The Estacada Progress UNIONS WILL AID STRIKERS Chicago Federation of Labor Pledges Its Support. NEWS NOTES 6ATHERED FROM VARIOUS PARTS O f OREGON SWITCHMEN OO ON STRIKE. Order Promptly Obeyed by 2,300 Men Throughout Northwest. WOULD ORGANIZE INSURANCE TRUST WHITE PLAGUE GETS BLOW. 4au Francisco Health Board Wins Fight oil Disease. St. Paul. Dec. 1.— After 13 days of San Francisco, Dec. 3.—An ordinance Chicago, Dec. 7. Indorsing the stand negotiation betweeu the Switchmen’s framed by the bourd of health, imposing taken by the switchmen iu the north union of North America and the joint regulations upon persons afflicted with west, unions affiliated with the Chicago committee of railroad managers, repre TURKEY “ CROP” $100,000. DEMAND TRAINED TEACHERS Federation of Labor have pledged the seating 13 railroads of the northwest, Assets ot Companies Concerned Aq- | tuberculosis, was passed by the board >f supervisors yesterday. strikers moral and financial support. Ackerman's Advice to School Officers’ Douglas County Sends Out 40,000 Birds a strike involving 2,300 switchmen be came effective at 6 o'clock last night. gregale $ 1.70 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 . Under it physicians are required to Bitter attacks were made on the rail­ for Thanksgiving. Convention on Country Schools. The men are employed by railroads report within 24 hours every person road brotherhoods who have refused to - ..... ........ Roseburg Not less than 40,000 tvr running west and north of St. Paul In an address before the school o f­ aid the switchmen. oming under their notice who shows were shipped from Douglas county | from Lake Superior to the Pacific That the men iu Chicago expect to ficers’ convent ion of Marion county, Su­ keys ■ ’yiuptoius of tuberculosis. A complete for a-7h*uksgiv'iug ibnne"rs*large Ty ” in » «* . unlcss speedily settled the Combi H Been Long Planned perintendent of Public Instruction J. H. I be drawn into the struggle was made a seriuus ‘ » “ rruptiou * Reported record of every case will be kept by the Interesting Events from Outside the plain by .lames B. Connors, vice-presi­ Ackerman made the statement that Jan Kranei‘ o. “ or the bird, at least to the traffic. “ Big Three" Companies every district school is now acting as a 11 «10,000 was paid to the farmers who State Presented in a Manner to dent o f the switchmen’s union, who Twenty-three hundred men are in In On Deal Saving in Manage- health depart meat. raised them. These figures must be school for the city schools, and volved. When a case is reported, it is made Catch the Eye o f the Busy Reader declared that it’ a strike is ordered here training ment Would Result— Question ot tho duty of the physician to make im urged the directors present to leraaud I considered with the important fact that All Hill line switchmen in Seattle, -M a tte r * o f National, Historical '>■" ......••;» 1- ••..«.n« to the Ur-tlur that laws be placed on the statute books many of tile turkey raiser* throughout Policies Not Clear. hood of Railroad Trainmen will go out mediate report if the patient vacates Bellingham Everett, Spokane and Commercial Importance. •mintrv are holdi77«heVr" product with the switchmen and “ refuse to be of this state requiring every teacher in th - and other western division points are the quarters he was then occupying, or every district school to have a thorough for the ( hristmas trade. Ordinarily out. le«l by a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” ¡f there is no physician, then the duty training before she starts her work in tho late shipments bring from a cent President Ilawley, of the switchmen’s Passenger trains where necessary are devolves on the landlord. The apart -, , . . , . New York, Dec. 4.—The amalgama- to a cent and a half more per pound . . Economy will be the wat «di word of union in St. Paul, announced tonight the school. being made up by terminal auper.u u t th„ .’. b, tUr#e„ lite iuiu“ auce meats must be disinfected aud renovated the present congress. •We have normal aeliool, now, but 'ban tlie Thanksgiving shipment», that the men at all eastern points were oumnuaies-thn Equitable Life, New before they can again bo occupied. The Those «titilen* of Douglas county who tendent. and t W r assistants. Commissioner of Corporations Sinith ( prepared to strike on a moment’s no 1 lie training is given for the citv ohil I York Life and Mutual L i f e - . » possible cleaning or renovating must be done at condemns dealing in future on the tiee, but that tlie situation at this time Iren at the expense of the children of haw engaged in the raising of turkeys the strike order is a violation of the us the result of the purchase of con the expense of the landlord, and if it is during the piist year have fared excep- cotton exchauge. J does not warrant ordering them out, as, the country schools. Every district ; tionally well, the price paid by buyers spirit o f conference pending to obtaiu trol o f the Equitable by J. Pierpont not done to the satisfaction of the school is a normal school. You send tht arbitration under the Erdmau law. Welland ! the ti(vl,P > n the northwest is practically ! health authorities, then tho following M orga a & Co. Canada will rebuild the inexperienced young girl out into the hi» fall showing a substantial increase The switchmen declare the railroads •Such a consolidation was seriously notice will be posted at the door o f th« canal, reducing the number of Jocks complete. oountrv, and when she secures training ,v,*r prices paid in former years. No forced the issue. Against the optimistic views of Presi­ room: considered several years ago, before the from 23 to seven. to the eitv. The child of the I bird* were purchased in the rouut.v for demands o f the switchmen are dent Hawley, dispatches from the eities she goes " .* . . . . . . . . i ..... . than 1 ....... o i cents, ....... : — . many . . . . . . . . in­ .. The “ Tuberculosis is a communicable dis­ i i i e lj 1 . upheaval in the Equitable which made less 21 while in iitlie •ity is given his education with the bill Glenn H. Curtiss and sev for double pav for Sundays, holidays * P (1 j ; ... , . .. flfeeted stated that the movement of , .. 1 J J a • '.s o many radical changes in the msur- ease. These apartments have been oc­ aviators are to ffv at the aviation j rajns being hindered more by the footed bv the child of the rural dis stances the birds brought the raiser 23 an, overtime; an advance o f 60 cents anC8 bi siue83. TheM,K ull bave cupied by a consumptive, and may be cents. meet at Los Angeles. heavy fall of snow than bv any lack of t riet. ” day ot ten hours in the wages ot at, increaiea the probiabilitv of an infected. They must not be occupied J. H. Grande shipped 19*2 tons of a Over 100 school officers from all over switchmen, switch tenders, towermen,, amaJ/ am, tioB anJ hav*; remove£ ma until the order of the health officer, Central American diplomats meet men to throw the switches. Nearly 100 dr«*ssod birds to San Francisco, this engine herders and assistant yard- \ Marion county were in attendance. daily in a Washington cafe to discuss «•ars of wheat were moved into Minne H *• .. .. , or the conditions which then made it directing the disinfection and renova being tin* largest individual shipment. masters; a modification o f the rule pro­ a polis today bv the firent Northern, and That they wore in entire sympathy with the Nicaraguan situation. impossible. The advantages are said ion, has been complied with.” freigilt was handle,] at the Minnesota 'he speaker, and are determined to de Contrary to usual conditions, Koseburg viding for the payment of penalty in to be many aud important aud the ob The most radical feature of the new . . . . ____.i ...................i *.... : . . : The president has ordered strict ex transfer and normal training i?.... for their teachers shipped more birds this year than Oak­ case of failure to permit switchmen to jectious are not insurmountable. for the first time since the law is that which gives the health au­ aminations o f ambassadors’ secretaries, strike began. was shown by expressions from differ land, notwithstanding the fact that secure their meals in the middle of From a financial standpoint the con­ thorities power to remove a victim from Oakland has held the record as a tur­ their shift at a stated period, which to determine fitness and govern pro We have everything tied up from ont members and by the resolution; solidation would be highly desirable for motion. contemplates double pay in cases where those iu control, as it would put assets his own home by force, if \t is believed Duluth to Seattle,” said Mr. Connors, adopted at the close of the session key raising section for many years. that his presence there menaces his Tugs have failed to pull the cruiser “ and we are going to keep it tied up Organization was perfected with th« Dividend Declared in Defunct Bank. it became necessary to work a portion of $1,700,000,000 under the direction oi children or the other members of his of the meal hour, anil the elimination President, .T . M. intil the railroads are ready to treat us following officers: Prairie off the mini flats in the Dela­ a single group o f financiers aud would La Grande The comptroller of cur- of the physical examination and the result in a material saving iu the pres­ family. The health officer becomes ware river, and her cargo of arms and ! fairly The only thing that can defeat Poorman, of Woodburn; vice-president. clothed with unlimited power in his ammunition will lx* transferred. j the switchmen in this struggle is the Dr. M. Staples, of Turner; secretary, W. rency has ordered the issue of a 10 per age limit placed upon switchmen en- ent distributed control. campaign against the disease, and there •ent dividend to depositors of the de- tering the service. M. Smith, of Salem. treachery of kindred organizations. All Mr. Morgan, if he were to dominate The t'hiu&go Federation of Labor Both sides to the dispute issued the consolidated companies, would have is no appeal from his order. Another Among the speakers w«*re C. L. Starr, funct Farmers \ Traders National bank we want those organizations to do is t«> section bars children showing symptoms has pledge«! its moral and financial p their hands off and let us attend who spoke on the history of school of ,»f tliis city, and Receiver Neidner is statements tonight. That of the rail- the handling aud investment of an an­ of the disease from the private and support to the striking switchmen, ami 110 w making out the checks. They will road managers declares that an in nual income of $275,000,000. The aver­ to our own affairs. Tt has been charge«) ficers’ conventions, being founder of I public schools. affiliated unions may join in a syin 1 by Presi«lent Lee. of tho Brotherhood the plan, ami Prof. E. D. Ressler, of be hurried t<» Washington to be returned crease o f 2 cents an hour, or 20 cents age cash iu bank of the three compa­ pathetic strike. >f Railroad Trainmen, through his press the Oregon Agricultural College, who 11 time to come as Christinas gifts to a day, was offered by the railroads in nies is now $25,000,000. START FOR NICARAGUA. A radical change in th«* admiuistra j .agent, that members of our organization spoke on “ Industrial Education’ *: J. the depositors. It became definitely territory west o f Billings and Havre, There are several great railroad sys­ rtain today that the bank will not Mont., but declined. Further increases tem« in which the combined holdings tion of Indian affairs is t«> be in­ ¡took the places of other men on strike \f. Poorman, Woodburn, on “ The Re augurated, and the Indians taught to That is a lie, and T defy any man to sponsibilities 0 $ the School Director.” pay more than 65 per •ent. To make were refused, the statement says, be­ of the three companies would be $50,- Marines Gather on Both Coasts, With be more economical in tin* us«* of gov , show that a member of the switchmen’ s The following committee on resolutions lie last and final issue, the bank must ‘‘»use P»y of switchmen had been in- 000,000 and over, with all that it im Flag Officer in Command. eminent supplies. was chosen: Max Mail, of Mount An win all suits now en din g. If such is creased previously and now averages plies iu influence. Of New York Cen­ Minion ever ‘ scabbed’ in his life.” more than $100 a month. The rail­ Washington, Dec. 2.— Naval forces of h «* case, the grand total of dividend* tral bonds aloue the three hold $45,- gel; Mayor McKinney, o f Turner; B. J. During a fire iu a menagerie at Col roads say strike oraer order was was issued issued 000,000, to sav nothing o f other lines the United States are being move 1 for will aggregate 03 per cent. roaus say the tne striae Teal, of Chemawa. orado Springs a lioness was liberate«! while a conference with United States that are ,)art' of the ^ ew York c. ward tonight to both coasts of Cintral GEORGE OF GREECE TO QUIT. Resolutions were passed recommend to save her from the flames, but on j (on.nierce Commissioner Knapp and tral Ky8tem. Iu Pennsylvania bonds America to protect American life and Regeuts Exceed Authority. ing that a united effort be made all hearing the «*ri«»s of her dying cubs t ilt e d S ines Commissioner t Labor the three hoi j <3.s ooo.DW. Even Mr. property in Nicaragua, by force of Salem— The secretary o f state has Neill, looking to arbitration under the M she rushed back and died with them. Prefers Abdication Now to Disgrace over Marion county by the school of l >s steol trust ¡8’ (lwarfeJ b lhe arms if necessary. lieers. teachers mid patrons to increase I he|j , , he . t.„|0111ent Which Seems Certain. by the board I Erdman act, was pending. Bad faith ! po»sibilitiea o f this combine With the departure this afternoon Princess Waldemar of Denmark is the usefulness of the county s c I io o I p ... ix— Berlin, Dec. 7.— King George of along one or more of the following lines: of regents of the University of Ore ln calling the strike is charged. from Philadelphia of troopship Prairie, dead. , - Greeee savs the “ Wiener Allgemeine with 700 marines aboard, for the istli GALE SINKS FREIGHT SHIP. First—Placing works of art on the gon of the first payment and interest, A woman >, walking from Shoshone Zpitlln(r... whi„h ¡, inspirH bv thp inus of Panama, and, if it be so de­ schoolroom walls, planting flowers, trees «lue on the bonds for tne improvement KILL JOHN D. PLOT TOLD. to Denver on a wager, Austrian foreign office, has resumed the Six Men Go Down With British Bara creed, Nicaragua, and with the sailing and shrubbery, and otherwise beautify of streets in Eugene abutting on the Ballinger is planning a complete idea of abdicating for himself and his from Magdalena bay of the protected Off Cape Flattery. ing the grounds. property of tin* university in that city Oil King Guarded to Foil Assassins or change in the reclamation service. dynasty. cruiser Albany, and the gunboat York Second—Securing teachers with spe on the grounds that the board of re­ Portland, Dec. 4.—Six lives were Kidnapers. The king cannot overcome the fact Railroads have stopped employing cial training, and, in order to do so, gents has no authority to pledge the i claimed for toll by the rock bound town, for Corinto, on the Pacific coast,, Cleveland, O., Dec. 1.— Acting upon I sbures o f Cape Flattery when the activity of the navy department was strikebreakers and declare conditions that his sons have been forced to quit paying better salaries. credit of the state for debts of this the army and the navy, a fact which are normal. Third—Consolidating weak schools nature. An opinion has been asked by Information given by a man who said British bark M aU erh ^ 'foiinT e'rëd’ îa becoming manifest on both oceans that he believes renders it impossible for wash the Nicaraguan shores. he overheard a conversation in which The city marshal of Lake Arthur, the crown prince ever to ascend the anil transporting pupils where eon Governor Benson of the attorney gen­ plans to assassinate John D. Rocke a heavy sea, 70 miles off Umatilla reef Besides, the cruisers Des Moines and eral, who is preparing a written opin­ feller were discussed, the police guard i lightship, November 27. La., has resigned, declaring he has throne, after having been excluded ditions are favorable. Tacoma and the gunboat Marietta are Fourth— That the county fund law ion on the matter. Leaving the vessel during the heavy nothing to do. from the country’s service. lying off Port Union, Costa Rica, ready ed Forest Hiil Rockefeller's home, all gaie that prevailed, the first ollicer be enacted at tlie general election in Efforts are being made on the part j night. The information was given by boat was dashed to pieces, and the for any call upon them, and guns o f the William Calhoun, a Chicago lawyer, 1910, making possible the distinctly Bank Deposits Gain at Prineville. I .Sawyer Smith, o f Minerva, O., who mate, steward and lour of the sailors little gunboat Vicksburg are pointed is mentioned as a possibility for min­ of several courts to dissuade the king country high school. These high schools from taking this step. Prineville— A statement rendered by said he heard the plot discussed by two were drowned. toward the custom house and town of ister to China. will make it possible for the boy and His majesty last August determined Alliance, O. Captain Salter and second mate and Corinto. Tho gunboat Princeton is Bridgeport, Ohio, is under martial to resign, and made all preparations, girl in the country to obtain a high the local banks shows a gain o f al ,neu u... __i___.. i also endeavoring to make her way from Smith, who is a lumber dealer, said 25 o f the crew launched a large life- deposits «Jluring the law, owing to a strike of 2,000 tin only giving up the idea on receipt of school education and still remain under most $100,000 that while visiting in Alliance Sunday bo.tti aa(| aftfir battllng with the storm the Bremerton navy yard, Washington, home influence and help with home past three months. The total , I recources! plate workers. 1 l?l, 1 1 1 1 ll; l;S 1 1 1 I ,v l\ f ll A I I A ll 1 « 1 A ,1 4 tl 1 1 I P An * 1 « A ,innv T ttl A . II S 1 . . . night he accidentally came near two for 27 hours, aud enduring great hard­ to Corinto. i telegram from King Edward, who duties. Tho United States army is very much was then at Marienbad, imploring him With the probability of many delicate Fifth— That the present school laws of the First National bank according men near a railway track. lie heard ships, succeeded in reaching Umatilla put out because only marines have so not to resign in order to avoid great i be amended to provide for a two days’ to this statement is considerably above ! the men plotting agiainst Rockefeller, lightship. questions arising in Nicaragua, the political complications. the $500,000 mark and is constantly and said they declared they were to far been sent to Nicaragua. - i. .... ... . .... . . , , Crazed by exposure, one sailor navy department decided to send a I session of the directors’ convention, al King George, however, is now great One of the first moves in the com j lowing all the necessary expenses for all in-reusing, as the statements are ren | be well paid for either killing or kid jumped overboard when approaching flag officer to Nicaragua to take coni dered from time to time. This in- naping him. the lightship, and was rescued with mand of the American naval forces. ing congress will be to find out its Iv depressed by recent events, and is the directors and clerks. afraid of being deposed unless he ab­ crease is noted in spite of the fact | It was agreed by them that it would I difficulty by his comrades, exact feelings toward Taft. Rear-Admiral William W. Kimball was dicates. The chances of maintaining that new banks are Doing started in be easier to kill, and the reward would j o n Saturday, November 27, the day chosen. He sailed for Colon today on Zelaya asks a commission to inves the dynasty appear to him very small. Complain Against Rates. various parts of the county. be the same, Smith says. It is believed t on which the* ’ Matterhorn "foundered the Prairie. He will make his way tigate Nicaraguan affairs and promises I Salem— F. A. Ketchem, of the Penin that in consequence of this warning j ,,ne of the fiercest storms which has from there to Corinto. Admiral Kim to resign if they are not found satis j Model Walnut Orchard Planned. j sula “Feed & Fuel company, lias filed Mr. Rockefeller decided not to attend | been experienced in years swept the ball is a member of the naval board of factory. CANADA OPENS WAR ON U. S. i»„ ^ ____ . i * . a complaint with the railroad commis­ Sheridan— The Willamette Orchard I a church banquet last night, at which entire Pacific coast between Northern examinations and retirements and the sion against the Northern Pacific and he was to have spoken. Mr. Rockefel­ California and Alaska. It is believed that the downfall of _ . _ « ... « company is planting 160 acres to Fran bureau of construction. Zelaya will be the signal for a general ®rain Men See Fight if Erie Channel against the Spokane, Portland «& Se­ quette walnuts, using Lambert cherries ler left today for New York. At North Head the wind registered attle road, charging that those two as “ fillers.” The planting and culti­ Is Not Improved. uprising of the revolutionary party in as high as 84 miles an hour, and it blew 300,000 DEMAND MORE PAY. transportation companies enforce ex­ Honduras. LORDS DEFEAT BUDGET. with even greater velocity at Tatoosli Ottawa, Canada, Dec. 7.— The prime cessive rates for delivering coal in dif­ vating of the trees will be under the --------- | island. Vessels a day behind the Mat supervision of the company’s foreman, Land Commssioner Dennett declares minister has practically assured a « make a model ore hard on tonight for the first time in 30(Fyearst iu have a i age, but mu will > Halfway— Halfway is to of trainmen on all tho eastern railroads New plans will reduce the number of Durin’n- the , ° ln,'. . Andrew Carnegie was arrested ami ! . . . . .. . J I... . ____ I ______ . . a . A . i ' 1 During the same gale which wrecned bank. W. .L Douglass, of the United | the tract. loeks from twenty five to seven, and ; «.fused it . formal assent to the bod- the Matterhorn, the steamer Argo wen of the country, comprising 300,000 eni fined $20 for exceeding the speed limit States National bank of Vale, is back ! get, thereby making ,t illegal far the !l8hore o ff Til|.UIlook b NovembeTfifi ployes, issued a statement today declar­ in Pittsburg. He had but 87 cents in this is regarded by shipping men as the ing the proposed institution. Milk Condenser Ready. ing they would soon present a demand u g’s agents his possession and pledged his East 1 ” rst s V1 a . on^ war between the king’s agents to collect taxes w th j wh f„ five lives were lost. Hillsboro— The Hillsboro condenser which to carry on the government. to the railroads for a 10 per cent in ¿rain-carrying’ interests of the United Side home, worth several millions. In charge o f Captain Salter the Mat- Cheese Wins Gold Medal. will reopen December 1 and continue crease in wages. The statement reads This action of the peers was taken a 1 U rernorn «riin- n crossed out over the ( ,, olurnbia . ,. States and Ganada. Since the Welland . . . . . , L ., , . in operation as long as the milk supply in part as follows: British bark Mattehorn founders o ff |(M,ks worc deepen«*«! to 1 » feet, the Erie Forest Grove— Mr. anil, anil^ Mrs. O. in direct disregard of the advice o f I i j hnr, . in on „ Cape Flattery and six men are lost. “ The votes in the various districts N°vei"ber 26 ; barge canal, from Buffalo to New York Brown, of this city, have receiv 1 word s adequate to justify the operation of such able members as Rosebery, Mor- ■ s .e wss in e l . f the factory. The condenser has been ley, Lpril James of Hereford, Lord ■ * ? as ,n with the British have all been taken by members of the Government inspector says sugar has been doing practically no business, from their son, Frank Brown, a choc ship Howard D. Troop, and at that Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, and closed several weeks, and workmen Cromer, Lord Balfour o f Burleigh, the Tt is pointed laker of Fulda, Wash., that he had out that an appropria scales in custom house were doctored. time the Portland waterfront figured soon will be presented to all eastern tion from the state of New York of been notified bv the authorities of th«* have been busy overhauling the plant. Earl o f Lytton, Lord Courtney and the It is said that quails are becoming OVpr ^oo.nnn.nnn wf,« made a short ! A.-Y.-P. exposition at Seattle that he It is now in first-class condition. The Archbishops of Canterbury and of out a race between the two vessels on railway companies. Everything pos­ the voyage around the Horn. The Mat­ a pest to suburban residents of Seattle. time ago. and the Erie canal will be had won the gold medal for the best opening of the plant will give employ York. terhorn carried 105,021 bushels o f bar sible will be done to avoid a strike. The budget will now go before the ley and was bound for Ipswich, direct. Though the Switchmen’s union of cheese exhibited at the fair, both as to ment to 30 or 40 people, which is quite* British parliament, ends and taxes deepened to 12 feet. a factor in the c it y ’s industrial life. | country for its approval or rejection; The Erie when six feet deep could quality ami preparation. Frank was can be collected only by consent of the The cargo was dispatched by Balfour, North America believes in radical nieas that is, the crown, through the minis- Guthrie & Co. She carried a master, ures, tho Brotherhood o f Railway Train- carry grain through to New York raised here, and his friends are much powers. High Price for Land. ! try, will dissolve the house o f com two mates and 29 men. mon does not. The agreements with pleased over his recognition by the o f­ Secretary of Navy Meyer in his an cheaper than it Could be carried via the ficials of the fair. Mr. Brown, senior. NVwberg— Gun Gmldat has hold his nions and order a general election. The Matterhorn was a four-masted the eastern railroads stipulate that they nual report asks two more heavy bat­ Welland canal, when that canal was cheesemaker by profession, and I farm of 157 acres in the Rex neighbor j Whether the present liberal house and iron bark and was built at Greenock may be terminated upon 30 days’ no­ only eight feet deep. With the Erie i* tleships. ioo«l to Captain Paul Reimers, of Port ' ministry shall be sustained in insisting in 1882, and was owned by C. E. De tice by either party. No such notice 12 feet deep, it is argued that th« taught his son the busin«»ss. on the budget will be the issue in the Wolf & Co. She was classed in Lloyds has as yet been given.” j land, for $125 per acre. Nicaraguan minister and associates Unite<1 States would get all the husi ! contest at the polls. n Washington indulge in drunken as 100 A 1. Bank and Cannery Proposed. arousal. PORTLAND MARKETS. Duluth Men Will Go Back. New Bridge— A bank and a cannery Rebels Defeat Big Force. Cook’ s Data at Christiania. Fresh Fruits— Apples, $1(2)3 per box; are among the enterprises coming to Plot to Kidnap Three Foiled. Duluth, Minn., Dec. 3.— As a result Northwestern roads say they have Colon— A wireless dispatch received Christiania, Dec. 7. Walter Lonsdale. this place. Development lias been I ¡»ears, $10/1.50 per box; quinces. $1.25(2) plenty o f switchmen and deny talk of St. Louis, Dec. 4.— Four men were of a meeting of the Brotherhood of $9(29.50 per J from Bluefields says: After five hours arrested in Collinsville, 111., today Railway Trainmen this afternoon, 80 set t lenient. secretary to Ur. Frederick V Penk, rapii! during the past few months, and! 1.50 per I»....... cranberries, '----- ------------------------- building shows no considerable abate | barrel, of fighting yesterday 600 revolution­ charged with participating in a plot per cent o f the striking trainmen here Zelaya ignor«*s government’s ultimat arrived today at Christiania aboard the ment on account of winter weather. Potatoes—Oregon, 50(2)65c per sack; mu and semis agents to Washington to steamer United States. He said he had ists under General Matnty defeated j to kidnap the three young children of will return to work tomorrow, most of -weet potatoes, l % e per pound. them for the Northern Pacific. It was work for its withdrawal. with him all of Dr. Cook’s records nn«l Wild Fowl Plentiful. Vegetables- Artichokes. 75c per doz.; 1,000 government troops under General] L. F. Lumaghi, an ex-mayor of the decided that the order to switchmen to Tillamook — Thousands o f ducks, •cans. 10«3* per pound; cabbage, %(2>lc Zasquez in the mountains above Rama. town. They are held under bonds of strike was unconstitutional, and all All effort« to bring peace to warring reports concerning his north pole ex $4,000. Lumaghi received “ black Chinese tongs in San Francisco have pedition. Mr. Lonsdale said that when geese and swan cover Tillamook bay I per pound; cauliflower, 90c(2$i.2f H H ~ per Several standards and a quantity of hand” letters demanding $6,000 on were advised to hold out no longer. failed and more blood will flow. he left New York Dr. Cook was suffer and its rivers and lakes. Not for lo/.en; celery, $3.75(2)4 per crate; egg arms and ammunition fell into the pain o f losing his children. Under ad Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and It is believed that J. P. Morgan is ing from overwork, but could not be many years have so many wild fowl | plant. $1.75 per box; pumpkins, 1(2 1 C.c; hands of General Matuty when the vice of the police he put this amount Omaha announced tonight that they are sprouts, nd; squash, fl(o $1(2 1.10; government troops withdrew. per pound; The ¡n money in the 'designated place ready to receive freight. One hundred trying to bring about an insurance com described as “ broken down.” He add been seen on the bay. o«l that when ho had delivered the doe tomatoes, 75c(2$l. Zelayan troops lost 80 men killed and j and and early earlv tndnv »n Italian D a l i « « was ™,n« caught „ « . . „ w strikebreakers will be here in the morn- bine with a capital of $1,700,000,000. today an Contracts for Water System. unients to tho university of Copen­ Sack Vegetables—Turnips, 75c@$l many wounded, while the revolution at the spot. He confessed and impli- ;ng to enable them to conduct the btisi Ruef has been released from jail on hagen lie would be ready t«> give infor per sack; carrots, $1; beets, $1.25; ruta ness. Newport— A contract has been signed s, who fought behind boulders and cated four others, three of whom $300,000 bail, pending an appeal. mation concerning Dr. Cook’s plans. other protections, lost 20 men killed. | apprehended. up with Engineer George Lea for the bagas, $1.10 per sack; parsnips, $1.25. President Zelaya plans to resign, plae Onions— Oregon. $1.50 per sack. construction of a gravity water system Wheat in Fine Condition. ing some trusted henchman in charge. Wheat— Bluestein, $1.15; club, $1.03; for Newport, at a cost of $13,150. The Child Ordered Released. Fears Felt for Steamer. Foote, I. W. W , Gets Jail. Chicago, Dec. 3.— B. W. Snow’s crop The property loss by the recent storm red Russian, $1.01%; valley, $1; Turkey total cost of the system will be $30.000 Fresno, Cal.— By a writ o f habeas Il;tlil.i\. V s . D im *. 7. If in feared Spokane, Wash., Dec. 4.— E. J. i oote report for December 1 estimates the in the Northwest is estimated at $2, The Portland Wood Pipe company will red, $1.04; forty-fold, $1.04. here tonight that the R««l Cross liner furnish the pipe, and the Southern Barley —Feed, $28.50; brewing, $28.50 corpus Mrs. Minnie Spring today re of Portland, Ore., tried on the charge winter wheat acreage seeded at that 0O0,000. gained possession of her 4 year old of conspiracy, was found guilty as datq, at 29,914,000 acres, against a liar per ton. British house of commons is prepar Ros.-iling. (•«»mummied by Captain Smith, Pacific company has agreed to give Corn Whole, $33.50; cracked, $34.50 daughter, Ruth, held by Mr. and Mrs. charged today and sentenced to six ing for a final struggle with the house nd I und from New York f o r St . special freight to this city. Water wil' vested area this year of 27,536.000 of lords. Frank D. Holland for debt. The Hol­ months in the county jail. Foote is acres, with seeding not yet completed John X. F., was a victim of a furious be brought from Blattner creek, a pur« per ton. < >;»t s No. 1 white, $31(2 31.50 per ton. mountain stream five miles north ot Eighty per cent of the striking gale whit* lands claimed $50 for the care o f the one of the leaders of the Socialist I. ! on the Pacific coast, and some yet in wept the seas of ! louthwest Hay— Timothy, Willamette valley, switchmen of Duluth have voted to «•rii Newfoundland last week She had th© city. ?bV2 19 per ton; eastern Oregon. $18(2 child. Ju«lge Church, who issued the \Y. W. movement to violate the street ! progress in Kansas. The seed bed was a large passenger li*i 16.50; clover, $15(2)16; writ, said that in this civilized age speaking ordinance in Spokane. He in excellent shape. Fall weather has which sailed from here for St. Johns the holding of a child under lien or has been connected with the public« been highly favorable, germination full University of Oregon, Eugene— The •heat, $15(2 16; grain hay, $15(216. United States hurries warships t«» on Tuesdav. was last heard from bv Butter City creamery, extras, 37c; chattel mortgage was not to be thought tion of the Industrial Worker, pub and prompt and early growth strong, demand by literary societies through both «masts of Nicaragua to protect wireless Wednesday •ruing, when she out the state for the Oregon High fancy outside creffmerv, 32% (236c per of. The charges were brought under I ¡shed by the local organization, and and the December 1 condition is report American interests. reported a terrific gale and a hard pas School Debating League Bulletin has an old territorial law. The officials is accused o f being one of the ten or eil at 96.2, against 78.9 at this date a .... i , , « 'I ii « iw i la uni m a in n pound; store, 22%.(2^24c. * (Butter fat lie r steamer at midnight was loo been . . large, . but . there Three hundred strikebreakers have ige. till a small •rices average l% c per pound under say the arrest was a case of persecu more leaders who incited and eneour year ago. I tiou and not prosecution. hour been imported to St. Paul to replace aged mobs to violate the ordinance. Slip lv to be had for the asking from regular butter prices.) otrikiug switchmen. Zelaya Would Add to Navy. t he University o f Oregon registrar, Eggs - Fresh Oregon, extras, 45c per Lumber Steamer Ashore. T. R. Sees Lion-Spearing. Two Girls Ride Under Train. The bulletin contains a full discussion •lo/.en; eastern, 32(23,Sc per dozen. Panama, Dec. 3.— The Nicaraguan The cabinet used its blue pencil tin San Francisco. Dec. 7.—The lumber ffective debating, in addition to Lomliana, British East Africa—Col of Poultry—-Hens, i5(cD16c; springs, It sparingly on the advance proofs of Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 4.— Two little consul general here is negotiationg for steamer Excelsior was driven ashore at complete bibliographe a number >i 16%©; roosters, Dio'lOc; ducks, 15(2' onel Roosevelt, Kermit Roosevelt, Ed­ girls. Agnes Smith and Annie Luecke, the purchase of a schooner named Her T a ft’s coming message. Moss landing. 80 miles south of this o f important subjects. 16c; geese, ll(2 ‘ 12c; turkeys, live, 18c; mund Heller and Leslie A. Tanlton ar both 13 years old, who escaped from aid for the use of the government of rived here today from the Girasinghiscu the industrial school here on the night Nicaragua. Tt is planned to equip the San Francisco has passed a radical city, during the storm last night. All tressed, 22(2)23f. city ordinance for the eradication of Hie crew escaped without injury, and plateau. All are in splendid health. of November 29. made a s i mile trip vessel with rapid fire guns obtained U. o f O. to List High Schools. Fork -Fancy, 10 2 10%c per |Htun«1. the position of the vessel is not believed Among the sights witnessed was a dis to Jefferson Junction clinging to the from the government of Panama. The tuberculosis. A patient may be taken Veal Extras, ll% (2 1 2 e per pound. University of Oregon, Eugene— The to be dangerous. The steamer was from his home by force, if necessary. Cattle- Best 9teers, $4.50; fair to play of lion-killing with spears by rods underneath a passenger coach, and •leal is hardly possible o f completion, University of Oregon expects to issue. loaded with lumber and could not make as a supplement, to the February num- Lfooil, $t(2 4.25; medium and feeders. Mandi warriors. The exhibition was u then walked ten miles across the coun­ as the Herald is American owned, and ,T. P. Morgan has acquire«! a con headway against the storm which arose her of the University Bulletin, a com £3.500/3.75; best cows, $3.50(23.75; thrilling one. This evening the party try in an attempt to outwit om cers trolling interest in the Equitable Life *o suddenly that the«e was no chance plete directory o f all Oregon high medium, $3(i 3.78; common to medium, will proceed to Njoro, where they will they knew would be seeking them. Both the republic of Panama is not likely to furnish artillery to a country that is Assurance society of New York. to get clear of the coast before it »ohoolsi. It will contain the names of $2.50(2 3.75; bulls, $2(2)2.50; stags. $2.50 be guests of Lord Delamere, on the lat ire sick from their hazardous escapade, not on friendly terms with the United Mr*«. Nicholas Jacobs died at the hos broke, lhe revenue cutter McCulloch teachers, the subjects taught by! «»3.50; calves, light, $5.25(2)5.50; heavy, ter’s ranch, until December 10, when and the Smith girl is not expected to States. they will proceed to Nairobi. live. Excelsior. each, their preparation, the number o f ! |4(o>4.75. pital in Los Angeles as the result of a ',as Kone years in the high school course, etc., ¡ Hogs— Best, $8'«/8.10; medium, $7.50 Thanksgiving day automibile accident. Battle Follows Strike. Tong War Still Rages. and is to be sent oat free o f charge. Exchange Seat, $94,000. i«»7.$5; Stockers. $4(2)4.75. Queen Lll Alda Orph »• a. Hhe was the sixth victim. The only re Wheeling, W. Va., Dec. 3.— Shots Sheep — Best wethers, $4.50(2)4.75; maining member of the family is the Sin 1’ranciseo. Dec. 7.— Despite the New York— A price within $1,000 of Honolulu, Dec. 4.— Fort tier Queen were exchanged today between strikers Most Rain for 13 Years. fair to good, $4(24.25; best ewes. $2.75 the record was paid today for a seat Liliaokalani, of the Hawaiian Islands, and the men who yesterday voluntarily babv. which is suffering from concus efforts of the Chinese Six companies and sion of the brain and a broken arm. the peace officials of this entire state Albanv— The rainfall for November '" 4 ; fair to good, $3.50(2)3.75; lambs, on the New York Stock exchange. It it was announced today, has executed returned to work in the mills o f the brought $94,000 as against the record a deed of trust to W. 6. Smith and C. American Sheet ft Tinplate company, • it u holinvod in most most coast <»o»st citi©*« ©iti©«« fo '»ring an end to the tong war which was 11.24 inches, the largest amount $5(2*5.35. believed in ¡, im,....'« s on k p will imt 1 m» been raging Hops— 1908 crop, figure o f $95,000 paid for a seat sev I. P. Laukie, whereby a great part of subsidiary o f the United States Steel that . .. the switchmen striae will not i.isr ,- ?• for , over , a month be . of .. rain . falling .. . v during . the month . of •* t, 1909 m o- crop, 18(2)23e; 1 0 .,. mo« . tween the Ye© family and the On \ ick November for the past 13 years. In nominal, 190. crop, 12c; 1906 crop, 8c. eral years ago. The late E. H. Harri her estate, which is valued at $200,000, corporation. One man employed in a long tong, two more lives were snuffed out November, 1903, it was 11.02. Since Wool— Eastern Oregon, 16(^23c per man’s seat was sold to Robert H. Loeb ifter her death shall go toward the factory adjoining the mills was slightly two weeks ago. Since endowment of orphan asylums for Ha­ wounded Extra deputies have been lallinger is completely exonerated in today, making eight murders since the 1896 it has been exceeded only Once, in pound. Mohair—Choice, 25c pound. ! for $35.000 only c Ball summoned. >rt of attorney general. war was declared. t February, 1904. ^ Cascara Bark— 4%e per pound. j then another seat has sold for $92,000. waiian and part Hawaiian children. repc S T A CAD A OREGON BRIEF NEWS OF THE PAST WEEK i