FRANCE FAVORS OPEN DOOR. The Estacada Progress Doubts, However, Whether Knox’s Po­ sition Can Be Maintained. I Back Tkaraëar B T ACADA OREGON BRIEF NEWS OF THE PAST WEEK Intaraiting Event* from Outsido the State Presented In a Manner to Catch the Eye of the Busy Reader —Matters o f National, Historical and Commercial Importance. P aris, Ja n . 11.— A lthough F rance fav o rs the p reserv atio n of the open- door policy and C hinese sovereignty in M anchuria, it considers th a t th e issues raised by th e A m erican proposition to neu tralize th e M anchurian railw ays p rim a rily couceru Russia and Ja p a n . The F rench reply to the A m erican m em orandum , therefo re, is likely to be determ ined by the a ttitu d e of Russia, F ra n c e ’s ally. T he F re n ch press re ­ gards the question as com plicated. The F igaro th in k s tho U nited S ta te s is tr y ­ ing to re trie v e th e m istak e of 1904 05, when it backed Ja p a n to g et Russia out of M auchuria, only to find th a t Ja p a n had supplem ented her there w ith ­ out benefit to the open door. “ E ven if Russia a c c e p ts ,’ ’ says one paper, “ Ja p a n is n ot lik ely to agree. E ngland is bound by a Ja p an ese a l­ liance, and a sim ilar reserve is im ­ posed upon us fo r lik e a n d other re a ­ sons. ’ ’ T he M atin believes th a t F ran ce will follow R u s sia ’s lead. Oil B ias expresses the opinion th a t th e situ a tio n is filled w ith gunpow der, and declares th a t the real issue is com m ercial suprem acy in China, for which the U nited S ta te s an d J a p a n are stru g g lin g . I t charges th a t the e n ­ tire aim of A m erican diplom acy is d i­ rected to th a t end, and in sists th a t the U nited S ta te s has pushed C hina to re ­ sistance in every stru g g le w ith Ja p a n . “ E ven a f t e r th e arra n g em en ts of Oc­ tober 4, last y e a r ,” continues th e p a ­ per, “ in which C hina agreed not to construct u railro ad in com petition w ith the South M anchurian, A m erican support com es fo rw ard fo r the con­ stru ctio n of the Chin Chow E u-T sitsi khav line. “ Now A m erica proposes to go fu r th e r and force J a p a n back in to Corea, and th u s ren d er effective Chinese dom in atio n of M anchuria, w hich today is purely nom inal. “ S ecretary K n o x ’s argum ents dwell upon the a d v an tag es of te rm in a tin g the cause o f co n stan tly renew ed disputes in M anchuria, b u t it is pro p er to ask w hether the aim of th e U nited S ta te s is alw ays to th e benefit o f hum anity and not to the prom otion o f her own in terests. Tokio m ust g iv e the an swer. A lready the Y ankee policy has com pelled Ja p a n to ta k e th e m ilitary precautions th a t so g re a tly alarm ed Russia. Ja p a n knows how to act quick ly. T h erefore the Ja p a n e se response will be aw a ite d w ith in q u ie tu d e .’’ Aviation contests began at Loa An elee Monday. Food ia getting scarce in Chicago mod prices are soaring. Guggenheim proposes Federal con­ trol of the copper market. Rooaevelt and party have reached the land of the white rhinoceros. Japan opposes Knox’s plan for neu tralixing the Manchurian railway. When Pinchot let t his office for good be was given an ovation by his em­ ployes. Boston’s strictly non-partisan politi eal campaign cost the candidates about $2E0,000. A. F. Potter, successor to Pinchot, Is a former sheep owner and an expert on range conditions. A blasting accident on the Oregon Trunk killed several Italian laborers and wounded a contractor. The national wool growers associa­ tion in session at Ogden selected Port­ land for its meeting place in 911. Over one-third of the students in Tulare college is New Orleans have been found to be infected with book worm. A balloon with three men and two women reached a height of one mile and traveled 26 miles at the Loa An geles aviation meet. Cardinal Satolli is dead. The new chief forester is a Western man, formerly a grazing expert. MILLIONS POSTAL GAIN. The paper board trust has been in dieted for restraint of trade. Increase Over 1908 Is $12,083,720, or Many cougars and wildcats are be Six Per Cent Advance. ing killed near iloquiam, Wash. W ashington, J a n . 11.— As a business A rumor that J. P. Morgan was dy in stitu tio n th e postoffice d ep artm en t, ing almost threw Wall street into next to the U nited S ta te s treasu ry , is panic. the g re a te st in th e governcent. Accord Report of the French minister of ug to figures su b m itted today by Justice shows an alarming increase C harles P . Grandfield, first a s s is ta it crime. postm aster general, fo r th e fiscal y ear Secretary Knox dispels the dream of ended Ju n e 30, 1909, in his annual re Mexico for a protectorate over Nic­ port, the gross revenue of th e postal service reached the enorm ous to tal of aragua. $203,5(32,383, an increase of $12,083,720, Wool men in convention at Ogden 6.31 p e r cent over th e preceding cheered when told that Pinchot had year. been discharged. T here w ere 60,144 postoffices in ope For the third time a bomb has been ratio n on Ju n e 30, 1909. D uring the found in the yard of a fashionable y ear 1626 p ostm asters w ere appointed a t presid en tial offices. A t fourth-class Denver residence. . 9161 p ostm asters w ere appointed. Another rich woman in Philadelphia offices C oncerning the ro u tin e of his bureau, has come to the aid of the striking Mr. G randfield says: shirt-waist makers. ‘ The re ten tio n of fourth-class post Chief Forester Pinchot, Assistant m asters d u rin g sa tis fa c to ry service has Forester Price and Assistant Law become th e established p ra c tic e of the Officer Shaw were removed from ofli d ep artm en t, an d the policy of recom ­ by the president. m ending the reap p o in tm en t of p re si­ den tial p o stm asters who h ave proved Nina Californians were killed by efficient has been follow ed consistently, eating canned peaches. w ith highly beneficial results. ‘I t is recom m ended th a t the law be A bill has been introduced for full so am ended as to provide fo r the ad registry and a ship subsidy. A big land steal on the shores of lake Michigan ia being investigated. Bloody Anger prints on a railroad ticket led to the arrest of two French murderers. Morgan’s bank trust has absorbed another institution with a capital of ever $60,000,000. A universal cold wave is spread all over the United States, but in Alaska it is unusually warm. Insurgent Republicans in congress say patronage will be withdrawn from them as a punishment. De la Grange, a noted French avi a tor was killed by the collapse of his aeroplane during a flight. Representative Adair says a presi­ dent who can’t save money on a $60.- 000 a year salary is not fit to manage the affairs of this nation. A California observer figures that the earth will pass through the tail of Halley’s comet May 18, but he does not venture tu say whether any ill re­ sults will follow. Archbishop Ireland defends King Leopold's administration of the Congo states. Zelaya says he {has abundant proof that American marines aided the revo­ lutionist» against him J. P. Morgan, T. F. Ryan and Levi P. Morton form a $160,000,000 bank trust in New York city. President Taft listened patiently to the committee of railroad presidents hot will not change the tone of his forthcoming message to congress. vancem ent of an office of th e fourth class to tho presid en tial class w henever the com pensation of th e postm aster am ounts to $1000 and tho gross annual receipts to $1900 fo r fo u r successive q u a rte rs .’ ’ Mr. G randfield m akes a stro n g argu m ent in fav o r of 30 d a y s ' an n u al leave of clerks and c a rrie rs in first-class and second-class offices. Potter’s Work for West. Cheyenne, W yo., J a n . 11.— A. F . P o t­ te r, on his w ay to W ashington, D. C., to success Gifford P in ch o t as head of the fo re st service, sta te d today th at his experience and personal knowledge of w estern conditions undoubtedly would b rin g th e fo re s try service and the w est into closer harm ony and th a t his policy would be m ore fav o ra b le to w estern industries. ‘ I expect m y relatio n s w ith th e w estern in te re sts to be m ost congen­ i a l , " he said. ‘ ‘ I desire to w ork in harm ony w ith th e livestock associa tions, to prom ote th e fu lle st use of the national fo rest ranges, to fo ster the stock in te re sts and prom ote the general w elfare of th e w e s t." Thirteen Hurt Coasting. A lton, 111., J a n . 11.— T h irteen persons were h u rt, six seriously, in two coast ng accidents here today. A bobsled carry in g e ig h t persons collided w ith an am bulance en ro u te to th e home of a suicide, and th e horses fell on the sled. Jam es Colem an, 15 y e a rs old, was scalped, aipl ev ery o ther passenger su f­ fere d m inor in ju ries. A n hour later, on the sam e hill, an o th er sled collided w ith an autom obile, in ju rin g five of the seven passengers on th e sled. There have been seven accid en ts on th is hill w ithin the la s t week. China Pins Faith in Rockhlll. A millionaire cattleman of Texas P ekin, J a n . 11.— The hig h est gov ern ­ gave his three children $2,000.060 m ent officials are pessim istic w ith r e ­ worth of property each for a Christmas gard to B ritish support of th e proposals The barkeeper of an American hotel in Havana refused to serve two negro congressmen and a riot followed. Fur­ ther trouble is expected. It is claimed that the recent aero­ plane carnival in France frightened all the birds from tbe vicinity. Over 60,00 people attended Presi­ dent T aft’s New Year’s receptino. Postal deficit for 1909 is $17,441,- 719. Senator Cummins of Iowa, opens campaign tor further triff revision. United States government officials have planned a raid against nightriders of Kentucky and Tennessee. Banker Morse begins a penitentiary sentence as convict No. 2814. If mediation in switchmen’s strike fails, 20,000 more men wil stop work. Daughtes of tbe American Revolu­ tion have taken up conservation work. Postmaster-General Hitchcock urges postal reforms to avoid a deficit in 190 . of th e A m erican governm ent relativ e the M anchurian railw ay s, and be ieve th a t more ac tiv e G erm an support would b rin g about a realizatio n of the scheme. The Chinese governm ent is placing reliance in W. W. Rockhill, the A m erican am bassador a t S t. P eters burg, to secure Russian assen t to the proposals, w hich would also mean French support. Davis Represents U. 8. W ashington, J a n . 11.— T he fourth Pan-A m erican conference to be held i t Buenos A yres in J u ly is now occupy­ ing the a tte n tio n of officials of the s ta te d ep artm en t an d oth ers in terested th e m eeting. T he U n ited S tates com m ittee has elected M ajor General George W. D avis, U nited S ta te s arm y, retired , as one o f its m em bers, and a p ­ pointed a com m ittee to nrge upon con­ gress a proper ap p ro p riatio n for the p articip atio n o f the U n ited S tates. Ice Gorge Breaks Loose. M ount C arm el. 111., .Tan. 11.— A heavy ice gorge in th e W abash riv e r broke loose unexpectedly to d ay , causing a p ro p erty loss o f $75,000 and sw eeping aw ay two steam fe rry b o a ts w hile th eir crew s w ere asleep. NEWS NOTES GATHERED FROM VARIOUS PARTS OF OREGON COLD UNPRECEDENTED. Chicago, J a n . 7.— W hat was looked upon as an ex citin g w eath er drama, PINCHOT FIRED BY PRESIDENT COMET WILL BRUSH EARTH. Pacific Coast Will Have Best View About May 18. O akland, Cal., Ja n . 5. — H a lle y ’s omet will giv e th e Pacific Coast a lose brush th is y e a r on M ay 18, b e­ BUILD NEW TOWN. FREIGHT HOUSE CROWDED. tw een th e hours of 4 and 10 o ’clock Executive Says Chief Forester Is No p. m., and th e “ b r u s h " will be som e­ th in g sp ectacu lar, says P ro fesso r Shipments to Central Oregon Aver Lakeview Development Company Will Longer “ Helpful Subordinóte” liurles B u rk h alter, of the C habot ob­ Plat 1,800 Acre Tract. age Over IOO Care Per Month. servatory. Shaniko—As the distributing point K’amath Falla—A town has sprung The e a rth will thon pass th ro u g h th e for Central Oregon, Shaniko is doing a up or. the shores of Goose lake, in Mo last of th e 20,000,000-iuile ta il of the Place Given To Western Grazing E x ­ ‘olestial v isito r, and th e rosult ought record breaking business. From Sep- doc county, about 27 miles south of tember 1 to December 1 there was re- Lakeview. The Lakeview develop- pert— PinchoTt Three Principa o be us dazzlin g a piece of firew orks th is g en eratio n has jv e r w itnessed. ceived at the depot here 347 carloads ment company had bouht 1,800 acres of Assistants Afro Discharged—Pres is The ustronom er in sists th a t he has of general merchandise tor central Ore- the best land available in Goose lake ident Holds That Dignity of His ’ n othing to s a y " about so d ram atic a gon, a grand total of 14,617,044 pounds valley, and Lakeside will be made the d tu atio n , fra u g h t not only w ith awe* Office Has Been Assailed. of freight. trading center of the tract. The land inspiring po ssib ilities to th e dw ellers Th:s freight was all teamed to in- is nearly level, and provided with an >n tho globe, b u t fra u g h t, as well, w ith terior points, some as far south as Sil- abundance of water for irrigation. The p ossibilities of tra g ic m om ent. W hether ver Lake, 220 miles from Shaniko. In company has control of all the water in W ashington, J a n . 8.— Gifford P in >r not the e a r t h ’s div e through th e dicationa that Prineville, Madras, Lassen creek and has constructed a chot, ch ief fo re ste r an d in tim ate o m e t’s ta il will m ean a n y th in g more Bend, Lamonta, Mitchell, Dayville and large flume to run the water from its frie n d of Theodore R oosevelt, was dis th an a dazzlin g sta rry sp ectacle, P ro ­ cessor B u rk h a lte r will n o t p red ict. H e a dozen smaller towns are doing a rec­ natural course to the new town site, m issed la s t n ig h t fro m th e service oi July says: ord breaking business judging from The flume is about a mile long and is th e U n ited S tates b y P re sid e n t Taft “ W ait an d s e e ." the unusually large consignments for built around a rock point high above fo r in su b o rd in atio n . A ssociate Fores The news th a t H a lle y 's comet will these places. Owing to the impassable the old creek channel, making it possi­ te r O v erton W. P ric e an d A ssistant >e seen only on tho Pacific Coast has condition of tbe roads throughout the ble to get water on all the land in the iot h ith erto been published, although Law Officer A lex an d er C. Shaw , P in south, which has made teaming practi­ new tract. he fa c t has been know n fo r some tim e No saloons, breweries or distilleries cally impossible this month, the ware­ c h o t’s im m ediate a ssista n ts in th e fo r o th e astro n o m ers of th e w orld, m any houses are congested with freight. will ever be allowed to do business in e stry bureau, follow ed th e ir ch ief out >f whom will jo u rn ey to C a lifo rn ia to The main freight house , which is 600 the new town. There is a clause in >e on th e scene when th e g re a t phe- o f go v ern m en t employ. feet in length by 70 feet in width is every deed which prohibits the manu lomenon ta k e s place. T horoughly in d ig u a n t o v er th e ac practically blocked. Merchants in the facture or sale of any intoxicating In discussing th e com et, th e astrono- tion o f M r. P in ch o t in indu cin g Sen ner says: interior are offering fancy prices for liquors forever. It is the plan of the a to r D olliver to read a le tte r from him “ A stronom ers Croinelin and Cowell, company to make Lakeside a summer delivery of their wares. in the sen ate y este rd a y , P re sid e n t T aft >f tho Royal o b serv ato ry a t G reenw ich, As to a stock shipping point Shaniko resort, to d ay would listen to no ad v ice th at lave p ro b ab ly m ade the m ost exhaust- esn well be proud of her record. . She ve researches in to tho h isto ry o f th e Panthers Killing Off Deer. shipped, from August 1 to December 1, th e f o re s te r ’s v io latio n o f executive minot. P o rtla n d —D eer w ere never so p len ti 420 cars of live stock, mostly cattle and ord ers be overlooked p en d in g th e in “ A ccording to th e co m putations H a l­ sheep, September and October being ful in Oregon as th is y ear, says C. N, q u iry soon to be u n d e rta k e n b y con e y ’s com et will reach th e descending the banner months with 121 and 182 W o nacott, assista n t general se cre ta ry gross. lode on M ay 18, 1910, when it will be of th e Y. M. C. A., who has ju s t re car respectively. H e declared the d ig n ity o f tho presi n a d irect line betw een th e o rb its of A great portion of the cattle went to tu rn ed from a visit in the southern d en tial office w as b eing a tta c k e d and he e arth an d tho sun, an d it so h a p ­ Portland markets while sheep were p a rt of th e sta te . B ounties p aid fo r he would be u n fa ith fu l to h is tru s t ii tens th a t th e e a rth will reach th a t par- he su b m itted longer. lcular po in t of its o rb it ab o u t the shipped to Montana, Idaho, Colorado, p a n th er an d bob cat scalps a re causing th e d estru ctio n of the d e e r ’s w orst Mr. T a f t u n d o u b ted ly realizes fu llj nine tim e. S hould tho calcu latio n s of STRENUOUS LIFE TELLS. Utah and Wyoming grazing grounds enem ies. “ The recorder o f Douglas w hat th e dism issal of F o re ste r Pinchot he astro n o m ers prove to be rig id ly ex* before being placed on Chicago and county told me th a t the lives of 10,000 Thirty-five Pittsburg Captains of In m eans in a p o litical way. H e has been ict, th e com et will pass d irectly be- Omaha markets. d eer had been saved since th e law pro convinced fo r some tim e th a t th e so woen th e e a rth an d the sun betw een dustry Die This Winter. As a wool market Shaniko is sur­ v iding fo r bounties on p an th ers had ho hours of 4 an d 10 o ’clock stand- called “ in s u r g e n ts " an d o th er critic* passed by none in the west. Last sea­ been p a s s e d ," M r. W onacott said, P ittsb u rg , J a n . 7.—T he stren u o u s life of his a d m in istra tio n had en listed thi ird Pacific tim e. son approximately 4,000,000 pounds “ One p an th e r freq u en tly kills 10 deer o f P ittsb u rg e rs in th e ir desire to am ass services o f M r. P in ch o t an d p ra c ti “ A ssum ing th a t it will happen dur* was marketed at prices ranging from in a w e e k ." ng tho m iddle of th is tim e, o r 7 p. m., m illions us q uickly as possible is th in eally were d e fy in g him to dism iss P in 14 to 233^ cents per pound. As in sev­ chot from office. Tho l a t t e r ’s le tte r oJ t will be v isible over th e Pacific Ocean, nin g the ra n k s of th e big ca p ta in s of y esterd ay , few here dou b t, was w rit E astern A sia and W estern N o rth A m er­ eral years past Shnaiko had the dis­ Iusurance Fees Increase. tinction of receiving the highest prices Salem — N o tw ith stan d in g th e fa c t in d u stry and d ep letin g th e sw ell clubs ten w ith th e d ire c t purpose of “ p u t ica. paid in the west. Shaniko was the th a t since M arch 1, 1909, th e in su r­ w hich house th e m illionaires. H e a rt tin g it sq u arely up to th e p re s id e n t.’ T he p re sid e n t sought to av o id the only point in Oregon, last season, ance fees fo rm erly collected b y th e disease has recen tly ta k e n v ery prom i­ BANK MERGER GROWS. where the sealed bid wool sales were se cre ta ry o f s ta te have been collected n e n t men, all w orth m illions, in clu d in g : th re a te n e d w ar as long as he could but d eclared to d ay th a t p atien ce had F ra n k B. S m ith, p r e s i ^ n t of th e Cru­ held. This is accounted for by the Big Money Trust Adds $61,000,000 in ceased to be a v irtu e . H e picked ufi tact that throughout Eastern Oregon by th e new dep artm en t of insurance, cible S teel com pany of A m erica. One Day. the g au g e of b a ttle th ro w n down by Ja m es W. F rie n d , vice-p resid en t of *nd Idaho extensive contracting was the fees collected during last y ear by Mr. P in ch o t th ro u g h th e hand of Sena * N ew Y ork, J a n . 5.— J . P ie rp o n t M or­ S teel C ar com pany. arried on. Practically all wool ex­ the se c re ta ry of sta te were g re a te r by P ressed W illiam C lark M agee, who m ade mil to r D olliver in th e sen ate, and, with gan and asso ciates m ay control, through th a n $5000 th an fo r 1908. The cept that consumed by mills in Oregon more the^ a d m in istra tio n su p p o rters, is ready u rth e r tru s t com pany m ergers in N ew collected by th e se c re ta ry of lions in coke. is baled and shipped to Boston, requir­ s to t a tal t e ’s fees Vork, th e enorm ous sum of $210,000,000 W illiam M e tcalf, p resid en t of the fo r th e com ing fra y . office in 1909 equaled $75,127.79, P o litic al o bservers in W ashington n deposits alone. ing 67 cars to move last season’s out­ an increase over the previous y e a r of B raoburn S teel com pany. put from Shaniko alone. T his is ap p ro x im ately $25,000,000 Jo h n Caldw ell, tre a su re r of tho g reat declare th a t th e situ a tio n cre a te d by $5259.03. Westing-house E lectrical & A irb rak e to d a y ’s developm ents is th e m ost tense nore th a n th e deposits o f th e N atio n al in m any y ears. W hat th e outcom e will Klamath School Bonds Sold. ’ity b an k of th is city , th e larg est finan* w orks, who died a t his desk. Morrcw Is Prosperous. ial in stitu tio n in th e U n ited S tates. K lam ath F alls— Bonds in th e sum of Ja m es W. Brow n, ex-congressm an and be no one is w illing to prophesy. In Heppner—In speaking of the chief th e house o f re p re se n ta tiv e s today R eports of a d d itio n a l tr u s t com pany fo r th e erection of a new school m illionaire steel m ag n ate, died a t Accomplishments of Morrow county for $20,000 S p eak er Cannon lost h is first fight to onsolidation are given credence in b uilding in K lam ath F alls h av e been h u n tin g club, w here ho had gone to ro- 1909, it would be proper to first say sold the in su rg en ts, who, com bining w ith ^ iew of y e s te rd a y ’s announcem ent of to McCoy & Co., of Chicago. The cu p erate. th e D em ocrats, caused to be adopted that the county’s population of 5,000 bonds will b ear in terest a t th e ra te of ho m erger b y J . P . M organ & Co., of Sim on O ’D onnell, vice-president and souls—covering a territory of 40 miles 6 per cen t p e r annum. The school g en eral m an ag er of the Union S tock an am endm ent to th e B allinger-Pinchot lie G u aran ty T ru st, M orton T ru s t and in q u iry resolution so as to ta k e from F ifth-A venue T ru st com panies, w ith in width and 60 miles in length—is b uilding will be built as soon as th e T arda com pany. th e sp eak er th e pow er to ap p o in t the well contented. Half of the population w eath er will perm it. The ground fo r A lb ert B. B a x te r, broker, oil and gas house m em bers of th e jo in t com m ittee •ombined deposits of ab o u t $150,000,000. T his b ro u g h t a rev iv al in th e fiuan- resides in the towns, while the re­ the in stitu tio n was d o n ated to th e m agnate. of special in v estig atio n . * ial d istric t of rum ors em b racin g th e mainder finds breathing room on 1,313,- school d istric t by Moore b rothers. This Jo h n P . Ober, ow ner o f v ast business B ankers T ru st an d th e M a n h a tta n 000 acres of Morrow county soil. This ( will m ake th e second large school build- in terests. Trust com panies in th e sam e com bina­ George L. F ish er, p resid en t of the year Morrow sold 2,250,000 pounds of in£ for tl,is city* CARDINAL SINKS TO DEATH. tion. T here w ere definite rep o rts th a t F ish e r F o u n d ry & M achine com pany. wool at 20 cents per pound, along with . ~ ¡T” Tw enty-five o th e r men have died sud Apostolic Delegate to America High in he M ercan tile T ru st com pany and th e 10,000, yearling lambs at $3.25 per Rains In Linn Save Wheat, E q uitable T ru s t com pany e v en tu ally lead, and 35,000 lambs in the fall at Albany — County Fruit inspector denly th is w in ter, th e ir w ealth ran g in g Ecclesiastical Circles. would bo ta k e n in to some so rt of a $3.10 per head. While two-thirds of Cooper, who has returned from a trip from $100,000 to $500,000. H e a rt d is­ Romo, J a n . 8. — C ard in al S atolli, pow erful alliance. the lands are prairie and capable of over L.inn county, states that the rains ease was th e cause in n early every case. In p o in t of fa c t, th e B an k ers T ru st whose life has been slow ly ebbing •om pany is closely affiliated w ith the cultivation, Morrow county’s timber following the cold weather and heavy WILL OF 21 WORDS LEFT. aw ay fo r th e p ast tw o w eeks, died this H>-called M organ in te re sts in th a t two has kept three saw mills running at frost8 beat down the earth and put the full capacity during the past year. growing wheat into shape and that it Vast Estate of $4,000,000 Disposed of m orning a t 4 o ’clock. I t had been p a rtn e rs in th e M organ b a n k in g house known fo r several d ay s th a t th e emi —George W. P e rk in s and H en ry P . A first class creamery has been es­ will probably come out all right with by George McNear. Davison— sit in th e d ire c to ra te of th e tablished at Lexington, which is stim­ the exception of a few places. Vetch n en t p re la te could n o t su rv iv e liis pres form er. S an F rancisco, J a n . 6.— T he will of e n t illness, an d th e last rite s of the ulating the dairy industry. A big gas- is not in so good a condition and there O th er d irecto rs of th e B an k ers T ru st th e la te George W. M cN ear, th e m il­ church had been ad m in istered some com pany, inclu d in g A. B. H ep b u rn and dene Dower plow has been installed. is some damage. The Woolery tract of 20,000 acres of lio n aire m illow ner, who died here last days ago. H is d e a th w as a gradual V. II. W iggin, p resid en t and vice-presi- Storing Water for Mining. sin k in g , an d th e end cam e p eacefully farm lands will be cut up into small lent resp ectiv ely of th e Chase N atio n al w eek, has been file d fo r p ro b ate. The F rancesco S ato lli w as b o rn in Mer Grants Pass - The Freehold Mining farms. Bank deposits have greatly w ill consists of o nly tw enty-one words. ciano, P eru g ia, J u ly 21, 1841. In his bank, and W illiam H. P o rte r, p resid en t ncreased. The county’s great coal syndicate is constructing a $12,000 dam By tho term s of th e in stru m en t his arlier m anhood he becam e p ro fesso r oi j f th e Chem ical N atio n al b an k , are ictiv e in affairs of th e G u aran ty T ru st fields are beginning to attract atten­ on its property on Briggs creek, 18 widow, M rs. A m an d a M cN ear, i§ be e dogm theology in th e U rb an Col •om pany, which is to be m ade the miles above Wonder postoffice. The q u eath ed his es ta te , am o u n tin g to $4, lege o atic tion. f th e P ro p a g a n d a a t Rome, anti titu la r head o f th e G uaranty-M orton- The soil is thoroughly saturated with dam will be 300 feet long and 20 feet U00,000, and m ade sole ex ecu trix w ith in 1888 he w as m ade arch b ish o p of F ifth-A venue consolidation. moisture and 150,000 acres are sown in height, made of cement and stone out bonds. L epanto. A t th e estab lish m en t o f the R elations b etw een th e M organ in te r ­ and will furnish the water for five hy­ No m ention w as m ade in th e w ill fo r see o f B altim ore in 1889 he was sent to grain for next year’s crop. th e six ch ildren of M cN ear, who are to A m erica as papal re p re se n ta tiv e . H r ests an d th e M a n h a tta n T ru st com pany draulic 18 inch pipes. Mrs. A. Bowles, Jo h n A. M cN ear, F red retu rn ed to tho U n ited S ta te s in 1892 ilw ays have been in tim ate, though th e New Creamery at Pendleton. W. M cN ear, George W. M cN ear, J r ., ir. th e position of ap p e lla n t ju d g e w ith la tte r is not reg ard ed as a M organ a p ­ Farmers Want Telephones P en d leto n —P en d leto n is to receive pendage. I t is perh ap s significant th a t S ew ard M cN ear an d S. E liza b eth M c­ e x tra o rd in a ry discretion. Medford--The citizens of Woodville tho b u ild in g once occupied by th e Man- in im p o rtan t acquisition to her m anu N ear, as th e la te m illionaire p u t abso la tta n T ru st com pany is to be razed 'a c tu rin g in d u stries in th e shape of and property owners along Evans lu te tru st in th e a b ility of his w ife to Italy Names Ambassador. oon to m ake w ay fo r a 30-story b u ild ­ m o th er large cream ery. The Je n sen creek have organized the Evans Creek c a rry out an a d ju stm e n t of h is estate B erne, J a n . 8.— T he M arq u is Cusani ing to be erected b y th e B a n k ers T ru st Dreamery com pany, w hich has head- Telephone company to build a line eq u itab le to all. •ompany. C onfalioneri, who fo r th re e y ears has ju a rte rs a t Balt L ake, will locate here. about 25 miles up Evans, Pleasant and D eposits of th e B a n k ers T ru s t ag g re­ The com pany now has branches in op­ Wards creeks. held th e po st of I ta lia n m in ister to Taft Coming West Again. gate $46,500,000 an d those of th e M an ­ eration a t P ocatello, Idaho, and Reno, W ashington, J a n . 7.— P re sid e n t T a ft S w itzerlan d , has been notified o f bis h a tta n T ru s t com pany $13,400,000, so N evada, and the p la n t here will m ake ap p o in tm en t as am b assad o r to the PORTLAND MARKETS. is still looking fo rw ard "to a tr ip to U n ited S ta te s in succession to Baron th a t th e two com panies, if com bined its fo u rth . F iv e th ousand d o lla rs ’ Wheat — Track prices: Bluestem, worth o f m achinery has been ordered $1.20; club, $1.10; red Russian, $1.09; A laska late in th o com ing sprin g . He M ayor des P lan ch es. T he m arquis, his with those now in process of ab so rp ­ tion by “ J . P . M organ & A sso c ia te s ," ind the plant will be in o p eratio n plans to go to tho f a r n o rth w estern ter w ife, son an d d a u g h te r aro m ost pop would to ta l in dep o sits more th a n $200,- w ithin a m onth. T he P endleton e sta b ­ Valley, $1.10. u lar here and have a larg e circle of Barley—Feed and brewing, $30(4 rito ry im m ediately a f te r t,he ad jo u rn frie n d s in th e U n ited S ta te s. The m ar ) 00 , 000 . lishm ent will handle cream from all m ent of congress. In an nouncing to a 30.50 p e r ton. »oints w ithin a rad iu s of 200 miles. quis speaks five language« and also is Traiii Is Lost in Desert. Oats—No. 1 white $32.50(3:33 ton com m ittee of N ew Y ork congressm en to ­ a p a in te r and au th o r. H e belongs to d ay th a t he could n o t definitely accept Hay—Track prices: Timothy, Wil­ S a lt L ak e, U ta h , J a n . 5.—T ra in No. one of th e o ldest fam ilies in M ilan, Rushing Work on Diking Project. th e ir in v ita tio n to v isit New Y ork on C latskanie— The C olum bia A gricul lamette Valley, $18(4)20 per ton; East- M ay 30, the P re sid e n t said he m ig h t be an d is a perso n al frie n d of K in g Vic 1, carry in g 100 to 150 passengers from to r E m m anuel. , , . - . , . ern Oregon, $18(4)21.50; alfalfa, $17 Los A ngeles to S a lt L ake, is m arooned .ura! com pany ha* com plete,! th e levee @ 17 6 0 ; c | over> * I 5 ( iil6 ; cheat> ,1 5 on his w ay to A lask a a t th a t tim e, or on th e d esert, 34 m iles from C alinete, th a t congress’ m ig h t be in its closing 1 round the 350 acre tr a c t of lan d oppo @ I6 ; Krain hay> | i 5@ i6 . Latham Sets New Record. days. In the la tte r ev en t, he would Nev., th e tra c k b efo re an d b eh in d it site the C latskanie depot and p rep ara Butter—City creamery extras, 39c; not care to leave W ashington. M ourm elon, F ra n ce, Ja n . 8.— All rec hav in g been to rn o u t b y th e flood of tions -are being m ade to install th e fancy outside creamery, 34(439c* per ords fo r h eig h t a tta in e d in a heavier last week. Tho tr a in is w ell stocked lum ping p la n t, tid e gates for co n n ect­ pound; store, 22>£(4)24c. Butter fat th a n -a ir m achine w ere eclipsed today Labor Appeals to Taft. ing up the ditches fo r d ra in in g off the prices average 1 par pound under b y H u b e rt L ath am , F re n ch a v ia to r with provisions and th ere is no suf­ W ashington, J a n . 7.— The A m erican w ater and p u ttin g th e land in condi­ regular butter prices. The h eig h t reached w as b etw een 1050 fering. As soon as w agons can reach tion fo r plow ing in th e spring. An F ed eratio n of L ab o r, through a com ­ and 1100 m etres (b etw een 3400 and the sta lled tra in , a m a tte r of th re e or Poultry—Hens, 16>^^17c; Springs, electric lig h t p la n t has been installed 3600 fe e t), which is n e a rly 2000 feel four days, tho passengers w ill be • n the dredge M uskrat, g iv in g b e tte r 17(418c; ducks, 20c; geese, 12c; tur­ m itte e headed b y Sam uel Gompers, b e tte r th a n th e record p rev io u sly held n o u g h t to B arclay , six m iles w est of keys, live, 19(420c; dressed, 22(r/23c. Tames O ’Connell an d o th er leaders, to ­ lighting facilitie s. Ycorna, w here a tra in will be waiting Eggs—Fresh Oregon extras, 42){@ d ay carried its fight a g a in st th e U nited by L ath am . E x cellen t w eath er am i a to b rin g them into S a lt L ake. fav o ra b le w ind aid ed L a th a m ’s a t 45c per dozen; Eastern, 27?*r432>*c S ta te s S teel co rp o ratio n to P re sid en t tem p t H is m achine rose g racefu lly and Church Nears Completion. per dozen. John D., Jr., Deep Delver. on each tu rn o f th e course m ounted Pendleton—Work on the new build­ Pork—Fancy, 10(410 ',c per pound. T a ft. The com m ittee p resen ted to the higher and h ig h er u n til i t becam e a N ew Y ork, J a n . 5.— “ I am h e a rt and ing of the First Christian church ia so p resid en t 14 charges of ille g a lity of th e Veal—Extras, 11(412c per pound. speck in th e sky. I n all, th e a v ia to r soul in th is in v e s tig a tio n ," said Jo h n far progressed that those in charge Fresh Fruits—Apples, $1(4:3 per box; steel corporation and asked fo r an im ­ hope to have the building ready for oc- pears, $1(41.50 per box; cranberries, m ediate in v estig atio n of th e so called flew 40 m iles. D. R ockefeller, J r ., to d a y as he en ­ upancy in February The church is a $9 per barrel. tru st, w hich, th ey a se rt, is o p e ra tin g in tered th e C rim inal C ourts b u ild in g to Nitrate Trust Proposed. handsome stone structure, resembling Potatoes — Carload buying prices: defiance o f th e law . The p resid en t C h ristian ia, Ja n . 8.— I t is said J . P. ta lk o v er th e p lan s fo r th e “ w hite the Central Christian church in Walla Oregon, 65(485c p*r sack; sweet pota­ prom ised to ta k e th e su b je ct up. M organ o f N ew Y ork an d th e Deuts- l a v e " in v estig atio n . M r. R ockefeller Walla, and will be one of the handsom­ toes, 2c per pound. cher b a n k o f B erlin are p lan n in g a was y e ste rd a y selected a fo rem an of Fire Destroys Palace. est in Eastern Oregon. world w ide tru s t in th e n itra te indus th e g ran d ju ry w hich is to m ake the Vegetables — Artichokes, $1(41.50 A thens, Ja n . 7.— T he royal p alace at per dozen; cabbage, $1.50(41.60 per T ato i cau g h t fire a t 10 o ’clock to n ig h t try w ith a ca p ita l of $200,000,000. It n v estig atio n . “ I f these sto ries are Concrete Store Planned understood th a t th e sy n d ic ate in t r u e , " he said , re fe rrin g to th e a lle ­ hundred; cauliflower, 1.25(41.75 dozen; when th e royal fam ily w ere g ath ered Corvallis—Albert J. Metzger will celery, $3.60 per crate; garlic, 10c around a C hristm as tree. The flames ten d s to purchase all th e sa ltp e te r g atio n s of w holesale traffic in women, soon begin the erection of a one-story pound; horseradish, 12)*c per pound; sp read , rap id ly risin g to a g re a t height, m ines in Chile an d th e n itr a te works ‘ th e tru th about them should be known concrete building on the grond now oc­ pumpkins, l l4(41Hc; sprouts, 6(47c an d soon the rig h t w ing of th e palace in N orw ay, w here $20,000,000 is in ­ leftyitely. I f th e y are false th ey cupied by Jack Milne’s store and the per pound; squash, 1(41 *4c; turnips, w as p ractically destroyed. T he fire is vested. The schem e, it is said , has not should be sile n c e d ." passed th e stag e of p re lim in a ry discus Spencer barber shop. The building $1.50 per sack; carrots, $1; beets, believed to have b eer due to illum ina sion, an d sk ep ticism co n cern in g its Town Nearly Wiped Out. will be 25x100 feet, with full base- $1.50; parsnips, $1.50. tions on th e tree. 9ucccess p rev ails. W atertow n, S. D., J a n . 5.— T he tow n T he royal fam ily escaped. So f a r as men L Onions—Oregon, $1.50 per sack. know n eo one was in ju red . The of Castlew ood, 18 m iles south o f here, Cattle—Best steers, $4.76(45; fair Bhopmen to Join 8trike. Thirty Musicians in Joseph Orchestra to good, $4.25(44.50; medium and king, who was not in th e p alace at narrow ly m issed b ein g w iped o u t by St. P a u l, J a n . 8.— Thom as von L ear, th e tim e, hasten ed home in a m otor car. Joseph Joseph has one of the best feeders, $3.50(44; cows, top, $3.50(4 d istric t p resid en t o f th e M a c h in ists’ Are of unknow n o rigin to n ig h t. The jrchestras in Eastern Oregon. There 4.00; fair to good, $3(43.25; com­ union, said to n ig h t th a t a strik e vote e n tire south side of M ain s tre e t is in Bonrne Would Help Settlers. ars 30 musicians in the organization a mon to medium, $2.50(43.75; bulla, has been ta k e n by th e railw ay m achin ashes, e n ta ilin g a loss estim ated at Washington. Jan. 7.—Senator Jona ists of th e n o rth w est, an d 90 p er cent $180,000, when 12 b u ild in g s w ere d e­ number of them having played in pro $3.25(45 50; heavy. $4.00(44.76. feasional organizations at other places. Hogs— Beat. $8.50(48.65; medium, than Bourne introduced a bill calling of th e m em bers have v o ted in fav o r of stroyed. The fire did not stop until for $250,000 for relief of Sherman eoun obeying in stru ctio n s from th e railw ay th e last b u ild in g on th e south sid e of $7.50oi 8.25, Stockers, $6 50(46 76. settlers who lost their claims be d ep artm en t of th e F ed eratio n of Labor th e stre e t was destro y ed . L ate tonight Band Has New Uniforms. Sheep—Best wethers, $5.50(46.76; ty cause the court decided that their lands th a t d ep artm en t decide to ex ­ th e fire had bu rn ed itse lf o u t on the Milton—The new uniforms for the fa*r to good, $4.50(45; ewes, )*c leee: belonged to The Dalles Military Wagon should tend th e sw itc h m e n ’s strik e . ex trem e edge o f M ain stre e t. yearlings, best, $507 5.25; fair to good, Milton band have arrived. The uni­ forms represent an expenditure of $4.60(44,76; lambs, $60i6.25. Wool — Eastern Oregon, 16<423c $200. which ia met by the members of pound; mohair, choice, 26c pound. the band. Cascara bark—4 He pound. More Telephones at Pendleton. Hides—Dry hides, 18(419c pr pound; Pendleton—A new telephone direc­ dry kip, 17(418c pound; dry calfskin, tory ia being distributed among patrons 19oi21c pound; salted hides, 10t%(4 here. The book contains over 150 11c; salted calfskin, 15(416c pound; names more than the one it displaced, green, lc leaa. w hen th e p resen t stressfu l cold was in process of sw eeping eastw ard from th e Rockies an d from M edicine H at to the A tlan tic seaboard, is fa s t assum ing an aspect of d ire trag ed y . T he situ a tiou is full of d ire po ssib ilities of ex posure and suffering. ' A lread y th e b lig h t of th e sev ere cold has been fe lt in m any W estern cities. F if ty or m ore persons, a score of whom are in hosp itals w ith in ju ries th a t m ay prove fa ta l, were th e victim s o f accid en ts in W ashington to d ay as resu lt o f th e sleet and snow w hich con v e rte d th e c i t y ’s sidew alks an d thor o u g h fares into sh eets of ice. In m any p a rts of Iow a th e fuel situ at ion is so g rav e us to call fo r th e of ticial a tte n tio n of G overnor Carroll, Confiscation o f fu el is becom ing general. H ere in Chicago th ere is only a two d a y s ’ supply of coal av ailab le fo r quick use. Today th ere was w idespread su f fe rin g in th e city . Chicago is also th re a te n e d w ith th e c u ttin g off of its w a te r supply, due to ice fioes clogging th e cribs in th e lake. I n th e f a r N o rth w est an d on the ran g es of Colorado, N eb rask a * a n d W yom ing h u n d red s o f c a ttle have p e r ished of exposure, sta rv a tio n an d lack of w ater. F o r th e first tim e in th e m em ory of m ost persons livin g , th e M ississippi R iv er is frozen from b an k to b an k from S t. L ouis to a p o in t 60 m iles below th a t city . By tom orrow m orning it is p red icted one m ig h t sk a te on th e riv er from St. P au l to Memphis. C in cin n ati rep o rts th a t ice gorges have caused loss of $40,000, an d th a t a w ave of high w a te r and ice is com ing down th e riv er, carry in g d estru ctio n in its p ath . Road company. Senator Bourne’s bill bases all claims by settlers on T. B Neuhausen ’■ valuation of each tract and improvements made in 1904. Women Pay $7500 Fines. New York, Jan. 8.—Mary K. Wobor and Kathryn Schwarz, who conducted a dressmaking establishment in Chi­ New York Recognizes Peary. cago under the name of Madame Whit New York, Jan. 7.—Hailing him as ney, were charged with “ sleeper the discoverer of the North Pole, the trunk" smuggling in the circuit court chamber of commerce todav elected & here today and fined $7500 each on a E. Peary an honorary member. plea of gnilty. Paper Trust Probe Near. N ew Y ork, J a n . 5. — T he federal g ran d ju ry h ere is expected to take tip sh o rtly th e in v estig atio n of the al­ leged p ap er com bination which the fed­ eral a u th o ritie s have been looking into, follow ing th e actio n which led to the d issolution of th e manila fiber paper pooL