The Estacada Progress I m e d Cacll Thursday E STAC AD A OREGON BRIEF NEWS OE THE PAST WEEK CANADA S GREAT CROP. Yield Estimated at 168.386,000 Bush els o f Wheat. Ottawa, Sept. 21.— An official stat meat of the grain harvest of Canada has just been issued by the government It givfs estimates of production, com puted from reports of a large staff of correspondents, and although totals are somewhat less thau those of a mouth ago for wheat and barley, they still show that Canada has reaped an im mense harvest. The wheat crop is put down at 168, 386,000 bushels, giving an average of 2! bushels an acre, and barley at 57,000, 000 bushels, or 31 bushels jfti acre. Tin yield of oats is 355,000,000, or 38 bush els an acre. One thing is assured, that the Cana dians have reaped the biggest and most profitable grain crop the country ev^ lias produced, and with present price they will have an enormous sum added to their spending powers. It is esti mated that a surplus of $100,000,000 will go into the pockets of the farmers, NEWS ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST PROM THE STATE OE OREGON M AM M O TH IN OREGON. W ATER U M A T ILLA LAND. Bones ot Prehistoric Animal Are o f Seven Irrigation Projects Supply IOO,- Great Interest. OOO Acres. T A F T SM ILE WINS. President Beams His Wav Into Favor With Chicagoans. Chicago, Sept. 17.— President T aft smiled his way into the hearts of 500, 000 Chicagoans yesterday. Geniality and “ B ill” T a ft— for that’s what the multitudes called him— ruled the city for 15 hours. From the moment he ar­ rived until he entered his private car to leave, through ail the automobiling i »nd *rought in a tooth which he removed pending on the improvements that have Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 18.— Presi­ Manila. from the back part of the right jaw been made. dent T aft devoted his principal address oone. The molar is 14 inches in length, The Columbia Land company is irri­ New York is seeking a good, live in Milwaukee at the State Fair is more than eight inches thick at the gating 10,000 acres of land around the candidate for mayor. grounds, yesterday, to the subject of largest point and has a chewing surface townsite of Stanfield, and has already A trial trip will be made of the bat­ sold to two big parties o f buyers this seven by three and a quarter inches. postal savings banks, which he strong­ tleship Delaware October 20. While the tooth is in a fairly good summer and expect to sell the entire ly endorsed before a large and enthusi­ state of preservation, the other bones i tract this fall and winter. The trial of Patrick Calhoun has astic gathering that overflowed the are not Btrong enough to bear their The Hinkle Ditch company is irri­ been continued until September 27. TRANSFE R IS URGED. grandstand. The president said that jwn weight and are easily crushed in gating 17,000 acres of land between The Wabash Railway company has the postal savings bank plank in the the fingers. There are several pieces here and Hermiston. suceeded in gaining entrance into Pitts­ Forestry Service May Be Put Under six and eight feet long. One of the j The Butter Creek Water company is Republican platform bound everybody burg. peculiar features of the skeleton was irrigating 6,000 acres of choice land in Interior Department. who called himself a Republican. the remnant of what was evidently a Forester Pinchot says he has no the same neighborhood. Washington, September 21.— As a rc “ I f they do not like a plank in a quarrel with Ballinger and that he suit of the Pinchot-Ballinger row, tin rhinoceros-like horn on the snout. This The Brownell company is irrigating platform,” said Mr. Taft, “ or if they is only 8 or 10 inches in length, buti 1,500 acres and in addition is furnish­ will not resign. administration inay later determine to might have been much longer in life. ing water to the town of Umatilla. don’ t like the platform itself, they The Spanish troops have gained an­ recommend the transfer of the fores J. P. McManus will, within the next cease to be Republicans or they are other victory over the Moors, driving service from the department of agricul month, throw open for settlement a them back with heavy losses. Republicans with an exception, and Electric Road for Silverton. ture to the department of the interior. fine body of land near Pilot Rock. that indicates a free and enlightened One of the leading educators of the Such a change can only be made by ac Oregon City— An electric line extend- In addition to these projects the Irri- University of Chicago, has accepted a f congress, and it probably would call ing from Oregon City to Mulino, on the gon Irriga tion company is irrigating and discriminating people. But I am position with the Chinese Imperial uni­ \folalia river, has secured franchise 20,000 acres of land around Irrigon, here to uphold the doctrine o f postal for considerable pressure from the presi versity, Pekin. from the city council and seems likely and the Milton and Freewater projects, savings banks because I believe they dent in order to get the necessay au to be built at once. The ultimate ter­ that embrace, something like 30,000 The volcano Kilauea, Hawaiian thority, especially if Gifford Pinchot i.s will fill a long-felt want in this coun­ minus of the line ib thought to be Sil­ acres more. islands, is exceedingly active. The permitted to remain as chief forest try. In the first place it is said the verton. The franchise allows the line With this body of land already under lava is rising fast and is only 100 feet The forest service, in the opinion of to operate on a level with Main street, irrigation the movement is but in its postal savings bank is a very paternal from the rim of the crater. ni11st Western men in congress, is mis instead o f from the hill back from the infancy and the next few years will institution; that it has a leaning to­ department of agricul W O ULD REFORM FINANCES. Ecuador will no doubt furnish a good placed in the department river, thus overcoming the last obstacle see thousands and thousands of choice ward Socialism—state Socialism— and market for machinery during the com­ ture. It has nothing in common witt jrged by Mr. Sw ift, who has been ac­ acres brought into cultivation which ing year, as new factories and rail­ the other bureaus of that department tive in promoting the project. Surveys are now in a non productive state. that it purposes to take the banking President Opens Western Tour at but has much in common with the gen roads are being constructed and con­ eral land office and geological survey will now be made from the top o f the business out of the hands o f private Boston With Revelations. tracts for new public improvements both of which are bureaus of the de bill to water level and the business Powder Valley Project Assured. persons and put it into those of the Roson, Mass., Sept. 16.— President are being let. partment of the interior. In its pres iistrict, and from Mulino on to Silver- Salem— Nothing now stands in the government. No, I am not a Socialist, T aft yesterday began his tour o f the Governor Johnson, of Minnesota, has ent situation, the forest service is, oi ton. way of reclamation of the 55,000 acres and I am net a paternalist., and I am country, by coming to thia city from until recently was, in effect an indc suffered a relapse and lies at death’s in Powder valley by the Fitikelburg in­ not in favor of having the government Beverly in an automobile, accompanied pendent bureau, subject to only nomina! door. terests undtr the Carey act. An order Boise-Coos Road Incorporated. do anything that private citizens can by Mrs Taft, his daughter and Pro­ supervision by a cabinet officer. That has been made by the board of control do as well or better; but there are con fessor and Mrs. Louis Moore, and mak­ Salem— Articles of incorporation of The national convention of bankers is why the forest service was allowet ditions. We have passed beyond th^ ing a speech at the Boston Commercial has declared against postal savings to grow up in the agricultural depart the Boise & Western railway have been at Salem granting to O. G. Finkelburg ment, and that is why Mr. Pinchot ha.1 filed in the office of the secretary of the right to use the waters o f the Pow­ time of what they called the ‘ Laissez club, which war devoted mainly to a banks. always opposed transfer to the mterioi state. The purpose of the corporation der river, to reclaim a large portion of Faire’ school, which believed that the discussion of financial reform. Tha. high court of St. Petersburg ¡9 department. The president revealed that the Mon­ government ought to do nothing but ts to construct a railroad from Boise, the Powder valley. The project is one passing out wholesale sentences on the Idaho, to Marshfield, Or. The izicor-1 of the biggest and meat important in run the police force, and we do not rec etary commission will recommend the ______ a ___ ______ n Ilf a ( I t i. I l ' II : __ I n n l n r h n o to a n fiv m v / in IP ■ n mere word o f spies. MOON DISPROVES PEARY. ognize the necessity for the interfer establishment of a central bank and porators are: C. W. Mallet, William the history of Eastern Oregon. Fin­ ence of the government because ft has that Senator Aldrich intends to Btump N. Hanley and J. W. McCullock. kelburg is thought to represent the Y. Uchida, now Japanese ambassa­ great power and great resources be the country in order to arouse interest dor to Austria, will be transferred to Italian Astronomer Points Out Dis Power is conferred upon the new cor­ same capitalists who have projected He hind it, and because sometimes it can in his plan of financial reform. poration to condemn rights of way, to the Eagle Valley railroad. the United States. crepancy in Story. stand the lack o f an immediate return also dwelt on the need of reform in the ROME, Sept. 21.— According to the icquire property and to contract for Western Canada' trades unions are Build Springfield Bridge. on capital to help out. We did it in interstate commerce and antitrust the construction of a railroad and making a fight against using Oriental well known astronomer, Signor Fran our Pacific railroads. We have don laws and strongly deprecated section­ Eugene— A l Welch, general mana­ iperate it after it has been construct- labor on the railroads. eesco Faccia da Schio, of Bergamo, the id. it in a great many different ways, and alism, either between East or West or Ihe capital stock of the enter­ ger of the plants controlled by the M O NEY FOR WIDOW. In a speech at Winona, Minn., Pres­ moon absolutely disproves Commando) prise is $50,000. The managing offices Northwestern corporation, which re­ in this particular postal savings bank North or South. ident Taft declared the present tariff Peary’s claim to having discovered the if the railroad are to be in Portland. The president said he was going to business the government is especially cently took over the holdings of the law the best the country ever had. Willamette Valley company and kin­ Mrs. Harriman Is Made Only Benefi­ fitted to do what any system of private take his Western trip because he be­ North Pole. ciary in Will. lieved it would enable im to be a bankers can do. dred organizations, is here arranging Dry Farming Station. In his dispatch to the New York The steamer Nicholas, en route from “ The great usefulness o f the postal much more efficient president and Moro— A fte r three adjourned ses­ to resume work on the big bridge New York, Sept. 17.— A hundred Havana to Cienfuegos, went ashore on Times the explorer states that April 6, the Isle of Pines and 29 lives were lost. having accomplished the six stages he sions, the county court of Sherman across the Willamette river at Spring- brief words, weighted each with ap­ savings banks lies in the great encour make him better acquainted • with the ounty has approved and voted an ap­ field for the Portland, Eugene & East­ proximately $1,000,000 and containing agement to thrift on the part o f those needs of that great section. He also The Great Northern and St. Paul had planned, he was favored with ai propriation o f $10,220 for the purchase ern railway. This bridge was started in their entirety the last testament of who are just wavering in the balance outlined some o f the matters to be sub­ promise a 56-hour schedule from Chi­ opening in the clouds which permitted mitted to the next congress. if land to be used by the state and two years ago, but work was stopped E. H. Harriman, given out yesterday, whether they shall save the money cago to Seattle in the fight for mail him to take astronomical observations. make his widow, Mary Averill Harri­ use it bi cause they don’ t know where Federal authorities for a dry farming when the financial crash came. contracts. From these he established his position experimental station. The land lies man, one of the wealthiest women in they can put it safely. S E PAR ATIO N IDEA GROWS. Rich Young Orchard. “ Canada has the postal sav bank the world. in the outskirts of Moro and has been Dr. Cook says he has records which as latitude 89:57. Cottage Grove.—.1 . D. Jones, of Cot­ and what is the result along the border Signor .Faccia points out, however, will provve he was at the Pole and will It perhaps is the briefest will on re­ formally taken over by Professor Um- tage Grove, has a 10 acre tract set out cord for the disposal o f an estate of in the Northwest You find Americans Southern California Taxpayers Begin convince the skeptics as soon as he that unquestionably accurate astrono berger, who is here from Washington Spreading Propaganda. to fall and winter apples. The or­ tnical calculations show that with the such magnitude. All his property is going up to the border and making de reaches the United States. for the purpose of acting as resident horizon at 89:57 the moon could not be uperintendent. The government will chard is three years old. The state left to Mrs Harriman. Los Angeles, Sept. 16.— Members posits in those savings banks. Why Wall street orchardist was in this section a few The Interstate Commerce commis­ seen at the time indicated by Com­ estimates that Mrs. Harriman will in­ Because they have the|guarantee of the o f executive committees appointed at a sion will investigate the reasons for mander Peary, because from midday, stand the expense of erecting the build­ days ago. and after inspecting the or­ mass meeting o f taxpayers in Symphony chard told Mr. Jones it was one of the herit in realty and personal property Canadian government.” the Santa Fe withdrawing its offer to April 5. Paris time, or 6 o ’clock, central ings. President T aft said the government hall yesterday, will meet tomorrow to best in the state. This orchard lies between $75,000,000 and $100,000,000. put on a fast mail train to the Pacific standard time, the declination of the organize and issue a formal call for a southeast of Cottage Grove, and is not Mr. Harriman’a private fortune is sup­ had issued upward of $700,000,000 moon became negative, that is to say, Rush Railroad Work. coast. irrigated. _________ pose! to have been greater than this per cent bonds of the United States conference to consider the formation of the moon was below the equator, which Nehalem- Railroad work is in full A temperance wave is sweeping over is the natural horizon of the pole. by many millions, but there is reason and floated them at par, at 2 per cent the state of South California. Big Farm Land Rental. iwing on the line from Garabaldi, on or a little more. Under the terms o f the resolution Germany. Eugene.—James Ebbert, of this city, to believe that his unmarried daugh­ Tillamook bay, to 10 miles above Ne- “ We did it by getting the banks into the conference is to be held within 30 ters, Mary and Carol; his married Graft in Russia. London’s new non-tip hotel is mak­ balem City. Along this stretch of i owns 3800 acres of land in Whitman St. Petersburg, Sept. 21.—Despite the road are 13 camps and about 800 men ! county, Washington, all cultivated to daughter, Mrs. Robert Livingstone- a corner ao they had to have, under the days. Although yesterday’s meeting ing a great hit. secrecy of the Russian war office, a grain. He lias just settled with his Guerry; and his two sons, William law, some government security, and so went on record as favoring state divi­ The forest fires in Southern Califor scandal which promises to involve prom employed. A wagon road is being j tenants, and his share of the profits is Averill and Roland, a boy of 14, to­ they were obliged to buy those 2 per sion, the conferences are to consider built up the south fork of the Nehalem nia continue to grow. inent officials in the army has leaked about $25,000, or $6.70 per acre. Mr. gether with his surviving sister, Mrs. cent bonds,” he said, inclosing, Pres all phases o f the question carefully, and river, on which supplies are being car­ to decide whether the formation o f a ident T a ft said; Governor Johnson's physicians an­ out. A general in command of the ried to the camps. The Wakefield con Ebbert rents his land for one-third the Simons, and other relatives, have all provinces had for years been drawing crop, delivered in the # warehouse. “ We are looking forward, I hope newstate is desirable. I f it decides in been substantially provided for with nounce that he will recover. tract of 20 miles, from Tillamook City pay for the officers and the men of a with confidence, to a readjustment of favor o f it, a convention is to be called, gifts out o f hand. Cove Sh ps Many Pears. Mexicans attacked and stoned the six gun field battery which exists onl\ to the mouth of the Nehalem river at Certainly to which all counties and all the prin­ The will is dated June 8, 1903, and our whole financial system. on paper. To keep the fraud from be­ Cove.— More than three carloads of Nehalem Bay park, will be completed Austrian consulate at Montereyx. it needs it, and it has been suggested cipal cities in Southern California will ing discovered, the general showed the by November 1. , pear- are almost ready for shipment is witnessed by Charles A. Peabody, that the savings bank might well await be asked to send delegates. The damage to the Portland Flour­ same battery twice to the inspecting of from Cove orchards. In view of the president of the Mutual L ife Insurance company, who drew it, and C. C. Tege- that. I am bound to Bay that I don’ ing mills plant is placed at $300,000. fleers who visited his barracks occasion fact that pears and peaches are at Boy o f 80 Beats It in 10. Cody Company Leases Mill. ally. He would show one battery, then premium this year, the shipments from thoff. Mr. Peabody was Mr. Harri­ see the necessity for involving them, Peary says he will be glad to refer It seems to me that one system can Los Angeles, Cal , Sept. 15.— When another, and while the inspecting offi Bandon— The Cody Lumber company, here are considered large at this season man’s close personal friend. the Pole controversy to an arbitration cers were viewing the second, the first whose mill burned here recently, has Mr. Harriman, by making no be­ stand by itself, and i f we adopt the Dr. B. W. Lawrence, 80 years old, court. battery would be rushed to another gar leased the Lyons & Johnson mill, j PO R TLAND M AR K E TS. quests to children or relatives, avoided savings banks they will easily be work lined up at the tape opposite the Hol­ A new pretender to the Persian rison, where the troopers were rein which has been shut down for some • the large share of the enormous inher­ ed into a general system o f banking, lenbeck home to go against time for Wheat— Bluestem, 97c; club, 87c; throne has appeared and troops have spected. time, and is manufacturing lumber itance tax which, under the laws of the because the savingB banks will furnish 50 yards an inconsiderate youth yelled red Russian, 85>¿0; valley, 90c; fife, been sent to suppress him. while the burned mill is being re­ state o f New York, would otherwise be us five or six hundred millions o f dol “ Beat it, kid.” The venerable anti- 87c; Turkey red, 87c; 40-fold, 89>ic. Ryan Succeeds Rogers. lars, and that is a very tidy pile to have cigarettist twiddled his white whiskers imposed. placed. The Cody company is also j The Russian cabinet has decided that Barley — Feed, $26.50; brewing Milwaukee, Sept. 21.—John D. Ryan negotiating with the owners of the around for the government to use le disdainfully and “ beat it ” He trav­ the czar i9 supreme in all matters re­ j $27.50 per ton. gitim ately in order to carry on any eled that 60 yards in 10 seconds flat. of New York, was elected a director of Aberdeen mill, which has also been Fires Destroy Homes. lating to the army and navy. Hay— Timothy, Willamette valley, The time was taken by two men, but the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul 3hut down, and i f the deal is com­ Oxnard, Cal., Sept. 17.— A great for­ financial operations.” Walter E. Clark, the new governor Railroad Company today, to succeed pleted the two mills will saw more $150/16 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $17 est Are is burning tonight in the hills. not, o f course, under sanction o f the 0/18; alfalfa, $14; clover, $14; cheat, of Alaska, says there must be peace Henry II. Rogers, deceased. Donald lumber than the one that was burned. A. A. U. “ I ’ ll sign against anybody Old Kindness Rewarded. Telephone messages from Somis at 6 $130/ 14 50; grain hay, $15(4416. between the rival political parties. o’clock called for all available men to Methuen, Mass., Sept. 18.— One of for Thanksgiving day,” the aged phy­ Geddes succeeds his father on the di Butter—City creamery, extras, 36c; Accredited List Increased. fight the flames. Four families were those strange legacies bobbed up in sician said. Two Los Angeles men, both over SO, rectorate. Rosewell Miller, William fanev outside creamery, 330r/36c; store, University o f Oregon, Eugene— High 210/22c per pound. Butter fa t prioes burned out in Las Posas hills today. Methuen today when it became known fought over a woman who is 75. One Rockefeller and John A. Stewart wen After Western Union. o f the combatants is in the hospital re-elected. David L. Bush was apjHiint schools and colleges recently placed on average 1 ' .c per pound under regular Hundreds of tons o f hay snd beans were that Mrs. George Bramer had received burned. Several hundred men fought from attorneys in the Scilly islands the Omaha, Sept. 15.— The New York ed general manager, and H. B. Earling. the accredited list o f the university of butter prices. Robbers attempted to hold up a Rio the fires all night, and have the biggest information that G. Ribstor.k, a man News bureau today authorizes the ex general superintendent of the Chi Oregon are: The College Preparatory Eggs— Oregon ranch, candled, 310/ Grande train in Colorado, but did not cago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound school, of Ashland, W. T. Van Scoy. task yet before them in saving the whom she and her mother befriended statement that considerable progress succeed in getting into the express car. branch, becomes general superintendent president; The Columbia Junior Uni­ 32c per dozen ranchers’ homes. The fires began early in Bermuda, had willed her about $1, has been made toward consolidating Poultry— Hens, 15*y0/16e per pound; versity, academy, Milton, Or., W. H. springs, 16>»@16 c ; roosters, 9ft/, 10c; Monday morning, and have burned in 000,000 in railroad stocks and bonds. the Western Union and the American The widow of Claus Spreckles has if the whole system. Martin, president, and the Drain High ducks, young, 14>£c; geese, young, varying directions eVer since, devastat­ When Mrs. Bramer met Ribstock in Telephone & Telegraph company. The been awarded $3,000,000 o f her hus­ Can’t Afford to Expand. Bermuda she then was unmarried, and telephone company has been trying to band’s estate. ing a solid stretch o f 30 mills of hills. school. Drain, Or., A. J. Garland, su­ 10c; turkeys, 20c; squabs, $1.760/2 Berlin, Sept. 21.—General von Heer- perintendent. with her mother did many little kind obtain control of the Western Union Graduates of these per dozen. It now seems as though the Chicago nesses for him in his old age. He was for several monlbs, but the terms have Fire Spreads Near Ukiah. Pork— Fancy, 10c per pound. streetcar men will win their fight with ngen, the new Prussian minister for schools will be admitted to the univer­ not been agreed upon. Recently ne­ rar. has made a statement relating to sity without examination. Ukiah, Cal., Sept. 17.— Forest fires 80 years old at the time. Veal— Fxtra, 100/10>yc per pound. the company. gotiations were resumed. It is under­ are spreading through the hills in the he demands for army reform which Fruits— Apples, $10/2.25 per box; Williiam R. Wallace has been chosen Airship Shocks 24 People. stood the telephone company is seeking vicinity of Ukiah. A t Laytonville the Brick B ocks at Cottage Grove. ppeared in many quarters on the resig | pears, 50co/$1.26; peaches, 65c0/$1.25 for the Democratic candidate for may­ Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 18.— A peculiar to secure the G«uld and Sage holdings Cottage Grove—Cottage Grove now per crate; cantaloupes, 50c0/$1.50; fire is dangerously close to the margin at ion of his predecessor, General von or of Salt Lake. o f the va ley and the entire population airship accident occurred at the Otta besides buying in the open market. plums, 250/75c per box; watermelons, has five brick business buildings under James J. Hill says too many people Finein. The new minister denies that has been appointed in order to carry construction and another is to be 10/1 ‘ , c per pound; grapes, 60c0z$1.25 is engaged in an attempt to circuit the wa exhibition today, when Aviator are going to the cities instead o f stay Canadian Scores 1 ariff. programme. lie de started in a short time. Ed Venske, per basket; casabas, $1.500/2 per flames. Fires along the Point Arena Nasar, of St. Ixiuis, attempted a flight m y special programme, ing on the farm. and Fort Bragg roads have cut off Uki­ with a dirigible airship. The propeller Hamilton. Sept. 16.— The annual lares that an increase in Germany’s who recently purchased a lot on Main crate; quinces. $1.50 per box. Thousands of acres of pasture and uilitarv preparations is at present im street, is preparing to erect a modern Potatoes $1 per sack; sweet pota­ ah from communication with the coast. caught an electric light wire and meeting of the Canadian Manufactur­ Bridges and large areas of timber have checked the ascent. The crowd rushed ers’ association began here today. wood land has been burned over in So­ lossihle, owing to tin* unfavorable structure 60x96 feet, one story, with toes. 20/2' 4 c per pound. been burned and several ranches have to catch the falling dirigible. inaneial position, which has already arrangements for an additional story The President R. Hobson characterizes the noma county. Cal., by forest fires. Onions $1.25 per sack. reacted on the last estimates. to be added when needed. This build- Vegetables— Beans, 40/ 5c per pound; been swept clean. The Fort Bragg & propeller had stripped the insulation condition o f the American senate aa Peary reiterates that he is the only ng is to be occupied by a large furni­ CHbbage, 10/l'4c, cauliflower, 75c0z Southeastern railroad is temporarily off the electric wire, and as fast as violation o f the trust reposed in it by white man who ever saw' the Pole and Frenchman Is Kidnaped. people touched the metal framework the people of the United States and $1.25 per dozen; celery, 50cfti$l; corn, out of commission. ture store when completed. promises to disprove Cook’s claim. Shanghai, Sept. 21. News reached of the balloon they formed a circuit barren o f all desire to create closer 150/20c; cucumbers, 10@26c; onions, Sheriff Asks for Soldiers He with the earth and were knocked down. trade relatio: s with Canada. 12l..0/15c; [ieas, 7c per pound; pep­ David E. Thompson, United States Saigon from Tonkin recently that a Canby Ships Many Hogs called upon the Canadian government Newcastle, Pa., Sept. 17.— On ac­ Twenty-four persons were shocked. pers, 60/10c'; pumpkins, *4 Oz 1 c ; ambassador to Mexico, has secured prominent French resident at Hanoi had Canhy— The large produce and farm to take them at their word and bring squash, 5c; tomatoes, 850/40c per box. count of today’s outbreak among the control of the Pan-American railroad, been kidnapped by brigands belonging shipments being made from Canby Germans On Water Wagon. into effect the Burtax act o f 1909. a line 244 miles long. Hops 1909 Fuggles, 20c per pound; striking employes o f the American to the hands of De Tham, a famous this fall are attracting attention. Re­ Berlin, Sept. 18. — A temperance clusters, nominal. 1908 crop, 17c; Sheet A Tin Plate company and import­ British fatalities outlaw. The robbers sent a message to cently one train took out an express 1907 crop, 12c; 1906 crop, 8c. ed workmen, in which a striker was campaign which promises to have a Tidal Wave Sweeps Port re decre the authorities that they would strike shipment of 8,000 pounds, or four tons, Mexico City, Sept. 15.— The Port o f Wool Eastern Oregon, 160/23c per perhaps fatally shot. Sheriff Wadding- marked effect on the consumption of off their captive's head at the first shot of dressed hogs, all bound for the Port­ pound; valley, 230/25c; mohair, ton tonight asked for state troops to alcohol in G> rmanv, has been begun as Mulege, on the east coast o f Lower The port of Mulege, on the east land market. The Canby product is I guard thet in plate plant. The sheriff s result of a resolution adopted at the California, was overwhelmed by a coast of Lower California, was over­ fired at them. The government retort always in demand, being grain fa t­ choice, 23o/25c. ed by holding several leading brigands Cattle— Steers, top, $4.25; fair to informed the governor that the situa­ Socialist convention at Leipsic. The tidal wave September 4. There were whelmed by a tidal wave September 4. tened and extra fine. prison« as security for his life. good, $4; common, $3 50O/3.75; cows, tion was ominous and that outside pro­ resolution requires that members of several casual ities and considerable Considerable property was destroyed. The tidal top, $3.250/3.50; fair to good, $3of tection was needed at once to cope with the party organization, which numbers property was destroyed. Governor Benson Home An Paulhan Flies for $6,000 » schoolboy has had his skull 600,000, shall abstain from brandy and wave flooded the inland district for a 3.25; common to medium, $2.50042.75; lawlessness. broke n thro igh haz n«- Ostend, Sept. 21.—Louis Paulhan, the Salem—Governor Benson is in his calves, top. $5046.50; heavy, $3.50 other high alcoholic beverages and distance of about two mile*. office again after a vacation of a month 0/4; hulls, $20/2.25; stags, $2.500/3. Canada Helps Travelers. shall try to diminish the consumption I/O« Ange es girl« are to buy an air- French aviator, flying in a Voisin hi plane here today, won a prize of $5000. in San Francisco. The governor is sin ind er Hogs- Best, $8; fa irto g o o d , $7.75 Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 17.— The Cana­ by their companions. Mount Vesuvius in Action. He covered 73 kilometers (45$ miles) looking fine and says he feela as good 0/7.85; stockers, $60/:7; China fata, dian Railway commission has made an The Omaha i car system Rome, Sept. 15.— A dispatch from in one hour, at an altitude ranging from as he looks. $7.600/8. Harriman’ s Property Estimated ; order commanding all railroads in Ca­ pletely tied up strike. 240 to 300 feet. He made his wav up Portico, on the Bay o f Naples, to the Sheep Top wethers, $4; fair to nada, which do an international busi­ New York, Sept. 18.— According to Glomale d’ ltalia says that Mount Ve­ New Zealani build one Dread- and down the coast line, part of the Pears 800 Boxes Per Acre good, $3.50(1/3.75; ewes, c less on ness, to direct their conductors to pre­ a Wall street publication, " i t can be suvius is active again. Guides report time over the North Ben. In alighting naught and one cruise er for England. Sheridan- Roy Graves' pear orchard all grades; yearlings, best, $4; fair to vent any undue interference with pas­ stated on the highest authority” that rumblings fcMowed by slight seismic tne aviator fell into the water. He An immense graft n county affairs was promptly rescued by spectator» and brought him 800 boxes per acre, for good, $3.600/3.75; spring lambs, $504 sengers in Canada by United States im­ Mr. Harriman’s property amounted to shocks. The small craters have been has,been unearthed at Wilkesbarro, Pa. received oo injuries. which there has been good demand. 6.25. migration officials. between $75,000,000 and $100,000,000, unusually active in the last few days.