The Estacada Progress COAST EXTENSION SANCTIONED WHAT RECORDS TO K EEP. C. Amount spent for hay, grain and other produce (not raised on the farm ) Construction of 1500 Miles of Roadway Census Director D urand’s Instructions for feed of domestic anim als and poul try. W ill Soon Be under Way. Relative to the Farm Census. 1). Amount spent for manure and Chicago, 111., Nov. 29.—The directors W ashington, Nov. 26.— An outline other fertilizers. of the Chicago Sc N orthwestern Railway ESTA CADA OREGON for the American farm ers of the meth “ No inquiry is made regarding company have decided that it will soon household or personal expeuses or ex od of keeping a w ritten record of their peuditures become necessary to extend that road for repairs or improvements, START NEW TOWN. FIN E ORCHARD SOLD. farm operations and equipm ent to in Each of the four questions asked to the Pacific coast iu order th at it may Germany Has Most Vessels Building sure an accurate farm census next year of fundam ental importance in its bear Will Be Im portant Center on Deschutes Buyer Is John R. Allen, Railroad Build continue to be u strong com petitor of the St. Paul and the Burlington rouds. and Will Soon Take Our Place. has been issued by United States Con iug on agriculture as an industry er—W ill Sell Small Tracts. W ith this end in view the company Irrigation Project. sus Director E. Dana Durand. It was 2. Live stock: A. Number of young is preparing to issue approxim ately M edford—John R. Allen of New $30,000,000 worth of uew stock, which prepared by Professor Le Grand Pow animals of each kind born on the farm Twenty seven acres of land in the York city, owner of the Pacific & East is in the ratio of one to four of out* center of the townsite of Hillman, ers, United States census chief statisti m B. 19U9. Num ber of anim als of each kind ern railroad th at is being extended standing Great Britain Still Maintains Immense Crook county, was transferred by the cian for agriculture. It states: stock. in 1909 and the amount paid Crook County Investm ent company to from this city over the Cascades, and This proposition “ The advantages of always having purchased Interesting Events from Outside the Lead Over All Nations— Japan In has already been sold and amount received; and the Oregon Trunk line. The considera projector of a trolley line to traverse on hand for ready reference a detailec number State Presented in a Manner subm itted to the proper authorities of Fifth Place, but Will Maintain Her number and value of those slaughtered the Rogue River valley, has purchased tion m entioned iu the deed was “ $1 and w ritten statem ent of one’s real and Catch the Eye o f the Busy Reade several states which require state on the farm. the celebrated Snowy B utte orchard at the Relativ# Position— Not Building as other valuable considerations.“ personal property are readily under — Matters o f National, Historical airy products: A. Q uantities Hillman is a townsite on the survey Central Point, from Fred H. Hopkins authority for the issuance of the new stood by everyone and will be most and 3. D value Fast as United States. railroad securities. This authority has and Commercial Importance- butter aud cheese of the Oregon Trunk line and located for $168,000. The orchard is one keenly appreciated when the census produced on of the milk, farm in 1909. tho most famous in the valley, and not yet been given by any one of the enum erator calls with his list of ques between M adras and Bend, being about B. Q uantities of milk, butter, cream the center of the Deschutes Irrigation the pioneer commercial orchard of this three states to which the proposition tions next April. The value of the butter has been subm itted, which fact may ac­ W ashington, Nov. 27.—M easured by and cheese sold in 1909 and & Power com pany’8 segregation. It section. It consists of 300 acres census figures of farm w ealth deperds Kin)? Manuel of Portugal is visiting upon their accuracy, and accuracy can amounts fa t received. choice varieties of apples and pears, count for the denial which the officials actual nuval tonnage in service, the was called Hillman because the funders in Paris. 4. Poultry aud eggs: A. Value of wished to combine the names of Hill 160 of which are in bearing, the re of ¿he company make regarding the pro­ U nited States ranks second among the only be secured through the co-opera posed stock issue. Congressman M ann predicts a tariff tion of tho farm ers themselves. In no poultry of all kinds raised in 1909 and Harrim an, the two systems that are m ainder in young trees. w ar with Canada over the pulp and way can the farm er extend more prac whether sold, consumed or on hand. Mr. Allen will subdivide the orchard It is also known, although not ad­ nations of the world; G reat B ritain building into central Oregon. received from poultry “ One of the conditions of the tran s­ into five and ten acre tracts, which will m itted by the com pany’s officials, that alone surpasses this country. But if paper duty. tical assistance to the census bureau, sold B. in Amount approval has been given for con­ 1909. in no way can he render himself C. Q uantity fer of this property was that the Ore be placed upon the m arket, reserving au Dr. Cook, the A rctic explorer, is a and greater struction of at least 1500 miles of road to the tonnage iu service is added to service than by getting out duced in 1909. and value of eggs pro gon Trunk line build a freight ami pas portion for himself. On this tract nervous wreck, and has gone into re his pencil and be completed within the next two tonnage of warships authorized aud iu note book on the evening senger station on it and such switches located the wonderful block of 16% to three treat to recuperate. years. It is known through course of construction, the Uuited of April the 14th next, and m aking u[i 19 D. 9 Q uantity and value of eggs sold i: and sidetracks as would be necessary,' acres of W inter Nellis pears, which or produced a net yield of $19,000, or western senators th at the company has ¡States is compelled to yield second place I t is estim ated that governm ent recta a statem ent of his farm property. The said F. B. Cooper, president of the in 5. Wool and m ohair: Number and completed and approved surveys of per tree. The total crop this mation has added $15,000,000 to the questions to be asked concerning farm Germany. In other words, Germany vestm ent company. “ The property con $15.83 total weight of fleeces shorn in 1909 sists lines to three im portant Pacific coast to year will net over $40,000. w ealth of the W est. property are as follows: has in course of construction more largo of 257% acres in section 16, town and am ount received from sales. points—nam ely, Portland, Seattle and value of farm , with all build battleships thau has the U nited States. 1, range 13 east of W illam ette P rivate advices received in New York 1. Total 6. Crops: For each crop harvested on ship and improvements. The relative order of warship tonnage M eridian. Hillman is to be on the Electric Line May Penetrate Curry. San In Francisco. say th at U nited States troops have ings the farm in 1909 give number of acres, connection with the proposed is 2. Value of buildings. of both the Oregon Trunk and the Marshfield—Curry county, in addi sue of new stock, it is remembered that of the great nations today is as fol­ landed in Nicaragua. the quantity produced, and the value lines 3. Value of all improvements an of Deschutes railroad, and we hope to the products. The number of acres to the railroad which has been the St. P a u l’s first move toward the G lows: W ashington officials deny the allega m achinery, including tools, wagons, it one of the most im portant of tion B r ita in ...................................1,758,350 started from Bandon to Port Orford Pacific coast extension was the issuiug U reat tions of m ism anagem ent in the Klam carriages, harnesses, etc., and all ap of each crop to be planted for harvest make uited States ................................ 682,785 n 1910 will also be called for by" the the central Oregon c ities." has prospects of still another road—an of exactly the same amount of new Germany ath irrigation project. pliances and apparatus used in farm enumerator. ......................................... 609,700 This cannot be determ ined electric line—to exten^ from Grants stock. The Missouri Pacific railw ay is after ing 4. operations. F ra n c e ............................................... 602,920 much before the date of the enumer Seven Devils Is Bustling Camp. Pass across the m ountains to the coast Number and value of domestic an coast business, having opened offices in imals, classified as follows: ation. Instead of giving the number Homestead— For two months every at Port Orford. An engineer has been RIVER SAPE FROM NIG H T ATTACK Jap an ................................................ 396,368 Los Angeles, San Francisco and Port Basal* ............................................... 259,263 of acres in orchards and vineyards, tiling has been expectancy in the Seven working through Curry county for C attle: A. Born before January land. give as nearly as possible the number Devils, in anticipation of the opening some time. I t is said th at he repre Moving T arget Punctured in Gloom Italy .................................................. 216,038 1909—Cows and heifers kept for milk, of A ustria ............................................. 114,897 trees and vines of bearing age. The of the railroad. The camp is taking seats eastern capitalists, who own large I t is believed th at U nited S tates ma Cows and heifers not kept for milk, 12 Out of 16 Times. I t will be noted th at Japan is far rines have already been ordered to Steers and bulls kept for work. Steers quantity of certain fru it products, as on new life, ami development has never tracts of copper land in the central cider, vinegar, wine and dried fruits part of the county. The plan, so far Fort Stevens, Or., Nov. 29.—1 he of inferior to the U nited States in its N icaragua, although it is denied at and bulls not kept for work, been so active, nor so thorough. produced in 1909 will be required, as as it is understood, is to run an elec naval strength, standing fifth on the W ashington. 1909—Heifers. Steers will also the quantity and value of While the railroad will enter the dis B. Born of artillery practice at night trie line from Grauts Pass into Curry ficiency list. I t will ulso be noted from the was tested thoroughly last night by the triot in w inter, when snow and cold The Chicago & Great W estern Pail and (,'. bulls. sugar, syrup and molasses produced w eather will interfere seriously, men at a point near Illahe. The route se T hirty third company, commanded by following table, showing the total naval Calves born in 1910. way company is out of the hands of Horses: cane, sorghum, sugar beets aud who for years have hauled ore 45 miles lected follows Elk creek to Silver Captain W illis, of tho Coast Artillery tonnage of the groat nations, as would All horses born before Jan from receivers, who took charge of it during uary 1, 1909. maple trees. Butte, on the coast wagon road. From corps This is the first year th at night bo the case were vessels building now Colts born a fte r Janu i*r mountain roads to the nearest here the panic two years ago. 7. Sales of specified products iu 1909 railroad, the road would branch down ary 1, 1909. Colts at a moving target has been tried completed, th at Jap an retains her rela­ are busy preparing for a good tew miles A considerable part of the annual pro season, to P ort Orford aud up the firing D irectors of the Chicago Sc North ary 1, 1910. in the United States army, and the first tive position ou the list, with even less beginning early next spring. luctiou of coru, oats, barley, kaflir corn Thousands of tons of ore will be ready coast to Bandon. w estern have approved the issue of Mules: All mules born before Jan uiilo time it has been tried at Fort Stevens. tonnage than tho U uited States. As­ maize, hay, flax fiber and straw, $30,000,000 worth of new stock for the uary l, 1909. R ale colts bom a fte r Three prelim inary shots were fired for suming vessels under construction were soon as it can be shipped. other straw , corn stalks aud cottou purpose of building extensions to the January 1, 1909. Mule colts born after seed is usually consumed on the farm. Ore bodies are showing up well as the the purpose of testing firing conditions. all completed, the navies of the world Rushing Railroad W ork. Pacific coast. January 1, 1910. Im m ediately afterw ard 16 record shots would show tho following tonnage: work progresses. No deep work has M adras—The party of railroad engi Owing to this fact, a report will be Asses and burros (all ages) were fired, 12 of which tore through G reat B ritain ................................2,005,873 Prof. See, U nited S tates navy astron asked concerning the quantity of each been undertaken in the district because neers under Frem ont Crane which has the Hogs born before January of target. This result is thought to Germany ......................................... 820,692 omer, in charge of the observatory at 1, Swine: these products sold in 1909 aud the the ore could not be handled, but now been at this place surveying perm anent be the 1910. Pigs born after Jan uary 1 best attained since night prac U nited States ................................ 785,687 hafts will be sunk and preparations location and setting grade stakes for M are island, says the alleged craters 1910. amounts realized therefrom. 766,906 on the moon are simply spots where it Sheep: Ewes born before January 8. Forest products: The value of all rill be made for one of the greatest the Oregon Trunk line down Willow tice has been in vogue in the United France States army. Jap an . 489,704 camps in the country. has been struck by Hying satellites, creek canyon, have completed their forest products cut or produced in 1909 Rams and wethers born be for farm consumption will be asked 412,250 having every appearance of arm or plate fore 1910. Ore from the Calumet Buena Vista work in this vicinity and moved to the The target fired at was a rectangular Russia . January 1, 1910. Lam bs boru 257,818 struck by heavy shot. as will also the value of sim ilar prod mines shows values of $211.35 per ton. Deschutes canyon near W armspring fer canvas figure six feet by twelve. It Italy ... after January 1, 1910. 167,297 uets cut or produced for sale, iuclud The assay did not include lead, which ry, to continue their work in th at vi proved a dim object to fire at, with Austria New York customs officials have been Goats and Kids (all ages). ng receipts from the sale of standing is found plentifully throughout the dis­ cinity. P orter B ros.’ force of carpen only the uncertain gleam of a search- These figures are interesting in sev­ arrested for under weighing figs. 5. Number and value of poultry over timber. ters are still erecting construction light following its rapid movemen I eral respects. Germany, for instance, old: Chickens, ducks, geese, 9. Irrigation: Farm ers who irrigate trict. A baboon attacked and nearly killed 3 months Guinea camps for the crews soon to be at work through the water. which long stood fourth on the list of fowls, pigeons, his keeper in an anim al show in Port turkeys, Increase in Union Schools. near Madras. Commissary supplies are Governm ent boats and searchlight naval powers, has rapidly passed both their land will be asked to report the 6. Num ber and value of swarms of source from which w ater is obtained from both sides of the river guard land. airiviug daily and indications point to the U nited States and France. Japan, Union—The school*} of UnionTiave be bees. the number of acres of pasture land come so crowded this year that an ad a tremendous am ount of railroad busi against the possibility of commercial on the other hand, supposed to have Federal inquiry into the burning of The census will not ask the value irrigated, and the total irrigated acre litional teacher has been hired to teach ness at this place w ithin the next few vessels entering the field of fire dur been m aking great strides in the devel­ the steam er St. Croix fails to discover of household goods, nor th at of hay, •ge- ng tho practice. Many spectators saw opment of her navy, is not building as additional room, composed of pupils weeks. grain or other farm crops on hand on the cause. the display, which dem onstrated the fast as the U nited States. During tho ‘This outline covers every import an taken from the fourth, fifth and sixth April 15. These items should be in The Philadelphia N ational League eluded, however, by all desiring a com ant question th at will be asked con grades. The new teacher, Mrs. D. A. Bourne to F ight for Improvements. effectiveness of tho Columbia river past year she increased her naval ton­ farm products of 1909 Cameron, of Portland, assumes her new Hood River— Word has been received defense. baseball club has been sold» to a syndi plete nage less than 50,000, and it is seen inventory of their farm property. erning the agriculture is so diversified luties Monday. The school buildings by some of the prom inent citizens from cate for $350,000. from the statistics above th at her in­ The value given to the farm should American W. A. CLARK IS A N TI TRUST. so highly specialized in m any of are at present capable of seating all Senator Bourne th at the senior senator crease, according to her present pro­ A New Yorker wrote 1505 words in 15 be, as nearly as can be judged, the and branches th at any schedule designed the scholars, but if the enrollm ent next will (Miter a vigorous protest before gramme, will not be equal to that of m inutes on a typew riter from copy he amount th at could be obtained for it to ts secure a fairly complete exhibit of year increases in proportion to th at of the board of engineers relative to th Prefers, Himself, to W ork as Individual, the U nited States. The tonnage of the f offered for sale under normal con ts resources had never seen before. and operations must nes Says ex Senator. American navy today exceeds th at of this and last year, more room will be adverse report made in reference to the Current m arket prices should contain a large number of Chile will accept the arbitration of litions. Japan by about 286,000; with the pres­ necessary. Tho enrollment this year is improvement of the Columbia river op carefully considered in estim ating essarily New York, Nov. 27.—“ Too muc piiries. The average farm operator K ing Edward in the Alsop claim dispute be ent programme of both nations com­ the value of live stock. about 450. Fourteen teachers are now posite Hood River. Hood River is at coming in, and not enough going out I not be called upon to answer one employed. with the U nited States. pleted, the United States will lead by “ Although tho census m erely re seventh present hand ling about 15 cars of European consumption of copper is not 296,000. of the printed questions, hence Guards on the Sellwood ferry rescued juircs a statem ent of total value of the somewhat form idable appearance freight per day, and it is estim ated keeping pace with American produc Laidlaw E xhibit a t Corn Show. two persons from a wrecked houseboat all implements and m achinery, it is be of that in a very few years will be ship tio n ,“ said ex-Sonator William the schedule should occasion no Laidlaw TAX REGULATIONS MADE. lieved that a classification of these alarm. drifting down the W illam ette. ping over 2,000,000 boxes of apples per Clark today, as he stepped from the —W. I). Barnes of this city under the following four heads ‘More than four months remain in and G. Springer of M adras are taking year, and a large per cent of these will gangw ay of the inbound steam er Mau Income From Corporations Expected to Dr. Cook is suffering from nervous terns 11 be found valuable: be consigned to Oriental ret'ania. “ I t is true, copper is selling prostration, a fte r preparing his records 1. Vehicles: This class comprises which to review the results of the year active measures to get up a creditable undoubtedly Be $25,000,000. too low, but overproduction is respon for inspection of Copenhagen univer automobiles, wagons, carriages and 1909 aud prepare for the visit of the xhibit from this district for the corn points. sible. The normal price should be 1;1 W ashington, Nov. 27.—Corporation But preparation of sity. sleighs, and equipm ent used in conncc w numerator. show at Omaha, which will be held cents; 13-cent copper is too cheap.“ $16,000 for 160 Acres. ritten record should be commenced at Steam er Argo was blown on the sand» tion with them, as harnesses, blankets, nice. Inform ed of the recent decision tax regulations are now complete and No one should attem pt to com December 6. It is proposed to secure Hood River—Charles and E. O. Hall at the entrance to Tillamook bay, and whips, etc. against the Standard Oil company, Sen ready for the printer. It has been a Mete it in one evening, but the work school and agricultural exhibit, and local capitalists, recently purchased 160 2. Heavy farm implements: Com three persons were lost and several oth rising all implements and m achinery should be divided as indicated in the the gentlemen are m eeting with gratify- acres of raw land a few miles south of ator Clark said: great, task to meet all the complexities ers injured. nbove outline, one evening being given iig success in their efforts. The L aid­ Dee, in the upper valley, and formerly “ I ’m not surprised. I never believed of the law and expected attacks upon it >porated by any power other than up to farm expenses, a second to live law district is noted for its agricul­ the property of Mr. Velguth. The Hall in large corporate aggregations of cap by the corporations. L atest estim ates The governm ent is unable to get any hand power, as plows, harrows, rollers, word from its m inister at M anagua, reapers, mowers, hay loaders, feed stock, a third to dairy products, and tural products, and at the irrigation brothers paid $16,000 for the tract. The teal, and for myself I have always pre indicate a net revenue from the cor­ on through the list. In this way ongress held at Boise three years ago new extension of the Mount Hood rail ferred to work as an individual.“ Nicaragua, and it is believed President grinders, etc., etc. poration tax of approxim ately $25,000,- topic can be given the considera arried off first honors for exhibits road has caused a large number of in Zelaya is intercepting dispatches. 3. H and m achinery and tools, includ each 000 annually, and 122,000 corporations ion it deserves, and the resulting fig shown from an irrigated district. Women May Be Smugglers. vestors to rush into the hitherto ng carp enters' tools, hoes, shovels, ures Fierce storm s are sweeping the Great scythes, certain to be more accurate isolated district. The upper Hood River Boston, Nov. 29.—In the arrest here probably will have to pay the tax. forks, grindstones, fanning than are Lakes. if compiled hastily .“ In a far southwestern state it has The Dalles Land for $50 an Acre. valley has the very finest drain soil, today, at the request of the federal of been mills, etc. found that not more than 10 per and is of the choicest quality for ficials of New York, of Miss M ary S, Senator Borah will ask congress to 4. Miscellaneous articles, including The Dalles—F ifty dollars an acre for cent many thousands of corporations investigate Ballinger Pinchot feud. ill such minor equipment as kettles, DEALS BLOW TO GRAFTERS. wheat land is the price at which the apples. Moore and Miss Isabella Holland, of ever of have actually done business. Im ­ pails, barrels, baskets, ladders, ropes this city, dealers in wom en’s under P eter Stoller place, five miles east of Fire broke out anew in the St. Paul hains, etc., not included in the first Members of Police Commission Are Not proper registration in many cases is L in n 's Property Increases. The Dalles, on the line of the Great wear, the governm ent authorities be expected, mine, and rescue work is suspended. but the series of penalties hree classes. Those ‘4 Suggested. ’ ’ Southern railroad, was sold, tho buyers Albany—County Assessor M cKnight lieve they have m aterially assisted in under the law will apply to all, even to The governm ent is preparing to send “ Many farm ers greatly underesti being Milton Chaney and John G rif­ the investigation of illegal importations of Linn county has about completed San Francisco, Nov. 25.—P. H. Me m arines to N icaragua on short notice. mate the total value of their posses arthy, who Nvas recently elected mayor fith, both of this city. The place con­ the assessment roll of the county. The from France. The women were charged those who fail to get the forms and regulations. The m ailing of the forms Friends of Astor still continue to sions of this character when consider- n the Union Labor ticket, has selected tains 264 acres, only 200 acres of which total for this year is $25,333,855, while jointly with Robert Schwartz, Philip and blanks to every corporation listed search for the missing yacht Nourmahal. ng them in the aggregate, and it is the ire tillable, the rem ainder being too A. Philipson and Thomas Murphy, who last year it was only $21,283,885. The members of the police commission steep and rocky to be cultivated. The in -the various districts is not required only by preparing an itemized list as were arrested two m onths ago, with number of tillable acres in the county British Liberals believe th at a fight uggested above th at an accurate esti­ and the announcem ent comes as a law, and is m erely to assist the cor­ paid for the place was $10,000, or is 189,058, and of untillable 794,350, conspiracy to defraud the government by \e re blow to the union labor grafters price to a finish on English lords has begun. mate porations. Those not registered should of their worth can be made. The who $50 an acre for the tillable land. Three valued respectively at $5,534,405 and by evading duty. The women were apply looked to M cCarthy to reward them imm ediately to collectors. Standard Oil company will undertake value assigned this class of property for their efforts in his behalf. ears ago this place could have been $9,965,190. held in default of $8000 bail. _________ All returns are required to be in the the inventory should be the esti­ Not a labor man figures among those bought for $20 an acre. the repeal of the Sherm an anti-trust collector’s hands b j March 1, then sent mated amount it would bring at pub­ chosen. law. PORTLAND MARKETS. Cook’s Report in Vault. to the internal revenue bureau here, lic auction under favorable conditions. Florist Plans Big Hothouse. Joseph L eggett, an old-time Demo A Chinese letter w riter has warned “ As in the case of the farm inven W heat—Bluestem, $1.09; club, 99c; New York, Nov. 24.—The volumi where the tax will be assessed and the rat, and a man of sterling integrity the mayor of Portland that a tong war ry, M ilton—Jam es W ait, last spring red Russian, 96% c; Valley, $1; Turkey ous report prepared by Dr. Frederick faxpaying corporations notified by June no special blanks are required for remains on the board, while the two is likely to begin at any time. he record of farm products of 1909. new men are to be W illiam MacNev&n, purchased a 53 acre tract of land red, $1.02; 40 fold, $1.01(51.02. A. Cook, for the U niversity of Copen 1, the tax to be paid by July 1. The governm ent has ordered a rigid An ordinary note book with leaves at member near the W alla W alla river, and it ton. Barley—Feed, $28; brewing, $28 per hagen, which will set forth the ex­ of a real estate firm, and Louis least six inches wide will be found W ild Man Is Captured. investigation into the St. Croix disaster. claim to having reached the here th at the enterprising tlorist is who is connected with a down- convenient. The following inform ation Blot, Whole, $33.50; cracked, $34.50 plorer’s M any damage suits may follow. N orth Pole, will be shipped under a U kiah, Cal., Nov. 27.—Emilio Badoni, planning one of the most extensive hot­ per Corn— own wholesale commission firm. ill be called for: ton. guard on the Scandinavian- known in this section as “ The W ild T aft will prosecute the sugar trust to 1. Farm expenses in 1909: A. Amount The» labor leaders are already dis house plants in the northwest. A num­ Oats— No. 1 white, $30(530.50 per strong Ameriean liner U nited States on Man of H opland,” was captured last a finish in spite of the statu te of limi spent in cash for farm labor (exclusive gusted with the independence of Me ber of greenhouses are being built, all ton. T hanksgiving From the precau night by Constable Orr, of Cloverdale, arthy. One of them said, when f which will be heated by steam and Hay—Thnothy, W illam ette Valley, tions taken, it day. is apparent tations, under which they claim immu f house work). th at Dr. and Game W ardens Lee and Miller, who lighted by electricity. In addition to $15(0)19 per ton; E astern Oregon, $18 Cook fears som ething may happen nity. B. Estim ated value of house rent and asked how ’iibor was faring with the these, to broght him to this city. Badoni has a handsome and modern residence mayor elect: “ Aw, you can ’t touch (5>20; alfalfa, $ board furnished farm laborers in ad- 16@16.50; clover, $15; Lack of American beef in Germany report. A rrangem ents have been lived in a cave near Coinsky station being erected on a piece of ground cheat, $14(5)15.50; grain hay, $15(5)16. his him since he was elected.“ m ay cause a cam paign for the readmis it ion to cash wages paid. to store it in the strongbox in since last May, and had not spoken to bordering the interurban track. B utter—City cream ery extras, 36c; made the cap tain ’s room on board the ship, any one for many months. During this sion of American canned meats under a fancy outside cream ery, 32%@36e per where French General Assassinated. Mob Shoots Down Negro. very low tariff. it will be guarded on the voyage time he has lived on sheep he has killed T racklaying at Lebanon. pound; store, 22%@24c. (B utter fat and food taken from cabins in the Excessive rains have produced flood P aris, Nov. 30.— A man believed to Meriden, Miss, Nov. 27.—Morgan Lebanon— Mr. Dollarhide, who had a prices average l% c per pound under neighborhood. Badoni was found by Jap an Publishes Factory Laws. conditions throughout the W illam ette be insane, and having an imaginary hambers, a negro, was taken from ontract with Hayden Bros, for grading regular butter prices). the officers sunning him self on top of and Columbia valleys, and much dam grievance against the war departm ent, Town M arshal Broadway and Deputy about two and one-half miles of track Eggs— Fresh Oregon extras, 42% (5 Tokio, Nov. 27.—W ith the view of Squaw rock, and was captured before shot and seriously wounded General Joe Camp at Meechan, 12 miles west for the new extension on the Crabtree 45c per dozen; eastern, 32(538c per m eeting labor problems before they be age has resulted. Verand today on the steps of the Hotel of here, tonight by 200 masked men end, come complex, the governm ent today he could offer any resistance. dozen. has completed his part of the work A Kansas hen laid an egg bearing Continental. The man was arrested nd his body riddled with bullets. The and left for the vicinity of Portland, Poultry—Hens, 14%@ 15c; springs, published a new bill in connection with the lettering “ Drouth 1911.“ L ater it was learned that he had mis­ negro had earlier in the day beaten where Is Japanese W hite Man? factory laws. U nder the statute, he will establish another camp, 14(5 14%c; roosters, 9(510c; ducks, 16c; the taken General Verand for General and robbed M artin Dressier, an aged which goes into imm ediate effect, the Richmond, Va., Nov. 27.—The ques­ Colonel A sto r’s yacht Nourm ahal is grading and excavating for the geese, 10%c; turkeys, live, 20@21c; employment Brim, m inister of war. The assailant, citizen of Poi-ite, a small station two '"he of children under 12 years reported safe a t San Juan harbor. w hether a Japanese is a white man rack through the city has been com­ iressed, 22% (5 25c. is an Algerian, was overpowered iles west of Meechan. Dressier identi­ pleted. is prohibited in factories. Women tion within the meaning of the naturaliza­ aud some tracklaying will be- Fresh Fruits— Apples, $1(5)3 box; old Senator Borah says the forestry bu who with difficulty, and was found to be a of any age and boys under 16 are pro fied his assailant. M arshal Broadway pears, $1(5)1.50 per box; grapes, 75c@ tion law was vigorously debated in the reau usurps the functions of congress. walking arsenal of revolvers and dag and Deputy Camp started with the n this week. $1.50 per crate, 12%@15c per basket; hibited from laboring at night, and no United States circuit court of appeals Football has, so far this year, claimed gers. General Verand received bullets negro for the jail. On the way they employe is allowed to work over 12 Spanish M alaga, $7 per barrel; quinces, here today. Namyo Bessho, former en Fine Apples in Wallowa. 30 dead and 216 injured, most of the in the neck and forehead, and his con ore confronted by the mob, which took $1.25(51.50 per box; cranberries, $9@ hours per day under any circum listed man and steward in the United W allowa—T hat W allowa county is 9.50 dition is considered serious. Latter being maimed for life. stances. the negro by force. States navy, is an applicant for Ameri­ destined to become one of the great i box. per barrel; persimmons, $1.50 per can citizenship. The district attorney St. Louis women took forcible pos pple producing sections w ithin the Potatoes—Oregon, 60@70c per sack; Rich, Church K ept Her. Oil H ead Up for Perjury. Farm er Blocks Railroad. ain-tains that he is barred by the law session of the streetcars of th at city next 15 years, is shown by. an exhibit Austin, Tex., Nov. 29.—H enry Claj sweet potatoes, l% c per pound. Spokane, Nov. 27.—Supported for which gives the right of c:tizenship to Spokam — Bacause of the failure of of fine apples in the window of tne and cleaned them up. Pierce, of Kansas, oil m agnate, will be Vegetables — Artichokes, 75c per “ all white persons and all those of A f­ by the Columbia River Confer the Great Nort hern rail road to secure Wallowa Realty company. Among the dozen; beans, 10c per pound; cabbage, tried here W ednesday for alleged false A nother d a y ’s search in the St. Paul years rican descent who are of good moral ence ot‘ the M ethodist church, dying a samples exhibited are some Opalescent, a w ater right on the spring near cauliflower, 90c@1.25 per doz.; swearing. The case was continued last character.” The case may not be de­ mine revealed 47 dead bodies, but no few days ago and leaving an estate Red Cheek, Jonathan, M cIntosh’s Red •%(51c; $3.50 per crate; eggplant, $1.75 August, and relates to a r affidavit filed cided for several days. indication of any more living. valued at $7,000, Mrs. Eliza Uren, in­ Kphrata, where it has been getting nd M cM ahon’s W hite, all of which celery. per box; horseradish. 9(510c per dozen; by Mr. Pierce when the Rogers Pierce Four hundred and fifty lords will valid wife of the late Mr. Uren, pas­ w ater for 16 years. F. A. Tolliver and are of excellent size and flavor. hothouse lettuce, $ 1@1.25 per box; company entered the state in 1900, after Mummy Rameses Arrives. assemble to vote on the final accept tor of the F irst M ethodist church of sou made a tiling and shut off the water pumpkins, 1(51% «; squash, $1(5)1.10; having been ousted for violation of the ance or rejection of the British budget. Dayton, caused disappointm ent in pending the settlem ent of a suit, a r 1 Big Kale Crop. tomatoes, 75e@$1.50; turnips, 75c@$l a n titru s t laws. A ttorneys for the Boston, Nov. 27.—Rameses, king of a half dozen mogul engiinvs have gone church circles at Dayton, Wash., when Recent court decision against Stand Pottage Grove—O. P. Adams is ex- per sack: carrots, $1; beets. $1.25; ru t­ state conferred today and declared that Egypt» ¡9 resting aboard the steam ship wealth was made known. She dry on the main line of the Great biting ard oil is said to be only a theoretical her a head of kale with leaves abagas, $1.10 per sack; parsnips, $1.25; no continuance would be asked or grant Aragonia, while the vessel is discharg­ willed her fortune to relatives in Aus­ N orthern as a result. Two trains are ed by either side. defeat, and will result in no practical tralia without contributing a penny to laid up at Ephrata for lack of water. 30x16 inches. A single plant has pro- onions. Oregon, $1.25(5)1.50 per sack. ing a portion of the cargo here prepara­ Best steers, $4.50(5'4.65; fair Ioes. the church which had made com fort­ Ephrata is the onlv station between luced sufficient feed for a cow for a to Cattle— tory to proceeding to New York. The Mrs. Roosevelt Is Home. good, $4(5)4.25; medium and feeders, Mr. Adams says this is the first existence possible for her during Wilson creek and T rinidad at which monarch, whose age is estim ated at Isthm ian canal commission reports able $3.50(53.75; best cows, $3.50(53.75; me New York, Nov. 26.— Mrs. Theodore kale grown on the ground, which has i illness of six years. engines can get water. about 3000 years, was lifted aboard the the big ditch half finished, and esti­ dium, $3(5 3.25; common to medium, Roosevelt and her daughter, Miss Ethel, steam en under cultivation for 53 years. er by the seamen at Suez with m ates the cost will be double the $2.50(52.75; bulls, $2(52.50; stags, $2.50 returned today from Europe on the Riches L eft to Women. “ Take Away Your O un to at.” original estim ate. (53.50; calves, light, $5.25(55.50; heavy, Koenigen Albert. Mrs. Roosevelt’s New York for destination. Rameses— Roseburg Turkey Shipments. just which one of the long line of Victoria, B. C., Nov. 29.—The Vancouver, B. C., Nov. 24.— For the $4(5 4.75. stepdaughter, Mrs. Nicholas Longworth. No lives were lost in the burning of purpose steam er Bellerophon, from Asiatic Roseburg—Turkey shipm ents from Hogs— Best, $8(58.10; medium, $7.50 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Robins.n and Egyptian sovereigns of th at name has of providing for destitute the steam er St. Croix, but many were ports, today brought news from Macao Roseburg: Harness and Johnson, 2,100; 7.85; Stockers, $4(54.75. Collector of the Port William Loeb, Jr. not been determ ined— is a mummy. injured and great suffering prevailed. women who are entirely outside the that the French gunboat Argus was Kohlpagen, 600; F ry A Co., 2,000; E. (5 Sheep — Best wethers, $4.25(54.50; met them at the pier. The ship is a total loss. pale of churches and religious organi­ driven into a paddy field 600 yards from O. Young A Co.. Oakland, 6,100. The fair to good. H ail H its Los Angeles. $3.75(54; best ewes, $3.75 H unter “ Finishes “ Chum. zations, Dr. Eady Stevenson, of this a river in which she took shelter from highest price paid for birds was 22% (54; fair to good, $3.50(53.75; lambs, An Ohio banker and party of four city, Los Angeles, Nov. 27.—Hailstones as cents. a violent storm last month, and that deceased, has left property $ 5 ( 55 . 35 . Omaha, Neb., Nov. 29.—W hile hunt large as walnuts fell in various por have completed a 1,300 mile trip in row valued lately Chinese farm ers have demanded $7000 at $150,000, besides a small sum ing today, Wesley McBride, aged 16 tions of this city late today for ten Pork—Fancy, 10c per pound. boats down the Colorado river. They set aside quarterly for two relatives. compensation for destruction of their W ill L ight Streets. Veal—E xtras, ll@ 12% c. according to his own version of the minutes. A sleet storm followed a sud­ obtained many photographs of prehis The rice crops by the gunboats' travels. physician requests th at his tru s­ Toledo—The city council has made Hops— 1909 crop, 18(522e; 1908 crop, affair, accidentally shot his companion toric Indian hieroglyphics. fall in the tem perature, the falling tees, who include the m ayor of Van The Chinese insist th a t the French arrangem ents for the lighting of the nominal; 1907 crop, 12c; 1906 crop, 8c. H arry Long, aged 15, in the jaw. and den rem aining on the ground some It is reported th at there are 200,000 couver, use the fund available to carej sailors remove their gunboat from the business streets, and 10 lamps are be Wool—Eastern Oregon, 16(523c per then fired two shots into his head to sleet time, affording an unusual sight for unemployed in New York city. rice fields. for the city s destitute. ng placed by the electric company. pound; Mohair, choice, 24c pound. make a good job of i t.” Southern Californians. NEWS NOTES GATHERED FROM VARIOUS PARTS OF OREGON BRIEF NEWS OF THE PAST WEEK ' * . U.S.NAVY SECOND IN GROSS TONNAGE