Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, October 14, 1909, Image 1

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    i -«
NO. H oí» VOL. a
Estacada State
Capital Fully Paid Up - $25,000
Miss Nina Taylor entered the
high school this week.
Mr. Iver Erricksou has returned
home for a two weeks visit.
J. R. Wilson of East Side, Port­
land. spent part of Sunday in Esta­
Geo. Steel, President.
L. E BelfHs,
Aim* Bletch, of Cazadero, has
been in Portland for u couple of
E. M. Miller, Real Estate Officer
The Estacada Pharmacy has e-
rected a uew drug sign. The work
was done by Ferry and is a dandy.
Geo. Steel,
L E. Belfils,
John Zobrist
T. Yocum,
Mr William Thompson, of Kelso,
Ore. was visiting with Mr. Melvin
Shankland, Sunday.
Preaching next Sunday evening
at 7:30 at the Free Methodist
Church by the pastor, Rev. S .‘ G
Mrs. Pearson, of Spriugwater,
brought a flue apple of the King
variety to the office of the Progress
on Monday.
W e Solicit c^ccounts
Raises S ix Chickens From
Tw o E&gs
Dr. Steiner has swung a new
sign in his office.
OCTOBER 14. 1^ 9
Capt. Shannon, of Spriugwater,
came into the office on Wednesday
and left a couple of curiosities aud
said we should mention the curios­
ity but not his name. Now if any
one should recognize the name of
the old pioneer settler, the only
living man who helped cut through
the old Barlow road and was also
connected with the historic Mc-
Loughlin trading stations at Oregon
City, as Capt. Shannon keep it dark
as he don’t want his name in the
papers but lie certainly is the cham­
pion chicken raiser as this incident
will show. He brought in a very
large hens egg and said that he
had set a hen and put two such
eggs under her and had succeeded
in raising six chickens from these
two eggs. They had three chicks
in each one. He had a fine bunch
of nice yellow pumpkins which he
was distributing gratis aud the
editor and his family were remem­
A h
A Pure Aluminum
35c Sauce
W hat is the use to throw
away your old furniture when
a little Jap-a-Lac will make
them just like new
Jap-a-Lac 1-2 Pt. Cans 25c
1 Pt. Can 40c
lQ t.C a n 75c
Pan for«.,AW
T r y o n e a n d see how y ou c a n
cook w ith o u t sc o rc h in g o r b u rn in g
food. It is lig h t in w e ig h t an d looks
like silv e r. I t d o e s n ’t ta rn is h . N o
e n am el to c h ip off in to th e food.
C ooks m o n e -fo u rth o f th e tim e
o rd in a rily re q u ire d .
T h e g e n u in e “ 1892” P u re A lu m i­
n u m c an a lw a y s be to ld b y th e
M altese C ro ss. E v e ry piece g u a r ­
a n te e d o r y o u r m o n e y back.
Ba su re and b u y one from you r dealer
to d a y.
F o r Smlo b y
You Can Not Afford
Be bothered with flies at
the prices we are selling our
screen doors.
1-4 Off on all Screen
Call before it is too late.
C ounty Debt Reduced
> 4 “M »4
{¡¡*K,aaaaaaaa« areLa3aaa3a3aaa3aaaa«aaaasB
Tw o Minute Title Talks
Men are prone to say there is too much red tape about passing
If we could cut it all out we would be better off.
But when you reflect that land is the most permanent and
hence the moat certainly valuable property man can possess, is it
unwise to guard such possession by rules and regulations ?
Centuries of experience and wisdom are behind the rule that
to transfer title there must be some writing.
Written deeds, wills,
and other instruments being necessary, they must be in proper form
Even if technical it is the law of the land, and we must abide
by it.
An abstract of title helps to understand these forms.
We will
cheerfully explain any matter not clear to you in connection with
the title to your Clackamas County land.
Clackamas Title Company' Inc.
E. F. &. F. B. Riley
Makers of Clackamas County Title.
our line.
Our line of rugs are complete
9x12 $8.00 and up. We have a
large shipment of Furniture that
will be here this week. Come
and look it over and see for
Ages 6 to 12
g a in Table a t
$1.50 to $ 4.00 per
su it
Liquor License
Monday tells of her safe arrival
and satisfactory hospital arrange­
ments. It is expected that word
will be received during the week in
reference to the operation which
was expected to be performed on
last Friday.
The Miller Realty Co. of Estaca­
da has formed a combination with
the Moore Investment Co. of Port­
land and intend to make a special
business of handling all Clackamas
county property.
L. E. Belfils, of the Estacada
State Bank returned on Monday
trom a ten day's vacation spent in
Portland and at the A.-Y.-P. Mr.
Wall Paper 5 cents and up.
Belfils is very enthusiastic over his
trip and has promised us an article
descriotive of what he thought in­
W e stand ready and willing to correct any mistakes
teresting. He spent four days at
made by us and we solicit a share of your patronage.
the fair and one at the Bremerton
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Krash and
Navy Yard, He says he thorough­
little son have just arrived from
ly enjoyed his vacation.
Berlin, Wis., and expect to occupy
the Williams property on Main St.
The Ladies' Aid of the Christian
R espectfully
Mrs. Krash is a daughter of Henry Church met with Mrs. B. R. Kim-
Kolpin and when her father went mel last Thursday. After the
East they returned with him. It meeting the ladies proceeded to
is likely he may find something in have their pictures taken. They
or around Estacada that will induce are now offering the pictures for
him to remain here. He expects sale to any one who wishes to
to make a home in the West some­ beautify their home or store by
decorating with them.
»»»♦♦♦»»»» ♦»y where.
Estacada Furniture Co.
Placed on the B ar­
Ear! Wilson had a couple of gen­
tlemen friends from Portland with
At a council meeting held on
him on Sunday, E. S. Jermgan and
Member American Association of Title Men.
Kfr. Benson. They are employees Tuesday evening the city council of
in the office of the Portland Rail­ Estacada refused by a unanimous
Member Oregon Association of Title Men.
vote to grant a retail liquor license
way. Light & Power Co.
Order« Received A i Estacada State Bank.
for the city. This evidently settles
Stanley Turel, of Dodge, was a the question in Estacada, at least
Fi i » i t » i u f f f M M » M B W B a M a a a a a a a M m i « a a a a i n m M a « l i
visitor to Estacada on Monday. He until an election is held in the city.
net. reports that he captured a colony of It is apparent that our city "dads”
bees on Sunday that settled near desire to serve the people and not
his home.
The season has not to dictate to them. If the people
been a good one for the bee as they of Estacada want a license they
have failed to produce the usual must show that preference by a
seasons amount of honey.
vote, as it now is it is taken for
When in need of Furniture, Queensware, Linoleum,
Information received by Principal granted that they do not wish any
Matting, Blankets and Wall Paper. Come in and look over 1 James from bis wife at Chicago on license.
We are agents for the Wheeler
& Wilson and Singer sewing
machines, the best machines on
the market and you can buy
them for $5 down and $5 per
A fe w
Clothes fo r Boys
title to land.
Mrs. Anua Read, a teacher in the
The semiannual reports of
Portland public schools, spent Sun­
day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. County Clerk Greentnan, Treasurer
Paddock and Sheriff Beatie, mad«
J. W. Antrim.
public Oct. 6, disclose the financial
Mr. and Mrs. James were enter
condition of Clackamas County and
taiued by Mrs. Scott on the Satur­
show a net indebtedness of $85,
day evening prior to Mrs. James’
departure for the East.
This is less than when the last
Mrs Bletch, of Cazadero, who report was made in April, when the
has beeu visiting in Portland and indebtedness was $92,992.
Garfield for a couple of weeks has road warrants now outstanding and
unpaid amount to $142,636.82 and
the general fund warrants out
Philip Standish came out from
standing total only $1387.75.
Portland on Tuesday, after spend­
There is, however, in the handi
ing several days there. He pur­
of the County Treasurer, more than
chased a pair of horses aud had
$65,000, which is applicable to the
them seut out.
payment of county and road war­
Ray Wilcox came over from rants. The opera tUc expenses of
Oregon City on Sunday and spent Clackamas County during the last
a couple of days with his parents in six mouths were $104,119.76, of
Garfield. His hand is getting along which $77,962.76 was spent for the
construction and improvement of
roads and bridges and $26,156.40
R. A. Looney, of Salem, and for general purposes.
who vet owns interests here, paid
One of the largest items in the
the office a visit on Friday. While
general expeuse is that of $3,186.-
he has been well satisfied with his 60 for the care of the county poor.
John Zobrist went to Portland on W. W. Sellers, of Kansas, bought
move he still feels this is a good During the last six months Sheriff
Tuesday. He expects to Ire absent the ten acre tract north of town
place to stay.
Beatie has collected and turned over two or three days visiting Vancou- from A. J. Darling and is moving
Henry Kolpin returned on Fri­ to the County Treasurer in taxes ver, and Camas. Wash. also.
onto the same.
day from Berlin, W is., where he and fees $37,385.27.
Neiva Green, who has beeu in
Mr. Baker, of Portland, with his
had accompanied the remains of
Oregon City since last Fall, has de-, bride were packed into the moun-
Mrs, Sttibbe, his mother-in-law for Council Refuses To
Issue cided to return to return to her tailis by w A j ooes 01I Wednes-
parentsat Hayburn, Idaho. She day to spend thelr ■ •honeymoon”
Jud Kelsey, of Portland, formerly
of Norton, Kansas, and a friend of
the Henthorns, who recently learned
of their being in Estacada, came
out on Tuesday to pay them a visit.
We believe Mr. Kelsey might be in­
duced to become a citizen of Esta­
came to Estacada to visit friends ¡„ the mountain breezes close to
during the fore part of the week nature’s beauties, the hills, streams
and on Wednesday she started for and singing birds,
her home in Hayburn.
G. W. Combs of Portland, agent
of l,ie National Life, was a business
*** Estacada Thursday.
A. C. Jowdy has reuted the
Lockerby room on Broadway and
has opened up a part of his goods;
shoes, ladies’ and gents’ furnishings
underwear and notions. In a short
time he will have a full line of
clothing, drygoods, etc. If you
want to save money drop in and see
his assortment of shoes.
Bird Season Open 15th
Livery, Feed & Sale
W. A. JO N E S
G ood rigs and careful drivers always
G iv e n
H u n tin g a n d F is h in g
1 'arliea
L ocal a n d L o n g D ista n c e T e le p h o n e
Real Estate Wants
People make inquiry.
wants are as follows: city property
at a reasonable price, town lots,
farms, fruit dairy, garden and tim­
ber lands. Summer homes and
river front in demand. Some want
to borrow and some want to loan,
Cati you accomodate any of those
wants? If so, I can help you to
close a deal. Office Estacada, Ore.
E. P. Scott.
_ _
Friday Oct. 15th
will t-e the opening day for bird
shooting when grouse, quail, china
roosters and all the game birds may
be legally killed. Sportsmen have
been eagerly counting the days
when they, with dog and gun could
We understand that a Mr. Jerin­ take to the woods. Great care will
gan will be made ticket and freight be necessary that the accident rec­
agent of the P. R. L. & P. Co. at ord with this season will not be in­
Estacada. He is now on his way creased. It always does bring with
A county Sunday School conven­
from the middle west to Estacada it a much larger per cent than
will be held in Estacada on Fri-
should Ire. If every person haud-
Mr. Dillman expects to return East ¡¡"K a gun will every time he picks daV a" d Saturday Oct 22ml and
ivitig this week.
** llP tirmly resolve in his mind
m 1 1C * fethodwt hpiscopal
! *bat great care will be necessary by Church. A very interesting pro­
Several fine houses , have been him that no one is injured by him gram is in course of construction.
erected just north of town ou the that day, accidents will be less, It is hoped our j>eople wiU give the
road to Currinsville. H Jones is Many Qf the accidents, in fact near. visiting delegates a hearty Estacada
adding to his house. E. S. Shank |y au ,lf llleni are for want of a little welcome, as it is from little things
laud Has a fine new home nearly forethought. The hunter should frequently that people carry away
our people
completed and this recently sub (*. thoughtful about the damage he imPressiu,,!’ of if our
l*‘<>ple am
ami our
The delegates who come
divided acreage is Witting on the can do the farmer by negligently “ town.
•ir* of a thrifty suburb of Estacada knocking down fences and not tak- from all over the county will num­
Let the good work go on
It does ¡„g time to fix them, opening gates ber twenty-five to thirty and will
pay to have smaller land holdings and luting them stand that wav, as lie entertained for two days by our
and improve them than to have ¡f the farmer had more time to fol- people. We know those who at­
miles of acreage and let it lie waste low up and c'ose those left careless tend and are interested in develop.
County Sunday School
A thief entered the storage place
of Mrs. Wilburn, of Eagle Creek
and took sixty quarts of the fruit
she had put away for her own use.
U’ open than he these and other like '"« » of ways to, live right and en-
careless acts are the things that )ov right wajs to live, will hear
sPur the rancher on to chase you
h,"Ks’ Con,e out
off his ,am, when otherwise he
would have no objection to your
T respis» notices pr iiU-C on cloth ready
The Progress is $ 1.00 a year buuting on his premises.
[to put up, at the Progress.