Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, May 06, 1909, Image 3

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    Little Soldiers
In your blood aro the mllllone
of corpuscles that defend you
against disease.
T o make uml keep these little soldiers
healthy and strong, is simply to make
and keep the blood of the right quality
and quantity.
This is just what H ood’ s Sarsaparilla
does — it helps the little soldiers iu your
blood to light disease for you.
It cures scrofula, eczema, eruptions,
catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous­
ness, dyspepsia, general debility, and
builds up the whole system.
V ulue.
“ O, George !” cried the yonng bride,
“ I ’ ve split one of my finger nails! And
there’s no $5,000 insurance on the finger,
“ Never mind, d»»ar,’’ said the young
husband, kissing the injured digit. “ It'«
worth $5,<MX>, just the same.”
“ Isn't it worth $.”»,250, George?” she
asked, snuggling up to him. “ It's the on«
that has my engagement ring on it.”
Satlm fuctory.
Smith— I ust*d to have a great deal
of trouble with my teeth, so I finally
had them all extracted and an arti­
ficial set put in.
Jones— And are they satisfactory?
Smith— You bet they a re!
Why, I
can almost eat with them.
A rtfu l
U rvhlu.
Little Boy— Mamma, I wish you’d
find out who it was hypnotized me, and
punish ’em severely.
Mamma— Wh-nt?
.Little Boy— While you was out I was
pulled right into the pantry and forced
to eat a lot o f those mince pies you
■aid I mustn’ t touch.
“ But, honorable nir," Instated the edu­
cated- Japanese, “ you class us wrouglv
We are not Mongolians.”
“ In that case.” said the California
statesman, shrugging liis shoulders, “ you
will have to settle your differences with
Noah Webster— not with me. lie say»
you are.”
(lim it.
“ Ilenry,” said the rich old uncle, "it
you think I am likely to die suddenly
some day when l least expect it you may
as well rid your mind of that idea. There
is nothing whatever the matter with my
“ You’ll never die of enlargement of it.
anyway, uncle,” cheerfully acquiesced the
spendthrift nephew.
Housewives Welco me a Maple Flavor
T h a t Has the Real Maple Taste
Vermonters have a reputation for
the quality o f the maple syrup pro­
duced in their state. It is but a few
years since the discovery was made o f
a method o f im parting this delicious
flavor to dishes without the use o f
maple syrup. The new flavoring ex­
tract was appropriately named Ma-
Strange as it may seem, Vermonters
themselves cannot tell the difference
between syrup made with Mapleine
and that which comes from their own
Green Mountain state. This is due to
the purity o f the ingredients and the
care U3ed in the manufacture.
Mapleine is p erfectly healthful, is
purely vegetable and makes a syrup
that is equal to any and superior to
many brands o f maple syrup that are
placed on the market.
F lavorin g fo r cakes, icings, blanc
mange, sauce, etc., that is delicious
and has all the piquancy and delicacy
o f maple syrup can be readily made
by the addition o f a few drops o f
Mapleine to a little water in which
granulated sugar has been dissolved.
Mapleine syrup makes such dishes as
rice, tapioca, stale bread, etc., pimply
irresistible to children.
Mapleine Dainties is the title o f a
booklet full o f wholesome receipts pub­
lished by the Crescent Manufacturing
company, who make Mapleine. The
booklet w ill be sent free to anyone
who asks for it. You can buy M aple­
ine o f your grocer. Try it, you’ ll like
it as thousands o f others have. Here
is a sauce ’fo r puddings that is deli­
cious :
W hites o f two eggs, one and one-half
cups o f granulated sugar, one cup o f
milk and one teaspoonful o f Mapleine.
Mapleine can be used anywhere that
other flavoring extracts are used.
M em oriei.
Tommy— I ’ aw, what is three
Mr. Tucker— It ’s the most diabolical,
infernal swindle that ever anybody— er
— er— O, it’s some sort of gambling game
with cards, I believe, Tommy.— Chica­
go Tribune.
W here
It L a n d e d
H im .
With a dazed look in his bloodshot
eyes the man who had been on a jag for
a week or more and had wandered over
the country in a half delirious condition
without knowing where he was going
came to himself.
He was in a strange city.
Everything around him looked unfamil­
“ Officer,” he said, stopping a police­
man. “ what town is this?”
“ Anaconda," answered the policeman.
“ Then I ’ ve got ’em again !” he groan­
ed.— Chicago Tribune.
The poor help the poor more than
the rich help them. An official of the
Department of Charities in New York
recently remarked this trait.
“ Everything has its cause. Its simple
and striking cause, if we can but find
It," he said. “ Once. In a miserable
slum, I heard two little girls talking
about this matter of poverty and
wealth and helpfulness.
“ ‘ Why is It.’ said the first, ‘that the
poor alius Is more willin’ to help us
than the rich?’
“ The second child replied promptly,
and not without some bitterness. ‘Them
wot don’t mind givin’ is the ones wot
stays poor.’ ”
iX otblng
Bartender— Say. what do you think
o f this idea of runnin’ cities on ths com­
mission plan?
Alderman (from the ’ Steenth W ard) —
I don’ t know much about it, but I ’ m agin
It. The— er— oommiaaions art mighty
■mall and they don’ t go to the right peo­
S pecialty.
W illiam Jackson— I hear yon en­
gaged a deaf and dumb man yester­
Proprietor o f Quick Lunchroom—
“ Going to make a waiter o f him?"
- N o ; b e » going to make iign& "
A flavoring used the same as lemon or vanilla.
Uy di^olvinfc, granulated sugar in water a n j
ad'' r.« M udeinc. u de'ui ious syrup is made and
N o Other C ro p O ffe rs S o Many A t­
a syrup better than maple. Mapleine is-«old by
tractions to the Farm er.
If not send ¿5c fo r 2 oz. bottle and
Agricultural practice iu southern
recipe book. C rescent M fg. C o., Seattle, Wn.
The amphitheater o f the Alaska- India from start to finish requires re­ H. D. Scudder. Pepartancnt of Agronomy. Oregon
A g r cultural Col ege.
Yukon-Pacific exposition has been ac­ ligious rites, says the Madras Mail.
O f all the crops produced upon the
In the Tam il districts the agricul­
complished p aitly by human efforts,
tural year commences about April. On farm perhaps no other offers so many necessary to supply immediately a v a il­ stomach or when the plant is wet, and
but for the most part the work has
and advantages to the able plant food such a i well rotte 1 barn­ to prevent rooting, hogs should be
April 23 the cultivators of a village attractions
been done by nature. On the high pre­
young ringed. Where cut and fed green to
As an im­ yard manure, to carry the
consult a “ valluvan,” who fixes for farm er as does alfalfa.
cipitous shores o f Lake Washington,
prover o f the soil it has few equals and plants through the first two years until cows, there is no danger o f bloating.
looking across a succession o f bays,
no superiors
As forage for all classes their deep feeding roots are establish-
An acre o f a lfa lfa w ill furnish pas­
and snow topped peaks o f the Cascades cut and take away. He is supposed to o f live stock, whether used as hay, I ed.
Such fertilization as barnyard ture for about ten g( od sized hogs, or
are brought clearly into v iew and this
green feed, or pasture, it is unexcelled manure or green manure (lik e rye or summer green feed for ten cows.
Railroads May Not Haul G oo ds Th e y
forms the back ground o f the amphi­ trological observations made on the in yield, feed value, palatability, and vetch plowed under) is best applied to
Produc e Directly, but May C o n ­ theater stage. Three sides rise from commencement o f the Tamil New
Mothers w ill find Mrs. W inslow's Soothing
permanency o f growth. T o the farm er the crop preceding the a lfa lfa or by
Syrup th' b s’
• i . to use for their children
trol Producing Comp ani es — Re­ the floor and these have a stately up Year’s day, which falls about April 13. keeping cows, hogs, or poultry, it is o f preceding it with clover or vetch. ItilU
ig lilt U'UtillUg ¡•CMud.
paramount value in that it is practi­ Aside from its plant food and moisture
versal of Findings of L o w e r C o u r t ward slope; only in the development o f
these natural seating places has it phor, some incense, a few plaintaius cally the only forage crop that w ill reten tive value the humus from such
S e vere O p era tion .
in T h i s Case.
been necessary fo r work to be ex­ and a cocoanut, and with others assem­ supply gre* n feed continuously through fertilization is o f great assistance to
“ I never saw anybody that suffered
bled for the purpose he proceeds to tlie the dry summer months o f this region. the a lfa lfa bacterial activities.
from throat trouble as much as my Uncle
About the tiered sides o f the amphi­ forests, where lie worships the tree he In addition to these advantages it is
Preparing for a lfa lfa in the preced­ George used to." said Mrs. Lapsling. "H e
Washington, May 4. I t has been theater chairs rise one above the other is about to cut, offering the piaiutains superior to all other crops in quickly ing crop is also important in enabling had it so bad that finally the doc tors had
many a (lay since a decision o f the and in the vast forest theater 30,000 and the cocoanut. Then he lops off im proving and maintaining the appear­ the prospective grow er to clean up the to make an incision in his sarcophagus
United States Supreme court has been people can have
com fortable
and the first branch, taking good care that ance and selling value o f farm lands. weeds. We» ds, because o f their more and remove a part of It.”
received with as much interest as was sigh tly positions.
Surrounded at the it falls on the right side. In each year Lack o f understanding o f the peculiar­ rapid growth, heavy
draughts on
T Y P K W R IT K .R 8 .
A ll m ake»
reb uilt lik e new. tit *
m anifested yesterday in the reversal o f back and sides to tow erin g trees o f
Two Smith*
tlie side is different.
Prosperity to ities o f the plant and its requirements, available plant food and moisture, and Denw -R u iin yio n fn
il i’ lie * fo r all
the Circuit
“ commodities Douglas fir and massive cedar, the
tuukcH. M ach in es r*
i «'titlily. T h e
himself and his cattle is firmly be­ has caused many failures o f first at­
clause’ ’ decision, affectin g the anthra­ place seems to have been created by
> .Mu
>..11 t runcittco
Hence by preced­ T y p e w r ite r K x c lia n .t
tempts at grow in g the cr >p in Western the young a lfalfa.
cite coal carrying railroads.
These giants o f old for spectacular events; lieved to depend very much upon this. Oregon. This has led farmers to be­ ing a lfa lfa with a thoroughly cu ltivat­
H I (T e r e n c e o f O p i n i o n ,
cases had been decided by the Circuit it is so fashioned and designed that
lieve that a lfa lfa is not naturally ed crop such as kale, corn, potatoes,
Vestryman (making another attempt
tity o f wood and takes it home.
court favorably to the railroads, in open air acoustics produce
adapted to this region
W hile this to or roots, al! o f which do best heavily to light his cigar)— I don’t like thesa
Another day is then selected, soon
that the clause o f the Hepburn rate which could be generally looked for
a certain extent is true, y e t the diffi­ manured, the ground is made clean and noiseless matcaes.
the same
law which prohibits interstate rail­ only within the walls o f structures after the early rains of
The Rev. I)r. Honeywell. I do. I re­
culties in the w jy may and have been fe rtile fo r the alfalfa.
roads from carrying commodities man­ built with this property always in month, by the “ valluvan” and then the largely overcome.
The causes o f failure to secure a ceived a fee of $50 once for marrying a
The splendid re­
greatest event of the agricultural year sults obtained by the state experi­ stand o f a lfa lfa are generally a poorly | deaf and dumb couple.
ufactured, mined or produced directly mind.
or indirectly by the road was declared
I t was in this spot that the first occurs. Each ryot takes the wood he ment station and o ’ her growe rs in d if­ prepared seed bed, poor seed, or the E IT C St. Vitus’ L>nn<*n una rvous mseasns perms*
unconstitutional. The general impres­ shovel o f earth was removed in the has selected for *the plow, which is ferent parts o f Western Oregon should wrong t me or method o f seeding. The I I I J nently cured l.y Dr. j ine'n Great Nerve Re.
sion had been that the decision would building o f the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific newly fitted up and taken to tlie field, convince the most sk< ptical o f the causes o f the failure o f the crop to ■torer. Send for FREE $2 00 ti ml bottle anti treatise.
Dr. R. 11. Kline, Ld., 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
be affirmed by the Supreme court. exposition.
W ithout any work o f pre­ where the bullocks are tied to it, and great future o f the crop in this state. grow a fte r a good stand has been se­
I l i a l* r o l r u e t e d L U o r t .
When, therefore, there was a reversal paration, 25,000 people were easily ac­ behind it stand other plows with teams As authentic and accurately measured cured, are either lack o f a lfa lfa bac-
"Muriel, 1 love you !’’
instead o f an affirmation the interest commodated within its borders. Dur­ o f oxen tied to them, while large yields to illustrate the possibilities o f , teria, the need o f lime, pasturing when
“ Is —is that all you have to »ay, Ri>
was much magnified. When again it ing the course o f the exposition the crowds assemble around the teams.
the crop here, those recorded at the i too young, an impoverished soil, o ver­ j dolph?”
was found that the reversal was based amphitheater w ill be the scene o f many
The principal plowman then daubs experiment station may be cited. The crowding with weeds, a shallow soil,
“ Great Scott, Muriel, it has taken mt
on technical grounds, and that the interesting events and w ith its arrange­ the pair o f oxen tied to the new plow average o f all the yields o f the station poor drainage, lack o f cultivation, or
eighteen months to sav that!”
effect was really favorable to the ra il­ ment as now perfected w ill afford the
aniline powder and turmeric
road companies, sentiment took another grandest out o f doors theiter in e xis t­
The way Hamlins W izard Oil soothes
paste; lie lights camphor and burns 6.2 tons o f cured hay per acre yearly, properly started and cared for should
and allays all aches, pains, soreness,
incense before it, breaks a cocoanut or where cut as a soiling crop, 26 3 produce steadily without reseeding for
The decision was announced by Jus­
sw elling and inflammaion is a surprise
j fifty years or more.
and with it he makes an offering o f tons o f green feed per acre. This field
tice W hite, who declined to g iv e out
Owing to the excessive rainfall o f and deligh t to the afflicted. It is sim­
has the ordir ary heavy clay loam soil
more than a summary, showing the net
typical o f the W illam ette valley, and w inter and the heavy weed grow th o f ply great to relieve all kinds o f pain.
grain and Bengal gram. Then
result o f the court’ s finding.
Next Session o f Peace Conference drives the plow across the field, pre- has received no irrigat on, fertilization early spring, fall sowing o f a lfa lfa has
A p p ly in g a S u re T eat.
o f the court’s delay in announcing its
or special treatment whatever.
A n y­ not proved as successful as spring sow-
Will Hear Interesting Report.
Young W ife— John, how does my new
eeded by the other plowmen, and after where in Western Oregc n where cer­ ! ing.
conclusion it was generally supposed
The ground should be plowed
hat strike you?
Chicago, M ay 3.— A m azin g statistics a few rounds the oxen are unyoked tain primary requirements o f the crop deeply in the fall if possible, manured
that the court would be found to be
Husband—I ’ m delighted with it, Ara-
much divided.
Only one dissenting w ill be presented to the National Peace and the offerings distributed to those are satisfied, the same or better re­ I and replowed early in the spring. ' bella ; it’s neat, sensible, and-----
opinion was announced Justice H ar­ society, which convenes here today, by present.
sults should be obtained. I t only be­ Where plowed rather late in the spring,
Young W ife— I knew it! I told that
lan’ s statem ent that he did not follow Benjamin F. Trueblood, secretary of
hooves the beginner to secure the best the land should be disced and harrowed milliner I didn’t believe it would suit me,
the conclusion on the point that the
advice obtainable as t3 methods of before plowing. I f the soil is in the and I ’m going to takp it right back !
law did not prohibit the railroad own­ port compiled fo r distirbution among
grow in g; start with a small piece; e x ­ least sour, from 1,000 to 2,000 pounds
For Any Disease o r Injury to
ership o f stock in commodities-produc- the delegates it is asserted that 15,-
periment with it until its requirements o f unburned lim e— ground or in the
000,000 persons have sacrificed them­
ing companies.
are learned; gather experience from lump— should be applied very early in the eye, use P E T T I T ’ S E Y E S A L V E ,
Analyzed, Justice W h ite ’ s decision selves in wars since the beginning o f
his failures and persist until success­ the spring, or in place o f this, from absolutely harmless, acts quickly. All
is that congress did not transcend its authentic history.
ful. The reward o f such persistence 500 to 1,000 pounds o f water slaked druggists, or Howard Bros., Buffalo,
N. Y.
“ This vast number o f v ictim s,” says
constitutional authority in enacting the
lime may be sown about A p ril first.
is ample.
Iu the case o f Colt vs. O’Conner et
C u re F ic t io n .
commodities provision, but it was held Mr. Trueblood, “ is about equal to all
The primary requirements o f a lfa lfa A fte r the spring plowing the ground
Singleton— Have you seen the mnga
that the governm ent’ s construction o f the people who inhabited the globe for al., 109 New York Supplement, 689, are a deep, well drained, sweet ard should be frequently harrowed to get
the provision had teen entirely too the last 600 years, allow ing three gen­ recently before the Supreme Court of fe rtile soil, free from weeds. The rid o f the weeds, conserve the moist­ zlnes this month? They’re just full
comprehensive. A s construed by the erations to the century and 650,000,000 New York, a woman who had married lands most nearly m eeting these re­ ure and bring the seed bed into a uni­ of Illustrated fiction.
court, the sole object o f the clause is estimated population o f the world at testator in good faith, and had nursed quirements are on the slopes o f the form ly fine state o f tolth.
Marryat Yes, and the greatest piece
to prevent carriers being associated in the opening o f the Nineteenth century him through a long Illness, keeping rolling lands o f the valley bottoms;
The seed should be sown from A p ril of Illustrated fiction in them Is the
interest w ith the commodities trans­ as the average population per genera­ their marriage secret at Ids request, the slopes and tops o f the hills sur­ 20th to May 1st. Just preceding the “ ad" showing how stylish you’d look
was allowed to recover damages for the rounding these valleys, or the deep sowing the land should be inoculated In “ So and So’s $7 suit.” — Philadel­
ported at the time o f transportation. tion.
“ The usual estim ate o f the number Injury caused by marrying her while sandy loam river bottoms well above with the a lfa lfa bacteria by scattering phia Press.
Summed up, the act only compels com­
panies to disassociate themselves from o f men lost in the wars in the N in e­ he had a w ife living.
the water level.
The ordinary valley over the seed bed about 200 pounds per
the products they carry and the g o v ­ teenth century, including those who
acre o f soil taken from the surface foot
The Supreme Judicial
of low flat lands are not suitable.
ernment contention that the law applies died o f wounds and diseases, places it Maine in Smart vs. Aroostook Lumber
The deep feeding tap roots upon o f an old a lfalfa field. This a lfa lfa
O f this number the Company, 68 Atlantic Reporter, 527, whose length these plants depend for soil should be mixed with about 400
to the ownership o f stock and prohibits at 14,000,000.
For Infauts and Children.
the transportation o f commodities sim­ Napoleonic campaigns are responsible held that, although the defendant log­ securing plant food and moisture, make pounds o f the surface soil o f the new
field to facilitate its even sowing. To
ply because they have been produced fo r about six million.
ging company had monopolized the a soil eigh t to ten fee t in depth imper­
“ Losses in the Am erican C iv il war
by a railroad company is untenable.
Although a lfa lfa prefers a avoid exposing the inoculated soil to
commercial business on a navigable ative.
The effect o f the decision is favor­ have been variously estimated at from
sandy loam, yet it has proved equally the sunshine, which injures it, it
Bears the
stream by filling it with floating log3,
The b rief
able to the railroads and the govern­ 800,000 to 1,000,000 men.
prosperous on the heavy clay loam should be sown on a cloudy day or Signature o f
ment lost on practically all points ex­ war between Prussia, Au stria and Ita ly
soils, a heavy clay subsoil or hardpan towards evening, and immediately har­
cept in the sustaining o f the principle in 1866 entailed a loss o f 45,000 men.” access to his summer cottage, and that delaying but not stopping the root rowed in.
I I I * M o iio to n o u * l.ife .
I f an acre be once successfully inoc­
"You know him, don’ t you? He’s c
pleasure is as much within the protec­
The decision sustained the provision
Owing to the need o f its roots for ulated, the next year it w ill furnish a
tion o f the law as a use for commer­ air, alfalfa, especially when young and soil supply for inoculating other land. fine musician. Plays second fiddle in on(
o f the law exem pting tim ber from the
of the best orchestras in the country.”
cial purposes.
operations o f the commodities clause.
during the grow ing season, is easily No faith should be placed in inoculat­
‘ Yes, I’ ve known him since long bfr
This exemption was used as a basis o f Seaboard Cities Suffer Severely as
Plaintiffs, attorneys, were engaged injured by standing water either above ing the soil through the purchase o f fore ho was married. IIo plays seconl
H urrica ne Passes O u t to Sea.
attack by the railroads.
by defendant’s agent and sent plead­ or below ground. Root growth stops inoculated seed, as under ordinary con­ fiddle in his own house, too ”
- ----:----------
Atlanta, Ga.. M ay 3.— The storm ings by his other attorneys, but there at once on striking water-saturated ditions this method is seldom success­
which for three days has swept east­ was no proof o f authority on the part soil, hence the water table should not ful.
Im m ediately follow in g the inocula­
ward across the Southern states, passed o f any o f these persons to contract for be less than eigh t to ten feet below
Prescription for
A t the payment o f attorney’s fees, and the the surface o f the ground during the tion the seed should be sown at the
Insurance Compa nies Liable for Loss over the A tlan tic ocean Saturday.
grow ing season. Overflow from streams rate o f twenty pounds per acre, care ; Nervous Men and Women
in San Fra nc is co Fire.
injured4. N ew s o f 34 more deaths in peals in Bentley vs. Fidelity and De­ in winter when the plant is dormant being taken to secure pure seed o f good I
T ry It
germ inating qualities.
Germination •
San Francisco, May 4.— In an opin­ G eorgia were received today.
posit Company, 69 Atlantic Reporter, does not cause much injury, even if
may readily be tested by placing an (¡K i)® ® ® ® ® ® ;? • ‘«XSXi'SXSXlXi® IXlXSXfXsXfXiXi
ion handed down by the United States
A t Savannah the storm tore throgugh 202, held that no recovery could be had continued for several weeks.
O f even more importance to the al­ average 200 o f the seed between moist
Circuit Court o f Appeals today, the the old town, unroofed many houses
T h e im pairm ent o f the nervous force in men
without proof o f such contract, and
fa lfa plant than a deep and well- blotting paper, laid between the faces and women is first m anifested by extrem e ner-
effort o f certain insurance companies and destroyed much property.
that no liability arose from the simple
sleeplessness, dread, w orry and anxiety
to bring losses sustained by fires dur­
Towns in North Carolina and Florida fact of performance of services, as they drained soil, are the bacteria which o f tw o dinner plates and pouring a without reason, trem bling o f the hands and limbs,
produce the nodules on the roots, little w ater in the lower plate from with the slightest exertion, h eart palpitation, con­
ing the conflagration o f 1906 under the suffered devastation.
The casuality were presumed to be gratuitous.
st ipution, kidney trouble and a general inability
through which the plant is enabled to , tim e to time.
earthquake clauses o f the policies, be­ list w ill be incomplete for several days.
to act rationally a t all times as others w ith health
In Farrell vs. Manhattan Market draw upon the free atmospheric nitro­ • The seed may be broadcasted and in t heir bodies do.
cause the shock broke w ater mains Property worth probably several million
In a h a lf pint bottle g et three ounces o f syrup
gen, enriching the plant and the soil harrowed in, but a more even and vig- ' sarsaparilla
and thus prevented the extinguishing dollars was destroyed.
compound and add to this one ounce
fluid balmwort, and let stand tw o hours;
o f the fires, was rejected and charac­
The southwestern section o f Savan­ 481, It appeared that palintlff pur­ .with this most valuable o f all the plant orous stand is secured, especially if compound
then g et one ounce compound essence cardiol. and
terized as being as triv ia l as it would nah was struck at 11:30 o ’ clock Satur­ chased a chicken at a bargain counter, food elements. Conditions unfavorable
one ounc • tincture cadomene compound (not car­
have been to seek the same action on day by a severe storm which uprooted and on eating a portion o f it suffered to the activities o f these bacteria ing one half o f the seed at a time, dam om ); mix all together, shake w ell and take f
teaspoon ful a fte r each meal and one a t retirin g.
appeal because the men and horses o f trees, unroofed houses, tore down fences from ptomaine poisoning. The deter­ cause a corresponding lack o f prosper­
the fire department had been injured and injured several people.
mining factor o f the ease was a ques­ ity in the growth o f the a lfalfa. Like may be used with the grass seeder at- .
O (T o r i ng; n n I m l i i c e n i e n t.
by the earthquake. The companies in­
“ To make it an object, brethren,”
The M cKane hospital fo r negroes tion o f evidence as to whether the deal­ the plant roots, these bacteria require tachment so connected as to d e liv e r 1
volved were the Commercial Union was badly damaged.
Said shrewd old Pastor Leach,
A factory was er was responsible for plaintiff’s choice abundance o f air in the soil, upon
Assurance company, the Allian ce In ­ unroofed and one man badly injured.
“ The higher you raise my salary,
o f the fowl or whether she made her which to feed, and also a neutral or ing the seeding the ground should be !
The shorter sermons I ’ll preach.”
surance company and the Norwich
The storm lasted not more than half choice without reliance on his skill. sligh tly alkaline medium such as is
rowed. The seed should always be : — Chicago Tribune.
Union F ire Insurance company and a minute.
The Supreme Judicial Court o f Massa­ supplied in limestone soils, in which to
the Pacific Union club was the policy­
chusetts held that the burden of proof
Unfortunately the lack o f lime in any kind.
holder in each case.
on this proposition was on plaintiff and
Borne to His T o m b .
The field should be mowed whenever I
Western Oregon soils, in addition to
Pekin, M ay 3.— The body o f the late
the prolonged w et season and the pre­ the weeds begin to shade the a lfalfa, j
Abd ul’ s Sanguinary Plot.
K w an g Hsu, emperor o f China, Satur­
The son-in-law o f plaintiff was Jan­ vailin g heaviness o f the soil, causes or whenever the growth comes to a
Constantinople, May 4.— Document­ day began the long journey to the itor o f an apartment house, in the base­ long exclusion o f the air from the soil standstill or begins to turn ye llo w ; or !
ary evidence has
discovered W estern tombs, 80 miles away, for ment o f which he resided. W hile plain­ and a tendency towards acidity or sour­ when the new shoots o f the second j
among the records o f the telegraph final interment. The dow ager empress tiff was there she was seized with ery­ ness which is very favorable to the al­ growth begin to appear; or when the
office here o f the knowledge o f the w ill not be interred until the fall. The sipelas.
landlord, fa lfa bacteria.
Hence it is, perhaps, plants show one-tenth in bloom. The
Constantinople authorities that massa­ procession started from the precincts o f learning this, told the Janitor that if that in a m ajority o f Western Oregon cutter bar should be set about 5 inches
cres had been planned for the Adana the Forbidden C ity at 11 o ’clock. The she were not removed by noon he would soils these bacteria are not present, above the ground the first year, and I
district, and that they w ere to coincide march to the tombs w ill take four days
call an officer and put them all out. and must be supplied by artificial inoc­ the first cuttings, i f light, he le ft upon |
w ith the political events here. Lists and the entire route is to be over the
Thereupon the plaintiff left. In Tuck­ ulation a fte r the harmful acidity has the ground. It is im perative that the
o f houses, with notea on the kind o f
er vs. Burt. 115 Northwestern Report­ been corrected. This correction is ac­ crop should not be pastured the first
loot to be found therein, were discov­ for the passage o f the imperial coffin.
er, 722, she claimed damages for the complished in naturally well drained tw o years.
The arrangements included a The tomb cost considerably over $1,-
Every year about A p ril first a dress- !
resulting aggravation of her malady. soils by application o f different forms
ducYo C cxxs Y x \> u Y x q w ;
general massacre o f foreigners in Con­ 000 , 000 .
W ater slaked lime most ing o f 100 pounds o f land plaster \
The Supreme Court of Michigan h ell o f lime.
stantinople. including the diplomatic
should be applied,
and while the |
the Janitor was merely an employe, not
representatives, on A p ril 24.
C o ld Wave T h r o u g h o u t East.
ground is still soft, thorough cultiva- j
a tenant; that he had no right to en­ ity — ground unburned lim e more slow­
Washington, May 3.— A great storm,
ly but less expensively— while ligh t tion should be given, with the d is c !
Exod us of Sultan's Hare m .
sweeping from the Upper Lake region
annual dressings with land plaster harrow set straight and weighted and
and that defendant violated no duty iu
Constantinople. May 4.— Since the over the M iddle and Southern Atlan tic
keep it sweet (more or less indirectly) run crosswise, followed by the common
This cultivation keeps out
deposition o f Abdul Hamid there has states, with heavy rains, high winds
by making the heavy soils more open harrow.
been an exodus daily o f the women o f and snow in spots, figured conspicuous­
and friable. The land plaster also as­ grass and weeds, splits the a lfa lfa To
G r e a t ly I'n d e re a tlm a te d .
\Ys bcneyvexaV e je c ts ,
crowns and thickens the stand; keeps I
the im perial harem from the Y ild iz ly on the weather maps Saturday. A
“ Bobby,” asked his Sunday school sists in making potash compounds for
buy the Qenuxnc,
K iosk. Forty-five carriages, each con­ May-day snowstorm prevailed in the
which a lfa lfa has great need, more the surface soil mellow and helps c o n -!
manufactured by the
teacher, “ do you know how many dis­
tain ing tw o or three women, le ft the v icin ity o f the Upper Lake and Upper
available, but to avoid loss through serve the moisture to carry the crop j
ciples there were?" The little boy
c ity yesterday and 15 more w ere seen M ississippi V a lley stateB, the tempera­
leaching should be used only in small through the dry months. I f the soil is !
promptly said that he did and answer­
poor a top dr- ssing o f well rotted ma­
proceeding to Stamboul today. I t is ture dropping rapidly in the Central
evident that the total number o f fa ir states; and there was freezin g weather
The need o f a fertile soil for a lfa lfa nure applied in the fall will prove ben- ,
y r u p
It is well to let the a lfa lfa go
grow ing, while not generally recogniz­ eficial.
prisoners in the palace must have been all the way from the eastern end o f
N ew were, too."
ed, is highly important.
Though the into the winter with a six or eight-inch , SOLD QY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS
Palaces have been set Lake Superior southward
“ In deed!”
apart fo r their accommodation, but in M exico.
plant draws its most important food, growth.
one size only, regular price 50* per bottle.
“ Yes’m. There was Just one less than nitrogen, from the air, yet it is a heavy
In Western Oregon the common va- j
the present condition o f the country
Ic icle i on O rch ard T ree s .
feeder upon the other plant foods of riety o f a lfa lfa should be used, p refe r­
th eir fa te is pathetic.
“ Why, how do you know that? It Is i the soil. On naturally unfertile soils, ably Montana grown.
No. 19-09
Kansas C ity, May 3. — F reezin g!
In pasturing a lfalfa, to avoid bloat
Dynamite In Postoffice.
weather, w ith the temperature
in nowhere stated how many Pharisees or those run down by continued wheat
’ I I I \ w r i t i n g t o :»>l v c r t is e fH p l e a s e
or oth r improvident farming, it is ing, cattle and sheep sh uld not be a l­
Butte, Mont., M ay 4.— Tw ice within W estern Kansas goin g as low as 20 de­ there were.”
lii«'iii| o n t l i i s p.’tp e r .
lowed to go on the field with an empty
the last tw o weeks a package contain­ grees above zero, still prevailed in the I “ I thought everybody knew it,” said
ing dynamite, wrapped, stamped and Southwest Saturday, according to the Bobby. “ The Bible says. ‘ Beware o f
I t covered most o f the ’leven o f the pharisees»* doesn’t it?”
addressed to a town in N ova Scotia, ; local observer.
Canada, has been dropped into the Missouri, all o f Kansas, the greater — Youth’s Companion.
package chute o f the local postoffice. portion o f Oklahoma and extended into
( R E S C E N T
The first incident happened m a rly two the Texas panhandle. On many Kan­
Magistrate— Sneaky sort o f man?
weeks ago and the second last Satur­ sas fru it farms ice three-quarters o f an
day. The postoffice authorities, hoping inch thick formed and there is not much
W ell, sor, he’s the sort o f man that’ll
Wftl DO ill
to capture the gu ilty parties, have prospect o f a fru it crop this year.
m i im
never look ye straight In the face un­
kept the m atter a secret. N o clew has
r U W U t K
j u s i ifi-iiir
HNM Pilli fD D A S Y l i M b
til your back's turned.
y e t been obtained, however.
1,000 Chinese En Route.
V icvoria, B. C., M ay 3.— There are
Cl Of» V4>
W aa n 't M ade.
no .7 te m i A F U L L P O U N D 2 5 c .
S no wbo un d in Rockies.
over 1,000 Chinese on the way to Vic-1
Munk— That's a flossy suit vou have.
Sulphur Springs, Colo., May 4.— The toria. The Empress o f Japan is due Who made It?
train on the Denver, Norihwestern & tomorrow with 575, and the steamer ¡ Punk— Nobody. It was react? made.
Pacific (the MofTatt road) which le ft N in g Chow, o f the Blue Funnel line, is — Cornell Widow.
Steamboat Springs Friday morning, bringing over 500 according to advices
Ever notice how the other fellow hap­
is still snowbound at Carona pass ar d from Hongkong. The Canadian Pacific
brighter an5* faster colors than an y other dye. One 10c package colors silk, w o o l and cotton equally w e ll
probably w ill not be released until to ­ is brin gin g 300 tons o f raw silk from pens to have your umbrella when It
g l.vf perfect result». A sk dealer, or w e w ill send post paid a t l O c a package. W rite for *ee booklet
m ix coiers.
M ONROE D RUG C O M P A N Y . Quincy, LUnolx.
Beauty of A - Y . - P . Gro un ds
Not W o r k of Man.
f t e l l t f l o u a H l t e a ll t - q u l r e d T l i r o u g h -
o u t (h e E n t ir e S eu aou .
¿»ju ’rnmenl Wins Decision in Coir*
mutinies Clause Cdse.
L e g a l In f o r m a t io n
The Kind You Hove A lw ays Bought
LW xu’ ^ S e w v a
C l e a n s e s W xc S y s t e m
t$ e c Y \x a Y \y .
D is p d s c o lls a n d H e a d a c h e s
A c t s w a Y w ra W y , a c Y s Y v u X y a s
a LaxoAvve.
I k s l $ o r N o n .W o m e n a n & C K W d
v e v x -Y / o v x n ^ a v x d 0\ d .