•JW -mv V I i J-tU ■- V------ ----i 6 l « X-- As... as \ V\ NO. 15 o r VOL * E ST A C A D A . ORF.GON, TH U R SD A Y , D EC EM BER 2. 1909 ‘-■ SCV’T» . 3 -TFT Estacada State Bank L. E Belfils, Cashier DIKtCÌORS: ú Geo. A. Steel, Thos. Yocum, John Zobrist, L. E. Belfils What a Bank Account Will Do For You T h e man who starts an account with his home bank, Ï Special Bargain only 500 to be sold Japaned Dust Pans, Size 9 x 13. at the special “ What's Your Number’ ’ Sale price of 5 c each In Our “What's Your N um ber" Sale We arc displaying a nice line of Cast and Steel Ranges and Combination upright heaters This cut illustrates one of our good old no matter how small his start, if he keeps at it, will not only ■ accumulate money and increase his credit, but will also build up in force of character, in energy, in inspiration and ability to accomplish what he sets put to do, in capacity t j earn money and command a place with the leaders of his community. W e invite you to open an account with us. We shall be pleased to extend to you all the courtesies and help con­ sistent with safe, sound banking. i fashioned, large, six hole, cast range, fitted with large Cast Iron White Enameled Refer voir, and we do not think a more artistic * 2 # cyArt News 2 SPECIAL LOTS LOT NO. 1 A R T P IC T U R E S It Is Nearing Christmas Time With Gilt Frame, art stores would ask $ 1, Our price One Matf , And now is the time to make your choice. A nice rocker, in the place of a straight backed chair, will make him smile when he cotncs in, and a nice set of china dishes will make the frowns fade away from the wife's face, and some toys for the children. Wc al>o have a nice line of Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Comforts, Blankets, Furniture of aU kinds. Wail Paper, and Building Paper, Sewing Machines, Matting, LO C A L N EW S AND P E R SO N A L M ENTIO N Calvin Haner, of Springwater, is on the sick list. Mrs. Florence Richards, of Se­ attle, is here attending to business M ake y o u r choice of X m a s goods and w e will lay them matters and visiting her friends Yours For Business Estacada Furniture Co. Special “ Whats Your Number’ ’ Sale Price. 2 a t , .T sg.*L 7 ra ai It looks good to see the sun and Linoleum. Picture Framing a specialty. These, and lots of other things, are on realize that it did not rain on the the bill of fare at the Estacada Furniture Ca’s. Store. last day of November. a w a y for you. warranted Packet Knives, Razors, Shears, Complete Shaving O u tfits,W atch Charms. Fobs, and inany’otlier articles. Man, don’ t think it is too Nearly to buy Christmas presents, the louger you’ ' wait the smaller selections’ become. You will also find in other parts of our store many articles useful for Xmas, such as Stoves and Ranges, Neck- ware, Dress Patterns, Shoes, etc. Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE W . A. JO N ES PROPRIETOR Good rigs and careful <1 rivers always SPECIAL Given ATTENTION Hunting and Fishing Parties WOOD & LUMBER W e invite you to visit the Estacada Pharmacy and see tl e pretty holiday presents. thing for everyone. Come "before the prettiest and best in ar­ ticles are sold. Local and Long Distance Telephone Our stock includes Dolls, Dol! Carriages, Books, Games E. M. Miller is having a new W. A. Rhodes, of Garfield, has house built on his lots in the Fraley Pop Guns, Drums, in fact Toys of All kinds, I am y Goods, purchased lot No. 3 Block 38 Zo­ Addition. G. C. Reisner has brist Addition aud intends erecting charge of the work. Bibles, Xmas Cards, Xmas Boxes of Stationery, Calender a blacksmith shop. L. E. Belfils has received a letter from E P. Scott at Santa Barbara, in which he says he does not feel strong but he hopes to receive ben­ efit. i i Some­ Sherman Kilgore, we are sorry Pads, Pictures, to note, is confined to his bed through illness. Sherman will I more than ever now feel the neces-, Post Card sity of help iu the kitchen. Albums, Boxes, e L c . , e i c . L X