Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, June 17, 1909, Image 2

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    The Estacada Progress
O K Ü rO N
G eneral Review o f Im portant Hap­
penings P re se n ted in a B rief and
C om prehensive M anner fo r Busy
R eaders—National, Political, His­
torical and C om m ercial.
A feud a t Meadville, Miss., resulted
in two deaths and two fatal injuries.
P aris papers have started an attack
on the U nited S ta te s Steel corporation.
Hundreds of a rre sts have been made
a t Monterey, M ex., in connection with
a dynam iting plot.
Retaliation in High T ariff Is Being
U rged in Dominion.
O ttaw a, O nt., June 15.—T hat the
new Am erican customs tariff when
finally revised will fu rth er increase the
tariff a g ain st Canada, is the represent­
ation made by many comm ercial bodies
to the Dominon governm ent.
Inquiries are also put as to w hat
course the governm ent is likely to pur­
sue in the m atter. In some quarters
tariff retaliation is being urged and
O ttaw a authorities are beginning to
give their a ttention to the situation
which the Payne tariff is likely to cre­
Lum ber in terests as well as pulp
m anufacturers and paper m akers of the
province of Quebec are ju b ilan t over
the announcement recently made by a
provincial leader, S ir Lomer Gouin,
th a t stum page dues would be increased
and th a t export of pulp wood from the
province will be prohibited. This pro­
hibition will only apply to tim ber cut
on governm ent lands.
Increases on oysters, hops and pota­
toes will not m ake much difference to
C anada’s trade. Canada is more inte­
rested in the coal, w heat and lumber
duties. The opportunity afforded by
the Payne tariff for reciprocity in coal
is likely to be a live subject for discus­
sion a t the next session of the Cadna-
dian parliam ent.
The continuance of duties on w heat
has led to the philosophic opinion th at
the U nited S ta te s will be chiefly affect­
ed a t present, and in tim e to come will
be compelled by home demand to lower
the tariff bars, as Canada has the com­
modity and the Am erican m illers m ust
have it.
Surveys S ta rte d for Reclam ation P ro ­
je c t N ear B aker City.
Baker C ity—Several surveying par­
ties are now located on the new T hief
riv er valley irrigation project, 30 miles
from Baker City, land for which has
recently been w ithdraw n by the govern­
m ent, and it is expected th a t a g re a te r
p a rt of the sum m er will be consumed
in m aking surveys for the work.
This project em braces a large area.
The dam will be nearly 100 fe e t high,
and will back up w ater for several
m iles toward North Powder when com­
pleted. Already the prom oters of this
enterprise have purchased a tine ranch
from E. B. Fiske, which will be used
as a reservoir site.
Dedicate New Building With Big Re­
ception O rd e rs Sw am p.
Salem The Salem F ru it union cele­
brate d the completion of its commodi­
ous new two story packing house by a
reception, attended by several hundred
peoplle. Refreshm ents of stra w b er­
ries and cream were followed by
speeches by prom inent men. President
C. L. McNary, of the F ru it union,
acted as m aster of ceremonies. John
H. A lbert, banker, was the first speak­
er, followed by L. M. G ilbert and Dr.
Jam es Withycombe. Dr. W ithy combe
predicted the tim e would come when
the W illam ette valley would produce
$50,000,000 worth of fru it annually,
th is result to be made possible largely
by the unions th a t find a profitable
m arket and handle the commercial end
the venture in a system atic manner,
| M anager C. L. Dick, of the Salem
union, already has more orders for fru it
than can possibly be filled this year
^rom the present acreage in th is vicin-
| ity.
Chaplain o f Senate P a sses Away Af­
te r B rief Illness.
Boston, Ju n e 11.—The m orning light
was breaking us the venerable Edward
E v ere tt Hale. D. D., chaplain of the
United S ta te s senate, U nitarian divine,
author, jo u rn alist and lover of peace,
breathed his last yesterday in his home
in Roxbury.
A t his bedside were his w ife, his
daughter, Miss Ellen D. Hale, and his
son, Philip L. Hale, the a rtis t. Two
other sons, A rthur Hale, of W ashing­
ton, and Professor Edward E v ere tt
Hale, J r ., of Union college, returned
home last evening.
I t is expected
th a t partial arrangem ents for the fun­
eral on Monday in the South Congre­
gational church, of which Dr. Hale
was the pastor em eritus, will be an­
nounced tomorrow.
On his retu rn from W ashington a
few weeks ago i t was reported th a t
Dr. Hale was not in good health, but
he soon regained his a ctiv ities a: d
until Tuesday attended m eetings and
received friends. I t seems as though
the whole country joined in m ourning
the loss o f Dr. Hale. M essages ex
pressing sorrow and esteem poured into
the Hale household, one of the first
being from P resident and Mrs. T aft.
As an author Dr. H ale’s fam e rests
on his short stories, such as “ The Man
W ithout a C ountry.” As an instiga
to r of social uplift, the work of the
two g re at organizations, the Lend-a-
Hand club and the K in g ’s D aughters,
will alw ays add to his renown. As a
m inister and pastor his half century in
the pulpit of the South Congregational
church and his preaching in many other
churches were prolific of wise sp iritu a l
inspiration. As a historian his w rit­
ings have become authorities.
Federal Officers find Evidence of
Big Conspiracy.
Much Evidence S ecured When Offices
o f H igher W age A ssociation and
V ernacular N ew spaper Are Raid­
ed and R eports C o n fiscated - S u ­
g a r S trik e Opening Move.
Honolulu, June 12.—Evidence of
w hat the authorities claim is a concert­
ed m ovem ent on the p a rt of Japanese
ill the H aw aiian group to control the
su g ar industry and thus dom inate the
internal affairs of the islands through
th e ir num ber and power, was disclosed
today when the office of the “ J i j i , ” a
Japanese new spaper of Honolulu, and
the offices of the Japanese H igher
W age association were entered by the
officers armed w ith search w arrants,
and letters, reports and o ther docu­
m ents were seized.
Follow ing the confiscation of the
papers, the application for a w rit of
habeas corpus, entered in behalf of
M akino, N egro and Soga, the three a l­
leged leaders of the sugar plantation
s trik e rs who w ere taken into custody
yesterday, was rejected by the court.
I t is said by the au th o rities th a t the
papers found indicate th a t a conspiracy
of a w idespread nature has been
form ed among the Japanese of the
islan fs to w rest control of affairs from
the w hite residents, and conduct the
internal governm ent in th e ir own in­
tere sts.
The determ ination to control is re ­
ite rate d again and again in these docu­
m ents.
An appeal to all Japanese, in
the nam e of th eir native country, to
aid in th is movement, is said to be con­
veyed in the letters.
The a uthorities are preparing com­
plete translations of all the papers
seized and it is said th a t they w ill be
used as evidence in support of many
charges of conspiracy, which it is de­
clared will resu lt from the disclosures.
A second petition has been filed by
the attorneys for the prisoners, but has
not been acted upon by the court.
The strik e of the Japanese plantation
hands has been in progress for over a
month, and is the m ost extensive w alk­
out ev er known on the islands.
tween 5,000 and 8,000 Japanese are in­
volved. The strik e rs demand in an in­
crease from 69 cents to $1 a day for
field laborers, and a proportionate ad­
vance for mill hands and other p lanta­
tion employes.
D eclares Man S hot in C o u rt Room
Entitled to Sym pathy.
San Francisco, June 9.—A quarrel
of unparalleled bitterness, involving
Judge W illiam P. I.awlor and virtually
all of the a ttorneys engaged in the
tria l of P atrick Calhoun, enlivened a
day otherw ise devoted fo presentation
of routine testim ony. A ssistan t Dis­
tric t A ttorney Heney sta rte d the dis­
pute by charging th a t E arl Rogers, an
attorney for the defense, had been
sm iling a t certain m em bers of the jury.
There was an angry response from
John T. B a rrett, of the defense, who
declared th a t tho prosecution had un­
n e c e s s a r y prolonged the tria l by the
introduction of triv ia l m atters.
The subject of the ju ro rs’ sm iles was
about to he dism issed, when John J.
B a n e tt re ipened the issue by saying:
“ I ,d j not think we should he lec-
tu rtd by the ' istr ct a ttorney into a
sta te of ser ouan ss n g a rd in g this
case. The pro: ecu ion has spent weeks
in a presentatu n of m atter th a t is ri­
diculous. triv ia l and ludicrous, attem pt-
ing by the length of tim e devoted to
th eir presentation to m ake the jury
think them w orthy of consideration.”
For these rem arks B a rre tt was
sternly reprim anded by Judge Lawlor,
who told the a ttorney th a t if he made
another such reference he would send
him to jail.
“ If the court intends to punish m e.”
B a rrett answ ere 1, “ then w hat about
th is man s ittin g over here, who has re­
peatedly been perm itted to insult the
court, the jury and the atto rn ey s?”
Heney a t once took up the fray and
sh o u ted :
“ These are the ebullitions of a man
who was appointed to office by the
crookedest m ayor the city ever had,
Eugene E. S chm itz.”
“ Why, you’ve been mixed up in more
crooked work than any man in this
courtroom ,” said B arrett.
“ Mr. Heney has never insulted the
c o u rt.’’thundered Judge Law lor sternly.
“ He has certain tem peram ental qual­
ities which I have observed and made
allowance for. He was stricken down
in this court while engaged in the per­
form ance of his duty, and resum ed his
a c tiv ities a t an early date. Mr. Heney
is laboring under em harassm ents which
should appeal to the hum anity of any
individual. T h at circum stance appeals
to the court if it does not appeal to
counsel on the other sid e .”
Admit Discrim inatory R ates
E n terp rise—Forced by the sharp
ssioner Aitchi-
questioning of Commissioner
son, F irs t A ssistant F reight A gent
A large p a rt of Bakersfield, Cal.,
Coman adm itted th a t the Elgin exten-
w as burned by a tire sta rtin g from an
sion into Wallowa county was the only
explosion of powder.
stre tc h of road on the O. R. & N. sys-
tern on which the continuous distance
A new move has been sta rte d to se­
O ntario Postal R eceipts L arge.
tariff does not apply, and th a t a heavy
cure T haw ’s release from the insane
Postm aster
local rate from W allowa county to w n s,. O ntario
t , A. _ L. , S - tro , u . l
asylum in which he is confined.
to E lgin was added on through ship- ha3 been n° tl«ed. th8t af^ ! 0J “ ly \ hJ 8
A leper p a tie n t has esaped from the
menta such as to and from Portland. salary will be increased $200 and he
Los Angeles county hospital and all
The hearing was on the com plaint of will receive for his services $1.700 a
efforts to locate him have failed.
Commercial club of E nterprise against year, intsead of $1,500, as form erly.
the railroad company, charging exces­ * | The business done by the O ntario post-
An Evansville, Ind., fru it dealer has
sive and discrim inatory rates on this office has shown a substantial increase
received a demand for $130,000 to pre­
branch. Commissioners Aitchison and w ithin the p ast year. O n tario ’s pos
vent the kidnaping of his daughter.
W est heard the case, Chairm an Camp­ tal receipts for the y ear ending March
The B razilian congress will take
bell being a t the scene of the C ottage 31, 1909, the fiscal y ear for the post
steps to pr vent the Am erican beef
Grove wreck. A ttorney A. C. Spencer office departm ent, were $5,026.74
packers from controlling the m arket.
Venezuelan Envoy at P a ris Recalled and Mr. Coman looked a fte r the rail­ The money order receipts am ounted to
D uring the three m onths
T aft and senate leaders have agreed
in D isgrace.
road interests and D. W. Sheahan ap­ $42,400.
ending May 31, the num ber of pieces
to support a corporation ta x and a con­
Paris, June 15.—Jose J . d eP au l, the peared for the com plainants.
stitu tio n al am endm ent allowing income special representative of Venezuela to
A score of shippers testified to the delivered to patrons of the rural route
Europe, received his recall by tele­ excessive rates, and several leading was 4,627, making a total of pieces Dining C a r C ooks Refused M oney-
Cuba is depending on the support of graph from the Venezuelan govern­ wool-growers said it was cheaper to handled 24,842.
Chinam an Died in Ice Box.
the U nited S ta te s in evading paym ent m ent ju st as the protocol w ith France drive sheep to E lgin than to pay the
Chicago, Ju n e 11.— August M ueller
high local ra te for cars from here to
of a p art of the w ar debt incurred by was concluded.
Huge Irrigation P ro ject.
and Gustave W eir, dining ear cooks,
Senor Paul says th a t he was stupe­ E lgin. The attorneys will subm it their
Spain when the island republic gained
Nyssa—The country surrounding the
employed on the Golden S ta te L im ited
fied by the action of his governm ent. argum ents by brief.
its independence.
Nyssa, Owyhee, Snake and Malheur
“ I cannot understand,” he said,
valleys is assured of irrig a tio n by the of the Rock Island railroad, told on the
A Russian subm arine boat has sunk
McMahan E nters P rotest.
“ how President Gomez could have al­
w ith 20 men.
Salem —Instead of going in pers n to signing of contracts by se ttle rs with w itness stand before Judge Landis
lowed him self to be hoodwinked by the
Vale as he intended, A ttorney L. H. the Boise-Owyhee Irrig atio n company how they had refused offers of money
A New York man w eighing 510 interference of some few g roups.”
which agrees to put in a first class to aid in sum ggling Chinamen into the
pounds has ju s t died.
These groups, he said, had accused McMahan of this city forwarded his
com plaint and other papers in the pro­ system of irrigation reservoirs and U nited S tates.
The men w ere w it­
The K ansas w heat crop is estim ated
canals and irrig a te 200,000 acres of
downfall of P resident Castro, because ceedings to be brought to enjoin the
a t 70,000,000 bushels.
land, 120,000 in Malheur county. For nesses for the prosecution in the trial
as m inister of foreign affairs he had
of Bob Leung, a well-to-do Chinese
More le tte rs seized from Ja p s in notified the U nited S ta te s governm ent ing out the $lll,()U0 appropriated to several weeks then- has been contention m erchant of El Paso.
w hether it was best for the people to
S e n a to r Dolliver B reaks Appointm ent
H aw aii prove revolutionary aim s.
through Senor Lorena, the B razilian construct a bridge over the Snake river
Until one Chinese was sm othered to
from O ntario into the sta te of Idaho. induce the governm ent to irrig a te from
for S p eech at College.
A M inneapolis man has invented an
the M alheur riv er or allow a private death it was the reg u lar practice, ac­
airship along new lines which has made desired to settle all difference w ith ing the papers out on him a t Vale so company to do the work.
cording to testim ony, to place the
Durham , N. C., June 9 .- Because
foreign powers and requested the
a successful Might.
smuggled Chinese in an icebox of the
U nited S ta te s Senator Dolliver, of
Am erican governm ent to send a war th a t the county can go ahead and ap­
dining car a fte r they had been put
Iowa, cancelled a t the last m oment an
O regon Loses Friend.
China has driven B ritish employes ship to Venezuealn w aters. A sim ilar propriate the money to the use desig­
engagem ent to deliver the annual ad­
U niversity of Oregon, E ugene—Pro­ aboard the Golden Gate L im ited. “ The
off the N orth China railw ay to give notification was sent to G reat B ritain nated, as he has heard nothing since
dress a t T rin ity college commencement
fessor L uella Clay Carson, dean of icebox,” testified A lbert Champion, a
forw arding the papers.
places for Germans.
and Italy.
tomorrow evening, P resident K ilgore
women a t the U niversity of Oregon negro cook on one of the ears in ques­
Senor Paul declared th a t the situa
The Southern Pacific is to p u t on a
from the rostrum tonight accused him
La G rande H orse Show S uccess.
who has recently accepted the presi­ tion, “ was about four by four by two
new fa st train between San Francisco tion a t the tim e was d esperate; th at
of u n fa ir treatm en t.
La Grande—The La Grande horse dency of Mills college, in California, and one-half fe e t in dimensions. On
and Portland, which will make the run the support of the army was uncertain
“ This is the first tim e any man has
and th a t many of C astro’s friends and and live stock show, held last week, has been the head of the E nglish de me we would have to find some other
in 27 hours.
treated us u n fa irly ,” said the presi­
was a splendid success, assem bling a3 partm ent a t the university since 1888,
relatievs were in high positions.
Train Blown From T rack and Eleven dent. “ S enator D olliver had ten dayB
The steam er Slavonia was wrecked
“ I t is less a conciliator than a man it did much of the thoroughbred stock when the school was in its infancy.
to m ake th is announcem ent and he
People Killed.
off the Azores islands, but aid was w ith an iron hand th a t Venezuela of Union county. Dr. J . W ithycombe, D uring these 22 years of loyal and con won’t ride in the box since th a t one
w aits un til the lust m oment to em bar­
summoned by w ireless in tim e to save needs,” he said.
of the Oregon A gricultural college, ! sta n t service, Miss Carson has brought
D allas, Texas, June 12.—Special dis­ rass u s.” A fte r sta tin g th a t Mr. Dolli­
all on board.
patches from Texas points show th a t
“ N evertheless, in spite of my dis
ver in the telegraph m essage he sent
M ar­ present high standing.
11 persons are dead and several injured
The steam er N antichoke has been grace because I am conservative, I prizes in the different classes.
gave physical exhaustion and tariff
bought a t E lizabeth City, N. C., and it shall continue to give P resident Gomez
duties as his reasons for declining.
is supposed by filibusters for an attack my support in m aintaining the regim e
Synopsis o f P re ss C om m ent S ent in
Dr. K ilgore stepped from the rostrum
I helped to e stab lish .”
on Venezuela.
Twice Each Month.
and declared, it is alleged, to frie n d s:
Led by the La Grande band, the parade the W est for the most suitable place in
sas, C ity, Mexico & O rient passenger
“ I would as soon look to a bootblack
Plans are in progress for the cele
Chicago, June 11.—Edward H. Har- train from the Brazos riv er bridge
moved prom ptly a t 1 :30,
passing which to try a new process for tre a t­
for wisdom and character as to a
bration of a “ sane” Fourth a t Chicago.
through the principal stre ets and being ing low-grade ore, the K ent Ore Re­ rim an, who is absolute m aster of over north of S w eetw ater last night.
U nited S ta te s senator. I wouldn’t tru st
So far but one p erm it has been granted
duction company has finally settled on 54,000 m iles of rail and w ater tra n s­
w itnessed by thousands of people.
H askell and Lueders were places
some to c u ltiv ate a peanut p a tc h .”
to sell fireworks out of 300 applica­ Inspector Falls Among B ind o f Nine
Baker City as the proper location. The
portation, has decided to keep in con­
In S te am e r’s Hold.
Big Log C ontract.
company has recently acquired a big
accompanied by a fall of hail, destroy­
Seattle, June 15.—Im m igration offi
W arrenton -T h e D. L. Kelly Lumber body of low-grade ore th a t is easy to sta n t touch w ith public opinion regard­ ing crops and orchards. Six are dead
Favor Am erican H orses.
A new gold field has been found
cials, a fte r picking up on the w harf
company has completed a railroad spur mine, and also an area of land covered ing him self, his railroads and railroads a t H askell.
Nevada and a stam pede is on.
London, Ju n e 9.—A t the In tern a ­
stray Chinese who adm itted he came for the purpose of unloading logs in w ith tim ber and supplied w ith w ater, generally, provided it is possible to do
In the wreck of the train J . E. S tan­
A prom inent New York physician over as a stowaway on the G reat North Skipanon creek. The contract for logs the two la tte r resources necessary to so through things which are printed ford, a traveling salesm an of Crowell, tional horse show th is m orning, W. H.
Moore, of New York, took second
says the depravity of G otham ’s children ern liner Minnesota, searched the ves consists of about 90,000,000 fe e t of the new roasting process.
about them.
Texas, was killed and 11 persons were prize w ith Berkeley Bantam in Class
exceeds th a t of ancient Sodom.
Twice each month each general man­ badly hurt.
sel yesterday and discovered nine more spruce, cedar and fir, to be furnished
II, judging of pony stallions foaled
ag er telegraphs Mr. K ru ttsc h n itt a
Three men were fa ta lly injured by smuggled coolies and a q u antity of silk by the Moore Logging company, of As­
The whole train except the engine previously to or in 1906, not exceeding
brief synopsis of public sentim ent as and tender w ere blown from the track. 14 hands.
the collapse of a bridge being erected and cigars.
toria. The surplus over the cut of the
W heat—Track prices: Bluestem m ill­ reflected by the press. H is report also
over tho Cimaron riv er near G uthrie,
Inspector C. E. Keagey, who is
m ill will be rafted hure for shipm ent.
Conductor A lexander and Brakem an
Olympia was packed to its fullest
heavy man, stepped into the sail locker A large dredge is now a t work a t an ing, $1.30(01.35; club, $1.200/1.22X ; shows the num ber of publications Van Sandt were among the most se ri­ capacity this afternoon for the gala
valley, $1.17.
which were exam ined, the percentage ously injured.
perform ance of the horse show in honor
The forty-first annual convention of
Corn— Whole, $35 per ton; cracked favorable, the percentage unfavorable
A t Lueders A. Goldrup and three of the v isit of the K ing and Queen.
th e N ational Am erican W omen’s Suf­ a hole in the floor, a lighting squarely channel of Skipanon creek. The W ar­ $36 per ton.
and the percentage which is neutral. children were killed during the pro­
Am bassador W hitelaw Reid and
frag e association will m eet a t S eattle
Barley—Feed, $340/35 per ton.
He quotes also from criticism s, com­ gress of the storm and 13 houses were practically all the other am bassadors
upon they screamed in terror. F u rth er ing spruce logs a t th is place for the
Ju ly 7.
O ats—No. 1 w hite, $40.500/41 ton. plaints, expressions of opinion and
investigation brought to light several Oregon C ity paper m ills.
demolished, many people being injur­ and m inisters in London w ere present,
Hay—Tim othy, W illam ette valley, from special articles as well as giving
New Mexico wool growers have ju st leather sacks resem bling governm ent
ed. Scores of cattle w ere also killed. accompanied by th e ir w ives and daugh­
the trend of opinion as voiced in po­ A heavy rain and hail accompanied the ters. The big event, the jum ping com­
sold 700,000 pounds of th e ir product a t mail pouches filled w ith raw silk and a
R oseburg to Have Show .
litical and comm ercial centers.
a price said to be over 20 cents per num ber of boxes of M anila cigars.
storm a t this point.
petition for the K in g 's cup, in which
Roseburg When the L adies’ A uxil­
Mr. H arrim an regards the reports as
The bags of silk are supposed to have iary to the Roseburg Commercial club 14; cheat, $140/14.50; vetch, $140.
A t Merkel, Texas, three houses were team s representing A rgentine Repub­
valuable aids in detecting causes of blown down. Ham lin, a small town on lic, Canada, G reat B ritain, France and
S pecialists have found th a t H arri- been taken aboard w ith the mail sacks. began g athering the roses for shipm ent
Fresh F ru its— Apples, $10/2.50 per friction betw een his railroads and the
Three Chinese stowaways were cap­ it was found th a t out o f several dozen
the C entral W estern T exas railroad, Italy , took p a rt, was won by the French
m an ’s h eart and kidneys are affected
and ill health may compel him to quit tured on the B ritish steam er Cymeric tubfuls only a few bouquet were fresh cherries, $10/1.35 per box; goo.-eber public and in applying corrective m eas­ was destroyed and three persons se ri­ team .
ously injured.
last month, and it is believed organized enough for display purposes, and the
sm uggling is in progress on Oriental project has been abandoned. The sea­ ries, 5c per pound; loganberries, 75c
Fire E ats Up T im ber.
per c ra te ; peaches, $1.50 per box; ap ­
A violent earthquake in Southern steam ers.
C attlem en Pay D am ages.
' Wilson Is In No Danger.
V ictoria, B. C., June 9.— D espite
France did much dam age to property.
Denver, June 11.— According to a
W ashington, June 12.—A petition the g re a te r stringency of the law to
weeks earlier than in o ther p a rts of b /x; raspberries, $1.35 per crate.
A num ber of persons are reported killed
Spam Is P ressin g C uba.
Republican special from Sun Dance, signed by the Indians of the K lam ath prevent fo rest fires, the fir-covered
the state.
N ext year the ladies will
and many injured.
P aris, June 15.—I t is stated here plan a display of th e ir own, to be
V egetables—Turnips, $1.50 per sa c k ; Wyo., the crim inal case which grew reservation, asking the removal of m ountains frin g in g Vancouver island
Two $50 gold pieces m inted in 1877 the Spanish m inister to Cuba has hand­ shown in Portland several weeks in ad­ carrots, $1.75; horseradish. 12j*c per out of the raiding of the sheep camps Horace G. W ilsen, th e ir agent, was re ­ coast are blazing lines of flames a t no
have ju st been sold for $10,000 each. ed tho Cuban governm ent a note con­ vance of the annual Rose carnival, pound; artichokes, 500/60c per d o z .; and burning of the ranch buildings of ceived by the Indian office some tim e few er than four points betw een Vic­
They are the only $50 pieces ever m int­ cerning the paym ent of a share of the when the roses i re at th e ir best.
asparagus, 60/7c per pound; beans, 60/ the Rodney K ing Sheep company and ago, b u t it is understood to have been toria and Clayoquot. The m ost serious
Spanish debt.
It is pointed out in
ed by the governm ent.
9c; cabbage, 2c per pound; cauliflower, the G uthrie Sheep company, in Crook circulated by disgruntled Indians, and fire a t present is in the Jordan Meadow
P o rt Siuslnw Board Selected.
$3 per c ra te , corn, 300/ 50c per dozen; county, have been settled out of court, failed to allege any substantial ground d istric t, w here large areas purchased
? A New York legislative com m ittee the note th a t the American plenipoten­
Salem —The hoard of commissioners cucumbers, 50co/$1.25 per dozen; le t­ the nine defendant cattlem en paying upon which Wilson could be relieved only a few weeks ago by Michigan cap­
is to study the direct prim ary laws of tia ry a t Paris in 1889 refused to deride
this point, holding the suzerainty had for the port of Siuslaw, as created by tuce, hothouse, $1.50 per box; lettuce, the sheep companies all damages, a t­ So little im portance was attached to ita lists are now threatened w ith total
the various sta le s w ith a view of rec­
descended on the Cuban republic and an act of the last legislature, has been head, 25c per dozen; onions, 123*0/15c torneys’ fees and expenses of prosecu­ the protest th a t it was pigeon-holed destruction.
A telegram from the
ommending the best plan for th a t state.
not on the U nited S tates.
The Span appointed by Governor Benaon and is per dozen; parsley, 35c per dozen; tion and agreeing not again to m olest w ithout action.
W ilson’s record, so MeadowB says rain alone can save the
Double tracking of the N orthern Pa­ ish governm ent now considers the composed of P. E. Jackson and George
the sheep men. Valuable range is also far as is known by the Indian office, iB e n tire tra c t.
peas, 60/8c per pound; radishes, 15c per
cific line from Portland to Tacoma has tim e has arrived to press the claim, B. Camp of Mapleton, E. P. W aite and
left to the exclusive use of sheepmen. entirely satisfactory.
dozen; rhubarb, 30/33*0 per pound;
the republic having now assumed sov I. B. Cushman of Acme and T. A. Yost spinach, 5c per pound; squash, 75c0z
New M assacre in T urkey.
Seven Dead in Foundry.
Australian Coal C heaper.
Berlin, Ju n e 9.—The T ag e b la tt’s
of Florence. The long and short term s $1.25 per box; tomatoes, $20/2.50 per
The dism em bered body of a man has ereignty.
W heeling, W. V a., June 11.—Seven
o f these members m ust be chosen by crate.
San Francisco, Ju n e 12.—A ustralian Aleppo correspondent sta te s th a t the
been found in New York bearing the
Aid for C a stro F eared.
lot between them a t the first m eeting,
deadly sign of the Black Hand.
B utter — C ity cream ery, extras, men were killed and 14 seriously in­ coal was reduced in price by wholesal­ T urkish a uthorities last week executed
B ufort, N. C., June 15. The revenue but th eir successors will be elected by 26 'oC; fancy cream ery outside, 250/ jured in an explosion tonight of a b last ers h re today from $9 to $7.50 a ton, 12 of the ringleaders, including six A r­
S afety appliances will be installed at c u tte r Pim lico hunted off th is coast to­ the people.
2 6 '„c per pound; store, 18c. B utter furnace a t the W heeling Steel & Iron as the resu lt of a b itte r feud which has menians, concerned in the Adana mas­
Panam a to prevent accidents to the big day for the steam er N antichoke, sus­
fat prices average 1 J* cents per pound Co. F ifty workmen were gathered broken out between the W estern Cosl sacres. The energetic course of the
ditch like the one which dam aged the pected o f filibustering intentions
about the furnace, m aking ready to company and the Pacific Coal company. governm ent, the correspondent adds,
LaG rande Land Flooded.
under regular b u tte r prices.
Soo locks.
again st Venezuela. The T reasury de­
La Grande The rains and the hot
Eggs—Oregon ranch, 233*0/ 24 )*c drill, when, w ithout warning, there The la tte r concern has slashed prices caused the populace in the region be­
was a terrific roar and g re a t masses of and it is understood re ta ile rs w ill re­ tween A lexandretta and the m outains
Dr. Charles Ephraim Rice, form erly p a rtm en t’s a ctiv ities were invoked be­ w eather o f the past week have resulted per dozen.
Poultry—Hens, 1401143-tic; springs, molten iron spurted from the furnace, duce from $12 to $10. The price cut­ to begin a new m assacre, in which
a ssista n t to Dr. Hale, died a t almost cause of p ersistent rumors th a t friends in the flooding of the Tule m arsh, near
of ex-I’resident C astro were planning a H ot lake, and the farm s of the Am al­ 180/20c; roosters, 80/9c; ducks, 140/ sw eeping down upon the workmen. tin g w holesalers explain th a t they about 100 persons were slain. The
the same tim e as his one-tim e chief.
hostile expedition again st the Gomez gam ated Sugar company and several 15c; geese, 100/1 l c ; turkeys, 180/20c; Twenty or more were caught in the wish to stim ulate the sum m er trade Young Turk com m ittee did everything
A large force of men is w orking hard governm ent.
All of the men w ere foreign­ and th a t they are also helped in reduc­ possible to prevent the disorders, but
It is alleged 10,000 w heat farm s in the flats are inundated
to make repairs in the Soo canal stands of arm s had been shipped from to a depth of from 12 to 16 inches. squabs, $20/2.25 per dozen.
ers. The rause of the accident has not ing prices by the fact th a t it now costs needs reinforcem ents, however.
P ork—Fancy, per pound, 10c.
wrecked by a steam er a few days ago. Belgium to Am erica for this purpose.
less to im port coal than heretofore.
M anager Samuel Storie, of the sugar
V eal—E xtras, 80/83*c.per pound; or­ been definitely decided.
Cyclist H elpless in Sun.
company, stated last night he consid­ dinary, 7c; heavy, 6c.
A governm ent m eat inspector a t St.
T urkey in M ore T rouble.
Blown Up by Dynamite.
ered the danger point past.
Ely, N ev., J u r e 9.— Dr. W. L. Ma-
C attle -Steers, top, $5; fa ir to good,
Louis has resigned in disgust. He
Boston. June 11.— A verdict for the
London, June 15.—An A thens dis­
A lgiers, June 12. — The German good, a prom inent d e n tist of this city,
$4.500/4.75; common to good, $40/
says the inspection is a farce and a
Bad C hecks at Pendleton.
4.50; cows, top, $40/ 4.25; fa ir to good, defense was given in the Supreme steam er Ava, from Ham burg, blew up sta rte d for Osceola, 60 m iles distant,
patch to a London news bureau says
useless expenditure.
Pendleton—I t is learned th a t a bad $3.75o/4; common to medium, $2.500/ court today in the libel su it of ex-Judge last n ig h t about 10 m iles off Pantel- last Saturday, rid in g a m otor cycle.
th a t advices from Uskup, European
C astro is organizing a filibustering Turkey, report a fierce engagem ent at check a rtis t passed three worthless 3.50; calves, top, $50/5.50; heavy, Henry M. Dewey ag ain st five mem­ larie island. F ire broke out in the When on the desert he was thrown from
expedition ag ain st Venezuela.
Djakovitch, in N orthern Albany, be­ checks on Pendleton m erchants last 1 $3.50o/4; hulls and stags, $30/3.50; bers of the Good Governm ent associa­ steam er during the night, and as dyna­ his seat, breaking his wooden leg. He
tion, in which $76.440.000 dam ages m ite form ed a large p a rt of the cargo, was unable to walk, and a fte r craw ling
I t has been proven th a t in the selec­ tween 10,000 Albanians and 12 b a tta l­ week. The amount in each instance was common, $20/2.75.
According to $38.75
He made small purchases a t ! Hogs Best, $80/8.16; fa ir to good, were asked. The su it was the outcome the crew lost no tim e in m aking its for four m iles in the scorching sun,
tion of jurors a t Chicago men w ith ions of T urkish troops.
w hiskers stand a poor chance of being the dispatch, the Albanians were re each place, taking the difference in $7.50o/7.75; Stockers, $60/6.50; China of the statem ents alleged to have escape in bo its. A few m inutes late r collapsed by the roadside, w here he
em anated from the Good Governm ent the dynam ite exploded w ith terriffic was found 20 hours la te r in a serious
pulsed by the deadly fire of the T urkish money. The People’s w arehouse. Bond fats. $6.750/ 7.
selected, owing to prejudice.
a rtillery .
B rothers and H. H. W essel were the; Sheep—Top wi thers, $40/4.25; fa ir association in the m ayoralty cam paign force, tea rin g the steam er to pieces. condition, having been w ithout food or
The Spanish liner Antonio Lopez has
to good, $3.500/4: ewes, tyc less on of 1905, when Judge Dewey was can­ All the crew was picked up by the w ater for th a t tim e.
grounded off l ire island, New York.
Hunt Down M utineers.
steam er E ast Gale and larded here.
all grades: yearlings, best, $4.25; didate for mayor.
The passengers were all saved but it is
Manila, June 15. B rigadier Ceneral
fair to good, $4; spring lambs, $4.75
Two Killed at Re-union.
probable th a t the vessel will be lost.
College Girls on T our.
H arry H. Bandholtz, chief of the P hil­
W allowa Land has been purchased 0 / 6 .
W yoming S u e t W estern Union
Memphis, Tenn., June 9.—Intense
Hops— 1909 contracts, 130/14r per
San Francisco, June 11.—Two hun­
Cheyenne, Wyo., June 12.—A ttorney h e at characterized today’s sessions of
I t is estim ated th a t 85,000 people ippine constabulary, who is a t present by Portland c apitalists for a nursery on
visited Portlannd during the Rose fes­ on a tour of inspection in the island of Bear creek. F ifteen acres w ere pur­ pound; 1908 crop, 90/10c; 1907 crop, dred girl students of Radnor college, General Mullens commenced su it today the C onfederate reunion. 30 persons
Jolo, will at once proceed to Davao, chased a t $80 an acre, and an addition­ | 40/5c; 1906 crop, lS ( u 2e.
Nashville. Tenn., arrived this mornir.g against the W estern Union T elegraph I being prostrated, two dying. There
tiv al.
Mindanao island, the scene of the al five acres rented.
The prom oters
Wool—E astern Oregon, 170/ 22 \ c ; on a sic h t seeing tour, which is a part company to compel the company to file waa a reception to the women of the
The town of K irinchi, Sum atra, has m utiny. The insular governm ent is are M. O. P otter and H. J . W iLon, of per pound: valley, fine, 26c; medium, of the school curriculum , and departed articles of incorporation w ith the sta te Confederacy tonight. A flower parade
been destroyed by an earthquake and determ ined to make an exam ple of the Portland, and Ford C. P otter, of this 23c; coarse, 210/22c; mohair, choice, •onight for S eattle to v isit the A la sk a -' of W yoming or suspend operations ' in which many women
200 people killed.
m utinous men.
24oi 25c per pound.
Yukon-Pacific exposition.
| w ithin the state,
' followed the afternoon
A Cincinnati woman who m arried a
th ie f to reform him has been fatally
shot by her husband.