Bow Catarrh Invites C o n su m p tio n It weaken* the delicate lung tissues, derange* the dige*tive organ*, and break* down the general health. It often cuuues headache and dizzi- ne**, impair* the ta*t»-, smell and hearing, and affect* the voice. Being a conutitutional disease it re* quires a constitutional remedy. Radically and permanently cures. In usual Iluuid form or in chocolated tablets known a* S a rs a ta b s . too doses $L S t u r t ln jr The Pastor (dining with the fam ily) — Ah, yes, Brother Smithers. it Is the little tilings of tliis life that count! Little W illie (in a loud whisper) — Maw, that’s the sixth biscuit he's took. —Chicago Tribune. LArLI D ENTISTR Y At Prices that Defy Competition TEETH WITHOUT PLATES A SPECIALTY C o n tr o v e rs y . Vole«* o f I lie People. "Colonel, what will be the overshad­ owing issues of the next campaign?” "W ell, I can’t tell you about that, o f course, until a few of us have got together and had our litlle conference." , A Secret Society. Carrie— I ’ ve got a dandy Idea for a girls’ secret society. Belle— A secret society! . Do you think it would be practical? Carrie— Surely. We wouldn’ t keep secrets; we’d swap them.— Puck. An IncoiiMlaleul kxpeiiae. " I wonder why long telegraphic messages are so expensive.” "W h y do you wonder?’’ "Because they are Intended to go on tick.” — Baltimore American. D O CTOR’ S P R E S C R IP T IO N . Quickly Cures Rheumatic Pains, Also Splendid System Builder. Cto to any good prescription .druggist PA IN LE S S E X T R A C T IO N .................... 50c atid get tho follow ing and mix them. S IL V E R F IL L IN G S .......................... 50c up If he docs not have these ingredients GOLD K IL L IN G S ......................................$1.00 Up he will got them from his wholesale 22K GOLD CROWN ............................... $5 00 GOOD RUMMER P L A T E .......................... $5.00 house. “ One ounce compound syrup o f Sar TH E MESI’ RUMMER P L A T E S ................ $8.00 W IIA LERO N E P L A T E S .................. $10.00 sapariJIa, and one ounce Toris com Out-of-town patient* can obtain perfect work; pound. Add these to a half pint ol and aave money by calling at our office. NO STUDENTS NO GAS NO C O C AINE j first-class whiskey, and use a table spoonful before each meal and at bed A ll work guaranteed for ten yearn time. The bottle must be well shaker CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS each tim e.“ This simple remedy is oii€ 323Mr Washington Si., Cor. Sixth o f the most effective known. The Established 16 years. Hero to stay. restorative action will be fe lt after th< first few doses. C. Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor This wondeful man has made a life study o f the roperties o f Roots, ierbs and Barks, and is givin g the world the benefit o f his services. Ë No Mercury, Poisons or Drugs Used. No Operations or Cutting — N o w L o o k i Lika *3 7 6 ,2 0 1 ,0 0 0 — W ages and C o s t o f M aterial In­ crease G reatly--3 3 ,6 9 9 Men Are N o w Employed. • Washington, D. C., Nov. 23.— With the Panama canal virtu ally half fin­ You Can Get Allen’ s Foot-Case FREE. o f the Isthmian W rite AllciiH . Olmsted, Le Itoy, N. Y . ,fo r a ished, the members Iree sample of A llen 's F<»ot-Ku ••. L cures Uuuai commission awaken to the fact (w estin g, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes new or lig h t shoes easy. A certuin euro for that this waterway will cost more than corns, in grow ing nails and bunions. A ll drug­ twice the amount o f the original esti­ gists sell it. 25c\ Don't accept auy substitute. mate. In other words, it is now esti­ PIMPLES MODERN A n o th e r "O ld chap, you ought to shave oft that long beard of yours. It harbors germs— that’s what the doctors say.' "D ear boy, you ought to trim tha. half bushel of hair on your head There’s no telling what it harbors."— Chicago Tribune. K i s u i | i le a t H a n d . “ I tried all kinds of blood remedies which failed to do me any good, but I have found the right thing at last. My face was full of pimples and black-heads. After taking Cascarets they all left. I am continuing the use of them and recom­ mending them to my friends. I feel fine when I rise in the morning. Hope to have a chance to recommend Cascarets.** FredC. Witten, 76 Him St., Newark, N. J. CANAL HALF DONE: COST DOUBLES Noli»tl> I* ro te » I in 14 . "W as this decision a case of Isthmian Commission Reports on Big ‘square deal’ ?” asked one belligerent Panama Project. politician. “ No,” answered the other. " I t was a case of don’t dare squeal."— Milwau­ kee Sentinel. Original E stim at. Was *1 4 4 ,2 3 3 ,3 6 8 Hood’s Sarsaparilla Pleasunt. Palatable. Potent. Ta ste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken,Weaken or Gripe. 10c, 25c, 50c. N ever sold in bulk. The genu­ ine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to sure or your money back. 922 P u p a E n c o u ru ir*1«!. "W h at did papa say, George?" H# said it was too hot to talk nonsense." "But did he know that you wanted to marry me?" "I I think he did." "And didn't lie encourage you to proceed?" "Yes. he held tile door open for me."— Cleveland Plain Denier Output. Truth Seeker— W hat are the issue* in the coming campaign? W ard Heeler— W ell, we haven’t Is­ sued anything yet but a loud cull foi money. T h e Sort o f Man He 1«. “ Biffers is a singularly narrow anc selfish person, isn’t he?” "H e is. Cook at the steak is fai more interesting to hum than Cook al the p ole!” — Cleveland Plain Dealer. Guarantees to euro Catarrh, Asthma, Lung, Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private Diseases o f M n and Women. A SURE CANCER CURE Just received from Pekin, China—safe, sure and reliable. Unfailing in its works. I f you cannot call, w rite for symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps. CONSULTATION FREE mated that the canal, when finished and opened to traffic, w ill represent a total expenditure o f $375,201,000. When the canal project was adopted it was estimated to cost only $144,233,358. Chairman Tawney, o f the house com mittee ou appropriations, on his arrival at Panama witli his committee, talked o f paring down the estimates of the commission and reducing the cost o f construction. It is not seriously thought, however, that anything worthy o f note could be accomplished in this direction. Rather, the impression prevails that when the last dollar has been spent, the cost o f the canal will be found to exceed rather than run under the lat­ est estimate o f $375,000,000. In its an­ nual report, made public today, the Isthmian Canal commission discusses this question o f cost, saying: “ Wages have increased, and the cost o f materials and manufactured articles lias risen. Prosperous conditions in the United States, combined with the un­ savory reputation that the isthmus had regarding its healthfuluess, made it necessary to secure labor to increase the wage scales from 30 to 60 per cent over those paid in the United States for similar classes o f work. Certain gratuities as additional inducements were also offered, which in the main have since bee$ continued. Moreover, the provisions o f the eight-hour law' were made applicable to the isthmus. ‘ The unit prices were therefore ma­ terially increased. Various changes have also been made in the adopted plan, increasing the quantity of work to be done. In addition, more detailed surveys and plans than were originally available have been made, and the work has progressed sufficiently* to give reliable data relative to unit costs. “ N early 50 per cent more work is necessary to complete the canal than was contemplated by the original esti­ mate and the unit prices, due to labor conditions, cost o f materials, and gra­ tuities given the employes, have been increased about 20 per cent. The esti­ mate, as prepared, shows that the total cost o f engineering and construction alone sums up to $207,766,000, to which, if the purchase price and the estimated cost o f sanitation and civil government i>e added, there results the sum o f $375,202,000 as the total cost o f the canal. “ O ver Ite r Head. "W h ere are you going to spend youi honeymoon?” asked the prospectlvi bride’s girl friend. "O, it will not be a mere honey­ S T A N D A R D O IL NO T H U R T. moon ! ” exclaimed the prospectivt bride. "It will be a honey c ycle !” “ So you’re going to take your wed Attorney Says Court M erely Orders The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. Distribution o f Stock. ding Journey on bikes, are you? Ho\ ^^^F^First^iL^cor^Morrison^Portland^Or^ perfectly d eligh tfu l!" gurgled the oth- N ew York, Nov. 23.— Mortimer F. Klliott, general counsel for the Stand­ ard Oil company, said today, in com­ menting for the first time ou the de­ cisions against the company handed lown by the United States circuit court at St. Paul: “ I have seen what purports to be the text o f the decision handed down by the United States circuit court Sat­ urday. The company will take an ap­ peal at once to the United States su­ preme court and w ill cheerfully abide by the verdict o f the highest court in the land, whatever that may be. “ Arguments in this case began last The Kind You Have Always liou-ht lias borne the signa­ April, and we are glad to have reached ture of Clias. H. Fletcher, and lias been made under his an opinion. I do not mean that we are personal supervision for over 3 0 years. Allow no one pleased with the opinion itself, but we to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and are glad to get it, whatever its na­ “ Just-as-good" are but experiments, ami endanger the ture. health o f Children—experience against experiment* “ The decree does not order a disso­ lution o f the Standard Oil company; that is a misunderstanding. What the decree orders, as I now understand it, Castorin I. a hurrrlosH substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ is that the company shall distribute goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups.' It is P l e a s a n t . It among its stockholders, o f whom there contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic are aproximately 5,000, its holdings in substance. Its ape is its guarantee. It destroys Worms stock o f subsidiary companies. This and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and W ind distribution, I further understand, is Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ordered to be effected on a pro rata and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the basis o f apportionment. Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. What is CASTOR IA The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. The Kind You Ha?e Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 3 0 Years. TMC CtNTkUR iAMMNV, TT MURRAY RTRCCT, NEW YORK CIT THE SA FE W AY To travel East is via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company’s NEW FAST TRAINS Oregon-Washington Limited Chicago-Portland Special Soo-Spokane-Portland TAXIDERMIST * AND TANNER * F U R S BO UGHT F. B. F IN L E Y 249 C o lu m b ia Portland, Ore. B A R B E R SCHOOL W E TEAC H TH E BARB ER 1 R A E to both men and women. Expert instruction: di- lom-ia Kran ed: clean, modern, up-to-date, (oney earned whiie learning. Complete course j for $30. W rite for free particulars N A T IO N A L MARBEK COLLEGE 68 West Washington St. Seattle, Wash. t Por i land to Chicago -tOWBfcj Chicago. St. Lotito. Etc. "Train de L u x «" to St. Paul L atest equipment, Pullman, Tourist and Dining Cars, electric lighted and up-to-date. Block Signal System Portland to Chicago. For literature, rates, reserva­ tions, etc., call on or w rite to any O. R. & N. agent, or to WM. McMURRAY General P aaM n g.r A gen t Portland, Oregon '• »¡m u * SUCKERS wear well and they Keep you d ry while you are w earing them ♦ 3 0 0 tV E R Y W H C I» OMHfKFD WATEMXXr % CATALOG fP U \, A - J I b w * » C a » osto h u v a . IbwVR C anadian Ca v Poison Follows Advance. Vienna, N ov. 23.— A large number o f officers just promoted to be captains on the general staff have received througn the mails sample boxes o f pills. These were accompanied by a circular relat­ ing to nervous debility. Captain Ma dos took some o f the pills and died almost instantly. An autopsy revealed the presence o f cyanide o f potassium. A further investigation showed that all the pills contained cyanide o f potass­ ium in large quantities and also that many first lieutenants attached to the staff, but not promoted, had not re­ ceived pills. Despair Rules at Cherry. Cherry, 111., Nov. 23.— Tw enty saved, M2 known dead and 198 missing was the record at the St. Paul mine tonight. Ten dead were brought to the surface today and 37 more dead were located in the second level, but were not brought up on account o f black damp. What had promised to be C h e fry ’s reai day o f thanksgiving ended in a night of hope deferred or despair. Tonight no livin g man or boy had been added to the list o f the 20 rescued yesterday. A ll day the tolling o f church bells re­ sounded. Eighteen bodies were in terred. --------------------------------------------------7— Lords A re Facing Crisis. London, Nov. 23.— The United K ing dom is more absorbed in politics now than fo r many years, and the week will witness the culmination o f the fierce warfare over the budget. The house o f lords is expected to vote Thursday qn the rejection o f the bud­ get. Most leaders in the upper house will speak. Lord Rosebery’s efforts for the Conservatives and those o f the Karl o f Hatsbury for the Liberals are awaited with the most interest. STAND ARD O IL KN O C K ED OUT Dissolution Ordered by Federal Court. Evasion Prohibited. Have One Doctor SMITH WANTS YOUR PRODUCE Portland, Or., Nov. 16, 1909. Paul, M i i i i i ,, Nov. 23__ lu au opiuiou written by Judge Walter 11. Sanborn o f St. Paul, and concurred in j by Judges Vaudeveuter, Hook and Adams, with a special concurring No sense in running from one opinion by Judge ilook, the United doctor to another. Select the States circuit court for the eastern dis best one, then stand by him. trict o f Missouri today handed down Do not delay, but consult him uu opinion declaring the Stnudard Oil in time when you are sick. company o f N ew Jersey au illegal com Ask his o p i n i o n of A y e r’s binatiou operating in restraint o f trade C herry Pectoral for coughs and ordered its dissolution. and colds. Then use it or The opinion was filed simultaneously not, just as he says. in St. Louis and in St. Paul. In this decision the government of We p u b lis h o u r fo r m u la s the United States gains a sweeping ■» W e b a n is h a lc o h o l f r o m o u r m e d io iu e s victory. According to Frank B. K el W e u r g e y o u to o o n a u lt y o u r logg, special prosecutor, the govern d o c to r meut has won every point for which Always keep a box of A yer’ s Pills In the it contended. house. Just one pill at bedtime, now and The decree filed by Judge Sanborn then, will ward off many an attack of is comprehensive and enjoins the biliousness, indigestion, sick headache. Standard company, its directors, otli How many years has your doctor known cers, agents, servants and employes these p ills? Ask him all about them. ----- Mad# by tha J. C. Ayar Co., Lowall. Mas* — from voting any stock in auy o f the subsidiary companies, and from exer cisiug or attempting to exercise auy T h e y H e lp e d Nome. control over the acts o f these subsidiary Visitor— I don’t see how you can companies. The subsidiary companies are en­ reconcile yourself to being a farmer. SI Seeder— I couldn’t .if I didn't see joined from declaring or payiug any dividends to the Standard company and one of you city men once in a while.— Philadelphia Bulletin. from perm itting the latter company to vote any stock in, or direct the policy No matter how long your neck may o f the subsidiary companies. But the defendants are not prohib be or how sore your throat. Hamlins ited from distributing rateably to the Wizard Oil will cure it surely and shareholders o f the principal company quickly. It drives out all soreness and the shares to which they are equitably inflammation. entitled in the stocks o f the defendant corporations that are parties to the O n e D is t in c t io n . combination. Irate Caller— Your paper accused me The defendants are enjoined from continuing or carrying into further ef this morning of running over a man fee t the combination adjudged to be il with my motorcycle. It isn't true. It legal and from entering into auy like was an automobile. Editor—W ell, what’s the difference? combination, the effect o f which is to Irate Caller— The difference? About restrain commerce in petroleum or to $850!” prolong the unlawful monopoly. The case will be appealed direct to Pettit’ s Eye Salve for 25c the supreme court o f the United States, the judges who signed the decree are relieves tired or overworked eyes, in effect the judges o f the United stops eye aches, congested, inflamed States circuit court o f appeals, although or sore eyes. A ll druggists or Howard they were sitting fo r the purpose o f Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. trying this case as the circuit court for the eastern district o f Missouri. N ip p e d b y a L a t e F r o a t . The decree becomes eeffetive in 30 “ Pulsatilla, I ’ve been coming to see days, when no doubt a stay will be you for several years, and I think it’s granted for the purpose o f an appeal. high time for me to— er---- ” When the decree takes effect, unless 'Quit and give some other young a stay is granted, an injunction wi man a chance, Mr. Slocum? Thanks; issue restraining the Standard Oil com­ ■o do I. Don’t stumble over the rug in pany from a further continuance of the hall as you go, Mr. Slocum.” — Chi­ its business under its present forma­ cago Tribune. tion. It appears from the concurring opin ion written by Judge Hook that the company cannot do business under any other form with the object of stifling competition. He says ou this subject that it is thought that with the end o f the combination the monopoly will naturally disappear, but should it not do so and the members o f the combina­ tion retire from it, except one who might perpetuate the monopoly by the T »t M M TOR (gUORSM»(gU>S aggregation o f the physical properties and instrumentalities, it would consti T h e relief is as quick as it is certain. | tute- a violation o f the decree o f the Pleasant to take and guarante d court. absolutely free from opiates. In the trial the point was made that the Standard Oil company was a bén­ All Druggist*. 25 cents. éficient corporation in that it, by rea son o f economy in operation, reduced the price of its product. This, Judge Raises the dough Hook holds, can have no weight. and complies with all pure food laws. URGED TO USE B IG S TICK. N t. A tiers W e have our own 22 markets and we supply some other*. As ha* always been our policy, we shall g iv e the Port and public only fresh, absolutely choice native poultry. W e refuse to use the Eastern cold storage poultry ng b ro u g h t..... . ... ,, e * are loyal to the Oregon that i* being brought in here in carload lots: W farm er. The frC- — ----- * J------------- 11 prices ruling today are as ' follows: D ressed D ressed D ressed D ressed T u r k e y s ........... 20 to 22' _ G e e s e .......... 15 to 18 c D u cks 20 to 22 c C h ick en s, he« *•««*, i5 i* l t c L iv e Chickens, hens and sp rings 14c D ressed h og s 9 c D ressed veal, up to 130 lbs 10c L a rg e V e a l Less. AII produce must be yood. fat quail*” poultry dry-picked. We want small turkeys in prefeience 1 o large ones. The smaller i e t rkey the better. We do not charge commission on anythin*?. W e will remit with check u uw n on the First National Bank of Fori land. Ad­ dress all shipments to the F R A N K L. SM ITH M EAT CO. “ F igh tin g the B eef T ru st” Portland, Oregon During the year 1908 no less than different books were published in the I'nited States. The number is "MO leas than during the preceding year. T o E n jo y the full confidence of the Well-Informed of the World and the Commendation of the most eminent physicians it was essen­ A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME tial that the component parts of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna should be known to and approved by them; there­ fore, the California Fig Syrup Co. pub­ lishes a full statement with every package. The perfect purity and uniformity of pro­ Means an unfailing water supply. It means that you will have the moat practi­ cal Domestic water supply system now in use. No elevated lank, no frozen pipes in winter, no stagnant water in summer, no water supply troubles of any sort. Tank placed in basement, out o f sight and way. made of pressed steel, will not rust and will last a lifetime. You will be pleased with the LEAD ER system o f furnishing Domestic Water Supr y. Ask for our catalogue and free booklet. 'How I Solved My Water 'upply Problem." duct, which they demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical character, are assured by the Company’s original method of man­ ufacture known to the Company only. The figs of California are used in the production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna to promote the pleasant taste, but the medicinal principles are obtained from plants known to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine— manufactured by the Cali­ fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by all leading druggists. JQ tch eih LEWIS & STA V ER CO. Portland, Ore. Spokane, Wash. Boise, Idaho. No. 48-09 W H E N w r it in g t o a d v e r tia e r s p ie u s e m e n tio n t h is p a p er. 50& $ 4 For Asthma, Bronchitis and all Throat Troubles Take P IS O ’S > CURE W fa i fm l, 09 S H O E S W e a r W . L . D o u g la s c o m f o r t­ a b le ,e a s y w a lk in g , c o m m o n sense s h o e s . A tr ia l w ill ] c o n v in c e a n y o n e t h a t W . L . D o u g la s s h o e s ho ld th e ir j s h a p e , f it b e tte r a n d w e a r lo n g e r th a n o t h e r m a k e s . I T h e y a re m a d e u p o n h o n o r, o f th e b e s t le a th e r s , by th e m o s t sk illed w o rk m e n , In a ll th e la t e s t fa s h io n s , s h o e s In every style a n d s h a p e to s u it j m e n in a ll w a lk s o f life . I P A IIT in M I The genuino have W,, L. UnU I lU n 1 Douglas name and price stamped on bottom, which guarantees full value and protects the wwunx and against high p trices r ------ J “ inferior shoes. | i N< O TAKE & 55?: SUBSTITUTE. London Wants T a ft to Keep Peace in Central America. assn London, Nov. 23.— Nothing could be more agreeable to Europe, so fa r as Central American affairs are concerned, than such a turn of events on the N ic ­ araguan coast as would give Washing­ CRESCENT MFC. CO. ton good grounds for drastic action. Makers of MAPLE INE better than Maple). “ It is to be hoped,“ says the London Review , “ that Mr. Roosevelt did not take the ‘ big stick’ with him to Africa, and that President T a ft knows where to lay his hands on it. “ There may be two opinions as to the expediency o f wielding it in inter­ nal concerns, such as corporation ag­ gressiveness, like the Standard oil, and corporation iniquity, like the American sugar. That is for the Washington administration to say. “ But i f the United States is to en­ force the Monroe and main­ tain the hegemony o f the western world, the plainest o f plain duties to the rest o f the universe requires that the brawling Latin states near the isthmus be flogged into some sense o f discipline. “ ML W. A. WISE, rMMm tnM m ** u Cheapness vs. Quality In the matter o f food you can't afford to sacrifice Quality for Cheapness. Econom y is right and good but inferior food products are dear at any price. inlessDentistry 11 fiiw inaasKis is resruae O u t o f to w n peoplt can h a v e t h e ir platt uutl h ri'lg e w o rk fin is h e d in o n e da; i f necessary. We will give you a goo 22k gold or porcela crown (or $ 3 .5 ( Molar Crowns 5 . O f 22kBridgeTeath 3 . 5 C Gold Fillings 1 .0 C Enamel Fillings 1 .0 o Silver Fillings .5 0 Inlay Fillings 2 .5 0 Good Rubber _ - Plate. Sherman, Clay & Co. Has Rate Bill in View. Kansas City, Mo.. Nov. 22.— M odifi­ cation o f the in terstate commerce act to obtain reasonable bases o f rates to all and fairness o f practices in the op­ eration o f interstate railways was sug­ gested by Attorney General George W. Wickershara in an address tonight at the annual banquet o f the Commercial club, given in cotamemoration o f the signing o f the John Day commercial treaty. Mr. Wickershara responded to the toast, “ The Interstate Commerce Commission. “ is economical— not Cheap. T r y it. Th e best at any price or your money back. 5 .0 0 Wise Dental Co« Steel Men N ot Guilty. Boston, Nov. 22.— A verdict of not gu ilty was ordered by the court in the case o f five o f the many defendant companies and individuals after the state had rested its case in the trial o f the famous steel contract collusion case today. Those found not guilty by the court’s order are the Berlin Con­ struction company, a New York cor jioration ; the Brown-Ketchum Iron works, the United Construction com pany, Frederick N. Rosk and .Tames H. Powers. The charge was collusive bid­ ding on publie contracts. KG' ^ OUNCES xjjjJ Best Red FNb- _ bsr Piste. / .0 U Painless Extr don . 0 u W O R K G U A R A N T E E D F O R 18 Y E A R S T a ft for Fighting Navy. P a in le * » E x tra c tio n F r e e w h e n p la te s o r b r id g e work o rd e re d . C on su ltation F r e e . T o o can n ot g o t b etter N orfolk, Va., Nov. 22.— “ The navy ta painlcM work don e a n yw h ere. A l l w o r k f u l l y g u a r ­ should not only be worth securing, but a n t e e d . M od ern e le c t r ic e q u ip m en t. Heat p iothuus. should be able to fight.“ President T a ft aroused euthuoiasm today by mak­ IN C O R P O R A T E D ing this statement in an address be­ ’ a i l i n g B c i l d i n o P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N fore the Atlantic Deeper-Waterways 07FX0B HOURS: 8 A. M to 8 P. M. Sundays. » to L association convention. The president declared Hampton Roads and Chesa­ peake Bay should be protected by an island fo rt erected midway between the Vickinia capes. Mr. T a ft regarded the N orfolk navy yard as probably the most important base in the country Sixth snd Morrison. Opposite Postoffica and Hampton Roads as the greatest PO R TLAN D . OREGON pomt o f naval rendezvous. WE MAKE PIANO BUYING EASY AND SAFE It is not difficult to choose a Satisfactory instrument when you have as many from which to se­ lect as we can show you. A child or inexperienced person can select a Piano here and have the same protection afforded an expert in Piano values. We sell on the One Price System. We guarantee every Piano we sell. I f you wish to purchase to the best advantage, write for our catalogue. Steinway and Other Pianos. Victor Talking BAKING POWDER M r JAQ U ES °UES MAkf« c* * C hicago cifT M FC . C O . C h ica g o . 'G u a r a n te e d u n d er a ll P u re F o o d Law s From Arctic to Tropics in Ten Minutes PERFECTION Oil Heater No oil heater ha* a higher efficien­ cy or greater heating power than tha (Equipped w it h S m o k e l e s s D e v i c e ) With it you can go from the cold of the Arctic to the warmth of tha Tropics in 10 minutes. The new Automatic Smokeless Device prevents smoking. Removed in an instant for cleaning. Soli.l t»r;is.- font holds l q M r t s o f oil n fllcian t to r iv e out a glo w in g heal for 9 hour;! solid wick carriers damper top— cool handle—oil indicator. H eater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety o f styles. Every Dealer. Everywhere. I f Not A t Yours. Write for Descriptive Circular to the Nearest Agency o f the ST A N D A R D OIL C O M PA N Y (In co rp ora ted ) 1 1 a a a 11 a a s a Machines. L a va Sweeps Ten eriffe. T a ft Begins Trustee Duties. Teneriffe, Nov. 23.— There are now Hampton, Va., Nov. 23.— President font craters throwing out incandescent matter, which frequently is accompanied ( T a ft today took up his duties as by explosions. The flow o f lava has! member o f the board o f trustees o f • covered nearly four miles and is still • Hampton Normal and Agricultural in-, advancing. The nature o f the ground J stitute. The president in an address Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, w o o l and cotton equally w ell is guaranteed to give perfect results. A sk dealer, or w e w ill send postpaid at 10c a package. W rite for free booklet prevents the damming up o f the lava praised the work of industrial schools snd SOW to dye« bleach and mix colors. MONROE D R UG C O M P A N Y, Quincy, Illinois. from the fertile land. i like Hampton a'od Toskegee. j PUTNAM FADELESS DYES 'S