Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, January 20, 1910, Image 2

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    The Estacada Profress
Interesting Event* from Outside the
State Presented In a Manner to
Catch the Eye of the Busy Reader
— Matters of National, Historical
and Commercial Importance.
One thousand farmers hold conven­
tion in Walla Walla.
Banker Walsh ia preparing to go to
prison and serve his time.
A Boise Chinaman was nearly killed
by agents of some powerful tong.
Taft and Pinchot addressed the Na­
tional Civic federatio from the same
Dismasted and helpless the ship Wil­
liam H. Smith was tuowed into harbor
on Puget sound.
The Russian government will not ac*
cept Knox's scheme for neutralizing
Manchurian railways.
The forest service bureau has ap­
proved the sale of 14,000,000 feet of
timber in the Shasta forest reserve,
for »31,000.
President Madriz, of Nicaragua, will
bring to trial everyone implicated in
the shooting of the two Americans,
Groce iaand Cannon.
The Lafean apple box bill has been
pigeonholed. If it ever appears before
congress again it will be mercilessly
slaughtered by Western congressme.
Lumber schooner Acme, from Gu
reka, crashed into the breakwater at
Los Alngeles.
Her officers declare
there were no lights on the breakwater.
It is said Pinchot has eye on presi
Los Angeles is said to be “ areonut
ty” over the aviation exhibition.
Both sides admit that the Liberals
have won in the English e'ection.
A Chicago man died under the in­
fluence of the new anesthetic, stovaine.
China has opened two towns in
Chientao, complying with Japanese
Four were killed and three were in­
jured in a freight wreck on the Illinois
Curtiss, Paulhan and Hamilton, all
execute daring aerial maneuvers in
teeth of a gale.
Roosevelt witnesses a successful
lion-spearing in east Africa. Kermit
is first white man to successfully stalk
and kill a bongo deer.
A German prince who has carefully
watched proceedings at Aviation park,
says dirigibles are the only practical
air craft yet invented.
E. H. Wemme, a Portland capital­
ist, who owned the first automobile in
the northwest, has purchased a Curtiss
areoplane and will have it on exhibi­
tion in Portland Jan. 25 to 29.
Truce arranged between Republican
regulars and insurgents in house.
The British house of lords is engaged
in a vote which means life or death.
A gigantic graft plot involving mil­
lions has been uncovered in Pittsburg.
The political situation in Spain
threatens the downfall of the present
A diver at Long Beach, Cal., won a
desperate battle with a devilfish on the
sea bottom.
Mississippi ice gorges have filled the
levees high with wreckage, and the
river is rising.
President declines to permit Repre­
sentative Mondell to introduce land
bills tagged “ by request."
C. K. Hamilton, an American avia­
tor, failed in an attempt to beat Paul-
han's altitude record of 4,166 feet.
Paulhan made a successful flight
across the country at Los Angeles, but
failed to beat Curtiss' speed record.
Both East and West are suffering
from heavy snow and floods. Trains
are snowbound throughout the Missis­
sippi states.
President’s message urges reform
of land laws, conservation of timber,
preservation of forests and improve­
ment of waterways.
A Utah mail carrier was frozen to
death sitting on his horse.
C O U N T E B F E IT E B S '
S ecret Service Officials C apture T hree
M en and Outfit.
San F rancisco, Ja n , 17.— The most
com plete coin co u n terfe itin g outfit th a t
has ev er fallen into the hands of th e
fed eral au th o ritie s was captured here
by secret service men th is afternoon,
an d w ith it th ree men were arrested.
T he secret service men adm it the seiz­
ure and a rre sts a re o f g re a t im portance
and th e resu lt of concerted effort in
follow ing tra ils leading in m any d ire c ­
The p lan t was located in a lonely
shack on the rocky sum m it of B ernal
h eig h ts, th e highest hill in the city ,
and w as cap tu red a f te r a spectacular
assault. S ecret
S ervice
O peratives
H a rry Moflit and J . M. N ye w ere on
th e case, and a f te r definitely locating
th e ir q u arry , they called C ity D etec­
tiv e s R eagan and O 'C onnell to th e ir
L ast n ig h t the d etectiv es on w atch
in th e shrub covered rocks saw fo u r
of th e men th ey had m arked en ter the
shack, b ut th e a tta c k was deferred iu
th e hope th a t o th er m em bers of the
g an g m ight come to cover.
T hey were disappointed in this, and
late th is aftern o o n C hief O perative
Moflit decided to act. C reeping on
hands and knees the fo u r officers a p ­
proached the shack, and on signal
m ade a rush, b u t th e house was well
barricaded, and they were com pelled to
b a tte r an en tran ce w ith un ax. W hile
they w ere b reak in g in th e doors, one
m em ber o f th e g an g escaped, m aking
his way down a cliff on the brink of
which the cabin stands.
The three men arre ste d gave th e ir
nam es as M ichael Angelo, Sam uel Di
Cola and Sam uel A rm an. Those are
probably assum ed names, und th ere is
reason to believo th a t a t least two of
the prisoners are im p o rtan t captures.
A fte r securing th e ir prisoners, the of
ficers exam ined th e plan t, which filled
th e little hut, and w ere astounded a t
its com pleteness and th e m echanical e x ­
cellence of the m achinery. I t was a
m in iatu re m int. T hey found alm ost
p erfe ct dies for every coin from 10
cents to $10, and lathes, saws, stam ps
and o th er accessories of the finest work
m anship.
The Stamps are said to be of alm ost
the same p a tte rn as those used in the
U nited S ta te s m ints. The larg est stam p
was so m assive it could not be carried
into the F ederal building. I t is too
pow erful for hand operation, and p ro b ­
ab ly fe a rin g the noise of a m otor or
o th e r power engine, the gang had de
vised and installed a com plicated and
ingenious system of lever and grad
uated w eights, applied by a long steel
beam . No coins or m etal w ere lound,
for th e raid was tim ed ju s t before the
p lan t was to have been placed iu oper
I t is understood th e clew followed
by the secret service operatives began
w ith the purchase of th e big stam p, and
has been follow ed fo r m onths. T hey
refuse, how ever, to say where the stam p
was bought.
“ Coins from dies identical w ith those
w-e have h e re ,’ ’ said one of th e officers,
“ are now in circulation in the east, and
m ay have been m ade w ith th is machine.
T his gang is probably p a rt of a coun­
try-w ide o rg a n iz a tio n .’ ’
E x p lo rer Gives N ew A ddress, b u t I g ­
nores A ll T elegram s S en t Him .
Copenhagen, J a n . 17.— W alter Lons­
dale, Dr. C ook’s secretary , an d th e last
of the e x p lo re rs’ friends, has now lost
confidence in the doctor. L onsdale says
the last le tte r from Cook w as d ated in
a c ity in southern S pain, D ecember 24.
It g ave an o th er address to which Lons­
dale could telegraph, and prom ised a
long le tte r of detailed inform ation.
L onsdale since has telegraphed several
tim es to th e address given, but received
no reply, nor the prom ised le tte r. The
so litary notebook sen t the commission
was received from M rs. Cook December
21, from the sam e c ity in S pain. Lons­
dale has ne idea w here Cook is now.
L onsdale w as p riv a te se cre ta ry to
U nited S ta te s M in ister E gan up to tho
tim e o f the a rriv a l here of Dr. Cook,
w ith whom he then associated him self
in a sim ilar confidential cap acity . He
accom panied th e explorer to the U nited
S tates, m ade the ty p e w ritte n duplicate
of the polar records, and brought the
d a ta here for exam ination by th e uni
versify com m ittee. He h a s ' rem ained
loyal to his em ployer u n til now. when,
he says, he is beginning to doubt him.
L onsdale estim ates th a t Cook cleared
$50,000 from the ex p lo itatio n o f his
Arctic, rep u tatio n .
In san e A fte r T rip to N orth.
C leveland, J a n . 17.— I)r. F rederick
A. C ook's sto ry o f tho discovery of
the e a r t h ’s apex was the result of polar
insanity, according to Rev. B. E. Rowe,
Episcopal bishop of A laska. Bishop
Rowe said th a t both C ook's rem arkable
sto ry and Com m ander I’e a r v ’s fram e
of mind upon h earin g th at story, read
ilv can be a ttrib u te d to th e loneliness,
th e grayness and th e silence of the
north. “ All men come from the polar
The National Livestock association le w ith th eir nerves s h a tte re d ,”
said th e bishop, “ and in A laska wo
has endorsed Pinchot’s policies.
send home 50 men an n u ally a f te r the
A Nicaraguan rebel army confronts long w in ter, th e ir m inds com pletely
the government forces and a battle is w recked.”
$10.000,000 M erger Made.
Japanese Ambassador declares his
Chicago, J a n . 17.—The M itchell Mo­
government will stand by America's
tor Car com pany, m akers of th e M itch­
Taft is reported to be trying to re­ ell autom obile, and the M itchell Sc
store harmony by making peace with Lewis Co., L td ., m akers of farm and
p rin g wagons since 1834, am algam ated
the insurgents.
Henry S Graves has been appointed
chief forester. He is a friend of Pin­
chot, and served under him.
Paulhan broke the altitude records
at Los Angeles, rising nearly a mile.
Cutisa broke the speed record.
The steamer Czarina was wrecked
at the entrance to Coos Bay and 30
men are believed to be lost. One man
drifted ashore and was picked up un­
conscious. The steamer struck in the
same place as the old Arago, lost 13
years ago.
The New York academy of medicine
la planning to eradicate the common
boues ftt, claiming that it spreads all
kinds of contagious diseases.
It is the present prediction of lum-
befmen that more timber will be cut
la the lower Columbia river district
this year than ever before and at
highar prices.
Russian exploi-rs have found in Tur­
kestan the ruins c f a subterreanean
eity built by a highly civilized people
before the Christian era, entrance to
which was effected by caves.
today a t Racine. T he new concern,
which will be known ns th e M itchell
Lewis M otor C ar com pany, is c a p ita l­
ized at $10,000,000. The facilitie s of
the two concerns, which are b u ilt close
together, will perm it the m anu factu re
of all bodies, springs, castin g s and
every p art and detail of pleasure cars,
m otor tru ck s and farm wagons.
N ew Y ork Snowed U nder.
New Y ork, Ja n . 17.— N ine lives were
lost and six persons were injured in
one of th e worst storm s th a t ever v is­
ited New Y ork C ity. The to tal snow
fall a t 10 o 'clock today, when the skies
cleared, was 141^ inches, second only
to th e storm of 1H99, when 15% inches
fell, and of 1HH8, in which y e a r Roscoej
C onkling lost his life, when 20.9 inches
fell. E ighteen thousand men have been
p ut to work clearin g the stre e ts, in
o rd er th a t traffic m ay be resum ed.
G allagher Seen in Rome.
San Francisco. Ja n . 17.— A ccording
to a p riv a te le tte r received in th is eity,
ex S upervisor Jam es L. G allagher, th e
s ta r w itness in th e Calhoun case, for
whom a w arra n t has been issued, was
recen tly seen in Rome.
Severe Weather
Crews Are Busy.
Railroad Fifteen
Madras—Blasting is hesrd at fre­
quent intervals down Willow creek can­
yon where the Oregon Trunk Lne is
boring two tunnels through the rock.
Porter & Clarkson, who have the con­
tract for constructing
the Oregon
Trunk up Willow creek, have three
campa fully established between Mad­
ras and Deschutea, although they aie
not yet carrying very large crews,
as it is difficult to get laborers to come
in during the cold and somewhat uncer­
tain weather. .At the present time
there is a force of about 160 men.
Porter Broa. are receiving daily
large consignments of supplies. Judg­
ing from present indications they will
be prepared by the .time the weather
breaks to have the Willcw creek and
Deschutes canyons overflowing with
workmen between Madras and the
mouth of Trout creek.
The roads are in fine Bhape for
freighting, being almost like pave­
ment, although icy, and horses are re­
quired to be sharp shod in order to re­
tain their footing.
New Water Company Formed.
Thousand Acre Project in
Rogue River Valley.
Medford—Options have been taken
on over 16,000 acres of land in Sams
valley during the past two weeks,
prices ranging between $40 and $200
per acre. The options were taken by
different individuals who are said to
represent a San Francisco syndicate.
Over $1,500,000 is involved in the
It is generally believed in the city
that a syndicate of San Frsnciaco cap­
italists plans to take over the tract,
develop it and place it on the markeL
One of the places which has been bond­
ed is that of San McClendon, consist­
ing of 604 acres, for $50,000.The Med­
ford National hank is the local institu­
tion where the options are made pay­
Land Deal Creates New Town.
Laidlaw—H. H. Humphrey, of Ken­
newick, Wash., and Mrs. Carra Kirk-
ham-Swafford of this place have
bought the two Awbery falls and the
B, F. Nichols falls on the Deachutes
river, close to (.aid law, and contracted
for the purchase of nearly 1,000 acres
of land adjoining the present town site
of Laidlaw. The consideration for
the water power sites was $50,000.
The land has a frontage of three miles
on the Deschutes river.
Work on the power project at the
falls will begin immediately, it is said,
and be rushed forward as rapidly as
possible. There is possible of develop­
ment an estimated horsepower of be­
tween 40,000 and 50,000.
It is the
purpose to generate power for trolley
lines, heating and other domestic uses
The land will be laid out into town-
site an orchard tracts. It is the inten­
tion to plat the new townsite and orch­
ard tracts on the boulevard system.
No name has been decided on for the
new townsite. The owners have decid­
ed to give a prize of $25 to the pereon
submitting the namethat will be ac­
cepted by the board of judges, who
will canvas the names the first of
March. Each person is entitled to
submit one name. The name must be
mailed to the Chronicle, at Laidlaw.
Hermiston—With a view to cooperat­
ing with the Western Land and Irriga­
tion company promoting the govern­
ment teclamation of the land west of
the Umatilla river, an association has
been organized under the name of the
Western Umatilla River Water Users’
association and incorporated with a
capital stock of $10,000.
The new
company represents settlers with hold­
ings under the Western Land and Irri
gat on company and also those having
land that will come under the govern­
ment ditch if the proposed extension of
the Umatilla project is completed.
The board of directors and officers of
the organization are C. D. Teel, presi­
dent; R. C. Canfield, vice-president; J.
W. Campbell, secretary, and Thomas
Hurlburt, treasurer.
The lands that the new association
will water cover about 10,00(1 acres
and in case the governmeqt takes over
the lands for reclamation the tract will
embrace more than 10,000 acreB,
Klamath May Get New Courthouse.
most of which is now a barren waste.
Klamath Falls—It is the intention of
the county cou t to erect a new court­
Umatilla-Morrow Poultry Show.
Pendleton—Local fanciers of feath­ house during the year 1910. While
ered stock are making active prepara­ no definite action has been taken it is
tions for the first annual Uinatilla- safe to say that the new courthouse
Morrow poultry show, to be held in will be located in the Hot Springs ad­
this city Janusry 25, 26 and 27. From dition, which is now a portion of the
notices of intended entries received, it city. The owners of the addition have
is now assured that there will be on submitted a proposition to the county
exhibition birds of the very highest court to donate five acres in addition
quality, among them birds that have for courthouse purposes. In addition,
won the highest honors in the state enough water from the hot Bprings will
and also at the great world's show at be furnished to heat the building, thus
Seattle last summer. Five handsome saving fuel bills entirely.
cups, four of which are valued at $25
One Load of Alfalfa Brings $50.
each, have already been put up by local
Hermiaton — Peter Sheriden thia
merchants, and others will be hung up
before the show takes place.
All week brought in one load of alfalfa
hay from his ranch on Butter creek
birds entered will be scored.
and sold it for $50. The Interstate
Telephone company this week took
Work Begun on Brogan Branch,
Ontario—Construction work has com­ over the system of the Eastern Tele­
The consideration,
menced on the Brogan branch of the phone company.
Malheur Valley railroad from Vale to $50,000, and two hundred miles of line
Brogan, a distance of 22 miles. Forty changed hands. Hermiston school dis­
men and teams are now at work at trict shows an enrollment of 210 pu­
each end of the line and the grading pils. There were 100 a year ago and
force is being increased ss fast as the number is steadily increasing.
men and teams can be secured.
Will Operate Fruit Dryer.
road is a branch of the Oregon Short
Cottage Grove—J. I. Jones, to whom
Line, and is being built to the new
town recent y laid out on lower Willow reverted the property 'of the Cottage
creek in the center of a large tract of Grove Fruit c mpany, because of its
arid land, which is to be reclaimed and inability to liquidate its indebtedness
to him, proposes to reincorpórate the
cut up into small tracts.
concern and operate the dryer on an en­
larged scale.
Laidlaw Farmers Nurture Land.
Laidlaw—At a meeting of farmers
and ranchers to consider the purchase
of a carload of land plaster to fertil­
ize the soil nearly 70,000 pounds was
contracted for and the plaster will be
ordered shipped at once. The farmers
and ranchers in the Laidlaw district
are going into the fertilization of the
land quite extensively the coming sea­
son. It is claimed that an increase of
nearly 100 per cent in crop has result­
ed by the use of the plaster.
Timber Cruisers to Lane County.
Eugene—A large crew of timber
cruisers in the employ of the Lacey
Timber company, of Portland, left Eu­
gene in livery vehicles recently for the
Siuslaw country.
They intend to
cruise several large tracts of timber
land in the western end of Lane county
for the Lacey people, who, it ia said,
are intending to purchase 20,000 acres
or more. Another large crew of cruis­
ers is expected up from Portland soon.
Hermiston Postoffice Receipts Grow
Hermiston—Hermiston took another
leap upward when the postoffice went
into the third class.
Beginning Jan­
uary 1, Postmaster W. H. Williams
received an advance in salary, and the
office waa put into the third class, nnd
hereafter international money orders
can be secured here.
For the year
just ended the gross receipts were $2.-
440.33, as against $2,244.55 for 1908.
Big Brick Block
Junction City—Dan F. Mason, of
Minneapolis, Minn., has purchased the
Kaiser corner from J. M. Cook and
Swartz A Keck for $5,400.
Mr. Ma­
son will return here about March, and
will erect a two-story brick building
100 feet deep on the corner, and will
engage in the hardware and implement
Brick Block at Corvallis.
Corvallis—Gus Hardi.ig is erecting
a two story cement and brick struture
on the ground until recently occupied
by the old Danneman house. The low­
er floor will be occupied by a depart­
ment store. Present plsns contemplate
utilising the upper floor for apart­
ments, or a first class rooming house.
Mill City Progresses.
Mill City—This city has made a good
growth the past year. Over 20 new
residences have been built here and
many more are being planned. The
new publie school building recently
completed i* among the handsomest
school buildinga in the county.
Klamath Station Near Completion.
Klamath Falls—The new depot will
soon be completed. It will cost ap­
proximately $20,000.
The Southern
Pacific company haa plans for beautify­
ing the grounds surrounding the sta­
Wheat—Bluestem, $1.20(0.1.21;club,
$1.10; red Russian, $1.08; valley,
$1.08; 40-fold, $1.12%@1.13.
Barley—Feed and brewing, $30@
30.50 ton.
Corn—Whole, $35; cracked, $36
Oats—No. 1 white, $32 50(3)33 ton.
Hay—Timothy, Willamette valley,
$18(o20per ton; Eastern Oregon, $ 19(0
22; alfalfa, $170118; clover, $16(3)17;
cheat, $16(0)17; grain hay, $16(0)17.
Fresh Fruits—Apples, $1(0)3 box;
pears, $l(f$l 50; cranberries, $9 per
Potatoes—Oregon, 66(0 86c per sack;
sweet potatoes, 2c per pound.
Vegetables — Artichokes, $1@1.25
per dozen; cabbage, $2 per hundred;
garlic, 10c per pound; horseradish,
12%c; pumpkins, 1}4<3)1>4 c ; sprouts,
6(o 7c; squash, 1(01 ‘jC; tomatoes,
$1.50(02.25 per box; turnips, $1.60
per sack; carrots, $1; beets, $1.50;
parsnips, $1.50.
Onions—Oregon, »1.50 per sack.
Butter—City creamery, extras, 39c
per pound; fancy outside creamery, 34
(o39c; store, 22 S(0.24c. Butter fat
prices average l%c per pound under
regular butter prices.
Poultry—Hens, I6(iiil6'-4c per pound;
springs, 171318c; ducks. 20c; geese,
18e; turkeys, live, i9(o20c; dressed,
Eggs- -Fresh Oregon extras, 35(cc36c
per dozen; Eastern, 25(3 29c.
Pork—Fancy, i 0(o l 0 % c per pound.
Veal—Eztras. 110$ 12c per pound.
C attle— Best steers, »4.76(05.26;
fair to good, »4.26(o4.50; medium and
feeders, »3.50(34; cows, top, »3.50(1$
4.25; fair to good. »3(0,5.50; common
to medium, $2.50(3)3.75; bulls, »3.25fd
5.50; heavy, »4(o4.75; calves, best,
Hogs—Best, »9(0 9 20; medium, »8
(38.50; Stockers, $6.50(3)7.25.
Sheep—Best wethers, »5.60(0.6; fair
to good, »4.50(o5; ewes, %e less; year­
lings, best, »5fd)5.25; fair to good,
*4.60(04.76; lambs. $6(36.50.
Wool Eastern Oregon. 16(o 23c per
pound; mohair, choice, 26c.
Cascara bark, 4%c per pnund.
Hides Dry, 18 ( 0 19c per pound; dry
kip. 17(318«; dry calfskin, 19(3 21 e ;
salted hides, 10% (olle; salted calf­
skin, 164»116c; green, le leas.
Captain of Ill-Fated Steamer Czarina
Last to Go.
M arshfield, Ore., Ja n . 14.—One by
one six m en, who had clu ag all n ig h t
to th e frozen rig g iu g aud shrouds o f
th e doomed C zarina, ju m p ed to th eir
d eath in th e foam y b reak ers, a thou
suud persona who had k ep t vigil, s e t­
tin g bonfires to cheer th e w reck v ic­
tim s, w itn essin g each d esp erate leap.
In th e th ro n g th a t lined th e beach
w as C. J . M illis, fa th e r of H aro ld
Millia, Who a t daw u th is m oraiug was
descried g rip p in g t^ e rigging. N ear
him C ap tain D uggan cluug, his face
tu rn ed to w ard ahore.
E v ery leap of the doomed half-dozen
men was d elib erate, all strip p in g to rid
them selves o f w eight if, perchance, the
b reak ers sw ept them to w ard shore.
W hen H aro ld M illia ’ tu rn cam e he
w aved his eo at in farew ell an d dived
in to the tu rb u le n t sea. H is f a th e r in
ag o nizing suspense, would w ait fo r a n ­
o th er glim pse of his son. H e w as led
aw ay.
C ap tain D uggan was th e last to
m ake tho m ortal dive. S trip p in g him ­
self, he rubbed his lim bs to fo res c ir­
cu latio n , stra ig h te n e d a t fu ll length
nnd hurled him self f a r in to the
He was th e last to leave th e chip—-
the last seen. P reced in g him young
Millis, M ato M cNichols, A ssistan t E n g i­
neer Robinson au d tw o seam en had
leaped into th e sea. N ooe rose to the
T hen th e w aves dashed h ig h er aud
higher over w hat was le ft of the wreck.
N o th in g could be seen but tiie rem ains
of the m ainm ast aud even th a t, a t
tim es, w as covered from view by the
com bers, which {died one upon an o th er
w ith d eath -d ealin g force. The w reck
was over.
Those who stood fo r 24
hours w atch in g and w o rking in an a t ­
tem p t to save th e liv es of th e u n fo r­
tu n a te men tu rn e d aw ay. T here was
n o th in g le ft to do b u t to leave th e
C zarina to th e sea, the crew aud young
M illis to th e ir ocean graves.
Only one escaped from d e a t h ’s g rip
on th e C zarin a—M a rry K en tzel, first
a ssista n t engineer. T w en ty -fo u r dead
was tho toll of th e Coos Hay disaster.
Loss o f W aterp o w er to S pecial I n te r ­
ests Is O reatast D anger.
W ashin g to n , J a n . 14.— “ T he co n ser­
vatio n of n a tu ra l resources an d th e
co n serv atio n of p opular g o vernm ent are
both a t stak e. The one needs co n serv a­
tion no less th a n th e o th e r.”
T his sta te m e n t epitom izes th e form al
announcem ent m ade public to n ig h t by
Gifford P in ch o t, recen tly rem oved as
ch ief of th e fo rest service. The ex-offi
cial declares th a t th e g re a t m oral issue
which now faces th e co u n try is n o t the
loss of n a tu ra l resources so m uch as
w h eth er special in te re sts or th e people
shall rule. Tha sta te m e n t, in p a r t, is
as follow s:
“ A t th is tim e I h av e no com m ent to
m ake on recen t events. W h eth er in or
out of th e g o v ern m en t service, I p ro ­
pose to sta y in the fight fo r co n serv a­
tion and equal
o p p o rtu n ity .
E very
m ovoinent and m easure, from w h atev er
source, th a t ten d s to ad v an ce co n serv a­
tion an d prom ote g overnm ent b y men
fo r hum an w elfare I shall tr y to help.
E v ery m ovem ent and m easure, from
w h atev er source, th a t hinders conser­
v ation an d prom otes g o v ern m en t by
m oney fo r profit I shall en d eav o r to
oppose. The suprem e te s t of move
m ents and m easures is the w elfare o f
th e plain people. I am as re a d y to
support th e a d m in istra tio n when it
m oves to w ard th is p aram o u n t end as
I am to oppose it when it moves
aw a y .”
LouniTlmcn, Bankers. Poll titans and
Real Estate Men Involved.
Members of Council Were Bought—
One Broker Gets S22.500 — Pres­
ident end Vice President Caught
With Men Whom They Bribed to
Make Deposits of Public Cash.
P ittsb u rg , Ja n . 15.— P re sid e n t E. II,
Je n n in g s aud V iee-P resident F . A.
Griftiu of th e Colum bia N atio n al b au k ;
M ax G. L eslie, county deliu q u eu t tax
collector an d ex-K epublican c ity c h a ir­
m an; C harles S tew art, ex-councilm an,
and F. F. N icola, a ca p ita list and real
esta te o p erato r w ere arre ste d to d ay on
w arra n ts issued by D istrict A tto rn ey
B lakely, ch arg in g them w ith couspir
acy to cause th e selectiou of the Co
lum bia N atio n al b an k as u c ity de
In ad d itio n , L eslie is charged w ith
p erju ry au d an o th e r councilm an alleges
th a t fo r two y ears he m ade a business
of so licitin g th e aid of councilm en for
the iniiuence of legislation. All gave
The charges are th e resu lt o f the
g r a ft scan d als of 1908, when i t was
b rought out th a t councilm en hau been
paid m oney to vote fo r six depositories.
Otlicers of o th e r b anks who w ere found
g u ilty had tak en an appeal to tho su
porior court and th e p resen t cases had
been h alted p en d in g a decision on the
o th er cases.
As no decision seemed
likely u n til M arch, when th e s ta tu te
of lim ita tio u would have exem pted
those a rre ste d to d ay , th e d istric t a t
torney took sum m ary action.
I t is charged iu th e w rits th a t in
May, 1908, S tew art, as a councilm an,
solicited from Griftin $17,000 fo r his
vote and iniiuence in fa v o r of th e or
din an ce th a t au th o rized tho Columbia
N atio n al b au k as a depository. I t is
also charged th a t N icola in stig a te d this
move on th e p a rt of S tew art. Griftin
is charged w ith conspiracy to defraud
the c ity by c o rru p tin g m em bers of the
c ity council aud it is f u rth e r charged
th a t he prom ised certain m em bers
$25,000 fo r th eir votes and iniiuence in
fav o r of th e ordinance.
L eslie is charged w ith receiving
$22,500 to influence councilm anic votes*
It is also ch arg ed th a t b efo re th e grand
ju ry in v estig ated th is charge L eslie
p erju red him self in deny in g th a t he
had received an y p aym ents fo r any
purpose w h atev er from an y of th e men
Deep-Sea A rtis t W ins D esp erate F ig h t
on Ocean B ottom .
Long Beach, Cal., J a n . 15.— C ut off
from assistan ce from
above, A. D.
C hristy, a professional deep-sea diver,
spent th e w orst 15 m inutes o f his life
today in a d esp erate b a ttle on the sea
bottom w ith a larg e devilfish.
C h risty had gone down to inspect
the caissons and p iers o f th e outer
w harf fo r tho city . In w andering
around he tan g led his lifelin e up so
th a t when he fe lt th e octopus seize his
leg he w as u nable to giv e th e signal
for ascending.
P erceiv in g th a t tho line was f a s t he
tu rn ed to th e octopus, w hich by th at
tim e had fo u r ten tacles w rapped around
his le ft leg. F iv e tim es he slashed
a t th e m onster w ith his big scraping
knife an d each tim e severed a ten tacle.
A t last, th e octopus m oved aw ay and
C hristy h asten ed to stra ig h te n out the
lifelin e an d g av e th e sig n al to be
W ill N o t W illin g ly Y ield M an ch u rian hauled up. H e has been in a sta te
b o rdering on nervous collapse ever
In te re s ts D early B ought.
since, b u t his co ndition is not serious.
Tokio, Ja n . 15.— No d oubt m ay be
e n te rta in e d concerning J a p a n ’s a ttitu d e
W alsh S igns A greem ent.
to w ard th e A m erican plan to n e u tra l­
Chicago, Ja n . 15.—Jo h n R. W alsh to
ize the M anchurian railw ays. S ecre­
day a tta c h e d his sig n a tu re to th e agree
ta ry K n o x ’s proposition has not called m ent o f se ttlem en t of his financial
fo jth a w ord o f fav o r from an y source tro u b les an d sen t i t to th e F irs t T ru st
in Ja p a n . T he d ip lom ats here, while and S av in g s b an k , to be held u n til the
d isinclined to express opinions, ce r­ g u aran to rs of th e no te sign th eir p art
tain ly do not su p p o rt th e p ro ject.
of th e agreem ent. The sig n a tu re gives
T he K okum in, a semi official organ,
to th e A ssociated B an k s of Chicago,
rep resen tin g th e view of P re m ie r K at-
th e
ad ju stm e n t of
sura, say s th e Ja p a n e se rep ly to the
W alsh ’s financial affairs a f te r his
A m erican note will be couched in
1905, the
frien d ly term s because th e suggestion
$14,039,000 in secu rities he p u t up to
comes from a frie n d ly pow er, b u t at
cover a note fo r $7,121,887 in retu rn
th e sam e tim e inq u ires w h eth er G er­
m any and F ra n ce would be w illin g to for th e canceled note. In ad d itio n , the
n eu tralize S h an tu n g and Y unnan p ro ­ banks will g et $600,000 from th e g u ar
an to rs sig n in g tho note, who are then
to be given th e $949,000 in securities
th ey p u t up as su rety .
S team ship L an e T hreatened.
N ew Y ork, J a n . 14.— W ireless rep o rts
P o rt A rth u r to Be Open.
received h ere to d ay in d icate th a t the
W ashin g to n , Ja n . 15.— N otice to the
A tlan tic steam ship L an e is sw ept by
in ten tio n of th e Ja p an ese governm ent
severe storm s. T he w orst sufferer from to open P o rt A rth u r to world wide com ­
th e wild w eath er, so fa r as rep o rted , is merce is in d icated in T okio dispatches
th e H am burg-A m erican lin er K aiaerin to th e Ja p an ese E m bassy about two
A uguste V icto ria, w hich, acco rd in g to m onths ago, b u t it w as said th e issuing
th e dispatches, p u t in to Plym outh w ith of the o rd er would be w ithheld until
50 feet o f her p o rt rail to rn aw ay by the go v ern m en t was able to fix the
t w ave th a t th rew down a score of ex act d a te fo r th e opening. The pur
passengers on deck. The g ia n t com ber pose is not to m ake P o rt A rth u r a free
also th rew th e sh ip on h er beam ends, p ort in th e sense of H am burg, w here
but she rose to th e a tta c k o f th e seas goods m ay e n te r free of d u ty and be
placed in bond, b u t sim ply to p u t i t on
and rode o u t th e storm .
the fo o tin g of N ew Y ork or any other
m ercial city .
D eath S ta lk s on T rail.
F a irb a n k s, J a n . 14.— T he body of
F ra n z G iebei o f S e a ttle , a ta ilo r, has
been found on th e V aldez tra il, frozen
to death. W ith W alter S chieler o f I n ­
dex, W ash., he h ad been m aking the
jo u rn ey b etw een V aldez and F airb an k s
on foot. S e h ie le r’s body has not y e t
been found. A blizzard has been ra g ­
ing on th e tr a il fo r fo u r days, an d It
is feared th e re m ay have bepn o th er
loss of life , fo r th e good tra il and
pleasan t w eath er b ro u g h t out trav elers.
R eports o f th e riches o f th e Id ita ro d
digg in g s h av e tem p ted men to u n d er­
ta k e th e jo u rn ey .
Z elayan A rm y F a lls Back.
W ashington, J a n . 14.— N ew s o f a
b a ttle a t A coyapa has leaked through
th e s tr ic t censorship a t San Ju a n del
S ur N icarag u a, and reached W ashing
ton to n ig h t. D etails are la rk in g , but
rep re se n ta tiv e s o f th e E strad a g o v ern ­
m ent are o f th e b elief th a t Chamorro
engaged V asquez some tim e betw een
m id n ig h t and d ay b reak to d ay and th a t
thp rem n an t of the Z elayan arm y has
fallen back to w ard M anagua, w here a
final b a ttle will be fo u g h t, pro b ab ly at
th e g ates o f th e city.
M organ G ives Y ale O lft.
New H aven, Conn., J a n . 14.— A g ift
o f $100,000 from J . P lerp o n t M organ
fo r th e estab lish m en t o f th e W illiam
M. I.affan p rofessorship o f aaevriology
and B abylonian lite ra tn re a t Yale was
received "by th e Y ale co rporation today
and accepted. T he g if t ii a mem orial
to Mr. Im ffaa, la te e d ito r o f th e New
Y ork Sua.
Ships D riv en In to H arbor.
San F rancisco, Ja n . 15.— The storm
which has been p rev ailin g along the
coast fo r several days has caused a
num ber of th e co astin g steam ers to tak e
refuge in th is harbor. The steam er N a ­
tional C ity and D aisy F reem an, which
a rriv e d here today, rep o rted th a t p o r­
tions o f th e ir deckloads had been sw ept
aw ay b y a terrific storm which they
encountered. The D aisy F reem an was
bound fo r San P ed ro , b u t she p u t into
this harb o r on account of a shortage
of coal caused b y her b eing d riven out
of her course by th e gale.
H a rv e ste r Com pany W axes F at.
New Y ork, J a n . 15.— A nother “ mel
o n ” o f larg e p ro portions— th e d istri­
bution o f $20,000,000 in common stock
— is to be given to th e stockholders of
the In te rn a tio n a l H arv este r com pany.
The new stock is to be d istrib u ted
ratab ly as a stock div id en d to th e p re s­
ent $60,000,000 o f common stock. The
directo rs o f th e com pany have recom ­
mended th a t th e e n tire $80.00n.000 of
stock be placed on a 4 per cent d iv i­
dend basis, b eg in n in g n ex t A pril.
8w ltchm en W ar S till On.
W ashington. .Tan. 15.— An agreem ent
betw een th e railro ad s o p eratin g out of
Chicago and th e ir sw itchm en is not yet
in sig h t. C onferences betw een th e p a r­
ties involved and th e m ediators under
the E rdraan a c t have been in progress
fo r th ree days.
Frenchman Astounds Multitude end
American Outdoes Him.
Los A ngeles, Ja n . 12.— B roken rec­
ords, th rillin g flights w ith and w ithout
passengers aud fo u r ueroplaues in the
a ir a t th e name tim e, b reastiu g a sem i­
gale th a t sp o rted dangerously w ith the
d elicate co u triv au ces, m ade a th rilliu g
finale fo r the 30,000 sp ectato rs a t Avi-
atio u field y esterd ay aftern o o n th a t
had prom ised ouly tam e little f e a ts of
Gleuu H. C urtiss, the silen t A m eri­
can, d efeated b is m ercurial F rench
rival, P u u lh an , in tho keen race fo r
honors, aud sh a tte re d th e speed re c ­
ord fo r p asen g er carry in g aeroplanes.
R ising in to th e high wind th a t held
the ponderous d irig ib les o f K uabeu-
shue aud Boachey helpless, tho A m eri­
can flew u wide circle in fro n t o f th e
g rau d stu u d a t th e rate of 55 miles an
hour, w ith his frie u d , Jero m e S.
Fanokuilli, beside him.
N ot to be outdoue, P au lh an took one
of his m echanicians into his m achine
and flow tw ice around the m ile and a
h alf course. H e failed to equal the
speed C urtiss had developed, though ho
covored m ore ground th a n his oppon­
In th e begin n in g the in tre p id little
Frenchm an seem ed to have ag ain mo­
nopolized all th e honors of th e day.
Thrice he drove one of his big F ar-
m an biplanes around th e course, d isre­
g ard in g th e stiff w ind blow ing in from
the sea. Then, in a tin y B leiio t m ono­
plane, th a t lookod lik e a huge horse­
fly» ho g av e th e im m ense th ro n g in
the sta n d s aud boxes th e first th rill of
the day w ith an ex h ib itio n of nerve
aud d arin g th a t surpassed a n y th in g ho
aas h ereto fo re attem p ted .
S everal tim es sighs of apprehension
and shrioksi, of nervous women rose
from th e crowd as th e tin y m achine,
tossed by fierce g u sts o f w ind, rolled
aud careened in the a ir. E v e ry mo­
m ent was fra u g h t w ith d an g er so g re a t
th a t when th e flight was sa fely over
and th e m onoplane had landed, f a r
across th e field, th e th ro n g applauded
w ildly.
A p p aren tly secure in h is renew ed
role of s ta r of th e m eetin g an d d e­
by th e applause, P au lh an
brought out his F arm an and flew
twice m'ore, once going p ro b ab ly two
miles n o rth of th e im m ense av iatio n
field, o u t over th e trees of a co n tig u ­
ous ranch.
C urtiss rem ained silen t. G arbed in
oil sp o tted w orking clothes, an old cap
and shoes th a t had seen d u ty , he spent
his tim e tu n in g up th e oight-cylinder
m otor on th e biplane w ith w hich he
won the in te rn a tio n a l cup a t Rheim s.
N ever once did he look a t P au lh an .
W hen th e fo u rth flight of th e F a r ­
man ended, th e A m erican ’s m achine
was tru n d led to th e sta rtin g p o in t and
w ithout h esita tio n C urtiss m otioned to
Fancuilli to g e t iD.
C lim bing in beside his passenger, the
a v ia to r g av e th e word to his assista n t.
A pop an d r a ttle lik e au to m atic a r til­
lery follow ed and th e m ost rem ark ab le
flight of tho d ay had begun.
D escribing a wide circle in fro n t of
tho g ra n d sta n d , C urtiss flew a t all
angles o f th e wind, g iv in g his m an a­
ger a th rillin g flight. H e lan d ed al­
most a t th e spot from w hich he
started .
L ie u te n a n t P au l Beck, o f th e arm y
signal corps, one of th e judges, a n ­
nounced th a t he figured tho speed a t
■’>5 m iles an hour. W hen th e record-
b reak in g figures w ere po sted , th e
crowd w ent wild. 8ho u ts and cheers
rose from th e seats, autom obile siren s
shrieked and h a ts w ere throw n up in
the a ir to be blown aw ay b y th e wind.
P au lh an , sta n d in g besido his biplane
on th e side o f th e field, saw th e p er­
form ance
dropped them suddenly, g e stic u la tin g
w ildly as he ra ttle d off in stru ctio n s to
his crew , sending them racin g to s ta rt
his m otor. T hen ho m ounted his seat
and rose m ajostically. A t th e same
tim e W illard and H am ilton b rought
th eir m achines to the s ta rt in fro n t of
the g ran d stan d . As th ey rose, C urtiss
beckoned to Clifford H arm on, the New
York sportsm an and b alloonist, and
sw ept upw ard again. T he fo u r aero ­
planes circled th e course an d the
crowd cheered w ith renew ed fren zy .
P au lh an landed in a few m inutes,
determ ined to reg ain some of his lost
laurels. H e ordered one o f his a ssist­
a n ts into th e seat w ith him.
he arose and tw ice circled th e circu it,
his g ro at b iplane so arin g as g racefu lly
with th e e x tra m an as it had done
w ith P au lh an alone.
In quick succession, C urtiss trie d fo r
a s ta rtin g record and a record fo r
landing. H e succeeded in estab lish in g
both, b u t W illard, com ing n ex t to th e
tria l a t landing, b e a t th e b est his ch ief
could do. C urtiss, how ever, set a new
record fo r g e ttin g aw ay, risin g from
the ground 98 fe e t from th e s ta r t in
6 2-5 seconds from th e tim e his engine
started .
P au lh an trie d to b e a t bo th m arks,
but tho b est he could do w as to rise
in 12% seconds from th e tim e his e n ­
gine sta rte d , and h is m achine ran
more th an 100 fe e t along th e ground
before i t rose.
K aiser Sees B ig Deficit.
B erlin, Ja n . 12.— E m peror W illiam
opened th e P ru ssian d iet to d ay . The
proposed leg islatio n , o u tlined in th e
speech from th e th ro n e, includes a bill
for th e reform o f th e election law and
an o th er to co u n teract th e ten d en cy of
the lab o rin g classes to d esert th e fa rm ­
ing d istricts. T he speech foreshadow ed
a considerable deficit in th e fo rth co m ­
ing b udget, due chiefly to an in crease
of $50,000,000 in th e sa laries o f g ov­
ernm ent employes. The R eich stag re ­
convened today. The b u d g et show s a
deficit o f $23,000,000.
H erd ers D ie in Storm .
Gasper, W yo., J a n . 12.— B elated re­
ports from
th e snow-bound range
co u n try in d icate th a t a num ber o f
sheep h erd ers m et d eath w ith th e ir
flocks in th e extrem ely cold w eath er
o f December. A ntonio G alorize, who
stuck to his sheep th rough a blizzard
lastin g 24 hours, succum bed to an a t ­
tack o f pneum onia a f te r reach in g
cam p.
Tom M ahoney, who d rifte d
before a storm of th ree d ay s and
n ights, had both h an d s a n d fee t
Cannon Ia Ho Quitter.
W ashington, J a n . 12. —S p eak er Can­
non, when asked ab o u t a rep o rt ha
would not be a c a n d id a te fo r th a
sp eakership of th e n ex t congress, de­
clared to d ay th a t he would q u it publie
life when his co n stitu en ts failed to
elect him and not b efo re, and th a t ha
had not th e slig h test in te n tio n o f re­
tirin g from th e speakership.