NO. 4« oj- VOL. f E ST A C A D A . Estacada State Bank Cashier C. M. Miller, Real E state Officer DIRECTORS: L L B elfils, T. Yocum , John Z o b ris t. TRAN SAC TS A GEN ERAL BUSINESS B AN KIN G W rites Fire Insurance in Seven of the best “D O L L A R ” companies. Handles Real Estate, Town Lots both Business and Residence, and Farm Property near Estacada CO UNSEL. LO NG A SW EEK. COM MERCE, ROOM N O . 600 PORTLAND . CHA M B E R OREGON. N O TARY P U B L I C O U R S T A F F CORRESPONDENTS M e r c h a n ts N a t io n a l B a n k oi P o r tla n d N a t io n a l C ity B a n k or N e w Y o r k There are enough uncertainties about trading in land with­ out guessing at the title. t BE ON TH E S A FE SIDE D E M A N D A N A B S T R A C T O F TITLE The CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, (established 18 9 3 ) JU L Y i. 19C9 Tell us what you have to E. A. Miller was a business visit­ or to Estacada onJMonday. Clackamas County' TOWERS, HAY RAKES i ind BINDERS - DEER1NG Mr. A. D. Schmidt has closed his feed store, owing to his atten­ tion being required at his farm. He requests the Progress to tliauk his many patrons for patronage. It has not been determined definite­ ly who will open up the place but we are assured it will be closed but a short time. J ib s ? Pretty Wedding Spray your tiees with whale-oil, The Ford-Beil wedding wli 'h soap and quassia chips. For" sale occured two weeks ago deser >d by Estacada Pharmacy. more space in these columns tl Mr. J. C. Tracy is having his was giveu it, owing to lack residence treated to a coat of paint. space. OF J. P. Woodel is doing the work. The wedding occured June 151 h at the home of Willis Yonce. Evangelist Van Marter and wife rooms at the home had been t took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. tifully decorated witii Oregon g Geo. Dale on Wednesday. carnations and roses. Only tin f Rev. Kuhlman now sports a real mediate family was present “ iujun” pony having made the Beil is unknown among the pc e purchase of a buckskin from a band of Estacada while the bride of indiaus who were passing many friends here. The h through Estacada. wore a dress of cream serge ca The grade is'made for a spur to tng white carnations and stni run into the new power site Co's plant west of Estacada and ties are ventional black. After being delivered preparatory to lay­ niouy and congratulations a sut ing the rails. The road will cross tuous luncheon was e-njoyc-d. The happy couple spent sc the Clackamas. days at the A .-Y . P. Exposit 1 If your veal or Hogs are fat Pen returning to Estacada last we land and Jorg want them, at the They are to make their home Palace Market. Phone or see us r Mrs. B. B.jHelfrich, of LaMouta them the best wishes of a host f Oregon, is spending soihetime visit­ friends. Rev, Kuhlman c ing her sister-in-law, Mrs. E. M. Miller, of our city, as well as the We have several pieces of prop­ family of J. H. Helfrich, of Beaver­ erty left with us to negotiate a ton, Oregon. for. Intendiug investors in E H. Cooper, Treasurer, was in cada will do well to consult 1 Estacada on Tuesday attending to we may have just what you w business connected with his office. Inquire at the P r o g r e s s office. makes reliable Abstracts ol Title to aU lands and lots in $1 A Y E A R a t ------ ---- ---------------------- — — -------------- -- I Art. Brantner lost a valua >le Dairy thermometers for sale at horse last week. The animal v as 1 out in pisture and took sick c Estacada Pharmacy. died. H. W. Blood was in Estacada a Mrs. Gartner, of Portland, short time on Monday looking after visiting with her son F. W. Ga his business interests. ner, of the Estacada State Bat k. ! , E. M. Miller has just had his We do not anticipate any f shj residence repainted. Ferry did the stories during her stay. work. Bay State Paint only $ i 55 j R h l'O R I^ O F T ill'. C O N D IT IO N OF | • rickson, he having won two there, no doubt thought: “ Here's Portland Festival Chorus p J 1» P I straight falls in fifteeu minutes. my chance to make mother a pres­ voices) W. H. Boyer, Conductor ; e s t a c a d a s t a t e b a n k & Nelson and Doty then commenced ent!’ ’ At any rate he was seen Address..........."Community Life, Katacni’ a, in the State of O regon, at L M. HENTHORN W. D. HENTHORN their match and the first fall was hurrying through the alley with H011. W. D. Fenton; Selection..... the close of business, Ju n e 23, 1909. won bv Nelson in six minutes. the shawl under his arm, and to­ "Star Spangled Banner” Mrs Rose W. A. JONES RESOURCES Doty ended a winner, as lie won day when the ‘ kloocliman” came Block Bauer and Festival Chorus; Loans and discounts......................... _ ........ 6 9 0 00 p r o f r ik t o r 11 00 I THE ESTACADA FURNITURE MEN G ooil rig» «nd careful drivera alw ays the next two falls. The second in quest of her wrap she was dis­ Music...... Wagner's A .-Y .-P . Band Bills Receivable ............... ....................... Land contracts ............. .............................. 2 8 9 6 70 I SPECIAL ATTENTION fall in five minutes and the third in mayed to hear of its fate. Bonds, securities etc................................... 4 3 7 0 55 A FTERN O O N Banking house, furniture and fixtures 4 8 2 6 22 G iv eu Ilu n tin g and F isliin g Partie* eighteen. Lew Gerber was referee. She told Mrs. Lindsey and Mrs. Oregon State building from three O ther real estate owned ............................ 3 6 1 3 0 01 It is expected that a return match Miller that if they would locate the to five o’ clock,'Reception and lawn Due from approved reserve WOOD & LUMBER Links ............. ........... $ 1 73 6 14 Handle a complete line ol FURNITURE, QUILTS, PILLOWS will be pulled off in the near future. shawl and care for it until she Fete. Checks and other cash Items 110 9 7 Local and L o n g D istance Téléphoné Cash on hand ................. 2 3 4 0 74 4 1 8 7 85 and in fact Everything to make one Comfortable Wm. Kaake has almost complet­ conies back (in about three months) E V E N IN G Total..................................................... ......... $ 5 3 1 1 2 33 ed the construction .of his new the would "maybe so give 'urn CHURCH SERVICES Washington State Building at home, and when finished he will each fifteeu cents,” so if any one nine o’clock, Pronianade and dance LIABILITIES Car ital stock paid I n ............ ........... ........$ 2 5 0 0 0 00 own one of the most costly residen­ lias an extra shawl that smells of Undivided profits. Ies3 expenses and Ni K. Church----- Next Sabbath ces in Estacada. The value of the the camp fire and sage brush of taxes paid ................................... 2 6 5 3 01 We also handle a nice line of P lain and Fancy buildings alone will be about $1800. Crook C o., and will leave same Miss Nora McWillis, of Fossil, Individual deposits subject to check . 1 4 4 6 1 56 Ore., who has been visiting at the Demand certificates of deposit................ 1 26 3 58 Sabbath School IO a. m. Mr. Kaake owns four lots on which with either Mrs. Miller or Mrs. Upton home, informs the Progress | T im e certificates of deposit................ Preaching at 1 1 a. m, . . - | Stato deposits.............................. .......... 4 6 5 5 89 - . - Dishes and Glassware - - - he has erected a story and half I Lindsey these ladies will gladly that she expects her father ana s*vlnKg deposits ............. 55 32 Preaching at * P tu. house 26 x 36 with ati eight foot K've t^le honest one a generous slice m o t h e r h e r e in the near future to Tru.u. Commiuiom.nd E»crowi 1 32 5 48 Preaching at 8 P m. . Collections, per c ent.................................. 225 00 of that thirty cents—when they get porch in front and at the rear he make their home. | B ill* payable, including certificates of League 7 P m. has a lattice work seven foot porch. it. 2 7 0 0 00 J. I). Davis, of Watonga, O kla-! J Reserved *"x>*"*'or ww Prayer Meeting on Thursday Even- for taxes 2 9 8 44 The house is finisher) throughout homa, is spending some time with Over and short account 4 4 05 in g 7 P m. Two desirable lots, small house relatives in Garfield. Mr. Davis with pantry, closets, sliding doors, i T o ta l.............................. S 5 J I 12 03 and all modern conveniences. He with water on the premises. For has been to the Fair and other Church of Christ—Next Sabbath State of O regon, C oun ty of C lackam as, as: lias a large barn, and wagon-slud sale. Easy terms. E. I’ . Scott, or points of interest on the Coast. I , I,. K . Ilelfils, cashier of the above also, to house his teams. Mr. inquire of the Progress Office. J. W. Kimmel, and son, Ross, Bible School IO a. m. of Nebraska, on his way to the named ban k , do solem n ly sw ear that the Communion Services Kaake expects to get moved next 11 a. ni. The Portland Railway, Light & W e make KITCHEN TREASURES, FALL LEAF TABLES. Fair at Seattle s ’opped off to s] end above statem ent is true to the liest of m y week. Young Peoples’ Meeting 8 P m. Power Co. gave the ^ second of a some time with his brother, B. R. kn ow led ge and belief. series of four picnics to its employ­ Kimmel, and other friends in Esta­ L . F.. B E I .P I L 8 , C ashier. Prayer Meeting on ees on Wednesday when ten car cada. C orrect A ttest: Joh n Z ob rist, G eorge Thurs Evening at 7:30 p. tn. N O TIC E load of rail road men and their S te e l, In rectors. —F. W. Sewall. Pastor Miss Mildred Kolpin is a new families, came into Estacada aliout Picture Framing done on short notice. T ry us on Bargains Notic* is hereby given that the I 10:30 A a . m m . . and proceeded to liave saleslady with the Estacada Mer­ Mrs. Ed. Cornell, and daughter, Before going elsewhere. W e handle W A L L PAPER annual election of the stockholders a good time, by strolling through cantile Co , having gone in on — Free Methodist Church — of the Estacada Progress will be the Park and dancing in the pavil- Monday to take charge of the dry Francis, of Portland, is spending some time visiting her friend Mrs. lield at the office of the Estacada io" The Piedmont brass band goods department, Sabbath School » 30 r. m . . „ . __„ ____1 from N. Albina tnrnished music for Dr. Adix. Mr. Cornell spent ite Bank on Monday evenuiv . . . . . . . . . . A diamond sun burst Prayer Meeting on LOST Í5 K the occasion. It is estimated that Wednesday evening 7 r »t July 5th over a thousand people came on the reward if returned to Miss Helen, 3 inday here and expects to spend uext Sunday in Estacada also. E. S. Womer, Sec. [ cars. | Berry, Estacada. - Rev. Roper of Gresham The Hotel Estacada Estacada State Bank. Livery, reed STABLE Souvenirs of Estacada Estacada Furniture Co. Sale « 1