E ST A C A D A , OREGON, NO. 46 op VOL. 1 Estacada State Bank Capi 1, $25,000 Undivided 'rofits $3,006.57 Pies for sale by J. A Reid. Geo. Steel, President. L. E. Belfils, Cashier E. M. Miller, Real Estate Officer DIRECTORS: T. Yocum, L E. Belfils, John Zobrist TR A N SA C T S A G ENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Writes Fire Insurance in Seven of the best “DOLLAR” companies. Handles Real Estate, Town Lots both Business and Residence, and Farm Property near Estacada COUNSEL. J - O N G <* S W E E K . COMMERCE. ROOM N O . BOO PORTLAND. CHAMBER OF OREGON. NOTARY PUBLIC ON OUR ST A PF CO RRESPO N D EN TS M erch a n ts N a tio n a l B a n k 01 P o rtla n d N a tio n a l City B a n k or N e w Y o rk There are enough uncertainties about trading in land with­ out guessing at the title. BE ON THE SAFE SIDE D E M A N D A N A B S T R A C T O F T IT L E The CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, (established 1893) makes reliable Abstracts of Title to all lands and lots in Clackamas County" Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Principal Offices; PORTLAND. E. F. R IL E Y , President. Orders for F R A N K B. R I L E Y , Secretary Abstracts and Extensions Abstracts received of at Estacada State Bank. L. M. HENTHORN -A T 1 Garfield Beys Start Out To 1 i 1909. A \ .'.AU D o You In te n d To B u i l d Good Time If ro let 11s figure with you on your Doors, Windows, Mould­ ings, Lock. etc. We have large stock of this class of goods and can save you money. Screen Doors ¡Si.00 $ 1.1 0 $ 1.2 5 and $2.00. Screen Wire Cloth 24 itihesa wide 14c a yard. Screen Door Sets including spring hinges wire door pull hook and eve 15c a set THE Estacada Two desirable lots, small house For some time depredations of a with water oil the premises. For j " ’’ 'd west cliaraettr have been com- sale. Easy terms. E. P. Scott, o r ! mi“ ed at the ranches of John Hon inquire of the Progress Office 1 ebon and J. B. Bowman in Garfield I The cause was not so much a desire Mrs J. H. Ilogsett, son and I to become desperadoes as it was to daughter and Mr. Chiselette Ber- gratify the desire of a boy to buy ryman, of Portland, were Sunday I from the mail-order stores and to I visitors at the home of Mr. and revenge supposed wrongs suffered Mrs. W. Ü. Hayes. Money has been taken, fins H. Cooper, Treasurer of Estaca­ ¡started in the fences, sheep pen H a r d w a r e M arket da was out on Tuesday from the , and ether places of mysterious A D e lic io u s C u p o f Tea city where he is temporarily stop­ 1 origin, and a load of buck shot fired ping. He attended to some busi- : into the side of the liouebon house. Nails and Wire Advanced 5 Try Ridgways famous 5 cents, this makes Glulden Galvzd o’clock Tea. ness matters and informed us that t These had been so annoying that Ridgways Tea Wire sell at S3.35 per 100 feet. he does not expect to be out again | Mr. Iionebott had requested Sheriff Merchants to the late Queen American Special in 80 Rod Victoria by special appointment. until the close of the month when i Beatie, of Oregon City, to come Spool* at $2 .15 lie will be here to close up the bus-1 out and investigate the matter, Block-Tackle Wire Stretchers ¡ness of his office. j which he did ou the evening of Flies or uo Flies That is the Question FOR S A L E —One 3 % wagon, June 7th. The Sheriff was unable ■ ■ > ¡pi. 15 Each. Glass Lemon Sque- iters io The pesky little things are at that time to locate the cause of wide tire, wagon bed. Inquire at cents each the trouble, consequently he re­ here now and what are you go­ the P r o g r e s s . Cycle Ball Bearing Grind ing to do about them. We have turned home and a reward of W. A. Jones received a telegram twenty dollars offered for the cap­ Stones $4.95 the screen wire cloth that will from Mrs. Samuel Hayes ou Tues­ ture of the culprits and the matter Standard Mattocks 70 cents give protection to the windows. day bearing the sad intelligence placed in the hands of Deputy lim its Mattocks $ 12 5 We give you prices below and that her husband had been killed Sheriff Bridenstine. It soon be­ Champion Forges, handy for you can figure the number of on the Northern Pacific Rail Road came known that Dietrick, a the farmer or contractor, weight feet in your wiudows and you 011 Saturday and would be hurried brother-in-law of Honebons and about 80 lbs. Price $8.00 will find the cost not as much as on Thursday. No particulars were who makes his home with him, was 5 lb. No. 7 Capewell Horse you would expect. As to the given but it is supposed that they suspected as being the cause of the Nails 90 cents. doors, we have a line of the were still living in Portland. 5 lb. No. 8 Capewell Horse most substantial for the price. trouble, accordingly he was Nails 85 cents Our doots are the very best Rachael and Russel Reed return­ questioned closely and finally ad­ Mrs. Potts Nickle plated Sad grade ou the market, being made ed from Seattle on Monday where mitted his part in the affair and Irons 85 cents per set. of selected material, with the they had been visiting friends and implicating the Bowman boy with 2 lb. Square Butter Prints 30 screen put on in the proper man­ taking in the sights of the Fair. him. cents. ner and are not of the dove tail Many stories, and much for We believe this to he the first of Brass King Wash Boards 43 pattern but are mortised clear the Fair visitors from among us to which there is no foundation in cents. through. return and they say that it is al­ fact, has been circulated in the 12 Qt. Favorite Strainer Pails Prices on wire cloth per yard community and in this way the right. 70 cents. 24 inches wide 14 cents per yd. Mr. Geo. Lockerby informed us name of Alwyn Hunt became con­ 12 Q L Dairy Pails grade ix 28 inches wide t6 cents per yd. Sunday that heuliad’.been out on nected with the bovs aud was taken 30 cents. 30 inches wide 17 cents per yd. by Bridenstine along with the other the Clackamas and succeeded in 6 in. Monkey Wrenches 25 Prices on screen doors $ 1 0 0 landing a fine trout weighing five boys to Oregon City, but no charge ctnts. $1.2 5 $1.7 5 and $2.00. was placed against him and when pounds and measuring twenty-five 8 in. Monkey Wrenches 35 Screen Door Sets including on Monday his father, G. T. Hunt, inches. We only moved on a little cents. Spring Hinges, Door Pull, Hook went to Oregon City to attend the way until we met Gartner of the 10 in. Milk Strainers 15 cents. and eye 15 and 20 cents per set. Estacada State Bank, who said, trial which was supposed to come up but which was delayed on ‘You ought to have seen the fine trout Lockerby and I caught.” I account of Judge Dimick being absent aud unable to hear the case, said, “ Now Gartner, is it not a fact so the District Attorney allowed that Lockerby caught that trout ?’ ’ the Hunt boy to return home with He said “ Y ep ,” but then Gartner his father on promise of being did catch some trout not so large as present in Court, if needed. Mr. this particular one, Bowman, also Mr. Honebon, were Mrs. J. W. Reed returned from to the county seat on Monday. Sparta, Wis., on Thursday where We were unable to secure an inter­ she had been called a couple of view with Mr. Honeboti, all the weeks ago ou account of the illness others connected with the case gave of her father,'^H. J. Oakley. Mrs. their version of the matter and as Reed'was’accompanied by her sister a matter of course were much sur­ Mary Oakley,* of ¡.Seattle. Wash., prised at the revelations implicating who also returned with her. Mr. those connected with the case. Oakley, while w’eak, is much im­ On- Wednesday Judge Dimick proved and Mrs. Reed informs us heard the case and disposed of the is likely to pay Oregon a visit and same in the following manner, will remain if he can dispose of his David Dietrick was sentenced to a property there. term of three years in the reform I B u y A n y t h m g the f a r m e r h a s to C. R. Breck and the men under school at Salem. Oliver Bowman him who have been working on an was released on parole to report to S e l l a n d S e l l h i m a n y t h i n g h e n e e d s in engineer corps up the Clackamas, the court weekly by letter. Alwyn came out of the mountains on Mon­ Hunt was released as no charge day. It is not known if their work was sustained against him. has been completed or not, but the supposition is that such is the case Rev. Van Marter, Conference as the office that has been main­ Evangelist for the state of Oregon, tained here, with R. Causley and who was scheduled to begin revival In T h e N e w C on crete B u ild in g H. Piggot in charge, has been closed meetings here last Sunday has been These gentlemen have been very detained a week longer than was agreeable and made friends who are expected. He exjiects to arrive in sorry to see them go away. It is Estacada on Saturday and will $10 a week $2 a day hoped by our citizens that out of all preach at the Methodist Church 011! this mysterious development work next Sunday morning at eleven1 will come something that will do o'clock. There will be services at | the Eastern portion of Clackamas n A. M. at 3 P. m . and at 8 p. it. j and this section of the state much Come and hear this flaming evan -1 A L L MODERN C O N V EN IEN C ES good. gelist whose success has been Thousands have been 1 The Palace Meat Market has marked. One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast been sold to W. V. Penland and converted under his preaching and F. Jorg. Mr. Penland, who has we cannot afford to miss hearing been in the employ of Mr. Richards this mail. Meetings continue every Local and Tourist Trade Solicited as meat-cutter most of the time the night this week except Saturday shop was owned by Richards, will evening. Currinsville and Mt 7 . ion be in charge of the business and will be with us again next Sunday. Estes and Dr. Stryker have re­ tier teller. The capital stock is we have no doubt will succeed, tired and Geo. A. Steel has lieen $23,000 and undivided profits $3,- as he has made many friends since made the new President to repre­ 006.57. They represent seven fire BANK SOLD coming here. Mr. Jorg is a Port­ I insurance companies, some of sent the new holdings. land man. which are the largest and strongest The board of directors are John The Estacada State Bank has Miss Cora Yocum went to Cor­ Zobrist. Toni Yocum, Geo. A Steel in existence. In our next issue we been sold with all its holdings in­ vallis last week to attend the com­ and L. E. Belfils. L. E. Belfils is will be able to present to the people mencement exercises and visit volving values to the amount of fifty-two thousand dollars. Geo. ( retained as cashier and F. A. Gart- from the officials themselves an friends. Our Shoes Will Make Your Feet Glad Feed Store That has bought and sold more feed since opening up, than had been previously handled in Estacada, and has a full supply now, and wants your trade is the A. D. SCHMIDT FEED STORE Land Plaster for your use. T h e F e e d L in e F U R N I T U R E Store 33 1-3 % off on Kitchen Treasures and Wall Paper. 15 % off ou Iron Beds, to % off on Queensware. A full line of Furniture on hand. Com e in a n d be c o n vin c e d that Estacada is the Place to Buy These are our Cash Inducements Respectfully" Estacada Furniture Co. '■j G ro cery “" ‘Tfrvtoers Shoe Co. A Car Load of the famous Utah BCTgagaBaahMaaa sasMssaaaB, W. D. HENTHORN JU N E 17 _ „ David Deitrick, Oliver Bowman, Nilson Beeby, of Marysville, Cal. Alwyn Hunt aged 15, 12 and 14 and Mrs. Clayton Ellison, of Port- I years respectively, boys from Gar­ land came to Estacada on Tuesday ,i«-ld were taken to Oregon City on last to visit the family of T. Beeby, j Saturday by Deputy Sheriff D. living in Garfield. j Bridenstine. OFFICERS: Geo. Steel, LO CAL N 1 ÍWS AND PER SO N A L M ENTIO N T H U R SD A Y , A. D. SCHMIDT T h e H o tel E s t a c a d a M arket In buying groceries a* well a* other goods one should take in consideration that the freight is paid and you do not have 10 load up on a lot of stuff in order to have the freight paid. 5 Ih. Pail Rex Lard 80 cents 10 lh. Pail Rex Lard S i.50 «s-ni* io lb. Pail Sun Set Drips Sjru p 50 cents. 2 Ounce Bottle Mapleine is cents 8 Ounce Can Royal Baking Powder 25 cents 16 Ounce Can Royal Baking Powder 45 cents Carnation Milk per can 8 cents 10 lb. Sack White Corn Meal 30 cents 10 lh. Sack Corn Meal. Yellow 30 cents 9 lb. Sack Rolled Oats 45 cents Extra Soda Crackers full case, per pound Table or Dairy Salt in 50 lh. Clean Drill sacks 40 cents 2 Bottles Catsup for 25 cents Minced Clams, Choicest No. t 10 cents per can Tomatoes, per dozen 85 ernts Sugar Corn 3 cans for 25 cents NEW PERFECTIO N Blue OIL STO VES Flam. The time saving stove for your kitchen. The New Per­ fection cures common stove troubles, i t i s a l w a y s r e a d y fo r i n s t a n t u s e , Cook either fast or slow in a most satisfactory manner. This stove is no ex ­ periment and has proven to he the most economical Oil Stove ever placed on the market. 2 Hole Stove with legs $ .S.co 3 Hole Stove with legs 5 10.50 ES T A C A D A M E R C A N T ILE COM PANY Livery, Feed in Sale STABLE W. A. JO NES PROPRIETOR drivers always ATTENTION Good rigs and careful SPECIAL Given Hunting and Fishing Tartie* WOOD & LUMBER Local and Long Distance Telephone CHURCH SERVICES M. E. Church---- -Next Sabbath Sabbath School IO a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. Preaching at 3 p ra. Preaching at 8 p- m. League 7 p. m. Prayer Meeting on Thursday Ev cn- ing 7 P- m. Church of Christ—Next Sabbath Bible School IO a. m. Preaching 11 a. 111. Young Peoples’ Meeting 7 p. 111. Preaching 8 p in. Prayer Meeting on Thurs Evening at 7 30 p. m. E. W. Sewall, fuslor —Free Methodist Church Sabbath School 2:30 P m . Prayer Meeting on Wednesday evening 7 p. w —Rev. Roper of Gresham outline of their policy. We wish to say- that the new capital has greatly strengthened this institution and the influence it will exert will he greater development in our com­ munity. The Progress is one dollar a vear Subscribe now