Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, September 16, 1909, Image 2

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    his brother Orlando, and cleared enough
to buy himself, in August, 1870, a seat
on the New York stock exchange.
Services Attended Principally by Em ­
Young Harrim an m arried early in life
ployes of E state.
iMMcd Each Thursday
and m arried very well.
His wife was
Arden, N. Y., Sept. 13.— Through
Miss Mary Averell, of Rochester, N.
........... OREGON
Y., whose father was a c ap italist and
the q uiet aisles of Ramapo woods, the
a successful railroad man.
body of Edward Henry H arrim an was
For a number of years the broker
carried yesterday from the g re at house W orld’ s Greatest Railroad King Suc­
firm of E. H. H arrim an & Co. did a
he never lived to see completed, and
cumbs to Disease.
thriving business on Wall stre et, spec­
laid in its last re stin g place on the
ulating w ith its own funds and execut­
ing commissions for the V anderbilts
Arden hillside.
The rulers of Wall s tre e t came from His Mind C lear to Last, He P a sses and other wealthy cap italist clients. It
was not until 1883 th a t E. H. H a rri­
Ctoneral Review o f Im portant Hap­ New York to pay th e ir last tribute,
Away S urro u n d ed by Family—S e ­ man came actively into the railroad
penings P re se n ted in a B rief and but the most prom inent p a rtin the cer­
crecy P reserv ed Until S tock Ex­ field. A t th at time he had become
C om prehensive M anner fo r Busy emony was taken by the men who knew
known as a capitalist, one of the few
change C losed for the Day and
R eaders—National, Political, His­
who had gathered together h g re at for­
him best as a country squire and m as­
Time M isstated.
torical and Com m ercial.
tune in the ten trouble years between
ter of the groat e state, which covers
1870 and 1880. He was credited with
43,000 acres of hill and valley.
having in his strong box a fa ir list of
Dewey says the U nited S tates needs
His general superintendent, his m as­
Arden, Sept. 10.— Edward H. H a rri­ stocks he had puked up a t extrem ely
a larger navy.
ter carpenter, his m aster mason and man, the g re a te st organizer of ra il­ low prices during the various panics.
Along in 1883 he was elected a di­
I t is said the H arrim an e state will the m anagers and a ssista n t m anagers of roads the world has ever known, m et
his dairies, his farm s and his tro ttin g the only lasting defeat of his active rector of the Illinois C entral railroad.
not be divided.
W hether Mr. Harrim an entered the
stables bore his coffin.
The funeral
The Peary-Cook controversy has was priv ate and only those who were life a t the hands of death. Secluded railroad field in accordance w ith an al­
in his m agnificent home on Tower ready m atured plan of his or whether
grown very b itte r in New York.
personal friends of the fam ily and had Hill, he succumbed to an intestinal
Rear Adm iral Schley favors Cook, received invitations from Mrs. H a rri­ disorder yesterday a fte r a fight against his accidental acquaintance w ith ra il­
notw ithstanding th a t Peary is a navy man were adm itted. The out-of-town disease th a t will rank for sheer g rit road m atters suggested to him the
party arrived a t Arden a t 3:15 p. m. w ith his rem arkable struggles in the enormous possibilities of acquiring the
control of large railroad system s, is
on a special train.
financial world.
Sweden has taken steps to end the
not definitely known.
A t all events,
The first service was holy commu­
The exact tim e of his death is known Mr. H arrim an ’s entry into the d irec t­
labor war.
A rbitration will be in­ nion, celebrated a t 10 a. m. by the
sisted upon.
Rev. J . Holmes McGuiness, a t the and associates who had shielded Mr. orate of the Illinois Central railroad
The biennial convention of the na­ H arrim an home, on Tower Hill.
A t H arrim an from all outside annoyance marked the beginning of his career as
tional association of m achinists is in 11 o’clock there came a public m em ori­ during his last illness. '1 he tim e was a m anipulator of railrorad stocks and
al service a t St. Jo h n ’s church for the given out as 3:35 p. m., but Mrs. Mary reorganizer of raiload system s which,
session a t Denver.
in the course of 10 or 15 years made
It is expected th a t 10,000 delegates employes of the farm and parishioners, | Simonds, siste r of the dead man, said him one of the greatest railroad kings
will attend the E agles’ national con­ who, on account of lack of space, were last night th a t M r..H arrim an died a t ever known in the United S ta te s and
unable to attend the funeral service 1 :30 p. m.
W hether this apparent placed him in control of more than 54,-
vention a t Omaha.
later. Mrs. Charles D. Simons, Mr.
S t. Jo h n ’s Catholic church, New O r­ H arrim an ’s sister, her husband, two discrepancy has any bearing on the 000 m iles of w ater tranFportation lines
cu rren t belief th a t every effort was and of railroad lines of an estim ated
leans, has been alm ost totally destroy­ daughters and Orlando H. H arrim an, a
made to lessen the ir.fluence of the
ed by fire. Loss $200,000.
brother-in-law , were the only relatives financier’s death on the New York length of 27,000 miles.
The railroads included in the H a rri­
General Reyes says he has never present.
stock m arket is problem atical. B ut it
E laborate precautions were taken to is significant th a t the tim e of his man system were of sufficient m ileage
been a candidate for the vice presi­
preserve the privacy of the afternoon death, as officially announced, was ju st to reach more than two and one-half
dential nom ination in Mexico.
They com-
service. Several score of employes, 35 m inutes a fte r trading had ceased on | tim es around the globe.
New York, fears a tong war in its aided by a number of policemen, guard­
i prised the following:
Chinatown, and has sent scores of ad­ ed all roads over which the funeral pro­
Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, O re­
Mr. H arrim an died peacefully and
ditional police to th a t section.
cess on passed and kept w atch a t in te r­ to the end his b rillian t mind retained gon Short Line, Oregon Railroad &
Cardinal Gibbons says th a t while he vals of 20 yards around the patch of its clearness. A fter a relapse on Sun­ N avigation company, Illinois Central,
should like to see prohibition rule, he woods which includes the H arrim an day he sank slowly and soon a fte r noon Georgia Central, B altim ore & Ohio,
Delaware & Hudson, Erie, New York
does not believe the present move will burial plot.
yesterday there came a relapse th a t
The casket—one solid mass of lilies marked the approach of the end. His Central, Pere M arquette, San Pedro,
be successful.
L» s Angeles & Salt Lake, St. Joseph &
of the valley and green vines w ith an
F airbanks has le ft China on his way immense bunch of crimson roses on top w ife, two daughters and two sons, who Grand Island, St. Paul & N orthw estern.
to Manila.
H arrim an was in addition the head
— was carried to the a lta r by eight bled a t the bedside and a carriage was
The Santa Fe has withdraw n its or­ bearers in black and w earing black hastily dispatched for Mrs. Simonds, of four steam ship companies, one of
skull caps. Ti e regular funeral service whose home is three m iles from the which operates steam ers across the Pa­
ders for fa st train s from the E a s t
cific. He was also in the directorate
was conducted by Dr. McGuiness, as­
B urglars succeeded in g e ttin g away sisted by Rev. G. Nelson, archdeacon Tower Hill home. Mrs. Simonds en­ of the W ells Fargo Express company,
w ith jew elry valued a t $100,000 in of the C athedial of St. John the Divine tered the g re a t silen t home in tim e to the W estern Union Telegraph company,
be present a t her bro th er’s death. She
P ittsb u rg .
in New York. A male q u a rte t and the joined the w ife and children, who, the Colorado Fuel & Iron, The Guaian
Spanish forces in Morocco have been choir of Grace church, New York, sang w ith Dr. W. G. Lyle, of New York, tee T rust, and the Equitable companies
greatly reinforced and now hope to de" “ Abide W ith Me” and “ There Is a and Orlando H arrim an, a brother, and of New York, the National City bank,
Land of Pure D elig h t,” Mr. H a rri­ the nurses, formed a group a t the bed­ and 31 other corporations.
feat the Moors.
The service
\ The first snow baa fallen in Mon­ m an’s favorite hymns.
tana. Should it continue much uncut lasted but 20 m inutes. Then the bear­
Mr. H arrim an will be placed a t
g rain will be damaged.
re st in the fam ily plot a t the little
plot, 100 yards up the hill. There was
Hill has attacked the Southern Pa­ no room inside t^e burial ground for graveyard behind St. Jo h n ’s Episcopal Noted Army Man P asses Away After
L org Illness.
cific land g ra n t in order to force an more than 15 or 20 beside the m ourners church a t Arden. He will re st beside
his eldest son, Edward H. Harrim an,
entrance into Southern C alifornia.
New York. Sept. 9. — L ieutenant
and the two officiating clergymen.
J r ., who died 22 years ago, soon a fte r
The Chicago, Milwaukee & P uget O thers stood on the road outside and the family first came to Arden. The General Henry C. Corbin died in Roose­
velt hospoital in this city yesterday
Sound road has offered to carry mail looked over the stone wall.
services will b e h eld a t 3:30 o’clock
Several hundred H arrim an employes Sunday afternoon, and, it is under­ a fte r an operation for a renal disorder.
from Chicago to P uget sound in 59
General Corbin would have been 67
and th eir fam ilies stood w ith bared stood, will be strictly private.
years old in a few days. Mrs. Corbin
heads outside the church during the
Pernicious anaem ia and oedema of service.
and ex-Governor Myron T. Herrick
Edward H enry H arrim an will go were a t his bedside when death occurr­
the lungs was the chief cause of H arri-
down in history as one of the most ed. He had been ill for two years.
m an’s death, according to Dr. Lyle,
spectacular financial geniuses, most
his physician.
Accompanied by Mrs. Corbin and his
daring stock speculators and g re atest daughter, Mrs. Parsons, of Ardsley,
E x-President Roosevelt has been
railroad m agnates of his tim e. He N. Y., he went to Carlsbad for tre a t­
named as a delegate to the w orld’s m is­
was born a t Hem pstead, L. I., F ebru­ m ent on June 12 last.
When He G oes to Chicago.
Tne w aters
sionary conference a t Edinburgh, Scot­
ary 25, 1848, the son of Rev. Orlando
land, next June 14 to 24.
Chicago, Sept. 13.—The sound of H arrim an, J r ., rector of an Episcopal there appealed to have improved his
condition a fte r two w eeks’ stay, and he
Peary says he will prove Cook was 150,000 children’s voices singing “ Co­ church in th a t town, founded in 1702. returned to England, where his form er
The early life of the future man of trouble recurred and he w ent to Paris
never a t the Pole.
son will g re et P resident T a ft w ithin
H arrm an lines are not likely to have half an hour afte r he steps off his spe­ m illions was one of g re a t poverty. His to consult physicians. The trouble de­
fa th e r was a cultured but poor man,
any more one-man power.
cial train in Chicago next Thursday his m other came from an old aristo­ veloped more seriously while in Paris,
and he determ ined to return to Am eri­
Canadians are determ ined to re-open m orning, according to official plans for cratic, but equally impecunious family
ca. J . G. Schmidlapp, of Cincinnati,
the celebration of the coming of the of New Brunswick, N. J.
the B ering sea sealing question.
met him in P aris ana with Mrs. Corbin
n atio n ’s chief executive, announced
Edward H. H arrim an received his they sailed for New York on the steam
lla rrim a n stocks did not drop on the tonight.
early education a t the d istric t school
stock exchange as was expected.
The board of education this afternoon and supplemented it by a two y ears’ er Rotterdam , which arrived here Sun­
Lord Roseberry has left the B ritish officially designated Thursday as “ T aft course in a boys’ school under church day. The general was taken to the
Radical party and joined the Liberals. day” and declared a holiday for all auspices, where the sons of clergymen Hotel M artinique in this city, and Dr.
Frank Erdwurm was summoned.
public schools. The com m ittee from
The first draw ing in the Cuban na­ the commercial bodies which is in pa d practically nothing for their edu­ physicians advised th a t General Corbin
tional lottery yielded the governm ent charge of the en tertain m en t of the
be removed to the Roosevelt hospital,
Edward H enry H arrim an began his
$100,000 profit.
president ha* completed the a rra n g e ­ career as clerk in a broker’s office on and he was taken there on Monday.
The operation was perform ed Tuesday
L atest advices say 10,000 lives were m ents and it is proposed to make the Wall stre et.
He showed no unusual
lost in the earthquake which destroyed dem onstration by the school children ability and for many years gave no m orning by Dr. Lauceus Hotchkiss.
the most spectacu'ar feature of the prom ise of his late r brillian t develop­
Acapulco, Mexico.
Englishm en S ee the Jo k e .
president’s visit. Places have already m ent. Socially he was well liked and
Chicago carm en are again endeavor­
been arranged for 150,000 children in those who knew him a t th a t tim e des­
London, Sept. 9.—The m orning pa­
ing to arrange for arb itratio n w ith the
the parks through which the president cribed him as a sociable young rnan, pers apparently consider th a t the Polar
stre e tc a r company.
will pass during the parade arranged alw ays full of fun.
He was noted, controversy has passed the stage where
The situation in N orthern Mexico is for his party.
however, for a mind of his own. W hat serious comment w ill prove any useful
still serious and there is much suffer­
The president will rem ain in Chicago he wanted he generally obtained, but purpose. All statem en ts from either
ing among the people.
from 11:15 a. m. Thursday to 2:45 a. his desires and am bitions were, a t th a t side tending to throw light on the dis­
Unusual building operations through­ m. Friday, when he will depart for tim e, a t least, neither very sw eeping puted points are printed in full, but
most of the papers e ith e r refrain from
out the U nited S tates is reported for Milwaukee.
nor particularly irrp irta n t.
August. Portland shows an increase
How he obtained his sta rt and the making editorial com m ent or confine
Practical Jo k e Wins Farm .
of 29 per cent.
funds which enabled him to buy a seat them selves to a few semi-humorous re ­
H am ilton, Ohio, Sept. 13.— Miss E t­ on the New York stock exchange, have m arks. The Daily News points out
J. P. Morgan has offered financial
The the complete u nreliability of evidence
ta Ross, of this city, a stenographer never been clearly explained.
aid to Explorer Cook.
explanation, from Eskimos, who are likely to say
employed by Slayback & Harr, law yers, most widely accepted
W ireless m essages from the Pacific has been notified th a t she has drawn a however was to the effect th a t during anything calculated to please.
fleet report it near Honolulu.
160-acre tra c t in the governm ent land the famous “ gold corner” engineered
P aris P re ss is Skeptical.
Miss Ross by Gould, Fisk, Kim ber and others,
A movement has been sta rte d to lottery a t Spokane, W ash.
P aris, Sept. 9 .—The press of Paris
and Miss Blanche M aguire of this city Edward H. H arrim an plunged w ith all
u nite St. Paul and Minneapolis.
were in Spokane a t the tim e of the his own money and some borrowed from was today absorbed in the rival claims
H arrim an’s fortunel is variously es­ draw ing on a pleasure trip . Purely for
of Dr. Cook and Commander Peary,
tim ated a t from $50,000,000 to $100f- am usem ent they deposited the 25-cent
and there is a noticeable d rift of opin­
Coal Land Thieves A rrested.
000 , 000 .
fee and made a drawing.
Miss Ross’
New York, Sept. 10.—Rufus Ireland, ion in the direction th a t Dr. Cook will
B ritish people are inclined to favor joke made her one of the three George Dally, Frank T. Wells and Wil- have difficulty in proving the validity
Cook against Peary a fte r reading the Ohioans to win a free q u a rte r sec­ berforce Sully are under a rre st here of his claim in the face of the story of
la tte r ’s story.
charged w ith conspiracy to defraud the an experienced explorer like Peary.
U nited S tates governm ent out of 1,760 V irtually all the new spapers agree th at
D uring his trip through the W est
Fem ale L abor Law Attacked
acres of coal lands in W yoming, near Dr. Cook has passed into the back­
T a ft will explain the new tariff bill in
Chicago, Sept. 13.—C ircuit Court Lander. All are held under $5(*0 bail. ground since Peary entered upon the
his speeches.
Judge T uthill has issued a w rit re­ They were indicted on May 21 in the scene and some of them declare th a t
Governm ent su its involving title to straining the s ta te ’s attorney and the Federal d istric t court of Wyoming, since P eary'« appearance he will be
oil land in C alifornia will be delayed factory inspector from bringing suits along w ith a num ber of others, for al­ doubted more than ever.
by the death of H arrim an.
aga nst W. C. R itchie & Co., paper box leged land frauds com m itted in th a t
Both S to ries Undoubted
The party of Japanese business men m anfacturers, to punish th a t firm for | sta te . I t is alleged th a t the defend
Rome, Sept. 9 .—Commander Cagni,
v isitin g the Coast express surprise at working its women for more than 10 ants got possession of the coal lands by
who was w ith the Duke of Abruzzi on
the m agnitude of the country.
hours a day. The injunction was ob­ em ploying dum mies.
his Polar expedition, said to d ay : “ Tha
Cook has sent for Eskimos to aid in tained by the law yers of the Illinois
Peary would reach the Pole one day I
An ap­
Squaw 's Claim s Settled.
proving th at he reached the Dole, but I M anufacturers’ association.
If the ruling
San Francisco, Sept. 10. — Heirs never doubted, nor have I doubts as to
they may not reach this country before ! peal will be taken.
stands, the law prohibiting the em ­ named in the will of John R. H ite, a the sincerity of Dr. Cook. The doubts
ploym ent of w.unen for longer than 10 m illionaire m ining man of Mariposa, with regard to Cook arise from the
T here is much speculation as to Har- ! hours a day will be invalidated.
Cal., have effected a settlem ent with vagueness of his first statem ents, the
rim a n ’s successor,..
Three men are
his Indian widow, i t was announced to­ m isunderstanding regarding the Polar
named in this connection, J . C. Stubbs,
S tra n g e Fish C aught.
day, and w ithin a week more than $6,- tem perature, the position of the newly
R. S. Lovett, and Ju liu s K rutschnitt. j New York, Sept. 13.— A fish, nine 000,090 will be distributed. H ite was discovered land and his apparent lack
p >f preparation for the expedition.”
The Southern Pacific is to en te r the • feet wide and 12 feet long, the first of a pioneer in the California gold fiel a
its kind seen alo- g this coast in 54 and m arried an Indian woman, from
transcontinental speed contest.
O tter Hunting is Stopped.
years, according to C aptain Cook, who whom he a fterw ards separated, making
The volcano of A kutan, Aleutian has been in the fishing trade a t W est an allowance for her m aintenance. She
Victoria, B. C., Sept. 10.— Word has
islands, A l a ^ t , is in violent eruption. | End, Long Branch, for th a t length of was not provided for in his will and been received by the V ictoria Sealing
tim e, was netted a t the H ighlands and the contest followed a t his death. The company th a t the sealing schoonsr
Lord Northcliffe says Germany is brought ashore at Galilee, three m iles su it was compromised for $100,000.
Thomas F. Bayard, which has been in
actively preparing for w ar w ith G reat I north of here, hy C aptain Daniel Gas­
Behring sea hunting for sea o tte r, has
B ritain.
kin and his crew. One of its young
been orderd from the hunting grounds
Suffering Follows Floods.
Monterey, Mexico. Sept. 10.- Be­ by a U nited S tates revenue cutter. As
W ealthy c ap italists have been a r -1 was captured w ith the m onstrosity.
lieving th a t the people in the outlying hunting for sea o tte r is not prohibited,
rested for coal land frauds ir Wy­ Both were alive when landed.
district« are facing starvation and protest will be made to O ttaw a w ith a
Haul S 9 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 T hrough S tre e ts death as a result of the raging w aters, view to having representations made
S» nator M itchell’s heirs have won
Chicago. Sept. 13.- More than $90,- several expeditions »re being formed to W ashington.
the suit to escape paying the fine
000,000 in cash and securities was c a r­ here today to go to th eir relief.
again st him by the governm ent ju st
Wei man Gives Up D ash.
ried through downtown stre e ts in an priest arriv in g from Ascension states
before his death.
immense van, when the Continental th at the town and it« population of 2,-
C hristiana, Sept. 9.—A special dis­
The first test of the direct prim ary ' ha'ik moved from LaSalle and Adams 000 souls have entirely disappeared. patch from Tromsoe says th a t W alter
in Cincinnati ended in defeat for T a ft’s stre ets to its new qu arters a t Clark and The people have fled to the hills or W ellman ha« instructed his agent to
brother-in-law , W. C. Herron, candi­ Monroe streets. The van was guarded have perished, e ith e r in the flo*>d or arrange for the return of all the explor­
d ate for vice mayor.
by a squad of heavily armed police.
e r ’s property from Virgo bay.
from hunger.
The Estacada Progress
Big Shipm ent S ent F rom Willamette Railroads Building Into C entral O re ­
Valley to C olorado.
gon Open Vast T ract.
Albany — Tw enty-six hundred end
Bend—One more Oregon treasure
fifty Cotswold buck, were shipped chest has been opened by the m agic
from Albany last week to the Colorado key of transportation. W ith the prom ­
m arket.
They filled 26 Dingle deck ise of a railroad for Bend in te rest has
cars and a special train was made up suddenly centered on the opening of
here to transport them . I t is probably the prairie-like desert land lying south­
the largest shipm ent of a single variety east of town.
of sheep every made from this sta te
From 15 to 80 m iles from Bend is a
The sheep were gathered from differ huge area of untouched governm ent
ent points in the W illam ette valley by land ju s t placed under the Mondell act,
B. J . Hecker, a local stockm an. About which m akes possible 320 acre home­
1,000 were secured in the vicinity of steads under certain conditions. More
Albany and the rem aining were g a th ­ than 250,000 acres of as good w heat
ered from the vicinity of McMinnville land as th a t offered by any dry farm ­
and other points on the w est side. ing country are opened to settlem en t
Hecker and three a ssistan ts accom­ Ion this “ high d e se rt," as it is general
panied the sheep train to Denver. ly known by ranchers. All of the land
There is a big demand in Colorado for is said to be level and practically free
blooded Oregon Cotswold bucks snd from rock, w ith w ater everyw here pro­
the anim als w ill be sold largely for curable a t depths varying from 10 to
breeding purposes.
50 feet.
Although the g re a t value of th is v ir­
gin stretch of country has long been
Plan Model Farm .
Medford—The Modoc orchard, fam ­ recognized, it has h ith erto been im­
ous as the old Byhee trac t, is not to be practicable to open it for w heat ra is­
subdivided and sold in small tracts, as ing, no m atter w hat the yield may be
was first planned, but wid be planted w ithout transportation to the m arkets.
I t is a curious phenomena th a t
and operated as one of the g re atest
orchards in the world by the P o tter abundant w ater supply for wells should
Palm er estate of Chicago.
Approxi­ be found in a country apparently so
m ately 200 acres will be se t to fru it | entirely dry. In one place it is re ­
trees this w inter.
N inety acres will ported th a t a three foot hole scratched
be prepared and planted to potatoes out by coyotes became a tiny well. A t
next spring.
Betw een 200 and 300 a dozen places in the Deschutes coun-
acres will be sown in grain.
Nearly I iry springs bubble up in the m idst of
1,300 acres, mostly bottom land, com­ arid dust, unsccountable except by
pose the trac t, which lies along both subterranean riv er passages in the
sides of the Hogue for two miles. All lava rock. A dozen m iles from Bend,
the land can be irrigated from the ! and as many from w ater, is a g re a t
Rogue or from L ittle B utte creek, cave, perpetually full of ice, well illu s­
tra tin g the e rra tic pranks of Dame
which flows through it.
N ature, when she fashioned C entral
Lebanon is P ro sp ero u s.
Lebanon -W ith the coming of the
new branch of the Oregon & C alifornia
railroad real e state in Lebanon is in­
creasing in value by rapid strides.
is alm ost impossible to secure a store
room on Main stre e t. This cannot be
said to be a boom, but is the re su lt of
a steady and consistent grow th th a t
has been noticeable for the p ast few
years. Lebanon is in the h e art of a
most valuable and productive country
and it is a joy to the farm ers of this
section to see a way to m arket their
crops a t less expense and trouble.
C lover Seed Pays Well.
Mi'Minnville— Heavy
clover seed
shipm ents have been made from this
place, the threshing of the present sea­
son’s crop having become pretty gener­
al. The best yield of red clover seed
y et reported was produced by Isaac
Johnson on the Henry Gee farm nine
i miles southw est of town, averaging
seven and one half bushels to the acre.
H ubert Bernard, five m iles northw est
of town, had 100 acres in clover th at
averaged over four bushels to the acre,
a fte r having been pastured until very
late in the sum m er. Besides, the use
New Ju d g e for Lincoln.
of the pasture his land will net him
Salem —B. F. Swope, county judge $26 an acre from the clover seed.
of Lincoln county, has resigned and
Governor Benson has appointed C. H.
New O regon R ecords Ready.
Gardiner, a retired hardw are m erchant
Salem — Supreme C ourt R eporter
of Toledo, to the office. Mr. G ardiner Frank A. T urner announces th a t the
was highly recommended for the posi­ hfty-first volume of the Oregon reports
tion by the citizens of Lincoln county. has been printed and will be bound and
He is 5? years old and a Republican. ready for distribution w ithin the next
E arlier in life he traveled out of P o rt­ two w eeks. The m aterial for the fifty-
land for a wholesale hardw are house, second volume has been gathered »nd
and was county clerk in Illinois 15 it will be ready for distribution before
years before coming to Oregon.
Ja n u a ry 1, says Mr. T urner.
T urner is endeavoring to g e t the work
Land B oard Defendant.
of his office caught up w ith the court
Salem —S ta te T reasurer Steel has and the decisions th a t have been hand­
been served w ith a copy of the sum­ ed down gathered to gether and bound
mons and re strain in g order in the Lin­ up.
coln county tidelands case. This is
the case in which the sta te land board
Wallowa S u g ar B eets Good.
is restrained from declaring forfeited
W allowa—The sugar beet fields of
to the sta te certain tidelands in Lin­ this county have been investigated by
coln county.
The papers are filed in the rep resentatives of the A m algam at­
Marion county and the sta te land board ed Sugar company. Job Pingree, gen­
is re q u re d to appear w ithin 10 days eral field superintendent, and J . F.
a fte r service of the papers.
The W heatstone, an experienced field w ork­
board will be represented by the a tto r­ er for the company, highly com plim ent­
ney g eneral's office.
ed Forem an T. W. W orkman on the
work he has accomplished.
If suffi­
Good P rofit in P ears
cient land can be secured the grow ing
Medford — B a rtle tt pear grow ers’ of beets will be continued in this
profit can be best calculated when it is county by the company.
known th a t J . G. Gore, who has a
P ru n es Sell at High Price.
seven acre orchard of B a rtle tts near
Canby -C la rk e B rothers are p repar­
Medford, has already packed seven
carloads of fru it from his orchard, and ing to dry 50 tons of prunes from th e ir
there are fully four more carloads big orchard near here. The output
from these seven acres. The shipm ents has been contracted a t 4 ) i cents per
will average 460 boxes to the car, pound.
which a t $2.20 per box, is $1,012 per
car, or $11,132 from the eleven car­
B u tte r—C ity cream ery, extras, 35c;
loads, or $1,590 per acre.
fa rc y outside cream ery, 307/i34c; store,
210/22c. B utter fa t prices average
Irrigation B rings S e ttle rs.
La Grande—Two hundred and fifty l>^c per pound less than regular b u tte r
thousand dollars would be a conserva­ prices.
E ggs—Oregon ranch, candled, 30f/i
tive estim ate of the im provem ents th a t
will be made in the building of new 31c per dozen.
Hens, 150/15 *^c; springs,
homes on the land foon to be placed
under irrigation ju s t east of town. 16f//16>$e; roosters, 9i/710c; docks,
This means 100 new homes. It is young, 14){c; geese, young, 10c; tu r ­
possible and q uite probable th a t twice keys, 20c; squabs, $1.750/2 per dozen.
Pork— Fancy, 10oil0> ic per pound.
this number of fam ilies will be build­
Veal— E xtra, 100/10kie per pound.
ing new houses, barns and fiirn ish irg
W heat—Bluestem , 94c; club, 840/
homes and farm s w ith required stock
85c; red R ussiar. 82Jyc; valley, 89c;
and im plements.
fife, 84c; T urkey .-ed, 84c; forty fold,
Wallowa County Wool L eads.
B arley—Feed, $26 500/27; brew ing,
Wallowa — W allowa county has ship­ $27.50 per ton.
ped out about 1,700,000 pounds of
Hay—Tim othy, W illam ette valley,
wool, the clip of 1909. It netted the $130i'15 per ton; E astern Oregon,
grow ers a full third of a m illion dol­ $16.500/17.50; alfalfa, $14; clover,
lars. N ot only this, but the grader $14; cheat, $13(/il4.60; grain hay,
who superintended the shipping de­ $150/16.
clared th a t it was the best wool in the
F ru its— Apples. $10/2.25 per box;
state. The average w eight of the pears, $1.250/7'1.50; peaches, 50c0i'
Wallowa fleeces this year was over 10 $1.10 per c ra te ; cantaloupes, 50cO/$2;
pounds, while fully half of one m an’s plums, 250/75c per box; waterm elons.
clip averaged 13 ' h pounds per fleece. 10/T '¿ e per pound;
grapes, 75c0/‘
$1.26; casabsa, $1.750/2.
C oos Apples for Hawaii.
P otatoes—$1 per sack; sw eet pota­
Marshfield— M embers of the Coos toes, 2 } ic per pound.
County F ru itg ro w e rs’ association met
Onions —New, $1 25 per sack.
a few days ago tn discuss the m atter
V egetables— Beans, 40/ 5e per pound;
of m arketing apples. I t was decided cabbage. 10 / 1 * 40 ; cauliflower, 76e0/
to furnish 1,000 boxes boxes of Graven- $1.26 p erdozen; celery. 50c0 /$ l; corn,
stein apples to the Pacific Hawaiian 150/20c; cucumbers, 100/26c; onions.
F ru it company. Judge John S. Coke 12k^0/15c; peas, 7c per pound; p e p ­
addressed the m eeting and said th a t pers, 50/10c; pum pkins, lki0fl® 4c;
Cooe county in a few years would sur­ S'- lash, 5c; radishes, 15c per dozen;
pass Hood River the d istric t in fru it tom atoes, 400/ 60c per box.
Hops— 1909 contracts, 21c; 1908
crop, 16c; 1907 crop, 12c; 1906 crop,
M arket Place Provided.
Oregon C ity —A fter a vain struggle
Wool E astern Oregon, 16(823c per
for more than 10 years to secure a pound;
m ohair,
commission house for Oregon C ity, the choice, 240/ 25c.
desirrd end has a t last been accom­
C attle—Steers, top, $4.50; fa ir to
plished, and there has been organized good, $40/4.25; common. $3.75/774;
the Oregon C ity Commission company, cows, top, $3.25; fa ir to good. $30/
w ith a capital stock of $15 000. more 3.25; common to medium. $2.500/
than half of which has been paid in. 2.75; calves, top, $60/5.50; heavy.
A rticles of incorporation has been filed $3.60o/4; bulls, $27/72.25; stags, $2.50
in the office of County Clerk Green- (a 3.50.
H ogs—Best, $8.260i8.50; fa ir to
good, $7.75078; stockers, $6077; China
Union Ships Poles.
fats. $7.60078.
Union—L. M. S turgill is filling a
Sheep— Top w ethers, $4; fa ir to
contract for five cars of 35 foot poles good. $3.50073.75; ewes, }2c less on
for Boise. The poles are being hauled all grades; yearlings, best, $4; fa ir
out Shipm ent will take place as fa st tn good, $3.507/t3.76; spring lam bs,
aa c a n can be had.
$ 5 ^
5 . 25 .
C ensus D irector D urand's Appeal for
A ccurate Farm Data.
W ashington, Sept. II. It will be
suggested by U. S. Census D irector
Durand to the farm ers all over the
country th a t the work of securing ac­
curate returns a t the coming census of
agriculture will be g reatly facilitated
if the farm ers will keep or provide
some sort of w ritte n record of their
farm operations during the year. 1909.
This effort to secure the farm ers’ per­
sonal co-operation is but one of a num­
ber of ways and mean? chosen by Di­
rector Durand in the effort to secure
an accurate, expeditious and econom­
ical census concerning population, a g ri­
culture, m anufactures, m ines and quar­
ries, which are the subjects of inquiry
defined in the censuB law.
N otw ithstanding the value of the
population retu rrn s for the political
purpose of reapportioning representa­
tion in the congress of the United
S ta te s ‘and of the sta tistica l inform a­
tion derived from an analysis of the
population details, the census of a g ri­
culture, of all the subjects in the cen­
sus law, is regarded as of the g re atest
In 1900 the census found 5,739,657
farm s, an increase of 1,175,016 over
the total for 1890.
The 1890 figurea
were 555,734 higher than the num ber
of farm s counted in the I860 census.
T aking the increase between 1890 and
1900 and adding th a t num ber to the
total reported for 1900, an estim ated
or approxim ate number of farmB e x ist­
ing a t the tim e of the th irte en th cen­
sus may be^ascertaine/1; the proceas of
calculation being th a t called “ a rith ­
m etical progression,” the method chos­
en by the m ajority of sta tisticia n s and
also used by the census bureau.
Therefore the 1910 total should reach
5,914,673, or roughly, about 6,000,000
farm s, which is the num ber estim ated
by C hief S ta tisticia n Powers.
w ere 10,433,188 m ales and fem ales
over 10 years of age June 1, 1900, en­
gaged in agricultural pursuits.
Powers believes the 1910 census will
swell th a t num ber to the e x te n t of sev­
eral millions.
In order th a t the farm ers may’begin
a t once, D irector Durand indicates as
follows, w hat operations are to be re ­
corded, although the schedule is still
in incomplete sh a p e :
“ Each person in charge of a farm
will be asked to sta te the acreage and
value of his farm ; th a t is, the acreage
and value of the land kept and c ulti­
vated by him ; also the area of land
in his farm covered w ith wo<xlland;
and finally, th a t which is utilized for
specified farm purposes.
“ Each farm er will be asked to give
the acreage, q uantity produced and
value of each crop, including grains,
hay, vegetables, fru its, cotton, tobac­
co, etc., raised on the farm in the sea­
son of 1909.
"E ac h farm er will be asked to re­
port the num ber and value of all do­
m estic anim als, poultry, and sw arm s
of bees on the farm April 15, 1910;
also the num ber and value of young
anim als, such as calves, colts, lambs,
p ig s; and of young fowls, such as
chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc., raised
on the farm in 1909. He will J>e fur­
th er asked to sta te the num ber and kind
of anim als sold during 1909 and the re­
ceipts for such sales, the num ber pur­
chased and the am ount paid th erefo r;
and also the num ber slaughtered for
food and the value of such anim als.
“ The law requires a report of the
num ber of cows kept for dairy purposes
in 1909, and the total estim ated amount
of milk produced on the fa rm ; also
the am ount of b u tte r and cheese sold
and the am ount received from such
sale. The census w ill, seek to ascer­
tain the q uantity and value of all eggs,
honey and wax produced on the farm
in 1909.
“ O f the expenditures of the farm ,
the census schedule will call for a sta te ­
m ent of the am ount paid farm labor;
the amount paid for feed for live sto c k ;
and the am ount expended for fe rtiliz ­
ers in 1910.
The inform ation reported on the ag ­
ricultural schedule will not be used as
a basis of taxation or communicated to
any assessor.
D irector Durand w ants the farm ers
to keep books th is year so th a t guess­
work and recollections will be elim in­
ated as far as possible.
C arried $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 Supplies.
Gloucester, Mass., Sept. 11.—The
schooner John R. lira lle y , on which
Dr. Frederick A. Cook made his trip
to the A rctic, carried more than $20,-
000 worth of supplies, including pem-
mican and wood brought from the
W est and especially suitable for
sledges. This statem en t was made
today by Benjam in A. Sm ith, who out-
fiitted the vessel. Mr. Sm ith said th a t
C aptain B a rtle tt rem arked th a t it
looked like a long trip to the A rctic.
He recalled also th a t g re a t secrecy was
m aintained during the outfitting.
T oo Much One-M an P ow er.
Paris, Sept. 11.—Commenting on the
death of Mr. H arrim an, the evening
papers pay trib u te to his enormous
achievem ents, but are dumbfounded
th a t such influence could be concen­
trated in the hands of a single indi­
vidual. “ In France we are unable to
understand,” one paper says, “ th a t the
life and death of a s ngle man can not
only create a revolution in Wall street,
hut affect Europe. F ortunately P aris
is only slightly affected, despite the
effort to sul ordinate the m arket to
Am erican influence.”
Sue C ash R egister T rust.
Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 11.— A tto r­
ney General Denman brought quo w a r­
ranto proceedings ag ain st the National
Cash R egister company, a t Dayton,
Ohio, asking th a t it may be ousted
from its charter, th a t a receiver be ap­
pointed and th a t its assets be d istrib ­
uted among tne stockholders.
petition alleges illegal re stra in t of
trade, com binations to prevent compe­
titio n , and m isapplication of funds in
the carrying out of unlaw ful business.
M /ring C o n g re ss to M eet.
Goldfield, N ev., Sept. 11. — The
U nited States, Canada and Mexico will
be represented by about 2,000 dele­
g ates to the Am erican Mining con­
gress, which will hold its 12th annual
session in th is city Septem ber 27 to
October 2. Twenty-five political sub
divisions of this country, including
A laska, w ill have representation.