Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, October 14, 1909, Image 2

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    The Estacada Progress
I w r i tack TlmrWar
Interesting Events from O utside the
S ta te P resen ted in a M anner to
C atch the Eye o f the Busy R eader
—M atters o f National, Historical
and Com m ercial Im portance.
Cholera is raging among all classes
In Seoul, Korea.
The Santa Fe has obtained track
privileges in San Francisco.
A huge boycott against Japan has
been unofficially started in China.
Crush to see aviation tests in Paris
caused a riot and wreck on railroad.
William Jennings Bryan was* greeted
by an immense crowd on his arrival in
I t is reported that Miss Gladys
Kerens, of St. Louis, will wed Prince
Schoenberg, of Saxony.
The Rock Island railroad has been
mulcted of about $300,000 by over
confidence in one of its big shippers.
Enormously rich deposits of silver
and cobalt have been found in Canada
after having been overlooked for 30
The real reason for the recall of
Charles R. Crane, minister to China, is
said to be indiscreet utterances while
in Chicago.
I t has been revealed that two Chicago
aldermen are heads of one of the most
gigantic graft and corruption systems
ever known.
Wu Ting Fang visited a spiritualist
meeting in Washington and appeared
much interested, and intimated that ho
might attend again.
Insulting Aggression of Japan Is Given
as Reason.
Tokio, Oct. 12.—Copies of circulars
issued in North China b y a body of
Chinese calling itself the Popular A h
sociation of the Three Eastern Prov­
inces have been received in Japan after
having been spread broadcast among
Chinese of the lower classes. The cir­
culars contain inflammatory statements
against the Japanese. They bear upon
what is called the “ weakness of poor
China“ and the “ insulting aggression
of Ja p a n .“
Assort ions are made that Japan has
devastated the arable lands of North
China and has enslaved laborers along
the lino of the Antung-Mukden railroad,
that Japanese officials have beaten the
men, insulted the women and terrorized
the people.
The circulars point out that the weak­
ness of China in a military sense
makes it impossible for her to resent
this treatment, except by a boycott, and
call upon the people of China generally
to refuse all dealings with the Japanese
All students and persons who value
freedom are called upon to propagat
the doctrines and join in adopting tin
programme of the association. Failinj
in this, they are threatened with vio
lence and even death.
The document concludes with the re
quest that Chinese vehicles, vessels and
railroads refuse to carry Japan«
goods. An endless chain is sought on
the request that patriotic citizens int
whose hands the circulars may fall shall
have them reprinted and scattered
broadcast, until Japan is completel
shut out from all commercial commun
cation with China.
These circulars have created some
thing of a sensation in Japan. Effort
is being made to prevent the spreading
of their contents among Japanese of th<
ignorant class because the danger of
arousing feeling at this time is recog
Meanwhile there is reason to believi
that Japan has called, or will immedi
ately call the attention of the Chinese
authorities to the boycott propaganda
demanding that the circulars be out
lawed ns illegal documents, and that th
Popular Association of the Three East
ern Provinces be brought under disc
The exact method by which China i
able to control her people in this way
is not known, but it is believed here
that the government of China can sup
press promptly any boycott movement,
All merchants of standing in Chin
have official rank and can be disc
Four-Y ear C o u rse in C ountry D istrict
Is E stablished.
Pleasant H ill Union high school
No. 1, toe first fa rm e rs’ high school
organized in Oregon, has added the
12th grade and can now prepare its
students for the U niversity of Oregon
or any institution of like rank.
Located in the h eart of the rural dis­
tric t, 12 m iles from Eugene and five
m iles from the railroad, this un que
high school iB formed by the union of
five country d istric ts. Some of the
students travel daily six m iles from
their homes to school, while others
board in the neighborhood. Besides
th e ir studies, the pupils are as much
interested in athletics, literary society
work and inter-scholastic debate as
those of any city high school.
E arl K irkpatrick, the principal, is s
graduate of the U niversity of Oregon.
Values Advance Rapidly in Eaatarn
C lackam as County,
Oregon City D. W. Douglas, who
was in the city from Cherryville, re­
p o rts a liv ely movement in property in
the e a s te rn section of Clackam as
c unty. Forty ac re s th a t cost $550
seven years ag o Were sold laBt week for
$2,350, and 78 acres brought $2,500.
L ittle of this land is cleared. Mr.
Trum an, who paid $500 for 20 acres
four years ago. is to receive $1,500 for
the tra c t and only about one acre has
been clearef. Mr. Douglas has 80
acres th a t he secured eight years ago
for $10 an acre and he has been offered
$5,000 for his property.
Several Hood River men are buying
( land in the Cherryville d istric t and
they say the soil and clim atic condi-
| tions are adm irably adapted for f ru it­
growing. One of these men recently
purchased 127 acres and he will clear
up 40 acres a t once and set it out to or­
The Mount Hood Railroad
com) any is putting in a big dam across
the Sandy river and all of th a t te rri­
tory is experiencing a wonderful boom.
Railroad C om m ission Brings Suit.
Salem — D istric t A ttorney G. W.
Pr.elps, of U m atilla county, has been
instructed by the railroad commission
to in stitu te mandam us proceedings in
the Circu t court for U m atilla county
to compel the Oregon Railroad & Nav­
igation company to comply w ith the
order of the railroad commission di­
recting th a t the local tra in service be­
tween Portland and Pendleton th a t has
been abandoned be again inaugura'ed.
The instructions were given the dis­
tric t attorney as the result of the agi­
tation for b e tte r service started by
Judge Stephen A. Lowell, of Pendle­
ton, and because the commission be­
lieves th a t the railroad company has
not been m aintaining a service th a t
is adequate and in compliance w ith the
order of the commission.
Option on Survey Sold.
Marshfield -T he contract has been
closed giving F. A, H aines, engineer,
and Francis H. Clarke, attorney, an
option on the survey and rig h ts of way
of the Coos Bay, Oregon & Idaho ra il­
road. They are, in consideration of
receiving the option, to s ta rt actual
construction on the road by Ju ly 1,
1910, and have the road completed to
Roseburg within two years. In case
they w ant to bond the road they muBt
pay off in full the original subscribers
who put up the money w ith which the
first survey work was done.
S h a rp P ractice o f Ja p a n Violation oi
International Law.
W ashington, Oct. 8. — Additional
facts shedding lig h t on the diplom atic
situation which led up to the negotia­
tion of the trea ty between China and
Japan relating to the reconstruction of
the Antung-Mukden railroad were se­
cured today from reliable Bources. This
inform ation only tends to confirm the
impression th a t the United S ta te s may
be called upon to protest a g ain st a vio­
lation of the “ open door” agreem ent
in China and discredits the rep o rt th a t
C harles R. Crane, of Chicago, the new
m inister to China, has reen recalled
from San FranciBco by Philander C.
Knox, secretary of state, prim arily for
the purpose of receiving a reprim and
for alleged indiscreet rem arks in re­
spect to the relations betw een China
and the U nited States. Such talk a t
present merely beclouds w hat, in the
opinion of those who know, is a serious
As previously indicated, the crisis in
the diplom atic situation in China is
not the outcome of any one act or cir­
cum stance. I t is learned th a t negotia­
tions between China and Jap an had
proceeded for some tim e under the
w atchful eye of the United S ta te s and
other nations, previous to the signing
of the treaty between China and Japan
early in July. A t the tim e the pact
waa signed it iB understood to have
been the belief of the sta te d ep art­
m ent, based on inform ation from Min­
iste r Rockhill a t Pekin and from other
sources, th a t the question a t issue be­
tween China and Japan would not be
definitely concluded for a t least two
years. It is known th a t the Chinese
foreign office thought it would take
three years.
A cting on this belief, Mr. Rockhill
Bailed for the U nited S ta te s on June
20, and Thomas J . O ’Brien, United
S ta te s am bassador to Japan, sailed
from Yokohama on leave of absence on
June 26. To the surprise of the sta te
departm ent, the trea ty betw een Japan
and China relatin g to the reconstruc­
tion of and concessions along the South
Manchurian and A ntung-M ukden ra il­
roads was signed early in Ju ly over the
pro test of China.
Had this event been expected, it is
not believed here th a t Mr. Rockhill
would have le ft his post a t P ekin or
th a t Mr. O ’Brien would have returned
home a t th a t tim e, particularly when
the agreem ent between China and
Jap an was believed even then to con­
tain some provision inim ical to the
“ open door” policy in the O rient.
I t is said th a t diplom atic hints to
Jap an th a t a violation of the “ upen
door” policy was contem plated in the
proposed trea ty were rnet w ith denials
I t is ¿now understood th a t th is tre a ty
gives an exclusive rig h t to Chinese
and Japai ese only to exploit the mines
on both sides of the South M anchurian
and Antung-M ukden railroad. F u rth er­
more, it is said there is no lim itatio n
as to how fa r e ith e r Bide of these ra il­
roads these exclusive rig h ts shall ob­
tain. In e ith e r case, such an ag ree­
m ent is regarded in W ashington as a
violation, in sp irit a t least, of both
the Hay “ open door” policy and the
Portsm outh treaty.
Signal Men Ely With Wright In first
' Government Airships.
Aviator F irst M akes Two T est Flights
and Then T akes Lieutenants Lahm
and H um phreys—R eaches Height
of 160 Feet and S peed o f Almost
Mile a Minute.
College Park, Md., Oct. 9.—For the
first tim e in the history of Am erica, an
aeroplane owned by the United S tates
governm ent soared in the a ir today.
Guided by W ilbur W right, it flew five
tim es in the dedication of the gov< rn-
m ent’s tra c t of land here as an aviation
W ith alm ost ideal conditions for
spectators and a breeze blowing
scarcely a t the rate of a mile an hour,
Mr. W right began the flights to teach
officers of the signal corps how to
handle the machine. Off the sta rtin g
rail a t 3:00, he circled the field for
three m inutes. Again a t 4:09 Mr.
W right was off for another flight.
This tim e he was in the air five m in­
utes. A t 4:51 o ’clock he soared away
to retu rn a fte r about five m inutes.
Each tim e he had kept to .the reserva­
tion grounds.
Then L ietuenant Lahm took his
place in the e x tra seat. A t 5:15 p. m.
the two rose probably 150 f e e t They
w ent a mile and a half toward W ash­
ington in hardly more than as many
m inutes. In about five m inutes a fte r
they had le ft they landed w ithin 20
fe et of the sta rtin g rail. In another
short flight, Mr. W right took L ieuten­
a n t Hum phreys w ith him.
F lig h ts probably will be made to­
morrow and on clays following until the
officers are fam iliar w ith the now art.
British Columbia Mine S c a n t o f Aw­
ful D isaster.
Ladysm ith, B. C., Oct 6 .—As a re­
sult of the explosion of fire-damp in
the E xtension mine of the W ellington
Colliery company near here yesterday,
32 m iners lust th eir lives and g re at
dam age was done to the m ine prop­
e rty. Up to 11 o’clock last night 18
bodies had been recovered and 14 more
wore known to be entom bed in the
Thomas Hislop, who was one of the
last of the 700 m iners and associates
who scurried from the Extension mine
a fte r the disastrous explosion, gave a
most graphic account of the accident.
“ I was w orking w ith 16 men, includ­
ing five of the dead, on the first level
when we heard the explosion,” said
he. “ We stood for a second in the
darkness. The rush of air put our lam ps
out, until some one came w ith a
safety lamp, and 15 of the 17 of us,
holding coat tails, hurried along,
holding the lam p ahead to see the g lis­
tening of the rails. We made little
headway before we were driven back.
“ The damp drove us back into the
level again. We tried to clam ber out
into the cross-cut, but were driven
from there. In No. 3 counter-level we
left five men, Alex McLellan, Jack
Ism aster, W inn Steel, Fred Ingham
and Bob W hite. When we lost them,
we did not know the dam p had got
them . We knew nothing then except
th a t the smoke and dam p w ere chasing
us back whichever way we w ent. F i­
nally we sa t down to figure out w hat
could be done. We were tired and
beaten back. The fire-damp came so
thick and fa st the a ir could not be
breathed and we had to run back again.
“ We had given up hope and decided
to w a it for death, when we heard a
shout and Alex Shaw, the forem an and
Davidson, who lost his son in the
mine, came. When we heard th eir
shouts instructing us, we sm ashed
through to the slope and crawled over
to safety. Then, fatigued and worn
out, we clam bered up the slope, clirg -
ing to each o th e r’s coattails, and helped
by men who m et us w ith saftey lan­
terns. We w aited a t the slope-head
for tho five we left behind, hut they
never came ouL ”
Plan Poultry Show .
Schools Are Overflowing.
Pendleton— U m atilla and Morrow
M cM innville.—The city schools op­
H earst has accepted the nom ination
ened w ith an approxim ate increase of counties will hold a poultry show a t
for mayor of New York.
18 per cent over the enrollm ent of Pendleton in January. This is the first
last year.
Pending the erection of effort to m ake a poultry ex h ib it on a
A trainw reck in Kansas killed 17
P reparing H er Youths to Resist G reed
the contem plated new high school large scale and prom ises to be very
laborers and wounded 10 others.
o f Foreign P ow ers.
building the overflow from the other successful. One or more of the best
F re ig h t cars are scarce in the E ast
school buildings is housed tem porarily poultry judges in the country will be
Berkeley, Oct. 9.—T hat China is
and a serious shortage is predicted be­
in one of the exhibition buildings in brought to Pendleton for he show and
m aking thorough
preparations for
fore w inter.
the City park, and the basem ent of the every bitrd on exhbit will be scored so
arm ed resistance in the encroachm ents
Prince Ito, president of the privy
largest of the public school buildingB I th a t the owner may know exactly in
of foreign powers a t the present tim e D read
D isease R aises
M enacing
council of Japan, will m ake a long
has been fitted up as the tem porary what particu lar bis birds are good or
was the statem en t made a t the stu ­
H ead in S t. P etersb u rg ,
tour of Manchuria.
d e n t’s m eeting a t the U niversity of
New Chief of Police Exposes Terrible quarters for the 11th grade.
St. P etersburg, Russia, Oct. 6.—
C alifornia today by Professor John
S t. Joseph’s Catholic school also
Condition in Chicago.
Professor Fryer, of California, says
C lub P ro p o ses to G row .
Fryer, head of the departm ent of O ri­ Cholera is increasing in Russia, and es­
shows an increased attendance fully
China is preparing to m ake w ar on en­
Chicago, 111., Oct. 12.—Appalling con equal in per cent to th a t of the public
ental languages, who has ju st returned pecially in th is city, w here it seems to
Oregon City W ith a m em bership of
croaching foreign powers.
ditions brought to light during the trial
from a y e ar's travel in the F a r East. have become firmly established. From
W right made his first flight in a gov­ of Inspector McGann of vice condition:
“ The large body of Chinese youths the s ta r t of the outbreak there have
C ity is desirous of m aking it 200 and
on the West Side, the immediate for
ernm ent aeroplane and began the in­ mation of Jewish crusaders to driv
E nlarge F reight Depot
and m en,” said Professor Fryer, “ now been in St. P etersburg alone 15,562
w ith th a t end in view haB requested
struction of signal officers.
Albany—The necessary equipm ent its m em bership com m ittee to work ac­
to be found in the universities and cases and 6,000 deaths.
their people out of the pandering bus
D uring the month of Septem ber the
lower schoo'a of the United S ta te s is
Congressm an Landis says the navy ness, the organization of reformers to move the big city Southern Pacific tively during the month of October. It
an indication of the advanced educa­ num ber of casee increased everyw here
is top-heavy and needs a strong m er state, national and international, to fre ig h t depot in this city has arrived is planned to give a banquet during
tion which the em pire has come to and infection reached the w ealthy p a rt
chant m arine to back it up in tim e of check, if possible, the infamous “ white and work will soon begin. The freig h t the la tte r p a rt of the month and to in­
slave“ traffic, all expose the shameful depot is to be moved 300 fe e t south of vite the officers of the comm erical or
consider necessary. There is but one of the city and m ilitary academ y. I t
fact that two men who have grown its present location and a big addition ganizations in the various sections of
reason for it—to prepare the young is also spreading throughout the coun­
A steam er reports th a t several thou­ enormously rich in criminal business constructed. More room in the freig h t Clackam as county.
Chinese to take p a rt in a struggle th a t try d istric ts and there were 226 deaths
in the provences last week. N earer St.
sand n atives were drowned on the is­ still hold important municipal position depot has been badly needed for some
is surely coming.
land of Yucatan by the recent Gulf
tim e because of the increased traffic,
“ Educated in our colleges, these P etersb u rg the infected d istric ts have
W ater System for Pendleton.
young men are sen t back to China and a g re a te r num ber 0f victim s, as for in­
Pendleton.—At a meeting of the
The drastic order issued last night by The moving of the stru c tu re will pro­
form the nucleus for the corps of lead­ stance, Tver, Yakoslav and Koetrom ar,
C aptain de Gerlach, who commanded Chief of Police Steward to all mem vide an open space on all sides of the Commercial club it was decided to ca
ers th a t will one tim e direct the Chi­ where the deaths of last week were 23,
an A ntarctic expedition in 1907, ha* bers of the department to stamp out Union depot except on th a t fronting a mass meeting of citizens to discuss
nese arm y. E veryw here in the empire 83 and 35, respectively. F u rth e r south
no doubt th a t both Cook and Peary vice, exposes frightful conditions in the the tracks and this space will all be tho gravity wafer system and regula
first ward, the very heart of the city, improved and beautified.
tion of saloons. The water question is
are to be found evidences th a t the Chi- the figures are lower, y et they Bhow
reached the Pole.
a live issue now. Regulated saloons are
where two politicians who hold office
nepe are planning for war. Their sol­ the diseaee is increasing.
Mix, the Am erican balloonist who in the city council are collecting an
Europe generally is in danger of be­
are constantly drilled, and drilled
Linn County P ro sp ero u s.
won the international balloon race in nually more than $117,000, every penny
amendments will be proposed to the
in the m ost modern way. The Chinese coming infected w ith the plague and
T hrough N ature's G lories.
Albany—Only $13,772 rem ained un­ city charter.
Sw itzerland, is about to lose the prize of which is spotted with blood and
have reached the point w here they there is talk among other nations of
because Borne peasants dragged him to crime. These two men and their army collected on the 1908 tax roll of Linn
Wawona, Cal., Oct. 8.— An all-day will no longer endure the encroach­ im posing some efficient sanitary m eas­
of “ specialists“ have the great red county, when the tim e expired y e ster­
the ground for a moment.
Bonds Easily Sold.
m ents of foreign powers, and some ures on Russia from w ithout.
light district on the South Side abso day for m aking paym ents. This is the
roads brought President T a ft tonight
D irector of Census Dana Durand be­ lutely under control.
tim e, before viYy long, they will take
sm allest delinquent tax ever le ft on a
to this lovely little Sierra re tre a t Mr.
lieves th a t college students will make
From the dives, the shndv hotels, the Linn county tax roll when the tim e it is thought, will have no trouble in T a ft and his party reached the W a­ to the field of b a ttle to settle their
excellent census enum erators, and he saloons and the gamblers of tho South for m aking paym ents expired and in­ disposing of the city improvem ent
purposes to suggest th a t educational Side territory, extending to and em dicates g re a te r prosperity than ever bonds. One man has bought $1,000
Canadian Vessell R eturns From C ruise
institu tio n s gives leaves of absence in tracing the Twenty-second street “ red before in this p a rt of the sta te . Of worth a t par and other bids are being one hour a fte r the scheduled tim e, C U R T IS S TH RILLS THOU SAN DS
to 8 4 D egrees N orth.
A pril next tosuch students as may light“ levee, two powerful business this delinquent am ount a total of $5,732 made. The bonds are a ttra c tin g the due to the lingering in the Grouse
creek forest near Chinquapin.
F a rth e r Point, Quebec, Oct. 6.—The
care to join the arm y of 65,000 enum ­ men of tho district are pocketing
is on land belonging to corporations,
The day ride from El P ortal, which Flies in a 16-Mile Wind So as Not to Canadian governm ent stpam er A rctic,
golden stream of graft.
Disappoint C row d.
began a t 7 a. m., included glim pses of
For years the gigantic, system of which have not paid the tax for the
Captain J . E. Bernier, which has been
T aft immensely enjoyed the beauties corruption lias obtained. Tt, puts the reason th a t they may contest the levy,
Yosemite valley, from Inspiration and
Oct. 9. — Under adverse in the F a r N orth for more than a year,
of the Yosem ite valley.
West Side ring of tribute collectors as i t was on the unpatented land.
A rtis t’s Point, a pursuit of the tum b­ conditions, Glenn H. C urtiss, by a reached here tonight. C aptain B ernier
that was routed by S t a te ’s Attorney
W heat— Track p rice s:
Bluestem , ling w aters of the Merced river into flight in his biplane late today in For­ refused to talk of his trip, saying he
Spanish revolutionists predict a rev­ Wavman, through the conviction of
Albany Does M ore Business.
96c; club, 88c; red Russian, 85>$e; the valley floor and a winding, narrow e st P ark, received the applause and m ust first re p o rt to the m in ister of
o lt ag ain st K ing Alfonso.
Police Inspector McGann. to shame. An
Albany—A lbany’s postoffice receipts valley, 90c; Fife, 88c; Turkey red, climb to the c rest of m ountains 7,000 cheers of many thousands of persons m arine.
B ritish and German adm irals shook army of lieutenants has been mar­ for the q u a rte r ending Septebm er 30 88c; 40-fold, 90c.
fe e t high, which shut in the wonders who had w aited for hours for the wind
The expedition was arranged p rim ar­
hands across the banquet table.
B arley—Feed, $26; brewing, $27.
of the Yosemite. The day was brig h t, to slacken.
ily to collect custom s duties from the
blood-stained penny even, escapes the show a gain of $517.30 over the cor­
Glenn H. C urtiss made three suc-
(Ters of the master-soldiers of the
C urtiss, facing a 15-mile wind, rose Am erican w halers operating in north
Corn— Whole, $35; cracked, $36.
was the e x h iliratin g scent of the pines. in his m achine 30 fe e t from the ground Canadian w aters
essful flights in his airship a t St. night. They are constantly on guard receipts of the office during July, Au­
I t was also com­
Hay—Tim othy, W illam ette valley, News th a t the m ountain lions were
No breaks of faith ever sever th gu st and Septem ber, 1908, were $3,-
and flew the length of the aero field. missioned to p lant the B ritish flag as a
masters from the victims. There are 307.64, Bnd for the p ast th ree months. $150/16 per ton ; E astern Oregon, $18 infesting the park held out hope of ad­
N ear-beer dealers of Tennessee will never any knife-in-the-back tactics $3,824.94. The receipts from stam p 0/19; alfalfa, $14; clover, $14; cheat, venture for a tim e, but not even the He covered a q u a rte r of a mile and was sign of Canadian ow nership on all
islands and o ther p a rts of land in the
aloft 45 seconds.
have to pay a tax of $1,150 each that result in scandals.
sales alone for each of the past three $130/14.60; grain hay, $150/16.
track s of one were seen on the road.
E arly today he rem ained in the a ir a A rctic seas which hith erto had been
B u tte r—C ity cream ery, ex tras, 36c;
m onths w ere as follow s: July, $1,-
m inute and a half and sailed three- unclaimed.
Cholera Threatens Seoul.
202.51; A ugust, $1,184.53; Septem ­ fancy outside cream ery, $330/36 per
Dewey says the U. S. navy is by no
M ongrel C u r is H ero
q u arters of a mile a g ain st a 5 mile
pound; store, 22X(/z24>i. B utter fa t
Seoul, Oct. 12.—Cholera threatens to ber, $1,251.34.
m eans a bluff. He advocates more
S eattle, Oct. 8.—“ T ed,” a little wind.
P resid en t Has Busy Day.
prices average 1 j^c per pound under black dog belonging to Jam es Rice, at
w arships and a ship subsidy.
become a serious epidemic here. The
San Francisco, Oct. 6.—A fte r spend­
regular b u tte r prices.
ing the en tire forenoon in the cities of
Accum ulated sew er gas and w aste
EggB—Oregon ranch, 32)yO/33c per vicinity of W h ittie r school, in the
Salem —A fte r w aiting for several
Chicago, OcL 9.— The railroads of Oakland and Berkeley, across the bay.
from neighboring garages caused a but Seoul is not a sanitary city, and the
lisease has spread rapidly. The palace weeks for the tile to arriv e from Illi­ dozen.
north p art of Ballard. “ T ed” saved the country are
already face to P resident T a ft was welcomed to San
trem endous explosion in a New York >f the ex emperor has been invaded and
Poultry— Hens, 140/ I4)^c; springs, the life of little E dith S tew art, who
nois, the work of laying the m arble
face w ith a fre ig h t car shortage. The Franciaco th is afternoon hy a throng
sew er.
the home of the resident general has bare and tiled floors in the first and 14 0 / 1 4 c ; roosters, 90/10c; ducks, was attacked and alm ost chewed to
inform ation disclosed iB th a t the sur­ th a t lined the walks, in some places
N ebraska B aptists are much w rought not been immune. The schools are
second stories of the sta te house has 15c; geese, 90010c; turkeys, 170/ pieces by a vicious bulldog. The little plus of freig h t cars of the entire ten deep, a'ong a line of m arch extend­
up because a Mormon convict has been losed regularly for fumigation. For
1 7 ^ c ; squabs,$ 1.756/2 per dozen.
has practically been wiped ing over three milea of the principal
appointed chaplain of the sta te peni­ year the sanitary authorities appoint«
Pork— Fancy, 90/ 9 H e per pound.
G rabbing the bulldog by the tail, he out. W here little more than a year streets. The Bchool children of this
the Japanese resident-general have company, of Spokane, has the contract,
ten tiary
Veal— E xtra, 106/)10)6c per pound.
bit, barked and Bnarled until the bull ago there were nearly 40,0000 idle city, of Oakland and Berkeley gave
been cleaning up the city, but only and the work is in charge of J . E.
Fresh F ru its—Apples, new, $1.25@ dog released hia iron hold on the child
General Wood denies th a t the Boston hose who have gone into the alleys P arker, a Portland representative.
fre ig h t ears standing on sidetracks, th eir joyous cheers for the President.
arm y and navy m aneuvers caused and byways of Seoul can know of the A bout 13,000 square fe et will be laid, 1.75 per box; pears, $16Dl-75; peaches, and turned on his annoying a/lver there is now a small shortage in sev­
L ater Ip the day the president was
sickness and says much valuable know! uncleanliness here.
and the work is expected to require six 75c0/$1.25 per c ra te : cantaloupes, 50c sary.
eral lines of traffic. The prediction is the g u est of honor a t the Uniop
0/$1.25; plums, 250T50c per b o x ; w a t­
edge was gained.
weeks for completion.
freely made th a t belore w inter the League Club.
ermelons, lc per pound; grapes, 85c6i
All the officials of M arshalltown,
Polar Bears to Draw Sledges.
country will be facing the severest car
C hicago to C ut S alaries.
$1.25 per c r a 'e ; 150/20c per bask et;
Iowa, have been indicted by the federal
Fifteen Fam ilies Com ing.
Hamburg, Oct. 12.—Captain Roald
New Road Com ing W est.
Chicago, OcL 8.— A cut of 10 per shortage in the history of railroads.
grand jury for im prisoning governm ent Amundsen, the explorer, who is about
A lbany—G. W. Nicholson, o f Hol- box; cranberries, $90/10 per barrel.
cent in salaries of all city officials and
M inneapolis, Oct. 6.— Indications
secret service agents.
to start on a |M»lar expedition, has de denville, Okla., arrived in Albany to-
Women Pursuing Asquith.
of a substantial kind point to the build­
Potatoes—Buying p ric e s: Oregon, employes of th is city, from Mayor
D uring the absence of the American eided to try a remarkable innovation in day as the forerunner of 15 fam ilies
London, Oct. 9.—A delegation of ing o f a fourth transcontinental line
600/65c per sack; sw eet potatoes, 2c Busse’s $18,000 down to th a t of the
representatives, Japan has forced the use of draught animals for polar which are on th e ir way from th a t town
low liest laborer, has been agreed upon suffragettes pursued Preim er Asquith from the Twin C ities to the Pacific
per pound.
China into a trea ty whereby the open travel. He will endeavor to make polar to locate in Albany and vicinity. Some
Sack V egetables—Turnips, 75c6/$l by the mayor and departm ent heads to Balm oral, Scotland, where he was Coast in the near fu tu re. T his new
dor i n M anchuria is closed to all but bears draw his sledges. Some time ago of them will engage in business in Al­
for the next year. This d rastic m eas­ summoned by the king. They are sta y ­ coast line will be an extension of the
per s a c k ; carrota, $1; beets, $1.25.
the Japanese, and serious disagree­ Captain Amundsen made a contract bany, while others will secure dairy
ure was made necessary by the fact ing in a neighboring village, and will M inneapolis & St. Louis. Word comes
with Carl Hagenbaek, the famous ani­
Onions— New, $1.25 per sack.
m ent may follow.
mal trainer, for 20 ice bears, .1 vears ranches near the city.
V egetables—Beans, 40/5c; cabbage, th a t Chicago has not money enough to not h esitate to invade the royal castle from Leheau, S. D., the present W est­
Mr. Nicholson said the Oklahoma
m aintain the payroll a t its normal to persecute Mr. ABquith, if chance ern term inus, th a t E. D. Sloan, locat­
Japan has forced China into a treaty old. HaL'enbaik*s men have liern in crope are so poor th is year th a t farm ­ ^jO /lc; per pound; cauliflower, 50c0/
level. L ast year it was $15,000,000. offers. The castle precincts are cloee- ing engineer, has been ordered to pro­
which closes the open door in Man­ ditstriously at work for a month train­ ers “ are up a g ain st i t , ’’ and th a t hun­ $1 per dozen; celery, 50o/75c; com,
ing the bears, and the results obtained
150/2"c; eggplant, 75c6/$l per box; The cut, before becoming effective, ly guarded by detectives and the ceed a t once w ith a survey across the
churia to all but Japanese.
are said to promise success in polar dreds will seek new homes in Oregon.
T here was a big Cheyenne reservation to the Montana
horseradish, 9 0 /10c per pound; lettuce, m ust be sanctioned by the city council, k ing’s servants.
Am erican Consul Hanna, a t Mon
hothouse. 75c6z.$1.25 per box' onions, where a fight ag ain st it ia expected. suffragette dem onstration in A lbert line. T here is g re a t a ctiv ity all along
terey, Mexico, again appeals for help
Hall last n ig h t to bid farewell to Mrs. the line.
12S>0/15c per dozen; parsley, 35c;
Bold Thug Gets Thousands.
G reat P rie e s jfo r H ops.
for the earthquake sufferers.
Stanfield—A t the E astern Oregon peas, 7c per pound; pum pkins, J@
P ankhurst on
her departure for
Seattle, Wash., Oet. 12.-—Binding and d istric t fair, held a t Pendleton last l j* c ; radishes, 15c per dozen; squash,
8 0 0 Buffalo Make E scape.
U tica, N. Y., Oct. 8 — Hopgrowers Am erica.
B eginning Nov. 1 the Burlington
in Central New York are obtaining un­
Calgary, A lberta, OcL 6.—Word was
will shorten its running tim e betw een gagging lmth the chief night clerk nnd week, Stanfield came out w ith 25 first 1 H 0 /1 1 j c ; tom atoes, 506/)60c.
C uban Finances Im prove.
his assistant and carrying them to an prizes for products from the soil. And
brought here today th a t the Canadian
C attle Steers, top quality, $4.256i heard of prices for this y e a r's crop.
Chicago and the coast to 72 hours.
Havana, OcL 9.—Marcelliono D ia l buffalo park a t W ainrilge, A lberta,
obscure part of the building, a lone this in addition to the many prizes 4.40; fa ir to good, $4; common, $3.50 W hile the hops a year ago a t th is tim e
The W right brothers will make no
highwayman early today robbed the won by individual exhibitors. Stan (Vi)3.75; cows, top, $3.250/’3.35; fa ir to were bringing from 9 to 11 cents a de Ville-Gas, aecretary of finance to­ had bi en destroyed hy the p rairie fire
more exhibition flights, hut will begin
field is a new town in northern lim a good. $3o/3.10; common to medium, peund, the growers are receiving this day gave out the conditoin of the which has been burning in th a t section
the m anufacture of aeroplanes for sale. office of the Great Northern Express tills county, in the m idst of the Furn- $2 506/2 75; calves, top, $56i5.25; week from 32 to 3 3 cents, and some Cuban treasury concerning which un­ for a week. Aa the fire burned the
company, at the King street station, in sh-Coe project. In addition to the 10,-
$26/2.25; choice lots have brought 35 cents. favorable rum ors have been currenL fence surrounding the park, the herds
The suprem e court has refused a re ­ the heart of the city, and carried off 000 acres of the Furnish project there heavy, $8.506/4;
Dealers say th a t never in th e ir exper­ The secretary saya its condition has of buffalo, estim ated to num ber 800
hearing to Jam es A. Finch, the P ort­ sacks of gold, silver and a large amount are about 15,000 acres of privately stags, $2.506/3.50.
Hogs— Best, $8; fa ir to good, $7.75 ience were the hops bought up so close improved considerably since the close anim als and a large herd of elk, es­
land attorney convicted of murder.
of paper money, which, it is believed, owned irrigated landa trib u ta ry .
6/$7.85; Stockers, $6617; China fats, a t this tim e of the season as they are of the period of Am erican interven­ caped. The fires in th is section have
tion. Then the treasury had a balance caused a financial loss th a t will run
A daughter of Samuel Clemens, b et­ will amount to thousands of dollars.
Holdings Not to Be Sold.
of $2,685,228, a g ain st $8,40,956 obli­ into the m illions.
te r known as Mark Twain, will wed
Sheep- Top w ethers, $46T4.2S; fa ir
The balance on Septem ber
Would C ount O ut Heney.
Marshfield — E lijah Sm ith, chief to good, $3.50603.75; ewes, )»c L as on
the Russian pianist, G abrilow itsrh.
Pittsburg, Oct. 12.—What is asserted
Spain Only S e e k s Peace.
San Francisco, OcL 8.—C harles M. 30, showed <1,035,302.
The m ayor of Spokane has reap- ' to be the largest religious celebration ow ner in the Southern Oregon com­ all gradea; yearlings, best. $40/4.26;
Paris, OcL 6.— The Spanish am bas­
pointed S tre et Commissioner Tuerke, and convention ever held in this coun­ pany, ia v isitin g a t Em pire, w here his fa ir to good, $3.60603.75; spring F ickert, Republican nominee for the
W inter Finds C olorado.
office o f d istric t attorney, who lays
sador denied today th a t Spain had
who had been ousted by his brother try will begin here tomorrow, when the big m ill is located. The mill has been lam bs, $56/ 5.50.
Hopa -1908 crop, choice, 17e; prime claim to the Dem ocratic nom iantion,
Denver, OcL 9.— A drop in the tem ­ changed her intentions in Morocco. Ha
international centennial celebration and idle for some tim e and the extensive
invention of the Diseiples of Christ land holdings are in the sam e condi­ to choice, 16c; prim e, 15|%c; medium, a ile g irg th a t the la tte r waa not prop­ p erature accompanied by snow flurries declared Spain was seeking only to
A K ansas woman pleaded guilty of (Christian denomination) convenes. It tion. There have been rum ors th s t 15c; 1909, choice, 25c; prim e, 24c.
erly awarded to Francis J. Heney, was in some sections waa reported from pacify the country around Mciilla and
bigam y, saying she had been m arried is estimated that fully 50,000 delegates Mr. Sm ith is n eg otiating for the sale
Wool— 1909 W illam ette valley, 2060 granted today hi« request fur a recount Colorado pionts today. In Denver a th a t she had but fifty thousand troops
aix tim es w ithout being divorced, and and visitors from sll parts of the world . of hi* holdings, but these rum ors he 24c; E astern Oregon, 206023c; mo­ of the Dem ocratic votes cast a t the lig h t snow foil.
No serious damage in Morocco, inatead of seventy thou­
waa tired of men and m atrimony.
will be in attendance.
hair, 1909, 236024c.
recent prim ary election.
has been done in the fru it section.