­
formal, Mrs. Jipes. The Janitor turn­
ed on the heat.”
60-Minute Quake Recorded.
Washington, Jan. 25.— Another well
The figures of this country’s wheat
crop indicate not only a larger home defined earthquake of moderate intens­
consumption as a result of Increased ity was recorded by the weather bu­
population, but also a larger consump­ reau seiamograph aa having been at
tion per capita.
1:56:49 o’clock yesterday afternoon,
its strongest motion occurring five
minutes later. It continued about 50
minutes. Officials believe the disturb
ance occurred about 1,3 )0 miles from
Washington, probably to the South­
The scene of the activity is
thought to have been between Cuba
and Jamaica. It was of leas intensity
than the earthquake of last Saturday.
When You
Take Cold
One way is to pay no attention
to it; at least not until it de­
velops into pneum onia, o r
bronchitis, or pleurisy. A n ­
other way Is t o ask your doc­
tor about A y e r ’s C h erry Pec­
toral. I f he says, “ The best
thing fo r colds,” then take it.
D o as he says, anyway.
A tiers
W e publish our foratala«
W e basisti alcohol
from ourmedieinee
W a urgo you te
consult your
Portland, Ore.
Spokane, Wash.
Boise. Idaho.
Paris, Jan. 25.— A t 2 o’clock this
morning the water, which was rushing
through the tunnel under the Quai d’
Oraay station burat through the road­
way and flooded the streets, including
the Kue de Lille, and Kue de Poitiers
and the Kue de Bellechaase, on which
are many aristocratic residences. The
sidewalk» are likely to cave in at any
time. Those who occupied the houses
were awakened and hurried to places ot
At, 8 :30 this morning the flood from
the Quai d’ Orsay station extended to
the Kue de l ’ Universite. It is esti­
mated that the homeless in the out­
skirts of Paris number at least 6,000.
Four soldiers have been drowned at
Villeneuve and three at Alfotville,
while engaged in rescue work.
The situation resulting from the
floodB is fast becoming desperate. The
premier and minister of the interior
made this declaration tonight.
A ll
conditions indicated a further rise of
several inches of the River Seine and
the cold rain, which still continues, is
causing intenLe suffering among those
who have been made homeless. There
is little prospect of relief.
M. Millerand, minister of the public
works, after a tour of inspection, said
that if the rise continued nothing could
prevent a deplorable disaster and the
flooding of the most populous quarters
in Paris.
Measures that had been
taken, he said, appeared to him to be
adequate “ for the present, but only for
the present.”
Paris is threatened with an immedi­
ate and complete tie-up. The stoppage
of transportation has raised prices of
food, which is becoming Bcarce, and
the supply of water in seven arrondis-
sements has been crippled.
ties assert that drinking water is as
sured, but there is no water for indus­
trial services, which are practically
The Red Cross society is organizing
aid for the sufferers. ' Subscriptions
have been opened and theaters are ar­
ranging benefits.
A t midnight the
water was less than a foot from the
arch of the Pont de l ’Alma.
oridges are not in such danger, unless
river craft is swept against them.
Big sewers in the Place de Havre and
near Place de al Madelaine burst to­
day, threatened foundations of houses.
Part of Rue St. Lazare threatens to
cave in and the who e street had been
closed. TunnelB of the subway now
under construction are flooded.
Orleans terminus is a vast pool and en­
gineers fear th it the tunnels may col­
At Alforville 2,000 people are home­
less. The water is 12 feet deep.
The salvage is being done by sold­
iers in autoboats at the risk of their
All the factories above and below
Paris are closed and thousands of per­
sons are out of employment.
The provinces show improvement.
At Tours Sur Marne, however, eight
houses collapsed and at Juvigny 12 col­
lapsed. The authorities have decided
to blow up the dam and allow the canal
to flow into the river and save the
buildings. A hundred houses at Chalon
threaten to fall.
The situation at several places up
and down the river is deplorable. The
lower quarters of all the towns on the
riser below Paris are under water, the
streets at Auteil resembling those at
Venice. A dyke near St Germain
broke today, flooding the valley as far
as Malmaison.
The lower portion of the Bois du
Boulogne is a blanket of water reach­
ing to.Bagatelle. Judging from reports
received today from the provinces a
quarter of France is under water.
The Eastern, Central and Southeastern
districts of France are terribly afflict­
ed. The valleys and plains are inun­
dated and the cities and towns are in
Troops everywhere have
been ordered to the work of rescue,
but often they encounter the greatest
difficulty in driving the peasants to
places of safety. The cities of Mon-
targis, Macon, Chalons sur Saone and
Epernay and the entire Champagne
country are experiencing the most dis­
astrous floods since 1866. The water
in many of the villages along the Saone
and Marne reaches to the roofs of the
E N U M E R A T O R S ’ R A T E S OF
Census Director Establishes Compen­
sation for Census Takers
Few violinists, even after they be
Washington, D. C., Januray, 24— The .•ome great, own a Stradivarius, but
varying wage scales in different parts this good fortune has fallen to Domen
Ico Bove, the young Italian of this
of the country and the differences in
city, whose career, which many believe
the nature and extent of the local diffi
will rival Kubelik’s, has scarcely be­
culties confronting the enumerators in gun, the Philadelphia Bulletin says.
the larger geographical divisions of the
Most Interesting of all Is the fact
United States have influenced and guid that this musical treasure was the
ed United States Census Diretor Dur property of the late Autonln Dvorak,
and ¡n the adoption ot a classification of the composer, from whose widow the
enumerators’ rates o f compensation, violin was recently purchased by Mrs.
within the limitB presribad by the Uni Joseph Drexel, and by her presented
ted States Census law enacted by con­ to the youthful Bove.
Mrs. Drexel is widely known as a
Per diem rates of pay will be paid patron of music, and. Interested as she
to the census enumerators in the has been In the young violinist’s car
sparsely settled rural districts of A ri­ reer, It is but natural that she should
sons. California, Texas, Colorado, Ida­ choose him for the honor of owning
ho, Montana, Utah, Washington, and the Stradivarius.
could be a greater inspiration to a vio­
The rate will range from $5 to $6 linist than the possession of such a
per day for the enumeration of the rur­ priceless thiug.
al areas outside of cities and towns.
Such things have prices, and high
Six dollars is the highest rate author­
ones, too, for It Is whispered that Mrs
ized by law.
Drexel paid $15,000 for the lnstru
There are three general rates the
ment, which gives the layman an idea
per capita, the mixed, and per diem.
9 f what such a gift means In prosaic
The first and second general rates
dollars and cents. Mrs. Drexel mad«
have five subdivisions each.
The per diem rates range from $3 to light of the matter when asked re
$3.50, $4, $4.50, $5, $5.50, and $ 6 , cently about the gift to her protege
and are paid for a day of eight hours’ ‘Although naturally averse to parting
with this souvenir of her husband, 1
For enumerators on the per capita learned recently that Mme. Dvorak wa«
basiB, which will be that most widely willing to sell the Instrument,” sale!
used, the pay for each inhabitant is: Mrs. Drexel, “and when it came lntc
Class A, 2 cents; class B, 2 % cents; my possession I naturally looked about
class C. 3 cents; class D, 3 >4 cents; for some one who could use It proper
and class E, 4 cents. Such enumerators ly, since I could not play It myself.”
Bove is now in Prague, Bohemia
will also be paid for each farm as fol­
lows: Class A, 20 cents; class B, 22 where It Is understood the violin wa*
cents; class C, 25 cents; class D, transmitted to him. Mme. Dvorak re
27 cents; and class E, 30 cents. These sides In Prague.
rates are in each case 5 cents or more
The young violinist Is making rapid
higher than those paid in 1900, when progress, according to reports received
the range was from 15 to 20 cents. by his friends in this city. A son ol
For each establishment of productive poor Italians In the southern section
industry the rate for each class is 30 of this city, Domenico early manifested
cents. For each barn and inclosure an inherited ability to play the Addle
containing livestock, not on farms, both his parents gaining a livelihood
the pay is 10 cents for each class.
thereby. Then Frederick E. Harn, the
Under the mixed rate, which is a widely known violinist of this city, be
combination of the per capita and the came interested in the lad and gave
per diem, there five sub-classes alpha­
him lessons.. His undoubted ability
betically arranged, and the per diem
and his proficiency In mastering th«
is: Class F, $1; G, $1.25; H, $1.50;
most difficult technique of the art
I, $1.75; and J, $2. For each inhab
aroused the Interest of several wealthy
itent the pay is: Class F, 2 cents; G,
patrons, who, It Is understood, made
2 cents; H, 2 % cents; I, 2 % cents and
J, 3 cents. For each fa rm : Class F, It possible for him to go aorcad to fin
15 cents; G, 11 % cents; H, \ 1 % ish his musical education.
Several of the foremost musicians In
cents; I and J, 20 cents each.
each establishment of productive in­ this city declare that Bove will become
dustry the rate is 20 cents for each a second Kubelik.
Nebulous Body With Flowing
Plainly Seen at Sunset.
Douglas, Arizona, Jan. 24.— Without
being heralded, there appeared in the
western horizon just before dusk this
evening, a spectacle such as none in
these parts had ever before witnessed
It was nothing more nor leBS than a
magnificent comet, or a body having
all the appearances of one, with nu­
cleus, coma and a great tail.
word was quickly passed around and
soon the whole city was out viewing
the beautiful spectacle.
A t first it
was supposed as a matter of course it
was Halley’s comet, though this is not
expected until April, but word from
Professor Douglas, astronomer at the
state university at TucBon, is that the
stranger is distinct from H alley’s.
The same word also comes to the Dis­
patch here from Flagstaff university,
in Northern Arizona.
The wonder of the spectacle was its
completeness and its appearance with
out any warning just after sunset.
Douglas is about 4,000 feet above
the >ea and has a wonderfully clear at­
mosphere. No comet like this one has
ever before been seen in this section.
Honolulu, Jan. 24. Captains o f in­
ter island vessels arriving here report
having seen Halley’s comet.
Disputes Delay Settlement.
Paris, Jan. 24.— It is rumored here
that the delay in the final settlement
of the terms of the Hankow-Szechun
railway loan was due chiefly to dis­
putes over details connected with the
apportionment of the roadway between
the financial groups interested,
construction material and similar ques­
tions. According to a statement in
well-infomred quarters, the French
group, headed by the Indo-China bank,
held out because they considered that
they had not been fairly treated in the
France and Britain Agreed.
Paris, Jan. 24. After exchanges be­
tween the two cabinets, both Frarce
and Great Britain have decided to con­
form their answers to SecretaryKnox’s
Manchurian proposition to those of
Russia and Japan, which have declined
the proposal for the neutralization of
the Manchurian railways.
both Russia and Japan make reserva­
tions regarding the Aigun-Tsitsikar
proposition, the Temps today insists
that the concession would be a viola­
tion of the Anglo-Pussian convention
and the Chino-Japanese convention.
A French scientist has advanced the
theory that there is no such metal as
radium, but that radio-activity la the
result of certain now unknown chemi­
cal combinations of which
forma the chief part.
Few are entirely free from it.
It may develop so slowly as to caubd
little if any disturbance during the whole
period of childhood.
It may then produce dyspepsia, ca­
tarrh, and marked tendency to con­
sumption, before causing eruptions,
Bores or swellings.
To get entirely rid of it take the great
H o o d ’s S a rs a p a rilla
In usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets
known as S a rs a ta b s . 100 doses $1.
H e a rd
A n c ie n t
G re e k
T b e n le r .
The performance at Athena, In an­
ient Greece, began at dawn, and, as
several pieces were produced one after
he other, these performances lasted
the whole day. On the days the per­
formances were given all work was
luspended, business put off, Imprison-
3 d debtors were set free and arrests
itrlctly prohibited. Long before sun
rise thousands of people assembled,
ind outside of the theater noisy crowds
jf men, women and children congre­
gated. all bent upon enjoying then*
«elves and eager to obtain the best
Many of them brought their
food with them, and In order to stlm
ulate the enthusiasm of the people co­
pious quantities of flsry Greek wine
were given to Impecunloua citizens by
wily authors, who endeavored thus to
auy the applause of a discriminating
C h a r it p *
S c a r c e ly
N t a b l e .
" W e ll, you h ave h eard m y
said the a sp irin g cantatrice. “C an you
recom m end it as good security for a
loan to be rep a id in a y e a r or two?**
“F o r the m ost part, yes. m adam ,” an­
sw e re d the c au tio u s m a n a g e r; “but I
rea lly cou ld not indorse y ou r
Strong Winds and Send Storms
cause granulation o f the eyelids. P E T ­
soothes and
Quickly relieves, 25c. A ll druggists or
Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.
I,a«t S h a ll
lie FI rat.
“ M y w ife h as bou g h t D r. E lio t’s F iv e
F eet o f L ite ra tu re .”
“T h a t so? W h a t ’s she rea d in g now ?”
“I dunno, bu t I’ll bet she started on
the con c lu d in g inch.”— C le v ela n d Lead­
* 1 1 « h n d o r a e n ie n t .
Ifa a
M illio n «
The will of the late Mrs. Franzlsk*
Speyer, widow of George Speyer, m
partner in the banking
Speyer & Co., of New York, Londoa
and Frankfort-on the-Main. bequeath»
between $8,000,GUO and $10,000,000 to
benevolent objects. The gift» Include
$1 000,000 to the Frankfort Academy
of Social and Commercial Science and
$1,000,000 for the furtherance of the
research into the subject of cancer
and lupus. Large sums are left to a
long list of Institutions, among those
being societies for the aid of actor»,
orchestra musicians, journalist» and
artists. A fund is set aside to be used
in pensioning employes in the banka
of Speyer & Co. in New York, London
and Frankfort-on-the-Main.
“ H a v e you a copy o f ‘W a t s o n ’s A p o l­
ogy’?” he a sk ed the sa le sm a n at th®
book store.
“ H is ‘A p o lo g y ’ ?’’ said the salesm an .
“G re a t Sco tt!
H e h a sn ’t m ade any
a p o lo g y yet.
H e sa y s e v e ry w o rd he
w rote aliou t those A s q u ith w om en Is
true.”— C h ic a g o T rib u n e.
It w a s the visitin g E n g lis h m a n ’» first |
View o f the g ra n d old M ississip p i.
“ M y w o r d ! ” he exclaim ed .
an evil lo o k in g rive r!
Isn ’t there a
m ovem en t fo r im p ro v in g it?”
“ Y e s ,” they a ssu re d him.
" I am g la d o f it. It needs it.**
R e a o u r c c f u l.
"So you run your own motor car?”
"Certainly,” answered Mr. Chugglns.
"Would not think of trusting Its del­
icate mechanism to a chauffeur."
“And you know what to do in case
N o t a n A «a e t .
anything goes wrong?"
C r u s ty A r tis t — T h a t
pic tu re
g iv e s j
"Yes. Push her up to the side of
you a be tte r im pression, m adam , if you the road and telephone to the repair
look a t it fro m a p ro p er distance.
shop.”— Washington Star.
M rs.
C h illlc o n -K e a r n e y — I
h a rd ly
think so. D ista n c e can o n ly — e r — lend
en ch an tm en t, you k now .
m e
lle a iu o
w ny.
The Boy— Have yer caught any­
thing, sir?
The Angler— No, not yet, my lad.
The Boy— Ah, I thought not. There
weren’t no water In that pond till it
rained last night.— Leslie’s Weekly.
F ir « t O ne T h a t Cam e.
" D i d n ’t som e Idiot prop ose to you be­
fore o u r m a rr ia g e ? ”
“C e rta in ly .”
"T h e n you ought to have married
“T h a t ’s Just w h a t I did.” — Bon
T r ia l
B o ttle
F re e
B y
M a il
For homestead relinquishm ents, and can sell your
farm s and ranches quickly. L e t us handle your
business and w e w ill gu arantee your &atisiaction.
G ive fu ll particulars in first letter.
D A V S & B U IT K A M P
610 D e k u m B ld g .
P o rt la n d , O re
Catalogue fo
the Asking
Send for It
Portland. Oregoi
Save the Baby— Use
M.ST m t u u
(g !»w s *(§ m
Should be given at once when the
little one coughs. It h e a ls the del­
icate throat a n d protects the lungs
from infection— guaranteed sale and
very palatable.
A ll Druggists, 25 cents.
Tf yon suffer from Epilepsy, Fits, P allin g Sickness,
Bpasms, or h ave children that do an, m y N ew D is­
covery w ill relieve them, and all you are asked ts
io la to send fo r a F ree T r ia l» 2 B ottle o f D r. May*«
E p i l e p t i o l d o
O u r o
I t has cured thousands w here everyth in g else
failed. Guaranteed by M ay M edlca 1 Laburatoi v
Under Pure F o o d and Drugs A ct, June 80th, 100»
Guaranty N o. 18971. Please w rite fo r Specie 1 Free
f'J Bottle and giv e A G E and com plete address
Dri. W . H . M A Y , 548 Pearl S i r e » !, N e « Y o r t
Sinless Dentistry
Out of town people
can have their piste
and bridgework fin.
iahod in on* day
kf necehFarjr.
We will givs you a lt d
22k gold or porctlaia
crown for
$ 3 .5 0
Molar Crowns 5 .0 0
22kBridgsTssth 3 .5 0
Gold Fillings
Enamel Fillings 1*00
Silver Fillings
»5 0
Inlay Fillings
2 .5 0
Good Rubber
5 .0 9
^ Best ^
w r|
OIL W. A. W ill, Psssmsr aasMsssrai
bor Plats.
7 .0 1
S3 tites smstHsis is remise
Painless Extr*don »5 9
Pain less Extraction F ree when plates o r bridge work
Is ordered. Consultation Free, Yon cannot set bettes
palnb-ns work done anyvrhoro. All w ork fully guar-
nntotMl. Modern electric equipment. Rest method«.
Dental Co.
ailing uildino
Titittn s W ahh . B t h . P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N
S A. M. to 8 F. M.
Sundays. I U I
C. Gee Wo
The Chinese Doctor
Th is w ondefu l man has
made a life study o f th «
prop erties o f Roots,
H erbs and Barks, and
is g iv in g the world the
benefit o f his services.
N o M ercury, Poisons
o r D rugs U sed. N o
O p era tion s o r Cutting
Guarantees to cu re Catarrh. Asthm a. Lung,
Stomach and K id n ey troubles, and all P riv a ts
Diseases o f M n and Women.
A S U R *: C A N C E R C U R E
K O W -K U R E
Ju st received from Pekin, China safe, sure
mini reliable. U ..fa ilin g in its works.
I f you cannot call, w rite fo r symptom blank
and circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps.
Is not a “ food” — it is i medicine, and the
i nly medicine in the world for cows on y.
M ade for the cow and, as its name indicates,
» C o w Cure.
Baren e.-s. retained after­
^ 6 ^ ^ ^ i r s t ^ L ^ c o r . M orrison , P o rtla n d ^ O r^
birth, abortion, sc >urs, raked udder, and all
sim ilar affections positive y and quickly ,
cured. N o one who keeps c ow -, whether
m any or few, can afford to be w ithout K<) W -
K U ftE . It is made e.-peeially to keep cows
bealthy. Our book “Cow Money” sent FREE.
A »k your local dealer for KOW -KUR E or send
H E W w r i t i n g t o a d v e rtise r« p le a
to the manufacturers.
\V m e n t i o n t h i s p a p e r .
lyndonv.lle, Vt
T h e C. G ee W o M edicine Co.
A flavorin g used the same as lemon or vanflis.
By dissolving granulated sugar in water and
adding Mapleine, a delicious syrup is made and
a syrup better than maple. Mapleine is sold by
If not send 35c fo r 2 oz. bottle and
recipe book. C rescen t Mfg. C o., Seattle, W a.
Pink Fye, Fpi/ooOe,
Shipping Fever
and Catarrhal Fever
B srstn is and positive preventive, no matter how horses atony a g «
Lqu.d, given on the tongue; acts on t h «
li ood and Glands, expels the poisonous germs from the body. Cures Dis­
temper in Dogs and Sheep and Cholera in Poultry. Largest selling liv«
Stock remedy. Cures I.a Grippe among human beings c rid is a fine Kid*
ney remedy. ROc and $1 a bot t le: $5 and $10 a dozen. Cut this out. Keep
It. dhow to your druggist, who w ill get It for you. Free Booklet. “ Dia*
temper. Cause« and Cures.” Special agents wanted.
o r « infected or “exposed.”
Among the quaint scrapbooks of the
(ate Clyde Fitch, all of which are now
:o be aold at auction, there was one de
voted entirely to typographical errors
One of these errors appeared In a
criticism of Ellen Terry. The reviewer
wrote, "H er love of Portia made acting
eaay.” but the sentence appeared In
the paper aa “Her love of porter mads
acting eaay."— Washington 8far.
■inc k a y o L A M P is a hlyn grade lam p «o ld at a lo w p ric «.
T h ere are U m | « thut cost m ore but Du re is no better lam p
at a n y price. T h e Burner, the W ick , the Chim nev H old er —
a ll are v ita l th in s* in a la m p ; these p a rt« o f th e R A Y O
LA M P » r e p erfectly constructed ai d there is n o th in »
know n in th e art o f lam p m a k in g th a t c ou ld add to th «
valu e o f th e R A Y O as a fig h t si vin g d- vice. S u itable for
any room in th e house.
E very d e a le r e very w h ere.
If not nt voars, w rite for d es c rip tiv e circu lar to Ora
nearest A gen cy o f the
Oallantry la that sentiment which
holds up a man of 125 pounds on a
illppery walk, whan escorting » wom­
an weighing 175.
A woman’s real soareu never ehow
■f M her dlt
The e ld erly custom er, w h ose lib ra ry
had been d estroyed by fire, w a s try in g
to rep lace som e o f the ra re old books
that hud van ish ed in sm ok e a n d flame.
188 Street Front
The Social Matrons were having a
meeting to discuss the never-ending
queetion of cooks. It was the almost
unanimous opfnion of the assembly,
after an hour’s talk, that It was impos­
sible to keep a cook more than a
month without changing. “However,”
mnounced the president, "If any per
son knows of an exceptional case, let
her speak.” A writer in the Philadel­
phia Ledger tells the story:
At this the new member timidly
rose. “The exception is in my house,”
she said.
“How long have you had your cook?’
asked the president.
“Over five years.”
For a moment the others stared in
amazement; then heads began to bob
In admiration, and more heads began
to swing sidewise in vigorous distrust
Df the statement.
“Is this cook entirely satisfactory aa
a cook?”
“My husband thinks not. but she
stays, nevertheless.”
“How do you manage to keep her,
‘‘Because she won’t go.”
“A h a!”
This ejaculation, which escaped from
the president’s mouth, was flashed like
magic through the meeting until it be­
came a huge wave.
regarded the new
member with half-pity, half-scorn.
“Mrs. Smith,” said she, the next mo­
ment, ‘instead of advancing a case In
vhlch a long-sought solution might
have been found, you expose yourself
is being worse off than any of your
sisters. You show that by allowing
this cook to stay over the month you
have enabled the menial to attain and
hold an ascendency over you and your
husband— Just the thing this society
has so long fought against! No doubt
you regret your position, Mrs. Smith ’*
"I do not!” she replied, bridling
through the sniffs and tart Insinua­
tions that scintillated about her. "I
im the cook!”
i.«a r r a
Thaw Declared Bankrupt.
Pittsburg, Jan. 24.— That Harry K.
Thaw is a bankrupt and that his estate
is subject to the United States bank­
ruptcy laws is held by Referee W il
Ham B. Blair, who today handed down
an opinion on the petition of Roger
O ’Nara, trustee of Thaw’s estate, for
leave to sell the bankrupt’s real and
personal property to his sister, Alice
Americans Win Again.
Copley Thaw, at private sale.
Boston, Jan. 25.— That nearly 90 per
petition was opposed by N ew York
cent of the $ 22 , 000,000 to be paid by
the Argentine Republic for the build­
ing of the dreadnoughts in American
Sugar Weighers Stay In Jail.
shipyards will go for labor, and only
New York, Jan. 24.— Judge Lacom-
10 per Cent for material, is estimated
be, in the United States Circuit court
here semi-officially. One of the ships
here, denied today the application of
will be built at Quincy, Mass., and the
the four men now serving a sentence
other at Camden, N. J., Each will be
of,’» year’s imprisonment on Black­
570 feet long with a displacement of
w ell’s island for conspiracy to defraud
28,000 tons and will have a speed of 26
the government in the weighing of su­
knots, and 40,000 horse power.
gar on the docks in Brooklyn to be re­
leased on bail pending the hearing of
Woman Secures Bia Damages
Denver, Jan. 25.— Miss Jennie Ros­ the motion of an appeal.
en, a young woman of this city, whose
When the hovels ere constipated, poi- leg was broken and who received other
■onous lubstancet ere absorbed into the injuries when she was struck by a Den­
bloodinitead of being daily removed from ver A Rio Grande railroad train, was
the body i t nature intended. Knowing
this dinger, doctors always inquire about today awarded a verdict for $13,224 by
the condition of the bowels. Ayer’» Pill». a jury in her suit for damages against
the railroad.
V . i l k , IS . 1. 0. i f » O... L .W .U . » M l —
P h i la d e l p h i a W o m a n
G i v e « C o stly
I n a t r u u ie u t to Y o n o v V i o li n is t .
Standard Oil Company
( In c o r p o r a t a d j