?r> > NO. 14 of Estacada State Capital Fully Paid Up - »'H I-■ »»i Geo. A. Steel, President. T.* r s i $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 SALE MDSE. I < L. E Belfils, Cashier ICR Q ualities th a t a r e [\ We do all kinds of legal and notary work. We write insur­ ance for six old line companies, one of which is the largest in the world * We Solicit Your Patronage lÉ B a isg tiB B B B a ra isiæ â a sE a B R B â B t& ïu ia e » -' x -£ ‘.3E & r^c7 ;- Two Minute Title Talks THE WORK OF THE EXPERTS You would not undertake to fix your telephone when it gets S j i Nor would you risk your own hands to meud the broken plumbing. It takes an exert to do an expert’s work. if The work of searching titles takes a special knowledge as well There are so many little technical points to be noticed, E S T A B L IS H E D 1S93 HEAD O FFIC ES 509—5 11 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING. PO R T LA N D , OREGON Member American Association of Title Men. Member Oregon Association of Title Men. Orders Received At Estacada State Bank. y a a o z s z a K a sp a ■ The ädeal Winter Sh oe For Men - 3 XADSFOJ^V n f\ - W a tc h F o r It 3 iiU I C o m in g S o on G Co À :l c ,s .c r Guess ''**1 A s Good A s m o n e y F o r Y o u r N u m b e r ■ F~;. 'F r o s ty J u s t W ait G et R e a d y F o r Y o u r N u m b e r 1L Is - Guess Our Pare Food Pent. S a t u r d a y S p e c ia l One lot only, Me.ii Sweaters £1 and $2 kind at 50c. Not the up-to-now kind but the good old fashioned kind that keep your neck warm. Just the thing to slip on to do the work around the barn. These are not special sale prices. Co l Fish bricks, |rer lb. Sets Pure Cane Sugar, per sack S.s 90 E xira Candied Citron, per lb. 20 c ” Lemon Peel. 20 cts. Schreadtd Cocoanut, very fresh 20 cents tier pound Cranberries, 1 2 cts. per lb. Extra choice Navy Beaus 41b 2,scts Extra Good Coffee 23 cts. per lb. or 2 lbs. for 45 cts. Try it and if not as good as you are paving 25 to 35 cts per lb for, bring it back and get your money. Less in price but high in quality. ■ Heavy Box Calf, dull mat top, heavy double sole, in lestructib’e out sole. Broad extension edge, lull t ie with cap. This is a magnificent shoe with plenty of style to i' and will give all kinds of satn faction. Wall Paffcr 5 cents and up We stand ready and willing to correct any mistakes made by us and we solicit a share of your patronage. R e s p e c tfu lly Estacada Furniture Co. 1 $4 uid it’s worth SO Shoes We carry the best of Everything Try us and see 1.59 10 See W in d o w ' Ì ft > Saturday Special One day only not before or after j and only one to a cusp m. 1 ro Qt. Galvzd. Pail 14 cents t .................... . . .. . . ! 1 ?#a* «¡¡w rry* m w njJuaB EAGLE CREEK two packers shut in, The trouble Hallbei t-March occurs at the big slide above Roar­ IW a Fresi 1111 an ing river, the water covers the trail R. M. March, the popular cream­ Trespass notices printed on cloth ready and the horses are unable to pass ery man in charge of the Hazel- The entertainment and chicken They have plenty of pro- to put up, at the Progress. [ over it. wood Creamery in Estacada, has supper given at Wilbern's hall by ... ,, , . visions and horse feed, however. PROPRIETOR Miss Watvo Lewellen, who lias * made good his assertion that he was the Sunday School and Athletic Good rigs and careful driven always been at The Dalles with her sister, At Springfield, Ore., two hun- going to get married. Ray, or Club Saturday night was a decided SPECIAL ATTENTION fij returned to her home iu Spring- died people were forced to abandon “ Creamery B ill” as be is familiary success. Mr Lee, the Y . M, C. Given Hunting and Fisliini; Parties water on Saturday. j their homes by the high water, call, d, came into Ikstucada over a A. instructor in athletics and which flooded the district. The year ago, a stranger, and took physical culture, of Portland, gave WOOD & LUMBER p. T. Davis, of Webster & Davis experience of Mrs. M. A. Parker charge of the creamery and he has an exhibition with Indian clubs Local and T.ong Distance Telephone realizing that Estacada and vicinity ... , • 1 . and her four children was most conducted the business so well that and in hand balancing. All bail a e K must eventually be a lug place to thrilling. They resided in the be lias received an increase in go.xl time. Proceeds were about CIIRRINSVII Lt live in, lias purchased ten acres river bottom, when their home was salary and coqtus bis friends by the #20. from D. F. Warner and we under flooded they took refuge in the barn score. Holden and Mangrain, the oriter- stand it is his intention to improve Mr Iver Erickson and Mr. Vance it l>ecoming unsafe they climbed Ile has been jokingly, as his prising young tnen in charge of the of Portland .«petit Sunday with the same. ^ | the me same. 1 fTom a feIlce ju(o a tree where they friends supposed, telling of his in- Gold Medal Shingle Co’ s, mill, are parents of the former. j Mr. and Mrs. W. J- Lewellen, of renla|ued until daylight when they „ , . c . „„ , , tention to get married. So, on Fri certainly experts in thetr hue. Messrs Martin and Ray Congdon Springwater, went to Salem on were secured bv boatmen. , , . .... , , , . , , , •, ... • day be went to Portland returning l i n y have bad a great deal of have relumed home. W ednesday to spend Thanksgiving . . , _ . , , , . . . ... Mr. and Mrs. A Lindsey, w ho on. Sunday on the evening car with tr< nine, caused by the high water, day with Mrs. Lewellen’* mother. Clif Sarver bad a little bed luck liar- have been at Corvallis for a couple his bride, who was Miss Mary A. but they are of the class who never They expect also to go on to last week, two of his horses were Mrs ° f months, surprised their Estacada llalllieit. of Chaffey, Mo. 'say “ fail.” risburg to visit her sister, cut in the barb wire fence along friends by dropping in on them Mr. March and Miss Hallbert T|,e man living on the Bohn! the track Spurlin, before returning home. suddenly on Monday evening. They bad been friends back lvast, Mr. farm drove down to Eagle Creek Mr. Jim Linn has met with an­ D. F. Warner lias purchased sptnt t]le njKht with Mr. and Mrs. March leaving there two years ago JMSl ,bove ti,c bridge and attempt- froin the Marquam tract twenty- * g ranth Tucker, of Springwater, tor the West and v. lien the proper uig to cross a tributary got into other accident. He was hit in the four and oue lentil acres of section parent9 r,f Mrs. Lindsey. They re time came Mr. March sent for the deepwater. He managed to cut leg by a cable and pretty badly cut. There was a good crowd of Good 21, T. 3 S., R. E. and has sub- turned to Corvallis on Tuesday. lady to come to Portland where he | oue borse loosei but the other I divided it into three portions, two met and brought her to Estacada as ^till attached to the wagon, 111 • j, Templars at the convention at Ai- Well, Currins- Mrs. March. The ceremony was water Rescuers, attracted to the leta last Saturday I of ten acres and one of four and S a w M ill T o R e s u m e performed in Portland by Rev. 1 scene by Adolph's lusty shout*. v '^ e *s alwa>s there with .1 jolly one tenth acres. He also bought bunch. Operations Tlios n . Walker, pastor of Cal- found the timlier on this portion and re­ sold it to Webster & Davis. vary Presbyterian Church. bush, and the other horse where Mrs- Congdon is very sick E M. Miller has bought the tint- A number of his friends called on ¡t bad drifted down to the rail road Several pupils were absent from Mr. Upton, our townsman, has ber from aliout one hundred and the bride and groom on Sunday bridge and there got Ids feet on school last week on the account of recently lieeu doing work at his thirty acres of the Marquam tract evening at the Possen home, where Mother Earth again. Both were high water. Why don’ t someone trade out of the city, that we have and has leased the Western Lumber Mr. March has liecn boarding for • roped’ ’ and drawn to shore. build a canal boat? not noted. He built a boiler fur­ it Fuel Co’ s, saw mill in Estacada sonie time, to congratulate the new- There are good ROO(l prospects prospects of of a Mi-s Bessie Hughes and her There are nace at Alspaugh for the Gold and will commence at once to haul jy married collide and to welcome new public switch being put in just parents have gone to Portlnnd. Medal Shingle Co , plastered a the timber to Estacada. Feastcr tbe bride to our midst. Mr, and I k low the bridge, near the Grange Miss Bessie intends going on to house across the river for Mr. Cadonau lias the contract to cut and \ j rs March will live in Estacada. hall. Hunt, and was down at Barton a r Seattle where she will spend the log to the township road, from ______________ few days ago building a flue for roads or W inter. Shall we gravel more there it will be hauled 011 trucks to John Zohrist went to Portland on ua,]f t],e mud7 someone. It is reported that Mr Coop was Estacada. Saw timber, piling and Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving A crew of men, with an engine, *f en prodding around in his yard ties will be taken off and the bal­ Tbe high water on the Clackamas Day in the larger citv. . wer# at work Monday evening re- with a pole, when asked “ Win ?” has prevented two pack trains, de­ ance cot into cordwood. This will well a ntimlier of A Thanksgiving church service moving the drift front above the he said he was looking for th livering «tipplies to the Southern give employment to will start np was conducted by Rev. K'lhlnian railroad bridge at Alspaugh. to get a drink. men and teams and Pacific'» camp at Three Links, from getting out fiom the camp after | one of Estacada’* idle plants We to day at 10:30. It was the pastors While we mav tire of the rain taking in th ir pack laM time. Cur are informed by Mr. Miller that desire that all Christian» and friends let ns lie thankful we have no bli/.- Mayor J W. Reid nude a lmsi- tis ^ ilcox and Wm.'Davia arc the work will be commenced at once. of al^ the churches participate. ,za»ds, tidal wave* or earth quake« ness trip to Portland on Wednesday LO C A L N E W S AND P E R S O N A L M EN TIO N Livery, Feed & Saie STABLE W. A. JONES t We arc agents for the Wheeler j Our line of rugs are complete & Wilson and Singer sewing 9x12 Jib 00 and up We have a machines, the best machines on large shipment of Furniture that the market and you can bu\ will be here this week. Co^ne them for #5 down and $5 per and look it over and see for month. J yourself. I values $2, $3, $4. 40 pairs only at the one price of $ This lot of shoes con­ sists of Misses, Ladies, Boys and Mens. Remeiutier, 1:0 sales will be made ont of this lot of shoes until Saturday A, M. J When in need of Furniture, Queensware, Linoleum, Matting. Blankets and Wall Paper. Come in and look over our line. This is one of our Dianion.I Specials at. ? ( ami its ah ut the liest cold weather shoe ■ ver built. Special Sdlo, Broken Stock u w M n a w . M K W i . A ' r K M n I r.-M.nw»- — sei »»nn the title man. E. F. & F. B Rilev on your invitation gowns, shirts, pjamas, petticoats, kitnonas and sa«iues made of the soft flannel­ ette, which we have iu stock, will keep you snugly warm all Winter ut a very small cost. 10 and 12 cts per yard Y o u r N u m b e r Is U n i » rx x a u s tä ts b s m m r . • He is an expert in bis line just as the plumber or the electri- ^ Clackamas Title Company- Inc. V 5 , so many knots to untangle in a complicated title that the work has developed as special talent CASH ¡in p D rta n t flannelette 16 A clerk cannot safely undertake it; neither can The main tho i .h: back of this Saturday Special Sale is to keep the Store Fresh. The in­ cidental bargains are important to those who buy them. This is our thought always, Summer or Winter. But the mind of the great body of peop'e is constantly on the fine, fresh stock that we show every day in the yeir. If wc were like the old merchant who said, “I’ll be switched if I buy any more of this ribbon, it sells so fast I can’t k ep stock” we rrrght have a fine clean stock all the time without any worry over edds and ends or “bumps” of merchandise. But with the many in­ dividual sales daily, there must be a constant watchfulness and cleaning out of things that are not absolutely fresh, that are broken in size or styles getting ready to turn the comers. M Superlative Quality of Materials & ; % , „ -Í Perfection W ) of Manufac­ ture Plus 'i ! Durability, Etommy, 3 M Convenience of Opera- lion are a few of them. In the Bridge & Beach Stove you are not buying the cheap­ est stove, in price, on the market, but a stove or range that will give the house­ wife entire, satisfaction, and our cash buy­ ing and selling enables us to give you the lowest possible price. good banking Í0R in the purchase of a sieve? W e g i v e e v e r y f a c i l i t y a n d a c c o m o d n tio n ^ th a t. is c o n s i s t e n t w i t h MDSE. ESTACADA MERCANTILE COMPANY CASH We handle Trusts, Commissions, Escrows, Open Accounts, i i and Time Deposits. We issue Drafts and Letters of Credit to all parts of the world. a lawyer, sas « n a p t * ts vm sm m m . lin i» jmmhmi t u •• -¿e s a g u g a ga Maau Bank J ! Geo. A. Steel, Thos. Yocum, John Zubrist, L. E. BelHIs as a special skill. w tm m ¿; L DIRECTORS: out of order. $ i A EST A C A D A OREGON, TH U R SD A Y , NO VEM BER 25. 1909 VOI.. 2 1 4 1