NO. io ok VOL 2 E ST A C A D A . OR LOON. T H U R SD A Y , ! Estacada State Bank - ► ; Capital Fully Paid Up - $ 25,000 L. E Belfils, Cashier ■ Geo. A. Steel, President. DIRECTORS: Geo. A. Steel, Thos. Yocum, John Zobrist, L. E. Belfils W e handle Trusts, Commissions, Escrows, Open Accounts, and Time Deposits. W e issue Drafts and Letters of Credit to all parts of the world. W e g iv e e v e r y f a c ilit y a n d a c c o m o d a tio n t h a t Is c o n s is te n t w i t h good b a n k in g W e do all kinds of legal and notary work. W e write insur­ ance for six old line companies, one of which is the largest in the world We Solicit Your Patronage yas.sciasaaewaaàBaaM aaa sn aaaiaaaaaaBaasaaeaaaæaaagéK'ô^ Two Minute Title Talks 9 CAUTIO N A N D COMMON SEN SE You either own laod now or expect to some day, or at least you may loan money on real estate security. If you will take the pains in advance to be assured of the title before you lay out your good money, you will save a peck of trouble. The trouble that often grows out of a neglected title litigation expense, annoyauce, delays-is out of all proportion to the caution and common sense which might have prevented the trouble it ex­ ercised in time. And the proper time for caution and common sense in land transactions is before the deal is closed. Demand an abstract. Many of the largest deals in Clackamas county land in the last sixteen years have been closed by the use of our abstracts. Clackamas Title Company' Inc. E. F. &. F. B. Riley H KAD O F F IC E S 509 - jt I C H A M B ER O F CO M M BkCH B tfIL D IN G . PO R T LA N D ,- OREGON Member American Association of Title Men. Member Oregon Association of Title Men. Orders Received At Estacada S tate Bank. as33aaa3asBH«iP5 r When in need of Furniture, Queensware, Linoleum, Matting, Blankets and Wall Paper. Come in and look over our line. We are agents for the Wheeler & Wilson and Singer sewing machines, the best machines on the market and you can buy them for $5 down and $5 per month. Our line of rugs are complete 9x12 $8.00 and up. We have a large shipment of Furuiture that will be here this week. Come and look it over and see for yourself. Wall Paper 5 cents and up. W e stand ready and willing to correct any mistakes ; made by us and we solicit a share of your patronage. R e s p e c tfu lly Estacada Furniture Co. LO C A L N EW S AND P E R SO N A L M ENTION Trespass notices printed on cloth ready to put up, at the Progress. Mrs. A. T. Thompson, of Rose- burg, Ore., is visiting at the Belfils home. B. C. Looney is “ papa,” a little baby boy haviug come to their home in Garfield last week. OCTOBER 28. I9< y 2 i A YEAR Sunday School Convention DRY GOODS DEPT. Two Day’s Session Closed Last Saturday Afternoon- Many Good Addresses We are bringing this depart­ ment up to a high standard and we are now better able to supply your wants. This department is in charge of Miss Kolpin, who will he glad to assist you iu making your selections. Delivered The Clackamas County Sunday Mrs. Simmons of Sprlngwater, School Convention convened in the has gone to Portland to help care M. E. Chureli on Friday last for a two day’s session. for her father, who is ill. Promptly ai 11:00 A. M. Mrs. G. B. I.inu, Cleve Heiple and T. J. Reagan, Supt. of the M. E. TOMATOES BARG AINS Norman Linn went into Squaw Sunday School here, opened the We have an excellent pack of Lake on Monday to take a hunt. exercises in her usually pleasing j tomatoes for the price $1.00 per We have now placed on our Cashier Belfils spent part of Sun­ and business like manner. 1 his dry goods side a Bargain Count­ dozen. Try a dozen and it you day and Monday in Portland on was followed by Rev. Clias. A. 1 are not peifectly satisfied we er. On this counter will be placed busiuess. Phipps iu an address on “ How to will return the money. such goods as we desire to cull Elford Sherman and family, who build up a Sunday School,” after out from the rest of our slock. have been visiting with his brother which adjournment was taken un­ Some of these goods we are over­ in Springwater, have returned to til 2:00 P. M. stocked on, others are soiled iu The committee arranged lor the their home in Durand, Mich. handling or shipping All goods entertainment of the visiting dele­ FLOUR placed 011 this counter will be D. C. Sherman, of Springwater, gates at this time and they were as­ sold at from to y? off. We expect a car of flour in the spent Thursday last in Portland. signed to the various homes among Our Bargain Counter Goods next few days and will he able He accompanied his brother and our people. Theie were 67 dele­ now consist of Shoes, Boys’ to supply your w inters demands. family that far on their home trip. gates present at the convention. An Clothing, &c. Prof. Grout, assistant superin­ interesting program had been pre­ tendent ot public schools of Port­ pared. Rev. Chas. A. Phipps, of land, with his family spent a day l’ortlandj Gen. Secretary and Field Table and Dairy Salt last week as guests of Mr. and Organizer, gave a number of inter­ Mrs. Dr. Adix. esting addresses, and general Sun­ Mrs. T. Yocum went to McMinn­ day School instruction, which were ville on Wednesday to see her very practical and up-to-date Sun­ mother who is suffering a severe day School methods, and those who illness, her advanced age makes it heard him, if they will practice iu their school the work as he out­ all the more serious. lined it, will undoubtedly have A. E. Sparks’ is suffering from a better schools. boil on the back of his neck that is Mrs. Lucia P. Additon, in an pulling his anatomy all awry and aldress on “ Good Citizenship” while you might think so he says made a good talk to the Convention it is not a laughing matter. Reverends J. L. Jones, A. H. The painters are putting the Mulkey and H. W. Kuhlman all finishing touches on the Hotel E s­ were on the program and were tacada this week. It certainly does present to do their respective parts. look well and is in much better Mrs. C. A. Nash, president, pre­ appearauce than when newly built. sided so well that at the new P. T. Brannon, of Portland, is election of officers she was again the new barber having purchased chosen president of the Convention. from Hearing last week. Mr. Dear- Oregon City, her home town, se­ ing has gone with the Swift Com­ cured the next convention. The other officers elected were as follows pany and has moved to Portland. Vice President, C. L. Chambers, The Misses Smeadlies and Mr Eagle Creek; Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Lawrence, of Portland, spent part W. A. White, Oregon City; Supt. of last week visiting with their Teacher’ s Training, Mrs. H. N. aunt, Mrs. D. C. Sherman, of Davis Divorce Case Smith, Jennings Lodge; Home both been in Portland for some time. Springwater. Dept. Supt., Mrs. D. C. Latourette Mrs. M. E. Douglass, of Eagle Oregon City; Elementary Supt., Southern Pacific To In the divorce suit from Garfield Creek, who has been an invalid tor Mrs. John Page, Estacada; Tem­ tried out last week in Oregon City, Open New Office the past fourteen years, suffering perance and Good Citizenship, John Davis vs Davis, the court decided m ■" - from diabeatis, died at her home at K. Ely, Currinsville; Adult Dept. iu favor of Mr. Davis having the The Southern Pacific Company that place on Saturday Oct. 23rd. divorce and the custody of the eld­ Supt. L. S. Tenuy, Springwater. has rented the Hall over the Esta­ est child, the other being under The time for holding the next Two deer were seen by the mill cada State Bank and the same is men of the River Mill Co. on Sun­ convention will be decided at a being fitted up by them for a per­ three years of age was given in care of the mother. A property day, between here and their camp. later date. Good audiences were manent office in Estacada. division was also rendered by the They say they presented the ap­ in attendance at all the meetings, The office formerly used by Mr. pearance of having been run by but the actual residents of Estacada Blockley at the Hotel Estacada will court giving Mr. Davis one third were not among the number as be given up as there could not be of the real estate that belonged to dogs as they seemed very tired. often as the importance of such a room enough secured to accomodate Mrs. Davis and allowed him to re­ Mr. A. D. Schmidt brought his meeting in our midst demanded and the new conditions. Mr. W. A. tain all his own personal and real daughter Miss Levina’ s housekeep­ this was particularly true of the Cox is the new office man and will property. The case drew a goodly ing goods back to Estacada on men of the city. From a purely have the care of the same. They number of Garfield citizens as wit­ Mondav. We predict Schmidt and business point of view, here were expect to get moved into their new nesses and spectators. the family will also return some sixty-seven delegated persons who office by Nov. 1st. day. would naturally carry back to their Jury Finds Cary We have been reliablv informed homes not alone the new ideas gain­ that Dr. Adix has aided the stork ed in their convention work hut im­ A New Enterprise Not Guilty in adding to Estacada and vicinity's pressions of Estacada and its citi­ population during this month seven zens. We are a busy people and Tne bachelor girls co-operative little newcomers. That se :ms to be all have plenty to do but our lack board and rooming house is a new carrying out the Roosevelt idea. is rot so much that we were not institution in Estacada that starts • Henry Schmidt, of George, th:re as it is that we were not in- ' out under favorable conditions, brought to tile Estacada Commer­ terested enough to think anything The Cooper apartments over the cial Club a box containing about about it. The convention was a 1 Estacada Furniture Store, have forty pounds of splendid potatoes. good, interesting convention and J been selected and fitted up by the In the case of the state against All are of a size, long and smooth. those who took part are gainers. following: Misses Maude yttirgeon, W. F. Cary, John Jones prosecutor, They are on exhibition at the Club The country districts of Spring- druggist; Eva Puiner,- instructor; A jury, composed of J. P. Woodel, rooms. They were raised by him water, Currinsville and Garfield Levina Smith, cashier, for this new L. Hale, S. E. Antrim, C. W. Sey­ adventure. We predict a bright more and J. S. Osborn, heard the were well represeuted. on his ranch. future and expect to sje the enter­ case on Wednesday afternoon be­ John Belfils, a brother of L. E. prise grow and expand. We have fore Edwin Bates, Justice of the Wagner-Davis Wedding Belfils has accepted a position with endeavored to find out how member­ Peace. Livy Stij.p, district pro­ the Eiler Piano House of Portland, ship in this co-operative plan can secuting attorney prosecuted the A quiet wedding took place in and expects to learn the business of lie secured, and was informed that handling, selling, tuning, in fart he Garfield at the home of P M. Wag the individual had to agree to do case and the defendant was repre­ sented by Senator Hedges. The desires to know the business from ner on Saturday at 8 o’clock when their share of the work and pm up the ground floor up of what is said Miss Olive Wagner, the daughter, their cash proportionnient. I could taking of testimony soon revealed to be one of the largest houses of and Mr Herman Davis were united not learn who was to be the judge that the only contention was as to its being a concealed weapon, as it in marriage, Rev. Kuhlinan of­ its kind in the world. of this or how many blackballs was freely admitted that Cary lied ficiating The bride was dressed J B. Linn, while at work at the were necessary to keep you out. A the gun When the testimony was iu white and the groom, the con­ River Mill Co. on Monday cutting lady at iny elbow suggests a broom all in, the case was submitted to ventional black. A number of in­ a cable, had the misfortune to have stick or brick-bat is sufficient for the jury without argument by vited guests were present at the a small piece of wire or steel strike the latter. council. This was at four o'clock. An elaborate dinner him in the hand. Dr. Adix has ceremony. The city hall was cleared to allow The probed for it but w: S unable to lo was served at the home. The correct way to pronounce it the jury time to consider the case. cate it, and as a result of the ac- bride was the recipient of numerous is Ks-ta-ca da, accent on the third It took less than fifteen minutes fer cident he is compelled to carry that present*. These young people, syllable, a haviug the sound of a them to decide, the verdict being A Fine Table Salt and fine for curing high grade meats or making pickle brine Price, one sack or a dozen, 40 cents per 50 lb. sack. Granulated Stock Salt 50 lb. sacks 35 cents. Stoves, Harness, Vehicles, and Farm Machinery. ESTACADA MERCANTILE while they belong to Gar6eld, have as iu ah iu the two last syllables. SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS, PAINTS, OILS and GLASS COMPANY Jury Out But Fifteen Minutes Returns Verdict Favorable To The Defendant member in a sling. Genuine Disstous No. 7, ?6 in. Hand Saws jt.4 0 Genuine Disstous No. 7, 28 in. Rip Saws - jtrf'5 Genuine Disstous 1)8 26 inch Hand Saws $■ 55 Baileys Iron Smooth I’ lane No 4 $1.8 5 ” Jack ” No. 5 $2.15 ’’ Adjustable Wood Mane No. 26, $ 1 VS Wood Plane No. 27, $1.45 In our Tool Department we have goods of Qualitv. Cheap tools are dear at any price. uot guilty. Try a sack of our Fine Grade Table Salt, packed in 50 lb. cotton drill sacks. Price per sack 75 cects Livery, Feed & STABLE Sale W. A. JO N ES PROPRIETOR Good rigs mid cufefal dris-ors Hlwayn SPECIAL ATTENTION Gtven H unting ami Fishing P u rlin WOOD & LU M B ER Local ami Long Distance Telejrfnnie Mrs. R. G. Palmatter, of Gar­ field, met with quite an accident at her home on Tuesday when she slipped and fell, throwing her hand on a rusty saw from which she re­ ceived an ugly cut. Dr. Adix dressed the wound. A C. Jowdy, in the Lockerby building is receiving his goods and lias been delayed by their non ar­ rival from the Iiust, hut if you need shoes, ladies ami gents furuisuing goods, underwear, and notions, give hint a call. He can save you money. H. It. Boeu. who lias been ranch­ ing on the Win. Palmaleer place, is busily engaged iu hauling hay and spuds to Estacada and storing them for the purpose of shipping the same, as he is leaving the place. A. J. Califf and wife, while d riv­ ing to Oregon City on Monday, met with quite an accident Their horse took fright and ran away, throwing the occupants out Mr. and Mrs. Califf were both badly shaken up and bruised. The buggy was wrecked. Geo. Townsend is the successful goose slaver 111 Es'acada thus far this season George heard the numerous flocks fly over Estacada and especially on Saturday night. He accordingly ti ok an early hike’ oa Sunday mo ning and w is back again before nmst of its citi­ zens were a stir, with three brants that he had shot on the Cuzaduu reservoir.