&MXC f i l * j ) \ty- -.^ | J ^ ^ Jß |r ^ W s ^ un—. NC ..y..»!' v o l . £ E S T A C A D A . OK EGO N. T I : - ; :¡» a LO CAL E s ta c a d a S ta te Bank Capital Fully Paid Up - $25,000 A Trip AND , O CTO BER Geo. Steel. Presiden! Cashier i i1 f o Seattle Wedding soon. B ills? Not yet, but School Clerk tells Of Interest­ ing Things S-ten In And Around S | V . II. Dwyer lias purchased five . acres from J. English de J , X •* I - * ' • , • ^ J\> ! ..uu^ i^ r.ïA „ DIRECTORS: G e o . S t e e l, L. L B e lfiis , I . Y o c u m , J o h n Z o b r is t l ,h eG arfltW havi" ‘ P " r g r-a l.i part of tlu ......it :v to be * clias.d tertv acre« .from Stokes and S 4 — S-- I seen from the car is rather desolate Wooster in Sec. 3b. Along the Columl .a n d its tribu A short time ago Mr Stokes and ' tari-.-s a tiunilier of mills am! ^aa^!Si»>ia5*33f3ia=aaaa9BHa»s3wcBiBïajia4W »as»æ taaf • w mi it t .mi ' lea . veiy evident, ». ot unimproved lat l in Garfield and ■' themaei -how the ac- j since have sold eigfetiy .acre« from ¡ tivity of the lumber ii ndiistry along fa j the tract which fies^ i Sec 3 6 . the Northern Pa ilic. We (passed r 1 Bert Freem an, «rife and soil, of - a number of long freight -trains, " made up practical!- of lumber and | i Bet rliu, W is., came to Estacada on O V E R C O N F ID E N C E VS. B U S IN E S S W IS D O M its products and these, uudoubtedlv 1, U I Fri riday evening. They expect to ’ j make Oregon their home Mrs. originating west o f the range that Free: an is a daughter of Henry divides the central part of W ash­ In dealing with real estate, it pays to be cautious. ington, were headed toward Port Kolpin, of our city. land to the credit of that place. Not that you doubt the honesty or the solvency of the seller, Mrs. R. A. Stratton, who came The traffic has become so heavv hut as a business .precaution prompted by the experience vf till­ from Mont, to see her sister, Mrs that now the second track is being i ages. Perry Boltn.au of St. John, spent | iaid between Portland and Tacoma Sunday in Estacada visiting former | tind when this is completed it w ill, Demand an abstract that will pass muster anywhere. frienos. Mrs. Bolt man has been 1 y jve a double track between Port Von may want to sell some day. quite ill for some dine. j land and Seattle. ii W E mistakes • • made by us asd we solicit a share of your patronage. f i P e * p o o t . f u J l '/ • b a s e * .- .r in g to ship that bn4*M ’ a,ul Estacada Furniture Co. I u V a i^ o u M ì -» e . a fairly 1 k > x of apple - I ■ —ti i + y that will not stand the test. .»lucks., >vu \v<>ulti uucl yourself • Cvntluderi on Lad Page) ln i! You Con \ot Afford fo '■ Be bothered with flics at I the prices we are selling our Í screen doors. ‘ t D oors f 1-4 Off on all Screen t ( i Í Ì ■» I Call before it is too late. j j Sdiis DRY GOODS « » j oi i j t j ( lothes for Boys | 4 - Ages 6 to ¡2 50 CENTS PER < « J f Placed on the Bar gain Table ai GARMENT City. The family have ! aeroPlaue- ™ ' “ 'R 1 llu percipitous their canal right->f wav to ho nine conie to the Coast to make their lav of the city. While Tacoma has miles long and tl.ey were doing a home and expect to remain iti Ore ; the appearau ;e of being quite a large amount of permanent work, j manufacturing point, I was twit very Buildings have hem constructed for goti. much interested, as I realized that employes’ residences at Three Link J IL irk. under has brought in „.e bad not far to go before being Creek, where the power house is the longest and smoothest Bnrbank ln Seattle and that from what I to be located. It is very evident spin , It was 12 _> inciic-s in had heard was he tow n." T a that no corporation would mak- engt 1 and weighed two lb«, and a j coma says the saw - thing, but them such an expenditure if they did half. He also placed on exhibition f„ r jt. A lter leaving Tacoma, wt not intend to prosecute the work to a Rose potato eleven and a halt speeded along at a good rate alid it completion I team that this is iaches ... length, weight two lias. was |)tvt „ „(.ort time, when we likely to be one of the largest water ten oz. He also brought in a fine j glided into tue Fnion station, I at I power devi lopmeuts on this coast, melon. » n e e observed the superiority ol bur am not able to obtain any def- | F. L . Holcomb, representing the 1 that station over the Fnion depxit ’ ini:« information ss to the ultimate | "f Oregon Fruit Packing C o ., was in at Portland, hut living late, I hut olqect of this development , Estacada on Monday m aking in- ried on through, atul when emerg Work ot this kind will K of an 1 qniry about buying apples from our T >«F> the street Seattle awakened tI10rmou» benefit to this section of "J* f-*ide the street the »otroti Esta * - - h •a d c • I c.trc j-sou:-’. be taken that apples be --xpiese, rigs. ! assing m l soon t . ,, , . . .otind the main tlioroughf.ire, and 2 «nretn.ly cted o that they w ,, * 3 tilts was not a difficult task, for if I k : ,, ,t* u ..«TTQ». ■ ^ 4 " >■ n JV Jkliitv •- .m!.. , , i ' < i ij Jl I k Clackamas Title Company^ Inc W all Paper 5 cents and up. à j At Work O ur Hue of m g s are -complote 9 x 1 * $H. oq and up We have a large shipment of Furniture that will be here tlks v.'-eei. Come and look it over and *:ee for yourself. v * . ■ ESTACADA M E R C A N T I!.E C T h e County Convention of Sun t In passing through such places J day School workers will meet here ; us Cenlralia an 1 Chehalis, I noticed ' Better look ahead now than be embarrassed later. on Friday and Saturday of th is ! v’ery particularly the .surroundings | T ake ne man’s word. week. An interesting program i contiguous to the depot as licingj Require an abstract, no matter how lionest or how honorable . will he rendered. ¡ very dirtv and unsightly. The ^ O -U th C lT li p 3 C.jfiC or how well known to you Che seller may be. At their home at the parsonage I ¡ stations are not creditable as com-I pared with the depot of the P. R. Reliable abstract« of title to all lands -in Clackam as •County , on '-ist F ri .av .mother litlK- 1 ■ j P. in Estacada, and to further % . ___________ , . . . . is iiirl caine to brighten it and lend ' are furnished by. B l additional responsibilities to Rev. l ° f f s C t d e f , c i e n c y , the fil1 " as Many Men Are A t W ork In 9» I j and m v * ___ composed of clinkers and churned Mrs. Kuhhnan. j into dust. A t one of these towns, The Mountains Tlie school board has rented the spied a cab that was intended to Si. F . & . F. B Rilev Free Methodist Church for school . be up-to-date, blit happened to he j For some time we have been H EAD OJ'I-TCES 509—5 1 , CHAM HER OF ÇOM M KkCB BUILDING. ! purposes. ¡1 - They have fitted up the | made some year: ago, and as it left speculating as to what was being P O R T L A N D ,, O R E G O N j i samt with desks and have hired a j the depot for some part of town the J done regarding water power de- Member American Association of Title Men. ® ! " e" tcacliei, Miss Ginther of Ore cloud of dust that followed remind | velopmeuts on the upper Clac Clack a tn a I l City. ed me of the "O ld Stage Coach Member Oregon Association of T itle Men. river. The Southern Pacific Com- Miss Levina Schmidt, of Sprin g- that we have read so much about, j pany have had engineers in tin- Orders Received At Estacada State Bank. W | water, is the latest addition to the Fancy this condition in towns ___ of | mountains for over a year, but we force at the Mercantile Company. Uof-dly si/e, when you think of our have beer unable to obtain any She acts as cashier, an entirely new little station in 1 icuila. definately -information regarding * * office in the present arrau ymient of Pa sing further long the route, what they arc doing, or their nlans. ! the company, thus relieving the [ we traverse me , very pretty It appears now that they are (iiookki-epir of that responsibility, j country , and c\ thing appears to | commenciuip work on a large i W. M. Hayden, of Mich., was a he thrifty and piosperous. I Before k f | building wagon roads and sen- ng visitor in Estacada on Monday. Mr. reaching ^ Tacoma, we pass ever a a large force of men into the mount f mountains and aims to commence construction on When iti need of Furniture, Queensware, Linoleuin, ; !! •' "'s -.nother is a r of j;iP :in c i: 1 Jiimcs and she, with tin in dropping into 1 .e city of Tacoma | their power aevelopments. When Matting, Blankets aiid W all Paper. Come ic aDd look over the alighting 01 of an an 1 I visited visited that that section lately, I found | balance ,art of VV lslli" t B ° ’> a«(>(1 rigs mid cnrcful Linn of Curriusvillc, entered the higli school hool this week. This mak-is an enrollment, and also ac- tu d attendance, of g.y in that de- partment. The apparatus for flie phynical laboratory lias arrived and is living used to great advantage by the phy sics class. The attendance bad grown so lä ge in the intermediate room that they were too crowded to do cf fi: i tit work. The m its were packed in the -ortiers and against the wall -> >t wa ik 1 , ' ary in order to git good results to fit tip another room and pint ill a new teacher. The room procured was the Free Methodist Church and tin.* teacher diss Ginther. Miss Ginther has had much exp erietice and was rec omiiiended l>v tlte County Supt. as one of the hist le,tellers in the c mi.ty. so has been given the sth and bth grades. That gives the n -w room yaud leaves in Mi-s WOOD & LUMBER I."< it and I.oag I listini . y. : - then taken in a Comfortable coverei Wagon to the sclioul h.-u-,- which ir built in a central po-aiion ’The I children are thus kept out of the rain anr t lie children. F'ollownng i> a tep-».! f(>r f lie month ending i.vt - N-timlier of pn.pails 1 isi't'.tc re -‘ter boys 78. girls 72 to -tal , v N mn- l>cr of -day* taught j »4 ; " Ito1ç titim- Iter of days attend .1 ICC 28 q7, li.yi absence 9 1. tinml ier of •pili IM:itlipr absent r la'- - of attend in •• get their atpplies from our uier Parents, iusj, t and p. ,.u vliM ien 's repioit ea.-1 ,IU Ptutier’s room. .r .. c ^ is any thing you don t KlMtlllll In the union districts of Wash not being a w iki-cat corporation we aliout the work come to the tv.k'-xsr T ;ii.. are all pleased to see them here ;.s ington the children are picked up or ,pie ,,rill i p j. they will he a great benefit to the at their do.ir !:y ;. good reliable man glad to see you if y ou ..onte connu unity at large and every one ■ hired for the puipoae. Th ey are right sjurtt.