EST A C A D A . OREGON, T H U R SD A Y , D ECEM BER 9. 19°9 * V W TO H B M V 'O re W W i; ; Estacada State Bank Capital Fully Paid Up - $25,000 Are You Going To Read This Advertisement? L. E Belfiis, Cashier Geo. A. Steel, President. DIRECTORS: : Geo. A. Steel, Thos. Yocum, John Zobrist, L. E. Betfils Bring in to our store as early as possible during this sale, beginning Saturday, Decemtcr 4th, ending Friday Dec. 24th, the circular contain­ ing the number received at your home. What a Bank Account Will Do For You Your number will win a prize on one day of the sale. It may be the first, then it may be the last, but eventually you will find your prize so come every day. T h e man who starts an account with his home bank, no matter how small his start, if he keeps at it, will not only accumulate money and increase his credit, but will Be sure and visit all departments in onr store in votir search for the numbers. If a number was not delivered at your home call at the office.. We give one only to a person. Remember every number will win some kind of a prize, you are taking no chances, neither are you compelled to make a purchase No n t m i i k u s t o c h i l d r e n . also bhild up in force of character, in energy, in inspiration and ability to accomplish what he sets out to do, in capacity to earn money and command a place with the leaders of his We shall be pleased to extend to you all the courtesies and help con­ sistent with safe, sound banking. a i^as!a9r-:oons per set Si and 5 1.2 5 ; Table Spoons, per see 52 to $2.75; Knives and Forks 53 25 to 58.50 per set; Cream Pitchers, Sugar Bowls and etc. at 52 00 to 53.00 ea. It Is Nearing Christmas Time Your move next Brother Wt *l»o hive 1 nice line of Iron Bed». Spring», Mattrc»»es, Comfort», Blanket». 15c to 2 bits LO CAL N EW S AND I I P E R SO N A L M ENTIO N To Visit In The East M Y NOW WIIII,H OUK STOCK IS COMPl.liTI M D S E FOR M D SE . FOR C H ECK ER BOARDS. GAM E O F FLUFFY R U F F L E S . B IL L Y F O S S U M A N D N EM O And now is the time to make your choice. A nice rocker, in the place of a straight backed chair, will make him smile when he comes In, and a nice set of china dishes will make the frowns fade away from the wife’s face, and some toys for the children. You get satisfaction when you buy a pair of Peters Shoes. The Peters Shoe Co. makes more fine shn. s than any other house in the West; that is the reason why the Style of a Peters Shoe is Cor­ rect. Every pair of Peters Shoes is made right, right in material, right in fit, light in finish, right in wearing qualities, right in price. If you desire to make a Christmas present and are not positive as to st> le and size we will he in our store until 12 A. M. Christmas Day to make exchanges and etc. CASH Livery, Feed & STABLE W . A. Estacada Mercantile Company Sale W e invite you to visit the Estacada Pharmacy and see the pretty holiday presents. JO N E S Some­ PROPRIETOR thing for everyone. Come in Good rigs and careful drivers always Henry Trapp and wife leave this Linoleum. Picture Framing a specialty. These, and lots of other things, are on SPECIAL ATTENTION before the prettiest and best ar- week for the East. They are en­ Given Hunting and Fishing Parties the bill of fare at the I s t a c a d a Fu rn itu re C a’ s . S t o r e . deavoring to get rates via Seattle tides are sold. and on the Milwaukee & St Paul, WOOD & LUMBER Mrs. Trapp has not seen many of Local anil Long Distance Telephone M ake y o u r choice of X m a s goods and w e w ill lay them Mr. Trapp's relatives, this lreing Our stork includes Dolls, Doll Carriaqcs, Books, Games the first time for her to make th e Mayor Reed was a Portland a w a y for you. trip. Mr. Trapp expects to visit visitor on Wednesday. two sisters in Montana, who will Pop Guns, Drums, in fact loys of All kinds, fancy Goods, Portland had twice the amount then accompany him on East to St. 1 of snow that we had in Estacada. Paul, his destination. They ex -1 Bibles, Xmas Cards, Xmas Boxes ol Stationery, Calender pect to be away tor a couple o f! Florence Richards, guardian of months and will attend to business M. H Richards, has been busy Fads, Pictures, as well as visit. during the week settling up the claims pertaining to the busi­ How do you like the change in ness. The claims were allowed iu | the weather to-day. full. Furniture of all kind». Wall Paper, and Building Paper. Sew ing Machines. Matting, , Yours For Business Estacada Furniture Go. Post Card Albums, Boxes, etc ,etc. CASH