Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, June 03, 1909, Image 3

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Spooks dt length on HonoreJ Meld
of Gettysburg.
I f th # D u l y II# I ln U e d T h a t la W h a t
President Taft Will P ress Solid Gold
Key at Noon June I.
1« K i p p c t r d
Seattle, Wash.,
May 31.- When
President W. H. T a ft presses the go l­
den key in the W hite House at noon.
Pacific Coast time, June 1, the Alaska-
Yukon Pacific
w ill
complete in every
Officers o f the fa ir have made good
their premise o f preparedness on open­
Tninks H ot W eath er Will Help C on ­
P la n a f o r K u rin llu rn .
ing day and during the last week there
gress to A n jju rn by June 20
The many very marked change« In
has been a rush night and day to have
O pposes Any Reduction in Stand­
farm life would lead one to believe
the exhibits in order. The finishing
ing Arm y — Handsome M em orial touches were put on the grounds early that the large farm Is, or soon will be,
a thing o f the past. The high pr\ce
Shaft is Unveiled.
this week.
o f farm help, the necessity for better
President T a ft w ill use a telegraph­
cultivation and farming, few er and
e r ’s. key, made from the first gold
bettor bred stock, better care o f stock,
Gettysburg, Pa., June 1.-— Yesterday taken from the Klondike, and set with better buildings for housing the hay,
the identical nuggets taken out by the
was the day o f tardy honur tu the " r e g ­
discoverer o f the Northern Eldorado, grain and stock, has or soon w ill bring
u la r" at ^Gettysburg.
An imposing
A u gu st) 16, 1896. The key has been the small farm, and, so planned and
shaft o f granite, erected by congress
mounted on a slab o f Alaska marble, arranged that a greater variety o f prod­
to the memory o f thoBe o f the regular
and was presented to the President o f ucts are raised.
army who fell in the three days’ battle,
Many instances are known where the
the United States by George W . Car­
was unveiled by the president’ s daugh­
mack, discoverer o f the Klondike gold man who had struggled for years with
ter, Miss Helen H. T aft, while the
2CO to 500 acres, barely made a living,
president paid tribute to officers anil
The opening program at the ex|iosi- and o f doubling their income by sim-
men o f the United States army, past
tion grounds w ill begin at 9:3(1 o ’clock
and present.
with a parade o f United States army
The president puts h im self on record
troops, mariners and sailors from the
as opposed to any reduction in the
Pacific cruiser fleet and from the Jap­
standing army. H e told o f the preju­
anese warships under Vice-A dm iral
dice that often had arisen against the
Ijich i. Col. T . C. Woodbury, U. S.
possible aggressions o f a regular army
A ., acting commander o f the D epart­
and a professional soldiery, and o f the
ment o f the Columbia, w ill be grand
corresponding difficulty in arousing
marshal. H is ch ief aide w ill be Cap­
that love ami pride in the army which
tain A . M. W eatherill, U . S. A ., who
expresses its e lf today and has fr e ­
has been assigned to the exposition by
quently expressed its e lf in the past in
the war department. The marching
behalf o f the navy. The president as­
fl A H O I J/ÌALL S a a / i .
soldiers and sailors will be review ed
serted that the services o f the regulars
by the Am erican and Japanese ad­
all o f the land except
had never been commemorated ade­
mirals and the v isitin g governors at
fifty to eighty acres. That several cows
quately by congress or the nation.
the head o f the court o f honor.
must be kept on such a farm goes with­
“ The profession o f arms always has
The exercises at the natural amphi­
out saying, not only for the mouthly
been an honorable one, ” he declared.
theater w ill begin at 10:45 o ’ clock,
Income and profit, but for the manure
“ AH honor to the regular army o f the
with an overture by Innes’ band. The
United States. N e ve r in its history
that is necessary to keep the soil alive.
invocation w ill be offered by Bishop
has it had a stain upon its escutcheon.”
Present sanitary requirements call
Edward O ’ Dea, o f Seattle. A short
On the way to G ettysburg from
address w ill be given by Director-Gen­ for many devices and appliances that
Pittsburg, the president's cur was side-
eral I. A . Nadeau, and the band w ill cannot be installed on the small farm,
tracted at York for tw o hours and dur­
play “ G loria W ashington,” the official but cleanliness and kindness is within
ing his stay he made a b rie f address,
march o f the exposition. James J. the possibilities o f any o f us. and while
in which he declared again his hope for
H ill w ill d eliver the opening address. it is true that to house the cows in
the early enactment o f a ta riff law,
H e w ill be follow ed by J. E. Chilberg, the same building with the horses has
ad d in g:
president o f the Exposition
Bishop some disadvantages, it also has its ad­
“ I have been called an optim ist fo r
E. W . Keator, o f Olympia, w ill pro­ vantages, and to build separate build­
predicting that congress would adjourn
ings for both. Is not only expensive, but
nounce the benediction.
by June 20. Perhaps I am. But i f
The prograrft at the amphitheater calls for extra help in caring for and
the Lord is good to us and the weather
w ill be timed to close at noon, at feeding them.
gets hot enough in June, I think our
A careful study of the barn shown
which hour President C hilberg w ill
national legislators w ill be m ighty signal the president o f the United In the illustration herewith will show
glad to g e t out o f those two close States that the fa ir is ready. There what we will call a condensed arrange­
chambers at W ashington.”
w ill be an exchange o f messages, afte r ment, and, while the cows are in the
Four regiments o f the regular army which the signal w ill be given from same barn with the horses, a good,
w ere here to participate in the exer­
the W h ite House which w ill start tight partition separates them from the
cises. There also was a personal es­ whistles blow in g in all parts o f the horse barn, to keep out the dust and
cort to the president composed o f v e t­ city.
odors. For tlie same reason the silo is
erans o f the regular army who fought
Flags 'w ill be run up on all o f the located where shown, for silage, no
in the G ettysburg campaign.
The buildings and the a rtille ry companies matter how well cared for, has an
president was taken for a drive over w ill fire a national salute.
•fTensive odor, that is readily absorbed
the battlefield. A t several points he
by milk.
alighted and stood on the prominences
The floor plan Is self-explaining, the
overlooking the valley below and the
W H E A T P A N IC C L O S E D .
dlo is an ordinary stave structure, with
mountains in the fa r distance.
vire cables for hoops, as the cable is
The ceremonies o f the unveiling
Patten Fixes P rice af S I . 34 and R e ­ lot so easily affected by contraction
w ere simple.
Miss T a ft pulled the
iid expansion as the solid iron hoops.
fuses to Send it Higher,
silken cord that released the flags
The crib has the foundation left out
M ay
31.— M ay
draped - about the monument. In fa il­
is shown, and the floor is o f 2x0 inch
ing one o f the flags caught on a bronze walked out o f the p it o f the Chicago
studding, with one-half-inch spaces be­
eagle decorating one o f the inscribed Board o f Trade today with head up, tween. The siding Is drop siding, the
A trooper gave the flag a firm step and not a sign o f w averin g
■same ns the balance o f the barn, but
tug, but it could nut be released until anywhere— the second tim e in the the top and lower edges are beveled,
a large hole had been torn in the folds history o f the board when [a wheat
ad a one-half-inch space is left be­
o f the Btripes. A ft e r the president’ s corner was carried through successfully
tween each board. This construction
speech. Secretary JJiekinson presented to the final day o f the option. The
allows a free circulation o f air, and
the monument to the battlefield com­ only other successful deal was that in
keeps out the rain, snow and wind.
mission. A fte r the unveiling the pres­ September wheat conducted by B. P.
The small amount o f corn that drops
ident review ed the troops. A mounted Hutchinson, more than 20 years ago,
through the floor is eaten by the poul-
battery o f artille ry which recently when the price touched $2.
Opening at $1.34, which was a cent
served in Cuba was a source o f much
interest. When the review was con­ higher than the close o f yesterday, the
cluded, the president hurried to his market remained steady during the
trading hours, finally closing at the
opening price. Mr. P atten ’ s brokers
stood ready all morning to sell to any­
P U T L IN C O L N A B O V E A L L .
one who wanted to buy at the quoted
price, and they also stood ready to buy
Hollingsw orth P rotests Against H onor lrom any who wanted to sell at that
Paid J e ff Davis.
price. I t is estimated that the trading
Washington, June 1.— Memorial Day in the option amounted to about 150,-
was generally observed here yester­ 000 bushels.
I t is believed that Mr. Patten has
day. A ll the governm ent departments
and practically all the business houses about 6,000,000 bushels o f cash wheat
were closed in order that tribute m ight on hand to dispose of. E xperts Bay
be paid the nation’ s dead. The prin­ that, ow in g to the recognized Scarcity
cipal exercises w ere at Arlington, un­ o f m illin g wheat, he w ill be able to
der the auspices o f the G. A. R. E very sell his possessions at prices ranging
gra ve was marked with an Am erican from $1.25 to today’ s closing quota­
flsg, while flowers were strewn e ve ry ­ tions. I t is Baid that within the last
Appropriate exercises also few days local m illers have paid from
w ere conducted at the Soldiers’ Home 1 to 2 cents above the M ay price to g e t the cow stalls are o f cement, with gut­
ter, and all stalls have pounded clay
National cem etery and other burial m illin g wheat.
doors. It will pay to plaster the walls
places in the city.
an^ ceiling o f the cow barn with ce­
A t the Soldiers’ Hom e Represent­
Draw French Capital.
ment. A fte r the silo has been used for
ative H ollingsw orth, o f Ohio, was one
Paris, M ay 31,— Morgan, H arjes &
o f the speakers., He referred to the Co. have formed a syndicate fo r intro­ several years, it Is Intended to lath
recent discussion In the house when he ducing the common shares o f the and plaster it with cement.
It will pay to use good material
protested a g a ;nst placing the head o f United States Steel corporation on the
throughout, provide a good foundation
Jefferson Davis on the Stiver service o f Paris Bourse.
The news has not yet
the battleship M issis s ip p i, declaring been made public here, but it is e x ­ and roof, and to keep all exposed wood
that " i t would bq.A* dark day indeed pected that it w ill create a sensation. work Well |ialnted.
As the various climates
fo r the republic when the name o f In financial circles the m atter is re­
Abraham Lincoln ceases to be revered garded as o f far-reaching influence. slightly different construction, and the
above all other figures o f the civil war For years Am erican bankers have been lumber used Is not the same In all
period, or when it shall be replaced by knocking at the door o f the Paris e x ­ sections, it would be simply a waste of
that o f Jefferson D avis in the hearts change in order to draw on the enor­ valuable space to describe them here.—
and affections o f the Am erican people. mous surplus represented by the sav­ J% E. Bridgman, In St. Paul Dispatch.
The thought o f it is as shocking as the ings o f the French investors.
F e r t ilis in g th e G a rd e n .
first th rill o f horror that follow ed the
Don't l>e afraid o f (setting the soli
firin g on Sum pter,”
S olve W ireless Mystery.
too rich for any o f the vegetables
Los Angeles, Cal., M ay 31.— Opera­
«h o s e leaf or stem Is edible. I f you
S trikers Capture Dynamite.
tors at the mile-high wireless telegraph
well rotted
Sisson, Cal., June 1.— Armed with station on Mount Low e have succeeded rannnt have plenty o f
knives and rifles, a party o f strik in g in tracing to their origin mysterious manure, a top dressing o f nitrate of
lumbermen at McCloud, 14 miles east signals or sparks that have puzzled e x ­ soda just before planting w ill furnish
o f here, drove the guards away from perts for more than a year, and reports the plant food needed of nitrogen, but
the powder house tonight and is now o f which have attracted scientific at­ other elements may tie needed for a
in possession o f a ton or more o f dyna­ tention all over the world. The theory proper balance. Wood ashes. If avail­
m ite, according to telephone advices generally credited was that they came able, are a good source for potash, hut
received here tonight. Shortly a fte r from Japan in a secret code, but they sulphate or muriate of potash may be
the m< ssage was received communica­ have been traced to induction from an used Instead and frequently a dressing
tion with McCloua was interrupted and ordinary telephone line on the peak. o f hyperphosphate Is hcneflclal.
I f one Is growing only a small gar­
it is not known whether the w ire was F. W . Falies, a w ireless constructor,
den for home use, the droppings from
cut or not. S h eriff Howabd o f this made this discovery.
the poultry house will furnish enough
county is at McCloud with 40 or 50
fertilizer to keep the soil In a good
B ir r e d by Garlic on Breath.
Chicago, May 31.— A man has no state o f fe rtility ; hut If growing truck
W ireless Saves Steam er.
righ t to go to a theater i f his breath on a large scale, It would be well to
Guymas, M ex., June 1.— Through reeks w ith the odor o f ga rlic and the Inquire o f your experiment station
the use o f w ireless telegraphy, the management has a righ t to exclude what commercial fertilizers would he
Am erican steamer Precursor, rendered him. This was the decision o f Muni­ o f most help In securing maximum
helpless by a broken propeller, was cipal Judge Heap today in the case o f crops o f the vegetables you wish to
against Susanna grow.
rescued from a dangerous position and James L a Mantia
towed into this port yesterday. The Lange, proprietor o f a nickel theater.
D fit r o y ln g «la m p «.
Precursor had d rifted aim lessly for L a M antia asked $700 damages. Tes­
Here are two ways o f destroying
three days. A tu g was sent out and tim ony showed that tw o other Italians stumps by means o f acids: In the fall
brought the steamer into port. Some visited the theater a few nights before bore with an Inch auger 10 Inches deep
o f the passengers had become uncon­ and w ere ordered out.
Into the stump. Into this put one-half
trollable from fea r and had to be
pound o f vitriol and cork up very tight.
locked in their staterooms.
S trik ers Steal Dynamite.
The stump will probably be rotten In
N e w Orleans, May 31.— A dispatch •bont eight months.
Another w a y:
Spain to T ry R eform .
from Managua, Nicaragua, says the Bore with inch auger 18 Inches deep
Madrid, June 1.— A bill providing strike over fru it shipments has grown Into stump and put In one ounce o f
Several cases o f dynamite saltpeter and then Oil the hole with
fo r the reorganizatoin o f the Spanish intense.
postal service was adopted by the w ere taken from the Lopez M ining water nnd cork. In about six months
chamber o f deputies todav.
The bill Company by the strikers. Many men take out the plug and pour In about
provides for lower postal rates, a par­ have been poisoned. The steamers are ■ gill o f coal oil and set fire to It.
cels post, a money order system and a all tied up to the docks and are without
| T ills should burn the stump nearly up
postal savings bank system.
------------------------------- --------- a g e * C o rn .
The, com Is often duinugcd by the
root* beiug broken In deep cultivation.
This la not the case to a serious ex­
tent early In the season, when the corn
la small, but the check to the crop may
be quite marked If cultivated deep
late In the season, wheu the corn has
reached a height of 2 to 3 feet or more,
particularly If the previous cultivation
has beeu shallow or neglected.. I f dry
weather happens to follow such treat
rnent the damage to the crop Is much
Wheu not
some form o f cultivation that will level
down the ridges left by the large shovel
cultivator, the ground will dry out
quite deeply and In the furrows be­
tween the ridges this drying readily
reaches the roots o f the corn. To
obviate this as much as possible, when
(lie old-fashioned large shovels
used, the work should he followed a,
s<xm as (sissihle with something to
level down the surface. Unless there
Is something to he gullied by It, deep
cultivation should not be followed.—
Oklahoma Station.
C o -O p cra tlo n
A m ettle F a r m e r s .
Men In all other lines o f business
organize and work together. FuruierS
are beginning to see the need o f con­
certed action, but as a rule we still
work single-handed. At Ixnnbard. III.,
about twenty miles west o f Chicago,
the furmers who produce milk for sal«
In the big city have tried several times
to organize In order to force the milk
trust to pay them a price in accord
ance with what the customer pays, bul
the trust Is always able to hire some
farmer to break the rules of the local
association or to tnlk against the proj.
eet to such an extent as to defeat its
ends. That Is one great difficulty in
forming protective measures among
farmers. There are always a few men
In the community who are w illing to
sacrifice future advantages to gain a
few cents in present price.— Agricul­
tural Epltomlst.
The gate hanger Illustrated In tt
drawing Is very handy for use whet
it Is desired to let hogs pass from or
pasture to nuothi
while cows a r
confined to one. A
shown, the hang,
Is a piece of stra
Iron bent aroun
the post nnd sui
by peg
These pegs may t
inserted In hols
at varying height
This Is also a goo
device for raisin
the gate above th
snow In wlnter.-
Sam Avery, In Farm and Home.
A l l In
M an agem en t.
Folks say that If you want any class
o f stock that cun always be sold at a
profit, from weaning time until totter­
ing old age. you want a mule. We do
not raise mules, so can not speak from
experience. This much we do know,
however, several good friends o f ours
have been dickering In mules for years
without making any money. Perhaps
these are the exceptional eases that
prove the rule. Others have raised
and bought mules and made good
money. W e surmise it's more the man
and Ills management than It Is tbs
mule, that reaps the profit The same
man dealing In razorbacks might make
some money.— Farmers’
P e r llllie F
fu r l*ntm fo#,.
For potatoes the past year we used
1,200 pounds o f fertilizer to the acre,
one-third applied
broadcast nnd the
rest scattered In the furrow, brushing
the fertilizer into the soil o f the fur­
row before planting the seed. A fter
planting, the surface waa kept well
stirred to prevent weeds starting and
the cultivator was run often enough
to keep down tile weeds. A little hand
hoeing was done. The yield was 250
bushels per acre. The crop followed
corn and the land was very thorough­
ly harrowed
before potatoes
[limited. Plenty o f harrowing and lib­
eral use o f fertilizers may be depend­
ed on to give a good crop.
R o ta tio n
The necessity of the rotation
crops Is well recognized among mod­
ern fnrmers, nnd now It appears that
In India nature Is seen practicing the
same thing In the forests. The soil
becoming exhausted after a long period
o f one kind o f forests, seedlings of
other species gradually replace the
old trees as they die out.
On the
Indian soil, the deodar tree has been
observed taking the place o f the blue
pine, pine and oak slowly exchange
places, and spruce and silver fir have
l*e n noted gradually extending Into a
forest o f falling oaks.
B r r fd ln s
T o rn .
Prof. R. A. Moore says that pains­
taking In breeding corn has raised the
sverage com production In Wisconsin
from 25 bushels per acre In 1901 to
41.2 bushels per acre In 1907. This In­
crease Is worth striving for In every
State and on every farm.
X o lM
o f th e
P lf
Im p orter».
That diamond« and pearl# will be
smuggled into till# eountry to an enor­
mous extent If the duties should be in­
ert*« sed Is the contention of the Malden
Lane gem Importers, according to the
New York World.
A committee has
been organized iu the Jewel district,
with A lfred K rower as the chairman,
which will
send representatives to
Washington In an effort to keep dowu
tho duties.
Even now, when the duty on ci?T
stones and ¡»earls Is only 10 per cent,
authorities In the trade estimate that
the quantity of gems smuggled Into the
country Is not less than 15 per cent
of the uinount that goes through the
custom house.
The argument for higher diamond
duties is thut, while this country buys
more than 00 per cent of the world's
output, less than 500 men are employed
here In cutting and polishing, while
In Antwerp and Amsterdam the dia­
mond factories employ upward of
13,000 men. It Is hoi»ed by some the
supremacy of these great diamond cen­
ters may be transferred to New York
and that an Increase In the tariff may
aid In bringing this about.
The stones In the rough
are ad­
mitted free and the present duty o f 10
per cent on the cut stones Is about
equal to the difference In the cost of
this kind o f labor here and abroad, It
is said. The big manufacturers tlgure
that If the duty went above 10 per
cent they would theD begin to com­
pete chiefly with smuggled stones, be­
cause the additional gain made pos­
sible by higher duties would tempt
many to engage in the clandestine
trade. This was the case, they say,
from 1804 to 1897, when the govern­
ment’s rei>orts indicated a slump iu dia­
mond Imports.
The pearl importers are also calling
on the Jewelry trade of the entire
country to oppose the pearl paragraph
of the I'ayne bill. Under the present
law the government received more than
$3,000,000 in one year as duties on
precious stones and pearls. The im­
ports were at the rate of $44,000,000 a
year Just prior to the recent depression
and are now almost up to the same
V IE N N A S T E A M C L r / N N G A D Y E W O R K S
2 2 4 - :"6 T h i r d S t r e c ., F o r t l a n d , O r e g o n
ConJuKul t »u ip llin en l«.
Sit id he, “ I might mention,
My dearest Maria,
That you’ re in the class of
A Mrs. Supphira.”
She retorted, ‘‘ I might say,
Without any bias,
That you could give pointers
To one Ananias.’*
To hate your C l o t h i n g ibwMxWy
I Weird m Did Sr < Waa. l>"
4 «d Sad 0 m '.Hied *n4 OU U.ffaV
t rather. Mm . F eh and Puumj Hals
Cleaned ind BU ked
Hie Coil is Ijftk
u m B 1 with the results. We <W the Lu (est m -
And I Bull Older bn,met». Write 1er pjrlruW*
A flavoring used th e same as lemon or vanilla.
By dissolving Rranulatud sugar in water and
adding Mapleine, a delicious -vrup is made and
a syrup better than maple. M.ipUinr is sold by
If not send 35c fo r 2 oz. bottle and
recipe book. C rescent M fg. Co., S eattle, W o .
N ot
M oth ers w ill find Mrs. W in s lo w *« S ooth in g
Byrup th e In-Hi rem edy to uso fur th e ir c tiiid rs a
lu r i n g th e tu eth iu g p erio d .
Which shows that in certain
Emergencies dire,
More ways than one are there
To say, “ You’ re a liar.”
— Baltimore American.
G e llin g l*t*i*iio ii u 1.
Rncrtrsy— You don't never see me stand-
in’ in a bread line!
Muggsy— That’s ’cause yer wife runs a
T h a t.
Aspiring Soubrettr (pouting) —I know
well enough you think my acting is a
Manager— <), no, my dear young lady!
Anything but that. It’s a tragedy.
th e
N ig h t
S c h o o l.
Teacher- Give me an example of what
is meant by “ masterly inactivity !”
Hoy with the prognathous face— A base
ball pitcher delayin' a game so it’ll hare
to be called on account o’ darkness.
D O Y O U W A N T A T Y P E It 'N I T E R ? T h «
j W holesale T y p e w rite r ( V
"7 M ontgom ery St.,
San«, w ill ell y..u one ut 40 to 75 per
! cent discount from factory list, all makes on mar­
ket, all fu lly guarantee«!.
“ Mrs. Brown says that site’ll never
ll#*p Frien d«.
Nan— 1.11 (Jarlinghorn says her steady wear one of those 5uobutton gowns'*
la the tallest young man in the city.
“ W hy not?”
Fan— She says so, does she? Well, Lil
“ Ile r husband has only one arm.”
always was good at drawing the long — Detroit Free Press.
beau.— Chicago Tribune.
"D ors anybody read real poetry now­
“ I presume tho publishers glancs at
It before sending It back.”
I I I 3
Dr. R.
St. Vita»’ Dunce una "rvou* lffMasc« p er«*-
neatly cared l>> I>r 1 inu * (treat Nerve lie#
Hond for FREE $2 00 trial Dottle and treat!*«.
11. Kline. Ld., 931 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa.
W e b *te r
K n ocked
O u t.
Jinks— Why do you say eyether and
M asculine Cynicism .
Winks— I heard John L. Rti'ilvan
“ Your wife seems to be delighted
use that pronunciation at the theater,
with the new fiat.”
“ O, yes, it has all the modern incon­ and he’s from Boston, you kuow.—
New York Weekly.
veniences.” — Chicago Tribune.
So D ifferen t*
O ver fifty years o f public confidence
When Music, heavenly maid, was young, and popularity. That is the record o f
When simple songs were simply sung,
Hamlins W izard Oil, the world's stand­
There were no thrifty artisans
ard remedy for aches
and pains.
To put the melodies in cans.
T h ere’ s a reason and only one M E K IT .
D ifficu lty
i i n I i
th e
C ity .
Teacher (at night school)— Give me
“ Willis, how came you to leave the
some illustration of the “ survival of the
farm ami move to town to make your
Shaggy Haired Pupil— Any handsome living?”
“ I got tired of the smell of dad’a auto­
The United States consumes 80,-
000,000 pounds o f tea annually.
A man can insure against loss in
j lotteries with a company at The Hague.
I There are more doctors per capita iu
New York city than anywhere else in
this country.
In Bichel vs. Oliver, 95 Pacific Re­
Sealing wax contains no wax.
porter, 396, a husband and his wife,
The Dutch throue has forty-one pos­
who had no children,
orally agreed
sible claimants.
that in consideration of a girl becom­
Potatoes steeped In sulphuric acid
ing a member o f their family, and
and subjected to pressure make an ex­
g iv in g to them love, obedience and
cellent substitute for ivory in
service, they would leave her all their
manufacture o f billiard balls.
property at their death. The girl per­
N o b le lie n .
formed her contract, but the husband,
shortly before his death, conveyed the The hen will set and the hen will lay,
And the hen will roost up high ;
property to a third person. The Su­
preme Court of Kansas held that, as But one good thing we can say of her—
The hen will never lie.
there were no circumstances rendering
— Yonkers Statesman.
the agreement inequitable, it would be
enforced In equity.
M lwu i i d c r u t o d .
Court Officer (after adjournment) —
A statute of New York prohibits
you see that the jury is
the use, for advertising purposes, of
the portrait or picture o f any liv in g comfortably fixed?
New Bailiff— Fixed, Mr. Jinx? Fixed?
person without first
obtaining his Great Scott, who’s going to put up the
written consent or, if the person be money!
a minor, the consent o f his guardian.
( nunc o f th e Hush A ct.
In W yatt vs. Wanamaker, 110 New
“ You’re the editor, ain’t you?” asked
York Supplement, 900, plaintiff alleged
m inority and that defendant had been the caller, a man with thin lips, high
using her name and portrait without cheek bones, and a sharp nose.
“ Yes, sir,” answered the man at the
permission Defendant alleged that the
desk. "W hat can I----- ”
picture had been taken in considera­
“ Well, sir, I ’ ve been readin* your pa­
tion o f a reduction in price granted to per purty regular for about twenty-seven
professional actors under an agree­ years, but you had un article this morn­
ment that such pictures might be sold ing----- ■**
“ That you couldn’t indorse? I ’m sorry
by the photographer, and that plaintiff
was known as a professional.
The for that, but you know such things are
New York Supreme Court held these likely to happen now and then, and----- ”
“ That wasn’ t what I was goin’ to say.
defenses insufficient, saying that the That article pleased me so well that I
statute requiring written permission thought I ’d come around and subscribe
could not be evaded thus.
for the paper. How much is it?” — Chica­
P lain tiff had been adjudged insane go Tribune.
by the Supreme Court in New York,
T h e I'ro fc n n o r D e m u r « .
ordered committed to an asylum, and
“ Don’ t quote Slobson to me,” protest*
later the court appointed a commit­ cd the doctor. “ I know Slobson, and
tee o f his person and property. Sub­ he’s a regular freak.”
sequently he escaped, and took up his
“ My friend,” gravely chid the profes­
residence in Virginia, where he was sor, “ you should be more careful in your
adjudged sane. He instituted an ac­ use of the English language. Anything
tion setting up the decree o f the Vir­ that is regular can’t be a freak, and any­
ginia court and demanding damages thing that is a freak can’t be regular.”
from his committee in New York for
conversion of his property. Defendant
alleged in the main action that peti­
tioner was Insane and that the Vir­
ginia Judgment was void. Petitioner's
presence was necessary at the main
“ O .scarets are certa in ly fine. I g a ve a friend
trial in New York, and, as he was
one w hen th e doctor was treatin g him for cancer
in danger of being incarcerated there, ot the stomach. T h e next m orn in g he passed
he asked for an order protecting him fo u r pieces o f a tape worm . He then g o t a 1 k » x
and tu three days he passed a tape-w orm 45 fe e t
while in attendance at trial. In Chan- long. It waa Mr. Matt Freck. o f M illersburg,
Dauphin Co.. I*«. I ant quite a w o rk er fo r­
ler vs. Sherman, 162 Federal Reporter, re
ts. I use them tn yself and find them beneficial
19, the United States Circuit Court ¿’or most any disease caused by im pure b lood ."
Chas. K- Condon, I.ewiaton, Fa., (M ifflin Co.)
of Appeals, referrin g to the peculiar
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. T a s te G ood.
predicament in which petitioner
D o G ood. N e v e r Sicken, W eaken <ir Gripe.
placed, and that unless relief is grant­
10c, 25c, 50c. N e v e r Mold In bulk. T h e genu­
ine tablet sti m ped C C C. G u a ra n te e i to
ed he must either abandon his action
oure or you m on ey buck.
for a quarter o f a m illion dollars or
run the risk o f losing his liberty, in­
structed the Circuit Court to issue a
w rit o f protection prohibiting ap­
p la c e d
«there, a ttract*
prehension of petitioner during the
anti k i l l * *11 flit *
hem, t-lea,., orna­
tim e necessary for him to attend trial.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature o i
Q u ic k
1‘ r o c e « « .
“ They say that skin food w ill fill out
tho hollows.”
“ So w ill a two-inch steak.’’— Kansas
City Journal.
A i l W ho
W o u ld E r y o y
good health, with its blessings, must un­
derstand, quite clearly, that it involves tho
question of right living with all the term
implies. With proper knowledge of what
is best, each hour of recreation, of enjoy­
ment, of contemplation and of effort may
be made to contribute to living aright.
Then the use of medicines may be dis­
pensed with to advantage, but under or­
dinary conditions in many instances a
simple, wholesome remedy may be invalu­
able if taken at the proper time and the
California Fig Syrup Co. holds that it ii
alike important to present the subject
truthfully anil to supply the one perfect
laxative to those desiring it.
Consequently, the Company’s Syrup ol
Figs and Elixir of Senna gives general
satisfaction. To get its beneficial effects
buy the genuine, manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale
>y all leading druggists.
F a sh ion ed
F a b le«.
mental, c o n n 'l l -
lent, Ciieap I.Mat*
a ll toiM in. Can
not *. ill or tin
ov e r, w ill not »oil
> <>r injure a n y
A convention o f animals was once
tiling Guaranteed
called to protest against the overbear
affaeUva. or uii
dealer*, or aent prepaid for 20 rent*.
ing and tyrannical conduct of the lion.
HAROLD SOMERS. I SO D.KlIt A,,.. B’klyn., N. Y.
When the meeting had been called to
order several speeches were made de­
nouncing the lion, and finally a reso
lutlon was adopted appointing the Jack
ass as a committee of one to go to the
lion and present him with a resolution
containing the sense of the meeting.
Rut at this point the Jackass arose and
rem arked:
" I m a y #not be so much for looks as
several o f this crowd, but I am not as
■ M t lJ U .'H .I L V L T W
much of a chump as you might think.
1 had a brother once who was fool
enough to go with a lot of complaints
to the Hon, but I remember he has
been dead ever since.” — New York
Give growing pigs food to produce
hone and muscle rather than f a t
The pig should have a warm, dry
bed kept clean and free from dust
No domestic animal responds so
quickly to good treatment as the hog.
T h rifty hogs turn grains Into money
quicker than any other domestic ani­
The th rift and condition o f th# moth­
er determine to a great extent what
the pig w ill be.
When a brig has to be driven to bis
The girl who has her photograph
feed usually a mistake has been made
taken profile never Impresses us with
In his feeding.
We always
When fed dry shelled com Is mors the beauty o f her nose:
economical than rornmeal to feed to wonder If she had it taken that way
because she Is one-eyed.
fattening hogs.
Kesnty In form and appearance la
Did one of your kin ever pay you
not a safe Indication o f tha value o f a
a compliment?
auw aa a breed#*
D R. W . A . W IS E
22 Y care a Ijoador in Painless Dental
Work in Portland.
Out-of-Town People
Should rem em ber that our f r< e i so arranged
fhat W K T A N IH ) T H E IR I N T IH L C ¡O W N ,
ItK ID G E A N D PI A l » W O R K IN A D A Y i f
.•«•■■■*•*a n .
PO I I I V Kl -Y P A I N L E S S E X ­
T R A C T IN G H t K K iv h n p ia '« - ->r bridge* « r e o r­
le r e i
I E I . n i A N D ROOTS W l i H o t I THE L E A S T
N O S T U D E N T S , no uncertainty.
th e
N ext
F ifte e n
D ays
We w ill g iv e you a good 22k gold or poree-
lain crown fo r
... $.1 .80
22k b r id e « teeth
... n w
Molar crown.
Gold or enamel fillin gs........................
«ilv e r fillin g s............................................................60
Good rubber p la tes........................................... 6.00
Th«* best r« «1 rubber p la tes............................. 7.00
Painless extraction-*
A L L W O R K G U A R A N T E E D 15 Y E A R S
D r . W . A . W is e
P resid en t and M a n a g er
The W ise D ental
(IN C .)
T h in ! and Washington Sts.
N o. 23-09
wri ti ng to m l v c r t i i s r « plena«
11 " me > itlo n this paper.
C rescent
A F U L L P O U N D 25c
G e t it f r o m
your G ro c e rl