Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 20, 1910, Image 3

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K »W ll* h
A * follows.
W e never charge
commission nor (lrayuge.
want your good fa t hogs, veal
and chickens.
Dressed Veal up to 130 lbs
L a rge Veal Less.
Dressed pork, any s iz e .. ..
L iv e H ens....... ................
Dressed H ens.....................
L iv e Ducks........................
Dressed G eese...................
Dressed T u rk eys................
Taka L A X A T IV E BROMO Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W
GROVE'S signature in on each box.
P o s s ib le
P h y a lt'ln u a
C o ffe e .
L e e fu r
lllu a .
“ No, sir," said the recruiting officer;
" I’ m sorry to say your boy won’t do
at all for the navy.”
’’W hy not?” usked the lad’s father.
“ He's cross eyed.”
"Yes, I know that, but his eyes are
crossed at such a peculiar angle that
I thought you might be able to use him
as a range Under.”— Chicago Tribuns.
Medical students In Japan must have
had eleven or tw elve years o f pre­
lim inary training in the lower schools.
No one may practice medicine who haft
been convicted of a crime. A ll physi­
cians for the first ten years during
which they follow their calling must
A N p u rlln s Chance.
keep full written records of all their
" I ’ll teach you to play at pitch and
cases, and they must not issue boast­
ful advertisements or claim the exclu­ toss!” shouted the enraged
sive right to any healing Invention " I ’ll flog you for an hour, I w ill!”
‘‘ Father,” instantly said the incor­
with a secret formula.
rigible. as he balanced a penny on his
thumb and finger, " I ’ll toss you to
O v e r r u n II d e u c e .
"W hat is the title of this picture?" make It two hours or nothing.’’—
Cassell’s Journal.
Inquired tho connoisseur
** ‘The Night Express Leaving
Tim e,*” said tho proud owner of tho
Pettit’s Eye Salve.
N o m atter how badly the eyes m i)
"M ay I ask what It cost you?**
be diseased or injured, restores normal
” 1 paid 1150 for It.”
conditions. A ll druggists or Howarc
“ Well, you got l e f t “
Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.
a c t s $ew \Vy
^ tow v %
OTtWc bowcYs, c\eax\s<&
\Y\ g s \/ s \ cy \\. <$cc\ua\Yy;
assists ouGWGvocGomvn^
WbWxxaX cQ\\sb\>aX\ovi
To C q \ \Y s bcwcJvcivaV
ojJtc\s.Q\wa\/s buy t\ve
C arolin a.
Colonel Peterby met his colored gar­
dener, Jim Webster, a short time ago.
Jim had been recently married. "How
do you like matrimony, Jim?” asked
Colonel Peterby.
Jim shook his head dubiously.
"W h at’s the matter?”
"Y e r see, boss, before we were mar­
ried, when I knocked at de dore she
used ter say, ‘Am dat you, honey
"N o w when I come home she bawls
out, ‘Clean off dem boots before you
comes In dat dore, you black m oke!’ "
— Baltimore News.
N o A c c o u n t i n g ; f o r 1'aMen.
Fair Malden— Can’t I sell you a cou­
ple of tickets to our charity concert!
Only $2 for the two.
Irritable Capitalist— I don’t care foi
charity concerts, young lady, but it
you’ll bring me a couple of boxes oi
fine charity strawberries I’ll give you
$5 apiece for them.
«ien vH w e,
F ig S y r u p Co.
Q uarrel
W att Smarter— Bought your Christ­
mas presents yet?
O. Heezall W right— Mine? I think 1
have, at last— by proxy. My w ife told
me this morning she wanted just one
more dollar to buy one or two little
articles she had overlooked.
S core.
W h e r e P e p ym W o n l a m e .
"Norah, there are too many young
‘•Who was the fellow Pepys, and
Bien coming here to see you.”
"Y e ’re right, ma’am. I’ve made up 1 what Is his claim to fame?”
"H is claim to fame is well founded,
me mind to shake all o f ’em exceptin’
Mike. He wants me to marry Mm, an’ my friend. He’s the man who kept a
* think I will. Afther next week, ma’am. diary for more than a year.”— Kansas
1 City Journal.
•Ml be needin’ another enrr’l ”
T h e K in d Y o u H ave A lw a y s llo u g h t lias b o r n e th e sign a­
tu re o f C bas. i i . F le t c h e r , am i b e e b e e n m a d e u n d e r his
person al su p ervision f o r o v e r iiO y e a r s. A llo w n o o n e
t o d eeeiv o y ou in th is. C o u n te rfe its , Im ita tion s a n d
J u st-a s-g rood 99 a r e b u t E x p erim en ts, a n d e n d a n g e r th e
h ea lth o f C h ild ren —E x p e r ie n c e a g a in s t E x p e rim e n t.
C astoriu is n h arm less su b stitu te f o r C a stor O il, P a r e ­
g o ric , D ro p s am i S o o th in g S yrups. I t is P lea sa n t. I t
coiitu in s n e ith e r O p iu m , M o rp h in e n o r o th e r N a rc o tic
su bsta n ce. Its ajro Is Us g u a ra n tee. I t d e s t r o y . W o r m s
an d allays F ev erish n ess. I t c u r e . D iarrh oea a n d W iu d
C olie. I t reliev es T e e th in g T r o u b le s , c u r e . C on stip a tion
nm l F la tu len cy . I t assim ila tes th e F o o d , reg u la tes th e
S tom ach am i llo w e ls , giving: h ealthy a m i n a tu ra l sleep .
T h e C h ild ren ’ s l ’ a u a cca —T h e M o th e r ’ s F riem l.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Signature of
w #
Y e a rs.
A flavoring used the same as lemon or vanilla.
By dissolving granulated sugar in water and
adding Mapleine, a delicious syrup is made and
a syrup better than maple. Mapleine is sold by
grocers. I f not send 35c for 2 oz. bottle and
recipe book. Crescent Mfg. Co., Seattle, W o.
o p
Highest Quality
2 d O u n ce s fo r 2 d
An extract from the laondon Chro®-
tele proven that the English can take
I a Joke In a sportsmanlike way.
The American opinion of coffee as
I understood In the English home Is not
high, and how the coffee o f the Eng­
lish lodgings Is esteemed may be un­
derstood from tho following traveler's
Proposed Change In Si/e of Apple
It was his first morning In London
Boxes Hds Small Chance.
‘‘apartments.’’ i^ d his landlady came
! up with the breakfast, and as she set
I down his cofTee cup she opened a slight
Hawley K e e p s W a t c h en d S h o u ld it
{ conversation
A p p e a r B e f o r e C o n g r e s s A g a in
“ It lookB like rain,’* she said.
" I t does,'* agreed the American, “ ana
It W ill B e R id d le d W ith A d v e r s e
i t doesn't even smell unlike I t "
F a c t s — M e a s u r e W a s a B lo w at
C e n ts
M ade from pure, carefully tested
materials. Get a can on trial
Y o u never ta w such cakes
and biscuit They’ll open
y o u r eyca .
'G a a r a . t e c R
a a d a r a ll
F m Food Law .
W e s te r n F ru it G r o w e r s .
Washington, Jan. 18.— The Lafean
apple-packing bill, intended to drive
Oregon and other western apples out
o f eastern markets, lies dormuut in the
house committee on agriculture, ind
thus far there has been no indication
that it is to be pressed for considera­
tion. The bill Is not a new one. In
one form or another it has been intro­
duced in several successive congresses,
but never yet has it received consid­
eration at the hands o f any committee
to which it has been referred. I f Mr.
Lafean has any intention o f urging
its consideration this session, he has
given no intimation of his purpose to
the chairman o f the committee on ag­
riculture, and without
request from
him the committee will take no notice
o f his bill.
The Lafeun bill in its present shape
seemingly stands no chance of passage.
The radical and revolutionary charac
ter o f its requirements and the mani­
fest object sought to be attained are
suflicient to guarantee a fight against
it in committee, and it is doubtful if
the bill could be reported to the house,
but, should a report be made, it would
only be after the bill had been mate­
rially amended, so as to remove the
more objectionable features. But more
than this, it is seriously questioned
whether congress will feel disposed to
enter upon the regulation of the size
and contents o f packages
in which
foodstuffs are shipped in interstate
commerce. Such legislation
was not
attempted under the pure food law,
and it is not believed to be the pur
[»ose of congress at this late day to
set a precedent such as would be es-
tablished by the passage o f the Lafean
Representative Lafean introduced his
bill in the last congress, it was re­
ferred to the committee on interstate
and foreign commerce and there died
without ever being considered. In the
special session last spring he reintro­
duced it, and again on January 5 in­
troduced it with some changes. The
latest bill, so far as the western apple
country is concerned, is quite as ob­
noxious as any o f its predecessors, for
it, provides that boxés in which applfes
are packed for shipment out o f the
state in which they are grown must
have a capacity o f not less than 2342
cubic inches, the figures named in pre­
vious bills. But in addition to defin­
ing the capacity o f apples boxes, the
new bill fixes the standard capacity of
apple baskets and barrels, the former
to be o f the same capacity as boxes,
2342 inches, and the barrels to be of
the following dimensions: “ Length of
stave, 28*4 inches; diameter o f head,
17V& inches; distance between heads,
2fi inches; circumference o f bulge, Ü4
inches. ’ ’
The obnoxious feature o f the bill, so
fa r as the western apple growers are
concerned, is that fixing the standard
fo r boxes. Mr. Lafean, for some rea­
son, has arbitrarily chosen a box con­
taining 2342 cubic inches; the Winches­
ter bushel, the recognized standard in
the United
States, contains 2150.4
cubic inches.
the Lafean
box calls for 192 cubic inches in ex­
cess of a bushel. Why such a figure
should have been adopted is a mystery
to the members o f the committee. Mr.
Lafean has never offered any explana­
tion, yet he apparently is the only man
in congress interested in this bill.
Chairman Scott of the committee has
assured Mr. Hawley he will do noth
ing with the bill unless urged to do so
by its author, and, i f request is pre
ferred, Mr. Hawley will be notified in
time to enable representatives o f the
western apple growers to come to
Washington and present their protests
to the committee. But until Mr. La
fean demands such action, it seems un­
necessary for such representatives to
make the trip to Washington or to de
Forest Service Bureau Approve Sale of
14,000,000 Feet.
Dunsmuir, Cal., Jan. 18.— The bureau
o f forest service o f the department of
agriculture has -approved the sale of
14,000,000 feet o f standing timber in
the Shasta national forest reserve.
The sale was made for $31,000 to
the Castle Lake Lumber company o f
Castella, and consists o f a quantity of
yellow pine at $3 per thousand feet,
sugar pine at $4 per thousand feet, and
Douglas fir at $1.50 per thousand feet.
The object o f the sale is to remove
the dead, «lying and matured timber
in the reserve, leaving sufficient stand
ing timber to reproduce a supply of
the particular kind most desired.
Tourist Rates to Stand.
Chicago, Jan. 18.— A special commit
tee appointed fo r the purpose o f con
sidering reduced rates for 1910 held a
meeting today and decided to report in
favor o f retaining the same rates for
homeseekers ami tourists as prevailed
during 1909. It was unable to arrive
at an agreement regarding reduced
rates for other purposes. The Trans
continental Passenger association meets
January 28 and will then consider the
question o f reduced rates. The com­
mittee will attend that meeting, and,
.following it, will formulate a report to
be made to western lines.
Steamer Fairhavt n Rescues A ll on Board
in N ick o f Time.
Sau Francisco, Jan. 18.— Captain Paul
Rappcmundt, his w ife and 3 months
old child, his lti year old sou, Paul.
Rappemuudt, Jr., and the entire crew
o f seven o f the wrecked schooner Sau
Buena Ventura, have beeu saved from
the sea. They arrived in San Francisco
harbor touight on the steamer Fair
haven, ami the first news o f them re
coived since their vessel drifted ashore
Friday at the mouth o f Rogue river
came from the Fairhaven's signal flags
as the steamer steered in through the
Uoldeu Cate.
The party was taken from the sink­
ing, water-logged lumber schooner after
three days o f hardship and suffering.
They had about despaired o f their
chances o f escaping death in the ocean,
when the Fairhaven hove in sight just
before dusk Friday afternoon, and the
rescue was accomplished despite the
heavy sea that was running.
First Mate Erickson, o f the Han
Buena Ventura, was seriously injured
on Wednesday afternoon, when tho
cargo of lumber shifted. Three of his
ribs were fractured, and it is probable
that he is internally injured. J. Cos*
siovey, one of the seamen, sustained an
injury o f the right hand. These were
the only casualties.
When the Fairhaven sighted the dis­
abled schooner Captain Paulson sent
Second M ate Johann Silversten and
four men to the rescue in a lifeboat.
A fte r an exciting battle with the heavy
seas the small boat reached the side of
the doomed vessel.
Mrs. Rappemuudt and her son were
taken into the lifeboat. Then Mate
Erickson was lifted over the side. One
by one the members o f the crew, nearly
exhausted after their many hours at
the pumps, deserted the wrecked craft;
but Captain Rappcmundt refused to
leave the ship.
“ S h e'll stay afloat for a week yet,
and I ’ll stay with h e r,'' he shouted to
his men. They pleaded with him in
vain, and it was not until Mrs. Rappc-
muudt threatened to leap into the sea
with her three-months-old baby in her
arms that the ship’s master finally
Throws Open Two Cities, Regardless o f
Japan’ s Protests.
Pekin, Jan. 18.— China has opened
Hun Chun and Lungchin-sun, in Chien-
tao, Manchuria, to international trade,
notwithstanding the fact that an agree-
inen has not been reached with Japan
regarding the matter of tariffs to be
collected on the Corean-Mauchurian
The question o f tariffs w ill come up
for settlement soon.
p p 0 m
1 3 2
1 8 0
Ib S .
I .a «it C h a n c e .
She was shopping. She drifted Into
W o n d e r f u l l y B u ilt U p a t S m a ll C o s t. the place where they sell blankets.
was deposited and
The number o case* of g aerai debility Roll after
in which Hood's Hursupu.* la has proved spread outt before her. Sill, she list­
Just the medit ine that was ne ded is ve y lessly asked for more. Finally, with
great. Mr. E. H. Fry, I van hoe, Va., de­ brazen face, she
remarked, U9 she
scribes his case ami tells what this medi­ rose:
cine did for him, in the f II »wing testimo­
"Oh, well; I don’t really mean to
nial: " I mum all run down and weighed
buy any. I was only looking for a
only 132 pound-. 1 took Hood's Harsa; a-
rilla, anti before the first bottle was fini-hed friend.”
"P ra y wait a moment, ma’am,” said
began to improve, and when I hod taken
six bottles was wonderfully built up and the attendant, suavely, “ there’s is one
weighed 180 pounds.”
more blanket on the shelf. Perhaps
Get Hood's Har-upanlla today. In usual your friend is in that.” — Tit-Bits.
liquid form or tablets ral e Harsataba.
Mother« will find Mn. Winslow's Bathing
Byrup th** b- st remedy to use fur their chUurea
T a r lfltc !
during the teething period.
R ivers (who is writing an article on
Im ports)— Suy, Brooks, what's the rate
I r r m i P r o b a b le .
on automobiles?
“ They’ve found a new cure for con­
Brooks— In the suburb where I Eve
it’s not less than forty miles an hour.
"W h at Is It?”
"W hat Is crotalin?”
PAZO OINIMENT in guarantee! to cure uny cast*
"Rattlesnake poison.”
of Itching, blind. HI«-«*«ling or Protruding Piles in
6 to 14 days or money refunded.
"W ell, it’s true that a man who has
been bitten by a rattlesnake Is not
F u r H um I i I i i k P u r p o s e s .
likely to die of consumption.”
'‘Money talks,” said the alderman
from the ’Steenth ward, winking slow­
The next tim e you have a cold on the
ly with his left eye.
"W ell, if this does any talking.” lungs try rubbing W izard O il on your
whispered the promoter, handing it chest and see how quickly it w ill draw
over, “It will be the lust you’ll ever out the inflammation and break up the
W bof
T h e M e n in t h e O v e n .
For who, to dumb forgetfulness a prey,
"H ow came such a greasy mess In
That letter In his pocket e’er resign­
:he oven?" said a fidgety old spinster
Without receiving, on some later day, :o her maid of all work.
‘‘ Why,’’ replied the girl, ‘‘the candles
A good-sized portion of somebody’s
fell Into the water and I put them Into
’.ha oven to dry.” — London Tatler.
C u o ln e a *
lic i t * ecu T h e m
N ow .
" D o yo u m ean to t e ll m e, c o lo n e l,
y o u a r e 53?
W h y , I sh o u ld n ’t h a v e
ta k e n y o u to b e o v e r 40.”
“ I fea r, m a d a m , y o u a r e n o t a g o o d
Ju dge o f a g e s .”
" O , yes, I am , c o lo n e l; bu t I th o u g h t
I ’d lie Just a little , to p le a s e y o u .”
D R. M A R T E L ’S F E M A L E P IL L S .
S e v e n te e n Y e a r s the Standard.
Prescribed and recommended for women's ail­
ment«—a scientifically prepared remedy of proven
worth. The result from th'-ir use is quick and
permanent. For sale at all drug stores.
N u t ( h r O n ly
Stop It! And why not? Fill­
ing hair is a disease, a regular
disease; and Ayer’ s Hair Vigor,
as made from our new im­
proved formula, quickly and
completely destroys that dis­
ease. The hair stops falling
out, grows more rapidly, and
all dandruff disappears.
Does not chanre the color o f the hair.
W ornala with «aoh botti*
Show It to yoar
Ask bin ab*at It,
then do ss h* u j l
The little book in each package gives
j the formula of our new Hair Vigor, telli
why each ingredient is used, and ex­
plains many other interesting things.
After reading you willknow why this new
hair preparation does its work so well.
T rees
O ld .
F ie n d is h ly
T h e M is s u s — N o r a h , h o w m a n y f a m ­
ilie s h a v e yo u e v e r w o r k e d fo r ?
T h e M a id — W u r r u k e d , is it, m a ’a m ?
I ’ ll h a v e y o u k n o w , M rs. P a - a r k e r , I ’ ve
w u r r u k e d f r iv e r y fa m 'ly I i v e r liv e d
w i t h ! ” — C h ic a g o T r ib u n e .
Patience— You ought to Juat see her j
in her new hat! It Improves her looks j
Patrice— Oh, Is It one of those things j
that entirely hide the face?— Yonkers 188 Street front
W ork ed .
" W h i l e w e w e r e on m y h o n e y m o o n
I a lw a y s sp o k e F r e n c h to m y h u sband
so th a t no o n e sh o u ld u n d ersta n d us.”
By the terms o f an agreement be­
“ S o yo u w e n t to F r a n c e , did y o u ? ”
tween China and Japan, signed Septem­
— F lie g e n d e B la e tte r .
ber 4, 1909, among other things the
Tumen river was designated the boun­
You Can Get Allen’ s Eoot-Ease PRCC.
dary line between China and Corea,
W rite Allen s. O lm stsd .L t Boy, N. Y . , fora
and several towns in Chientao, which i free sample of A llen ’s Foot-Ease. It cures
were given to China, were to be opened 'sw eatin g, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes
or tigh t shoes easy. A certain cure for
to the residence and trade o f foreign­ new
corns. Ingrow ing nails and bunions. A ll drug­
ers. Among these towns are Hun Chun gists s e lllt. 25c. Don’ t accept any substitute
and Lungchin-sun.
Various dissensions in carrying out
P h ilo s o p h ic .
the terms o f the agreement have arisen,
The Grumbler— Seems to me it’s
such as the immigration o f Coreans into about time something was coming my
Chientao. By the terms o f the agree­ way.
ment, China was to have suzerainty
The Philosopher— Be thankful, my
over the Coreans there, o f whom there
are about 70,000. Japan fe lt her con­ friend, lest the something which
trol of Corea was in a measure threat­ doesn’t come your way is something
ened bv this. Another hitch was caused you deserve.— Cleveland Plain Dealer.
by the question o f tariffs. So the open­
ing of the designated towns, promised
by January 1, was delayed. Both na­
tions reeognize, however, that sooner
or later in the course of progress these
towns must be opened, and China's
present declaration is not thought to
"F o r over nine years I suffered with chronic
portend any serious clash with Japan.
constipation and during this time I had to take
The importance o f the opening of an injection o f warm water once every 34 hours
Hun Chun to foreign commerce is ap­ before I could have an action on my b o w e l s
Happily I tried Ca.scarets, and today I am a w e ll
parent when it is understood that the man. During the nine year9 before I used
town is nine miles northeast o f the Cascareis I suffered untold misery with Internal
Corean boundary, 35 miles above tho plisa. Thanks to you. I am free from all that
mouth o f the Tumen river, and less than this morning You can use this in behalf of
suffering humanity
B. F. Fisher, Roanoke, I1L
100 miles from Vladivostok.
Doctor Says N ew Anesthetic K ills Chi­
cago Patient.
Chicago, Jan. 18. — Stovaine, ac­
cording to a coroner's physician, Dr.
Warren M. Hunter, caused the death o f
John Rohrty at the county hospital last
Rohrty was operated on for a frac­
tured knee cap, and died an hour after
he was taken off the operating table.
Dr. Hunter has made a post-mortem
examination o f the body, and an in ­
quest probably will be held tomorrow.
“ Death was caused by stovaine and
external violen ce,'' said Dr. Hunter.
“ The fractured knee cap forms all the
external violence marks that the body
showed, and that in itself would not
cause death, of course.''
Dr. Hunter referred to the new an­
aesthetic recently demonstrated in Chi­
cago by Dr. Thomas Jonnesco, as “ a
medical gold b rick .''
Havemeyer Chief Caught.
New York, Jan. 17.—Charles R.
Heike, secretary o f the American Sugar
Refining company, with five other em­
ployes o f the company indicted by the
federal grand jury for conspiracy to
defraud the United States by entering
false weights of sugar, will be arraigned
on Monday. The case o f Heike, who
was in the confidence o f the late II. O.
Havemeyer, the master mind of the so
called sugar trust, will be moved with
all possible expedition, and the federal
prosecutors think the trail they are on
may lead even to others higher up.
You can’t sow thistles and
reap figs. If you plant
Ferry’s Seeds you
grow exactly what
you expect and in
a profusion
and perfec­
tion never
She— Oh. my, yes; I ’m taking l e »
sons in aviation already.— Boston Her»
Just llc fo re
He Swears Off.
M a n w a n ts a g r e a t d ea l h ere b e lo w .
( T h e p o e t h ath It w r o n g .)
H e w a n ts a lo t — th e m a n yo u k n o w —
A n d w a n ts it go o d a n d s tro n g .
u T z E R
Portland, Oregon
18,000 T o r s , B ran d N e w
and S u p e rb ly F itte d
1 ■
I \
R ound the world
O N E S T E A M E R for th e E n tire Cruise ;
of nearly four months, costing only $650 and up.
including all necessary expenses.
ROUTE: Japan, China, Philippines, Borneo,
lava. Burma, India. ( eylon, Egypt, Italy, etc.
An unusual chance to visit unusually attractive
"'“ “
d o t
February 5, 1910, by S. S. ‘‘Grosser Kurfuerst,”
73 days, including 24 days Egypt and Palestine.
$400 up, inclu ling; hotels, shore excursions, etc.
Times Bldg.
New York
At Prices that Defy Competition
is not a “ food"—it is * medicine, nml tl.
only medicine in the world for cows on j
Made for the cow and, as its name indicate
a Cow Cure.
B.i renews, retained aftei
birth, abortion, scours, caked udder, and al
similar affections positive y and quirkl
cured. No one who keeps cows, wlietle
ninnv or few, can afford to be without K» »\N
KURD. It is made especially to keen cow
hea thy. Our book “ Cow Money” sent FRET
Ask your local dea'er for K O W -K U R E or set -
to the manu far turers.
Lyido«ville. V
. . . . . . 500
VINLE8 S E X T R A C TIO N ......
50c up
LV E R F IL L IN G S .................
$1.00 up
OLD FILLIN G S ...................
)OD RUBBER P L A T E .........
>ut-of-town patients can obtain perfect work
ul save money by calling at our oilice.
O S T U D E N rS
All work guaranteed for ten years
32JW Washington St.. Cor. Sixth
‘ tablishud 15 years
Here to stag
naln!ess Dentistr
! Out o f town per
[ can have their p.
and brid go work 1
' lube ! in one t
n **re«rarY.
! \V- will give you • r
J H 22k gold or p -
crown for
$ 3 .!
Detroit Pîlch.
M olar C row ni
5 .1
22k Bridge Teeth
3. v
Gold Filling*
1 .1
j Enamel Filling*
I Silver Fillings
When You’ re Hoarse Use
1 .C
. 5
Inlay Filling*
Good Rubber
_ n ,
5 .0
Best Red 'N b - •
««. W. A Will.
»• «.■>•«
*1 y u m iiTtiusNie ia r*«n*i«
. bV har"
Painles* Extr non . 0 k
F O R 13 Y E A R S
1 ainleae Extract ion Iren w bon plate* or bridgo wor
a o r d ...................
e r o d . O o n e a lt
a t io n Free.
F r e o , Yon cannot g«t l>*«tt
A ll work
ninlcM work done > anywhere. ...........
= -----
- -, guar
n n te e d .
m usa w m iu m
(¿ lu u t ln g .
S o m e E x c e lle n t R o o m s
S till on S a le fo r
experience j
make them rc- j
r liable. Frr sale ;
cvcryva'icrc. Ferry’s
. 1910 Seed Annccl
free on request
G iv e * im m ediate relief.
T h e hi :
d o te relieve* your aching throat and
allay* the irritation. G uaranteed I
contain no opiate*. V e r y palatable
A ll Druggists, 2 5 c.
It n ln .
Catalogue for
the Asking
Send for It.
CUT TH IS OUT. mail it with your ad­
dress to the Sterling Remedy Company,
Chicago. 111., and rec iv<* a handsome sou­
venir Gold Bon Bon FREE.
llr o a ^ h t
In lower Egypt rain fell very sel­
dom. During the French occupation,
about 1789, it did not rain for sixteen
months, but since Mahomet A ll and
Ibrahim Pasha completed their vast
plantations— the former alone planted
more than 20,000,000 olive, fir, cotton,
acacia, plane trees, etc.— there mow
falls a good deal o f rain.
N o t l l n i u l i n s O u t S t a t is t ic s .
S p it e f u l.
Mad* by tbe J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, M u i.—
" I hear, my boy, that you have late­
" Y o u ’ v e m a d e m o n e y by carrying a
ly told your mother several falsehoods.
p e d d le r ’s p a ck a n d s e llin g notions from
This grieves me to the heart. Always h ou se to h o u s e ? ”
tell the truth, even though It may
" I h a v e .”
bring suffering upon you. W ill you
" W h a t ’s th e s e c r e t ? ”
"It all d ep en d s on the way you uss
promise me?”
your voice. Alw ays put on the soft
"Yes, father."
"V e ry well. Now go and see who peddle."
Is knoc king at the door. I f it's the j
A H itch C o u rs e .
collector, say I ’m not at home."— De­
He— Do you believe in the higher
troit News-Tribune.
education for girls,
O n e.
T h e C o u rt— E p h ra im , th is
th e
fo u r th o r fifth t im e yo u h a v e b e e n up
b e fo r e m e fo r p e t t y la rc e n y .
Y o u a re
an o ld o ffe n d e r.
U n c le E p h r ’ m — Y e s , su h ; it ’s a b o u t
as to u g h a Job to r e fa w m m e a s it is
d e S ta n d a h d
O il
c o m p ’ n y.— C h ic a g o
T r ib u n e .
n h e r e la
fu r th e
When the
Hair Falls
M o d e r n elr-(^trio e q u ip m e n t .
B e e t m ot bout
Wise Denial Co*
r iu n ii* » -
Hi» P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N
BOUE*: • A. M. to a F u . • om, I M L
jt tlL k
C. Gee Wo
The Chinese Doctor
This wondefu! man has
Means sn unfailing water supply. It
means that you will have the most practi­
cal Domestic water su 'ply system now in
use No elevated lank, no frozen pipes in
winter, no stagnant w;iter in summer, no
water supply troubles o f any sort. Tank
placed in basement, out of sight and way.
made of pressed steel, will not rust and
will last a lifetime
You will be pleased with the LEADER
system of furnishing Domestic Water
Supr v A*k tor our catalogue and free
booklet. How I Solved My Water 'upply
Problem ’’
J titc M b
made a life study o f tho
properties o f Roots,
Man Dies by Blast Route.
Louisville, Ky.. J .n
18.— Floating
Herbs and Barks, and
is giving the world the
property valued at nearly $2,000.000 is
benefit o f his services.
in jeopardy. People in the low lying ing three sticks o f dynamite in the
No Mercury, Poison«
suburb o f Shipping Port are beginning front of his shirt, William A. Bennett I w ill give you full value
IE W IS & S T A V E R C O .
or Drugs Used. No
to abandon their homes, and damage to
for every dollar spent
Operations or i utting
business houses adjacent to Louisville's
an d Keep you dry In
Portland, Ore.
wharf territory is threatened by the from work Friday, handed his wife a
Guarantees to cu r« Catarrh. Asthma, Lung.
the wettest weather.
Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private
swelling waters o f the Ohio tonight. bouquet o f flowers, with the remaik:
Spokane, Wash.
Rivermen say that the ice gorge has I “ You will know what to do with them
SUITS » 3 2 2
A S U F *: C A N C E R C U R E
Boise, Idaho.
held on until the ice is grown rotten between now and M on d ay." Then he
J oat received from Pekin, China safe, aure
all the way through, and that there is
and reliable. Unfailing in Its works.
I f you cannot call, write for symptom blank
great danger that it will go out with a he drew a revolver and fired at her,'
• 3 6 2
and circular. Incloee 4 cents in stamps.
the bullet striking a corset steel, glanc­
N o. « - o a
ing off. He was arrested
More Tins o f Opium Found.
T h e C . G ee Wo M edicine C o .
Cable Breaks; No News.
A J . T o w e r C o . b o s t o n , » s
' I I K N w r it in g to a<l v e r t i « « r « p i «
Francisco, Jan.
18.— Further
T ow er C anadian C o . u . ™ to mtoca .
w m e n tio n t h is p a p er.
V-.rMi Svln.-v. N. S.. Jan. 18— As
search o f the steamship Siberia by the
customs officials today revealed 70 ad­ a result o f the breaking o f the cable
ditional tins o f
opium secreted in that connects the Magdalen islands '
various parts o f the vessel. Including with the mainland at Bay St. Lawrence,'
to d a y’s find, nearly $8000 worth of the islands are completely cut off from
opium has been found on the Siberia all communication, either by cable or
since she came into this port several otherwise, until the opening o f naviga Color more ro o d s brighter and faster colors than a n y o th e r d y e . O n e 10c p a c k a g e c o lo rs silk, w o o l and c o tto n e q u a lly w e ll
an d ia guaranteed to g iv e perfect reeulta. A s k dealer, or w e w i l l s e n d postpaid at 10c a p a ck ag e. W r it e for fre e b o o k le t
11ion in the spring.
'ilnys ago.
6 « w to dye, bleach and m is colors*
M O N R O E D R U G C O M P A N Y , Q u incy, Illinois.